Tuesday, 2023-01-10

gibisean-k-mooney dansmith: I'm +2 on stable uuid first patch but hold +A to get an ack on my analysis of fd closing behavior and to read the rest of the series09:10
gibiin sort, in cpython we are fine in pypy we are less fine, and in general zen of python says "Explicit is better than implicit."09:12
gibistephenfin: if you are around could you +A https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/869545 ?09:36
gibiand https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/86841809:36
opendevreviewJustas Poderys proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add support for Napatech LinkVirt SmartNICs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/85929009:59
opendevreviewKashyap Chamarthy proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Remove compareCPU() check in _check_cpu_compatibility()  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86958710:09
kashyapgibi: If you get a few spare minutes, please have a gander at the above.  Please also read the commit message to load up on context (this is what takes the most time)10:13
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif master: Update gate jobs as per the 2023.1 cycle testing runtime  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-vif/+/86146810:27
bauzasUggla: can you please provide a new revision for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/861881 quickly today ?10:38
bauzas1/ change the directory to use instance UUID instead of name10:39
bauzas2/ tell that you'll add a doc explaining live-mig won't work 10:39
bauzasand then I can +2 it10:39
* bauzas needs to go off in a fex mins tho10:39
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova stable/train: Reproduce bug 1981813 in func env  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86967310:47
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova stable/train: Gracefully ERROR in _init_instance if vnic_type changed  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86967410:47
Ugglabauzas, looking at it10:52
sean-k-mooneybauzas: traits never enable features so we need an image proprly or flavor extra spec11:32
opendevreviewPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/nova master: Process all nodes when host aggregate changes  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86968711:49
sean-k-mooneygibi: the pypy behavior was exactly what i was concerend about12:03
gibiI haven't checked jython and ironpython but I guess they also inherit the gc from the runtime env for java and .net so they are not ref count based12:06
sean-k-mooneyyep that is proably12:06
sean-k-mooneyalthogh as i said im my reply to your comment12:07
sean-k-mooneyoutside the clients we officaly only support cpython12:07
sean-k-mooneybut im not against enabling other interperts for core nova we just dont supprot that officaly or test it12:07
sean-k-mooneyi mostly cargo cult the "with open ..." pattern because that is waht i learned to do year ago and the implict understandign that when used as a context manager the file like object retruned by open would close the underlying stream/socket/filedescriptor12:09
sean-k-mooneywith statements dont actully form scopes so the closign is delayed until the exit of the function in either case12:10
sean-k-mooneywell without the with i gues it when the gc runs ranter then the exit of the fuction scope12:10
kashyapgibi: sean-k-mooney: The functional test failures here seem unrelated to my patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86958712:12
kashyapAm I reading it right?  Example failure from py38 job: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/21785a8539e34c65aad0038a6cae0cde12:12
kashyap"failed with could not find python interpreter matching any of the specs functional-py38"12:13
sean-k-mooneythis is the gate blocker we discussed at the start of the tech call yesterday12:13
sean-k-mooneyso not related to your patch12:13
kashyapAh, I missed it.12:13
sean-k-mooneyits related to tox 412:13
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Thanks!  (My keyboard got locked accidentally, and had to reboot)12:24
kashyapI guess it's related to this patch from gibi -- https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/868418 ("Make tox.ini tox 4.0.0 compatible")12:25
opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova master: Fix huge-page doc  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86968912:26
gibikashyap: yes12:28
sean-k-mooneykashyap: well tehre is a nova version of that too12:28
sean-k-mooneyi think from gmann ?12:28
gibihttps://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/869545 this is the nova one12:29
gibisean-k-mooney: I think the with statement itself make sure that after the with block the fd is closed. it might not free up any memory but it closed the file descriptor12:29
sean-k-mooneyah right the stable branch ones are from gmann to pin and the master one is form you12:30
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: just hit the nova patch so that should merge soon12:31
kashyapThanks for the link!12:31
sean-k-mooneygibi: out of interest what does the -I do in python -I -m ...12:31
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: -I     : isolate Python from the user's environment (implies -E and -s)12:32
stephenfin-E     : ignore PYTHON* environment variables (such as PYTHONPATH)12:32
sean-k-mooneyack just checked the help text12:32
gibiI had to look that up too12:32
gibitox uses -I12:32
sean-k-mooneythis ensure that it uses only pacakes in teh venv12:33
sean-k-mooneyseams to be workign on my local system so fine by me12:36
sean-k-mooneywell mostly given i dont have all the dep to powervm on my laptop12:39
sean-k-mooneyif im not mistaken once that merges we can resume merging the pci serise yes12:39
sean-k-mooneythat is the last patch blocking that?12:39
gibisean-k-mooney: that is my hope12:40
gibiI will recheck the bottom of the PCI series when the tox patch lands12:40
kashyapThanks for unblocking the Gate, gibi and gmann!12:54
gibino worries, I have my incentives to do it :) I want to land the PCI series12:56
stephenfingibi: btw, filed https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1171813:03
stephenfinHopefully we can get ahead of it. This will be a big issue once pip switched to the PEP-517/PEP-660 flow by default13:04
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: nice bug report13:17
sean-k-mooneyalso usign os-vif sicne its small is a good choice13:18
gibistephenfin: thanks that is a really good summar of the issue13:24
*** bhagyashris is now known as bhagyashris|brb13:36
stephenfingibi: Just replied there. Turns out this happens without '--use-pip517' or '-e': tox 3 never used 'install_command' when installing the package under test \o/13:36
stephenfinso perhaps the "correct" thing to do is to not override 'install_command' at all13:39
