Friday, 2024-01-05

opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: [OpenStackAnsible] Transition Train to End of Life
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: [OpenStackAnsible] Transition Ussuri to End of Life
noonedeadpunkelodilles: fwiw, pushed T/U EOL for OSA ^09:23
noonedeadpunksorry for the delay09:24
elodillesnoonedeadpunk: no problem, you are not late with them :] thank btw \o/09:25
elodilleswill review them09:25
ttx#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Jan  5 14:00:59 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
elodilleshappy new year o/14:01
ttxWas about to ping you, I'll skip that. Happy new year!14:01
ttxOur agenda is at down to line ~16814:01
ttx#topic Review task completion14:02
ttx*     Ahead of MembershipFreeze, run (ttx)14:02
ttxSo I did that and got a couple of hits14:02
ttxFirst, defined in governance but not in deliverable files:14:02
ttxmagnum-capi-helm-charts: Added Aug 2023, never released yet, no activity... maybe we should ask the Magnum team what they want to do about it in Caracal14:03
elodillesyepp, this seems new14:03
ttxThe other two have been around for a while without being released: barbican-ui (barbican) and rbd-iscsi-client (cinder)14:03
ttxI suspect those two are still not ready14:04
elodillesi have the same feeling14:04
ttxelodilles: could you follow up with Magnum on the first  one? I'm off next week14:04
elodillesttx: sure, will do14:04
ttxWe also have things defined in deliverable files but not in (active) governance:14:05
ttxA lot of Tripleo deliverables are still defined in _independent14:05
fungii've been meaning to ask the tc what the next steps are with those14:06
ttxif we don;t expect new releases there we should make them release-model: abandoned so they do not trigger in our tooling14:06
fungipeople still report security bugs for them, but i have the impression there's nobody around to fix anything14:06
ttxfungi: that would be great14:06
fungii think tonyb was also going to make inquiries inside rh14:07
ttxfungi: can I add a task for you regarding that?14:07
fungiplease do14:07
fungii'll get it on the tc's meeting agenda14:07
ttxThe other one is cinderlib14:08
ttxwhich is now marked deprecated for 2024.1. 14:08
ttxI suspect the caracal deliverable file should be removed?14:08
fungii was just now reviewing the deprecation change for it in opendev systems14:08
fungiwill probably merge in a few minutes14:08
elodillesi can propose the patch to remove the cinderlib deliverable,14:09
elodillesand we'll need PTL+1 for that anyway14:09
ttxok and we can follow up on that14:09
fungiprobably don't need ptl +1 since there's a governance change which already merged14:09
ttxthat was all the discrepancies that were found14:09
fungibut up to you14:09
elodillesfungi: oh, that's true :S14:09
fungi#link Deprecate cinderlib14:10
ttxThe other task was to send the email, which I'll do once we review it14:10
ttx#topic Assign R-12 tasks14:10
elodillesi'll ping the PTL/release liaison then simply via IRC14:10
ttxThey are all assigned14:10
ttxThanks elodilles for covering for us French vacationers14:11
ttx#topic Review email to send14:11
elodillesmail LGTM14:12
elodilles(maybe the 2024.1 in the 1st line is not needed... anyway, i've added it there)14:13
ttxwill send in a few14:13
elodilles(feel free to skip it if you don't like it there :))14:13
ttx#topic Open Discussion14:13
ttxAnything else?14:13
elodillesone thing from me:14:14
elodillesi've started to mess around with the new unmaintained/<seres> branching & <series>-eom tagging14:15
elodillesthis should be more or less enough to make it work as a minimum, but i need reviews14:16
elodillesto catch if i've missed anything14:16
ttxok will have a look today before I leave14:16
elodillesthanks in advance o/14:16
ttxAnything else?14:17
elodillesthen we definitely need some testing with release-test14:17
elodillesthat's all from me14:17
ttxAlright then, let's close early...14:17
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Jan  5 14:17:45 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:17
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fungitripleo next steps now on the tc meeting agenda:
ttxthanks everyone!14:17
elodillesthanks ttx o/14:17
elodillesfungi: cool, thanks!14:18
fungihopefully we'll have some idea of what to do with them on tuesday14:18
elodillesfungi: btw, if i'm not mistaken we have a new batch of EOLd stable branches that need deletions, so I could run the branch clean up script if that's OK14:19
fungielodilles: yep, go for it. we did a gitea upgrade yesterday but it looks like things are replicating correctly to it, nothing else planned that might disrupt branch deletions afaik14:20
elodilles\o/ will do it then14:21
elodillesttx: oh, and this one could get a review, too:
fungimaybe we'll see another small drop in stable branch test failure reports14:21
elodillesfungi: oh, regarding that... it seems we have now another repos beside horizon that got deleted but somehow periodic stable jobs still run against them :S14:23
elodillesfungi: automaton castellan debtcollector futurist horizon oslotest osprofiler14:24
elodillesfungi: ^^^ train branch of these are deleted but they are still there in periodic-stable pipeline :S14:24
fungiis there a change open to clean those up? i can look into it14:25
elodilles(besides horizon... i could not figure out how, yet...)14:25
elodillesthe EOL changes were merged, then I've run the clean up script without issue on december 21st14:26
elodillesno other change i'm aware of14:26
elodillesi guess these will disappear at least when we remove the train series from the periodic-stable pipeline, but it's strange how these are still in the queue every night...14:27
fungisays it still has the openstack-python3-train-jobs template14:29
elodilleshmmm. i remember we saw that with horizon, too. though the branch is deleted, so the template should disappear, right?14:30
fungiyeah, it's like zuul missed the branch deletion event. when was it deleted?14:31
elodilleson dec 21st iirc14:31
elodillesyepp, that day:
fungii'll bring it up in #opendev and see if folks have ideas. it does seem like some gerrit events go missing or get skipped during these mass branch deletions, a zuul online reconfigure would likely clean that up but it would be good to know why it happens14:34
elodillesthanks o/14:35
elodillesactually horizon was the 1st miss and it happened 1+ month ago, so zuul hasn't cleaned that up (yet?)14:36
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: [cinder] Remove deprecated cinderlib deliverable
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Set Stein series state as End of Life
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Update series statuses

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