Thursday, 2015-04-23

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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: [Feature request] Specify what benchmarks to execute in task
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openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/rally: Set updated_at to now if it's None for task list
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xylanhi, anyone here?09:16
xylanI installed rally using docker through this doc:
xylanbut i met a problem when i run 'rally-manage db recreate', see the error here:
andreykurilin__ xylan: hi!09:19
xylanandreykurilin__: hi09:20
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xylanandreykurilin__: any suggestion?09:20
andreykurilin__xylan: first of all, can you file a bug at ?09:21
xylanandreykurilin__: sure, i am just wondering if it's a bug, or, i do the wrong step..09:21
andreykurilin__xylan: looks like a bug:)09:22
andreykurilin__xylan: try launch "chmod 777 ~/rally_home"  and than go to docker image again and start `rally-manage db recreate`09:22
xylanandreykurilin__: ok, give me a sec09:22
xylanandreykurilin__: same error, :(09:24
xylanandreykurilin__: rally_home, you mean my local host or in the container09:24
andreykurilin__xylan: in your local host09:24
xylanandreykurilin__: yep, it's what i did09:25
xylanandreykurilin__: maybe i should submit a bug for that09:25
andreykurilin__xylan: what command was used to launch a container?09:25
xylandocker run -t -i -v ~/rally_home:/home/rally -v ~/rally_db:/var/lib/rally/database rallyforge/rally09:26
xylanandreykurilin__: the same with the doc09:26
xylanandreykurilin__: i pulled the image just now09:26
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andreykurilin__xylan: it looks like you read not the latest doc :) latest revision doesn't include mounting of rally_db directory. poosible solutions: launch chmod for `~/rally_db` dir or launch a container by `docker run -t -i -v ~/rally_home:/home/rally rallyforge/rally`09:29
xylanandreykurilin__: ooh, you mean, is obsolete?09:30
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xylanandreykurilin__: you're right,, the content incloude what you mentioned09:31
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andreykurilin__xylan: hm...strange. when I opened, it doesn't include mounting rally_db dir:(09:33
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/rally: Adding FunctionalMixin class
frobwareis there an alternative for not having hard coded values in the scenario benchmarks?09:33
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andreykurilin__frobware: What values do you mean?09:33
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frobwareandreykurilin__, number of iterations, number of tenants, etc09:34
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andreykurilin__frobware: you can replace all values by {{ some_var_1 }}, {{ some_var_2 }} and than, launch scenario with `rally task start my.json --task-args '{"some_var_1": 2, "some_var_2": 3}'`09:36
andreykurilin__frobware: task scenario is a simple jinja template, so it supports a lot of features(variables, loops and etc)09:37
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xylanandreykurilin__: thanks very much! it works!09:38
xylanand btw, frobware, you can refer to
andreykurilin__xylan: nice to hear that:)09:39
xylanfrobware: you're welcome09:39
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frobwareandreykurilin, thanks will take a look09:45
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack/rally: [Sahara] Fix the config descriptions
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack/rally: [Sahara] Fix the config descriptions
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andreykurilinfrobware: btw, jinja templates supports "if...else..." statements too. For example, we are using "if...else" for configuration network context at our lab:)10:06
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack/rally: [Sahara] More debug logging
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frobwareandreykurilin, do you have an example I can cargo cult? ;)10:14
frobwareandreykurilin, actually, I'm being lazy. Just started reading the docs and it look straightforward - for what I want initially. thanks.10:16
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack/rally: [Sahara] More debug logging
frobwareandreykurilin, thank you!10:18
andreykurilinfrobware: np10:18
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: Adds Nova floating IPs bulk tests
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BaQshi all, can't find out how to tell rally to not check ssl certificates when curling APIs endpoints11:27
BaQswould any of you know the magic option ? (if any :) )11:27
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xylanandreykurilin: ping11:40
xylanboris-42: ping11:41
