Wednesday, 2019-04-10

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tonybtosky: That shoudl be fine as long as it's already in global-requirements and (not that it shoudl) sahara-tests doesn't have the stable tag06:23
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priteauHello. I noticed some issues in the "Stein Screenshots" section of image/caption are in the wrong place, and there is an Ironic text instead of the Neutron text.08:26
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evrardjpgood catch priteau08:50
ttxok we'll get it fixed before the go-live08:53
priteauThanks Thierry!08:56
ttxthe web masters need to get up first :)08:56
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openstackgerritdharmendra kushwaha proposed openstack/releases master: heat-translator 1.3.1
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openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/releases master: Release Octavia Queens 2.0.5 and Rocky 3.0.3
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fungipriteau: good catch. i got them to stop calling those "dashboard screenshots" but didn't think to vet the individual captions10:42
fungittx: there's a surprising amount of gate activity for this time of day, but everything seems to be flowing smoothly so far10:44
fungii'm still catching up on e-mail but suspect we're all clear for release activities10:45
ttxok, plan is still to run at 1200z10:47
* ttx lunches10:47
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/releases master: Release a bugfix update for renderspec
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fungiall caught up on e-mail and irc scrollback, no emergency situations apparent, still all clear for mashing the big red button at 12:00z i think11:22
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smcginnisCalm before the storm? :)11:27
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: Mark Stein as released
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smcginnisttx: I should send the release announcement 30 minutes to an hour before the PR, right? So 14:00-14:30z?11:37
smcginnisOr is it fine to send as soon as all our patches go through?11:37
ttxIdeally around 14:3011:39
ttxbut can be done earlier if you need11:40
ttxIf we are all here I propose we do the +2a now11:40
ttxsmcginnis: I'll let you do the honors11:40
fungii'm standing by11:43
fungithough should pour myself some coffee11:43
ttxI'll push it at 1200z if smcginnis does not beat me to it11:44
smcginnisSounds good, I'll hit the big ol' button.11:44
ttxI like to start early since we get more gate activity later11:45
ttxAlso I have a meeting tunnel starting at 1300z, so the more we do before then, the better11:45
smcginnisNow to watch zuul...11:46
ttxGo zuul go11:46
ttxStep 1 - gate for the openstack/releases change11:47
fungi ~2:2011:48
smcginnisWe didn't have a review soundtrack this cycle. That's too bad.11:50
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ttxI'm trying to find that diagram that shows the flow of release jobs, for reference11:52
ttxbut can't remember where it landed11:52
fungimick smiley: magic (ghostbusters soundtrack)11:52
smcginnisI'm not sure I recall that diagram.11:52
smcginnisWe can queue up this classic next:
ttxdhellmann: do you remember where we put the job flow diagram?11:54
smcginnisMorning dhellmann11:54
fungithough in actuality i was listening to (mystic knights of the) oingo boingo: dead man's party11:54
dhellmannlet me see if I can find that diagram11:55
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dhellmannttx: is this it?
ttxsure but we did an ascii version of it for doc11:57
dhellmannoh, that I have no memory of11:57
ttxwe used it in training not so long ago11:57
smcginnisHmm, the drawing does look familiar, but I don't think we ever added it to our docs.11:58
smcginnisDocs job done. Validate takes awhile.11:58
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smcginnisLooks like it's in the "s"'s though.11:59
ttxI wonder if we did not lose tat diagram when we removed release-tools12:00
smcginnisHmm, that could be.12:00
smcginnisWe've found a couple little things that got lost there.12:00
* fungi just notices he marked this on his calendar as "release the stein"12:01
ttxfungi: is there a way to access the old release-tools?12:01
smcginnisFill the stein. Empty the stein.12:01
fungisure, i just have to find them ;)12:02
fungigimme a sec12:02
dhellmannI don't see any diagrams in the presentations in the release-tools repo12:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Stein final releases for cycle-with-rc projects
dhellmannsmcginnis had a newer version of the onboarding presentation somewhere else, could it be in that copy?12:02
ttxStep 2: Release-Post job doing all the tagging12:03
fungithat's the last commit before the retirement commit which deleted all the content12:03
fungii should say, browsing the file tree as it existed at the time12:04
