Wednesday, 2016-04-20

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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/releases: Release oslo.db 1.7.5
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andreykurilin__hi folks08:13
ttxdhellmann: FYI
andreykurilin__Could some one review release for Rally? I tried to make release from Monday...08:17
patchbotandreykurilin__: patch 307139 - releases - Release Rally 0.4.008:17
andreykurilin__ttx: ^08:17
ttxandreykurilin__: ack we had trouble getting that change verified for some reason08:17
* ttx checks now08:18
ttxtests pass now08:18
ttxandreykurilin__: btw we are restoring for the time being the tagging rights for rally-release team since rally is release:independent08:18
ttxbut I'll ahndle this one as the ACL is not reverted yet08:19
ttxprocessing it now08:19
andreykurilin__ttx: wow08:19
ttxgating now, will tag once the releases patch merges08:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: Release Rally 0.4.0
ttxandreykurilin__: tag is in -- announcement in the pipe08:25
* ttx grabs coffee08:25
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andreykurilin__ttx: thanks! I'm happy :)08:27
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matrohondhellmann, ttx : hi08:54
matrohondhellmann, ttx : I have a question related to reno for the net-bgpvpn project08:54
matrohondhellmann, ttx : I wonder if it's normal that the gate-job doesn't add the "other note" section to
ttxmatrohon: better to wait for dhellmann08:56
matrohondhellmann, ttx : in the context of
patchbotmatrohon: patch 307140 - networking-bgpvpn (stable/liberty) - Add first reno-based release note for net-bgpvpn08:56
matrohonttx : ok thanks08:56
matrohonttx : just another question. Does the "mitaka" directory gets added automatically when the release team triggers the mitaka release?08:57
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ttxmatrohon: I think so09:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: Add existing RefStack tags
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: Add all diskimage-builder releases
openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack/releases: os-win 0.4.2
dhellmannmatrohon : this is why you need the "unreleased" page like other projects have. The instructions in the liberty page say "show notes on origin/stable/liberty" but a patch under review isn't on that branch, yet, because it hasn't merged12:32
dhellmannmatrohon : and yes, when we create the stable/mitaka branch the script should create the needed changes to the reno config, but if you already have that branch you should make them by hand12:33
matrohondhellmann, ok thanks for the clarification12:34
dhellmannttx: regarding the multiple release notes links for neutron, what do you think about making that field optionall a dict mapping repo to link?12:35
matrohondhellmann, ok so I have to create a unreleased page, that will host any release note that is added to our repo untill the release team pushes the "release" button12:36
dhellmannmatrohon : no, not quite. it has to do with approved patches vs. patches under review, not about the release12:37
dhellmannwhen you submit a patch to gerrit, you propose that it is merged into a specific branch (master by default)12:37
dhellmannuntil that patch is approved, though, it isn't actually on the branch where you've proposed it be merged12:37
dhellmannit's in its own branch, and gerrit has a reference to where it should go when it is approved12:37
dhellmannbut reno doesn't have access to that12:38
dhellmannso when you tell reno to scan a branch, it literally scans that branch for files12:38
dhellmannand that means things not on the branch aren't seen in that scan12:38
dhellmannmake sense?12:38
matrohondhellmann, more or lense.. I know about gerrit not using the real branch, but then how can I see how reno is rendering a new note?12:40
dhellmanncreate a page that tells reno to scan the "current" branch -- have a look at one of the "unreleased.rst" files in a project like glance or nova for an example12:40
dhellmannneutron has it right, too, iirc12:40
dhellmannbasically, you give the release notes directive, with no arguments or parameters12:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: [WIP] Compare local and remote tarballs
dhellmannwhen the release notes job runs for your patch under review, the "current" branch is the one with your patch on it, so it will show up12:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: add latest-deliverable-versions command
matrohondhellmann, ok I'll have a look at what is going on in other project to perfectly understand what you mean, but I think I get the context12:42
dhellmannmatrohon : ok, I'm going to have to step away in a few minutes but I'll be happy to help you with the patch when I get back12:43
dhellmannmatrohon : add me as a reviewer, or drop the link here in channel12:43
matrohondhellmann, but does it mean that when the patch will be pushed on origin/stable/liberty,  the liberty release page will have the note?12:44
matrohondhellmann, ok thanks!12:44
dhellmannmatrohon : proposed patches will always show up in the unreleased page, and when they merge they will show up on the appropriate branch page12:44
matrohondhellmann, make sense, thanks12:45
dhellmannbecause the unreleased page doesn't have any branch instructions, it works for all proposed branches (assuming the page exists in the branch to which the patch is proposed, so you might have to backport that)12:45
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matrohondhellmann, got it!12:46
dhellmannmatrohon : cool, I should be back in about 30 minutes12:47
openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack/releases: sahara tests release 0.1.1
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claudiubdims_: hi. Can you take a look at the os-win 0.4.2 release request? It contains fixes for various race conditions and such.13:48
