Friday, 2019-09-20

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openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack/releases master: Update Murano/Solum release liaison
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openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack/releases master: Cut stable branch for Telemetry team cycle-with-intermediary
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ttxsmcginnis: perfect thanks07:49
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AJaegerrelease team, please review to update openstack/openstack submodules10:28
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evrardjpsmcginnis: so... I am wondering. If we have a tagless project (random example: openstack-ansible-roles), how we can make those tagless projects EOL?13:09
AJaegerevrardjp: what does EOL mean here? EOL of pike?13:13
AJaegeror EOL of repository?13:13
AJaegerevrardjp: could you review 683354 for me, please? This updates openstack/openstack submodules using the included script13:14
evrardjpAJaeger: yeah I meant tagging eol for old branches13:17
evrardjpit's hypothetics here13:17
evrardjpbut tagless ... kinda will have trouble to have tags :p13:17
evrardjpoh but I seem to remember we made exceptions for eol. Maybe that counts.13:18
evrardjpWill read the code later13:18
evrardjpAJaeger: ok will do!13:18
evrardjpthat was a trap, it's a big thing!13:18
evrardjpjoke aside will review. I maybe won't +w because I am not too familiar with the impact of this, and I don't want to stay late on a friday because I broke things :p13:19
evrardjpbut will make sure this is handled :)13:19
AJaegerevrardjp: trust me ;) That is autogenerated and just works, see the last submissions for the repo ;)13:20
evrardjpyou're gonna have to tell me what it's for :D13:21
AJaegerevrardjp: if we have branches, we can add tags - but here I'm not the expert13:21
AJaegerevrardjp: openstack/openstack is historic relict to allow one checkout of "official" openstack with everything as submodule13:22
evrardjpAJaeger: yeah the question is only for the tooling we have in releases, not in git/cgit/gerrit in general :)13:22
evrardjpAJaeger: I will ask more questions...13:23
evrardjpif it's a relic, why it's still there?13:23
evrardjpis it*13:23
AJaegerno idea13:24
evrardjpAh darn I can't +2 +w on this sorry13:24
AJaegerevrardjp: you can't? I thought you were a "Release Manager" -,access13:25
AJaegerbut you're not?,members13:26
AJaegersmcginnis: shouldn't he be in there ^13:26
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evrardjpAJaeger: that's a good catch, Kendall should also be there13:27
ttxevrardjp: did you have time to hack on the propose-autorelease script? I should have time to look things up in a few13:43
evrardjpnot yet13:44
evrardjpI will do that today though13:44
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ttxI'll produce the input lists now14:02
smcginnisAJaeger, evrardjp: Updated the Release Managers membership.14:04
smcginnislist-deliverables --model cycle-automatic, right?14:05
AJaegerevrardjp: now you can +2A if you want ;). thanks, smcginnis14:05
ttxsmcginnis: yeah14:06
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evrardjpyeah let's see what breaks \o/14:08
evrardjpttx: thanks. I will compare notes if necessary, I just wanted to "finish off something real quick"14:08
evrardjpofc it took more time than expected :p14:08
smcginnisevrardjp: If something doesn't branch, then there's not really anything to EOL, is there?14:09
ttxsmcginnis: we should remove the adjutant deliverables, right?14:10
ttxRemoving adjutant only 16.6% of -with-rc deliverables did milestone releases14:12
evrardjpsmcginnis: tagless is not branchless afaik14:12
evrardjpit just branches on a specific sha, but we still need a way to "end" the branch14:13
smcginnisttx: Yes, I believe that's where we landed.14:13
ttxwe used to force milestone releases to regularly exercise the release machinery... but dropped that requirement saying it wasn't breaking that often anymore. We'll verify that claim now14:13
smcginnisThough sounds like they are at a good point to have a first official release in ussuri.14:13
ttxsmcginnis: ok, care to post that patch? Or should I?14:14
smcginnisIf you're there and it's quick and easy, go for it. Otherwise I can do it a little later.14:14
ttxon it14:14
smcginnisThis whole exercise with the libs release - this was kind of a concern I had when we talked about switching how we handled releases. More is put on this team to make sure things make it out.14:15
