Monday, 2017-07-10

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abhishekkHi Operators, could you please reply to mail ( when get time, it will help me to proceed with my work07:02
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zioprotoabhishekk: the right thing to ask here would be: who is already running Ocata in production ??? :)08:37
zioprotoabhishekk: anyway, you did the right thing to write here. I do the same when I dont get answers :)08:37
abhishekkzioproto: thank you :)08:38
abhishekkwho is already running Ocata in production? and how you are handling evacuation of resized instance?08:39
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yankcrimei wish i was running ocata in production!08:42
abhishekkyankcrime: which openstack version you are running08:43
abhishekkand how you are  handling evacuation of resized instance?08:43
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yankcrimewe've different components at different levels - some still on liberty, a couple on mitaka, and a couple more on newton08:44
abhishekkyankcrime: ohhh,08:46
yankcrimei don't think we've had to deal with evacuating instances that have already been resized08:46
abhishekkyankcrime: ok, but if you have to then what will be the ideal strategy08:47
yankcrimei think if we lost a compute node we'd be informing affected users and then get them back up and running as quickly as possible08:50
yankcrimewe'd probably reset (cancel) the resize action, evacuate onto another node, and then ask them to retry their resize operation08:50
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abhishekkyankcrime: in case of resize if you reset the instance then after evacuation it will boot with new flavor and not old08:51
abhishekkyankcrime: ohh I need to think on cancelling the resize operation08:52
yankcrimeabhishekk: ok, wasn't aware of that behaviour08:53
yankcrimeime an operator, in a break-fix scenario you want as few things (variables) to have to worry about as possible08:54
abhishekkyankcrime:, please go through this when you get time, thank you08:54
yankcrimeabhishekk: will do08:56
abhishekkyankcrime: thank you for your inputs and time08:57
yankcrimeabhishekk: thanks for doing the work! ;)08:57
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zioprotoI am trying to disable IPv6 DAD in the qrouter network namespaces on the openstack network node. When I edit something in  /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/ is that global for all interfaces in any network namespace ?12:43
zioprotoserverascode: this is probably a question for you :)12:43
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admin0zioproto, that is for all namespaces i think . per namespace settings are in  /proc/[pid]/ns/12:55
zioprotoadmin0: if you do ip netns exec qrouter-uuid ls /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/12:55
zioprotoyou get different lists of interfaces12:55
zioprotoso looks like proc is different for each namepsace12:56
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zioprotoso I tried and it looks like new network namespaces do no inherit everything from the default namespace :(13:12
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aaksozioproto: good question. My experience is that the defaults come from the kernel defaults. I actually had exactly the same problem but with my own software that created namespaces for HAProxy instances. I just went and disabled the DaD on netns creation.13:26
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zioprotoaakso: right, I found that neutron makes the same. Change settings in /proc at namespace creation. Looks at this:
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zioprotoIs anyone else operating Openstack with IPv6 and having problems with IPv6 DAD failed on router interfaces ?13:35
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aaksowhat kind of problems you have? My initial problem was that applications couldn't bind to the address before DAD was completed.13:46
aaksoanyways, if the whole lan is managed by neutron it should be feasible to just disable DAD altogether?13:48
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zioprotothe problem is that IPv6 just stops working completely on the qrouter namespace14:00
zioprotoso that customer VMs cannot use IPv6 at all14:00
zioprotoI am looking for a clean way to disable DAD. This is not exposed in the neutron configuration file. And it is not a setting I can just add to sysctl, because is something to be applied dynamically everytime neutron creates a qrouter14:01
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aaksodo you see the address as 'dadfailed'?14:05
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zioprotoyes, tentative dadfailed14:09
zioprotoif I ifup and ifdown the interface in the namespace the problem is gone14:09
aaksois this in the external net or in the tenant net?14:11
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aaksoone thing that comes to mind that there could a brief moment where the neighbor solicitation is looped back due to some inconsistent state in forwarding tables in ovs or externally14:24
aaksoyou could try to wireshark it but if it happens inside ovs it can be difficult to catch14:26
aaksothis is pure speculation btw14:27
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zioprotoI have seen this happening both in ext and int networks14:38
zioprotobut most of the times is in the internal network14:38
zioprotoI have then to reset the qr interface14:38
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aaksozioproto: if you don't want to modify neutron you can do a hack like for example: stdbuf -o0 ip netns monitor | while IFS='\r\n' read l; do ar=($l); [ ${ar[0]} == "add" ] && ip netns exec ${ar[1]} sysctl -q net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_dad=0; done15:28
aaksomaybe more clean way would be to use udev though15:28
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catintheroofhi guys, quick question, does keystone support trust relationship for services like nova and neutron to comunicate with keystone without user/passwd right? do i have some documentation to read on setting that up ?19:01
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bretoncatintheroof: trusts mean that user A trusts user B to do something. Who is user A in your situation?19:54
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