Thursday, 2023-10-26

gouthamrgray thanks; all the best.. i've posted comments on your change.. look forward to your updates!00:00
grayRoger that Goutham! looking at them 00:02
gray[m]thank you for the comment Goutham at Gerrit.  I am joining in from Element and honestly, this has saved the trouble of looking through logs when am get offline 00:42
gray[m]how do i install tox to run my tests locally.  It documentation showed as if i am supposed to use pip which requires setting up an environment...00:46
gray[m]i just wasn't able to understand that part of the documentation 00:48
gouthamrhey gray[m] 01:47
gouthamrto install tox, you can use pip --- simply: `pip install tox`01:49
gouthamrwhat OS are you using; that should be straightforward on linux01:50
gouthamrgray[m]: also, please login to launchpad and claim this bug: 02:21
gouthamrafter you log in, you'll see a pen icon next to "Unassigned" under the "Assigned to" field on that page. click on it, and click on "Assign me"02:21
gray[m]<gouthamr> "gray: also, please login to..." <- I am logged in at launchpad but the there is no edit icon next to "Unassigned"07:36
gray[m]Could it be a permission issue 07:36
gray[m]<gouthamr> "to install tox, you can use pip..." <- gouthamr: yes. it is simple.  i got an environment restriction but i solved it by just disable python environment restriction with `pip install tox --break-system-packages`07:58
* gray[m] uploaded an image: (48KiB) < >08:14
* gray[m] uploaded an image: (48KiB) < >08:15
gray[m]gray[m]: I am logged in as shown in the upper right corner of the screen shot i have attached above 08:19
gray[m]gray[m]: but there is no pen icon after unassigned 08:20
gray[m]gray[m]: Am i doing this wrongly? gouthamr08:20
carlossgray[m]: apparently I am able to assign you to a bug, your account setup should be okay12:17
carlossmaybe it's launchpad that is keeping you because it is your first time?12:17
carlossI'll assign you and unassign, so that if it is the case, you will be able to assign the bug to yourself12:18
gray[m]thank you carloss 12:33
gray[m]But the pen icon has not become visible.  I have even tried to logout and in again 12:33
carlossgray[m]: no worries, I'll assign it to you again12:39
joanahi everyone! my name is joana but you can call me by xu, I'm 27 from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. My pronouns are she/her. I'm a programmer and i want to apply for outreachy, can you guys help to find a issue to record as a contribution?12:44
carlosso/ hi joana thanks for getting in touch! :D12:51
carlossbasically copy/pasting something gouthamr said one day ago:12:54
carlossyep; if you're looking for a bug that's already reported, i'd look here: 12:54
carlossor here
carlossor here:
carlossthe internship is centered around "manila ui" --- but, you might find more low hanging fruits reported against the other two repositories... it's just the way we organize our code, and i'd treat a contribution to any of these projects the same way 12:54
carlosshere is an easy bug in the python-manilaclient repo: 12:54
carlossin general; feel free to attempt any of these issues by reading through the bug description as well as comments that follow. most cases, someone would have mentioned how the bug should be resolved... you could start with that approach12:54
carlossif you have questions, feel free to post them here, or on #openstack-manila12:54
carlossjoana: and for staying connected, I'd suggest going through and doing the matrix setup :D12:56
carlossit's easy to get disconnected from IRC and lose some messages12:56
carlossjoana: aaand bem vinda!12:57
joanaobrigada carloss :DD this is my first experience with irc also haha 13:06
carlossah, it was the same for me, but one thing though: it's kinda simple and easy to get used to it13:07
joanathank you carloss for the matrix link, i already set it up here :) 13:29
*** xuonline[m] is now known as joanasantos[m]13:33
carlossawesome joanasantos[m] :)13:34
*** joanasantos[m] is now known as joana[m]13:38
gouthamrcarloss ty for answering the questions here; it appears new launchpad users can't claim bugs like we expected18:08
gouthamrmelakualehegn[m] had the same problem18:08
gouthamri don't know if they need to have some level of launchpad karma; or if its a setting we need to toggle against the manila trackers18:08
gouthamrcarloss: this is what melakualehegn[m] sees on a bug for instance: 18:11
carlossyeah, it sounds pretty much like it18:26
gouthamrmelakualehegn[m]: what browser are you using?19:56
melakualehegn[m]I'm using chrome gouthamr 19:57
gouthamrmelakualehegn[m]: can you try a couple of things 1) logging out/logging back in, and 2) hard resetting your cache and reloading the page19:58
gouthamrapparently the pen icon seems to be some in-page ajax handler; i wanted to see if something else is tripping it up19:59
melakualehegn[m]gouthamr: hmm. I have done the first one, but lemme try the second.19:59
melakualehegn[m]Now I tried the second and still the same gouthamr 20:09
gouthamrthanks melakualehegn[m] 20:09
gouthamrfor now i've assigned you to 20:10
melakualehegn[m]thanks gouthamr 20:11

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