xylandoes anybody know the password for user 'rally' in the rally docker image?11:41
xylanbecause i want to install some python package, but without the right permission11:42
andreykurilinxylan: pong11:43
xylanandreykurilin: hi, glad you're still here11:44
andreykurilinxylan: rally user doesn't have password:(11:44
andreykurilinxylan: what packages do you want to install?11:44
xylanandreykurilin: python-mistralclient11:44
xylanandreykurilin: actually, with the docker image, we can not install anything11:45
xylanandreykurilin: under the rally user11:45
xylanandreykurilin: when using sudo, the password will be asked11:45
xylanandreykurilin: any suggestion? i have been working on this for a whole afternoon11:47
xylanandreykurilin: or, maybe i should install rally from the scratch11:48
xylanin a real vm or physical host11:48
andreykurilinxylan: you can try to build your own container. you need to edit only two lines11:49
xylanandreykurilin: do you have the dockerfile?11:50
andreykurilinxylan: you can add a password or remove rally user at all and launch container with root user11:50
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: Fix coverage job to compare proper git diff
boris-42xylan: ping11:51
xylanboris-42: hi11:51
boris-42xylan: why do you need it?11:51
xylanboris-42: i'm testing mistral using rally11:51
xylanboris-42: can we add python-mistralclient in the requirement file?11:52
xylanboris-42: dependency11:52
boris-42xylan: as far as it will be in global requriments11:52
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andreykurilinboris-42: we can add it in docker image11:52
boris-42redixin: xylan needs root access in docker image11:53
boris-42rvasilets: to install muranoclient11:53
boris-42redixin: to install mistralclient**11:53
xylanboris-42: mistral11:53
boris-42rvasilets: sry11:53
boris-42xylan: yep yep typo11:53
redixindocker run -u root -t -i rallyforge/rally11:54
redixinyou got root. what next?11:54
xylanboris-42: actually, i need mistral client to be installed ready when i use rally image11:54
rvasiletsany questions?11:54
andreykurilinredixin, boris-42: maybe we should provide root access in docker image?11:54
redixinman docker11:54
redixinandreykurilin, docker run -u root -t -i rallyforge/rally11:55
xylanredixin: hi, are you sure?11:55
xylanredixin: wait a min, i'll try11:55
redixinxylan, you can install anything in that way but11:55
andreykurilinredixin: why this command is not mentioned in out docker readme?:)11:55
xylanroot@openlab:/opt/kong/docker/rally# docker run -u root -t -i --name docker -v /opt/kong/docker/rally/rally_home:/home/rally rallyforge/rally11:56
redixinxylan, you should create image based on modifying image11:56
xylanredixin: it works!11:56
xylanredixin: thanks very much! and you boris-42 and andreykurilin11:56
redixinxylan, please read docker manual. Things are turned a bit complex when you trying to modify image11:57
redixinxylan, all modifications are lost after you exited that session11:57
xylanredixin: thanks for your advise. what i need is just add a package.. then i can commit my modification11:57
xylanredixin: and have my own version :)11:58
xylanfor now11:58
redixinxylan, oh, ok. so you know how to commit :)11:58
xylanredixin: absolutely11:58
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: Fix coverage job to compare proper git diff and make it more strict
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: [DO NOT MERGE] Testing coverage job
xylanredixin: although i'm a beginner to docker...11:58
redixinxylan, me too11:58
xylanredixin: but, anyway, thanks!11:59
boris-42redixin: andreykurilin msdubov_ fix for coverage job ^11:59
boris-42that is quite important11:59
redixinanother fix O_O11:59
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xylanboris-42: hi, one more question, do you have a plan to add python-mistralclient to requirements.txt? what do you mean by 'global requirement'?12:00
xylanboris-42: i saw designate, trove, etc. are already included12:01
msdubov_boris-42, Yep, saw that, thanks12:02
andreykurilinxylan: we have mistralclient in optional-requirements
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xylanandreykurilin: oh, i see12:04
andreykurilinxylan: when mistralclient will be in , rally team will have ability to add mistalclient to main requirements12:04
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andreykurilinxylan: without changes in global-requirements, we cann't add mistalclient to main requirements. this is OpenStack policy:(12:04
xylanandreykurilin: got it. i'm reading, to see how can i add mistralclient dependency12:05
redixinprobably we should do pip install optioinal-requirements for docker image12:05
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boris-42redixin: makes sense12:05
boris-42xylan: you can fix our docker image12:05
redixinjust small change in rally's Dockerfile12:06
