Thursday, 2019-10-03

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/stein: Reduce scope of 'path' query parameter to noVNC consoles
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SonPhamhave any project for nova for snapshot(keep memory and process state) like bp? :
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/queens: Hook resource_tracker to remove stale node information
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova stable/train: Restore console proxy deployment info to cells v2 layout doc
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Test heal port allocations in nova-next
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SonPhamI would like to propose a new feature for Nova04:23
SonPhamafter i create a blueprint04:23
SonPhamWhat should I do next?04:24
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kashyapSonPham: The blueprint needs to get 'approved' by "cores" for the current development cycle.07:30
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kashyapSonPham: For that, you might want to hang around here on this channel and ask when you see 'activity'07:32
kashyapSonPham: Another way to socialize your idea is to write a quick email to the 'openstack-discuss' list with [nova] tag, describing the potential feature.07:33
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SonPhamkashyap who 'activity' ?07:35
SonPhamthe core review?07:35
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kashyapSonPham: I mean, people are spread over all.  But the most majority of maintainers are in EST / CET timezones.07:36
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kashyaps/"over all"/"over different timezones"/07:38
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bauzasgood morning Nova08:22
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kashyapstephenfin: sean-k-mooney: Do you know if any operators care about CPU hotplug?09:00
kashyap(Or anyone)09:00
kashyap(At least I see an old blueprint for it -
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Don't create instance_extra entry for deleted instance
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Add functional regression test for build part of bug 1781286
openstackbug 1781286 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "CantStartEngineError in cell conductor during reschedule - get_host_availability_zone up-call" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)09:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Add functional regression test for migrate part of bug 1781286
openstackbug 1781286 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "CantStartEngineError in cell conductor during reschedule - get_host_availability_zone up-call" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)09:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-novaclient stable/stein: Stop silently ignoring invalid 'nova boot --hint' options
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bauzasgibi: <310:03
bauzasgibi: you're totally right, I forgot to update my cell check when looking at the RPs10:03
bauzasgibi: for the audit command10:03
bauzasgibi: so that's why
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sean-k-mooneykashyap: both memory and cpu hotplug have been reject in the past both as an api do explcitly added/remove each resource to/form an instnace and in the form of live reszie10:38
sean-k-mooneybut there has been requests for it10:39
sean-k-mooneyarbiatry hotplug was rejected as it basical breaks flavors10:39
sean-k-mooneyand how flavors are used for billing10:40
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sean-k-mooneyi also suspec based on comment made by dansmith  in the past that while we try to ues the embeded flavor everywhere that it maters there may be edgecase where we dont so adding hotplug support that is not flavor based could have implciations for move operations10:41
sean-k-mooneythe flavor based appach was reject for a diffrent reason10:41
sean-k-mooneyresize down if very hard10:42
sean-k-mooneyyou technially can offline cpus or dimms in the linux kernel then hot unplug them but that requries guest coperation10:42
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sean-k-mooneyhot adding of cpus and memory generaly requires you to forward declare a set of free dimm slots or cpu sockets10:43
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sean-k-mooneyand like the pcie ports i suspect there is qemu overhead required to support that so if you were to do that by default you would waste ram10:44
sean-k-mooneyso ya im not sure it fits with the cloud model where i think the spot isntance model is much more correct. e.g. burst horizontally not vertically10:45
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kashyapsean-k-mooney: Hi, reading the scroll now10:50
kashyapsean-k-mooney: (Yeah, I recall the perils of the resize down)10:50
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Thanks for the input.10:51
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gibibauzas: I'm happy that I could help10:58
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bauzasgibi: around ? I wonder how to fix the cells issue11:04
gibibauzas: partially, I'm on a full day internal workshop11:05
gibibauzas: but I think there is good example in the heal_allocations code about cell handling11:05
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bauzasgibi: the problem is that I need to find the cell for a compute node UUID11:09
bauzasgibi: the problem is that I don't know yet the hostname11:09
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bauzasanyway, /me needs to go the school for his daughters11:09
gibibauzas: talk to you later11:10
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stephenfingibi: Replied on
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gibistephenfin: thanks for the explanation.12:07
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mriedemstephenfin: ping me when you get updated and i'll take a look, don't want to lose track of that since it's huge13:29
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova stable/rocky: Skip test_parallel_evacuate_with_server_group until fixed
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gibibauzas: I think I see your compute node uuid -> cell mapping issue in
gibibauzas: we cannot map a compute node back to a cell easily.13:40
gibibauzas: if we assume that the compute node RP's name is the hostname of the compute host, then we can map to cells. But the we cannot support virt drivers using more than one node per host13:41
mriedemyou can map the compute node to a host mapping which is in a cell13:43
bauzasgibi: the problem is that we only know the RP UUID13:43
mriedemrp uuid == compute node uuid == get the compute node == get the host mapping == get the cell13:43
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bauzasmriedem: sure, but in the nova-manage, I can't just ask directly, right?13:44
mriedemoh i see, chicken and egg13:46
mriedemyou can scatter/gather cells looking for hte compute node by uuid13:46
mriedemthat's what the api does i think13:47
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gibiyeah you have to search for the root RP UUID as a compute node id in every cell13:47
mriedemwell i guess it doesn't but it could13:47
bauzasI can scatter/gather for sure13:48
bauzasbut it will take time13:48
bauzasI mean, it's a performance issue13:48
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gibibauzas: would be better scatter / gather once to get all the compute node objects from all cells?13:48
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bauzaswhen calling the audit command, then we would have to look at all the cells to find the one having the CN UUID13:48
mriedemscatter/gather non-cell0 cells since you shouldn't have compute nodes in cell0,13:48
mriedemand for most deployments that's only going to be 1 cell to query13:49
dansmithbauzas: you need to scatter/gather a get_by_uuid() right?13:49
dansmiththat should be uber fast13:49
bauzasI did this for PS1
bauzasdansmith: okay, lemme try to do it13:50
