Monday, 2016-12-19

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openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Add tempest tests for instance creation
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zhenguomorning nimble!01:39
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shaohe_fengzhenguo: morning.02:40
shaohe_fengzhenguo: send you a email.02:40
shaohe_fengzhenguo: about:02:41
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, just received02:41
shaohe_feng1. can we support sanity retry?02:41
shaohe_feng2. progess notification02:41
zhenguoshaohe_feng: Sorry, I have landed the taskflow codes :P02:42
shaohe_fengzhenguo: These ideas just comes out from my creating failure on my evn.02:43
shaohe_fengzhenguo: It does not matter. We can still improve it, until it is perfect.02:44
zhenguoshaohe_feng: sure, hah02:45
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I have replied the mail,02:45
zhenguoshaohe_feng: please keep you env for some tests, you can try to add NetworkError to no_reschedule_exc_types in OnFailureRescheduleTask.02:52
shaohe_fengzhenguo: Yes, let me try. Guess, your new updated, is more sanity and give better User Experience02:54
zhenguoshaohe_feng: haah02:54
shaohe_fengzhenguo: Have you addressed the DB updated with Node UUID?02:56
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, I have removed the revert method in Scheduler Task02:58
shaohe_fengzhenguo: Good. let me try, the building status will changed to error at last on my evn.02:58
zhenguoshaohe_feng: but I find another issue, if multiple creating requests come, they will get the same node, as we don02:59
zhenguoshaohe_feng: as we don't have a mechnism to handle access control to the node cache02:59
shaohe_fengshaohe_feng: so we need to fix it.03:00
zhenguoshaohe_feng: We need to add a lock before accessing to node cache03:00
zhenguoshaohe_feng: Yes, please have a look at this
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I will test it first03:00
* zhenguo brb03:04
shaohe_fengzhenguo: How do test the concurrent creating?03:05
zhenguoshaohe_feng: you can issue some creating request at the same time03:05
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zhenguoshaohe_feng: maybe in a loop03:06
shaohe_fengzhenguo: OK. a script.03:08
shaohe_fengzhenguo: where did you config the taskflow storage backend?03:27
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I did not find it in mysql DB.03:28
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I don't config it anywhere, just the default value03:28
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shaohe_fengzhenguo: what's the default, you tell me it can persistent.05:09
shaohe_fengzhenguo: strange05:10
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I'm not sure, but on my test, when restart the engine service, it seems continue the flow, but I didn't test it deeply05:10
shaohe_fengzhenguo: the Doc said, if no backed provide, it will be in-memory.05:10
zhenguoshaohe_feng: weird, we can test it again05:11
shaohe_fengzhenguo: So it is configure the backend as persistent.05:11
zhenguoshaohe_feng: not sure05:11
shaohe_fengzhenguo: you can see the NOTE(harlowja)05:12
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I know the storage default id in-memory05:13
shaohe_fengzhenguo: but flow engine configure it as persistent as default05:13
shaohe_fengzhenguo: Though, we do not know where does it persistent. :)05:14
zhenguoshaohe_feng: seems it is05:14
shaohe_fengzhenguo: so nimble restart, and the engine initiate, find the peresitent task flow status05:17
shaohe_fengzhenguo: It will continue the former interupted task.05:18
shaohe_fengzhenguo: This is really good, the task can go on even restart.05:19
shaohe_fengzhenguo: and we worried about this edge case before.05:19
shaohe_fengzhenguo: now no worry about it.05:19
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I'm not quite sure about that, need to do more test05:21
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I just guess.05:42
shaohe_fengzhenguo: we can confirm it.  It is good to mention it this weekend meeting up  to promote nimble.05:45
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/nimble: Following up patch of 5a89faf496dcb3046d149d11f4d76b399ee63702
zhenguoshaohe_feng: sorry, seems the node_uuid issue is because I don't save the instance object,  I just added a following up patch to fix it and add NetworkError in no reschedule exception types06:08
zhenguoshaohe_feng: please test with the patch06:08
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I guess, you did not save the instance.06:28
zhenguoshaohe_feng: hah06:28
shaohe_fengzhenguo: So sorry, I'm planed to go throug the code last weekend.06:29
zhenguoshaohe_feng: but the Schedule revert is also a reason, so I removed it06:29