boris-42xylan: yep somewhere there ^12:06
xylanboris-42 redixin : ok, i'll try, btw, i was a contributor to Rally...12:07
xylanandreykurilin: :)12:08
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BaQsis there any option or config to allow rally to bench endpoints using self-signed certs plz ?12:32
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boris-42BaQs: hi12:53
BaQshi boris-4212:57
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BaQsdo you have any idea how to add "--insecure" switch to curl calls ?13:00
openstackgerritsvasheka proposed openstack/rally: Add keystone benchmark scenarios for roles
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openstackgerritsvasheka proposed openstack/rally: Add keystone benchmark scenarios for roles
boris-42BaQs: u can pass ssl options13:22
openstackgerritsvasheka proposed openstack/rally: Add keystone benchmark scenarios for roles
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BaQsboris-42: nice! testing right now13:43
boris-42BaQs: =)13:45
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BaQsboris-42: works!13:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rally: [Feature request] Specify what benchmarks to execute in task
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boris-42BaQs: great14:05
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: Fix coverage job to compare proper git diff and make it more strict
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: [DO NOT MERGE] Testing coverage job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/rally: Fix creating user in keystone v3 wrapper
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openstackgerritLingxian Kong proposed openstack/rally: Install optional-requirement packages for Rally docker image
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openstackgerritLingxian Kong proposed openstack/rally: Install optional-requirement packages for Rally docker image
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BaQsboris-42: I may have a stupid question but... playing with scenarios, I find some interesting for me. how do I start it ? I have to pass full path of scenario json file ?15:10
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boris-42BaQs: nope just class_name.method_name15:13
boris-42BaQs: or you mean path to file?15:13
boris-42BaQs: so it can be relative or absolute path15:13
BaQs(rally)admin@rally:~$ rally task  start Authenticate.keystone15:17
BaQs-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparing input task15:17
BaQs[Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'Authenticate.keystone'15:17
boris-42BaQs: you missed the point of rally15:22
boris-42BaQs: rally becnhamrk scenario is just one part of benchmark15:22
boris-42BaQs: take a look here
boris-42BaQs: and this
boris-42BaQs: you should put path to file with input task (not just scenario name)15:24
boris-42BaQs: like this
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BaQsok I see, checking all of that15:31
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openstackgerritChris St. Pierre proposed openstack/rally: Add Nova scenario to boot multiple servers in one request
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/rally: Fix coverage job to compare proper git diff and make it more strict
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boris-42BaQs: any progress?)17:35
boris-42xylan: thanks for patch17:35
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davideagnelloboris-42: when adding a plugin to Rally, can I separate my plugin into an additional base class which inherits from Rally's base.Scenario?  (similar to Rally built in scenarios for Nova, Neutron, etc..)18:06
boris-42davideagnello: yep18:07
boris-42davideagnello: we fixed recently small issue with relative imports18:07
boris-42davideagnello: ^ so now it should work18:08
davideagnelloboris-42: my plugin was discoverable by rally when it was in a single file/class, now that I have separated it into base.scenario <-- CueScenario <-- CueClusters18:08
davideagnelloboris-42: ok will update my rally18:08
boris-42davideagnello: it will be discovered and you can split it in 2 files*18:08
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davideagnelloboris-42: ok great!18:08
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boris-42davideagnello: ^18:09
davideagnelloboris-42: when was this merged?18:09
davideagnelloboris-42: ok cool :)18:09
boris-42davideagnello: day ago=)18:10
boris-42davideagnello: I just discovered this bug recently =(18:10
davideagnelloboris-42: syncing now, thanks!18:10
boris-42davideagnello: btw18:12
boris-42davideagnello: you should make coverage job in cue as well18:13
boris-42davideagnello: it's perfect18:13
davideagnelloboris-42: sweet, does this get coverage on your target service through rally?18:13
