Monday, 2016-11-14

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Remove call to undefined teardown_neutron_debug
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Updated from generate-devstack-plugins-list
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openstackgerritzhufl proposed openstack/tempest: Move wait_for_interface_status to waiters
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: compute/images/test_images_oneserver: don't share resources
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add a post hook function fordevstack
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noamaianw, Sean M. Collins: can I get a review for the following commits: , ,
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afazekasoomichi, masayukig, mtreinish, andreaf
masayukigafazekas: looking05:24
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masayukigafazekas: so, I found removed ids in We don't need to care about these..?05:57
afazekasAFAIK for admin only things not really06:01
afazekasThe tracked ones:
afazekasmasayukig, ^06:07
openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Cinder absolute-limits tests
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masayukigafazekas: thanks, I see, +206:12
afazekasmasayukig, thanks06:13
openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Cinder absolute-limits tests
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FunTarahi everyone I have a weird problem with refstack-client. I wonder Is there anybody for helping me for that :)06:27
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openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Fix volume_create to use shared function with a cleanup
openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Fix volume_create to use shared function with a cleanup
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openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Fix volume_create to use shared function with a cleanup
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openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Cinder absolute-limits tests
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openstackgerritTomasz Trębski proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Always set ALLOWED_HOSTS for horizon
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openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Fix volume_create to use shared function with a cleanup
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Removing config values no longer in tempest.conf
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openstackgerritJianghua Wang proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Specify the correct image parameters for XenServer
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FunTarahi all, i am getting  "ArgsAlreadyParsedError: arguments already parsed: cannot register CLI option" error from refstack-client for all tests and i cant do any of these.10:42
FunTaraCould you please help me someone?10:42
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack/tempest: Delete duplicated dvr tests
openstackgerritTimofey Durakov proposed openstack/tempest: Revert for ea8796a0932990ac95402235a03ee6019ef92e5b
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack/tempest: Delete duplicated dvr tests
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openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Update sample file to use OSC
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openstackrecheckopenstack/cinder change: failed because of: gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-ubuntu-xenial:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1463631 in grenade "60_nova/ fails intermittently" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:50
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NO REVIEW
paul-carlton2I'm trying to get a tempest test working and am seeing, Additional properties are not allowed (u'delete_on_termination' was unexpected)", "code": 400}}]12:27
paul-carlton2Has anyone else encountered this?12:27
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openstackgerritchenyingnan proposed openstack/tempest: Typo fixing
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack/tempest: Delete duplicated dvr tests
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openstackgerritGal Amado proposed openstack/tempest: Added 2 nics of the same network to an instance
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openstackgerritDaniel Berrange proposed openstack-dev/devstack: DO NOT MERGE: testing tls cert setup move
openstackgerritPaul Carlton proposed openstack/tempest: Add a test for detach/attach root volume
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openstackgerritJordan Pittier proposed openstack/tempest: Network test: rework the service types/service providers tests
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openstackgerritBenny Kopilov proposed openstack/tempest: Fix volume_create to use shared function with a cleanup
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack/tempest: Delete duplicated dvr tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Typo fixing
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/tempest: Removing baremetal tests from tempest tree
jordanPpaul-carlton2, which test ?15:08
jordanPthat could be a bug in Tempest response schema15:09
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openstackgerritDaniel Berrange proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Revert "DO NOT MERGE: testing tls cert setup move"
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paul-carlton2jordanP, A new one but fixed it now, it was a typo, see
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jordanPpaul-carlton2, ok, good to hear :)16:25
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-dev/devstack: If plugin is enabled multiple times only register 1st time
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set SUBNETPOOL_PREFIX_V4 even though that's silly
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openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:35s for gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-xenial 397163,3,d1b98c917:10
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set SUBNETPOOL_PREFIX_V4 to unbreak gates
openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:35s for gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-xenial 397166,3,81933ff17:24
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manjeetshello folks i am tying to debug a multinode job, is there a way to inject specific localrc for subnode-x ?18:44
manjeetsin one of jobs I am debugging it tries to use same localrc for both nodes18:44
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clarkbmanjeets: devstack-gate generates a different localrc for the subnodes18:51
clarkbmanjeets: you can see that localrc in the subnode log dir18:51
manjeetsok clarkb it is trying to set up initial networks twice and ended up in error second time18:55
clarkbis that possibly because the node that enables the l3 service also creates the networks and youare enabling in more than one plce?18:56
manjeetsclarkb, possibly i can see q-l3 logs on both the nodes18:59
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openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Remove pki and pkiz token format
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/coverage2sql: Add releasenote
openstackgerritMerged openstack/coverage2sql: Add unit tests and remove oslo_db
openstackgerritMerged openstack/coverage2sql: Add get_coverage()
openstackgerritMerged openstack/coverage2sql: Omit unit test files from coverage
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oomichiafazekas: reviewed on your 396833, please check my comment23:42
erlon-airlongoomichi: hey23:42
oomichierlon-airlong: hello :)23:42
erlon-airlongoomichi: can you please give a look on this test when you have a change?23:42
oomichierlon-airlong: cool, will check it now23:43
erlon-airlongoomichi: just need another +2 +W :)23:43
erlon-airlongoomichi: thanks!!23:43
oomichiEmilienM: need your eyes on
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oomichierlon-airlong: reviewed on that. TBH, I cannot understand the actual merit of that at this time.23:55
oomichierlon-airlong: Maybe I need to learn it more from you23:56
erlon-airlongoomichi: sure23:56
erlon-airlongoomichi: so, I needed to add this because Im implementing the NFS Snapshots in CInder23:56
erlon-airlongoomichi: there are 2 process of snapshoting, offline, that happens when the volume is detached and online, that happens when the volume is attached23:57
erlon-airlongCinder does the offline and nova the online23:57
erlon-airlongthere can be some problems when you create a snapshot offline and then try to attach23:58
erlon-airlongor if you try the opposite23:58
oomichierlon-airlong: now the test can pass on the gate, so that means this problem is NFS specific, right?23:59
erlon-airlongoomichi: then those tests cover those situations, that so far didn't happened as there was no snapshots in NFS23:59

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