Tuesday, 2021-07-06

archanaserverhi vkmc, o/08:10
vkmchi archanaserver, o-08:10
archanaservervkmc:  addressed your commend here -> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-ui/+/798807 , but i'm having issue in assigning the size of the operation(in my case share_type_quotas) how we are assigning those?08:10
vkmcarchanaserver, not sure I follow08:11
vkmcsize of the operation?08:11
archanaserverhere -> https://github.com/openstack/manila-ui/blob/master/manila_ui/tests/api/test_manila.py#L636-L640 in the expected_result dict we have different operation like share_groups, share_group_snapshots etc with the value  08:16
archanaserverthose int values indicate sizes right?08:16
archanaserverso i want to know from where we are assigning those size08:17
archanaservervkmc: does my question make sense to you?08:29
vkmcarchanaserver, it does now 08:30
vkmcarchanaserver, so, it's a test, so any number would do08:30
archanaservervkmc, ok08:40
vkmcarchanaserver, when we write tests we use random values... trying to think on how a user would use it 08:40
vkmcthat in general 08:40
vkmcother kind of tests try to test "border cases" 08:41
archanaservervkmc, got it!08:43
archanaservervkmc, where can i find the unit test report of the patch set08:50
archanaserverlike this one https://541801f70bf0c1edba87-2344f8d71749bd5aac75027308191d87.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/795990/4/check/openstack-tox-py36/6c99e33/testr_results.html#javascript:showTestDetail('div_ft2.1')08:50
vkmcarchanaserver, on zuul08:50
vkmconce the run is done08:50
vkmcyou will see a comment from zuul08:51
vkmcwith the gate listing 08:51
vkmcand all the gates that run your patch08:51
vkmcyou can click on the link to the gate you want 08:51
vkmcand you will get to the logs 08:51
archanaserveroh okay, thanks!08:54
archanaservervkmc, submitted the manila ui patch here -> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/manila-ui/+/798807 and it build succeeded 10:17
archanaservervkmc, also about the manila patch, it's failing in some cases. i can't figure out the error, can i commit it for review?10:17
archanaservervkmc, i have added some manila ui and python-manilaclient bug links in our 1:1 doc and i want to start working on any one of those parallelly10:20
archanaservercan you check it?10:20
vkmcarchanaserver, sure 12:01
vkmcarchanaserver, is the manila patch already updated? 12:21
vkmcso I review 12:22
vkmcand I'll check our doc12:22
archanaservervkmc, no not yet12:22
archanaservervkmc, submitting the latest patch 12:23
vkmcarchanaserver, great!12:23
vkmcjust checked the bugs you saw on manila-ui and on the python-manilaclient12:23
vkmcfeel free to take all three12:23
vkmcin fact, there is one related to the internship task... which is the quotas one 12:23
archanaserverthat's great! thanks 12:24
archanaserverbut i need some info on the python-manilaclient one12:24
vkmcarchanaserver, sure, what kind of info?12:33
archanaservervkmc, like how can i manage or unmanage --wait option in a share server (didn't find anything similar)12:40
vkmcarchanaserver, so it's very similar to the --wait option you added for share-groups 12:42
vkmcarchanaserver, you need to find the command in the shell for manage/unmanage and add that control12:42
archanaservervkmc, ah okie make sense, let me go through the codebase then i'll let you know if i get stuck somewhere :)12:43
vkmcarchanaserver, nice! 12:43
archanaservervkmc, also i find that you mention in the our doc about internship extension12:45
vkmcarchanaserver, yes! 12:46
vkmcwe might need to extend the internship for 1-2 weeks, would you be open to do that? 12:46
archanaservervkmc, yes12:48
vkmcarchanaserver, cool12:57
vkmcI can give more details in our one on one, but basically organizers need to see more contributions to the project 12:57
vkmcso we need to keep working on learning new skills and working on new patches 12:57
