Wednesday, 2021-11-10

francieGood morning all07:47
francieHello maaritanm07:47
francieI just sent the patchset containing the unit tests but I have got some questions07:48
francieLet me know when you have a moment07:48
francieHello maaritanm,09:19
francieHello vkmc11:14
francieWhen you have a moment could you take a look at the patch?11:15
vkmcfrancie, hey11:21
vkmcfrancie, yes11:21
francieI received some zuul failure11:22
francie    TypeError: test_allow_access_wait() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'share' and 'access_to'11:22
maaritammLooks like francie misspelled my nickname, I didn't get the notifications, thanks for jumping in vkmc! :) 15:36
vkmcmaaritamm, anytime15:36
vkmccode looks good good 15:37
vkmcunit tests are tricky15:37

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