Thursday, 2020-01-16

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/devstack master: Don't install glance default policy
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/devstack master: do not gzip legacy service logs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/devstack master: Run Glance initialization when Glance is enabled, not just registry
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/devstack master: Stop enabling g-reg by default
openstackgerritSoniya Murlidhar Vyas proposed openstack/tempest master: [WIP]Added fix to 'test_delete_saving_image' testcase
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openstackgerritLiron Kuchlani proposed openstack/tempest master: Fix import line location
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack/devstack master: Stop configuring '[DEFAULT] firewall_driver' for nova
openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack/devstack master: Stop configuring '[DEFAULT] use_neutron' for nova
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/devstack master: Add "OVN" debs and rpms package files
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openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/tempest master: Refactor methods to be used by other tests
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Add volume and placement microversion support to BaseV2ComputeTest
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Add negative volume update multiattach test
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/tempest master: services: Introduce a cinder v3 attachments client
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/tempest master: Create default network for more compute tests
efriedgmann, masayukig: ^ weirdly stalled in the gate yesterday; but I had a few more to add anyway.14:00
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gmannefried: left one comment to cover one more class in same file.14:07
efriedgmann: okay for that to hit the multi-attach test as well?14:09
efried(since I'm doing this just reactively to CI failures, I don't truly understand when/why a test should get this thing just by inspection)14:10
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/tempest master: Create default network for more compute tests
efriedbut done ^14:10
gmannwell that also create the server so its depend on that test run timing.14:11
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Add missing 2.73 response schema validation
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/tempest master: compute: Add stable device rescue tests
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/devstack master: tempest: Enable stable_rescue tests with Libvirt
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/tempest master: Drop use of unittest2
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/tempest master: Drop use of unittest2
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openstackgerritParas Babbar proposed openstack/tempest master: Fix test_stamp_pattern to remove dependency of user supplied volume name
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efriedo/ qa18:50
efried is blocking nova. Help!18:50
openstackLaunchpad bug 1860021 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova-live-migration fails 100% with "mysql: command not found" on subnode" [Undecided,New]18:50
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artomFor context on efried's thing, we think we tracked it down to
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yoctozeptoefried: /me broke, /me fix18:52
efriedyoctozepto: Cool, what's the plan?18:52
yoctozeptoefried, artom: may you link me directly to your job definition?18:52
artomWhereas previously we just checked for g-reg onthe subnode (and it was disabled), by using is_glance_enabled we check for g-api and get True18:52
efriedIt's a legacy job; does that change your mind?18:53
artomSo we configure glance, try to recreate the database, and fail because the mysql binary isn't installed on the subnode18:53
yoctozeptoefried: why would it?18:54
efriedno idea18:54
efriedI'm just pretty green when it comes to all this CI stuff18:54
gmanndoes is_glance_enabled only check g-api ?18:54
yoctozeptogmann: and g-reg18:55
artomgmann, all of 'g-'18:55
yoctozeptoeither will trigger18:55
yoctozeptoyeah ^^18:55
artomgmann, so even you would return True ;)18:55
artom(Well, whithin a - )18:55
artomAlthough it does raise the question: why are we even running g-api onthe subnode?18:55
artomI feel like that should not be a thing18:56
efriedyeah, that ^18:56
clarkbartom: I think beacuse of grenade testing18:56
efriedwe think we could take one of several approaches:18:56
efried- get mysql client installed on the subnode (not sure why it's not there now)18:56
efried- get g-api off the subnode (pretty sure we don't need it there) or otherwise cause is_glance_enabled to return false18:56
clarkbsince grenade multinode doesn't upgrade the subnode18:56
clarkbit allows you to test that old $thing works with new control plane18:56
efriedbut I for one have no idea even where/how those changes would be made, let alone what ramifications that would have on other jobs (like *grenade*)18:56
yoctozeptoI've got the fix for the issue on devstack side18:57
gmannfor devstack zuulv3, it is enabled on controller only-
