Monday, 2015-11-30

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klindgrenDinaBelova, yt?20:24
DinaBelovaklindgren, hey!20:24
klindgrenTrying that patch however it looks like it was against a newer patch set20:25
klindgrenosl_service in kilo doesn't have periodic_task20:25
DinaBelovash*t, one moment20:25
klindgrenI fixed some other line import reference but looking at what has periodic_task now..20:26
klindgrenfrom nova.openstack.common import periodic_task20:26
klindgrenapears to be the ticket20:27
DinaBelovayep, it should be this one20:27
DinaBelovaalthough the signature could change :(20:27
klindgrenrunning with:
DinaBelova is almost the same with
DinaBelovathat should work ok20:30
klindgrenso I have those dumps20:45
klindgrenbut they are ~40mb in a tgz20:45
klindgrensooo - slightly too big for email20:45
klindgrenlet me re-run with less workers for less dumps20:49
DinaBelovaklindgren - you can use gdrive for this for instance20:49
DinaBelovaor smaller ones :)20:49
DinaBelovathat will work as well20:49
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klindgrenemail inbound21:11
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