Friday, 2022-01-28

*** marios is now known as marios|ruck06:15
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elodillesreminder: weekly meeting is about to happen in less than 20 mins13:42
elodillesit's meeting time!14:00
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Jan 28 14:00:40 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
elodillesPing list: hberaud ttx armstrong 14:00
elodilleswe are at line 21914:01
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elodillesso let's start14:03
elodilles#topic Review task completion14:03
elodilles1st task:14:03
elodilles#info Generate a list of intermediary-released service deliverables that have not done a release in this cycle yet (elod)14:03
elodilles    release model changing patches proposed:
elodilles(i might used the wrong topic)14:04
elodillesit should have been yoga-cwi if i'm not mistaken14:04
elodillesanyway, there are 5 patches,14:05
elodillesone is already abandoned as release patches were proposed \o/ (vitrage)14:05
elodillesone is accepted (ovn-octavia-provider) so i guess that we can merge14:06
elodillesand ironic team is not fond of the process, and actually some of the deliverables were moved to cwi a couple of months ago14:07
elodillesi'll ping swift team to review the patch14:08
elodillesand also QA team14:09
elodillesactually i'm not sure whether their patrole deliverable should be included in this list14:09
elodillesany idea?14:09
elodillesor any comment for this task?14:10
diablo_rojo_phoneI can't remember if it was before14:10
diablo_rojo_phonebut gmann would likely remember14:11
elodillesyeah, i'll ping him/qa team anyway14:12
elodillesgood, if no other comments for this, then we can move on14:13
elodilles(countdown email will follow later, so we are actually out of task to review)14:13
elodillesso next topic14:14
elodilles#topic Assign R-8 week tasks14:14
elodillesthis should be also short,14:14
elodillesas i've added my name to the 2 "small" tasks14:14
elodillesone is to make sure the next development series name has been added to the data/series_status.yaml file14:15
elodillesi don't know from top off my head whether we will have it next week,14:15
elodillesbut anyway, i'll keep an eye on this :)14:16
elodillesand propose the patch as soon as we have the official name14:16
armstrongyes it seems next week we have meeting14:16
elodillesok, let's move on14:17
elodilles#topic Review countdown email contents14:17
elodillesi guess i can remove vitrage and vitrage-dashboard from the list in the mail14:18
armstrongelodilles: why did you remove those two?14:19
elodillesbecause the vitrage patch got -1 from their PTL and releases were proposed to vitrage and vitrage-dashboard14:20
elodillesfor yoga14:20
armstrongOk thx14:20
elodillesso they are not candidate for release model change anymore14:21
elodillesis the mail OK? :)14:24
armstrongLooks ok to me14:24
diablo_rojo_phoneYep looks good to me too!14:25
elodillesthanks armstrong diablo_rojo_phone o/14:25
elodilles(of course i'll remove the crossed out things)14:25
elodillesok, then next topic:14:26
elodilles#topic Open Discussion14:26
elodillesanything to discuss?14:26
diablo_rojo_phoneNothing from me. 14:26
armstrongnothing from me either14:27
fungithere's been some progress on the signed tag bug in gerrit 3.4, but the workaround is still in place for now14:27
elodillesfungi: oh, thanks for the heads-up and moreover: thanks for the fix!14:28
fungihopefully in a week-ish time we can upgrade to a fixed gerrit now that the patch for that problem seems to have buy-in from their reviewers14:28
elodillesi mean, workaround14:28
fungiyeah, the fix is clarkb's work14:28
fungii only implemented our temporary workaround14:28
elodillesthanks for that too! :)14:28
elodillesthe tag-release job works, so that was important :)14:29
fungianyway, it shouldn't matter for the openstack release team since you generate your tags with zuul jobs, but if anyone's pushing a tag by hand be sure not to forget the -s to git tag14:29
armstrongimportant new features 14:29
elodillesfungi: yepp, that is good to remember in case someone tags their deliverable by hand14:30
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elodilles#info if anyone's pushing a tag by hand be sure not to forget the -s to git tag14:31
elodilleslet's highlight it14:31
elodillesokay, if nothing else for now then let's close the meeting14:32
elodillesas usual, thanks for participating, see you next week!14:32
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Jan 28 14:33:06 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:33
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
diablo_rojo_phonethanks elodilles!14:34
elodillesthanks too for participating! :)14:35
elodillesttx: if you have some time could you please review my 2 oslo.service release patches? (I try to avoid self-approve o:)) these are the patches: and
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Xena
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Wallaby
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/releases master: Release OpenStack-Ansible Victoria
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel15:54
clarkbfungi: elodilles: ya the fix for the tag things has the votes needed to merge it but there is one reviewer they were hoping would take a look first. I'll go ahead and merge it next week if that reviewer doesn't get back to us16:19
clarkbwe can always followup and address that individuals feedback should they have it later16:19
elodillesclarkb: sure. and of course, the release team is not in a hurry actually, as the workaround works perfectly. so in case the patch needs a couple of extra days then i think we are ok with it :)16:48
elodillesand thanks for working on it :]16:49
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gmannelodilles: diablo_rojo_phone patrole is brachless repo same as tempest & tempest plugins. we do not need to change the release model as such for this. We might release patrole during end of Yoga.19:13
gmannreplied on patch too19:13
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/releases master: Release manila for stable/wallaby

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