patchbotclaudiub: patch 308298 - releases - os-win 0.4.213:48
dims_claudiub : ack. dhellmann or i will pick it up in a little bit13:50
claudiubcool, ty. :)13:50
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack/releases: sahara tests release 0.1.1
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shardyHi all, seeking some clarification re release tags if anyone has a moment14:51
shardyslagle and I have been discussing the components that are developed as part of TripleO14:51
shardysome of these, such as those proposed for tagging in are clearly part of our coordinated release, because they are dependent on e.g mitaka openstack pieces14:52
patchbotshardy: patch 308236 - governance - Adjust TripleO tags to reflect stable branches and...14:52
shardyhowever some other components, such as diskimage-builder (discussed on the ML recently), or the agents like os-collect-config, are not tied to a specific OpenStack release14:52
shardyand thus we do periodic releases over time, which end up being tested alongside the release-dependent pieces14:53
shardycurrently these are all release:independent, but is this the most appropriate tag?14:53
slagleimportantly, we want all those projects to be considered "part of openstack"14:53
shardyWe were wondering if release:cycle-with-intermediary would be more appropriate, given that we already cut releases during the 6-month cycle14:54
shardyand at some point that becomes the final version in force when we cut the stable/$release branches14:54
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shardydhellmann: peraps you can provide some guidance when you get a moment?14:55
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dhellmannjroll : emacs15:14
dhellmannshardy, slagle : for dib you might be better off keeping it independent and just say that it's a dependency of tripleo. it can still be an official project, it's just not necessarily "part of" a given release15:15
dhellmannthat gives you the flexibility you need there to release on demand for infra issues15:15
dhellmannthe cycle tags are meant for projects that honor things like the release freeze periods, the feature deadlines, etc.15:15
dhellmannand it's not clear you want those sorts of restrictions on dib15:16
dhellmannyour other components could either be cycle-with-intermediary or cycle-trailing, depending on whether you need the other parts of openstack to be "done"15:16
dhellmanncycle-trailing is going to be used for ansible, puppet, kolla, etc. for example15:16
shardydhellmann: Ok, thanks for the clarifications - the sort of other dependencies (except dib) that I'm referring to are things like os-collect-config and other standalone agents that, in theory, aren't tied to any specific release of OpenStack15:17
shardywe want these things to be centrally managed, and considered part of the TripleO release, but we won't maintain per-series branches for these things15:18
dhellmannwhy won't you have stable branches?15:19
shardydhellmann: because they are expected to be backwards compatible and have stable interfaces15:19
dhellmannso if I need to update to get a security fix, I have to take the latest version?15:20
dhellmanna lot of deployers, and distros, don't necessarily want to do that15:20
shardydhellmann: currenty yes15:20
shardydhellmann: Most of these tools are seeing a low rate of feature development and that has been the case for some time15:21
shardymost of the patches landing tend to be bugfixes, but if that changed we could consider branching them15:21
dhellmannttx, dims: I'm going to work on some of the pending releases15:22
openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed openstack/releases: Release python-openstackclient 2.4.0
dhellmannshardy : ok, we can address that when we get to the end of the cycle -- we would need to remember to skip the branch steps for those repo15:22
shardydhellmann: Ok, that sounds good, we can certainly re-evaluate towards the end of the cycle and confirm which if any should be branched15:23
slagleshardy: so sounds to me like we want to go with cycle-with-intermediary for these other projects15:24
sigmavirus24dhellmann: I'm not sure I understand the problem with at the moment, ttx's observation is honestly going over my head15:24
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : looking15:24
sigmavirus24thank you15:25
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : we have a validation test that says when you add a new tag to the file the commit needs to be descended from the commit where the previous tag was15:26
ttxIt is going over mine too for the record15:26
dhellmannbecause 0.10.2 was on a branch other than master, 0.11.0 is failing15:26
shardyslagle: +1 sounds like it, and we can evaluate if we need to branch all-the-things at the end of the Newton cycle15:26
ttxI'm just unsure whether we should enforce that or not here15:26
sigmavirus24dhellmann: do we need to merge 0.10.2 into master then and then update the sha in the dependent review?15:27
shardydhellmann: thanks for the assistance15:27
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : if you trim the history to just tags on master, we can move ahead, and then I can add a flag to disable that check for projects like this that have branches15:27
ttxdhellmann: I think that's a valid case, but I'm not 100% sure15:27
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : I don't understand how the bit with merging tags into master actually works. that might help, though15:27
dhellmannttx: I think so too. We'll certainly have others. gnocchi springs to mind.15:27
sigmavirus24dhellmann: I don't either to be honest but I've seen it in commit logs before15:27
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : yeah, the infra folks grok that better than I do15:27
ttxagree that removing 0.10.2 temporarily is the way to solve this at this stage15:28