smcginnisDoesn't look like I had that:
ttxbah, maybe I dreamt it12:05
smcginnisElectric sheep and release diagrams. :)12:06
ttxNo, I'm pretty sure that was thoroughly documented12:06
ttxWith steps and all12:06
ttxin ASCII form12:06
smcginnisMaybe local branch that you forgot to push up?12:07
dhellmannI know we had a task on the tracker to do that for a while. I don't think I would have created an ascii diagram, though.12:07
dhellmannunicode, maybe ;-)12:07
ttxi remember creating it for sure.12:07
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smcginnisFound it?12:09
ttxyes :)12:09
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ttxwow that's ugly12:10
dhellmannmaybe that should move into the reference docs12:11
evrardjpI still think K should have been named kraken12:11
ttxI'm not crazy. The government is onto us12:11
smcginnisHere come the tags.12:11
* fungi braces for impact12:11
ttxStep3 - as each tag is created, triggers the release pipeline for each tagged repo12:12
fungianyway, see link above, gitea does have a raw mode where the rst parser doesn't kick in12:12
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smcginnisWe have some pydot diagrams that mostly work well in the Cinder docs.12:12
evrardjplove watching blue bars12:12
fungithough i think very minor format edits would cause those diagrams to render in a monospaced typeface12:12
ttxdhellmann: we probably should.12:13
dhellmannyeah, they're just not indented in code blocks12:13
evrardjpwe can probably use *diag12:13
dhellmannevrardjp : then you have come to the right place!12:13
evrardjpthat should look clean in the docs.12:13
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evrardjpdhellmann: so it seems12:14
evrardjpsuper sad for colorblind ppl I guess12:14
fungiwell, upside to ascii art in the readme is that the readme more than the rest of the docs is ideally also entirely usable as plain text12:14
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ttxStep 3 subtlety: release-announce job skips announcing every single RC->Release promotion, in order to keep the PTL email annoucnement thunder intact12:14
evrardjpmakes sense12:15
smcginnisTagging has made it to the Ns12:15
ttxTurning release day into an education process12:15
smcginnisMaybe we should have made this a meeting to capture it all in a nice log.12:16
fungiwe do still have it in a log12:16
smcginnisYeah, just not a nice isolated one.12:16
evrardjpyou mean in a documentation?12:16
fungicomplete with my various inane commentary12:16
evrardjp #mindblown12:16
evrardjpfungi: we shouldn't do otherwise12:16
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evrardjpttx: how does the announce-release job skip the promotion? as it seems the job still runs12:18
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evrardjpI mean shouldn't we rely on zuul's feature to return from jobs early in those cases?12:18
ttxevrardjp: it's like a test on cycle-with-rc12:18
mnaserrelease pipeline is full, woo12:19
ttxwhich may or may not have been updated since we moved from cycle-with-milestones12:19
smcginnisIt needs to run to inspect what the change is.12:19
evrardjpsmcginnis: oh12:19
smcginnisAre we not skipping those announcements?12:20
dhellmannI think ttx has always wanted to skip them, but we send them.
dhellmannwe never quite got around to implementing that12:21
ttxok, so maybe the subtlety is that we send RCs to -discuss and final to -announce12:21
ttxmoving on...12:21
evrardjpmaybe we should just moderate the list, and it would make it simple to determine what to announce, and only a few clicks away12:21
dhellmannyeah, that we do do12:21
ttxHistorical trivia: Did you know that running release jobs used to take 7-ish hours, so that we would close every Launchpad bug usnig its very slow API ?12:22
smcginnisLooks like all tags complete.12:22
smcginnisttx: Oh wow.12:22
evrardjpsmcginnis: indeed!12:22
dhellmannmasakari release note job failed12:22
evrardjpttx: that seems to be a painful experience12:22
ttxI would statr them really early in the morning so that they would complete in time for 10am CT PR12:22
smcginnisIs that why we switched from marking Fix Committed to Fix Released right away.12:22
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dhellmannsmcginnis : yes12:23
dhellmannah, their release notes are still using oslosphinx12:23
evrardjpmmm oslosphinx12:23
dhellmannare we tracking failures somewhere already?12:23
smcginnisMasakari still using oslosphinx.12:23
ttxevrardjp: also despite all our retries it would still fail to update some particularly-busy bugs. Those would be logged into a file and closed manually12:23
ttxusing (hang on)...12:24
ttxThe launchpad Email interface, which had a different timeout12:24
dhellmannthat I didn't know12:24
ttxThat would catch 99% of the cases12:24
ttxSome bugs would just stay open because LP would always timeout if you tried to midify them12:25
smcginnisAdding release issue notes to the tracking etherpad.12:25