bauzassean-k-mooney: about Uggla's spec, OK, you don't want to use the trait in the flavor extraspec13:44
sean-k-mooneywell we can have a required trait but htat required trait cannot change the guest xml13:45
sean-k-mooneytraits never enable a feature13:45
sean-k-mooneythey only find a host where the feature can be enebaled13:45
bauzassean-k-mooney: I'm OK with your specific image property : "hw_power_metrics"13:45
bauzaswithout virtiofs13:46
bauzasI wrote a comment13:47
bauzasjust b/c virtiofs is related to a specific virt driver13:47
bauzasbut meh13:48
bauzasUggla: would you be able to provide a new revision today then ?13:48
bauzasI guess sean-k-mooney and me agree 13:48
sean-k-mooneyyes one thing im thinking about is in the future we might need a second property13:49
bauzasUggla: about the instance UUID, don't be afraid13:49
bauzasUggla: Scaphandre can know about the instance name 13:49
sean-k-mooneyie if qemu gains the ablity to supprot scaphadre without virtio fs13:49
bauzasby looking at the metadata API13:49
sean-k-mooneybut i think we can evolved to that13:49
bauzassean-k-mooney: good point13:50
bauzasUggla: ^13:51
Ugglabauzas, yes I can probably send a new rev today.13:52
gibistephenfin: I'm confused :) 13:53
bauzasUggla: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/metadata.html#ec2-compatible-metadata 13:53
gibistephenfin: so in tox3 we never constrained the editable package install?13:53
stephenfingibi: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11718#issuecomment-137729117013:53
gibistephenfin: evne with skipdist = True?13:53
gibiso either we silently had unconstrained deps in the env or we were lucky and those deps were never updated during the package install13:55
stephenfinI suspect the latter13:56
Ugglabauzas, if I understand well you suggest to keep the uuid as dir name, and change scaphandre to get the instance uuid in the metadata ?13:57
bauzasUggla: problem is, instance hostname is mutable13:57
gibistephenfin: so we keep os-vif as is13:57
gibido you want me to change the nova and placement patch and remove the install_command from there?>13:58
gibiit is not merged yet13:58
sean-k-mooneymaybe do that as a follow up patch13:58
sean-k-mooneyso we can leave them merge and unblock the gates but then decied the best path forward13:59
stephenfinIt might be worth it. The install_command approach will only work for service projects now since those are the only ones not listed in upper-constraints13:59
stephenfinbut a follow-up is fine13:59
bauzasUggla: but with cloud-init, I guess you can get the instance-id13:59
bauzaslemme verify it13:59
gibiIs it fair to say that tox4 is a PITA? 13:59
sean-k-mooneymaybe with a prefix of an F 14:00
sean-k-mooneyi personally think we should have kept th 4.0 pin until B14:00
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm14:00
sean-k-mooneybased on the breakign changes but its just unfortunate timeing14:01
sean-k-mooneythe other reality is that we (openstack) are using a diffent packaging approch to many others14:01
bauzasUggla: bingo14:01
sean-k-mooneythe constriats file is a unique thing we drove and use14:02
bauzasUggla: tested on our internal cloud14:02
bauzasUggla: I'm able to get the instance UUID for free14:02
sean-k-mooneyso i think we tend to hit these issues first as a result14:02
bauzasUggla: 14:02
bauzasubuntu@sbauza-devstack1:~$ ll /var/lib/cloud/instance14:02
bauzaslrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 61 Oct 22 14:05 /var/lib/cloud/instance -> /var/lib/cloud/instances/e8408aef-7717-4c35-9298-828dee80906b/14:02
bauzasand I confirm that this UUID is exactly my nova instance UUID14:03
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/xena: Handle "no RAM info was set" migration case  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86073414:03
Ugglabauzas, ok sounds not bad.14:03
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Remove basepython def from tox.ini  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86954514:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/placement master: Make tox.ini tox 4.0.0 compatible  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/86841814:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/placement stable/ussuri: placement-status: check only consumers in allocation table  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/84070314:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/xena: Adapt websocketproxy tests for SimpleHTTPServer fix  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86619314:04
bauzasUggla: see my last comment14:04
Ugglabauzas, it needs some changes into scaphandre. But it seems to be a good tradeof.14:05
bauzasUggla: you can symlink, dude14:05
bauzassome "script" could magically ln -s on some dir based on some UUID it would get from cloud-init data :)14:06
Ugglabauzas, I'm missing how you get the link beetween instance-name --> uuid14:10
bauzasUggla: what exactly Scaphandre needs to know ?14:10
bauzaswithout touching it ?14:11
Kirill_Hi, can we discuss my mr - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/863773. part with upgrade problem14:12
Ugglabauzas, I need to check, I think it only needs a folder name and propagate the same data to all guests. If it is the case that's ok.14:12
bauzasKirill_: uploading the context in my mind by looking again at your spec :)14:12
bauzasUggla: I guess Scaphandre needs to know the directory to look at, right?14:13
bauzasUggla: so this is probably config-defined 14:13
bauzasor does scaphandre ask you to mount using a specific target ?14:13
bauzaswhich is not configurable14:13
bauzaspoint is, if scaphandre allows you to define the mount point, that's cool, the user just has to mention the right UUID or some script can use the cloud-init data trick I mentioned for guessing the right dir14:14
Ugglabauzas, I think so, but I need to ensure there is nothing link with the qemu process.14:15
bauzasif scaphandre isn't configurable and requires a specific path, then you just symlink the right uuid dir to the path it expects14:15
bauzasah, I see14:15
bauzassomething automatically guess from qemu agent ?14:15
bauzasKirill_: about the upgrade question14:18
bauzasKirill_: my proposal is to say that this feature (get a console) is only available when all your computes are fully upgraded14:18
bauzasI have to disappear for 45 mins but I'll be back before the nova meeting14:20
Kirill_full changes will be on ironic side, in ironic_conductor. For nova we only need one method - get_vnc_console. and seems that we dont have any upgrade problems14:21
Kirill_now if we ask vnc for ironic we cought error - console not emplemented because get_vnc_console is not done14:22
Kirill_the idea with traits was because in prev desine we affect on more nova containers14:23
sean-k-mooneybauzas: that does not work14:38
sean-k-mooneyasuume all comptue are upgraded14:38
