Tuesday, 2016-08-30

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openstackgerritSergey Galkin proposed openstack/performance-docs: Add info about 378 nodes testing  https://review.openstack.org/36224613:11
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DinaBelova#startmeeting Performance Team15:30
openstackMeeting started Tue Aug 30 15:30:02 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is DinaBelova. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:30
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:30
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'performance_team'15:30
DinaBelovahey folks :)15:30
DinaBelovahope new time will be more comfortable :)15:30
DinaBelovarohanion msimonin o/15:30
DinaBelovalet's wait for a few moments :)15:30
msimoninHey, hello :)15:31
DinaBelovaso let's get started with action items15:31
DinaBelova#topic Action Items15:31
DinaBelovalast time we had only one in fact: find out what's slowing down OpenStack REST APIs in the Inria 1000 nodes experiment15:32
DinaBelovamsimonin rcherrueau afaiu the issue was in DB settings?15:32
msimoninyes it was15:32
msimoninkolla deployment configure the mariadb with galera replication out of the box15:32
msimoninin our primary tests we only have 1 mariadb instance15:33
DinaBelovamsimonin yep, to have comparable stuff15:33
DinaBelovaok, so you found what was the difference even without any help :)15:33
DinaBelovarohanion o/15:33
DinaBelovaso we can jump to the nice part :)15:34
DinaBelova#topic Upcoming summit15:34
DinaBelovaso from what I know: 1000 nodes emulation testing sesison was approved15:34
DinaBelovalemme find a link15:34
DinaBelova#link https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/events/15977/chasing-1000-nodes-scale15:35
DinaBelovaso this means msimonin and Alex and I are going to have funny time preparing :)15:35
msimoninyes :)15:35
ad_rien_rcherrueau should contribute too15:35
DinaBelovaad_rien_ ack15:36
ad_rien_(even if his name does not appear ;) )15:36
DinaBelovaregarding the separated time slot for performance team discussions: WG sessions were not yet approved, although as technically we're part of LDT we may not capture separated slot as we were lucky to do last summit15:36
msimoninIs there any other talk accepted for the performance WG ?15:36
DinaBelovanot that I know about15:37
DinaBelovaso going back to the WG stuff: as we're part of LDT, we may not have separated slot15:38
ad_rien_What do you mean ?15:38
DinaBelovaso I wonder if LDT will give us some time to present the results and collect feedback15:38
DinaBelovaklindgren ? ^^15:38
DinaBelovaklindgren do you think it's possible?15:39
klindgrenI think our schedulue is fairly open right now.15:39
ad_rien_What is your idea DinaBelova ? you would like to present twice   ?15:39
DinaBelovaklindgren ok, so I just want to have some backup variant if separated session/time slot won't be available15:39
ad_rien_Or you plan to give a more synthetic presentation just for the LDT WG?15:40
DinaBelovaad_rien_ the thing is that official talk != design summit15:40
DinaBelovaand usual discussions15:40
DinaBelova+ 1000 nodes is only one set of tests15:40
DinaBelovafrom what would be done15:40
ad_rien_but we can expect that LDT key persons will attend the ''official'' presentation ?15:40
DinaBelovaso sharing the whole status will be nice I think15:40
klindgrenI think that should be fine.  I haven't looked at the schedule to see the LDT sloted times.15:40
DinaBelovaad_rien_ this depends much on the schedule (that's not defined yet :))15:41
DinaBelovaklindgren I did not see these slots being added and defined yet15:41
DinaBelovaklindgren that's the issue :)15:41
DinaBelovaklindgren so I have 0 idea on if my slot separated request for performance team was accepted or not :)15:42
DinaBelovaand that's also an issue :D15:42
klindgrenAh I - C15:43
DinaBelova#info right now schedule is not yet finalized, not clear if performance team will gather the separated time slot for discussions, or we can present our results using small part of LDT time slot: LDT agenda is fairly open right now15:43
DinaBelovaok, so that's pretty all I know about upcoming summit in terms of performance team :)15:44
DinaBelovadoes someone know something else?15:44
DinaBelovait looks like nope :)15:45
