Monday, 2021-05-31

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vkmcarchanaserver, o/10:27
vkmcso, commands start with a /10:27
vkmcso if you write "/msg NickServ help"10:27
vkmcin the same place you write your chat messages10:28
vkmcwith no spaces10:28
vkmcyou will execute that command10:28
vkmcand NickServ will reply with the commands you can use in this network for nicks handling10:28
archanaserverI'm writing this "/msg NickServ" but nothing showed up10:29
archanaserverwith no spaces btw msg and NickServ10:29
vkmccheck the server tab10:29
archanaserverYes got it now :)10:30
vkmcok, to register your nick10:30
vkmcyou will need to issue10:30
vkmc /msg NickServ <password> <email>10:31
vkmcchange <password> and <email> with your password and email10:31
vkmcand then you will get instructions on how to confirm your nick registration10:31
archanaserverOkay on it10:31
vkmcyou officially in the irc network10:36
archanaserveryay :)10:36
vkmcdevstack issue10:42
vkmclet's install tmate and start a remote session10:42
vkmcshould be as easy as10:43
vkmcsudo apt-get install tmate10:43
vkmcand then you hit "tmate"10:43
vkmcand copy paste the ssh line you see on the bottom of your term10:43
archanaserverssh session: ssh 82EC6dXzp9fMUqJjzQ8S88qPt@sgp1.tmate.io10:47
archanaservernot this one, wait10:48
archanaserverssh session: ssh SfZaxMMUYweqjU8qNyEN8YXk2@sgp1.tmate.io10:48
archanaserverokay here it is10:48
vkmccool, I'm in10:50
vkmclet's start by unstacking10:50
vkmcand cleaning10:51
vkmcthose two scripts are for "uninstalling"10:51
vkmcthe environment10:51
archanaserveroh ok10:51
vkmcin the meantime, I saw the same bug you are hitting happening for a colleague of mine10:52
vkmcI dunno if folks reported it to the mailing10:52
vkmcbut there are two fixes waiting to get merged10:52
archanaserverI saw something similiar on launchpad i guess10:52
vkmchere is one of the fixes10:53
vkmcin merge conflict, so the contributor that proposed the patch still needs to fix some things10:54
vkmcand we also need this fix10:54
archanaserveroh i see10:54
vkmcoki, so we unstack10:56
vkmcand clean the env10:56
vkmcnormally... what we would do, is to run again10:56
vkmcI just inspected your local.conf, seems manila is missing from there10:57
vkmcso we will add it10:57
archanaserverhow can we add manila here?10:57
vkmclet me get you some links10:59
vkmcthis is what we are doing... getting devstack and configuring devstack11:00
vkmcin our docs we included some "templates" for local.conf files11:00
vkmclet's use LVM today11:00
vkmcas the backend11:00
vkmc(we can talk about what are the backends later)11:00
vkmcjust added manila11:03
vkmcand the python-manilaclient11:04
archanaserveryes i saw, now we can run ./
vkmcknowing that we have that bug11:05
vkmcwe will do a previous step11:05
vkmcnote that normally we wouldn't need this11:05
vkmcwe are going to apply the patch that fixes that bug11:05
vkmcso we can get our env up11:05
vkmcgit fetch '' refs/changes/82/791282/1 && git checkout -b change-791282-1 FETCH_HEAD11:05
vkmclike this11:05
archanaserverokie got it11:06
vkmcwhat we did with that command11:06
vkmcis to fetch from the devstack review queue11:06
vkmcthat patch with the fix we need11:06
vkmcand we created a new branch11:06
vkmcthat has that fix11:06
vkmcwe are going to use that new branch11:06
vkmcso now11:06
vkmcwe run stack.sh11:07
vkmcand we wait11:07
archanaserverohh yaa11:07
vkmcin the meantime I'll look for a nice slot so we can catch up11:13
vkmcdo you have any preference?11:13
archanaserverI was about to ask for this week meeting, so that I know more about openstack and manila stuffs.11:14
archanaserverNo, i'm available any time11:15
vkmcthis week we can have two meetings11:16
archanaserveryes :)11:16
vkmcone with kafi so we can go over the main concepts11:16
vkmcand then a one on one11:16
vkmcbtw, do you have a preferred way for me to refer to you?11:17
vkmcI say Archana but maybe you go with a nick name :)11:17
archanaserverPeople say Archu but you can say whatever is easy for you :)11:19
vkmcI like archu :)11:20
vkmcpersonally I don't mind people using my full name... but most of my colleagues call me Vicky11:21
archanaserverHere is the correct pronounce :p
archanaserverWell Vicky is great :)11:23
archanaserverit throws some error there11:29
vkmclooking into it11:30
vkmcprobably this is because manila was previously installed as root11:30
vkmclet me check11:30
archanaserveralso we are in stack there stack@archanaserver, i hope this not the problem11:34
vkmcyeah, that's fine11:34
vkmcthat is your stack user11:34
vkmclet's see if the unstack and the clean commands cleanup that for us11:34
vkmcI just removed all previous logs11:34
vkmcfor future reference, generally speaking, in linux it's safe to put things on your home folder11:35
vkmcmostly because you avoid having any issues with permissions11:35
vkmc(something that can get very complicated in no time)11:35
archanaserveroh yes, okay i'll keep this in mind11:35
vkmclet's rerun11:41
vkmcand see what happens now11:41
vkmcbasically what we did there was to put devstack on your home folder11:41
vkmcremoved all the other files that seemed to be from a previous run in which your home folder was being used as repo11:41