sean-k-mooneyas not all ironic compute nodes may support this14:38
sean-k-mooneybauzas: i dont really think there is an upgrade impact to this spec14:38
sean-k-mooneybauzas: Uggla  just some other things to note OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name is admin only so we cannot leak it to the guest via scaphandre.14:51
sean-k-mooneyon the host level the libvirt domain xml uuid is also the nova instance uuid14:52
sean-k-mooneywe made that change to allow tools like collectd to corralate metrics with the guest14:52
sean-k-mooneyso on the host level scaphandre should parse the uuid form there14:53
sean-k-mooneyin the guest yes you can get the instnace uuid form the cofnig drive or metadata api14:54
Ugglasean-k-mooney, it will not be leaked, I use it in the doc to make clear which name it is. User will not see that name, he will have to use the mount_tag15:16
sean-k-mooneyok so scaphandre willl not expose it via virtiofs to the guest15:18
sean-k-mooneyin that case its proably ok.15:19
bauzassean-k-mooney: have you seen my above comments ?15:32
bauzassean-k-mooney: about how to know the instance UUID15:32
bauzascloud-init supports it15:32
bauzasubuntu@sbauza-devstack1:~$ cat /var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id 15:33
bauzasfor the host, we already know the instance UUID so it's not a problem15:33
UgglaI'll try to explain what I have seen in the scaphandre code, scaphandre loops every 5s on all qemu processes, it extracts data from these processes (timing, cpu usage...) and exposed them in the directory/file that will be shared with the guest. To provide the correct data to guest VM, it requires to know which qemu process belongs to which vm. So we need the link VM name / process id, and today it is provided by the instance name.15:34
bauzasfrom the host, you mean ?15:35
UgglaWhen the instance name will change ? Hard reboot ?15:36
bauzasand then, I guess scaphandre creates a directoty in the shared mountpoint, right?15:36
Ugglayes a directory and file containing the data from the vm name.15:37
bauzasok, but does it create a specific mount ?15:38
bauzasI mean, does it create one mountpoint per instance ?15:39
bauzasusing virtiofs15:39
Uggla1 dir + file per vm15:39
bauzasok, then anyway scaphandre will need to be modified 15:39
bauzasbecause your spec only uses one mountpoint15:40
bauzasfor all instances15:40
Uggla1 mp with x dir per vm name15:40
bauzasthat's what I understood15:40
Ugglalet me give an example it will be easier:15:41
bauzasso, anyway, as you see, if scaphandre wants to supports nova, then they need to modify this15:41
bauzasinstead of creating one mountpoint per instance15:41
bauzasthey could keep an shared mountpoint between guests15:41
Ugglathe actual path on the host is /var/lib/libvirt/scaphandre/<vmname>/intel-rapl:0:015:44
bauzasand I guess this whole ath is mounted thru virtiofs as a single mount point ?15:45
bauzaswhole path*15:45
bauzasinstead of mounting /var/lib/libvirt/scaphandre15:46
bauzas(tbc, when I say 'mounting' this is wrong, I rather mean 'instead of creating a mount point for' so it would be mounted on the guest)15:47
bauzasas a reminder, btw. nova meeting in 13 mins here15:47
Ugglain the guest you will have a dir ex: /var/lib/scaphandre/ and inside intel-rapl:0:0 so you map /var/lib/libvirt/scaphandre/<vmname> to somewhere on the guest15:48
Ugglabut this is scaphandre that create  /var/lib/libvirt/scaphandre/<vmname>/intel-rapl:0:0 on the host and vmname is coming from qemu cmdline.15:49
Ugglabauzas, if you want we can have a quick chat after nova meeting.15:50
Ugglabauzas, to my mind it works even if vmname change.15:52
bauzasUggla: who's creating the mount ?15:55
bauzasis it automatically done by scaphandre or does the operator need to do it ?15:56
Ugglascaphandre will create the "path"15:56
bauzaswho exposes it thru virtiosfs ?15:56
bauzasand without nova ?15:58
bauzasthis has to be configured ?15:58
bauzasok, cool enough then15:58
bauzaswe have the nova meeting in a sec15:58
bauzasbut we can indeed discuss that later15:59
bauzasbecause I don't think it's a problem15:59
bauzasunless I'm wrong15:59
bauzasanyway, there it goes16:00
bauzas#startmeeting nova16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Jan 10 16:00:12 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'nova'16:00
bauzas#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting16:00
bauzasgood UTC afternoon everyone16:00
bauzaswho's around ?16:00
bauzaswelcome everyone16:01
bauzas#topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:01
bauzas#info No Critical bug16:01
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 27 new untriaged bugs (+2 since the last meeting)16:01
bauzasI have to do my duty16:02
bauzasif someone has time for triaging upstream bugs, that'd be lovely but I can do it 16:02
bauzasand then we'll go back to the roster16:02
bauzas#info Add yourself in the team bug roster if you want to help https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-roster16:02
Ugglabauzas, bug triage, I can do it is it helps you.16:03
gibi+1 for the roster16:03
bauzasUggla: I'll take the baton for this week, but if you want, we can both look at bugs16:03
bauzas#info bug baton is being passed to bauzas16:04
bauzasany particular urgent bug to discuss ?16:04
bauzasI guess we'll discuss the tox saga in the next chapter16:04
bauzasif no, let's move on and go to the gate topic16:04
bauzas#topic Gate status 16:05
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:05
bauzas#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fnova&project=openstack%2Fplacement&pipeline=periodic-weekly Nova&Placement periodic jobs status16:05
bauzas#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/866049 proposal to add more delay for centos9s-fips job16:05
bauzas#info Please look at the gate failures and file a bug report with the gate-failure tag.16:05
gibiplacement and nova gate is unblocked as far as I know. we merged the two tox4 patches16:05
bauzas#info STOP DOING BLIND RECHECKS aka. 'recheck' https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/testing.html#how-to-handle-test-failures16:05
bauzasI was about to tell it once I was done with the weekly items16:05
gibiI see nova patches progressing in the gate queue16:06
gibiso I think we are OK16:06
gibiI haven't chacked osc-placement and python-novaclient status16:06
gibios-vif should be unblocked too16:06
gmanntheir master gate is good, I checked 16:06
gmannbut for stable branch gate, python-novaclient patches need to merge #link https://review.opendev.org/q/I442568a5f5900e593feb2b5527109e0aa79e5aa7+status:open16:06
gmannand osc-placement is failing <= stable/yoga https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86945116:07
bauzas#info we had a funky week due to tox4 but now gate is better https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-January/031709.html16:07
