Thursday, 2016-02-25

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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/releases: Final Oslo releases for Mitaka (except oslo.messaging)
dimsdhellmann : just in case you are around ^^00:16
dhellmanndims : checking00:18
dhellmannoof, lots of them :-)00:18
dhellmanndims : I'll wait for the list-changes job to finish and look over the logs first thing tomorrow00:18
dimsthe delta changes should be small00:18
dimsdhellmann : the last change was a commit message change only so you can check list-changes output from the run before00:19
dhellmanndims : ack00:19
dimstomorrow morning is ok too00:19
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dhellmanndims : +100:25
dimsdhellmann : ok let me cut it in a couple of hours and deal with fallout tonight itself. thanks00:25
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: run yamllint on deliverable files during validation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: Final Oslo releases for Mitaka (except oslo.messaging)
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dhellmannttx: if you're around, we can chat about release testing12:18
ttxdhellmann: around now12:47
dhellmannttx: I spent some time yesterday thinking about release testing. We should probably test once with each type of release (normal, alpha, beta, rc) even though we've done the other types previously in other repos. Did you have anything more specific in mind?12:50
ttxnope. I just wanted to make sure we did a 0b3 -> 0rc1 -> 0rc2 -> final12:51
ttxand we cut the stable branch at 0rc112:51
ttxto test all the tooling12:51
ttx"normal" releases we can re-test but we exercise that part often enough12:52
ttxI think we need ~1hour together to go through the steps12:52
ttxI'm available today before 16 utc12:53
dhellmannttx: ack. I created a stable/mitaka branch in release-test earlier this week to test a patch to the script for automating that step. I just used "HEAD" as the version though12:53
dhellmannttx: ok, I'm going to make some breakfast, and then I'll line up release requests for all of those cases12:53
ttxwe could remove the branch and/or create stable/newton instead if we want a clean slate12:54
ttxor stable/meiji12:54
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dhellmannif you want to look at and the patches it created, we could throw all of them away and delete the branch12:55
ttxok, will have a look12:55
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test an alpha release
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test beta three release
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test first release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test second release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test final release
dhellmannttx: I think we're ready to go with these patches ^^ -- we have to land them one at a time for the validation to work on the follow-ups13:37
dhellmannI used the same sha for most of them (we don't have a lot of commits in that repo)13:39
ttxWondering if making them in the _independent directory is going to affect anything (vs. mitaka)13:39
dhellmannoh, hmm, I hadn't thought of that13:39
dhellmannI can move them over, just to be safe. we can delete the file when we're done to clean up the release reporting site13:40
ttxI don't think we have any usage for that, beyond announcement and publication data13:40
ttxright, probably better13:40
ttxlooking at the SHAs vs. branches13:41
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test an alpha release
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test final release
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test second release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test first release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test beta three release
dhellmannyeah, so like I said I used the same sha for most of them because we don't have a lot of commits but we can add some quickly to make the scenario more realistic if you think it matters13:42
ttxI'd like to test that if a commit is only on stable/mitaka it still finds it for rc213:42
dhellmannok, sure13:42
dhellmannwe've done stable releases already, but it's good to verify13:42
dhellmannso when we get to that point, and have the branch, we can create a new commit and tag that instead of what's in the file now13:43
ttxright, one step at a time13:43
ttxwe can do the a1 -> rc113:43
ttxthough arguably we could just skip a1 since we won't do that13:44
ttxbut that shouldn't hurt13:44
