Friday, 2018-08-24

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mahaticright. IRC bouncers help you keep updated to an extent13:23
fatema_so I had sometimes to wait but other times people from closer timezoness were available13:23
* mahatic wonders if the bot's back13:23
fatema_meetings with the mentor were organized in my late and her early -too early I guess xD-13:24
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mahaticI'm glad it worked out13:24
mahaticDo you have any feedback regarding the program, meeting frequency or in general any comments?13:25
fatema_I expected reviews to be faster in the beginning13:25
fatema_But in working cycle it is not as fast as for small projects13:26
fatema_so It took me a while to realize the pace that work goes by13:26
fatema_but as a total I'd say the program is very cool and all went very well13:27
mahaticI see. Sometimes pinging the person, from whom you're expecting a review, helps. Also if it's around release time, it's common for reviewers to be a bit more busy13:28
mahaticgreat! :)13:29
mahaticthank you fatema_ !13:29
mahaticajya: would you like to go next?13:29
fatema_Thank you :D13:29
ajyamy internship was great as well13:29
ajyaI was working on Ironic part to add new features to Redfish client called sushy. Redfish is new standard to manage bare-metal servers (instead of virtual servers).13:30
ajyaThere were some main tasks I worked on, but along the way had some small patches for things noticed.13:30
ajyaAlso communicated with ppl from DMTF who is maintaining the Redfish standard as there were some things to clarify.13:31
ajyaDid not manage to finish everything as initially some things were not anticipated and now there are some patches in review, but first ones are merged.13:31
ajyaAny help I needed I got from my mentors, we had weekly concall, also in Ironic IRC channel other contributors were helpful.13:32
mahaticthat's great! :)13:33
mahaticwhat are timezone are you in?13:33
ajyaI learned a lot - Python and Redfish standard. Also had to touch licensing13:33
ajyain summer I'm UTC+313:33
mahaticwhere are you based?13:33
ajyaMy mentors are in UTC+2 so there were no issues, there were some contributors from US but usually in my afternoon they were available13:34
ajyaI'm in Rīga, Latvia13:34
mahaticah okay, that's nice :)13:34
mahaticDid you have to contribute mainly to Ironic?13:34
mahaticor other external projects as well?13:35
ajyanot really, I didn't touch Ironic, but sushy which is used by Ironic13:35
mahaticcould you expand DMTF?13:35
mahaticokay, you mention they maintain Redfish standard :)13:37
mahaticglad to know you had a good experience. Do you have any feedback or comments?13:37
dtantsurDistributed Management Task Force13:37
ajyathanks dtantsur :)13:38
dtantsurbasically, a standard body13:38
dtantsurnp :)13:38
ajyano feedback, everything was great, I was warned at the very beginning that code reviews can take a long time so no surprises there13:38
mahatic:) good job mentors!13:39
mahaticlet's move on to mentors13:39
mahatic#topic mentors' feedback13:39
mahaticMentors, do you have any feedback or comments?13:40
mahaticOr in general would like to hear your experience as well :)13:40
mahaticlooks like dtantsur is alone here13:41
mahaticwould you like to share your experience?13:41
mahaticdtantsur: are you still here?13:44
dtantsurooops, sorry13:44
dtantsurgot distracted :)13:44
dtantsurmmm, I don't have much feedback. it was my first outreachy, and it was fun13:45
dtantsurI was quite nervous in the beginning, maybe as nervous as the interns :)13:45
mahaticheh :)13:45
dtantsurfor the future I'd like to emphasize the importance of communication13:45
dtantsurajya did it really well btw :)13:45
mahaticI'm really glad to know that you had used conf calls to communicate13:45
dtantsuryeah, I highly recommend that to everyone13:46
dtantsurobviously, it's not that easy when you're doing -2/+8 TZ :)13:46
mahatic:) yup!13:46
ajyathanks dtantsur13:47
mahaticbut when possible, conf calls can be very helpful and effective13:47
dtantsuryeah, right13:47
dtantsurand they add human aspect to the process13:47
fatema_dtantsur, True [Y]13:48
mahaticthank you dtantsur for mentoring this round! Hope to see you in the next round as well.13:48
dtantsurit's quite possible :) I did not talk with Ilya about it yet13:48
mahaticah great :)13:49
mahaticI'd like to add a couple of things for interns13:49
mahaticIf you're interested in attending Berlin OpenStack summit and would like to have some funding, please apply here
mahaticfatema_: I believe you're still in graduation?13:50
