Friday, 2023-09-08

noonedeadpunkelodilles:  hey! I need some guidance on how to EOL some projects, there were not automated on creation08:16
noonedeadpunklike openstack/openstack-ansible-ops, openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cloudkitty, openstack/openstack-ansible-os_congress, openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca, openstack/openstack-ansible-os_monasca-agent, openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko, openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tacker and openstack/openstack-ansible-tests :)08:18
elodillesi guess you mean the older branches that are EOL'd ages ago, like queens, pike, ocata08:23
elodillesthe cause why they are not EOL'd with the other repos is that they were not registered in opnestack/releases under deliverables/*08:25
elodilleshence we were not aware that they are there08:25
elodillesthere is no official way yet how to delete them (other than manually, which we don't do... (yet))08:28
elodillesnoonedeadpunk: ^^^08:28
noonedeadpunkelodilles: well, I see... So the tricky thing is - then I need to fix them, as they contain errors in zuul configuration. 08:29
noonedeadpunkWhich isn't smth I'd love to invest time into08:29
noonedeadpunkSo they make troubles for infra08:30
noonedeadpunkMaybe I can just replace all jobs with noop there and backport that...08:30
noonedeadpunkbut ugh08:30
fricklerwouldn't it be possible to give PTLs temporary permissions on gerrit to clean those up manually if they volunteer to do so?08:30
fricklerlike was done in earlier times?08:31
noonedeadpunkI'd rather do that then fix them ^08:31
elodillescould work, but people have to be very careful / decide to have proper EOL tags or lose history, etc08:33
frickleryes, that's how work looked like in the previous millenium ;) and technically I'd say those branches still belong to that period08:36
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: [OpenStackAnsible Roles] Transition Stein to End of Life
noonedeadpunkelodilles: on other topic - I've attempted to produce EOL for osa roles ^08:45
elodillesnoonedeadpunk: thanks \o/08:54
*** ykarel|away is now known as ykarel09:18
opendevreviewYasufumi Ogawa proposed openstack/releases master: Add Tacker Bobcat cycle highlights
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Antelope
noonedeadpunkwould be awesome to land that sooner then later ^13:02
hberaudMeeting will start in minutes13:53
hberaud#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Sep  8 14:00:01 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hberaud. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
hberaudping elodilles armstrong14:00
hberaudMeet you at line 389 =>
hberaudThierry is traveling so I don't think we will see him today14:01
hberaudso let's go14:01
hberaud#topic Review task completion14:01
hberaud1. Process any remaining client library freeze exception14:01
hberaud3 patches remains opened because as you said (elodilles) their gates are broken14:02
hberaudWe didn't get feedback from PTLs14:02
hberaud2 patches are even without PTLs' votes14:02
hberaudWhat can we do here? The problem is on the deliverable side and not on our side, so...14:02
diablo_rojoWhich PTLs?14:02
diablo_rojoerr projects?14:02
diablo_rojoI can try to poke at them. 14:02
hberaudbarbican, murano, and sahara14:03
hberaudfor those patches
hberaudthanks diablo_rojo 14:03
elodilleswith a quick check i see that python-saharaclient's gate was fixed (at least what i see)14:03
fungiyeah, it can also be brought to the attention of the tc14:03
elodilles(so python-saharaclient's patch can be updated at least)14:04
diablo_rojoI can poke at Barbican and Murano if you'd like, otherwise the TC yeah. 14:04
hberaudah yes14:04
elodilleswe have to ping requirements team (via ML) anyway, with RFE's regarding these 3 releases, right?14:05
opendevreviewHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Release final python-saharaclient for 2023.2 Bobcat
hberaudI updated the SHA ^14:06
hberaudelodilles: as the deadline is behind us, I think that yes14:06
hberaud#action diablo_rojo to ping the sahara and the barbican team about the broken gates14:07
elodilleswell, i'm hesitant between pushing through the releases anyway (as we did last week with non-client libs) or wait for gate fixes / team responses14:08
diablo_rojoI will get on that right now :)14:08
elodillesthanks diablo_rojo o/14:08
diablo_rojoelodilles: nor Murano? 14:08
elodillesOK, then let's wait a bit, and we can get back to it on Monday14:08
hberaudelodilles: I'd suggest to wait early monday and if the things are still stuck, I'd suggest to push through, thoughts?14:09
hberaudyou beat me14:09
elodilleshberaud: sounds like a plan14:09
elodillesdiablo_rojo: you meant hberaud :) and yes, barbican & murano o:)14:10
diablo_rojoelodilles: yes I did lol14:10
* diablo_rojo has had no caffeine this morning14:10
elodillesand you are still awake?! :-o magic!!! :-o14:11
hberaudI added a related line for the next week tasks14:11
diablo_rojoIts painful and flawed. 14:11
elodilleshberaud: thx \o/14:11
hberaudok move on14:11
hberaud2. Early in the week, email openstack-discuss list to remind PTLs that cycle-highlights are due this week so that they can be included in release marketing preparations14:12
hberaudand AFAIK I see many related patches submitted after that14:12
elodillesyepp, cycle higlights patches have been arriving during the week, so ++14:12
hberaud3. Freeze all cycle-based library releases except for release-critical bugs. Independently-released libraries may still be released, but constraint or requirement changes will be held until after the freeze period14:13
hberaudDo you noticed things like that? ^ 14:13
hberaudI think oslo patches will arrive soon14:14
fungispeaking of critical bugs, there's been more upheaval in the oslo.messaging security bug, seems like the fix caused a regression so another change and new release on stable/2023.2 is likely14:14
elodillesbut we will have the above mentioned 3 client lib14:14
hberaudas we discussed about that on the oslo channel14:14
elodillesoh, good to know O.o14:14
frickleralso some set of reqs bumps might still be open for recently released libs14:15
fricklerthere were a couple of merge conflicts14:15
fricklerand two libs are failing cross testing14:15
