Friday, 2022-03-04

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elodillesttx if you are around: can you review and approve the release schedule plan for Zed patch?
elodillesif i'm not mistaken it's time already to merge it09:06
ttxon it09:09
elodillesttx: thx \o/09:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Cyborg Yoga RC1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Released cyborg-tempest-plugin for yoga
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Proposed release schedule for Zed (27w)
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/releases master: Release sushy 4.1.1 for Yoga
elodillesreminder: weekly meeting will start in less than 30 mins13:32
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opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: WIP: Move keystoneauth to independent
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Mar  4 14:00:23 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
elodillesPing list: hberaud ttx armstrong damani 14:00
elodilleswe are way down @ line 31314:01
elodillessorry, let's start :]14:03
elodilles#topic Review task completion14:04
elodilles1st task: "Process any remaining client library freeze exception."14:04
elodilleswell, there were none,14:04
elodillesthough on the yoga stable branch creating patch for ironic i got a response,14:04
elodillesthat they are planning to release ironic-lib and sushy:
elodillesi commented that they need RFE for that, but best is to avoid14:06
elodillesthough i haven't got reply so far14:07
armstrongthe deadline has passed right?14:08
elodillesarmstrong: yes14:08
elodilles2nd task: "Freeze all cycle-based library releases except for release-critical bugs."14:09
elodillesonly non-client libraries remained:
ttxI'd say that's related :)14:09
elodillesttx: how do you mean?14:10
ttxit's best to avoid releasing ironic-lib and sushy since we freeze libs14:11
elodillesoh, i see, yes, that's right14:12
elodillesso actually kuryr and keystoneauth should have been released in R-614:14
elodillesthat's why I wrote the RFE mail for them,14:15
elodillesalso added oslo.context as we have issues with that deliverable as well :/14:15
elodillesso these 3 needs requirements freeze exceptions14:16
elodilleskuryr is released already, but keystoneauth is not, but i guess we should force-approve its release patch14:17
elodillesregarding oslo.context:14:18
elodillesif i'm not mistaken the last breakage was fixed recently, so i've started a 'recheck' there, and we will see14:18
elodillesi'll check with requirements team these things14:19
elodillesany question or comment for this?14:19
elodilles3rd task: "Propose stable/yoga branch creation for all client and non-client libraries that had not requested it at freeze time."14:20
elodillesmore than half have merged,14:21
elodillessince we reached the deadline i'll force-merge the rest after the meeting14:21
elodillesthough i'd appreciate reviews on them before i merge them o:)14:22
elodilles4th task: "List cycle-with-intermediary deliverables that have not been refreshed in the last 2 months."14:23
elodillesmail was sent to ML:
elodillesi've got response from QA and patrole is released14:24
elodillesbut no response for tempest and python-openstackclient14:25
ttxwere there changes?14:27
elodillesfor python-openstackclient there were quite many14:27
elodillesbut maybe it is the same as with openstacksdk14:27
elodillesfor openstacksdk they had lots of unreleased changes on master (after the last released yoga version),14:28
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elodillesbut thay cannot release them as they have issues14:28
elodillesso they decided not to release those for yoga14:29
ttxhmm ok14:29
elodillesi suspect that could be the case with python-openstackclient as well,14:29
elodillesbut haven't got any response yet14:29
elodillesanyway, I'll ping the sdk team on IRC maybe14:31
elodillesregarding tempest: do we need it now, too? I was a bit unsure14:32
ttxwe don;t need it as much, it's a bit of a corner case14:32
ttxUsually gmann knows when to release it14:32
elodillesit was last time released in November,14:33
elodillesso i guess it would be good to release14:33
elodillesanyway, i'll ping gmann :)14:33
elodillesnext task then14:34
elodilleswell, next topic, as there are no more tasks for now14:34
elodilles#topic Assign R-3 week tasks14:34
elodillesactually, i've added my name on the tasks and I see armstrong also volunteered :)14:35
armstrongyes :)14:35
elodillesso we are OK with this :)14:35
ttxperfect :)14:35
elodilles#topic Review countdown email contents14:35
elodillesplease review ^^^14:36
ttxlooks good, just added a mention since people were quite good at release highlights already14:37
elodillesyepp, thanks, last section seemed a bit off to me as highlights were proposed already :)14:38
armstrongdo we already have a name for the Z series ?14:38
elodillesarmstrong: as fungi says ^^^14:39
armstrongOK thanks @fungi 14:39
elodilleslet's move to the last topic14:40
elodilles#topic Open Discussion14:40
elodilles'PTG participation'14:40
elodillesthat's a good topic :)14:40
ttxyeah I was wondering if you discussed it while i was unavailable14:40
elodillesttx: not yet14:41
ttxThere is still time to apply14:41
elodillesi saw the mail but haven't apply yet14:41
ttxWe could just place a one-hour meeting on our regular meeting slot14:41
ttxso that we talk more directly to each other and potentially recruit14:41
elodillesttx: 1 hr looks OK to me14:41
ttx14UTC on Friday14:42
elodillesthat could also work for me14:42
ttxelodilles: maybe reply to the survey and fill the ethercalc?14:42
elodillesttx: yepp, i will do that!14:42
ttxsee "April 2022 Team Signup" email14:43
ttxI don;t think we need more than one hour14:43
ttxwe can always go overtime in some other room14:43
elodillesyepp, we usually fit in the 1 hour timeslot14:43
