Wednesday, 2015-07-08

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armaxcathy_: that said, we shouldn’t stop potential solutions to leverage the chain-id attribute (as a potential extension) to boost performance00:00
armaxcathy_: btw, at one point I looked at this one:
armaxcathy_: that hasn’t expired yet, and tehre’s also some Geneve related drafts in progress00:01
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armaxcathy_: so I honestly don’t believe we’re really set on a ‘standard'00:01
cathy_It is openflow approach. The openflow is on the control plane side and NSH is on the data plane side. BTW, Openflow will be extended to support adding the SCH/NSH encap to the raw flow packets (I am part of that working group). Now SCH has been merged into NSH, so only NSH now.00:02
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armaxcathy_:  agree, but we can do it without the data plane enhancement’00:03
cathy_I mean "extend openflow commands to add insertion of service chain header tag with chainID and metadata"00:03
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armaxcathy_: until OpenFlow is extended to support SCH/NSH and that is widely adopted it’ll be a while00:04
cathy_Then we lose the performance benefit of chainID00:04
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cathy_openflow adoption will happen, it is just a timing.00:04
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armaxcathy_: I would not give anything for granted00:05
armaxcathy_: but timing is the point00:05
armaxcathy_: we cannot drive a specific vendor agenda in the networking-sfc project00:05
armaxcathy_: that’s out of the question00:05
cathy_If I know you earlier, I will ask you to join my IETF spec, make it more comprehensive, and help push it:-) Too late now00:05
armaxcathy_: oh you know…maybe the next one ;)00:06
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armaxcathy_: anyhow all I am saying is that the adoption to a chainID is to be deferred to an implementation, and for the reference built-in PoC we should stick to vanilla components as they come available from mainline Linux00:06
armaxcathy_: anyone is free to experiment and push the envelope, but we should not make it the ‘default’ implementation that’s all I am arguing about00:07
cathy_I would not think the NSH type-2 is vendor specific since that is what the industry needs and they have to add it in after a lot of "discussion"00:07
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armaxcathy_: it’s specific to a pool of vendors that back it up00:08
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armaxcathy_: but that’s hardly the entire industry, is it?00:08
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cathy_OK, so we will not use chain-ID. So for now the encap mechanism will be none. I think that makes sense too.00:09
armaxcathy_: at that point, it should be an implementation external attribute00:10
cathy_I agree to stick to what OVS has now00:10
armaxcathy_: I personally think that’s problematic to capture json blobs in a relational table00:10
cathy_Do you mean something in the config file?00:10
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armaxcathy_: no what I mean is that we should perhaps not capture ‘parameters’ as a core element of the Port Chain resource00:11
cathy_For now we support none, in the future we can extend it based on industry adoption00:11
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armaxcathy_: having that being a dict is pretty much a punch in the fact to portability00:11
armaxcathy_: anything can be jammed in there00:12
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cathy_OK, fine with me.00:12
armaxcathy_: it’s like port binding profile all over again00:12
cathy_But we can add encap "none" in the config file00:12
armaxcathy_: that’s pretty naughty00:12
armaxcathy_: it needn’t be a statically configured element00:12
armaxcathy_: as it most likely change from chain to chain perhaps00:13
cathy_Then how does the vSwitch know what encap to use or not to use any encap?00:13
armaxcathy_: perhaps we can consider an ‘extension_attribute’ table to port_chain00:13
armaxcathy_: and that can include elements that would be used by a specific ‘driver'00:14
armaxcathy_: vSwitch wouldn’t use it to start off00:14
armaxcathy_: as it would have no knowledge of it00:14
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cathy_could you write up something on extension_attribute if you have time?00:15
armaxcathy_: I’ll comment on the spect00:16
s3wongarmax, cathy_: following you guys' conversation here. I agree with armax --- even when we DO have support on encap type on API level, different chain using the same driver can still have different encap00:16
cathy_OK, the more specific and detail, the better:-)00:16
s3wongso it shouldn't be statically configured in conf file00:16
armaxs3wong: inded00:16
cathy_s3wong: agree00:17
armaxs3wong: I hope you found the conversation entartaining :)00:17
s3wongarmax: it has been great --- though catching up on the IETF drafts proves to be impossible00:17
armaxs3wong: you’re not alone00:17
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cathy_Ok, so we have some consensus on the parameter part, it will be changed to an extension_atrribute.00:18
armaxcathy_: let me comment on the spec00:18
