Monday, 2021-08-23

archanaserverhi vkmc o/12:23
archanaserveri can see my all osc patches have merge conflict 12:33
archanaservercan you help me to resolve it?12:34
archanaserveri have confusion w/ a command, i fixed it now!12:52
vkmcarchanaserver, o/13:14
vkmcarchanaserver, heyy13:14
vkmcsorry, I was away13:14
vkmcarchanaserver, sure, we need to follow up fixing your changes13:14
vkmcit is next in my to do 13:14
vkmcfor today13:14
vkmcarchanaserver, how are you feeling?13:14
archanaservervkmc, i'm feeling better now, so started working :)13:26
archanaservervkmc, okie so i resolve all the merge conflicts from osc patches13:27
archanaserveralso i have added reno in share group and share server patches13:28
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on has been restarted for a patch version upgrade, resulting in a brief outage21:43

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