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : as a short term fix, you could remove tags that aren't on master from the history15:28
sigmavirus24Should I remove it altogether or comment it out with a note?15:28
sigmavirus24dhellmann: yeah, going to do that.15:28
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : a comment is a good idea15:28
dhellmannttx, sigmavirus24 : I've added an item to our todo list for newton in
dhellmannharlowja : for the oslo.i18n release, we need a requirements update (at least the constraints file) before processing. if you submit it, I can approve it after I do the release15:31
dhellmannshardy , slagle : are you going to do the dib 1.15.0 release or should I? the acls have been reset if you want to do it15:36
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slagleianw_: ^^ how do you want to do the dib release?15:40
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/releases: Release hacking 0.11.0
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/releases: Add all previous tagged hacking releases
sigmavirus24Thank you dhellmann and ttx for your help with those patches :) I wouldn't have had the slightest understanding why the second one was failing :/15:42
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : no problem!15:42
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Release of oslo.i18n/oslo.log for the week of april 18th, 2016
dims_harlowja : the old oslo.log 3.4.0 got scrambled16:52
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shardydhellmann: I am not planning to do the dib release, if ianw_ isn't planning to I'm very happy for you to do it17:10
shardyDoes anyone know if there's an automated way to create a new "drivers" team in launchpad?17:11
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shardyTripleO appears to lack one, and I'd like to create it containing the core team17:11
shardyIt appears I need someone from the openstack administrators group to create/own it?17:12
shardyRelatedly I'm wondering if there's a script I can run to create the launchpad series/milestones for each release17:13
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: invoke sphinx directly instead of through pbr
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: show release highlights
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dhellmannshardy : launchpad does have an api, and a python lib to control it. we have a script to create a milestone (in openstack-infra/release-tools you can run "tox -e venv -- milestone-ensure -h" to see how to use it)17:18
shardydhellmann: ack, thanks!17:18
shardywe currently only have a "trunk" series, so I'm trying to sort our series from liberty..newton17:19
dhellmannkeep in mind that you only need to do that if the dev team wants to for tracking work to be done17:19
dhellmannthe release team no longer uses launchpad for tracking release contents17:19
shardydhellmann: Yeah that's the desire - I'd like to be able to track bugs and blueprints against the release17:19
dhellmannok, just making sure you don't take on work because you think we want it :-)17:20
shardyIdeally I'd like to create a TripleO Drivers group to ensure only the core team can manage targetting things to the release etc17:21
shardyhowever we currently have only a single tripleo team17:21
dhellmannyeah, I don't think we have a script for doing that17:21
shardywhich I think is inconsistent to other projects17:21
shardye.g for heat we have
dhellmannI believe you're right -- the project team guide has some instructions for setting that up if you need them17:21
shardydhellmann: ack, thanks I'll check that out, I wasn't sure if I needed someone from OpenStack Administrators to do it17:22
dhellmannshardy : with the acl change merged, I no longer have permission to tag diskimage-builder17:23
shardydhellmann: Ok, no worries, thanks, I'll coordinate with ianw_ then17:25
bdemersdhellmann re: your comment in I haven't seen anything on what neutron driver projects _should_ be doing. (other then the recently merged/proposed changes to docs and ACLs17:26
patchbotbdemers: patch 307331 - releases - Adding 3.1.0 tag to networking-cisco (MERGED)17:26
bdemersdo you have any insight on that?17:26
bdemersShould each neutron driver project be doing something? should we be trying to create a new top level for 'network-drivers' and lump all of the neutron vendor projects under that ?17:27
bdemers(separate repos, but shared governance )17:27
dhellmannbdemers : the governance structure is up to you, so if you think those contributors can collaborate usefully one team may make sense. otherwise, a separate team per driver may.17:32
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dhellmannbdemers : keep in mind that with the requirements related to "open core" drivers that require access to proprietary tools or hardware may have a hard time gaining official status17:33
dhellmannwhich is not to say you can't keep using the infrastructure tooling17:33
bdemersdhellmann that is also one point i'm not clear on17:34
dhellmannbdemers : yes, that will be something to take up with the tc. See the recent discussion of poppy's application for initial context.17:34
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: make quieter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: Add all previous tagged hacking releases
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: Release hacking 0.11.0
dhellmannsigmavirus24 : the hacking release should be building now17:47
sigmavirus24Thanks dhellmann!17:47
harlowjadhellmann will get that out soon17:53
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harlowjadims_  ^17:54
harlowjasadly seems to reformat some of the existing structure :-/17:55
patchbotharlowja: patch 308029 - releases - Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases17:55
harlowjabut not to drastically...17:55
harlowjadims_ ya i know17:55
