Tuesday, 2019-09-10

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Conquerorlxkong, hi, are you still there?06:16
lxkongConqueror: hi, i'm here now09:30
lxkongdid you solve your problem?09:30
Conquerorlxkong, hi, yeah I have solved the problem.10:37
lxkongConqueror: cool, good to know10:37
ConquerorI have run the qinling-api manually.10:37
ConquerorBefore the run api, I have executed DDL command into mysql.10:38
ConquerorI will send to reorganize document with missing step10:39
lxkongConqueror: sounds great, thanks for the contribution10:40
Conquerorlxkong, I am trying to PoC on Qinling. I came across https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2SiMZllN_A video. I tried to execute (( openstack runtime create python openstackqinling/python-runtime )) unrecognized arguments has shown:11:04
Conquerorstack@load-test-1:~/devstack$ openstack runtime create python openstackqinling/python-runtime11:05
Conquerorusage: openstack runtime create [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]11:05
Conqueror                                [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]11:05
Conqueror                                [--fit-width] [--print-empty] [--noindent]11:05
Conqueror                                [--prefix PREFIX] [--name NAME]11:05
Conqueror                                [--description DESCRIPTION] [--untrusted]11:05
Conqueror                                IMAGE11:05
Conqueroropenstack runtime create: error: unrecognized arguments: openstackqinling/python-runtime11:05
lxkongConqueror: the video is outdated, please refer to https://docs.openstack.org/qinling/latest/quick_start.html11:06
ConquerorIt should be correct command like this: stack@load-test-1:~/devstack$ openstack runtime create openstackqinling/python3-runtime11:06
Conquerorlxkong, thanks11:06
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Conquerorlxkong, I have done quick start tutorial :) I am wonder to apply https://github.com/openstack/qinling/blob/master/example/functions/python/openstack/create_thumbnail.py11:48
ConquerorHow can I do that?11:48
lxkongConqueror: what do you mean by 'apply'? Do you want to create a function using that script?11:49
lxkongor do you want to trigger that function by uploading a swift object?11:49
Conquerorlxkong, yeah yeah I want to create function that script11:49
ConquerorActually, I want to demo using that script11:50
lxkongConqueror: it's pretty the same with how to create a function in the quick start guide11:51
lxkongbut for the demo, you need some work to do in swift side11:51
lxkongi'm afraid the upstream swift doesn't support to send object creation notification11:52
lxkongthe demo needs swift + aodh + qinling11:52
Conquerorhmm I'm using devstack train11:53
ConquerorI guess no problem enable swift on devstack but I don't know aodh11:53
lxkongi mean, you need to check whether or not the upstream swift supports to send notification11:53
lxkongthe answer was no when i was creating the demo11:54
Conquerorlxkong, got it11:54
ConquerorMaybe any other script it will use to easily to demo?11:55
lxkongIf you want to show Qinling could trigger your function when some event happens, then you can create webhook in Qinling and configure that webhook in Github or some other systems which support webhook machanism11:58
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