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evrardjpdhellmann: maybe a weird question but where did you catch that job running?12:25
ttxwow that sphinx thing really messed up the process this time12:25
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smcginnisMerging a switch from oslosphinx to openstackdocstheme will get the release notes published at least.12:26
dhellmannevrardjp : there's an email list for release job failures, let me get you the link12:26
evrardjpdhellmann: I was looking at zuul's status12:26
evrardjpI have those emails (open mailbox now)12:26
* dhellmann nods12:27
ttxdhellmann: now I remember... we did keep release announcements because they are no longer sent to openstack-announce.12:27
dhellmannttx: ah, yes!12:27
ttxleaving full openstack-announce thunder to our fearless leader12:27
fungievrardjp: another option is
evrardjpttx: I see12:28
evrardjpfungi: ofc12:28
fungior even
evrardjpI was just wondering why I didn't catch it on zuul current run things, but that's probably because it's in the past12:28
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evrardjpI didn't pay enough attention so it seems12:29
ttxOh, Step 4 - Tag pipelines also react to the tagging, publishing release notes12:29
evrardjpfungi: but that one doesn't seem to be there?12:29
fungithough i guess those failures were in the "tag" pipeline rather than release12:29
fungiso better still is
evrardjpI see12:29
dhellmannit's interesting to see the release announcements come through in an apparently random order. I guess building packages for some projects are faster than others12:30
evrardjpwell that explains WHY I was not seeing it :) I didn't check the tag pipeline, I didn't think it was a tag job for this12:30
ttxThat step 4 is not captured in the doc.12:30
ttxNot sure why that stands separate from the release pipeline job...12:30
ttx(which is also a tag-triggered pipeline)12:31
evrardjp^ that would be interesting to know12:31
dhellmannevrardjp : the "release" and "prerelease" pipelines are configured to run jobs based on patterns in the tag. The "tag" pipeline runs jobs for any tag. We used to have different artifact building jobs for pre-releases vs. releases, but the announcement works the same12:31
evrardjpttx: it's not in your trivia box? :)12:31
evrardjpdhellmann: I see, but that could be different jobs in the same pipeline though?12:32
ttxrelease is given extra priority iirc12:32
evrardjpI see12:32
dhellmannyeah, pipelines can have priorities. I think today the 2 release pipelines have the same priority, but that may not always have been the case12:32
ttxLooks like it's going smoothly so far12:33
dhellmannwe reworked the pipeline priorities in the last year because the gate was backing up when we had a lot of jobs in the check queue12:33
evrardjp(I am just wondering where all of this can be simplified, now that we have zuul v3)12:33
dhellmannwell, I think we no longer run different jobs for different types of releases, so we might be able to get rid of one of those pipelines12:34
fungithere was a time when we published release artifacts to tarballs.o.o and pypi but published pre-release artifacts only to tarballs.o.o (owing to old versions of pip happily installing prereleases by default)12:34
fungipossible we could combine them now12:34
fungias we no longer avoid publishing pre-releases to pypi12:35
evrardjpsorry to have so many questions... why did we avoid doing that in the past?12:35
fungiold versions of pip would install prereleases when you asked them to upgrade12:35
funginewer versions of pip require an optional flag or config setting to enable installing pre-releases, or require you to specify the exact pre-release version you want12:36
smcginnisMasakari fix -
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funginote however that the tag pipeline also matches other sorts of tags which don't look like either release or pre-release version patterns (for example, "eol" tags)12:37
evrardjpfungi: oh yeah12:37
dhellmannright, so we still need different pipelines for releases and tags, but maybe not for releases and prereleases12:38
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evrardjpI have follow up question on why these would be different, but I can keep that for later :p12:39
dhellmannwe're just watching jobs, you might as well ask now12:40
fungii see no reason to wait until later to ask12:40
smcginnismasakari-monitors fix -
ttxOne release job left12:42
ttxevrardjp: all tarballs are supposed to have been uploaded. Time to run missing-releases12:43
ttxAre you with me?12:43
evrardjpI am now12:43
ttxon a recent checkout, tox -e venv -- missing-releases --series stein12:43
evrardjpalready running12:44
evrardjpdhellmann: oh didn't know that12:44
smcginnisOh, handy.12:45
evrardjpfor next time :)12:45
dhellmannI've been using that a bit within the new team I'm on. Great for collaboration, esp. if you combine it with video chat so you can talk and type at the same time12:45
