Friday, 2023-03-10

*** amoralej|off is now known as amoralej07:11
fricklerI think I found another bug in reno. for n-d-r, the last patch before zed was branched added some release notes for that cycle. this patch got merged natively without a merge commit and tagged as 21.0.0. the notes in it now show up both in the zed branch and in 2023.1
fricklerhmm, maybe that will resolve itself once 22.0.0 is tagged07:38
opendevreviewThierry Carrez proposed openstack/releases master: Release swift 2.31.1 and cut branch stable/2023.1
ttxjohnsom: good catch... I should really have pushed back a lot more when stable/2023.1 -style branch names were mandated... I knew it would break a bunch of tooling at the worst possible time08:30
ttxThis will block all RC2s and final release.08:33
elodillesoh, another stable/2023.1 branch name issue :S i'll look into it when i get there today08:53
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release blazar-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release designate-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release cinder-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release octavia-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Add Axel as release liaison
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release swift 2.31.1 and cut branch stable/2023.1
elodillesOK, so now swift has also branched. now we only have: devstack, grenade, and requirements to branch09:05
elodillesif i'm not mistaken branching devstack & grenade is the part of QA team's release task, so i'll ping the team09:06
hberaudI'll update the requirement patch09:25
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Branch requirements for stable/2023.1
hberauddone ^09:28
hberaudI'll also rerun check to see if we not missed some branching 09:29
hberaudnormally everything is branched09:29
tkajinamhberaud, there is one requirement bump still kept. you may want to merge it first. I have to head off now but I believe the issue with heat unit tests have been sorted.
hberaudtkajinam: ack thanks for the heads up09:35
hberaudI'll update the branch cut once this one is merged09:36
hberaudWell, the check' outputs only list the requirements deliverables as unbranched yet09:38
elodillesyes, though devstack and grenade needs to be branched, too09:52
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/releases master: WIP: Propose Nova deadlines for Bobcat schedule
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Branch requirements for stable/2023.1
hberaudtkajinam: FYI ^13:43
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tkajinamhberaud, thanks !13:46
elodillesreminder: meeting will start in 5 mins13:55
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Mar 10 14:00:07 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
elodillesPing list: hberaud armstrong elodilles14:00
elodilleswe are doooown at Line 40014:01
elodilleslet's start :)14:02
elodilles#topic Review task completion14:02
elodilles1st task was:14:02
elodilles'On Monday, W+1 the entries that had no responses from PTLs (ttx)'14:02
elodilleseverything has merged \o/14:03
elodillesnext task then:14:03
elodilles'Look up why reno includes all versions in 2023.1 series release notes (ttx, but welcomes help)'14:03
ttxSo with frickler's help that was solved afaik14:04
ttxWe got a reno 4.0.0 fixing that14:04
elodilleseven the upper constraint is bumped14:04
ttxThere might be a remaining issue but we'll likely see better once the final notes are generated14:04
elodillesi've seen questions from teams, that they now realised the issue,14:05
elodillesi told them that it is fixed with latest reno14:05
ttxah ok14:05
elodillesthe question is when will their reno page refreshed14:05
ttxat final release for sure14:06
ttx(for RC things)14:06
ttxfor the CWI things less sure14:06
elodilleshmmm, I thought it will be refreshed sooner, with for example a merged patch on that project or something14:07
elodilles(of course it depends, which happens earlier...)14:07
ttxok let's just wait and see14:08
elodillesttx: ack14:08
elodillesi'll try to not forget this and if nothing will be refreshed then I guess we can ask infra team whether they know any trick14:08
elodillesanyway, thanks for the fix \o/14:09
elodilleslet's move on14:09
elodilles'    During the week, process any  with exceptions (those with PTL -1)  (all)'14:09
ttxdone too14:10
elodillesyes, this is the same as 1st task 14:10
elodilles'Gracefully release tempest plugins with latest changes available (elod)'14:10
elodillesrelease patches were proposed:
ttxall but 4 are arppoved or merged14:10
elodilleswe are over the deadline,14:11
elodilleswe haven't got -1s14:11
elodillesso feel free to review and +2 them if everything looks fine14:11
ttxyes those last 4 are probably good to go now14:12
ttxalright, all enqueued14:13
elodillescool, thanks \o/14:13
elodilles'On Monday, generate stable branches for all cycle deliverables that are still missing one (hberaud)'14:13