smcginnisI really prefer us just being there to help the teams as much as possible.14:15
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openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/releases master: Release magnum 8.1.0
smcginnisThough I have heard feedback that our automatically releasing c-w-i has been nice for the teams to not to have to worry about.14:15
openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/releases master: Release magnum 8.1.0
smcginnisBut then again, it's something they don't worry about now, so they think even less about what they need to do for releasing on time.14:16
AJaegerthanks, evrardjp14:16
smcginnisAnyway, just musing out loud.14:16
evrardjpsmcginnis: I agree with you on that stance of us being more hands-off, and I understand that ppl want to not worry about things14:16
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/releases master: Adjutant first releases will be in Ussuri
evrardjpbut these are not mutually exclusive14:17
smcginnisIt's a balance I suppose.14:17
ttxwe should merge this one before it interferes with the autoreleases next week14:17
smcginnisttx, evrardjp: While you're both here and we're on the subject, should we get through?14:18
evrardjpttx: is there a mail to confirm this?14:18
evrardjpor a eavesdrop log?14:18
evrardjpfor the record I mean14:18
smcginnisevrardjp: Which item?14:18
evrardjpyeah sorry to be a pain :p14:19
evrardjpI would prefer if projects ask for an exception when they can't release yet14:20
evrardjpnot sure why my mind feels better that way :)14:20
evrardjpsmcginnis: ok14:21
evrardjpI clicked the button14:21
ttxevrardjp: at quick glance looks like new_release can do 99% of what we need14:21
smcginnisYeah, we had some conversations with the team that probably should have been more public. They haven't been ready since becoming an official project, so we're just kicking the can down the road one more time.14:22
smcginnisI think between the list_unreleased* scripts and new-release code, we should be pretty close to what we need.14:22
smcginnisI was thinking of something that would list the unreleased commits that we manually review to see if it is something that needs to be released, then "Create release [Y/n]", then "[feature|bugfix]" that then calls new-release.14:23
smcginnisSomething like that anyway.14:23
ttxfor i in $(cat file); do new-release --stable-branch train $i rc; done14:24
ttxsmcginnis: I prefer to do it in two steps14:25
ttxas it lets you vet the list first14:25
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smcginnisSUre. I was thinking vetting as you go, but important part is to get this at least semi-automated.14:26
ttxHm, new-release does not propose the change so we probably need to wrap it into a script that would call git reveiw and then go back to master state14:26
smcginnisThe time I remember doing something similar, I would create branches for each like $team-auto-release, then at the end looped through "git branch" and for each that matched *-auto-release, checkout and do "git review -t auto-release"14:28
evrardjpttx: yeah but I am not sure we need to carry those kind of last round automation14:29
evrardjpsmcginnis: -f too :)14:29
ttxfor i in $(cat file); do git checkout -b lol; new-release --stable-branch train $i rc; git review; git checkout master; git -D lol; done14:29
evrardjpso that if you rerun, nothing bad happens :)14:29
smcginnisevrardjp: Ah, don't think I've ever used -f.14:30
evrardjpwhy so little love for git review -f14:30
evrardjpI am always using  it14:30
ttxwhat is this fancy flag14:30
evrardjpdestroys the branch after success14:30
smcginnis"-f    Make your review fancy." :D14:30
ttxgit review -f, where have you been all this time14:30
evrardjpsmcginnis: hahaha14:31
evrardjpttx: there, you blind! :p14:31
smcginnisI had no idea about that.14:31
evrardjpoh god14:31
ttxsmcginnis: when WE started using git review that was not there14:31
evrardjpsorry to crush your dreams of all the time loss14:31
evrardjpwith all*14:31
* ttx git bisects14:31
evrardjpttx: haha14:31
smcginnis"Back in my day, we did git reviews by modem" :D14:31
ttxevery bit counts14:32
ttxI started computing on the ZX81 1k demo scene so here is that14:32
smcginnisCommodore 64, then some slow IBM 386 with probably 16MB of RAM.14:33
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evrardjp7 years ago14:34
evrardjpcome one ttx14:34
mgoddardhi, is someone able to look at ?14:34
evrardjpIt's like it's been there forever!14:34