smcginnisJobs are complete.12:45
smcginnisRaise your steins to stein.12:46
evrardjpsmcginnis: :) done!12:46
ttxNB: as an extra check, I also usually run a link check on
fungiooh, that's a new one on me. the infra team has used several solutions for sharing and/or streaming terminals among a group12:46
fungibut i hadn't seen tmate yet. and as a long-time tmux user (once i got over using ctrl+b instead of ctrl+a) it's quite compelling12:47
evrardjpso what does "did not find python 2 wheel
evrardjp" mean with the next line being "found python 2/3 wheel"12:47
dhellmannfungi : besides the ease of opening a connection, the other big benefit is that everyone sees the same version of the tmux session, so there's no need to tell people to change screens12:47
smcginnisProbably once the validation is done, looks like we are ready for
evrardjpis the second just saying _a_ wheel has been found?12:47
ttxpatience, young padawan12:47
dhellmannevrardjp : yes, it looks for a python-2-only wheel and a python-2-or-3 wheel12:47
smcginnisIt will report at the end any issues.12:48
evrardjpdhellmann: very interesting :)12:48
dhellmannyeah, a lot of these release tools log what they're doing as they do it and then a summary at the end12:48
dhellmannnot very unixy, but then you aren't sitting there looking at a blank terminal wondering if the thing is doing any work at all12:48
evrardjpit seems that's what I am doing right now.12:49
dhellmannat some point we will want to update that check to only support the 2-or-3 wheels, or maybe even just 3 wheels12:49
evrardjpmaybe I should enable multi-threading12:49
fungiof course nova's releasenotes job is the last one standing12:49
evrardjpswitch flag in /proc/brain12:49
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evrardjpfungi: so yeah, why the difference between eol tags and release pipeline?12:55
dhellmannwe don't build packages of the eol or em tags12:55
evrardjpI didn't really realise that, I wonder what's the reason12:56
dhellmannthey aren't releases :-)12:56
dhellmannthey're just informative markers on the repo12:56
evrardjpEM I can get that12:56
evrardjpbut EOL sounds like a good thing to publish as release... but that's already enough for separation :)12:57
smcginnisEOL isn't a "release" though, just a tag.12:57
dhellmannwell, EM comes before EOL and at the point when the branch switches to extended maintenance we stop doing releases12:58
evrardjpyeah like what dhellmann  said12:58
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dhellmannEM and EOL also aren't "versions", so if we did want to tag a release at those points we would use a regular version and then add the other tag12:58
dhellmannI wonder if that nova release notes job is ok? the stream just shows "END OF STREAM" over and over12:59
evrardjpI think my head can agree on the fact it makes sense to not see something on pypi named projectA:version-eol :)13:00
jristseems not good dhellmann13:00
evrardjpdhellmann: isn't that what happens at the end of the job?13:00
dhellmannI would expect it to just stop showing output13:00
dhellmannI wonder if it's hung starting? or crash-looping?13:00
evrardjpttx: stop your end of stream :) 9 errors13:01
* ttx switches to meeting tunnel, but will be around to report on the linkchecks13:01
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fungicurrently zuul's status api provides links to console streams for jobs which have not yet finished initializing, before the stream becomes available13:01
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smcginnisSo a few signatures, a few wheels and a couple not uploaded to pypi.13:02
fungiat some point i expect it will grow some way of either indicating when the stream becomes ready so the status page can avoid hyperlinking to it early, or will just delay including the stream details until there is one available13:02
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evrardjpsmcginnis: correct13:03
evrardjpsmcginnis: so what is the next step from that on?13:03
smcginnisfungi: Have you just manually taken care of those in the past? ^13:03
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fungismcginnis: depends on the situation13:04
fungiare those all for the current release?13:04
evrardjpI will check13:05
ttxlinkcheck still running but I expect it to report the same13:05
fungiwe'll want to find the job which was responsible for generating/publishing the missing bits reported there and see why each failed13:05
smcginniskuryr-kubernetes is this current release.13:06
evrardjpsmcginnis: sure?13:06
smcginnisSame with monasco-kibana-plugin.13:07
evrardjpI should refresh my eyes13:07
smcginnisActually, these are cycle-with-intermediary ones.13:07
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ttxso could be old fails13:07
fungithis is my suspicion, which is why i asked13:08
evrardjpyeah all of them seems to not be from
fungisome of the package names and versions looked familiar13:08