bauzasand then we could for example ask CERN to verify the performance13:50
bauzasor mnaser :)13:50
mriedemmy comment wasn't about using scatter/gather, it was about starting with compute nodes and working backward to resource providers13:51
bauzasmriedem: gibi: dansmith: thanks for the help13:51
gibibauzas: np13:51
bauzasmriedem: yeah, no worries, I already understood this, I just tried to explain that I already used scatter_gather so I already know it :)13:51
mriedembeing an audit / heal style command, i don't think blazying fast performance is the primary concern13:51
mriedem*blazing even13:52
mriedemdo you allow passing in a single uuid to audit? if not you probably should so you don't have to audit all 20K nodes just to heal one of them that is a problem.13:52
mnaseryeah i think we should loop over RPs instead of CNs13:53
gibimriedem: yes, the command has a --resource_provider flag13:53
mriedem20K compute services + x number of ironic VMs...13:53
mriedem*ironic BMs / instances13:53
dansmithmriedem: you know, this has come up before.. we really should move HostMapping to use (or at least have) the compute uuid in there13:53
mriedemdansmith: the cardinality isn't correct for that13:54
mriedemfor ironic you have 1 host mapping to x nodes13:54
mriedemgibi: ok good - except let's drop the underscore in the option name, i hate that13:54
mriedeme.g. --max_rows13:54
mriedemoptions should use dashes13:54
dansmithmriedem: right, which also causes us trouble and why we need thatother mechanism of hostmapping discovery...13:54
mriedemi think stephenfin and i might agree on one thing and that's probably it13:54
dansmithmriedem: I the point is we kinda need nodes and hosts in there, by uuid or name depending :D13:55
mriedemdansmith: so for an ironic compute service, the HostMapping just wouldn't have uuid set?13:55
sean-k-mooneywell we can still have a 1:n mapping in the 1:1 case it jsut a specific value of n13:55
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sean-k-mooneyso we could model it in the db using a mapping table13:56
sean-k-mooneyand in the object as a list right?13:56
sean-k-mooneywhich might be what we alreday do13:56
sean-k-mooneyi was not following the conversation13:56
mriedemfrom a coding api perspective, if i'm relying on the host mapping uuid to get/match the compute node uuid, then how do i know if that host is managing one or many nodes13:57
dansmithmriedem: maybe I dunno13:57
mriedemthe host mapping name doesn't / shouldn't change (the hostname on the host would have to change which is bad),13:57
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mriedembut i can guarantee you that the compute node uuid generated by the compute service will change13:57
mriedemand that would be an up-call or new discovery from the controller to sync those up13:57
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sean-k-mooneyits unfortunate that we are not usign a uuid5 based on teh host name for the compute node uuid13:58
mriedemall you have to is (1) start the service, (2) discover it to create the host mapping, (3) delete the compute service (4) restart it and bam you have a new compute node with a new uuid13:58
mriedemsean-k-mooney: that's not a bad the non-ironic case,13:59
mriedemfor ironic, since rocky we make the compute node == resource provider == ironic node all use the ironic node uuid13:59
mriedemthat has caused some problems...13:59
bauzasmriedem: yup, either the audit command loops over RPs, or asks for a specific RP UUID13:59
sean-k-mooneythe ironic node id often matche the chassis uuid backed into the hardware13:59
mriedemmeeting time14:00
dansmithmriedem: sorry I lost track of that convo because I was having two14:00
mriedemthis is the problem i'm talking about with using static uuids
mriedemsean-k-mooney: ^14:01
mriedemsomewhat related
sean-k-mooney oh ya i vaguely rememebr that it was related to the phyical node reblanice to a different compute service14:02
mriedemthe first is related to maintenance mode on a node, the latter is rebalance14:02
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stephenfinmriedem: <314:03
sean-k-mooneyi need to grab somthing to eat before another meeting in an hour so ill join the nova meeting in link 20-30 mins14:03
mordredmriedem: in microversion 2.64, os-server-group changed from accepting policies=[] to policy="" ... what happens to additional policies created with lower microversion?14:04
mriedemit was unpossible on lower microversions14:04
mriedemshitty api design allowed a list but the backing db model didn't14:04
mriedemsomething like that - the json schema only allowed a list with an entry of exactly 114:04
mordredah - cool14:05
mordredso that makes it super easy to support properly in sdk14:05
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mriedemmordred: yeah see the description of the parameter in the ref
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mriedembefore 2.64: "A list of exactly one policy name to associate with the server group."14:06
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mordredthat's amazing14:06
mriedemthe poor api design before or the fact it was actually documented?14:07
mordredalso - I'm glad the answer this time does not require me to figure out how to do more complex logic14:07
mordredsg_attrs['policy'] = policies[0]  # this is awesome14:07
mordredoh - although - I still probably want to figure out how to switch somethign there - because older mvs won't have the policy parameter14:08
mordredmaybe I'll just wait until someone complains14:08
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add reserved schema migrations for Ussuri
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stephenfinmelwitt: I assume I can kill the entire 'networks' quota thing when nova-net is removed?14:12
stephenfinIt seems it's not enabled by default atm anyway14:12
efriedsean-k-mooney: do you understand the SEV bug well enough to phrase a docs & reno warning saying it's broke? In case the fix doesn't make Train?14:13
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stephenfinmriedem++ lyarwood++ thanks for getting those novaclient fixes in so quickly14:16
stephenfinefried: I'll take a lash at it now14:17
efriedthanks stephenfin14:17
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sean-k-mooneyefried: if you mean the virto/dma issue yes i can proably write something up14:23
sean-k-mooneyi dont understand all the lowlevel details but i think i understand enough for a reno listing it as known issues14:24
sean-k-mooneyif stephenfin give it a go ill be happy to review too14:25
sean-k-mooneythe metting is in #openstack-meeting right14:25
openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova stable/train: docs: Highlight the current broken state of SEV
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: yeah, #openstack-meeting14:27
stephenfinand that's the reno ^^ I don't know if I need more details or if it's more nuanced than that (are there only certain conditions where virtio-scsi will be present, for example)?14:27
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sean-k-mooneyyou have to opt in to it14:28
sean-k-mooneyill review and add details as needed14:28
sean-k-mooneythen you can translate form sean-speak to english14:28
mriedemstephenfin: comments inline14:30
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kashyapefried: Have not decided anything yet here: (on that 'preferred' thing).  Will respond on the change14:57
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efriedtetsuro: o/ are you an hour off? :P15:00
dansmithefried: you should approve my spec so you can include the sponsor revision in your template patch :)
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efrieddansmith: you should add the core liaison section so I don't have to :)15:01
dansmithefried: before it's in the template?15:01
efriedsure, there's nothing preventing additional untemplated sections afaik15:01
