Friday, 2023-08-25

ralonsohprometheanfire, hello! If you have 1 min, please review
ralonsohthanks is advance!09:49
*** TheJulia is now known as needs_brains_and_sleep13:04
*** needs_brains_and_sleep is now known as TheJulia13:23
JayFHello release team! I will have an intern starting downstream in around a month, I'd like to have them work on improving automation in openstack/releases to support Ironic bugfix releases. I just wanted to make sure that you all agreed it'd be a good subject, and that you're onboard to have the feature written. 17:32
JayFI'll obviously own reviewing and helping get it to a polished point before asking cores to land it :)17:32
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/releases master: Release final os-brick for 2023.2 Bobcat
whoami-rajatelodilles_pto, hberaud ttx ^ hey, I've updated the os-brick release patch, apologies for the delay, the gate wasn't kind to us (around 5 rechecks per patch)17:40
ttxthanks whoami-rajat ! +217:53

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