smcginnisSame for puppet-mistral.13:08
evrardjpso it's a \o/ then ?13:08
smcginnisOld fails, but for the latest releases.13:08
fungiodds are we could find where we discussed each of them and concluded they were unfixable without tagging a new release13:09
evrardjpthe question still stands13:09
evrardjpwhat to do if it was something happening in this one (and what to do with the old ones?)13:09
smcginnisSame with tripleo-ui.13:09
evrardjpfungi: I see13:09
evrardjpmaybe we should mark them in the tooling as part of the failure history13:10
fungiif it was something happening from the current run we would probably have also seen a job failure for it, but the action to take depends a lot on how and why it fails13:10
dhellmannit would be useful if that script reported the series associated with each missing thing13:10
evrardjpfungi: so it's something like re-enqueue some of the jobs for those repos?13:10
dhellmannaside from the masakari release notes failures and the odd thing with nova's release notes, I haven't seen any failures today13:10
fungievrardjp: maybe, or manually copy artifacts from one place to another, or tag a new release13:11
smcginnisTripleo-ui failure was here
evrardjpI see13:11
fungievrardjp: as i said, how we deal with different failures depends on how and why things failed, there's not just one answer13:11
evrardjpfungi: yeah I understand13:12
fungisome of those jobs are not idempotent for various reasons of practicality and pragmatism13:12
smcginnisSo do we care about these missing c-w-i?13:12
fungiit's likely some/most of those could stand to have a new release tagged on stable/stein, but that then gets into constraints updates13:14
fungiso probably better to just plan to have very early stable point releases of them?13:14
smcginnisWorks for me.13:14
ttxI have 37 404 on the stein page13:14
evrardjpttx: :(13:14
smcginnis404's on what links? Release notes13:15
ttxpaste in progress13:15
smcginnisGotta grab a quick breakfast with my wife. Be back in a bit.13:15
ttxsome are irrelevant and coming from the template13:16
ttxsome others are coming from old releases13:17
ttxwas redone as 1.39.113:17
ttxso probably just needs a clean up so that 1.39.0 is not listed13:18
evrardjpsame for triple-ui logically :)13:18
evrardjpttx: should we go through each of those ?13:19
ttxprobably yes, can't while I'm in my meeting13:19
ttxshould be done in 40min13:19
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evrardjpis that normal I don't see ironic in there?13:20
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dhellmanndon't see ironic where?13:21
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evrardjpttx: it seems all of those deadlinks are not from
dhellmannI think the scan he was running just checks all of the links on the site with a web crawler13:22
evrardjpso that would explain why old failures could still be linked in that crawler13:22
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fungievrardjp: going back to an earlier question about why we have a release pipeline which has a strict regex match on the tag name, separate from a pipeline which matches any tag... one big reason was people pushing incorrectly/inconsistently-formatted tags. by having our release artifact publishing jobs in a pipeline with a strict version pattern match we catch and avoid accidentally releasing13:23
evrardjpso I mean I don't believe those issues are due to this release13:23
fungiartifacts for anything which doesn't match, but there are some projects which are relevant to other ecosystems (java, npm, dockerhub, puppetforge...) where versioning conventions might be different than for the python packaging ecosystem/pypi13:23
evrardjpfungi: Aaaah! that makes sense13:23
fungifor example, we've had folks push tags like v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3 for python projects, and release automation doesn't run because that pattern doesn't match13:24
fungithat way they still have to go back and add a separate 1.2.3 tag before they get release artifacts generated and published13:25
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fungiit's not as crucial for projects using the releases repo because there's preliminary checking and review, but there are lots of unofficial projects in opendev which use the same jobs triggered by manually pushing a tag13:25
evrardjpdhellmann: my question was why don't I see ironic in there: ... but it's because it's not cycle-with-rc.13:26
fungiyes, ironic is cwi13:26
fungithough that's been called into question a few times since they weren't tagging more than one release a cycle anyway13:27
evrardjpI was just a little surprised :)13:27
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smcginnisI think we probably want to approve before I send out the announcement?14:01
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ttxsmcginnis: go go go14:07
* ttx is back from call14:08
ttxonce that merges, feel free to send the announcement14:09