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efriedgmann: if someone could figure out how to convert nova-live-migration to zv3, that would be just peachy. But mriedem was our best chance of that, and he gone.18:59
efriedmelwitt found
gmannefried: i can try on that.18:59
efriedgmann: awesome. Might wind up being hard... good luck!19:00
gmann:). i thought all nova jobs were done except experimentals19:00
efriedNot sure, but I think we still have a couple19:00
efriedIs there an easy way to tell? Easier than pawing through the ancestry for every job?19:02
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openstackgerritRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/devstack master: Init Glance database only on the node with the database backend
yoctozeptoefried, artom, gmann: ^19:03
gmannthat is more reliable way than just naming things which are always messy. few has legacy keysword and few not so checking all the way down to parent job is better way.19:03
artomyoctozepto, much thanks - looks like it should do the trick19:04
artomefried, should we stack a DNM nova change on top to make sure?19:05
efriedartom: doing it now19:05
efriedartom, yoctozepto:
efriedthanks for the quick fix yoctozepto19:06
yoctozeptoartom, efried: yw19:06
gmannwe do not have any legacy multinode job running on devstack gate actually otherwise it could have caught.19:06
gmannyoctozepto: thanks.19:06
gmannwe added live migration job as n-v on tempest gate for that reason. should we add on devstack gate too till we migrate it to zuulv3?19:07
efriedgmann: nova-grenade-multinode appears to be inheriting from nova-dsvm-multinode-base as well.19:07
gmannyeah, grenade base job is still not merged, we need to wait for that for all grenade jobs.19:09
yoctozeptogmann: yw19:15
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yoctozeptobtw, efried: - is that .DNM having effect on gerrit or is it only for us hoomans? :-)19:22
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artomyoctozepto, you need something in the commit to make it different19:30
artomCould have been called DEADBEEF.GOAT19:30
yoctozeptoartom: in kolla we use DNM: and WIP: in commit subjects19:31
yoctozeptobut sometimes those attract code reviews :D19:31
artomAh, I think Eric just forgot it19:31
artomWe do that in Nova too19:31
yoctozeptothought maybe .DNM makes gerrit send assasins on ppl doing CR+2 on DNM19:32
artomIf only Gerrit was that smart19:32
yoctozeptoone can always wish :-)19:32
* artom files a feature request19:32
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clarkbzuul is that smart fwiw19:33
clarkbyou could add a job that checks for the presence of these flags and fails when they exist19:33
artomclarkb, for a second there I thought you were saying Zuul supports assassinations-as-code19:35
clarkbwell zuul can assassinate your changes :P19:35
openstackLaunchpad bug 1860033 in tempest "neutron tempest jobs broken on rocky due to requirements neutron-lib upgrade (the EOLing python2 drama)" [Undecided,New]19:41
yoctozeptooh what a day19:41
yoctozepto(in case you are wondering how I found it, here is how: )19:42
yoctozeptoI should finally switch to a dark background in my editors19:43
yoctozeptothey were right saying light attracts bugs...19:43
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yoctozeptothey forgot to mention those bugs would not be mine19:43
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efriedYeah, I just forgot to put DNM in my subject line, mahbad. clarkb that would be an expensive way to block DNM changes. I'll -W it, that ought to do the trick.20:15
efriedor -2 it, even. zuul will still run on it, I think.20:15
efriedyoctozepto: .DNM is there so the commit has content, though I'm told there's a way to tell git it's okay to have an empty commit (--allow-empty?) but old habits...20:16
efriedyoctozepto, artom: n-l-m still failed on the sniffer. Checking whether same cause...20:18
efriedf f f, rackcdn20:18
efriedcan y'all get to ?20:18
clarkbefried: I think the job could be made to run without any nodes so wouldn't be too bad20:18
efriedmmkay. But then we would all have to agree on what to put in a dnm patch.20:19
efriedanyway, neat idea20:19
efriedbut probably more effort than worth.20:19
efriedyoctozepto, artom: FYI the .DNM is failing nova-live-migration, but looks like for a different reason.20:32
artomefried, ack - sorry, was doing a thing internally20:32
efriedoh, sorry, I'm jumping around too many channels, I already said that.20:33
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yoctozeptoefried: did it pass the glance part tho?20:45
efriedyoctozepto: as far as I can tell, yes, it got past that bit.20:45
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yoctozeptoefried: superb :-)20:51
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/tempest master: Drop use of unittest2
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openstackgerritParas Babbar proposed openstack/tempest master: Fix test_stamp_pattern to remove dependency of user supplied volume name
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efriedgmann: I have no idea what I'm doing -- is the grenade fail on possibly related to that multinode volume test specifying network?21:34
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Updates script to use latest version of Ceph
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Updates script to use latest version of Ceph

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