gmannit is failing on placement functionla job where we use master placement but stable branch constraints so mismatch 16:07
bauzasgmann: cool, I'll look at the novaclient patch16:07
gmannI cannot remember why we do not use master constraints in that placement functional job?16:08
bauzasoh, I did it already16:08
gibithe there are follow up request for nova and placement too: i) remove the install_command usage ii) check if pdf doc build works or not16:08
gibigmann: we should I believe16:08
gmannthis one https://github.com/openstack/osc-placement/blob/master/tox.ini#L3016:08
sean-k-mooneywe want it t o run against master i belvie16:09
gibigmann: hm, do we have placement in the upper-constraints?16:09
sean-k-mooneyperhaps although we shoudl not16:09
sean-k-mooneyonly lib projects should eb in uc16:09
gmanngibi: no because we use it from master source16:09
bauzassean-k-mooney: this is for testing placement itself16:10
bauzasso we need the latest16:10
gibithis is testing osc-placement I believe16:10
gmannyeah testing osc-placement with master placement16:10
sean-k-mooneyits the fucntional test for placement openstackclient plugin16:10
gibiand constarints are inherited from https://github.com/openstack/osc-placement/blob/fdf10423bf29b7cfd5e88d9d06e1313ee881ab80/tox.ini#L1716:10
bauzaswe're discussing of testing osc-placement16:10
bauzasusing placement master branch16:10
sean-k-mooneyyes and how the functional job forces the master branch of placment 16:11
sean-k-mooneyi think this was because fo the placment fixture16:11
gmanngibi: it use stable/yoga for yoga testing #link https://github.com/openstack/osc-placement/blob/stable/yoga/tox.ini#L1816:11
gmannfor master it is all good16:11
gmannmaster gate16:11
bauzasagreed with gmann16:11
gibiI don't see the issue sorry16:11
gmannfor stable/zed somehow constraints matches so we do not see failure 16:11
bauzasif I have a osc client patch, I don't wanna hold my check on a placement release16:11
sean-k-mooneyso the tox.ini is correct 16:11
gmannsean-k-mooney: stable/yoga constraints will not work with latest placement 16:12
bauzasanyway, tox4 upgrade was fun16:12
gmannthat is why it is failing on os-traits version mismatch 16:12
sean-k-mooneyfor stable branchs we likely need to pin yes16:13
* bauzas wonders whether pyproject.toml files were having the same issues than tox.ini16:13
gmannyeah, either pin placement or use master constraints for this latest placement testing16:13
sean-k-mooneybauzas: likely not because they handel constratits differnrlty16:13
gmannanyways we can discuss it after meeting as it seems need more discussions16:13
gibigmann: so on stable/yoga this is an issue https://github.com/openstack/osc-placement/blob/stable/yoga/tox.ini#L3116:13
gibias it install master placement on stable yoga16:13
gmanngibi: yes. 16:14
sean-k-mooneyya so we just need to pin the branch in that line which is posible16:14
gibiOK I got it16:14
elodillesas i remember constraints from master also caused issues on stable branches (in placement)16:14
bauzassean-k-mooney: yeah, my point is that if the tox developers don't verify the behaviours of tox.ini and rather say they just verify the toml ones, then I'm a bit afraid16:14
sean-k-mooneybauzas: its not related to that16:14
sean-k-mooneybauzas: openstack is quite differnt form ontehr python project in how we use setuptools/pbr and the idea of a constratis file16:15
gmannall other stable branches gate are good. I tested them after pin16:15
gibibauzas: tox4 was a rewrite, and they are not intending to keep all the tox3 behavior (I learned yesterday)16:15
bauzassean-k-mooney: sure I'm not saying we should create a pyproject.toml filze16:15
gibigmann: thanks!16:15
bauzassean-k-mooney: but I was wondering why nobody was finding the problem until we told them16:16
sean-k-mooneybauzas: well that has been discussed and we might want to eventually but we should lop back to one topic16:16
sean-k-mooneybauzas: because constrait files is baicaly an openstack thing16:16
bauzassean-k-mooney: we didn't had only problems with constraints16:16
clarkbsean-k-mooney: openstack is the primary user in the wild probably but it is a normal pip functionality16:16
sean-k-mooneywe are the comunity that drove that in pip 16:16
sean-k-mooneybut yes its is a pip capablity16:17
bauzasgibi: ack, good to know16:17
clarkbbauzas: fwiw I'm helping to move zuul and opendev projects to nox16:17
* bauzas notes it16:17
sean-k-mooneyisnit that a pti issue16:17
sean-k-mooneydont we specify tox explictly16:17
clarkb(because there are lots of little tox changes and when I file issues upstream the resposne is often "why would you do that?" and the answer is well because v3 supported it so ya...)16:17
clarkbsean-k-mooney: yes for openstack. I personally think openstack should change too16:17
clarkbbut it is work16:17
sean-k-mooneyperhaps a good ptg topic16:18
dansmithI'm not super keen on the nox thing16:18
sean-k-mooneyhow to evovle pti16:18
bauzasnot only for our project16:18
dansmithso I'd like to have a real discussion about it16:18
bauzasshould be a cross-project discussion honestly16:18
dansmith(I'm also not super keen on tox destroying the world for fun and profit)16:18
sean-k-mooneyright i was thinking comuity/cross project topic16:18
bauzasdansmith: me too16:18
bauzashonestly, I'd have preferred to continue using tox3 until we test all the modifications they did16:19
sean-k-mooneyok so looping back. we need to pin placment on stable branches fo osc-placment16:19
bauzasbut, this is done16:19
sean-k-mooneyand we have unbolcked the other "nova" gates16:19
sean-k-mooneywith followups for the install_commands changes correct?16:19
gmannsean-k-mooney: gibi: ok for pin but I was thinking we have to test latest placement there? I do not know reason just want to confirm16:19
sean-k-mooneygmann: git+https://opendev.org/openstack/placement.git#egg=openstack-placement line on master16:20
sean-k-mooneyis so we get the latest placement fixture16:20
bauzasand the fact that tox developers just rewrite their tox.ini by what they want without continuing to support the existing (and without deprecating them at least) let me think about any new major tox versions we'd have16:20
gmannso we need to test latest placement in master gate only16:20
gibigmann: I don't know the reason either16:20
sean-k-mooneyso we can test when new feture are addded16:20
gmannsean-k-mooney: right but that we do not need on stable osc-placement version right?16:21
sean-k-mooneygmann: correct it can and should use the stable version16:21
gmannI was hesitating to pin placement there as I do not know the original reason ot use latest placement there16:21
sean-k-mooneythey do need to be kept in sync however16:21
sean-k-mooneyits caputed in teh comme messange here https://github.com/openstack/osc-placement/commit/da8cd4d68b06399c607776db2a704b457814699616:22