AugieMenafyi, someone from my team (Chris Kirkland) had a performance presentation accepted15:45
DinaBelovarook AugieMena ?15:45
AugieMena#link ttps://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=nova+scheduler15:45
rookWe have a Performance talk accepted as well /me gets link15:45
DinaBelovarook ack15:45
DinaBelova#link https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/events/15424/a-nova-scheduler-for-public-cloud-scale15:45
rook#link https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/events/1527915:46
DinaBelovarook ack, thanks :)15:46
DinaBelovaso we have some summit agenda already defined :)15:46
DinaBelovabtw, folks, who's going to attend the summit?15:47
DinaBelovamsimonin I suppose you'll, and what's about rcherrueau ?15:47
DinaBelovaad_rien_ ;)15:47
ad_rien_should be there too15:47
DinaBelovaok, cool, that's nice15:47
DinaBelovaAugieMena, rook ?15:48
AugieMenaI won't be there, but Chris will15:48
DinaBelovaAugieMena ack, thanks for letting know15:48
rookI do have a bunch of people from my team attending15:48
rookToo close to the birth of my second son :)15:48
DinaBelovarook wow, congratulations on upcoming EVENT15:48
AugieMenacongrats rook... also close to the birth of my first grandson :)15:49
DinaBelovaahaha, it's an epidemic :)15:49
DinaBelovaok, so it looks like we may proceed15:50
DinaBelova#topic Current progress on the planned tests15:50
DinaBelovamsimonin rcherrueau may you please start?15:50
msimoninyes sure15:50
msimoninso with rcherrueau we deployed a 1000 compute nodes openstack15:51
msimoninto make some premilinary tests and validate our experiment workflow15:51
msimoninas we said before with the patch on the mariadb cofiguration, things were better15:51
DinaBelovaok, so it looks like you're having nice progress15:52
DinaBelovathat's really cool15:52
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DinaBelovamsimonin thanks15:52
msimoninmoreover :)15:52
msimoninNext week we will try different topologies15:52
msimoninwith this 1000 computes (fake driver)15:53
msimoninlike adding more controllers15:53
msimoninmaybe we should discuss what could be relevant ?15:53
DinaBelovamsimonin good idea15:53
msimoninbecause actually I discussed briefly with Steve Dake15:54
msimoninfrom Kolla15:54
msimoninand they are making some experimentation as well using a kolla deployed openstack and a set of rally benchmarks15:55
DinaBelovamsimonin ok, any insights from them?15:55
msimoninlet me share a link15:56
msimonin#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-N-midcycle-osic15:56
* DinaBelova trying to find the deployment topology in the doc15:57
msimoninline 3515:57
msimoninfor the first scenario15:57
DinaBelovaa-ha, I see15:57
DinaBelovaand what's meant by controller in this case btw?15:58
msimoninin the kolla terminology15:58
msimonincontrol = nova-[api|scheduler], horizon, rabbitmq, mariadb, keystone15:59
DinaBelovaI'm asking as personally from what we've seen several control plane components need to be removed from controller nodes to separated ones if we're going up with scale (rabbitmq, mysql, conductor, neutron server, keystone)15:59
DinaBelovaso for their case (130 nodes) just all-in-one controller should be ok15:59
DinaBelovabut for 1000+ nodes scale I believe something needs to be separated16:00
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msimoninyes 1 control should be able to handle 100 compute node scale16:00
msimoninyes actually that's the purpose of the experiment I'd like to conduct next week16:00
msimoninhaving separated DB, rabbitmq, conductor, …16:01
DinaBelovaand see how it'll go :)16:01
DinaBelovathat's nice, thanks from doing this :)16:01
msimoninTo your knowledge is their some similar evaluation in the Openstack community ,16:02
DinaBelovamsimonin I know operators were discussing the deployment topologies. LDT in particular16:02
DinaBelovaand everyone is having it's own opinion on this :)16:03
msimoninI can imagine easily :)16:03
DinaBelovaso we can just measure the numbers and present them and create some recommendations - but HOW to do it it's still up to operator16:03
DinaBelovaand sometimes there are internal reasons not to follow these recommendations :)16:04
ad_rien_Maybe we can add such a point in the agenda of the working session in Barcelona16:04
DinaBelovaad_rien_ good point16:04
ad_rien_we have different scenarios in mind @Inria16:04
