Sunday, 2024-03-17

naymuIf I make the command `git add .` all the file is adding but if I give a single file in which I had made changes like `git add manila/` only the changes is adding...07:58
naymugouthamr: Should I use the only changed file command `git add`? or which one?08:02
tspyderboy[m]Hi naymu:... (full message at <>)08:51
tspyderboy[m]s///, s/file_path/file\_path/08:54
tspyderboy[m]s///, s/file_path/file\_path/, s///08:54
tspyderboy[m] * Hi naymu:... (full message at <>)08:54
tspyderboy[m] * Hi naymu:... (full message at <>)08:55
tspyderboy[m]Hi naymu , I also see you bouncing in/out the chat.... (full message at <>)08:59
tspyderboy[m]s/Setting it element for openstack chat: to join openstack channel using Element:
tspyderboy[m] * Hi naymu , also if you are having trouble with IRC bouncing in/out of the chat, you can chat using an app.... (full message at <>)10:14
naymu_Thanks user named Naymul Islam is me17:06
naymu_I was using the hexchat before it was like command line type interface I was getting.Thanks for the advice.17:07
* NaymulIslam[m] uploaded an image: (59KiB) < >17:12
NaymulIslam[m]I have to use the git review before commiting the changes?17:13
* NaymulIslam[m] uploaded an image: (34KiB) < >17:19
NaymulIslam[m]Nothing is changed but showing changed :(17:19
NaymulIslam[m]gouthamr: tspyderboy What should I do?17:20

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