dhellmanndo you want to run them, to make sure there's no bias about my copy of the tools or something?13:44
ttxI'm on it13:44
ttxok, so a1 first13:45
dhellmannok, I'd like to use my copy of the branch creation script to make the branch when we get to that point13:45
dhellmannttx: perhaps we should delete the stable/mitaka branch first?13:47
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ttxperhaps we should, but we can't13:48
ttxwe'll need help13:48
dhellmannttx: oh, right. well, let's just use a different name13:49
ttxchange is stuck in test queue13:49
dhellmannI don't think anything checks the name of the branch, just the DAG13:49
ttxyeah, the only potential glitch is between the releases file directory name and branch name13:50
ttxbut I don't think there is anything linking the two13:51
dhellmannthat might be worth adding, but we don't do it now13:51
ttxideally we would submit "newton/release-test.yaml" and create stable/newton13:51
dhellmannI could make up a fake name and resubmit the patches using that, just to be safe13:51
ttxsure, starting with 0b313:52
ttxno need to redo 0a1 now that it's in the pipe ?13:52
dhellmannoh, sure, we could have folks request branches through this13:52
dhellmannyeah, that won't matter, I'll update the others13:52
ttxthat will actually speed up things, since the 0b3 will be able to pass tests on its own13:52
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test final release
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test second release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test first release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test beta three release
dhellmannttx: it won't, because the previous tag won't exist yet13:54
ttxoh, you moved it over, ok13:54
* dims grabs a cup of coffee and reports for work :)13:54
dhellmanngood morning, dims. we're exercising the release tools this morning13:55
ttx(especially the rc stuff which is largely untested)13:55
dhellmannttx: isn't that what you meant? to move the file?13:55
ttxdhellmann: it works too, but I thought you would just create a meiji file with the 0b3 in it.13:56
dhellmannttx: oh, I see, sure. that would have been faster, I guess.13:56
ttxit's fine, we are stuck with the check queue anyway13:56
dimszuul is a sea of red - looks like sdague has a review for fixing13:58
dhellmannoh, yeah, I saw that email. I have zuul filtered to "release" to watch these tests, and they're all working ok13:59
dhellmannI wonder if we got in after his fix, or if we're just not affected13:59
ttxok, looks like we are a go14:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: test an alpha release
* dhellmann dons his Thunderbirds outfit14:01
ttxtag applied14:03
dhellmannpre-release jobs are queued14:03
dhellmannah, right, no announce email for pre-releases14:03
dhellmannI wonder if we want to change that for rc?14:03
ttxI would say no14:04
dhellmanndon't you usually send an announcement of some sort?14:04
ttxwhat would you list on the "fixes" there ? All mitaka fixes ? post-FF fixes ?14:04
dhellmannmy first reaction is to say post-ff but I see your point14:04
ttxit's slightly tricky14:05
ttxI'm fine sending my canned email on RCs14:05
dhellmannif we want to do it, we could add a flag to leave out the list of changes14:05
dhellmannbut -- right -- a personal email might be better for that case14:05
ttxso, for RC2s it would not be a bad idea to have the list of post-RC1 fixes14:06
ttxsince in theory people are testing RCs and want to know what changed since the last one14:06
dhellmannwe could use the announce script manually to compile those14:06
ttxok, so 0a1 seems to have worked as designed14:07
ttxoh, our meiji stuff will breal releases.o.o14:07
ttxshall we make it newton so that the publication to releases.o.o works ?14:08
dhellmannthe doc build is working for me locally, what do you think will be broken?14:08
ttxNo error due to missing meiji index pages ?14:09
dhellmannit's driven by the existing files, so the new dir is ignored until a file is added14:10
dhellmannI could do that in the update to the b3 tag if you want14:10
dhellmannwe have to recheck it anyway14:10
ttxyeah, that way we can test the releases.o.o site output as well14:10
ttxjust a sec though14:10
ttx0a1 tarball link is broken on
ttx 40414:11
ttxit's stored at
ttxlooks like a setup.cfg glitch14:12
ttxwhich we should probably just ignore for this test14:13
dhellmannno, I put openstack-release-test in the setup.cfg to give it a unique name upstream14:14