ad_rien_the one msimonin explained and also somes that include regions/multi sites deployments16:04
DinaBelova#info let's go thorough 1000 nodes experiment result on Barcelona summit and present the deployment recommendations we'll come up with as a result of it16:05
DinaBelovaad_rien_ ack16:05
DinaBelovaok, so from Mirantis side: we have finished 400 nodes control plane / dataplane test runs, currently collecting the results16:06
DinaBelovathe thing is that in fact due to several hw issues it were 378 nodes, not 400 :(16:06
DinaBelovabut we decided not to wait till they will be fixed and run tests now16:06
DinaBelovaif we'll be able, we'll rerun them on 500 nodes at the end of sept16:06
DinaBelovaso what's upcoming: k8s + fuel-ccp (containerized control plane) evaluation, 1000 nodes emulation on 250 nodes16:07
DinaBelovaas for the first item: it's something requested by Mirantis folks, who are working on fuel-ccp and and k8s, so we're interested on how k8s itself and openstack on top of it can scale16:08
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ad_rien_could you please clarify16:08
ad_rien_I'm bit lost:16:08
ad_rien_k8s + fuel ccp16:09
ad_rien_are you deploying VMs or containers to emulate your 1000 nodes ?16:09
DinaBelovaad_rien_ there is much effort here in Mirantis is spent on containeraized OpenStack development16:09
DinaBelovaand we (as scale team inside Mirantis) got a request to try it16:09
ad_rien_I'm just trying to  understand16:10
ad_rien_how are you emulating your 1000 nodes on top of 250 physical servers16:10
DinaBelovaad_rien_ so that's something I was going to talk about now16:10
DinaBelovalast time on small lab we used containers for this purpose16:10
DinaBelovathis time we really wanted to have non-fake driver16:11
DinaBelovaso we have several options now: use kolla/ccp for this purpose (on top of 1000 vms run against 250 nodes) or just fuel (again, on top of 1000 vms)16:11
DinaBelovadue to the fact we're pushed to use ccp, we're currently evaluating it on small scale16:12
DinaBelovaand we'll see what will be chosen in next 2 weeks or so16:12
DinaBelovaad_rien_ this is much about politics and what's more useful for Mirantis as a company, but I really hope we'll grad these 1000 nodes cluster :D16:13
DinaBelovaso the main moment: we think there will be enough HW to run these 1000 nodes with usual libvirt Nova driver, not fake one16:14
ad_rien_it's clear thanks16:14
DinaBelovaand see how the picture will change comparing with what we've done previously on small lab with fake river16:15
DinaBelovaok, cool16:15
DinaBelovaso it looks like we can jump to the OSprofiler16:15
DinaBelova#topic OSProfiler weekly update16:15
DinaBelovarohanion the floor is yours :)16:15
rohanionok cool16:15
rohanionI'm still working on a script that changes the config files and restarts the services16:16
rohanionwill finish it by the end of today16:16
rohanionnothing besides that, unfortunately :(16:17
DinaBelovarohanion you are about automation of osprofiler usage on Fuel-installed clouds?16:17
DinaBelovarohanion ack, thanks16:17
rohanionbut it will work with vanilla OS too16:18
DinaBelovarohanion ok, thanks for mentioning this :)16:18
rohanionI decided not to work with hiera and detect the role based on the services16:18
DinaBelovarohanion any updates from Alex? (I know he could not attend today meeting)16:19
rohanionNo, he switched to another project16:19
DinaBelovarohanion ack16:20
DinaBelova#topic Open Discussion16:20
DinaBelovaso do we have something else to cover?16:20
DinaBelovait looks like nope :)16:21
DinaBelovathanks everyone for participating :)16:21
openstackMeeting ended Tue Aug 30 16:21:28 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)16:21
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/performance_team/2016/performance_team.2016-08-30-15.30.html16:21
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/performance_team/2016/performance_team.2016-08-30-15.30.txt16:21
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/performance_team/2016/performance_team.2016-08-30-15.30.log.html16:21
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openstackgerritSergey Galkin proposed openstack/performance-docs: Add results for 400 nodes control plane testing  https://review.openstack.org/36224616:28
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