shaohe_fengzhenguo: so many personal affairs06:29
shaohe_fengzhenguo: really sorry.06:30
shaohe_fengzhenguo: have a baby, can work works on home.06:30
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I have disscuss with Rai.06:31
zhenguoshaohe_feng: np :)06:31
shaohe_fengzhenguo: He tell me some requirement of CMCC06:31
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I will send a email.06:31
zhenguoshaohe_feng: oh, many thanks06:32
shaohe_fengzhenguo: send the mail06:42
shaohe_fengzhenguo: He discuss with CMCC06:42
shaohe_fengzhenguo: and CMCC's requirement.06:42
zhenguoshaohe_feng: Thanks06:47
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/nimble: Fix node NotFound issue when getting an instance
* zhenguo brb07:09
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-nimbleclient: Support retuning detailed info of "instance list" command
zhenguoliusheng, shaohe_feng: do you think we need a taskflow when deleting an instance?07:33
liushengzhenguo: I think it is needed07:33
zhenguoliusheng: ok, but how to revert if we failed to delete some resources07:34
zhenguoliusheng: I mean, if we fail to delete some resources, how to handle the instance07:34
liushengzhenguo: we need to clean info, set state, during the process, and may revert07:34
liushengzhenguo: hmm, may set it to "error" ?07:35
zhenguoliusheng: seems we should always be successful to  delete an instance07:35
zhenguoliusheng: you mean we should fail the deleting request if there's something wrong with deleting other resources?07:36
liushengzhenguo: yeah, but in which situation the resource related to the instance will be deleted failed ?07:39
zhenguoliusheng: like when there's something wrong when you remove the port from neutron07:39
liushengzhenguo: just asked Zhenyu, he said in Nova, if resource related instance deleted failed, Nova will only record warning log ..07:40
zhenguoliusheng: seems reasonable07:41
liushengzhenguo: does taskflow can also be used to display progress ?07:41
zhenguoliusheng: not sure, shaohe_feng mentioned it can provide progress07:42
liushengzhenguo: cool07:47
zhenguoliusheng: hah07:48
liushengzhenguo: may we can refer to other projects which use taskflow ?07:48
zhenguoliusheng: ye07:49
zhenguoliusheng: but now we use like what cinder does07:49
liushengzhenguo: so copy cinder!, hah07:50
zhenguoliusheng: but cinder only use taskflow for creating, and not provide progress07:51
zhenguoliusheng: what you mean by progress07:51
zhenguoliusheng: it can log every task's status and revert reason07:51
liushengzhenguo: any related api to show the progress of action ?07:52
zhenguoliusheng: maybe you can find from the email send from shaohe_feng07:52
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/nimble: Following up patch of 5a89faf496dcb3046d149d11f4d76b399ee63702
liushengzhenguo: hmm, may need to dig the code of taskflow07:57
zhenguoliusheng: yes, but no rush07:58
zhenguoliusheng: I find you update the tempest patch again, do you have some new clues?07:59
liushengzhenguo: no :(07:59
liushengzhenguo: just handle the merge conflict07:59
zhenguoliusheng: hah, it's really a tricky one08:00
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/python-nimbleclient: Support retuning detailed info of "instance list" command
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/nimble: Fix node NotFound issue when getting an instance
liushengzhenguo: seems we don't have time to care nimbleclient :(08:07
zhenguoliusheng: hah08:08
zhenguoliusheng: I can test it later, maybe we can just merge the patches directly :P08:09
zhenguoliusheng: and seems it's easy to change the CLI to 'openstack baremetal server'08:11
liushengzhenguo: about that, one way we can only change the command, another way, we replate the "instance" word with server, which way you prefer ?08:12
zhenguoliusheng: I totally agree with replacing instance with server08:13
zhenguoliusheng: and I like the short command :P08:13
liushengzhenguo: ok, I will do that, sir08:15
zhenguoliusheng: thanks08:15
liushengzhenguo: so how about "type" ? lo08:18
liushengzhenguo: flavor ?08:18
zhenguoliusheng: I think it's ok to use flavor08:18
zhenguoliusheng: and for nimble API, do you think we should also replace 'instance' with 'server' and 'type' with 'flavor'08:19
liushengzhenguo: I am ok with that, what't shaohe's opinion ? @shaohe_feng08:23
shaohe_fengliusheng: I'm here.08:27
shaohe_fengso many message.08:27
liushengzhenguo: what do you think to replace "instance" with "server", and replace "instance type" with "flavor" ?08:28
shaohe_fengliusheng: sounds good.08:28
shaohe_fengzhenguo: server is more meaningful thant instance.08:28
liushengshaohe_feng: hah08:28
zhenguoliusheng: as nova use server and flavor in his url as well08:28