dhellmannlet me see where I get that tarball name14:14
ttxtarball name is probably derived from repository name, but the built tarball depends on setup.cfg14:15
ttxDo we have real world case where the two differ ? Like glance_-store or oslo.-_test ?14:16
dhellmannpython-cliff and cliff14:16
dhellmannmaybe? maybe that's just on launchpad14:16
dhellmannyeah, that's not one14:17
ttxcliff and glance-store seem to survive it well14:17
dhellmannyeah, ok, maybe it's safe to ignore that and keep an eye out for a real case14:17
ttxlet's move on to 0b3... are you moving everything to newton ?14:18
dhellmannI'm testing my doc changes locally14:18
ttxor creating index pages for meiji14:18
dhellmannno, I added a meiji page14:18
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test final release
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test second release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test first release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test beta three release
dimsttx : dhellmann : how do deal with requirements requests? especially new packages at this stage of the release?14:20
ttxdims: still ok until next week14:21
dhellmanndims: I'm reluctant to add new requirements now. What is it?14:21
ttxbut yeah, only things that are actually useful :)14:21
ttxtest requirement bah14:22
dhellmannugh, the scapy thing is going to come back to bite us as soon as someone adds it as a real dependency to a project14:22
dhellmannttx: we have no way to prevent a project from adding scapy as a runtime dependency and it's GPL14:22
dhellmanndims : +2 on pytun14:23
ttxyou mean because it's listed in g-r as a test requirement ?14:23
dimsright dhellmann14:23
dhellmannttx: we don't differentiate between regular and test requirements any more in the global list14:23
ttxwe differebtiate, but we don't enfore it14:24
dhellmannwhere do we differentiate?14:24
ttxcomment in the file ? "# Testing tools below, which are typically in test-requires.txt"14:24
dhellmannok, I suppose technically we do differentiate without enforcing it14:25
ttxso in theory everything below line 279 should not be put in requirements.txt, only in test-req14:25
dhellmannthe question is, how big of a deal is that for unofficial projects? or even official projects that aren't in the tc-approved-release?14:25
ttxbut we don't prevent crossusage yes14:26
ttxunofficial projects can do what they want14:26
dhellmanndragonflow is now official14:26
ttxofficial projects, the clarification we recently pushed says "not ok"14:26
dhellmannshould we do some sort of review as part of the release process?14:27
ttxI think it's more due diligence that the Foundation needs to conduct14:27
ttxi.e. periodically check14:28
ttxMy recent clarification of licensing work was the first step14:28
dhellmannit ought to be easy enough to add to the check-requirements job since we have license comments for all of them now14:28
dhellmannif the project is official, enforce no gpl in requirements.txt14:28
dimsgood point dhellmann that's a good spot14:29
ttxit's doable indeed14:29
dhellmannanyway, on this one it's failing some tests14:29
ttxMy second step was to add a few outlier licenses to the list of acceptable ones, so that the current global-requirements.txt actualkly conforms to the rule14:29
ttxThen 3rd step was to do due diligence on current project requirements14:30
ttxThen 4th step was to actually dig into the code using analyzers to check for random copyrigth violations14:30
ttxcopy-pasted code and such14:30
* dhellmann nods14:30
ttxso yes at step 3 we could contemplate enforcing a bit more14:31
dhellmannall of that sounds like a good plan14:32
* dims is all in14:32
ttxbut compared to last year where we just had no idea if we were complying with our rule (and what exactly the rule was) it's already an improvement14:32
ttxnow we have a pretty good idea, we just need to tie a few lose ends, then check across the board14:33
ttxstill waiting on the check queue14:34
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* ttx takes a quick break14:52
dhellmannttx: the b3 patch is in the gate now15:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: test beta three release
dhellmannok, is this where we wanted to create the branch?15:11
ttxdhellmann: so for the RC1 I think we would process the tagging request first and then create the branch on the same SHA15:11
ttxor the other way around?15:11
dhellmannin the past we've created the branch using the tag as the argument, not the sha15:11
ttxok that works15:12
ttxso we should first process the tag15:12