cdentefried, mriedem : we got rid of healing of any allocations for healthy instance in nova-compute, yes? So if a nova-compute comes up and can't find a resource provider for itself, it will create one and its inventory but that's it. To fix things 'heal allocations' in nova-manage is the way to go.15:01
efrieddansmith: I'm only half serious, will review15:02
dansmithefried: not sure I could get behind that heresy15:02
sean-k-mooneywhile we are talking about specs ill jsut leave this one here
efriedcdent: I don't remember, would have to go look15:02
sean-k-mooneyefried: is there a patch i should rebase it on?15:03
cdentefried: if it's gone, I'm considering ways of putting it back...15:03
sean-k-mooneyor just wait for the template change to merge15:03
dansmithefried: well, if you find something to -1 over I'll add it in there15:03
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efrieddansmith: ack. May be a little bit, though, I'm kinda backed up.15:03
sean-k-mooneyefried: thanks15:03
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efried(insert metamucil joke)15:03
dansmithmy spec is very fiber-rich, fwiw15:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-novaclient stable/rocky: Stop silently ignoring invalid 'nova boot --hint' options
efriedsean-k-mooney: hold on a tick, I need to make an update to that.15:04
dansmithmelwitt: you probably would also be interested in approving my patch: if you're around :)15:04
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sean-k-mooneyefried: sure im on another meeting so im not going to update it until after15:07
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add 'Core Liaison' section to spec template
efriedmriedem, sean-k-mooney: done ^15:09
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efrieddansmith: it would be neat if you would volunteer to sponsor
efriedSince it was, like, your idea15:12
efried(I know, I know. But still.)15:12
dansmithefried: uh, wut15:15
dansmithoh you mean I said something in a PTG a year ago?15:15
efriedyou can't un-say it15:15
mriedemcdent: correct15:15
efriedit was more like six months ago15:15
efriedstatute of limitations15:16
* cdent bows to mriedem 15:16
dansmithsure, but just because I think that's the way it should be done if we're going to do it, doesn't mean I think we should or that I want to put my neck out there for it, right?15:16
dansmithI guess it depends on whether we tie the sponsorship thing purely to "help the contributor with the process" or "I plan to review this myself"15:17
efriedyeah, good point; I would definitely like you to be involved in the reviews; I'm mentoring dustinc either way.15:18
dansmithI'll look it over and see what I think, but I kinda feel like I want to know what the ratelimiting number is going to be before I decide what I'm going to throw my support behind15:18
efried(and reviewing the code either way)15:18
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efrieddansmith: fair, though for simplicity, it may help to keep those things mentally separate. You can sponsor a thing, but it could still fall off the bottom at spec freeze time.15:18
dansmithefried: not at spec freeze time, but at the "what are the top 25 things" point right?15:19
sean-k-mooneythat i would expect to be around ptg time15:19
sean-k-mooneyor just after ptg but before spec freeze15:20
dansmithneither of us are going to be at ptg, so...15:20
mriedemefried: comments on
efrieddansmith: yes, I was thinking spec freeze time would be when we do the cut15:20
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efriedbut tbd15:20
dansmithefried: wait, what?15:20
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dansmithefried: so we're going to put a bunch of specs in and then draw some line and what, remove the ones that aren't above the line?15:21
dansmithmaybe we need a different directory for almost-approved ? :)15:21
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efriedyeah, something like that; if they're still unapproved we leave them unapproved (abandon, propose to backlog, whatever) and if they're already approved in the specs repo, we pull them out (and shunt them to backlog or whatever)15:21
dansmithwe should put them not in the approved directory then, IMHO15:22
dansmithand btw,15:22
efriedthis is probably why "direction" and "definition" are different fields in lp15:22
dansmithI'm not trying to be too demanding, I just think we need to figure out what this process is if we're going to do it,15:22
dansmithbecause if I got my spec in the approved directory and then it gets ripped out later I'm going to be more confused than any of your bullets in your commit message :)15:22
efriedapproving "definition" means "if we're going to do this, this is how we're going to do it"; approving "direction" means "we're going to do it, now"15:22
mriedemi think i've been out-processed for once15:23
mriedemgold star15:23
dansmithokay so we're going to gate the real approval in launchpad?15:23
dansmithand any code that makes it in before the spec freeze is golden, and then we make the 25 cut at spec freeze time of things that aren't done?15:24
efrieddansmith: I agree. Ideally I would like to have left all specs and bps unapproved until cut time, and the only merge the ones above the line. But since we've already merged some, that's messy.15:24
dansmithefried: well, unmerge them if you want15:24
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dansmithbut yes, this is sounding pretty messy one way or the other15:24
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efriedyeah, thought about that too. stephenfin has code proposed for nova-net removal; we could merge some and then if that bp doesn't make the cut... in that case probably nbd to have partially done.15:25
stephenfinin nova-net case, we've removes parts of it for a few cycles now15:26
efriedmriedem: Sigh, yeah, I continue trying to figure out how to make it as process-lite as possible.15:26
stephenfinremoving things like the os-fping API in past releases15:26
stephenfinthat doesn't apply to everything though, of course15:26
dansmithefried: I guess my point is, this is not going to be better for visibility to the contributors if it seems like we're figuring  out the rules as we go, and things drag on as late as spec freeze15:27
efrieddansmith: but yes, quite seriously, if we can get some kind of consensus that we're going to do this thing (even if the actual number is still open for negotiation), I could go unapprove everything.15:27
dansmithefried: so being upfront with them is good, but let's not have that backfire15:27
dansmithefried: okay, so if we do that, can I still land code for my spec that has not been approved? normally we would try to avoid that.. landing code until the design is accepted15:28
dansmithefried: or do you want some sort of half-approval for the design but not the schedule or something?15:28
efriedgood questions, Daniel-san15:29
dansmithnot trying to be a dick, just thinking through this for my own spec15:29
efriedtotally, much appreciated.15:30
sean-k-mooneyif the feature merges before we do the cut maybe we jsut ingore it for quota15:30
mriedemspec freeze is feb 13 so yeah...15:30
dansmithsean-k-mooney: that's not the only question15:30
mriedemthat's a long time to be figuring things out15:30
sean-k-mooneymriedem: ah cool so its m2 not m115:30
efriedeven for approved blueprints and specs, we have a kind of all-or-nothing criterion we apply, where if it's important, we block the whole series until it's done. Otherwise (things like mox/nova-net/consoleauth removal etc) we allow partial as we go along.15:30
mriedemso.. if cross-cell resize is unapproved, does that mean none of it can be approved code-wise until after spec freeze?15:31
dansmithmriedem: that can't work, of course15:31
mriedemcross-cell resize is not totally blocked,15:31
efriedwe can do "definition approved" but "direction pending" until cut date, and things that can go partial can be merged during that time.15:31
mriedemthe switch is flipped at the n-1 patch in the series15:31
efriedand if we decide to cut that one, we just stop merging those15:31
sean-k-mooneyefried: would that not force most code to merge between m2 and m315:32