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boris-42davideagnello: nope it's not related to Rally18:13
boris-42davideagnello: it's just coverage unit test job18:14
boris-42davideagnello: it's put -1 if proposed change is not fully covered by unit tests
boris-42davideagnello: and shows diff=)18:15
davideagnelloboris-42: ok cool, will take a look for our project. thanks :)18:15
davideagnelloboris-42: where do I find more info on how to incorporate it?18:16
boris-42davideagnello: take a look here
boris-42davideagnello: and this script18:17
davideagnelloboris-42: thank you!18:21
boris-42davideagnello: and you should add this job in openttack project config18:22
davideagnelloboris-42: ok18:22
boris-42davideagnello: we are running it only on checks* but I think we will run it as well in gate pipeline18:22
davideagnelloboris-42: makes sense, we will be adding it as a CI gate too18:23
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boris-42davideagnello: I calculated this job saves about 25 hrs of my life / release=)18:27
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davideagnelloboris-42: lol that sounds like a good investment!18:30
boris-42davideagnello: yep automation is key of scaling work on project18:33
boris-42davideagnello: but pssss don't say that to nova team18:33
boris-42davideagnello: you can take a look at this thread: [openstack-dev][all][code quality] Voting coverage job (-1 if coverage get worse after patch)18:34
davideagnelloboris-42: hahaha sounds right to me18:34
boris-42davideagnello: =)18:34
boris-42davideagnello: and have fun=)18:35
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: Finish support of benchmarking with existing users
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack/rally: Fix rally show commands for existing users in deployment
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davideagnelloboris-42: with the built-in admin_client, how do I get the admin session?  I would have to supply my own auth token? (keystoneclient.auth.identity.v2.Password)19:36
boris-42davideagnello: admin_client is method19:39
boris-42davideagnello: that uses instance of rally.oslcients.Clients19:39
boris-42davideagnello: ^19:40
boris-42why you can just use19:40
boris-42and use python kyestone client?19:40
boris-42davideagnello: btw what about extedning OSclients19:40
boris-42davideagnello: we talked about this before but ..19:41
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davideagnelloboris-42: I will be looking at extending OSclients next, but right now trying to get a base working for the rest of my team to add scenario tests in20:14
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openstackgerritChris St. Pierre proposed openstack/rally: Add Nova scenario to boot multiple servers in one request
boris-42davideagnello: so "self.admin_clients("keyston")" -will return inited python keystone client20:47
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boris-42davideagnello: after that you can get from keytsotne client everything that you need20:47
davideagnelloboris-42: ok, getting a keystoneclient session, I would have to call self.admin_clients("keystone").session.Session(auth=myauth)?20:49
boris-42davideagnello: so not exprt with session20:49
boris-42davideagnello: try it20:49
davideagnelloboris-42: ok, was wondering if I could get the admin session directly since keystone was already instantiated that way20:50
davideagnelloboris-42: until yesterday I was using "auth = keystoneclient.auth.identity.v2.Password(...)  but it doesn't seem to work anymore20:51
davideagnelloboris-42: I now get: Failed to load module with plugins /home/vagrant/.rally/plugins/cue_scenarios/ 'module' object has no attribute 'auth'20:51
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boris-42davideagnello: paste the code20:54
davideagnelloboris-42: ok20:54
davideagnelloimport keystoneclient20:54
boris-42davideagnello: hm20:55
davideagnelloboris-42: that's what I had working until yesterday20:55
boris-42so you are doing something illegal20:55
boris-42davideagnello: ^20:55
boris-42davideagnello: it's not how rally was designed20:55
boris-42davideagnello: to do*20:55
davideagnelloboris-42: ok20:56
davideagnelloboris-42: I basically need my admin session to provide to our Cue client20:57
boris-42you are doing this in wrong way20:57
boris-42it shouldn't be in module20:57
boris-42davideagnello: will back latter20:58
boris-42davideagnello: and will help you20:58
davideagnelloboris-42: ok, thank you.  Appreciate it.  I would like to ideally make use of the framework in the proper way.  At the same time, I am trying to interface to a service running in Openstack that of course is currently not in Rally20:59
davideagnelloboris-42: my current patch for this is:
openstackgerritCarlos L. Torres proposed openstack/rally: [report] Improve reports data and units
openstackgerritCarlos L. Torres proposed openstack/rally: [report] Improve reports data and units