dhellmannat least that's what we did for libs, because that enforces that there is a tag to start the branch15:12
dhellmannok, so we probably need to recheck the rc1 patch then15:12
ttxok willdo15:12
ttxrelease publication looks good on 0b315:13
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* dhellmann resumes waiting for the check queue15:16
dhellmannttx, dims: do you want to review while we wait?15:16
ttxon it15:17
ttxTIL today... .title()15:18
dimsmagic? :) "$(python -c "print('$shortbranch'.title())")"15:20
dhellmanndims : I found a way to do it with sed, too, but this seemed easier to understand15:20
ttxhow about ${shortbranch[@]^} ?15:22
dimsdhellmann : ack. i ran it by hand to understand what it does :) had not seen title() in my python adventures :)15:22
ttxso much more redable :)15:22
dhellmannttx: does that do the same thing?15:22
ttxcapitalizes first letter15:22
dhellmannsure, we can change it to that if it makes more sense15:23
dimsttx : that does not change release-tools to Release-Tools15:23
ttxah hm15:24
ttxoh well15:24
dims:) +2 as is15:24
dhellmanndims : release-tools isn't the name of the branch though15:24
dhellmannour branches, for now, are all 1 word15:24
dimsah. so we are good either way15:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: use unique tmp space dir for
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: update to add reno pages
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/release-test: Update reno for stable/mitaka
ttxdhellmann: note that I replied to a few questions on #openstack-dev this morning which you should probably repeat the answers for in your weekly post15:52
ttx(if you haven't sent it already)15:52
ttxabout FFEs15:53
ttxand M3 date15:53
dhellmannttx: I'll look for those16:06
dhellmannttx: I have a patch ready to fix the tarball link issue, but I'll wait to submit it until the rc1 patch is in to avoid triggering an accidental rebase16:06
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dhellmannttx: I reviewed the channel logs. I thought we were going to create the stable branches at rc1 but not change the ACLs (so normal stable policy would apply)16:16
dhellmannttx: I've made some notes in the reminders section of R-6 in our etherpad, if have a couple of minutes to take a look16:20
dhellmannttx: I think it's going to be a bit before that rc1 patch is ready to merge. I'm going to step away and take care of a few things.16:24
ttxyeah, looks like we'll have to continue this tomorrow16:26
dhellmannttx: yeah, I'll make a point of getting up early tomorrow to see if we can try to finish before the queue starts backing up again16:33
ttxadded a few comments on the etherpad16:33
dhellmannI saw, I'm moving the ones you suggested pushing to next week16:35
sdaguefyi, it looks like setuptools is ruining requirements unit tests16:45
sdagueso requirements jobs can't pass16:45
dhellmannsdague : ?16:46
dhellmannis gerrit down?16:49
sdagueit's just slow16:50
sdagueor, maybe...16:50
dhellmannwas there a new setuptools release or something? I'm not able to reproduce that error locally.16:51
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sdague some of the debug info is there. But there was a setuptools release which tried to make requirements parsing stricter16:53
sdaguethat mostly made it wrong16:53
dhellmannsdague : I see 20.2.1 in that job but not on pypi16:53
sdagueperhaps it was removed?16:53
sdagueit will still be in the infra mirror16:53
dhellmannperhaps -- trying to force install that is failing16:53
dhellmanndo we need someone from infra to remove that, or will it be flushed when the cache is updated?16:54
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sdagueI don't know16:54
sdagueI got as far as "there is a fail for a class of jobs that looks like it's 100%, lets go tell the interested subgroup"16:55
dhellmannsdague : just found a tweet announcing the package being removed17:04
* dhellmann sighs17:04
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: run yamllint on deliverable files during validation
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dimsugh something went stale to break requirements jobs -
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test final release
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test second release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: test first release candidate
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: check for retagging in validation