efriedthat way work can continue while we're in planning limbo.15:32
sean-k-mooneywhich is the opisite of what you want15:32
dansmithefried: so we land the spec in approved, but the direction field in LP is the "are you in the critical quota" indication?15:32
efriedthat would work, yah?15:32
dansmithit's quite a departure from our process where most people totally ignore launchpad, so we just need to document it and raise the alarms so people know15:33
mriedemwhat would storyboard do...15:34
* mriedem shows himself out15:34
dansmithmriedem: take storyboard with you15:34
* cdent gives mriedem a cookie15:34
dansmithefried: so, the spec still gets a core sponsor field in this case? because launchpad has lots of other fields we could use instead15:35
dansmithefried: and that might help decouple the "am I sponsoring this spec for review or...?" question15:35
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efrieddansmith: Yes, I would like core sponsor in the spec to stay, because it's more indelible than lp15:35
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efriedalso I see lp as more of an administrative tool and the spec as more of a technical thing15:36
efriedi.e. devs should be able to ignore lp for the most part15:36
dansmithokay, so then I need to consider whether I'm going to sponsor a thing now when it lands, in anticipation that it may be chosen for the top 25 later and I'll be on the hook to review it in that case?15:36
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dansmithokay so I will still be conservative with what I'm willing to sponsor in spec reviews15:37
efriedand btw, that could inform how you vote for what gets cut15:37
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efrieddansmith: that's a legit approach. It ought to end up limiting the number of things on the table at cut time, which is productive in itself.15:38
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mriedemare we still confusing sponsor with on the hook to review?15:39
dansmithaight, so artom you need to get your tests landed so you can get your spec up so I can shoot my wad on it15:39
mriedemi keep getting confused if those are meant to be the same15:39
efriedmriedem: not confusing. That's one of the stated purposes of sponsor15:39
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mriedemthen...why don't we have sponsors for core-proposed specs?15:39
artomdansmith, what your what on my what now?15:39
mriedemi.e. i can't review and +2 my own changes15:39
dansmithefried: don't say it's not confusing because it has confused at least two of us already15:39
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mriedemthere are really 2 things:15:40
artomdansmith, you mean land the NUMA LM func tests so that I can propose the SRIOV LM Claims spec?15:40
dansmithartom: spec for sriov LM claims15:40
mriedem1. official hand holder15:40
dansmithartom: cha15:40
mriedem2. designated reviewer15:40
artomdansmith, ok, I guess that answers my question of whether we need a spec for it :)15:40
mriedemsponsor is munging both of those concepts it seems15:40
dansmithartom: I was going to say in the meeting I think it's worthwhile, but this process also tells me that you need a spec in order for me to document that I want to spend my time reviewing it15:40
mriedemand #2 doesn't jive with "i'll sponsor my own spec thanks"15:40
artomdansmith, oh i c15:41
dansmithmriedem: Designated Reviewer is a new series on ABC this fall starring Keifer Sutherland15:41
mriedemas long as it's not cop drama on cbs15:42
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artomCSI: Gerrit15:42
efriedmriedem: There's nothing stopping a core from having a separate sponsor. I just didn't want to make it a hard requirement that owner != sponsor. Because cores (and experienced nova devs) know how to go ask for reviews, so they don't need it written down.15:42
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efriedmriedem: I agree it would be nice to have someone on the hook committed to reviewing your thing.15:43
mriedemso how is sean-k-mooney a sponsor on his own spec in your liaison patch?15:43
mriedemi guess for the same reason dan is on his?15:43
mriedemi'm still confused15:43
mriedembut whatever15:43
mriedemit's nearly 11am and i haven't done anything useful15:43
efriedartom suggested that experienced devs are culturally indoctrinated enough to know how to go ask for reviews.15:43
efriedI updated the template language accordingly15:44
dansmithefried: so then sponsor is not the designated reviewer but the designated "tell them to ask for reviews" person?15:44
mriedemi'm hearing it's .... both?15:44
efried"help me get this reviewed"15:44
mriedembut only on thursdays15:44
efriedAlso noting that reviews from experienced devs are valuable even if they aren't able to approve15:45
mriedemexamples would be good for thinking through this,15:45
mriedemso on dan's spec, if i am listed as an official sponsor, it's not because i need to hold dan's hand, it's because i'm signing up to be an official reviewer feet to the fire person15:46
mriedemand he has all rights to harass me in irc if i do'nt do so15:46
mriedemon the other hand, i could approve some non-core newb contributor but not sponsor them and absolve myself of all review responsibility15:46
mriedemand thus being quite a dick15:47
efriedsure, I'm not trying to create a process to prevent dickishness.15:47
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Add reserved schema migrations for Ussuri
mriedemin reality i just wouldn't approve the spec15:47
mriedemif i don't intend to review it15:47
dansmiththat's what I'm hearing,15:48
efriedWe need more than one reviewer (hopefully more than two, but I'm a realist) to approve code anyway.15:48
dansmithand I think it's important to make sure all the cores get that message15:48
efriedIf we had some way of making that message clear and making it stick, I would be all over it.15:49
mriedemit probably needs to at least be documented in the specs review for code review process15:49
mriedem*specs repo15:49
mriedemi have voted on the liaison patch forewith15:52
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mriedembtw i know this isn't fun,15:57
mriedemwelcome to process land15:57
mriedemand my world for 2 years15:57
mriedemyo'ure also very handsome15:57
* mriedem was going for the thanks bot trifecta15:58
gmannefried: i have re-proposed the policy spec for ussuri -
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efriedmriedem: is that a thing? Three thank-yous and the bot automatically picks it up?16:02
efriedI'll have to be more careful.16:02
efriedgmann: ack16:02
mriedemefried: ha, no16:02
mriedemnot what i meant16:02
efriedgmann: stay tuned for an update on how we're going to be deciding on approvals (once we figure it out ourselves...)16:03
gmannefried: you mean the on ML thread ? but this is re-proposal of already approved spec16:06
efriedgmann: yup, that's understood. We're leaning towards making even those conform to the same criteria.16:06
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efriedgmann: mriedem makes a good point about needing to update the nova-specs readme accordingly, because previously-reviewed specs will need more than just a random single-core +2 now.16:08
gmannI thought re-approved things are fast approved one and new one goes into that criteria16:08
efriedgmann: not an unreasonable assumption. We're still working out the details.16:08
dansmithgmann: that's being changed16:09
dansmithwell, potentially16:09
dansmithefried: fwiw, I think the re-approval of specs has always been flawed because we just kick things down the road instead of requiring them to muster enough support to be approved again16:10
cdentif a pre-approved spec didn't get done in the previous cycle, one would think that it deserves extra inspection to see if it is maybe a lost cause16:10
cdentyeah, what dansmith said16:10
efriedrequiring the sponsor to +2 might be enough16:11
efriedor we could just completely do away with official special treatment, understanding that previously-approved specs will probably require less technical scrutiny just naturally.16:11