mahaticajya: What's next for you? would you be looking for a job?13:51
fatema_mahatic, yes I still have one year in college -> 2 semesters13:51
* dtantsur is (newly) local to Berlin in case somebody has questions13:51
ajyamahatic, yes, I will have to do it13:51
mahaticSummit will be a great place to get in touch with employers and express your interest.13:52
fatema_mahatic, actually I applied for the summit - Kendall told me about it-13:52
fatema_and my talk was accepted13:52
mahaticand meanwhile continued open source contributions will help you gain more experience13:53
fatema_I am to speak with Geetika, she was an intern in  Outreachy 201513:53
mahaticfatema_: congratulations! :)13:53
fatema_and still waiting for travel support reply13:53
fatema_mahatic, thank you13:54
mahaticgood luck!13:54
mahaticsamueldmq: do you have anything to add?13:54
fatema_dtantsur, I think if I made it to the summit I'd need your expertise13:54
samueldmqmahatic: well, not really. all internships look great13:55
samueldmqjust wanted to say thanks to all interns and mentors, it's a great challenge to increase representation in tech of the underrepresented groups13:55
mahaticOpenStack summit will be a great opportunity to meet people you've worked with in person :)13:55
samueldmqeven if we don't realize it's a huge problem and we're helping a little bit :)13:56
dtantsurfatema_: sure, ping me on irc or dtantsur (at) redhat.com13:56
samueldmqmahatic: ++ matching people's face + irc name + real name is an interesting thing that happens at summits13:56
mahaticyup :)13:57
mahaticthank you samueldmq13:57
fatema_dtantsur, thank you for the efforts and the chance13:57
mahatic#topic open discussion13:57
mahaticIf you'd like to discuss anything that hasn't been discussed yet, please bring it up13:58
mahaticlooks like there isn't much else13:59
fatema_I'd like to ask how did you make it to be coordinator/mentor?13:59
mahaticah :)13:59
mahaticFor being a mentor, you could come up with an idea in the project you're working on after gaining some experience and apply for mentorship in the Outreachy portal14:00
fatema_oh Time is up, I understand if you have other things :D14:00
dtantsurIt was Ilya's idea, it never came to my mind for some reason :) But then it was obvious: we like mentoring people, and we badly need people for sushy (it's a hot topic, but very few permanent contributors).14:00
mahaticfatema_: it's a good question, let's tackle that :)14:01
mahaticdtantsur: awesome!14:01
fatema_so you become a core contributor first ?14:01
mahaticthat's not necessary14:01
mahaticeither you have some experience with the project and have an idea or like dtantsur mentioned, if you're in need of more contributors to your project14:02
dtantsurfatema_: s/core/established/ I think. Ilya is not core, I am.14:02
dtantsurbut of course you're expected to be familiar with the project :)14:03
fatema_yes, sure14:03
mahaticI think essentially if you've contributed for the project for a while and are confident to come with a project idea and mentor, then go for it :)14:03
mahaticdtantsur: +114:03
fatema_mahatic  dtantsur cool to know this14:04
mahaticand to be a coordinator - all you need is willingness, belief in the program and some time to volunteer for it :)14:05
dtantsurif you're not a core, it's helpful to agree with some core(s) that they dedicate some priority time for interns14:05
dtantsurthey don't have to become mentors, just be available, say, twice a week for a few reviews14:05
mahaticthat's a good point14:06
fatema_aha, this takes a little familiarity with the community then14:06
dtantsurthe project's PTL is usually a good person to talk to14:07
dtantsurone of their responsibilities is facilitating mentoring new community members14:07
dtantsurJulia, our PTL, did help us14:07
mahaticfatema_: I hope this answered the question :)14:09
fatema_aha sounds very14:09
mahaticthank you for bringing it up14:09
fatema_Thank you for answering14:09
mahaticif nothing else, then let's call it14:11
fatema_that was all for me14:11
mahaticthank you interns and mentors for being here and for your participation in Outreachy! It's highly valued!14:11
ajyathank you everyone14:12
fatema_Thank you all14:12
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mahaticvkmc: would you know anything about the bot? I remember you had helped set it up (along with infra I think?). Thanks!14:15
samueldmqI just checked and it should be back now14:18
openstacksamueldmq: Error: A meeting name is required, e.g., '#startmeeting Marketing Committee'14:18
mahaticthanks samueldmq ! :)14:19
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