Saturday, 2023-10-28

gray[m]hey gouthamr carloss 18:04
gray[m]do you have any code format instructions.  I use Vscode   18:04
gouthamrgray[m]: we enforce pep8 for the most part as the code style guideline; we also extend it with some more conventions…20:09
gouthamrwhen you write code, you can run “tox -epep8” to get feedback on whether your code conforms to the standards/conventions we follow20:10
gouthamrblack is a good tool that we use too, and it’ll run as part of that test20:10
gouthamrit’ll end up reformatting your code to match the conventions20:11
gouthamrI don’t use VSCode, but you may find some extensions useful in your local environment20:11
gray[m]I saw some comments on my commit and I think they were automated code-format violation related 20:13
gouthamrgray[m]: yes, please run “ tox -epep8 “ locally; and fix the errors you see21:38
gray[m]roger that.  Seams i hadn't gotten well the testing logic in that first patched i committed. sharing asap  21:40
gray[m]thank you gouthamr 21:40
melakualehegn[m]gouthamr: carloss  just FYI I can assign bugs to myself on lanchpad.21:55
gray[m]let me confirm if it also works my side 21:56
gouthamroh good ; I’ve no idea what changed21:56
gouthamrI didn’t get a response to my question on libera’s #launchpad channel21:57
gouthamrthanks gray[m] - please do21:57
melakualehegn[m]gouthamr:  maybe he's getting to know us.21:58
gray[m]gouthamr: it ain't working yet, i cant see the pen icon on the unassign22:01
gray[m]re-logged in and even cleared site data 22:01
gouthamrgray[m]: I see; for now, we can tag you in bugs you’re working on… thanks for checking22:02
gray[m]sure that will be fine with me.  I also realized that when i push a comment concerning for an issue, its status changes and a comment is added automatically 22:04
gray[m]That said, for a more smooth contribution experience, i think will leave a comment like 'i am interested ...' and tag any of you 22:08

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