Tuesday, 2018-11-13

lxkongkei-ichi: the CLI example: `openstack runtime create openstackqinling/python3-runtime:0.0.2 --name python3`05:34
lxkongYou are right about 'image"openstackqinling/python-runtime" should be passed by request body', the image name comes from user's input05:35
kei-ichiYes, that's right. So What I want to say is how use can find "openstackqinling/python-runtime" is valid input as runtime creation.05:36
lxkongkei-ichi: don't need to valid in the dashboard, if the image is invalid, the runtime creation will fail05:36
lxkongkei-ichi: does that make sense to you?05:39
kei-ichiI got it. if it is okay to send invalid image name, it is not difficult to implement that.05:40
kei-ichiLet me confirm the operation you expect.05:40
kei-ichi1. Open "runtime creation" button.05:40
kei-ichi2. There is a text field for runtime creation input values.05:40
kei-ichi3. Docker image input field is just a free text field. If Docker image name is invalid, Qinling API returns kind of 4XX error, so it is not the matter for user.05:40
kei-ichiWould that be okay?05:41
lxkong If docker image name is invalid, either the runtime creation fails or the runtime is not going to work properly, which is the issue the admin user should figure out. Let's make thing simple for now, but maybe in future Qinling should validate the image name and the image availability during the runtime creation.05:44
lxkongfrom the user's perspective, if the image is not correctly specified(wrong name or nonexisting name), either he will see the runtime creation failed after the runtime to be `creating` for a while, or the runtime is created successfully but the function can not be executed because of the flaw image.05:46
kei-ichiWould that be okay?05:50
kei-ichiSorry.. I made mistake.05:51
kei-ichiI can handle this implementation. But let me confirm another thing. If I implement as you said, I wonder it becomes also possible to use system purpose Docker image in runtime creation like "k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy-amd64"05:51
kei-ichiWill it be blocked by Qinling? If Qinling only allows Qinling relevant Docker images, that will not be a problem.05:51
kei-ichiThis may cause kind of security issues.05:51
lxkongkei-ichi: because the runtime can only be created by admin user, so it's fine if they don't input the image correctly. In future we could do some validation on Qinling server side so the dashboard doesn't need to change.16:02
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kei-ichilxkong Thanks! All things how to implement is now clarified. I think I can finish it by the end of this month at the latest. o/23:53

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