mriedemdansmith: i hope i answered your question in and the one after it16:17
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dansmithmriedem: not really, but doesn't matter16:23
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SonPhamany way to create live-snapshot + keep vms state ( process) ?16:25
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gmannok, i will wait for the new process or let me know if  spec sponsor thing is final so that i can add the same in policy spec.16:29
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mriedemwould be nice if someone can check my assertions here
mriedemi'm writing a bug16:37
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mriedemmgoddard: if that makes sense to you16:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1846527 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "online_data_migrations docs don't mention using --config-file to run the migrations per cell db" [Undecided,New]16:42
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mgoddardmriedem: the --config-file option is useful, but the upgrade doc doesn't say ODM needs to be run multiple times at all16:43
mriedemmultiple times meaning once per cell db right?16:44
mgoddardmriedem: would be nice if it just clearly said "run at least once with an API DB connection, and for each cell (including cell0?)"16:44
mgoddardmriedem: yeah16:44
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mgoddard--config-file option makes that easier for some16:45
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SonPhamhi If I want to suggest a new feature? What do I do after writing the blueprint?16:46
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mriedeman --all-cells would make it uber easy for deployment tooling16:47
mgoddardmriedem: +116:47
mgoddardmriedem: is it possible to run ODM for a cell DB before other cells have been upgraded?16:48
mriedempossible? sure16:49
mgoddardjust wondering about the upgrade one cell at a time scenario, should I include the data migrations as part of that cell's upgrade, or all together at the end?16:49
mriedemi'm not sure16:49
mriedemdansmith: ^?16:49
mriedemi would think it's ok to do it per cell upgrade16:50
dansmithmriedem: mgoddard at the end16:50
mgoddarddansmith: ack, thanks16:50
dansmithmriedem: do you mean target the cell and do data migrations just within that cell?16:50
mriedemi think that's the question yeah16:50
dansmithI mean, I guess that's okay, but since they don't need to be run until later, I would just do them later I guess,16:51
dansmithand if the api is all upgraded first then those migrations would be fine16:51
dansmithso I guess either way, but I'd just do it later personally16:51
dansmithmgoddard: ^16:51
mriedemmayhap we should be capturing some of this in the faqs
mriedemnot it16:52
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efriedDoes takashin usually propose the move-implemented-specs thing?16:58
efriedwe're probably ready for that now16:58
mriedemidk, just do it17:01
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Use scatter/gather in HostAPI.compute_node_get
mriedemtakashi usually does the 'prep for the next release' thing17:01
efriedfiber mriedem. fiber.17:01
mriedemdelegate to someone else to do it17:01
mriedemthat's not me17:01
mriedemdude, you want to talk about fiber. i've been eating raisin bran for breakfast and leftover chili for lunch most of this week.17:02
efriedye gods17:02
mriedemi only put together the reason for the side effects last night17:02
sean-k-mooneylol isnit awsome that everything we type is archive for ever :)17:05
dansmithartom: by "double download niggle" you mean "what happens if an image is re-cached" and/or "what happens if two requests come in for the same image quickly" right?17:06
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sean-k-mooneydansmith: i assume we have some kind of lock in the image cache to prevent that already right?17:06
dansmithsean-k-mooney: we do, which is what I was going to say when he replied17:07
sean-k-mooneycool ya because if we didnt it would be an issue for booting two vms on the same host concurrenly17:07
dansmithsean-k-mooney: which is what I said in the review when we were discussing this yesterday yes :)17:08
sean-k-mooneyi still have that open to review. i got as far as the commit message then got distracted this morining17:08
sean-k-mooneyform what i skimed it makes sense to me so far17:09
SonPhamafter i write the blueprint , i must upload new spec to ?17:10
* mnaser barges in17:11
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Fix exception translation when creating volume
mnaseris there a point where placement will be the ultimate authority in nova for resource usage17:11
mnaser(like, in the actual reporting too)17:11
mnaser(i understand if no one wrote the code for it yet, but wondering if its more of a "no we wont do that)17:12
mriedemSonPham: yes
mriedemmnaser: i think that's the utopian goal17:13
mriedemyou can already configure nova to use placement for counting cpu and ram usage17:13
artomdansmith, yes17:13
openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Group IPs by network UUID, not network names
artomdansmith, the second one, specifically17:14
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: Add a placement audit command
mnaserwait, really (about nova for counting cpu and ram usage)17:14
mriedemartom: also note that the windriver krew added a semaphore on image downloads awhile back17:14
mriedemi think by default it's unbounded but they use it to serialize at edge sites17:14
artommriedem, if that does what I think it does, then that's the piece I was missing17:15
bauzasmriedem: gibi: dansmith: I know you folks are pretty busy those days but reviews would be appreciated for
bauzas(placement audit command)17:15
mriedemartom: note that's relatively new,17:16
artomAlthough if set to 2 or more, it doesn't strictly speaking solve the simultaneous requests for the same image problem17:16
mriedemthe image cache might already have a lock on the image id17:16
bauzasmriedem: gibi: dansmith: it's now in a good shape with a few functests, so before I'm writing unittests, I'd appreciate comments17:16
mriedemif only the code were freely available and online...17:16
SonPhamany way to make a snapshot keep vms state?17:16
artomBut... since booting an image had the same problem, we probably have something in place fo that17:16
dansmithartom: ack, then it's already handled by a lock.. I looked it up but didn't call it out in the spec because it's existing17:16
dansmithartom: so just FYI17:16
mnasermriedem: oh neat, that's pretty cool17:17
artommriedem, aww, but it's way more fun to blindly rant and speculate17:17
artomdansmith, yeah that's fair, thanks for taking the time to look it up17:17
mriedemartom: i think?17:18
artommriedem, looks like it, yeah17:19
artomThat imagecache code though... *shudder*17:20
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: Add a placement audit command
mriedemdansmith: that reminds me, one thing we'll likely want documented with using your thing is making sure a service user token is configured to avoid the user token timing out while triyng to download an image across a bunch of computes17:20
dansmithmriedem: ack17:21
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* bauzas disappears17:22
mriedembauzas: easy and fast -1 from me17:23
mriedemyou're welcome17:23
* mnaser might just have no context17:25
mnaserbut i dont think a token timing out during download might an issue17:25
mnasercause the request will be done with the download is done anyways17:25
mnaseri think image upload are an issue for things like submitting properties/etc when dnoe17:25
dansmithmnaser: we're talking about image pre-caching, where the process may take an hour17:26
dansmithmnaser: so by the time the last compute starts doing the work, the token may have expired and it can't pull the image17:26
mnaseroh i see, this isnt necessarily the on-vm-launch thing17:27
mriedemlyarwood: i'm not sure i got your question correct in
dansmithmnaser: unrelated to vm launch entirely17:27