s3wongarmax, cathy_: I also like the idea that we remove the "parameters" blob (as it can be a catch all) and for reference, just go with Openflow hop-by-hop programming in OVS00:19
armaxs3wong: +200:19
cathy_Please. Also give suggestion on the change based on our conversation here. I will update the load a new version.00:19
armaxcathy_: another comment I wanted to make was that it would be tremendously helpful if we followed up with an implemention proposal to the API00:20
armaxcathy_: let me explain00:20
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cathy_OK, we actually has some implementaiton proposal draft, but I would be happy to get your input on that00:21
armaxcathy_: it would be good to provide a document that describes the architecture of the system etc. a bit like that google doc presentation you shared a while back00:22
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armaxcathy_: it would give a sense on how the two things are tied together00:22
armaxcathy_: we don’t necessarily need to wait for that in order to merge the API proposal, but it would be great next step00:23
cathy_OK. That is no problem. But maybe first let me work on the API spec and update it and get it merged, then I will head on to the architecture and system spec with design detail.00:23
* ijw sticks his nose in to discover armax talking about chains and tying things up00:23
ijwI never knew he was into that sort of thing00:23
armaxcathy_: so that the folks involved in this process can start visualizing what we’re gonna be building before code starts pouring in00:23
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armaxoh no! ijw is lurking around :)00:23
armaxijw: I am in all sorts of crazy stuff ;)00:24
s3wongarmax: wouldn't it be customary in Neutron that we should also have a driver spec? i.e., in this case, the OVS driver spec for Liberty?00:24
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armaxs3wong: I wouldn’t call it spec, but sure, the more details we can provide the better it is to gain developer momentum00:24
armaxs3wong: now I was mostly talking about a doc that describes how we provide the glue that Neutron is good at (not)00:25
* armax jokes00:25
armaxcathy_: we initially envisioned having a solution that can be plugged by multiple underlying technologies; even though most of the details are familiar to the most of us, some may still find it beneficial to see black on white00:26
s3wongarmax: if I understand you correctly, you would like a document (not necessarily something we check into repo) to describe how these proposed APIs are used, and functionality implemented?00:26
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armaxs3wong: ideally it would be a devref, so part of the repo, something that would explain how the various pieces fit together in an architecture diagram00:27
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s3wongarmax: OK00:28
cathy_s3wong: I will circulate the architecture and system spec in the IRC meeting.00:28
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s3wongcathy_: cool!00:28
cathy_s3wong: everyone is welcomed to give comments.00:28
armaxI don’t think we’re going that far away from the usual way of doing things in Neutronland00:29
cathy_and suggestions!:-)00:29
cathy_Neutronland, way to go!00:29
armaxso the typical service plugin architecture, with pluggable backends might suffice00:29
armaxbut it would be enough to spur comments/design discussions in the right places00:29
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cathy_armax: Ok, got it and agree that spec is needed.00:30
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cathy_We need to sync up on the architecture pieces to implement the functionality00:30
armaxcathy_: not necessarily a spec, but I think you got what I mean00:30
cathy_armax: yes.00:31
cathy_armax:  SO now first let's work on the API spec and get it merged.00:31
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cathy_armax: I am expecting your comments, detail ones:-)00:32
armaxok, stand by00:32
cathy_armax: s3wong do you think we need to post the JSON API exmaples?00:32
armaxcathy_: that would be beneficial to some, pcarver did like the idea, and I would tend to agree00:33
cathy_I mean include JASON API examples in the API spec00:33
armaxcathy_: the caveat is they can quickly become stale00:33
cathy_armax: yes, right00:33
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armaxcathy_: so if we can identify a more lightweight way to represent the types of operations allowed and the request/response payloads00:34
s3wongcathy_: don't know if it is needed...00:34
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armaxcathy_: I would invite you to propose them, after all an API proposal consists of a list of operations and paramenters00:34
armaxcathy_: and the document contains neither00:34
cathy_So I would just include some basic JASON API exmaple, people can derive all API variations based on the CLI syntax and parameter table00:34
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armaxcathy_: btw those tables00:35
armaxcathy_: they are not the data models are they?00:35
cathy_hold on a minute00:36
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* armax holds00:36
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cathy_Yes, they are kind of data models. They also specify the parameters of the API00:38
