Thursday, 2021-07-15

vkmcarchanaserver, o/07:45
vkmcarchanaserver, need to change our one on one... are you available in 15 min?07:45
vkmcarchanaserver, if not, I need to push it for later, but it will be closer to the event... and I don't know if you had a special inquiry about it07:46
archanaservervkmc, yes i'm available07:54
vkmcarchanaserver, cool! I'll join in 5 then07:55
vkmc:) 07:55
archanaservervkmc, okie07:55
archanaservervkmc, accepted taiga invitation08:38
vkmcarchanaserver++ 08:39
vkmcarchanaserver, just assigned two cards to you08:41
vkmcsince you are already familiar with share groups08:41
archanaservervkmc, okie, i'll look into that!08:42
vkmckafilat, o/10:12
vkmckafilat, just wondering how you were feeling for today GHC event 10:12
vkmckafilat, do you have any query, concern, or anything?10:12
kafilatvkmc, hi10:39
kafilatI'm yet to get a link to the event10:39
vkmckafilat, the zoom you mean?12:26
vkmckafilat, is on the slack channel12:26
vkmcpinned on the #openstack-mentors channel12:26
kafilatoh, ok12:55
vkmcarchanaserver, you doing ok? 21:17
vkmcarchanaserver, you were awesome today 21:18
vkmc:) 21:18
vkmcon the presentations21:18
archanaservervkmc, yes i just feeling bit sleepy zZ21:18
archanaservervkmc, thanks a lot :)21:18
vkmcarchanaserver, it's ok if you wanna head out 21:18
vkmcyou already contributed a lot to the event 21:18
vkmcI'm leaving gouthamr who is more awake than me to shine hah21:19
vkmcwhile finishing my dinner21:19
archanaservervkmc, okie then can i drop now?21:19
archanaserveryes :D21:19
vkmcarchanaserver, of course21:19
vkmcwe wrap this bug and we will be done21:19
archanaservervkmc, okie then thanks again for all the support :)21:20
archanaserverdropping now 21:20
archanaserverand ttyt 21:20
vkmcttyt o/ 21:24
vkmcthanks again21:24

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