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boris-42davideagnello: reviewing21:31
davideagnelloboris-42: thank you, noticed an issue with atomic_action_timer, I had atomic.action_timer21:32
boris-42davideagnello: that code just doens't work21:33
boris-42davideagnello: if it works I don't know why=)21:33
boris-42davideagnello: I will put long descriiption21:33
boris-42davideagnello: in review21:33
davideagnelloboris-42: yes, got it working now, with atomic_action_timer21:33
davideagnelloboris-42: thank you21:34
boris-42davideagnello: so atomic actions are OK21:44
boris-42davideagnello: but your code is not thread safe and won't work21:44
davideagnelloboris-42: ok21:44
boris-42davideagnello: you can take a look at my comment and fix it quick21:44
davideagnelloboris-42: because of the way I am using the keystone client?21:44
boris-42davideagnello: mostly21:44
davideagnelloboris-42: ok thank you, appreciate your feedback21:45
boris-42davideagnello: you shouldn't have any open files sockets or something like that in global space21:45
boris-42davideagnello: that will lead unexpected hardly understandable and absolutelly uncatchable errors21:45
boris-42that can't be debuged=)21:45
davideagnelloboris-42: thanks, I started with this as a demonstration of using Cue with Rally.  Since we will be using Rally, it's time to harden the integration :)21:47
boris-42davideagnello: so let me try to find the way21:49
boris-42davideagnello: to make a proper client initialziation21:49
boris-42davideagnello: btw21:49
boris-42davideagnello: so I can help you a bit with setting up dsvm jobs21:51
boris-42davideagnello: in infra so you will run them on each patch21:51
boris-42davideagnello: I see you are not running them21:51
boris-42davideagnello: or you are going to do it by your self?21:52
davideagnelloboris-42: will be developing a few integration and scenario tests first, make sure they are stable then will integrate them to our CI/gates.  That should be next week sometime :)21:54
boris-42davideagnello: that is very bad approach21:54
boris-42davideagnello: it's better to put non-voting job21:54
boris-42davideagnello: on each patch, make non-voting job pass always21:54
boris-42davideagnello: and make it voting21:54
boris-42davideagnello: let me help you with infra stuff21:55
davideagnelloboris-42: ok thank you, appreciate it.  It's all new to me21:55
boris-42davideagnello: yep it's a bit hard first time21:56
boris-42davideagnello: but when you know what to do it takes just minutes21:56
davideagnelloboris-42: yeah that seems like the case21:57
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boris-42davideagnello: tox doesn't use in cue venv??22:08
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davideagnelloboris-42: tox creates a virtual env and runs tests in it22:10
boris-42davideagnello: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied22:11
boris-42davideagnello: just got  this22:11
davideagnelloboris-42: from running tox for project Cue?22:12
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boris-42davideagnello: yep22:13
boris-42davideagnello: ah it's my bad22:15
boris-42davideagnello: sorry22:15
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Add `LogCatcher' context
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Fix `sshutils' to execute commands with args
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Split validation.file_exists, allow `required' arg
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Introduce command-specifying dictionary
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Introducing `valid_command' validator
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Extend `sshutils` with `put_file'
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Make `boot_runcommand_delete' accept command-dict
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Add command-dict option to upload a local command
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Add command-dict option to specify command args
openstackgerritCarlos L. Torres proposed openstack/rally: [report] Improve reports data and units
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davideagnelloboris-42: awesome, thank you!  will try it out and see how it works22:36
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openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Add command-dict option to specify command args
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Introducing `valid_command' validator
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Extend `sshutils` with `put_file'
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Make `boot_runcommand_delete' accept command-dict
openstackgerritPavel Boldin proposed openstack/rally: Add command-dict option to upload a local command

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