Thursday, 2023-11-02

gray[m]hey gouthamr_ thank you for the comments you left me at  04:07
gray[m]I am finding it a little challenging to understand the testing logic implementation 04:07
gray[m]However, could you be having any ticket/issue in the Manila UI?  i would wish to contribute to every Repo in Manila UI   04:07
gray[m]s///, s/Repo/repo/, s/in/for/04:07
gray[m]kindly also try to look through
gouthamr_gray[m]: i'm happy to clarify anything that's challenging/confusing in the remarks.. 04:13
gouthamr_gray[m]: on manila-ui, there are far few open bugs right now:
gouthamr_but, you can go through the code base, and see if you see any inconsistencies - for example, some beginner friendly things could be: test coverage enhancement, documentation fixes04:18
gouthamr_thanks for working on ; i'll take a look here04:19
gray[m]> for example, some beginner friendly things could be: test coverage enhancement, documentation fixes04:22
gray[m]yes i think i will do this.   Right now, honestly i do not know much about the project and we are past the contribution period.  My application was also lacking.  I think modifying test logic in Manila UI will open my eyes the more 04:22
gouthamr_totally thanks for keeping up with your contributions here04:22
gray[m]also gouthamr_ 04:23
gray[m]I realized that i can't tag a person on launchpad04:23
gray[m]i wanted to also work on and
gray[m]I have done changes locally but am a little afraid if they are correct since i have used the same approach like adding `--wait` for snapshot delete, create and revert 04:27
gray[m]so my goal this week is to push the local changes all those issues, and try to see if Forbid resetting state of active replicas can get merged.  Then from next week, i will start on going through Manila UI code.04:30

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