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes08:28
shaohe_fengliusheng: zhenguo: "Unknown column 'instance_type_extra_specs_1.instance_type_uuid' in 'field list'08:29
zhenguoand users has already get used to use server and flavor08:29
liushengshaohe_feng: it is main because "baremetal compute instance" it longer than "baremetal server"08:29
shaohe_fengzhenguo: yes.08:29
zhenguoshaohe_feng: something wrong?08:30
liushengshaohe_feng: oh, I have change the db schema, you may need to clean db and run nimble-dbsync upgrade08:30
shaohe_fengliusheng: server here does mean "compute instance"08:30
shaohe_fengzhenguo: any change for the DB recently?08:30
shaohe_fengliusheng: OK. got it.08:30
liushengshaohe_feng: openstack baremetal compute instance xxx --> openstack baremetal server xxx08:30
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, as liusheng mentioned, he has changed the DB,08:30
liushengshaohe_feng: to make the uuid as primary key08:31
shaohe_fengliusheng: zhenguo: let me update the DB.08:31
zhenguoliusheng, shaohe_feng: I like 'openstack baremetal server create' hah08:31
liushengshaohe_feng: but please note, since I modified the initial upgrade script, now there is only one db upgrade script08:32
liushengshaohe_feng: you may need to manully clean db firstly08:32
zhenguoyes, you may just deleted the nimble db08:33
shaohe_fengzhenguo: liusheng: so I can not use "nimble-dbsync upgrade"08:34
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes08:34
liushengshaohe_feng: yes08:34
zhenguoshaohe_feng: as we just modify the initial revision08:34
zhenguoshaohe_feng: no new revision, so no upgrade08:34
shaohe_fengzhenguo: got it.08:35
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liushengzhenguo: I am afraid there will be many conflicts if I cook the replacing change, since I have several patches in review, hah08:40
zhenguoliusheng: so we can merge them first, hah08:40
shaohe_fengliusheng: zhenguo: should mysql create nimble database with utf808:40
zhenguoshaohe_feng: seems yes08:41
shaohe_fengzhenguo: oh, $ openstack baremetal compute type list08:50
shaohe_fengzhenguo: my drop the nimbe DB manully,08:51
zhenguoshaohe_feng: so no default type08:51
shaohe_fengzhenguo: so the type disappere.08:51
shaohe_fengzhenguo: yes, devstack help me to create one.08:52
zhenguoshaohe_feng: you can check the type uuid from ironic node's properties, than create the type again08:52
zhenguoshaohe_feng: with the uuid we set to ironic node08:52
shaohe_fengzhenguo: OK.08:52
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I'm now restacking, hah08:53
* zhenguo brb08:54
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Use oslo context instead of the native context implementation
shaohe_fengzhenguo: why are you restacking?09:10
zhenguoshaohe_feng: my env is too old, and I want to refresh it, lol09:10
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I think restack is nore easy to manually upgrade09:11
shaohe_fengzhenguo: hope full everything is OK>09:11
zhenguoshaohe_feng: hah09:11
shaohe_fengzhenguo: yes, I think so. there maybe something error if manually upgrade by my experience09:12
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, so I choose to restack it09:12
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I just need to check the instance_type from ironic node's properties.09:12
shaohe_fengzhenguo: no type uuid in it.09:13
zhenguoshaohe_feng: no instance_type in node's properties?09:13
shaohe_fengzhenguo: just instance_type in node's properties09:13
shaohe_fengzhenguo: no instance_type uuid.09:13
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, it's instance_type,  you mean no value of instance_type key?09:14
shaohe_fengzhenguo: has value.09:14
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I got you.09:14
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, it's instance_type's value09:15
shaohe_fengzhenguo: shaohe_feng: you can check the type uuid from ironic node's properties, than create the type again09:15
shaohe_fengzhenguo: typo09:15
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I have correct it after that09:15
zhenguoshaohe_feng: haha09:16
shaohe_fengzhenguo: "type uuid" in it :)09:16
zhenguoshaohe_feng: oh, yes09:16
shaohe_fengzhenguo: so I'm looking for the UUID. :)09:16
zhenguoshaohe_feng: lol, sorry for the misleading09:17
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Use oslo context instead of the native context implementation
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I can take the floating ip association/disassociation task09:17
shaohe_fengzhenguo: Haha. I should guess this is a typo. We will not store type uuid in ironic.09:17
shaohe_fengzhenguo: greate.09:17
shaohe_fengzhenguo: update the task track.09:18
