Tuesday, 2019-02-19

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vkmcRamsha_Azeemi_, here it's easier16:39
vkmcso, you are interested in the manila project?16:39
Ramsha_Azeemi_hi thanks16:39
Ramsha_Azeemi_yes i am16:39
vkmccan you tell us a bit about your background?16:39
Ramsha_Azeemi_i have a CS background16:40
vkmcare you a student?16:40
Ramsha_Azeemi_i have given my final semester exams 3 months before16:41
vkmcso you just graduated?16:41
Ramsha_Azeemi_truly speaking i cant understand outreachy16:41
Ramsha_Azeemi_i mean from where to start16:42
Ramsha_Azeemi_find newcomer friendly issues16:42
vkmcwell, each of the participating organizations have different processes16:42
Ramsha_Azeemi_how to contribute etcc etc16:42
vkmcin openstack specifically?16:42
vkmccan your point me which docs are you using?16:42
Ramsha_Azeemi_may i know  are u an applicant as well or no16:43
vkmcoh no, I'm a former mentor16:44
vkmcnot mentoring for this round, but I can help you out to set up stuff16:45
Ramsha_Azeemi_so what do you want me to ask now16:46
vkmc<vkmc> can your point me which docs are you using? <- this16:46
vkmcfirst thing you need to do in any open source community is to find the right docs to start contributing16:47
vkmcthis is our portal https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/contributing/contributor-portal.html16:47
vkmcnewcomers go there to find out how to contribute16:47
vkmcare you using that guide?16:47
vkmcthis is specifically for code and docs https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/code-and-documentation/index.html16:48
Ramsha_Azeemi_no i dont have such doc before16:48
vkmcok, for outreachy you need to make a first small contribution plus work on your application16:48
Ramsha_Azeemi_and from where i will get the issues to solve ?16:49
vkmcwell, read the docs16:49
Ramsha_Azeemi_they gave me a github link but there is no 'issue' option there ? is it mandatory16:49
vkmcwhat github link?16:50
Ramsha_Azeemi_i mean the project repository16:51
vkmcwell, in the contributor portal you have all the information you need16:52
vkmcwhich bug tracker we use (launchpad/storyboard), the peer review system (gerrit), how to setup your development environment (devstack)16:52
vkmcand so on16:52
vkmccheck that out and if you have specific questions on those, let me know16:52
Ramsha_Azeemi_well thank you so much for your time :)16:53
Ramsha_Azeemi_i will definitely go through those docs16:53
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