smcginnisQueued up and ready to go.14:10
ttxI'll propose a change to clean up dead links... we can discuss how much of a good idea it is on the review14:10
ttxbut that's not a release blocker14:10
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/releases master: Clean up failed releases
ttxThat leaves tripleo-ui but that one always failed. Should probably be no-tarball-link14:21
ttxI mean artifact-link-mode: none14:21
smcginnisThat makes sense.14:22
* ttx tries that14:22
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/releases master: Do not generate tarball links for tripleo-ui
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases master: Mark Stein as released
* smcginnis waits on release-post14:25
ttxOK, I'll tell Jimmy to flip the release link to the Stein page when that post-job finishes14:25
ttxthen you can send email14:25
ttxfeel free to review and approve the two cleanups above, before we open the floodgates. I doubt people will frantically click on those links but meh14:26
openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack/releases master: release heat 11.0.2
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smcginnisA watched publish-tox-docs-static never finishes.14:35
smcginnisttx: Job completed. Can I send our should I wait for Jimmy?14:43
ttxsmcginnis: i asked him to flip the switch. So you can send14:43
smcginnisThanks everyone for working on the Stein release!14:45
smcginnisDoh, needs moderator approval. :)14:45
ttxah! can fix that14:45
evrardjpttx: could you check my comment on ?14:46
ttxyou can send to discuss14:47
evrardjpwoot :)14:47
smcginnisYep, just waiting for it to actually show up in my inbox to forward it.14:47
ttxCongrats team!14:47
evrardjpcongrats everyone!14:47
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smcginnisStill didnt show up in my inbox for some reason. Guess I'll just send the link out.14:56
ttxI got it14:57
smcginnisOh, there it is.14:59
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* ttx opens a beer15:09
smcginnisMight be good to get this one through:
smcginnisWould open a beer too, but that might be frowned upon given my timezone. :)15:11
smcginnisI do work from home, so not like anyone would really knwo.15:12
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ttxcdent: you inspired me, I must say15:12
* cdent drinks double for smcginnis 15:12
smcginniscdent: And well deserved.15:13
cdentI often struggle to like beer, but today is a) a long time coming, b) rather sunny and warm so...15:13
smcginnisMy excuse would be it's going to snow again.15:14
cdentah yes, my nephew (who lives around there somewhere) reports potential blizzards15:14
cdentruns the rochester fresh thyme15:16
cdentat leat I think it is the rochester one15:16
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/releases master: More stein release note links
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openstackgerritBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: Release python-brick-cinderclient-ext 0.5.1
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openstackgerritBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: Release cinder 11.2.2
cdent"155 changes per day" that's impressive. what's the max day? and total for the cycle?16:38
smcginnisttx: You got all of that from a script, right? ^16:40
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openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack/releases master: release heat 11.0.2
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Restarting Gerrit on to pick up new configuration for the replication plugin19:05
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smcginnistonyb: I was going to leave setting up the train tracking etherpad to you.20:49
smcginnistonyb: There's a script - tools/list_weeks - that we've been running to get the output and paste into an etherpad.20:49
smcginnistonyb: Then some edits to add/change a few things.20:50
tonybsmcginnis: funny you shoudl say that, I have a TODO item to workout where the tool is to do that ;P20:50
tonybsmcginnis: Thanks!20:50
smcginnisAny questions with it, just let me know.20:50
tonybsmcginnis: will do20:50
* tonyb needs to add an item for tomorrows meeting20:50
tonybevrardjp: Any chance you can review if you +1 it we can 'make it so' for next week21:02
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openstackgerritBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/releases master: Release cinder 11.2.2
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tonybI think I've asked this before but for want of a better place would y'all mind if I created a stable-process.rst in the reference directory so I can have a place to drop 'stable/EM tribal knowledge'23:38
tonybI s'pose some of it might end up int he project-teams-guide eventually23:38
diablo_rojoNo complaints from me, though I expect I am not really the one you are asking.23:43
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