Monday, 2021-06-07

archanaserverHi @vkmc, good morning o/06:26
archanaservermy blog post update:07:40
archanaserverintroduction blog:
archanaserverweek 2 blog:
vkmcarchanaserver, o/11:26
vkmcjust reviewed your patch11:26
vkmcyou are getting closer11:26
archanaserverfollowed your review and added the @ddt decorator, when i do so i'm getting this error again even though i fixed the string issue that i face on friday13:28
vkmclet's see what's wrong13:35
archanaserveryes sure13:40
vkmcok so, a quick view shows you are not creating the fake share group13:50
vkmcshare_group_to_delete is a string13:51
vkmcyou need to create the fake share group and pass that string as the name13:51
vkmcyou have two ways to do so13:58
vkmcfor example, for the share_types test13:58
vkmc        fake_share_types = [13:58
vkmc            share_types.ShareType('fake', {'id': type_id}, True)13:58
vkmc            for type_id in type_ids13:58
vkmc        ]13:58
vkmcthat for loop is calling share_types13:58
vkmcwhich is the class being imported in
vkmcand creating the fake using the type_id provided as param13:59
vkmcone option, is that you import the share_groups class and create the fakes in that fashion13:59
vkmcthe other option14:00
vkmcis that you create a single object, as we were doing originally14:00
vkmclike this14:01
vkmcyou can do either of those14:01
*** kafilat has joined #openstack-outreachy14:29
kafilatHi vkmc, I've reviewed Ashley's patch14:29
kafilatI have a question about Manila cli14:29
vkmchi kafilat!14:29
vkmcnicely done14:30
vkmcsure, what's up?14:30
kafilatWhat is "tenant-name" "tenant-id" etc14:30
vkmcproject-name, project-id14:31
vkmcis the legacy name14:31
kafilatOh okay14:33
kafilatDo I need to specify it each time to use the cli?14:35
vkmcyou can define the environment variables with that information14:35
vkmcif you are using devstack14:35
vkmcyou can source the openrc file and that should be enough14:36
vkmc(in other words, execute "source openrc admin admin" in your devstack folder14:36
vkmclet me know if that works14:36
kafilatOkay. I'm going to try that14:36
archanaserverHi Vicky, thank you. Will work on the fix after the bug squash meeting :) and will let you know the result14:49
vkmcarchanaserver, thanks for joining the bug squash and thanks for accepting to work on that bug!16:09
archanaserverit's my pleasure to take part in bug squash :)16:12
archanaserveram i going to work on that bug parallelly with the fix i'm working on right now?16:14
archanaserveralso thank you for mentioning me there16:16
kafilatThanks vkmc, it worked!17:07
archanaserverwhat is this line mean here
archanaserverwhat this is doing?18:52
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