elodillespatches were proposed:
elodillesthanks hberaud14:13
ttxare we ready to pull the trigger on requirements ?14:14
elodillesrequirements is the last remaining14:14
hberaudonly the requirements patch remains
elodilleswell, devstack and grenade haven't branched yet, but I think that can happen parallel, right?14:14
hberaudttx: normally yes but I'd suggest to grab feedback from prometheanfire ^ 14:14
hberaudelodilles: I think yes14:14
ttxyeah, that can be done early next week alright14:15
elodillesso we are good with this task i think14:15
elodillesnext task then:14:16
elodilles'After all the projects enabled in devstack by default have been branched, we can engage with the (elod)'14:16
elodillessomewhat related, as needed to wait until everything have branched14:16
elodillesso today I've pinged QA team on IRC14:16
elodillesso they will start doing QA release tasks14:17
elodillesI've sent a mail to i18n SIG chair, Ian, today14:17
elodillesand I haven't pinged requirements PTL yet14:18
fungithough the requirements ptl also hangs out in here ;)14:19
elodillesbut it's main part is the requirements branching patch:
ttxfungi: do you see a convenient way to force refresh of all release notes to pick up reno 4?14:20
elodillesthat we talked about earlier :)14:20
fungittx: not really, unless we added periodic docs build jobs for all projects14:20
fungithat's probably the simplest solution other than waiting for eventual consistency14:21
ttxok maybe let's wait until that solves itself14:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release keystone-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release magnum-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release monasca-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
elodillesso, back to the task:14:22
elodillesprometheanfire: please review && it's time to announce that the requirements freeze is lifted from master14:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release cloudkitty-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
elodillesdone o:)14:23
elodillesnext task then:14:23
elodilles'Ensure that all projects that are publishing release notes have the notes link included in their deliverable file (hberaud)'14:24
elodillespatch is proposed:
ttxmost objections have been about the rreno 4 issue14:24
ttxwhich imho should not block that patch14:24
ttxok will +214:25
hberaudanother round can be done next week14:25
elodilleslet's not spam PTLs further :) simply merge it :)14:25
ttxyes needs to add up nova again14:25
elodilleshberaud: sounds good14:25
elodillesfor the record, now that hberaud fixed the reno link script, I've checked that if there are missing reno links from old releases14:26
elodillesand proposed these:
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release mistral-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release kuryr-tempest-plugin for 2023.1 Antelope
elodilleswhen you have time to review them I think those can be merged as well14:27
elodillesbut this is not a priority14:28
elodillesso let's move on14:28
elodilles'Let cycle-with-rc projects iterate on RCs as needed. The final release candidate for each project needs to be prepared at least one week before the final release date (all)'14:28
elodilleswell, this is not really a task, but a reminder ^^^14:28
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej14:28
elodilleswe still need to do this next week14:29
ttxalso they currently can't do RC2s14:29
elodillesthough i haven't heard many RC2s yet14:29
ttxdue to next topic14:29
ttxRC@s fail tests14:29
elodilleslet's move on to the next topic then, as we are done with the tasks14:29
elodilles#topic Critical issue with stable/2023.1 releases failing validation with error: "did not find remotes/origin/stable/antelope in branches containing..."14:30
elodilles  Call needs to be updated to not rely on file path at
elodillesI've started to look into this, but i had only a little time yet14:30
ttxSince I'm not around next week i haven't even tried14:30
ttxbut we need a fix up asap otherwise we won;t have any RC2s14:31
ttxor fainl release for the matter14:31
ttxwe probably need to look up series.yaml to grab the id corresponding to the directory name14:31
elodilleswith a first glance its a bit more tricky then the previous fixes, but we'll see14:31
elodillesi will definitely spend some time with this, but every help is welcome :)14:32
ttxyeah series_status.yaml has the antelope -> 2023.1 mapping we need14:33
ttxand hopefully is already loaded somewhere14:33
elodillesyes, we used that in the previous fixes14:33
elodillesso just have to find the right place to use :)14:33
elodillesanything else to add?14:34
elodillesOK, if not, then let's move on to the next topic:14:36
elodilles#topic Assign next week tasks14:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: add releasenotes links for antelope 2023.1
elodillesi've added my name to some tasks, only one is free to pick14:37