elodillesttx: and that we can do as well :)14:44
elodillesi'll sign up the team after the meeting14:44
elodillesany other topic for now?14:45
armstrongNothing from me14:46
opendevreviewMarios Andreou proposed openstack/releases master: Release final TripleO stable/ussuri
ttxI'll be mostly unavailable next week14:47
elodillesokay, thanks everyone for participating!14:47
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Mar  4 14:48:02 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:48
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ttxbut hberaud should be back14:48
elodillesttx: thanks for the heads up, i've seen it on the etherpad, thanks for adding it there!14:48
fungii will do my best to be available next week, but may be slow to respond14:50
elodillesfungi: ack14:50
elodillesthanks for the heads-up, too14:50
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elodillesiurygregory: about the -1 on the stable/yoga branch cut patch:
elodillesiurygregory: is that OK to merge that?14:52
iurygregoryelodilles, hey o/14:52
iurygregoryI'm checking things now14:52
elodillesiurygregory: o/14:52
elodillesiurygregory: the thing is that we have passed the final release (as i wrote in my comment)14:53
elodillesiurygregory: so the branch should be cut this week14:54
elodillesiurygregory: best is to avoid further releases now as we are in the freeze period14:54
elodillesiurygregory: of course, if there are critical things to fix, then it is OK, but that needs requirement freeze exception14:55
iurygregoryso, we had a fix in sushy that fixes a problem to build the package in Debian14:55
iurygregorymaybe we can release sushy 4.1.1?14:55
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iurygregoryand we can cut the stable/yoga for everything from the patch you mentioned14:56
iurygregorysushy is only used by ironic so wouldn't cause problems14:56
iurygregorywe would also save some CI resources including the commits so we don't have to backport :D14:57
elodillesi think it should work, but please drop an RFE mail to the ML and let prometheanfire answer there :)14:57
elodillesttx: fyi ^^^14:58
elodillesttx: if you could double check too that this is OK in release team perspective then it would be awesome14:59
ttxI think it's ok since it does not affect that many packages15:02
elodillesttx: yepp, i thought the same, cool, thanks!15:03
elodillesnow we only need the acknowledge from requirements-wise :)15:03
iurygregoryelodilles, email sent =)15:05
elodillesiurygregory: ack, thanks!15:06
iurygregorynp 15:06
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-openstackclient 5.8.0
prometheanfireiurygregory: elodilles: I mainly want a diff at this point, but don't think there will be a problem15:29
elodillesprometheanfire: i found this as diff if that's OK:
iurygregorysorry for the random chars, my dog went to my room while I was having lunch D:15:58
iurygregoryprometheanfire, should I send the link in the ML?15:59
iurygregoryelodilles, for some reason I'm getting 503 in the url you pasted15:59
elodillesiurygregory: you should reset your dog o:)16:01
elodillesiurygregory: strange, the link works for me16:02
iurygregorytime to clear the cache and check other browser16:02
iurygregoryok, works fine in google chrome16:02
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prometheanfireiurygregory: thanks (been moving so...)16:35
iurygregoryprometheanfire, tks!16:43
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [OpenStackSDK] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [freezer] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [heat] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [adjutant] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [zaqar] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [watcher] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [keystone] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [mistral] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [monasca] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [senlin] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [swift] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [masakari] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [oslo] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [barbican] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
iurygregoryspam season :D 17:19
rosmaitaelodilles: sorry i missed the release meeting today, but i did finally follow up on my action item from last week's meeting (about the os-brick stable releases)17:40
rosmaitaleft a comment on the patch:
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opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/releases master: Release ironic-python-agent-builder 2.8.0 (wallaby)
gmannttx: elodilles fo tempest release, I am waiting for few things: 1. nova unified limit test 2. volume detach fix to merge. what is the last deadline for that ? 17:48
iurygregoryelodilles, I'm also fine if you change things for the new sushy in =)18:14
elodillesrosmaita: thanks for double checking with the team. I'll approve the releases in a minute19:02
gmannelodilles: FYI, Zed python testing template is merged
elodillesgmann: well, to tell you the truth I don't know whether yoga-3 would be a deadline for tempest or not. the tempest plugins release patches will be generated next week19:04
elodillesgmann: cool, thanks for the info \o/19:04
gmannelodilles: ack, one patches are in gate and other I will check today or early next week. But will try to release next week.19:04
elodillesgmann: that sounds good to me, thanks in advance!19:05
elodillesiurygregory: i'll update the patch :]19:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Cinder team releases for stable/xena
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: [ironic] Create yoga branch for client and non-client libs
iurygregory+1 =)20:35
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