mnaserokay, right :>17:27
dansmithmnaser: is image pre-caching a thing you care about btw? I think your cloud is too general purpose to care maybe, but... ?17:28
dansmithor you use ceph so not a thing anyway17:29
mnaserdansmith: i think in our case most of our stuff is ceph based, and yeah, too general purpose to have images precached *but* it might be something as we are considering having VMs that are entirely local storage17:29
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mnaserso maybe having a glance property that we'd use to maintain a bunch of 'hot' images that we expect users to launch often (then precache those images in some ci job)17:30
sean-k-mooneymnaser: with ceph we do the whole cow clone in ceph to cache the image once its added to ceph the first time but precaching could still be useful in edge deployment if they had ceph too right?17:31
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dansmithmnaser: well, it won't be that automatic yet, but you could write a script to key it off of an image prop17:31
sean-k-mooneyit might not help vexhosts usecase but precaching with ceph chould still be useful17:31
mnaserprecache with ceph COULD solve that thing i talkeda bout a long time when multiple cells with their own ceph cluster each17:32
dansmithsean-k-mooney: ceph at the edge doesn't work very well right now17:32
sean-k-mooneydansmith: due to the 3 node requiremnet?17:32
mnaserdansmith: yep, but at least id have the tool available in that case yeah17:32
dansmithsean-k-mooney: because nova will do the pathologically terrible thing with ceph if it's not the same one as glance uses17:32
dansmithmnaser: yep17:32
sean-k-mooneydownload the image from glance and uplaod ti to ceph repeatedly?17:33
stephenfinefried: I recall seeing a comment from you about doing this kind of thing differently
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stephenfinI should know what that alternative way is but I'm having a senior moment. Care to remind me?17:34
stephenfin(allows us avoid the 'fake_noop' arg)17:34
dansmithsean-k-mooney: yes so you end up with no re-use, but silently17:34
sean-k-mooneyya that sucks17:34
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sean-k-mooneyand wastes space on a ceph cluster that is proably already constratied17:35
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dansmithsean-k-mooney: s'mah point. This is what I mentioned at the last PTG which I will fix when glance gets the backend management APIs17:35
sean-k-mooneyand bandwith over a potentially slow link. isnt the multipl glace locaiton feature ment to help with that17:35
dansmithsean-k-mooney: it is, but nova only has one it can handle, so if it's not already stored there, it will silently do the bad thing17:36
sean-k-mooneyya i recall you talking about this17:36
sean-k-mooneydo you intend to adress that as part of the precaching spec or declare it out of scope and adress that seperatly17:37
sean-k-mooneyi woudl think seperatly17:37
dansmithcompletely unrelated17:37
sean-k-mooneywell they both adress image distubution but ya that is what i was hoping you would say17:38
sean-k-mooneyim just preempting the possiblity of scope creap17:38
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sean-k-mooneyhas anyone ever tried to do an FFU across more then 3 release?17:55
sean-k-mooneye.g. form say newton to train17:55
sean-k-mooneyi feel like that would be kind of a pain17:56
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efriedstephenfin: I was probably just griping about stub_out being a thin wrapper around17:58
efriedyou could replace it everywhere17:58
mriedemstephenfin: are you thinking of efried always saying to use new= on a mock to avoid the method signature change?17:58
efriedin many stub_out cases where the replacement is actually a no-op, you can MockPatch('just.the.thing') and you get a default mock, i.e. you can do away with the replacement stub function17:59
efriedin this case if the noop's return is actually important, you would do like18:00
efriedself.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch('', return_value=('','')))18:00
stephenfinhmm, that does rely on us not doing a truthiness check somewhere though18:00
stephenfinor using return_value18:00
stephenfinsince bool(mock.Mock()) == True18:00
efriedif you use return_value it would be functionally identical to what's already there.18:01
sean-k-mooneyit depens on what you are testing18:01
sean-k-mooneyfor what its woth i prefer using mock.patch and avoiding the stub_out stuff whenever possible18:02
efriedstub_out is a holdover from mox transition; at this point it can and should diaf18:04
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stephenfinmriedem: Could I ask you to look at and again at some point so I can keep that train moving18:08
stephenfinI've another batch of those ready to go, including a lot of API removals/deprecations18:08
mriedemstephenfin: just commented on
mriedem"I can't say I understand all of these but it looks like for at least  some of them, which I think can extend to all of them, that there is  likely something in the API samples response that is different when  using neutron over nova-network and as such to change those tests to use  neutron we also have to regenerate the samples which should be done an  individual basis rather than en masse."18:08
mriedemif that's correct, then good18:08
stephenfinthat is correct18:09
sean-k-mooneyan example of that is the way security groups are reported when using nova-net vs neturon right18:10
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sean-k-mooneyits in the server show with nova net but not when using neturon18:10
mriedemremember how you said you were too distracted to review dansmith's spec twice now?18:11
mriedemput. the. irc. down.18:11
sean-k-mooneyyes im on line 60 ish18:11
mriedemi'm sure i'm not the only one that does this, but i've got irc in a separate monitor and when i need to focus on something i minimize it on that monitor, otherwise the scrolling chatter draws me in like a deadly siren18:12
dansmithmriedem: any thoughts on where the parallelism conf knob should be? It'll be honored in conductor, but putting it in conf/conductor seems kinda weird for operators18:12
stephenfinmriedem: Replied to the questions on that, if you were curious18:13
mriedemdansmith: i'm fine with it being in conductor. if you think we might make it generally available elsewhere later then i guess DEFAULT?18:13
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: Sort of. They _should_ be reported but weren't because the NeutronFixture was incomplete
stephenfinfixed in that change18:13
dansmithmriedem: given that the imagecache things are all in DEFAULT still, I kinda think that's the right call18:14
sean-k-mooneyah ok18:14
* stephenfin wonders how long before NeutronFixture becomes an effective neutron simulator 18:14
stephenfinand it's only a small step from there to Skynet18:14
mriedemdansmith: or,18:15
mriedemwe actually group the imagecache options properly and do it there18:15
mriedemi'm sure stephenfin would be up for such toil18:15
mriedemhaving said that i only see 2 image_cache_* options today18:17
mriedemoh and remove_unused_base_images18:17
mriedemoh and18:18
dansmithI almost had the easy option18:19
mriedemyou could be the first to start an [imagecache] group18:19
mriedemand we move the others over after18:19
mriedemthat's still easy18:19
dansmithokay yeah, nice18:19
* mriedem high fives18:19
mriedemsmells like synergy in here18:19
dansmithsmells more like cheating18:23
stephenfinmriedem: Think you can hold your nose and ignore that for now? I have a patch to remove the entire thing locally18:25
stephenfinBut I can't push because I'm afraid it'll rebase everything else in that queue18:25
mriedemreply with a link to the thing that removes it18:25
mriedemif it's like 20 patches down the line i'll be sad18:25
stephenfinit's not on Gerrit yet - it'll be 20 patches anyway18:26
stephenfinlemme push to GitHub18:26
mriedemyou're going to have to rebase that series anyway aren't you? once the bottom 2 changes merged18:26
