Friday, 2023-01-27

gmannelodilles: this is +1 by PTL (wallaby-last release for cinder-tempest-plugin)
gmannttx: ^^00:21
gmannneeded this to fix the stable/wallaby gate00:21
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elodillesgmann: thx, +2'd!08:52
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Zed
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [cinder-tempest-plugin] Tag wallaby-last
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch13:12
elodillesreminder: meeting will start in 8 mins13:52
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Jan 27 14:00:26 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
elodillesPing list: hberaud armstrong elodilles14:00
elodilleswe are down at line 27514:01
elodillesokay, let's start, the task list is quite short, so this should not take long14:02
elodilles#topic Review task completion14:02
elodilles1st task: Make sure the next development series name has been added to the data/series_status.yaml file (elod)14:03
elodillesthis is actually to merge the release schedule patch:
elodilleswe got some feedbacks already14:03
elodillesthough not that many PTLs showed up with their +1s14:04
ttxI think we can approve it now. Worst case we'll post further changes but we gave everyone notice14:04
elodillesyepp, that souns OK to me14:04
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elodillesi've upgraded my +114:05
elodilleswho wants to push the button? :)14:07
ttx+2ing too14:07
ttxhberaud can!14:07
elodillesOk, then i guess we can continue14:09
elodillesand since this was the only task (except the countdown mail review), we can continue with the next topic14:09
elodilles'Approving Bobcat release schedule' <- oh, we are done with that ;)14:10
elodillesthen the next one14:10
elodilles#topic Review countdown email14:11
elodillesplease review ^^^14:11
elodillesthis is R-8 week's mail already14:11
elodilleswe will need to send countdown mails every week from now on14:12
elodillesthanks \o/ i'll send it later today.14:13
elodillesthen let's move on14:14
elodillesnext topic14:14
elodilles#topic Assign next week tasks14:15
elodillesplease look at the list at Line 29114:15
elodilleshberaud volunteered to be the chair of next week meeting14:16
elodillesand earned the right to send the countdown mail :)14:16
elodillesi took the 'check with the TC' task (runtimes + job templates)14:16
ttxfungi: Notify the Infrastructure team to generate an artifact signing key (but not replace the current one yet), and begin the attestation process... consider yourself notified!14:16
elodilleswell done ttx , thx :]14:17
fungiooh, yes14:17
ttxeasy win!14:17
fungii have indeed truly been notified14:17
elodilleswe are ready then! \o/14:17
elodillesmaybe last topic14:17
elodilles#topic Open Discussion14:17
elodillesanything to raise?14:17
fungiper yesterday's tc meeting, we got beta releases cleared through adjutant, mistral and zaqar14:18
fungiso it sounds like the projects are all confirmed for inclusion14:18
elodillesjust a reminder, that zaqar was release happened with broken gates, but meanwhile gates were fixed, so we need to release them again towards the end of the cycle14:19
elodillesfungi: thanks for the info!14:19
elodillesi don't have anything else on my mind14:20
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Proposed 2023.2 Bobcat release schedule
elodillesso if nothing else to discuss then we can close the meeting14:21
elodillesthanks everyone for joining!14:21
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Jan 27 14:21:48 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:21
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
elodillesyepp, this was short14:21
ttxgreat, got to get a new COVID shot so had to leave before the top of the hour anyway14:22
hberaudthanks elodilles 14:22
elodillesttx: take care14:22
elodillesttx: will it be the 4th one?14:22
ttxyes 4th14:22
elodilleshberaud: thanks too!14:22
ttxbunch of travel coming up, so good timing to boost14:23
elodillesttx: exactly then14:23
elodillesi should have my 5th somewhat before the summit maybe :P14:23
elodilleswe'll see14:23
opendevreviewThierry Carrez proposed openstack/releases master: Add vPTG to Bobcat release schedule
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opendevreviewCorey Bryant proposed openstack/releases master: New stable releases for glance xena, yoga, and zed
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opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Add release-id (2023.2) to Bobcat release
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Adjust Yoga EM deadline with 2023.2 Bobcat release
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Xena
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