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: support tarball names that do not match the repository name
dhellmanndims : that's a bad version of setuptools. it has been deleted from pypi, but we need infra to remove it from the mirror (I've asked, but not checked if they had time to do it yet)18:50
dimsyep, mordred cleaned it up18:50
dhellmanndims : cool, thanks18:51
mordreddhellmann: it would be eversogreat if we could find a productive way to communicating that deleting releases is not a solution19:05
mordreddhellmann: I'm not going to attempt to becuase I'm sure I'll be too abrasive19:06
mordredbut if someone who is nicer than me could communicate that too many people depend too heavily on this stuff for reverts that don't come with positive version bumps to work19:06
mordredthat would be fantastic19:06
mordredI mean - people running CD on things out there will now have a broken setuptools installed and no real remediation other than manually sending out a downgrade to whatever they're running19:08
dhellmannmordred : perhaps we can work together on a blog post about the right way to deal with it?19:09
dhellmannmordred : my guess is posting something to developerworks and then re-publicizing it heavily would get lots of attention19:09
mordreddhellmann: ++19:10
mordreddhellmann: that sounds like a great idea19:11
mordredbecause I really do want to communicate to people why it's a bad idea in a way that doesn't come across like I'm a crusty angry greybeard19:11
dhellmannmordred : "So you've released a broken package to PyPI. What now?"19:11
mordredstep one: relax. it happens.19:12
dhellmannmordred :
mordredstep two: realize that just like with email, there is no way to recall a message once it's been sent (sorry MSFT, that's not really a thing)19:12
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mordreddhellmann: it seems short - but I don't have a ton more to say that isn't just repeating with more words19:25
dhellmannmordred : a specific example might be good? I'll noodle on it a bit, too19:26
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dimsdhellmann : last 2 examples - eventlet 0.18.1 and today's setuptools 20.2.120:29
dhellmannmordred , dims : I did a little work on it, added an intro and some more words. I'm not sure there's a lot else to say, though, as you point out.20:53
mordreddhellmann: I think your edits are great20:55
dhellmannmordred : where should we publish it? do you know the developerworks folks?20:55
mordredI do not know them20:55
dhellmannwe could put it on one of our blogs, too, of course20:55
dhellmannmaybe that would come out better, actually20:55
mordredmaybe yours? you've got more general exposure in the python world20:56
mordredand I can tweet/retweet it20:56
dhellmannyeah, I can throw a co-written-by line in there20:56
dhellmannmordred : can you see
mordreddhellmann: nope20:59
dhellmannhmm, ok. I'm linking your name to, is that the best site?21:00
dhellmannmordred : I updated the etherpad with a formatted version21:04
dhellmannto which I also made a few further tweaks in wording21:04
lifelessmore folk delete-to-fixing ?21:05
mordreddhellmann: yah21:05
dhellmannlifeless : setuptools 20.2.121:05
mordreddhellmann: it all just disappeared from the etherpad21:05
lifelessyeah, there's going to be repeated disruption there while we *finally* actually get the unified parser in place21:05
mordredoh - there it is21:05
lifelessbut deleting aint the answer21:06
mordredlifeless: yes. this is essentially what we've written :)21:06
mordredlifeless: doug helped me turn my virtiol and mouth-foaming into something possibly productive21:07
dhellmannmordred : ok, try again21:07
dhellmannlifeless :
dhellmannmordred : I'll wait to give you a chance to read the final draft before I hit publish.21:09
mordreddhellmann: I still can't see the thing on doughellman.com21:09
dhellmannmordred : I updated the contents of the etherpad correctly21:09
dhellmannso those match what I have in my wordpress editor window21:10
mordredI think it looks great21:10
dhellmannok, I am clicking publish now21:10
mordredand tweeted/retweeted21:12
dhellmannseveral retweets already21:21
dimsouch. late to the party. sorry had to go get some food :)21:37
dimsdhellmann : one library left to release oslo.messaging, hoping to do that late evening today22:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/release-test: Fix the bug URL in README.rst
jrolldhellmann: good stuff :)22:25
openstackgerritLingxian Kong proposed openstack/releases: Release mistralclient 1.3.0
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