stephenfinwill I?18:26
stephenfinI was hoping to avoid that18:27
mriedemblech, i don't really want to wait for that, and if you have to rebase anyway (gerrit is showing the bottom two patches being diverged from later in the series)...18:31
mriedemthough i'm not sure that means you'll actually have to rebase18:31
mriedemhow about just following up with a simple patch on top of the one i'm cranky about?18:31
stephenfinSure, I can do that18:31
mriedemagain, m'fing synergy18:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/train: Restore console proxy deployment info to cells v2 layout doc
openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: nova-net: Migrate 'test_quota_sets' functional tests
stephenfinHurrah, it worked18:45
stephenfinmriedem: ^18:45
* stephenfin goes home18:45
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mriedemgot it18:50
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sean-k-mooneydansmith: mriedem: i left some question in the precache spec regarding image lifetime
sean-k-mooneyim +0.5 on that sepc as it is so i like that its simple. just want to ensure we dont end up with tones of cached images that are never used and on the flip side that if it take a long time to cache it on alot of host that by the time it finsihes we dont race with cleaning them up18:56
dansmithsean-k-mooney: what line?18:56
sean-k-mooney158 ish18:57
sean-k-mooneyalso see the comment on line 95 about the isolateHostfilter and aggreateImageProertiesIsolation filter18:58
dansmithsean-k-mooney: I'm specifically excluding any GET reporting on this, FWIW, but I said elsewhere that the standard imagecache purge rules would apply to these images18:58
sean-k-mooneythose are used to geofence where instacne with certin image can land18:58
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dansmithsean-k-mooney: which is why when we re-cache an image we already have, we touch it18:58
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dansmithsean-k-mooney: right, but this is admin-controlled, by aggregate, so they control where the images go, and may want to pre-cache an image somewhere before they allow the scheduler to place it there18:59
dansmiths/it/an instance/18:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: nova-net: Use nova-net explicitly in functional tests
sean-k-mooneysure im just wondering if it could be a foot gun that we shoudl docuemtn19:00
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sean-k-mooneye.g. call out tha twe wont run the isolation filters with teh aggreate you provided19:00
sean-k-mooneyso as an operator its your responcablity to ensure it does not violate any polices19:00
dansmithsure, the docs will say lots of "this is very basic" things19:01
sean-k-mooneyya ok honestly those were my two main concernes19:02
mriedemwhat's the worst that would happen in that case? you push an image to a host that doesn't get used b/c the scheduler is configured to exclude that image from that host, so the image just ages out and is removed19:02
dansmithwhich you may want, and if you don't, it gets purged later19:02
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sean-k-mooneymriedem: you push an image across a contry bountry and violate export contol19:02
dansmithsean-k-mooney: ...which you asked for explicitly :)19:03
sean-k-mooneyas an admin you should know what edge sites your host aggretes map too19:03
sean-k-mooneybut that filter was added to prevent that case form happening19:03
sean-k-mooneydansmith: yes its user error19:03
mriedema future improvement could be to validate the images against the host aggregate using the configured filters, something like that - the old scheduler as library idea19:03
mriedemhence the list o dicts so you could single out a particularly hairy image to validate19:04
sean-k-mooneyi was also sugestiong a follow on could be to run the weighs19:04
mriedemand the others are just like ubuntu images and it doesn't matter19:04
dansmithsean-k-mooney: *admin error19:04
mriedemspray em while you got em19:04
sean-k-mooneyto priortise the order the miages are pushed out19:04
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dansmithsean-k-mooney: I mentioned priorities as a future thing, in the spec19:04
sean-k-mooneyyep i saw19:04
mriedemyeah sounds like what's proposed doesn't make building the fancy in later hard, so that's the goal19:05
sean-k-mooneyand it was what came to mind i saw mriedem ask about it being a dict then read the paragpgh where you mentioned priorties and ttls19:05
sean-k-mooneydansmith: i do like the design you are proposing19:06
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/os-traits master: Add method to visualize the os-traits tree
sean-k-mooneyoh i remembered what i was going to ask. do we have docuemntation for how the normal caching works19:09
sean-k-mooneyif yes i can find it myself19:09
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dansmithsean-k-mooney: I dunno, let me know :)19:10
sean-k-mooneyif i dont find it im sure mdbooth could tell me over beer19:11
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mriedemwe don't have anything for docs on image caching19:12
mriedemi've complained about, but done nothing about, many a time19:12
mriedemwe definitely should though since it's a not very well understood area of the code, obviously19:13
mriedemi elect mdbooth to write something up19:13
dansmithI could maybe do some of that in the process of writing up these19:14
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sean-k-mooneydansmith: you mentioned in the spec that libvirt,vmware and hyperv share teh same imagecache module but i also supece part of the reason we pass around partial methods in that code is because its "generic" code that has to deal with driver specific edgecases19:16
dansmithsean-k-mooney: it's much worse than you could even imagine, trust me19:16
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sean-k-mooneyoh i have seen it and ran away before. i mentioned in the spec it would be nice to add image caching for the lvm image backend at some point usign lvm snapshots. then i rememerbed what that code looked like19:17
dansmithyeah, I replied to that.. I'm not sure that it's not implemented for LVM, or at least, not smartly unimplemented19:18
dansmithbut I could be wrong19:18
sean-k-mooneyim deploy with lvm at the weekend and i did not see lvm volumes beign used as cache but i did not check if there were snapshots or if the backing file was cached a different way19:19
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dansmithno, it would be cached on disk as a file in the same way19:19
dansmithand then used to write into the volume19:19
dansmiththe cache is always files on disk, regardless19:19
sean-k-mooneyah ok19:20
sean-k-mooneythat less efficent but it makes sense19:20
dansmithit's just naïveté in the code19:21
mriedemgmann: re the down cell / security groups thing you mentioned before
dansmithand a result of nobody (that I know of) really using LVM seriously as a backend19:21
dansmithwe don't even support it, AFAIK19:21
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sean-k-mooneywe down suport it downstream becasue the osp iamges are not lvm based19:22
mriedemwe == rhosp right?19:22
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mriedemwindriver was using lvm for a long time19:22
mriedemthen moved to ceph19:22
dansmithsean-k-mooney: I'm pretty sure we do not19:22
sean-k-mooneysorry yes i ment to say we do not19:22
dansmithit doesn't really matter if the osp images are flat or not, I think we don't support it for overcloud19:24
sean-k-mooneythe lvm backed performs better the qcow2 for write intensive workloads which is why imt thinking of using it19:24
dansmithwe used to I think, but dropped it probably because lyarwood threatened to quit :)19:24
mriedemdansmith: btw, unrelated to image caching, question for you on the prep resize patch at the bottom of the cross-cell series
mriedemdansmith: while it's fresh in your head, earlier i had posted a diff of what it might look like to re-use the existing prep_resize19:24