hberaudI took it14:37
ttxI'm off all week so did not assign anything14:37
elodillesthanks hberaud o/14:37
ttxthanks all!14:37
elodilles#topic Review countdown email14:37
elodillesplease review ^^^14:38
elodilleswill send it after the meeting14:39
elodilleslast topic then14:39
elodilles#topic Open Discussion14:40
elodillesanything to discuss?14:40
ttxI think we are in good shape, apart from the reelase notes regeneration issue (minor) and the validate failures on stable/2023.1 (critical but probably simple enough)14:40
ttxnothing else to discuss14:41
ttxhave a great time next week without me around14:41
elodillesyepp, things look good so far. fingers crossed :)14:41
elodillesttx: thanks, have a nice time off :]14:41
elodillesthen let's close the meeting!14:42
ttxthanks elodilles !14:42
elodillesthanks everyone for participating o/14:42
hberaudthanks elodilles 14:42
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Mar 10 14:42:22 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:42
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
hberaudelodilles, ttx how to reproduce this critical issue? I tried locally but without success14:55
elodilleshberaud: by cutting an rc2 and run 'tox -e validate14:58
hberaudI tried with creating a new tag on oslo.messaging14:58
elodilleshere is an example:
ttxshould happen on any release made on stable/2023.115:05
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Release Octavia RC2 for Antelope
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/releases master: Fix gitutils to use release-id
hberaudelodilles, ttx this patch fixed the issue locally ^15:16
hberaudlet's test with octavia on gates15:16
elodilleshberaud: thx \o/15:21
hberaudyet another `get_stable_branch_id` function definition :)15:22
elodillesyepp, definitely will be good to put it in a common place :)15:23
prometheanfireelodilles: it looks fine, the main concern I have is that is not merged (oslo.log) and (tripleo-common)15:29
elodilleshmmm. tripleo is kind of retired. but the oslo.log looks bad :S15:36
elodillesit definitely looks like oslo.log latest release causes some issue with nova :-o15:46
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/releases master: WIP: Propose Nova deadlines for Bobcat schedule
hberaudvalidation is fixed \o/15:56
elodilleshberaud: cool, thx \o/15:57
elodilleshberaud: any idea what could cause the cross-nova-py310 to fail for oslo.log 5.1.0?
johnsomThanks you!16:05
hberaudelodilles: nope, there is no functional differences between oslo.log 5.0.2 and 5.1.0
hberaudand the nova log are not clear16:14
hberaudI see lot of kafka errors16:14
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off16:14
hberaudso, I'm not sure the failure is really related to oslo.log16:14
hberaudjust to be sure, nothing seems related to kafka in oslo.log
elodillesack, thanks. weird :S16:20
elodilleshberaud: as I see actually, oslo.log 5.0.2 was also not accepted16:23
elodillesthe patch still replaces 5.0.0 with 5.1.016:23
hberaudah interesting16:24
hberaudso in this case a couple of eventlet fixes have been merged
elodillesyepp. eventlet sounds more like something that could interfere with a unit test :S16:25
prometheanfireit often does :|16:27
elodillesso the question is what we could do with this. can we release antelope with oslo.log 5.0.0 if we can't find the root cause?16:34
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Fix gitutils to use release-id
elodilleshberaud: i've updated slightly to make the test jobs pass ^^^17:11
hberaudelodilles: concerning oslo.log that's a good question... I'm not even what is the root cause, if a fix is needed is needed in oslo.log, then it could be backported, but my main fear is that release version for antelope and requirements version allowed for antelope won't be in sync17:13
hberaudif we backport a fix we would have to release a version 5.1.1 which wouldn't be an issue for stable antelope requirements17:13
hberaudeven if they are unsync17:14
hberaudwhile this issue is not solved we would continue to use 5.0.017:14
hberaudI asked question to Rodolfo into the requirements patch, he authored one of the 2 fixes landed by 5.0.217:16
hberaud(the other fix was landed by 5.0.1)17:16
hberaudand he requested to block 5.0.1 to be sure to use his fix
hberaudwell, I need to eject, see you next week17:17
opendevreviewBernard Cafarelli proposed openstack/releases master: [neutron] New Zed releases for Neutron
elodilleshberaud: hmmm. this is interesting, as in nova the privsep test cases fail, just like what Rodolfo is talking about. anyway, have a nice weekend, see you next week!18:32
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/releases master: Create stable/2023.1 for devstack
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/releases master: Create stable/2023.1 for grenade
gmannelodilles: hberaud ttx ^^ branch cut for devstack and grenade19:44

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