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armaxcathy_: got it, but they are not exactly the DB logical schemas00:38
armaxcathy_: that’s what I am wondering00:38
armaxcathy_: I think we’re sort of mixing the two a bit00:38
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armaxcathy_: because from a DB logical represnetation a 1-to-many relationship is not stored a single table as shown00:39
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cathy_The Spec shows the 1-many relationship in a diagram. As to the DB schema, not exactly. Since there is no template for an API spec, we just try to use the representations we think that best describe the ideas.00:41
armaxcathy_: I think we’re ok, we can take that discussion when we do start posting the code for the model and DB migrations00:41
armaxcathy_: yup, agred00:41
cathy_Sure, the code will follow the schema and all details will be there.00:41
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cathy_OK, good. we have spent a long time here. Very good discussion. Thanks a lot. I guess I need to go since I have another meeting coming up soon.00:42
armaxcathy_: ok thank you00:42
armaxcathy_: please let make sure we capture all these points in the doc00:42
s3wongcathy_: have a good meeting00:43
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cathy_sure. Thank you too. Appreciate your comments and inputs! I will talk to you later00:43
armaxcathy_: I’ll point you to the eavesdrop conversation00:43
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armaxcathy_: so that you have a reference00:43
cathy_s3wong: thanks.00:43
armaxs3wong: thanks for chiming in00:43
cathy_armax: OK, thanks! so that I have a reference when I update the spec00:44
armaxand ijw_ for lurking00:44
s3wongcathy_, armax: NP, great to join the conversation00:44
armaxijw_: you still there?00:44
armaxoh well we lost him00:44
armaxtoo bad00:44
cathy_armax: s3wong bye now. Thanks!00:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron: Refactor init_l3 to separate router port use case
openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron: Track allocation_pools in SubnetRequest
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madhu_akarmax: you around?01:01
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armaxmadhu_ak: yes01:01
madhu_akarmax: I heard that plugins have refactored in neutron tree recently01:02
armaxmadhu_ak: that’s being going on for a while01:03
madhu_akarmax: so when I do rebase master branch for flavor framework patch, I am hitting this error:
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madhu_akarmax: oh okay. bc the unit tests seems failing for me, so wondering where would be the best point to look into it to resolve them01:04
armaxit looks like you have a few failures01:04
armaxof different kinds01:04
madhu_akyep, thats related to flavor stuffs01:04
armaxmadhu_ak: if you look at the
armaxmadhu_ak: it should be clear why these are failing01:05
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armaxmadhu_ak: my suggestion would be to run tests singularly and traceback where the issue is01:05
armaxmadhu_ak: one was clearly due to the fact that you were mocking the same resource more than once01:05
armaxmadhu_ak: so that should be easy to spot01:05
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madhu_akarmax: yep, I was scratching my head for a long time01:08
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed openstack/neutron: Network RBAC DB setup and legacy migration
openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed openstack/neutron: WIP: Implement RBAC API
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/neutron: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron: Make sure path_prefix is set during unit tests
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openstackgerritSukhdev Kapur proposed openstack/neutron: Arista ML2 driver should ignore non-vlan networks
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lifelessrussellb: should be good now03:11
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openstackgerritSukhdev Kapur proposed openstack/neutron: Arista ML2 driver should ignore non-vlan networks
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron: Add IP_ANY dict to ease choosing between IPv4 and IPv6 "any" address
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numanamotoki, Hi. could you please review this when you get some time :
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Sukhdevamotoki: Ping05:52
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amotokiSukhdev: pong05:54
Sukhdevamotoki: Would you happen have few cycles to review couple of patches?05:55
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Sukhdevamotoki: ML2 related - minor bug fixes - let me get the links05:56
amotokinuman: just return to the office. will look.05:56
numanamotoki, thanks :)05:56
Sukhdevamotoki: here is one -
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Sukhdevamotoki: I just noticed test failure for the other one - let me fix that and then I will ping you for the other one - if you can review the one I posted for now - that will be good06:01
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amotokiSukhdev: looking06:36