zhenguoshaohe_feng: we set the instance type name there, but seems there's a potential issue as we allow dupliate instance type name09:19
shaohe_fengzhenguo: yes. we need to distingued the node by type.09:20
shaohe_fengzhenguo: different tanent can name "small", but maybe different config.09:24
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes09:24
shaohe_fengzhenguo: How scheduler to distiguish them?09:24
zhenguoshaohe_feng: no way,09:24
zhenguoshaohe_feng: so I want to change to use uuid09:25
shaohe_fengzhenguo: yes. UUID is machine friendly09:26
shaohe_fengzhenguo: then wo should not let name dupliated for same tanent.09:27
shaohe_fengzhenguo: but it can be dupliated for different tanents.09:28
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, I mean set instance type uuid to ironic node instead09:28
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I have got you. :)09:29
zhenguoshaohe_feng: hah09:29
zhenguoshaohe_feng: my env is ok now, how  about your's09:29
shaohe_fengzhenguo: DB is OK. I can create instance.09:30
zhenguoshaohe_feng: ok09:30
shaohe_fengzhenguo: but it's error, it does not matter. I use it to test your create patch.09:31
zhenguoshaohe_feng: ok,09:31
shaohe_fengzhenguo: the instance status is error.09:31
shaohe_fengzhenguo: IRC is not a fast way for chinese communication.09:31
zhenguoshaohe_feng:  lol09:32
zhenguoshaohe_feng: maybe we need to practice more09:32
shaohe_fengzhenguo: yes.09:32
shaohe_fengzhenguo: when will come here to setup nimbe on the hpysical node.09:33
zhenguoshaohe_feng: hah, nearly forget it09:33
shaohe_fengzhenguo: welcome any time.09:34
shaohe_fengzhenguo: No valid node is found with the request spec.09:34
zhenguoshaohe_feng: I'm really busy these days, it's nearly the end of the year09:34
zhenguoshaohe_fent: oh09:35
zhenguoshaohe_feng: maybe it's better to restack09:35
shaohe_fengzhenguo:  Provisioning State" is "clean failed"09:35
shaohe_fengzhenguo: How can I clean Provisioning State?09:35
shaohe_fengzhenguo: just by ironic CLI?09:36
zhenguoshaohe_feng: update db09:36
shaohe_fengzhenguo: what's the "Provisioning State" is OK?09:40
shaohe_fengzhenguo: NULL?09:40
zhenguoshaohe_feng: available09:40
shaohe_fengzhenguo: OK. manually change it.09:41
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Use oslo context instead of the native context implementation
shaohe_fengzhenguo: TRACE nimble.engine.manager     raise exception.NoValidNode(_("No weighed nodes available"))09:54
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I guess nimble scheduler just get the node info from cache09:55
shaohe_fengzhenguo: so I update the ironic DB, I need to wait for nimbe to fresh the DB.09:55
shaohe_fengzhenguo: right?09:55
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes09:55
zhenguoshaohe_feng: or you can restart the engine service09:55
zhenguoliusheng: why this happened ?09:56
openstackLaunchpad bug 1650462 in Nimble "AttributeError will be raise when list available zones" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Liusheng (liusheng)09:56
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I have wait for some time. still same error.09:56
zhenguoliusheng: I find this issue when testing the az list command09:56
shaohe_fengzhenguo: let me restart the engine.09:57
zhenguoshaohe_feng: ok09:57
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shaohe_fengzhenguo: but I should not restart.09:57
shaohe_fengzhenguo: any bug?09:57
liushengzhenguo: it is because the self.node_cache is a list previously, and the, it has been changed to a dict09:57
zhenguoshaohe_feng: seems still some wrong with your ironic nodes09:57
zhenguoliusheng: but on my env it's a dict indeed, and I remember you have fixed it09:58
shaohe_fengzhenguo: OK.09:58
shaohe_fengzhenguo: restart not OK>09:58
shaohe_fengzhenguo: 2016-12-19 05:50:54.812 TRACE nimble.engine.manager NoValidNode: No weighed nodes available                                 │09:58
liushengzhenguo: sorry, I didn't add the Closes-bug09:58
liushengzhenguo: yes09:58
zhenguoliusheng: but not sure why I still have the issue09:59
liushengzhenguo: really09:59
liushengzhenguo: ?09:59
liushengzhenguo: it has been fixed in my env09:59
zhenguoliusheng: yes, let me check09:59
zhenguoliusheng, shaohe_feng: I have to go for dinner, will be back soon10:00
liushengzhenguo: enjoy :)10:01
zhenguoliusheng: thanks10:01
shaohe_fengzhenguo:  enjoy. Will go home. and be on line at home.10:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nimble: Following up patch of 5a89faf496dcb3046d149d11f4d76b399ee63702
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nimble: Fix node NotFound issue when getting an instance
* zhenguo goes home13:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nimble: Add locks when accessing node cache
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