vkmcwe configured /opt/stack to be your repo folder11:41
vkmc(as we do in our CI)11:41
archanaserverah got it!11:42
archanaserversome database connection failed11:59
vkmcno no12:02
vkmcerror was in a previous line12:02
vkmclet's cleanup everything and restart the vm12:03
vkmcyou will need to share the ssh link again after the reboot is done12:03
archanaserverokie sure12:03
vkmccool, just issued the command12:05
vkmclet me know when the vm is back up12:06
vkmcand I can ssh again12:06
archanaserversomething happened here12:06
archanaserveractually i connected my vm terminal through ssh with my system terminal12:07
archanaserverUploaded file:
archanaserverand it just showed closed12:07
archanaserverokie gotcha vm is rebooting, that's why this connection closed12:08
archanaserverWill share the ssh link once it done12:09
vkmcyes :D12:09
vkmcjust sent an email about the openstack big picture session (if possible, we can do it today)12:09
vkmcand our slot for the one on one12:09
vkmclet me know if those work12:09
vkmcor we need to change them12:10
archanaserverYes, I'm okay with the timing.12:11
archanaserverwe can do this today12:11
archanaserverssh session: ssh zqbCpqUaTDWNjnehDnV3q7ja2@sgp1.tmate.io12:12
vkmchope kafilat can make it too12:12
vkmcjust changing to the stack user12:14
archanaserveroh okie12:14
vkmctype in the pass12:14
archanaservereeh why it's showing fail12:15
vkmchmm seems it doesn't work12:15
vkmcmaybe a typo?12:15
archanaservertrying again12:15
archanaserverit's archanaserver12:16
archanaserveroh no :/12:17
vkmcwe do have the stack user there12:17
vkmcmaybe pass is different12:18
vkmcwe can update the password12:18
vkmcif needed12:18
vkmcoki, root password is different12:18
archanaserverit's 102912:19
archanaserverjust updated easy onne12:19
vkmccrossing fingers now12:19
archanaservermee too \O/12:20
vkmcok, the ovn checkpoint passes12:54
archanaserveryes, want to know what is ovn here?12:55
vkmcovn is openvswitch12:56
vkmcit's used for advanced networking12:56
vkmcno need to know the in and outs of it12:57
archanaserverokay will explore about it then12:57
archanaserveroh okies12:57
archanaserverit throws some error again :(13:03
vkmcyeah :(13:06
vkmclet me see13:06
vkmcthe service is running13:16
vkmcseems there is some timeout13:16
archanaserveroh let's see this time then13:17
vkmcyep, same issue as last time since we already started ovs13:21
vkmcok, I'll chat with other colleagues and see if there is a missing patch13:21
vkmcor what's going on13:21
vkmcusually... setting up devstack is complex, but not that complex :D13:21
archanaserveryes sure13:21
archanaserveri thought it's that much complex :/13:22
vkmcwe will try once more time13:35
vkmcif not13:35
vkmcwe can try a different task while we get those fixes in place13:35
archanaserveryes sure13:36
vkmcand... let's push today's session to wednesday13:38
vkmcbecause I haven't got a response from kafilat13:38
archanaserveroh, okie from my side13:39
vkmcoh wait13:39
vkmcI see she accepted13:39
vkmcthe invite13:39
vkmcbut she didn't send an email13:39
vkmcso maybe she is around13:39
archanaserver*great :)13:40
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archanaserverwell that last command throws error again vkmc did you see that?14:57
vkmctmate closed :(14:58
archanaserveroh yes, let me share you the ssh link14:58
archanaserverUploaded file:
archanaserverbtw this was the error14:59
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archanaserverhi vkmc15:33
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archanaserverhi again vkmc15:34
archanaserverhere is the tmate ssh link15:35
archanaserverssh session: ssh Yge7PNRCQWUvzqS9p4ZarzRMG@sgp1.tmate.io15:35
vkmcI'm in15:37
vkmcI wonder how your $HOME is /opt/stack15:50
vkmcthat is not right15:50
vkmcarchanaserver, let's start over with a fresh vm15:52
archanaserveruh oh, so we can change it15:52
vkmcarchanaserver, can you respin a ubuntu focal15:52
vkmcand then we can do a tmate15:52
archanaserverthat mean creating a fresh vm?15:53
archanaserverwith ubuntu focal15:53
archanaserverokie, let me first respin it15:54
archanaserverthen we will connnect through tmate15:54
archanaserverokie okie15:54
vkmccurrent env is a bit messed up15:55
vkmcso just create a new vm with the same params15:55
vkmcand we can start from scratch15:55
archanaserveryes sure15:55
vkmcyou can create a stack user during the installation process15:55
archanaserverokie i'll do that15:56
vkmccool :) let me know when you have it15:58
archanaserveri'm going to have my dinner. i'll ping you here once i'm done with setting up vm.16:13
vkmcwe can leave it for tomorrow if it's too late for you :)16:24
archanaserverthat would be great but i'll set up everything here so that we can start work on devstack part tomorrow16:29
archanaserverhope tomorrow we can able to fix everything, so that I can move on to the main project tasks =D16:32
archanaserveri'm excited for looking manila ui part but this thing is not getting fixed -_-  well let's connect tomorrow then :)16:32
archanaserverthanks a lot :)16:33
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