archanaservervkmc, sure13:40
vkmcarchanaserver, about the manila change 14:32
vkmcpy38 run is already available 14:32
vkmccheck out the testr_results file14:33
vkmcif you check, you see that test_share_group_snapshot_members_get, test_share_group_snapshot_get_all_by_project_with_details, test_share_group_snapshot_get_all_with_detail, test_share_group_snapshot_members_get_all are failing with a similar issue than the test that you fixed 14:34
vkmcby dropping the sqlalchemy model14:34
vkmcyou need to do the same, but for the attributes failing for those tests14:34
vkmcand test_share_group_snapshot_get is failing with 14:34
vkmcAttributeError: 'ShareGroupSnapshot' object has no attribute 'pop'14:34
vkmcthis is the file and the line with the issue -- File "/home/zuul/src/opendev.org/openstack/manila/manila/tests/db/sqlalchemy/test_api.py", line 1242, in test_share_group_snapshot_get14:35
vkmcif we check that file on that line14:36
vkmcin your change14:36
vkmcwe see... "sg_snap = db_utils.create_share_group_snapshot(sg['id'])"14:37
vkmclet's see what db_utils.create_share_group_snapshot returns14:37
vkmcprobably a share_group_snapshot object14:37
vkmcwell, a sqlalchemy model14:40
vkmcit's not a dict14:40
vkmcso it doesn't have the pop attribute14:40
vkmcyou would need to create the dict first 14:40
vkmcand then pop that attribute out 14:40
vkmcdoes that make sense_14:43
archanaservervkmc, sorry was on outreachy zulip intern chat14:48
archanaservervkmc, i'm looking into it now!14:48
archanaservervkmc, yes it makes sense now14:54
vkmcarchanaserver, oki, great!14:55
vkmcarchanaserver, once you are done with the changes 14:55
vkmcarchanaserver, run "tox -e pep8" and "tox -e py38"14:56
vkmcso you make sure those are passing 14:56
vkmcand you don't need to wait for the ci to finish 14:56
archanaservervkmc, yeah sure14:59
archanaservervkmc, what is  sqlalchemy model here (that you mentioned above)18:22
vkmcarchanaserver, in which test?18:36
vkmcok... let's inspect the error18:42
vkmcthis is the current test18:46
vkmcthis is your fix 18:47
vkmcthe share_group object is composed by several attributes and it is represented as a dictionary 18:47
vkmcdictionaries have keys and values 18:47
vkmcso, the share group has attributes such as... name: "my-share-group", id: "1234"18:48
vkmcand so on 18:48
vkmcone of the attributes that this share group has, is a reference to an entry in the database 18:48
vkmcwhich is this sqlalchemy model object 18:48
vkmcwhich is the share group18:48
vkmcreferences differ necessarily because we are talking about two different share groups: the one we created, and the fake 18:49
vkmcso we only want to compare the other attributes, that are equal18:49
vkmcin your change you are doing things right, but the order in which you are executing steps is wrong 18:50
vkmccheck out how I changed L418:51
archanaserveryeah, this is what i did my local changes18:52
vkmcand is that working for you? or are you getting some other error? 18:53
archanaserveri got your point now 18:53
archanaservergetting the same error18:54
vkmcwith those changes in place? 18:54
vkmcif you want we can do a pair programming session and finish that patch18:57
vkmclet me know :) 18:57
archanaserveryes sure give me 5 mint18:57
vkmcit can be tomorrow as well, it's kinda late for you already18:58
archanaserverah yes, i was just thinking that this patch is taking so much time and making me anxious to focus on main internship task :/19:00
archanaserveralso i'm not on track i guess :( as per our timeline19:02
archanaserverbut sure we can do pair programming tomorrow, thanks! 19:02
vkmcarchanaserver, it's fine, the goal is that you build up technical skills19:09
vkmcthis is as important as the main internship task 19:09
archanaservervkmc, wow then this is what i'm doing with my each contributions, thank you so much :)19:14

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