Wednesday, 2022-03-16

dtantsurmaaritamm, carloss, hey! looking at your project proposal now, I think you may want to mention your teams IRC rather than this channel12:06
dtantsurI'm not sure this channel is even active any more12:06
carlosso/ dtantsur 12:07
carlossthanks for the heads-up12:07
carlossi'll update it right away12:07
dtantsurI also think may be outdated12:07
dtantsur may be more useful12:07
carlossdone! thanks for the suggestions12:12
dtantsurcarloss: sure. approved now12:13
dtantsurcarloss, maaritamm, since you've indicated you don't have a past outreachy experience: please absolutely do not hesitate to reach out to Mahati and myself with any questions.12:14
dtantsurI have been a mentor 4 times before becoming a coordinator, so I can probably give you some tips when needed :)12:14
carlossthat's really kind of you! thank you dtantsur :D12:21
carlossif we have questions, we'll ping you for sure :)12:21
maaritammdtantsur: thanks! Will keep that in mind :)12:45

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