sean-k-mooneyok i think we have covered those topics and can move on16:24
bauzasI was about to ask 16:24
bauzasok, let's move on then16:24
bauzas#topic Release Planning 16:25
bauzas#link https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html16:25
bauzas#info Antelope-3 is in 5 weeks16:25
bauzas(and featurefreeze... :) )16:25
bauzas#info As a reminder, Nova SpecFreeze deadline is this Thursday https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-January/031636.html16:25
bauzasI'll modify launchpad's https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/antelope once we're done with reviewing specs16:26
bauzasI have then a question16:26
bauzas#link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-January/031645.html I guess we'll want to have a virtual PTG again ?16:27
bauzasfor the Bobcat planning :)16:27
bauzas(man, haven't but should have voted this time...)16:27
sean-k-mooneycan we create teh 2023.2 specs repo after spec freeze16:28
sean-k-mooneyi dont recall seeing a vote email go out16:28
bauzasthere was one16:28
sean-k-mooneyi tought this was selected by the foundation16:28
bauzasnope, sent during your holidaus16:28
sean-k-mooneyok well the foundation has never consicidently sent me vote urls anyway16:28
bauzashence why you haven't probably seen it16:28
gmannformat will be 1 virtual PTG + 1 in-person PTG per year. in-person PTG will be aligned to summit+release 16:29
bauzasgmann: any chance to have those physical attendances (I don't like the PTG naming) to be at the start of the release time ?16:29
bauzasfor Vancouver, ship is sailed16:29
dansmithsean-k-mooney: I didn't get one either16:30
gmannbauzas: yeah, that is what foundation staff updated that they will try to aligned it with summit and openstack relaese but let's see as it can be challenging too  16:30
bauzasdansmith: sean-k-mooney: https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-December/031551.html16:30
dansmithoh, to the list16:31
bauzas70% of the list was probably on PTO 16:31
sean-k-mooneybut that vote url is a personal one16:31
sean-k-mooneynot one everyone can use right16:31
gmannfor vancouver, yes as event is in between of cycle it needs to be that time16:31
sean-k-mooneyyou are ment to get one to your personal email for all votes16:31
bauzassean-k-mooney: good point, again, I haven't voted so I haven't tested it16:31
gmannsean-k-mooney: I think it is public vote so anyone can vote with that url but one per IP or so16:32
bauzasanyway, this is done anyway16:32
gmannif I am remembering public vote things correctly 16:32
bauzasgmann: fun fact is, voting isn't closed AFAICS16:32
sean-k-mooneyperhaps in the tool but the name has been released16:33
bauzasyup, another ship sailed16:33
sean-k-mooneyin anycase i can create a 2023.2 folder in the spec repo 16:33
gmannohk :) honestly saying I have not given mush attention to release naming :)16:33
gmannsean-k-mooney: +116:33
bauzassean-k-mooney: wait for the spec freeze16:33
sean-k-mooneybut bauzas  if you want to do that after spec freeze we can wait till after thrsday16:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Adapt websocketproxy tests for SimpleHTTPServer fix  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86619416:33
bauzassean-k-mooney: or it would perhaps confuse people16:33
bauzassean-k-mooney: well, I'm not opposed to delegate16:33
sean-k-mooneycool well i ahve done it in the past but lest do it next week16:34
bauzasanyway, I guess we vote for a virtual PTG on end of  March ? (that was the original question)16:34
bauzasand we don't say "meh, no, just let's do a physical one at right the middle of the release, and go f*** our deadlines !"16:35
bauzasI hear crickets, so I decide so16:36
elodilleswell, that is the usual PTG time, so i think it is not something to vote for :)16:36
gmannnot sure physical one can be utilized same as our normal PTG but can plan for some operaotr oriented discussions16:36
bauzas#info we'll have a virtual Nova PTG on March 27-3116:36
gmannvirtual one in March will be the normal vPTG we have for cycle16:36
bauzasI'll register our name :)16:36
bauzasgmann: honestly, I don't expect much more from what we currently have at the Forum16:37
bauzasgmann: but let's be creative16:37
gmannbauzas: yeah. 16:37
bauzasif we really need to s/Forum/PTG to have more people coming, I'm not opposed to a rebranding16:37
elodillessome teams do mid-cycle PTG-s, so the in-person one can be considered such, i guess16:37
gmannwe asked same PTG fomat questions on vancouver PTG but that is not answer yet16:37
bauzaselodilles: given the Summit will be around Spec Freeze, that's gonna be fun16:38
gmannI think in openstack-discuss ML but anyways let's see 16:38
bauzaselodilles: but we could do 'review sprints' or 'implementation sessions'16:38
bauzasif that helps people wanting to come :)16:39
gmann+1. good idea16:39
bauzasI guess we're done on that topic16:39
bauzasmoving on16:39
bauzas#topic Review priorities 16:39
bauzas#link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+(project:openstack/nova+OR+project:openstack/placement+OR+project:openstack/os-traits+OR+project:openstack/os-resource-classes+OR+project:openstack/os-vif+OR+project:openstack/python-novaclient+OR+project:openstack/osc-placement)+(label:Review-Priority%252B1+OR+label:Review-Priority%252B2)16:39
bauzas#info As a reminder, cores eager to review changes can +1 to indicate their interest, +2 for committing to the review16:39
bauzasI'll slowly but progressively use this label for knowing what to review16:40
bauzasso you know about it16:40
bauzasnext topic (we only have 20 mins)16:40
bauzas#topic Stable Branches 16:40
bauzaselodilles: happy to see you back16:40
elodilleswe mostly discussed, but16:40
elodilles#info stable branches seem to be unblocked / OK -- except placement, osc-placement, ...16:41
elodillesthanks gmann for fixing the tox4 issues on stable branches!16:41
elodilles#info stable branch status / gate failures tracking etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-stable-branch-ci16:41
elodillesand maybe one more thing:16:41
gmannfor pin not fix :)16:41
elodillesgmann: yepp, a good workaround for now ;)16:42
elodillesso maybe we should do nova stable releases as there are already some merged content on zed, yoga and xena16:42
elodillesand a small side track: i would want some stable core opinions about my comment here: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86791216:43
elodillesas the zed release might depend on that16:43
bauzaselodilles: sure, want me to create the releases ?16:43
bauzasstable releases, I mean16:44
elodillesbut that can be done after the meeting16:44
bauzaswe're in a good timing16:44
sean-k-mooney elodilles  this is your main question right https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/867912/5/nova/conf/workarounds.py16:44
elodillesbauzas: yes, if you have time :) otherwise i can also propose them16:44
