Monday, 2015-11-23

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DinaBelovaklindgren_ - I'm going crazy with my little VM where I'm trying to reproduce your issue via lots of metadata calls :) for some reason my metadata service is not working as expected :D debugging :D13:26
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klindgren_DinaBelova, cool - I htink you are going to need a relative large number of vm's.  As many calls to metadata to the same source, will hit the default cache of 15 seconds.  So while it will cause some load - its not going to cause (or should not cause) a ton of load on conductor.16:09
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DinaBelovaklindgren_ - nope, the issue is that I do not see excepted logs at all... it looks like my nova is behaving not very well - I even cannot ssh to the Vms and check the metadata service inside them - nova guys are helping me right now :(17:55
DinaBelovaexpected* logs17:56
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SpamapSDinaBelova: have you considered doing this with the fake driver?18:41
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SpamapSDinaBelova: I'm not sure how to fake out the mac<->port<->instance mapping, but then at least you can have thousands of vms on a laptop. :)18:43
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harlowjaright, thats the question i have, fake driver should be fine, but networking might not be (and if vm <-> metadata calls are needed then might need a real vm/something)18:57
DinaBelovaSpamapS - I just wanted to take a look on real metadata load :(19:13
DinaBelovaand then emulate it with some scripts for instance19:13
DinaBelovaor whatever19:14
DinaBelovabut real load is far from me :D19:14
harlowjasomeday u will get real load19:14
harlowjawhen u are worthy19:14
SpamapSDinaBelova: indeed, that first step is a big one. :-/19:14
SpamapSI'm reading the bit of the metadata code that interacts with lbaas...19:16
SpamapSlots of port and subnet listing19:17
SpamapSklindgren_: help me out.. this question started when you had to turn off conductor.use_local right?19:22
klindgren_no - we have been 100% remote conductor since havana19:23
klindgren_it started two fold, one during hte performance meeting in tokyo where I brought up that our conductor stuff was eating 3 servers worth of cpu.  The re-hashed again when nova merged a change that deprecated local-conductor19:25
klindgren_and a number of large installs that were doing local-conductor was like... um reports of performance issues using remote-conductor - why are we doing this?19:25
harlowjasome of those large installs may be from me, ha19:29
harlowja*cause we haven't turned on remote-conductor yet19:29
harlowjaand with stuff like this i'm not sure we still want to :-/19:29
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