harlowjai use for this, it seems to alter the existing output when i write a new yaml file (After loading the existing one)17:55
patchbotharlowja: patch 308029 - releases - Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases17:55
harlowjatried to retain it, via but seems to still alter17:55
harlowjagotta figure out the way to keep the text formatting17:55
harlowjavs mutating it to be a different yam style17:55
harlowjai'll figure that out17:56
dhellmannharlowja : in the other command we have for updating the file, I punted and just open the file to append and use a template to drop new stuff at the end17:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: Release python-openstackclient 2.4.0
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harlowjadhellmann  ya, i saw that18:14
harlowjatrying to not punt to much :-P18:14
harlowjathink i got it to where it doesn't mess it up to much18:14
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dhellmannif you can get it to be static, that's good. but I don't want to have to study random changes in those files if the tool can't emit the same thing out it reads in18:15
harlowjadhellmann  ya, nearly got it18:16
harlowjajust the offset of the highlights is seemingly 4 vs 2, and oddly only 4 in that one area, lol18:16
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases
harlowja^ is what i got so far18:17
harlowjajust need to figure out the offsets/indent issues18:18
harlowjacause the existing release files are ummm, sorta 2 and 4 indent in certain places (aka not uniform, lol)18:18
harlowjaand when yaml dump happens, it fixes that lack of uniformity, lol :-P18:18
dhellmannharlowja : fixing the indentation to be uniform is ok, esp. if we have a patch to just do that for all files18:21
dhellmannor all newton/mitaka files at least18:21
harlowjaok, i can run a script over that18:21
harlowjausing the yaml dumper in that review18:21
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harlowjawill get that out in  a few18:30
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a yamlutils file and a reformatting command
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Apply reformatter to all deliverables in newton and mitaka
harlowjadhellmann  ^18:57
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a yamlutils file and a reformatting command
harlowjaforgot the new command, ha18:58
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Apply reformatter to all deliverables in newton and mitaka
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Apply reformatter to all deliverables in newton and mitaka
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Release of oslo.i18n/oslo.log for the week of april 18th, 2016
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Release of oslo.i18n/oslo.log for the week of april 18th, 2016
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a yamlutils file and a reformatting command
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a yamlutils file and a reformatting command
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a yamlutils file and a reformatting command
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harlowjaya, hmmm, maybe reformatting these isn't the best idea, to much weird cases in the highlights blob-string19:41
harlowjasince its unstructured :(19:41
harlowjaends up looking all wonky when its re-output19:41
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: support multiple release notes links
dhellmannharlowja : yeah :-/19:42
harlowjaok, ya, abandoning that, if people want to use it, feel free, ha19:42
harlowjaeasier to use interactive-cmd when not altering existing files, ha19:43
harlowjawill make that command ask if u want to overwrite a existing file, and abort if not, lol19:48
harlowja*due to reformatting stuffs19:48
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Add a interactive-cmd to propose library releases
harlowjadims_ dhellmann  let me know if the reformatting @ really bothers u, and i can adjust, if not i'm just gonna leave it :-P19:58
patchbotharlowja: patch 307983 - releases - Release of oslo.i18n/oslo.log for the week of apri...19:58
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/releases: Add tripleo-puppet-elements deliverable
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/releases: tripleo-puppet-elements 3.0.0
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/releases: tripleo-puppet-elements 3.0.0
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dims_harlowja : yes, please adjust20:45
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harlowjabe nice to have highlights be structured :-P20:57
harlowjalike a list of strings20:57
dims_harlowja : so far it's been filed by humans and reviewed by humans, so trying to keep the delta changes pretty small :)20:58
harlowjadamn humans20:58
dhellmannharlowja : highlights can be a restructuredtext blob, so you could make it a list if you wanted21:15
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harlowjadhellmann ya21:17
harlowjato bad on the formatting :-/21:23
harlowjathats why yaml is a PITA sometimes, to many ways to do it, lol21:23
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Release of oslo.i18n/oslo.log for the week of april 18th, 2016
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/releases: Release oslo.db 1.7.5
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/releases: Release of oslo.i18n/oslo.log for the week of april 18th, 2016
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harlowjadhellmann the corresponding requirements uc bump for ^ is at
* harlowja also unscrambled the oslo.log release file (sadface to reformatting not working out, ha)23:05
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/releases: Release oslo.db 1.7.5
tonybdims_, dhellmann: any change of a late review of it's messing with the kilo gate23:42
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