elodillessean-k-mooney: yes16:44
sean-k-mooneyso i considerd that when reviewing16:45
sean-k-mooneyi tought the value of the fix in behaivor outwaied the possibel performance impact16:45
sean-k-mooneybut you are correct that fliping the default would maintain the old behaivor16:45
sean-k-mooneyfliping the default woudl also result in a workaorunds option being enabeld by default16:46
sean-k-mooneywhich we generally avoid16:46
sean-k-mooneyso not changing the default felt more consitent to me16:46
sean-k-mooneyim not sure what other think ^16:46
bauzasloading the context16:46
sean-k-mooneythe context is mostly captured in teh help text :)16:47
bauzasso it was a opt-out config16:47
bauzasand when backporting it suddently became opt-in16:47
sean-k-mooneyno we did not change it when back porting16:47
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: question is should we16:47
sean-k-mooneyso on master we default to the new more desireable beahvior16:48
elodillesno. to put it simple: we change the default behavior on stable branches16:48
sean-k-mooneyand elodilles  is asking shoudl we keep the old beahivor in the backports16:48
bauzashttps://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/864773/3/nova/conf/workarounds.py default on master is False16:48
bauzasso that's opt-in16:48
bauzaswhich is the same for the backports16:49
elodillesi mean, given an installed environment, they upgrade, and the behaviour is changed with the upgraded nova16:49
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: correct16:49
bauzaselodilles: I don't see a problem here with keeping it opt-in16:49
sean-k-mooneybauzas: well it will required all operator to update there config to adress the bug16:49
elodillesbauzas: it is opt-out :) you have to change the configuration to have the existing behaviour16:49
bauzassean-k-mooney which is the current behaviour on master, right?16:50
sean-k-mooneyon master we now set the reseved value on instnace boot16:50
sean-k-mooneybefore this patch we set reserved wehn deleteing16:50
bauzasbecause the option defaults to False, right?16:51
bauzasif you set to True, you keep the original behaviou16:51
sean-k-mooneythe workaroudn option is a skip to opt out yes and it default to false16:51
bauzasso, say we backport this16:51
bauzasas it is16:51
bauzasto understand, that means we'll change the behaviour by upgrading to the latest (obviously .y) release16:52
sean-k-mooneyas is then the stable branchs get the new behaivor and you need to modify the config to restore the old behaiovr16:52
sean-k-mooneybut this is an internal implemation detail that is not part of any public contract16:52
bauzasI think we have semver for communicating the behavioural change16:52
sean-k-mooneyso we felt this was better16:52
bauzascan we discuss this out of the meeting ?16:53
bauzaswe have 5 mins left16:53
bauzas#topic Open discussion 16:53
bauzas(bauzas) As a reminder, Summit proposals deadline is today 11:59pm PT16:53
elodillesso if we release now zed, then the operators who uses zed, need to update their configs to have NOT to change how nova works16:53
bauzasyou have the very last minute to add your topics16:53
bauzasfwiw, I proposed two forum sessions about nova onboarding and operator meet&greet16:54
bauzasif someone wants to co-host the onboarding forum session, let me know16:54
bauzasgmann: correct me but forum proposal deadline is on april ?16:55
bauzasI'm confused by the fact they added the forum proposals in the tool16:55
gmannbauzas: I hope so. I asked Erin in email but no reply yet. But from form it shows april16:55
bauzasyup, hence my confusion16:55
bauzasI just hope we won't get like Berlin some Forum sessions that very look like Summit sessions with slides and one-sided discussions16:56
kashyapOh, come on...after all the jobs passed, one "tempest-integrated-compute" job times out :( https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/8b07fa0b71c94fb6abb2b350c5c84c7416:56
bauzaskashyap: on our meeting atm16:56
kashyapOops, sorry for that random chime in.16:56
kashyapbauzas: Yeah, only realized it just now (sorry)16:56
bauzas(gmann) updates on switching the RBAC(scope and new defaults) defaults in nova16:57
gibibauzas: if you need a co-host for the onboarding then you can write me up16:57
bauzasyou have 3 mins16:57
bauzasgibi: noted. I'm used to do some onboarding and I have ideas but having a co-speaker is somehow better16:57
bauzaslooks like gmann is gone and our meeting will end16:58
gmannpatch is ready for review #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/866218/1216:58
bauzascool thanks16:58
bauzasgmann: I've seen your ping, I just didn't had time to review it yet16:58
gmannplease check and it need placement test fixture change too which is depends-on on nova change #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/869525/316:58
gmanndo not want to delay the switching at the end of cycle 16:59
bauzasI've just said review-prio +216:59
gmannTempest already run integration job with new RBAC on Nova, glance, neutron and cinder and it is passing finw16:59
opendevreviewPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/nova master: Process all nodes when host aggregate changes  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86968717:00
bauzasok, we're on time17:00
bauzasthanks all17:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Jan 10 17:00:20 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)17:00
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2023/nova.2023-01-10-16.00.html17:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2023/nova.2023-01-10-16.00.txt17:00
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2023/nova.2023-01-10-16.00.log.html17:00
gibio/ thanks'17:00
elodillesthanks o/17:00
gmannthanks o/17:00
clarkbre nox it is definitely worth careful consideration and discussion. I like to bring it up ecause I've found many people aren't aware there is an alternative. As far as why I think it is worth considering the main thing is that it is simpler and uses simple building blocks instead of a bunch of custom rewrites of standard tools like build17:01
clarkbwhen you install things you just run pip basically.17:01
clarkband you aren't getting custom wheel building like with tox for example17:01
gmannbauzas: dansmith: this is tempest job enabling new rbac and passing fine. I am adding same in nova side too in 866218  https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-full-enforce-scope-new-defaults&skip=017:02
sean-k-mooneyjohnthetubaguy: can you review this ironic hostaggreate change https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86968717:04
sean-k-mooneybauzas: ^ also good for you to look at17:04
sean-k-mooneybauzas: did we settel on ironic is not supprot for host aggreates a while ago when chatting downstream17:04