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mriedemit's not terrible...but i'd need to freshen that diff up to see what it looks like now after the vpmem stuff changed how normal prep_resize works19:25
dansmithmriedem: I though we discussed that in here19:25
gmannmriedem: yeah, i was thinking to mock the get_all or multi cell function or something in DownCellFixture and not return the down cell instances.  but did not check yet.19:25
mriedemi think we did a bit before i wrote the code to see what the diff would actually look like19:25
dansmithmriedem: I think I said I wish we could make them more the same, but I'm probably just being too idealistic, and then the numa LM came along with a similar requirement19:26
mriedemgmann: tl;dr you're right and we'll return security groups and proxy to neutron even for down cell responses19:26
mriedemgmann: that was hidden in functional tests b/c of the bad fixture19:26
mriedemdansmith: ok for prep_resize (of the 5 compute resize related methods) it's not terrible to munge support into the existing thing if we want to do that,19:28
mriedembut it's not really tenable for the others imo19:28
dansmithmriedem: ack, well, do whatever you think is best for all of them and I won't complain again either way19:29
mriedemthe only worry i have is eventually having something like rebuild_instance where it's double duty based on conditional and is hairy as hell19:29
gmannmriedem: you mean only in func tests ? GET /server/detail would not return any down cell instances and so does not include the sec grp right ?19:29
dansmithyeah, that was the outcome of our original discussion I think19:29
mriedemgmann: incorrect19:29
mriedemgmann: with the down cell stuff, we return a partial set of information about an instance based on the api db19:30
gmannyeah which is from show method. so true for GET /servers/<server-id>19:30
mriedemthe down cell func tests were not using a fixture that returned security groups properly19:31
mriedemstephen's patch exposes that19:31
mriedemanyway, as i said in i think it's just a matter of a docs fix for down cell19:31
mriedemtssurya: ^19:31
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mriedemgmann: fwiw it's also possible to test this stuff in devstack, here is a guide
gmannbut Show never return sec grp so my point was inconsistent response between SHow and detail19:32
mriedemah yeah19:33
mriedemfair point19:33
mriedemwell, changing that now would be a new microversion19:33
gmannyeah, same i was thinking whether it is worth to fix or just doc update work fine.19:33
gmanndoc update works fine i think19:33
mriedemfix it with a new microversion? i don't think it's worth it19:34
mriedemif you want to know security groups for a server in a down cell, you can get them from neutron directly19:34
efrieddansmith: Does the db migrationy thingy get backported?19:34 it for train or ussuri19:35
efriedI'm confused...19:35
mriedemit's in case we backport a db migratoin to train19:35
dansmithefried: it's for U19:35
dansmithbackporting it would defeat the purpose19:35
mriedemrare, but it's happened19:35
efriedk, just confused by the stein one that was proposed in train and its message says stein.19:35
dansmithproposed in train for stein backports19:36
dansmithlike this is proposed in u for train backports19:36
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mriedemgmann: 184655919:42
mriedemoops, bug 184655919:42
openstackbug 1846559 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Handling Down Cells in nova - security_groups can be in the response for GET /servers/detail" [Medium,Confirmed]
sean-k-mooneyif you use nova network instead of neutron you will get the security grous too19:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: nova-net: Remove explicit 'USE_NEUTRON = True'
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: docs: Document how to revert, confirm a cold migration
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: docs: Update resize doc
mriedemsean-k-mooney: no you wont19:45
sean-k-mooneythere is a delta in the beahviro for server show that stephenfin found19:45
mriedembecause in a down cell case, the security groups for nova net are in the cell db, which is down, so this is at best going to have None as a value
mriedemsean-k-mooney: you mean the thing that gmann and i were just talking about for 10 minutes above?19:45
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sean-k-mooneyi need to scoll back but it was not related to down cells19:46
sean-k-mooneyaparent show will retrun the security group with nova networks19:46
sean-k-mooneythat is what stephenfin told me he found when remvoing the nova networks code19:47
mriedemand it will with neutron too19:48
mriedemif the instance isn't in a down cell19:48
gmannsean-k-mooney: you mean this one -
gmannthat was missing in Fixture19:48
sean-k-mooneyoh no it was the neutron fixture
sean-k-mooneyok never mind then19:49
mriedemsean-k-mooney: and that's specifically because of the 2.69 down cell test19:49
mriedemwhich is the wrinkle19:49
sean-k-mooneyok so the fixture emulated the down cell behavior uncondtionally19:50
sean-k-mooneyok im going to grab something to eat o/ back in a while19:51
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: nova-net: Migrate 'test_availability_zone' functional tests
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: nova-net: Migrate 'test_floating_ip_pools' functional tests
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add 'Core Liaison' spec process
efrieddansmith, mriedem, gmann_afk, sean-k-mooney, stephenfin: etc etc ^21:19
mriedemmake way21:24
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: FUP to I30916d8d10d70ce25523fa4961007cedbdfe8ad7
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: FUP to I4d181b44494f3b0b04537d5798537831c8fdf400
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add prep_snapshot_based_resize_at_dest compute method
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add PrepResizeAtDestTask
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: FUP for I66d8f06f19c5c631e33208580428aa843abb38d2
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add prep_snapshot_based_resize_at_source compute method
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add PrepResizeAtSourceTask
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add finish_snapshot_based_resize_at_dest compute method
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add FinishResizeAtDestTask
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Execute CrossCellMigrationTask from MigrationTask
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Plumb allow_cross_cell_resize into compute API resize()
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Filter duplicates from compute API get_migrations_sorted()
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Start functional testing for cross-cell resize
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Handle target host cross-cell cold migration in conductor
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Validate image/create during cross-cell resize functional testing
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add zones wrinkle to TestMultiCellMigrate
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add negative test for cross-cell finish_resize failing
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Refresh instance in MigrationTask.execute Exception handler
mriedemgibi: stephenfin: i rebased the cross cell series ^ to move some of the FUPs that were outside the series back into the fold and toward the bottom. that might mean some things that were previously +2ed might have changed slightly but hopefully not much.21:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Add reserved schema migrations for Ussuri
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Migrate old style volume attachments on nova-compute startup
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: nova-net: Migrate 'test_availability_zone' functional tests

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