evrardjp(no offense!)14:35
smcginnismgoddard: On it. Thanks!14:35
mgoddardthanks smcginnis :)14:36
smcginnisOcata kind of falls off our normal review dashboard since it's so old. :D14:36
ttxgit-review -f was not in 1.0 ! I knew it14:37
evrardjpttx: yeah as I said, 7 years ago 1.8!14:38
evrardjpscript looks good14:38
evrardjpnot sure if you said how you create first file14:38
ttxAt the moment it's a bunch of list-deliverables commands. I pasted the result at
evrardjpthe script is not good except if you want the topic to be "lol"14:39
ttxso that we can spot issues (like Adjutant I just proposed a fix for)14:39
ttxI would be surprised if that was the only bug in it14:39
ttxThis oneliner is art, not science!14:40
ttxYou can tell it's Friday14:40
evrardjpindeed :)14:40
evrardjpso, I am confused, you seem to have a "test run" on your etherpad, how do you intend to "test things", you just do the whole thing on release-test?14:41
ttxnote that the 'rc' should also change between invocations14:41
evrardjpoh yeah for intermediary you mean?14:42
evrardjpshould requirement be done there?14:42
ttxwell rc is easy14:42
ttxintermediary or automatic we'll have to pick between bugfix feature or major14:43
ttxand that is where it becomes difficult to automate14:43
evrardjpI thought we could automate, and see during review, manually bump the version if necessary?14:44
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Add missing stable/train branches
smcginnisAutomatic validation FTW.14:44
evrardjpor propose smcginnis approach with a nice UI/UX showing things in advance14:44
evrardjpbut knowing myself, it's more error prone :p14:45
ttxWell the good thing is...14:46
evrardjpsmcginnis: wait... I missed sdk?14:46
ttxthere aren't so many of those14:46
ttxThe bulk of the releases are RC and that is safe14:46
ttxSo I'd say I would be fine with doing all as bugfix and then upgrade them as needed on the review14:47
ttxThe script should automatically do "feature" releases for most of them anyway14:48
ttx(as the minimal bump between series)14:48
ttxbut yeah, in absolute, having some kind of super-UI to catch obvious things as you go would be ideal14:49
evrardjpyou mean machine learning based on commit messages?14:50
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smcginnisHaha, we need a serverless AI/ML system to automate our releases. ;)14:50
smcginnisUsing blockchain.14:51
ttxwell, we should make it write openStack directly14:51
evrardjpthat's where releases go for validation ofc smcginnis!14:51
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evrardjphey sorry to bring you the future ttx14:51
evrardjpit all started with a git-review comment.14:51
ttxAt one moment I thought you moved to work at IBM14:52
evrardjpanyway yeah, feature for automatic and intermediary then?14:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Add ocata-eol tags for kolla and kolla-ansible
evrardjp(not that I don't like IBM, just different mindset than the company I am working at, afaik)14:53
ttxWatson will save us all!14:53
ttxOr maybe it's Quantum computing. Probably both.14:53
ttxNow if only it could finish that slidedeck for me14:54
evrardjpquantum networks will be the end of neutron I think14:56
evrardjpsad to announce that.14:56
evrardjpgood that we have time :)14:56
evrardjpmore seriously, I have questions about release-test14:58
evrardjpdo you want to test all of this with release-test?14:58
ttxnah, just if you need a fake repo to test your script with14:58
ttxwe kinda need to have a rc1 in there anyway to test final14:59
evrardjpI am not too familiar with it14:59
ttxrelease-test is just a repository14:59
evrardjpttx: so should there be a sync or something?15:00
evrardjpbetween the main and the other15:00
evrardjpfor deliverable files I mean15:00
ttxnot sure I understand the question15:00
evrardjprelease-test is only for testing releasing a repo, right?15:01
ttxwe have a release test deliverable in there15:01
evrardjpyeah so15:01
ttxso we should do a RC1 for it, so that it does not make any alarm sound15:02
evrardjpshould we have a test-releases-test repo to test how releasing could be doing with real life deliverables?15:02
evrardjpsorry I am complexifying things too much I guess :)15:02
evrardjpttx: could you clarify that statement?15:03
ttxWe have a bunch of deliverable files in the train/ repository of the releases repo...15:03
evrardjpI am not sure what you mean by the alarms that will be sounded (if it's now or later)15:03
ttxThey track what we are supposed to release for train...15:03