bauzassean-k-mooney: I thought we said given we only support hostnames in aggregates (and not nodenames), I hardly understand how this can work17:06
bauzasbut you can target a specific nova-compute using aggregates so that can still work with sharded ironic nodes17:07
sean-k-mooneywhen you add a comptue host to thet api https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/?expanded=add-host-detail#add-host17:07
sean-k-mooneyyou are adding the comptue service17:07
sean-k-mooneyand ironic is currently loadbalanceing compute nodes between compute services17:07
bauzasagreed, that's what I said17:09
bauzasbut you can't target a node, that's my point17:09
bauzasthe good news is that placement aggregates support nodes17:10
sean-k-mooneyright so what they are trying to do in that patch is incluse all the ironic RPs created for the ironic servier in the the placement aggreate17:10
bauzasso theorically, you could do some flavorey query about it17:10
sean-k-mooneyyou coudl but if we proceed with this patch we are baissly saying we now supprot host aggrates with ironic again17:11
sean-k-mooneyim pretty sure we did in the past and that broke at some point17:11
sean-k-mooneywhere somepoint is a long long time ago17:11
bauzaslong long time ago, we were not having placement aggregates17:12
bauzasand if I blame the existing add_host_to_agg code, I don't think I'll see a difference 17:13
sean-k-mooneydidnt we used to have multipel compute services for ironic ndoes or something17:14
bauzasI don't think so but I could be wrong17:15
sean-k-mooneyok your right we did not17:16
sean-k-mooneyit was intially one compute service17:16
sean-k-mooneythen we supported muple in newton https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/newton/implemented/ironic-multiple-compute-hosts.html17:17
sean-k-mooneyi guess based on https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/newton/implemented/cells-aggregate-api-db.html17:20
sean-k-mooneythe aggreate api si ment ot be aggreate to compute node mappings17:21
sean-k-mooneyin which case then yes ironci shoudl work17:21
sean-k-mooneyyou just need to add each node by the ironic uuid17:21
sean-k-mooneyhowever that is what we tried downstream and it did not seam to work17:21
sean-k-mooneyand i recal that that used to work before17:21
bauzasthat's what I remember when we discussed about placement aggs17:23
bauzasin general, we only support the first node17:23
sean-k-mooneywell for nova aggreates ignoring placment that is what used to work in newton17:23
sean-k-mooneywe coudl map compute nodes to aggates by the host key17:24
sean-k-mooneywhich presumable was hypervior_hostname17:24
bauzashost was in general the Host conf opt17:24
sean-k-mooneythat would have been the compute service then not the comptue node17:25
sean-k-mooneythe usecase says "Operators wish to apply the same host aggregate to compute nodes in multiple cells."17:25
bauzasthat was always the service17:25
bauzasbecause hostname key is about the n-cpu service17:25
sean-k-mooneythe spec does not say service. an by the way im agreein gi tought this was also the service not the comptue node17:25
sean-k-mooneyso the problem is context the pec that created the db table repataly says compute node17:26
sean-k-mooneyso maybe the spec is wrong or not what we implemnted17:26
bauzas"Aggregates may be applied to compute nodes in multiple cells and are a global concept."17:27
bauzasthis phrase is wrong17:27
bauzasPlacement aggregates relate to resource providers17:27
sean-k-mooneyright but this spec neverf mention compute services17:27
sean-k-mooneyonly compute nodes17:27
bauzasNova aggregates related to nova-compute services17:27
sean-k-mooneyso if i read the spec the intent seams to be to mapp compute nodes17:27
bauzassean-k-mooney: the intent of that spec was to put the aggregates table to the API DB17:28
bauzasnot about desiging placement aggs17:28
sean-k-mooneyi am not talking about placment aggs at all17:29
sean-k-mooneyjust nova17:30
sean-k-mooneyim also reading our newton docs https://docs.openstack.org/nova/newton/aggregates.html17:30
sean-k-mooneywhcih again talk about comptue nodes not compute services17:30
bauzaswe also talk about ephemeral storage, remember ? :)17:31
bauzasbut the fact is, I know how scheduling works and I know what we return17:31
sean-k-mooneyyep but i know we have downstream docs about addign ironic does to host aggretes by uuid and i have seen that used in other place too17:31
bauzaswe return a destination which is a hostame for calling the RPC API17:32
sean-k-mooneywe return more then that17:32
sean-k-mooneyor at least we provide more then that to the filters17:33
sean-k-mooneyits not so much about what we return to the conductor17:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Support evacuate with PCI in placement  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/85461517:34
sean-k-mooneyso lookign at the newton code it is in terms of the compute service 17:37
sean-k-mooneywe do https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/808d36475103e373f1deb3344b6829ce68d6cdd5/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py#L533-L54217:37
bauzassean-k-mooney; I need to stop today's work :(17:38
sean-k-mooneybauzas: that ok17:39
sean-k-mooneyanyway we need to look at the patch carfullly as it sound more liek a feature then a bug and im not sure it work fully17:39
bauzassean-k-mooney: I was about to say it17:40
bauzaslooks to me a new behavioural support17:40
bauzashence not a bug17:40
bauzasand I'd prefer us to design it correctly17:40
bauzasas there could be corner cases17:40
sean-k-mooneywell i think there are defintly usecase for supprotiing ironic with host aggreates17:41
sean-k-mooneybut ya i think it needs a spec espcislly with the other ironic work that is in flight17:41
bauzasI'll quickly add a comment on that patch into that direction17:41
bauzasI won't use the -2 hammer yet as it's late17:42
opendevreviewKirill proposed openstack/nova-specs master: new spec: support of vnc console for ironic  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/86377318:19
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add virt/node module for stable uuids  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391518:31
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Pass service ref to init_host(), if exists  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391618:31
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add get_available_node_uuids() to virt driver  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391718:31
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Persist existing node uuids locally  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391818:31
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Make resource tracker use UUIDs instead of names  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391918:31