hberaudwhich ones?14:15
fricklercastellan and oslo.db14:15
fricklereven oslo.db 13.1.0 is failing. not to speak of 14.0.014:16
hberaudlets continue to discuss about that on the oslo channel14:17
frickler and
diablo_rojoftr, I have now reached out to those 3 PTLs14:18
hberaudack thx14:18
elodillesI think we should track oslo.db & castellan issues as well next week, to get it sorted out as soon as possible :S14:20
hberaudlet me add it to our agenda14:20
elodillesthanks ++14:22
hberaudok next task14:22
hberaud4. Propose stable/$series branch creation for all client and non-client libraries that had not requested it at freeze time14:22
elodillesi went through the still open patches earlier today and all look fine to me. +2'd & PTL-Approved+1'd them.14:23
hberaudI'll merge all the remaining patches after the meeting14:23
hberaudso this point seems in good shape14:24
hberaud5. List cycle-with-intermediary deliverables that have not been refreshed in the last 2 months and send a separate email targeted to teams with such old deliverables to remind them to release (if needed) otherwise a probably outdated version will be used for the final release14:24
hberaudso only the QA team was listed in this mail and they replied, so I think this topic is on the rails14:25
hberaudthanks gmann 14:25
hberaudand that's all for the weekly tasks14:26
hberaud#topic Assign next week tasks14:26
elodillesall taken as i see \o/14:27
hberaudthanks elodilles for putting your name14:27
hberaud#topic Review countdown email14:27
elodilleslooks good!14:28
hberaudand sent14:30
hberaud#topic Open Discussion14:30
hberaudAnything else that you want to discuss today?14:30
fricklermaybe a short question about branch cleanup14:31
fricklerwhat we discussed earlier with noonedeadpunk about deleting old branches predating release automation14:31
fricklerdo you think you could grant deletion powers in gerrit to volunteering ptls? or would that have to be a TC decision?14:32
elodillesit's an project-config (infra) change anyway14:32
frickleron the technical side, yes, my question is more about policy14:33
hberaudthen if this is a policy change I'd argue that's a TC decision14:33
fungiultimately, the tc can authorize granting permission for that14:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [blazar] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
fungifor clear separation of concerns, it would probably be best as an acl change to the specific projects affected rather than openstack-wide14:34
fricklermaybe the release team already has the permission to delegate this14:34
elodillesfungi: sounds good to me14:34
fricklerbut I think we can create a change in project-config and then ask TC for feedback14:35
hberaudfungi: +114:35
elodillesfrickler: it's more like what fungi says14:35
elodillesfrickler: i mean, not a single change, but a specific change for a specific project14:36
elodillesbut yes14:36
frickleryes, we only have one volunteer so far, so that's fine14:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [zun] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
fricklerI'll check who else could get involved in the things blocking global job cleanup14:37
fungii'm assuming noonedeadpunk is only volunteering to be responsible for deleting old branches of deliverables for a specific team, not across all of openstack14:37
frickleryes, that was for osa repos14:37
fricklerok, that's fine then for me, thx14:38
hberaudanything else?14:39
elodillesnothing from me14:39
hberaudThen I think we are done!14:41
hberaudthanks everyone!14:41
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Sep  8 14:41:06 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:41
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [trove] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [senlin] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
elodillesthanks hberaud 14:41
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [manila] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [tacker] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [octavia] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [adjutant] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
fricklerhberaud: fyi there are still some more patches open on reqs master. did I understand things correctly that these are not affected by the freeze assuming they pass all testing?
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [monasca] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [designate] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [cinder] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [cyborg] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [ironic] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [magnum] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [keystone] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [mistral] Create 2023.2 branch for client and non-client libs
noonedeadpunkWell, I can tag/drop for other projects, if there's a list of leftovers14:49
noonedeadpunkIt's not time-consuming thing if what needs to be done is already defined14:49
noonedeadpunkBut from standpoint of what would make more sense is that PTL's be responsible of that, not to give too broad permissions in gerrit to individuals outside of releases/infra roots14:50
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/releases master: Nova 2023.2 Bobcat cycle highlights
noonedeadpunkwas.... have cycle highlights deadline expired on september 1?16:31
noonedeadpunkchecking if it's worth posting them or it's kinda useless at this point of time16:36
fricklernoonedeadpunk: the countdown mail just sent says "Finally, now is a good time to finalize release highlights."17:09
opendevreviewJon Bernard proposed openstack/releases master: Cinder team releases for stable/2023.1
opendevreviewJon Bernard proposed openstack/releases master: Cinder team releases for stable/zed
opendevreviewJon Bernard proposed openstack/releases master: Cinder team releases for stable/yoga
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/releases master: Ironic cycle highlights for 2023.2
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: [doc] fix typos in Caracal schedule
opendevreviewJake Yip proposed openstack/releases master: Add Magnum cycle highlights

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