evrardjpyou don't need to go back to the dinosaur of the knowledge, but okay that's the part I know :)15:04
ttxAnd as you run list-deliverables to check for missing releases, they all show15:04
evrardjplet me clarify my question15:04
ttxIn there there is a release-test deliverable. It is special, as in it's excluded from the releases website rendering15:04
ttxso we can use it to test the process15:05
evrardjpthat's hitting my question15:05
evrardjp"test the process"15:05
evrardjpwe have so many different kinds of deliverables15:05
ttxAh, yeah, it's a partial test15:05
ttxonly tests rcs15:05
ttxbut that is actually what matters the most15:06
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ttxand should catch 99% of things15:06
evrardjpyeah and what does it test for the process?15:06
evrardjpis it just that when we follow our etherpad process, everything is fine (a canary) ?15:06
evrardjpor you want to use it as an outlier15:06
ttxIt just allows you to test that the script you run is still doing the right thing15:06
evrardjp(in case something didn't happen correctly in the process, this will trigger)15:06
evrardjpnow I understand better15:07
ttxwithout affecting "real" deliverables15:07
evrardjpit's more a canary than anything15:07
ttxThis is especially important for final, since those scripts are only used once per cycle15:07
ttxbut in order to have the repo in good shape for final testing, we need to have a "RC1" release in the reelase-test deliverable file15:07
ttxso I propose that you run the script you will have on Monday on it, both for testing the script, and put that repo in a good shape for final release testing in a few weeks :)15:08
evrardjpfine for me15:09
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/releases master: Clarify release-test purpose
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/releases master: Clarify release-test purpose
smcginnisWould be great to script the addition of PTL and liaisons on those review too.15:19
smcginnisThat's extra credit work though.15:19
evrardjpsmcginnis: only for intermediary and rc I suppose15:20
evrardjpoh wait, no nvm15:20
evrardjpI misunderstood that comment15:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Add missing stable/train branches
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smcginnisfungi: Have a minute? We have a stable/stein branching patch that timed out.16:47
smcginnisGuess I should have broken that out into smaller groups.16:47
smcginnisfungi: Would you be able to reenqueue that one?16:47
smcginnisOr clarkb? ^16:48
fungii can take a look, just a sec16:50
smcginnisThank you16:53
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evrardjpmmm weird I have not seen this in my emails, and I changed my filters today, so I have to double check if those filters are right...17:03
smcginnisevrardjp: Which, the time failure?17:04
evrardjpI suppose that's a release failure email, isn't it?17:04
smcginnisevrardjp: Are you subscribed to release-job-failures?17:04
smcginnisI was watching it, so not sure if it was event sent out by the time I posted the messages above.17:05
evrardjpyeah I am subscribed, it should be in my list, so I messed up my change of sieve filters. :/17:15
evrardjpbut I got your reply.17:16
smcginnisAt least you get the important ones. :D17:16
evrardjpoh I think I know17:18
evrardjpI had something in my trash folder from september with the same title: release-post job for openstack/releases for ref refs/heads/master failed17:19
evrardjpit's put directly into trash in that case :/17:19
smcginnisYeah, those are pretty non-descript subjects.17:19
evrardjpyeah when it's a single project, it's fine because the project is in the title17:20
evrardjpso different title, so not regrouped17:20
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fungismcginnis: sorry for the delay, just now ran:17:24
fungisudo zuul enqueue-ref --tenant=openstack --trigger=gerrit --pipeline=release-post --project=openstack/releases --ref=refs/heads/master --newrev=5274a7b9737eb172103c0a0110c5f19a2dc3e5bb17:24
fungilet me know if it ends up needing a deeper look17:25
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openstackgerritXueFeng Liu proposed openstack/releases master: Release senlin-dashboard
openstackgerritXueFeng Liu proposed openstack/releases master: Release senlin-dashboard
smcginnisThanks fungi, looks like that took care of it.19:15
fungiawesome. lmk if you need anything else19:16
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