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Detect host renames and abort startup  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86392018:31
dansmithgibi: I still need to do the undelete explicit test in ^ so I marked that penultimate one as WIP with a note, I just want to get a bunch of work pushed up for insurance18:31
gibidansmith: ack18:32
artomBesides the tox thing (that is now fixed?) there are no further known gate issues?18:42
sean-k-mooneybeseide the multiple tox thigns not that comes to mind18:42
sean-k-mooneyartom: are you seing somthing or wonderifn if you can recheck18:43
sean-k-mooneythen i belive yes18:43
sean-k-mooneyon master at least18:44
sean-k-mooneyi dont know if all the pin patches are mergd on all the sable branches18:44
gmannpin patches only required on python-novaclient and others are taken care by the pinning in common place https://review.opendev.org/q/I442568a5f5900e593feb2b5527109e0aa79e5aa7+status:open18:45
gmannnova stable branches are all green https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:tox4-pin-testing18:45
sean-k-mooneycool ill appove the client patches now so18:46
gmannthanks 18:46
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add get_available_node_uuids() to virt driver  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391718:47
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Persist existing node uuids locally  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391818:47
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Make resource tracker use UUIDs instead of names  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391918:47
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Detect host renames and abort startup  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86392018:47
Kirill_sean-k-mooney: could you please confirm that now everything is good) https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/86377318:53
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add virt/node module for stable uuids  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391518:56
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Pass service ref to init_host(), if exists  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391618:56
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add get_available_node_uuids() to virt driver  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391718:56
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Persist existing node uuids locally  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391818:56
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Make resource tracker use UUIDs instead of names  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391918:56
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Detect host renames and abort startup  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86392018:56
sean-k-mooneyKirill_: i think so but im to tired to review a spec fully this evning. skiming its in teh correct directory and since almost all the implemation is on the ironic sid eand ther eis no api changes this is likely sufficent19:00
Kirill_got it. thanks for your efforts!19:01
sean-k-mooneyim not sure if melwitt  is around today but she might be able to provide more feedback today. otherwise ill take another look tomorow. you still need a second core to review and approvhe it in either case.19:03
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement stable/zed: [stable-only] Use stable branch version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975319:07
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement stable/yoga: [stable-only] Use stable branch version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975419:08
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement master: Use pypi released version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975519:23
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement stable/zed: Use pypi released version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975319:24
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add virt/node module for stable uuids  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391519:25
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Pass service ref to init_host(), if exists  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391619:25
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add get_available_node_uuids() to virt driver  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391719:25
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Persist existing node uuids locally  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391819:25
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Make resource tracker use UUIDs instead of names  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86391919:25
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Detect host renames and abort startup  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86392019:25
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement stable/yoga: Use pypi released version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975419:28
*** EugenMayer43 is now known as EugenMayer419:31
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement master: Use pypi released version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975519:58
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement stable/zed: Use pypi released version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975320:23
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement stable/yoga: Use pypi released version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975420:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-novaclient stable/zed: [stable-only] Pin tox <4  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-novaclient/+/86952720:40
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement master: Use pypi released version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86975520:56
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement stable/xena: Use pypi released version of placement in functional tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86976821:17
gmannsean-k-mooney: bauzas: gibi : these are the osc-placement gate fixes https://review.opendev.org/q/I4e3e5732411639054baaa9211a29e2e2c8210ac021:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/victoria: Adapt websocketproxy tests for SimpleHTTPServer fix  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86619521:39
dansmithgmann: still around?22:14
* dansmith will just comment on the roles review22:22
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: One of our CI job log storage providers appears to be having trouble with log uploads and retrievals. We are in the process of removing that provider from the pool.22:44

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