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sudiptoamotoki, hi, the patchset w.r.t neutronclient has the +2s and +1 (for workflow) - yet jenkins isn't picking it up for merge, can you suggest why?06:37
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amotokisudipto: my depending review is not approved, so yours need to wait.06:38
sudiptoamotoki, ah i see :)06:40
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kevinbentonamotoki: ping06:56
amotokikevinbenton: pong06:56
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kevinbentonamotoki: can you tell me about shared subnets?06:57
kevinbentonamotoki: i noticed it's like a hidden field from teh API06:57
kevinbentonamotoki: or at least in the client06:57
kevinbentonamotoki: because it can't be set06:58
kevinbentonamotoki: is it just to make sure subnets that belong to shared networks are visible?06:58
amotokikevinbenton: We need to see subnets for a shared network.06:58
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amotokiWe need special handling for subnets on a shared network.06:59
amotokiyes, in my understading.06:59
amotokiWe need to determine subnet should be visible inside the db code.07:00
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amotokiit is hidden in the API level because it is determined by a network level.07:00
kevinbentonamotoki: so if i convert the shared attribute into a query against the parent network's shared status, that should be okay, right?07:00
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amotokikevinbenton: how about policy check for a subnet on a shared net?07:01
kevinbentonamotoki: so from the policy's perspective, the shared field will still be set07:01
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kevinbentonamotoki: it just won't be solely based on a field in the DB07:01
amotokikevinbenton: in the DB layer, I believe yoru approach works.07:02
kevinbentonamotoki: it will be dependent on a lookup in the new rbac policies table07:02
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kevinbentonamotoki: i just needed to make sure there wasn't a case i wasn't considering where the subnet is updated to not be shared when the network is07:02
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas: Fix UT failures during firewall mock plugin setup
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openstackgerritshihanzhang proposed openstack/neutron: Install arp spoofing protection flow after setting port tag
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scheurankevinbenton: Hi Kevin, on you commented " for low churn drivers and agents that aren't really third-party specific, it makes sense to just keep them with the reference". Could you elaborate more on what you meant by "keep them with reference"?07:18
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scheurankevinbenton: I'm still looking for some guidance where to go with my macvtap stuff...07:18
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kevinbentonscheuran: oh, i was just suggesting that if it was a really simple driver that would require very few patches to maintain it might be worth just keeping it with ML207:20
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scheurankevinbenton: ok so directly in the neutron core library. I put up some code on github to give you an impression on how much effort it is - the driver is very small, but the agent will have few more lines of code07:23
scheurankevinbenton: Will the other references (ovs & lb) stay in tree?07:23
kevinbentonscheuran: no, they will eventually move somewhere i believe07:23
kevinbentonscheuran: but the macvtap would follow them07:24
kevinbentonscheuran: if it was in tree07:24
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scheurankevinbenton: ok, so your idea was to start in tree and then see where the other references move and follow07:26
openstackgerritShaoRan Xiao proposed openstack/neutron: [WIP]Definition of the Virtual Network Performance interface
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scheurankevinbenton: I also added some sample code that integrates macvtap in the linuxbridge agent. Just from your gut feeling, do you think this makes sense (as some code could be reused)?07:27
kevinbentonscheuran: being in-tree still might not be the way to go. it might really slow things down for you so starting out as a separate repo might make sense07:27
scheurankevinbenton: yes, that was my initial thought, too07:28
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openstackgerritSukhdev Kapur proposed openstack/neutron: Arista ML2 driver should ignore non-vlan networks
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scheuran_kevinbenton: ok, so an appropriate approach might be to start with my own repo, and then see if we can make it a reference (whatever that means) or if we can integrate it into another agent (like lb)07:47
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kevinbentonscheuran_: yeah, what i meant by keeping it with the reference was just keeping it in the main tree07:47
scheuran_kevinbenton: is there any neutron irc meeting that offers a good forum for discussion? e.g. ml2 or driver or the general neutron meeting?07:47
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kevinbentonscheuran_: but it sounds like there is enough dev work that needs to be done that starting out in a different repo is the way to go07:48
kevinbentonscheuran_: probably just the main meeting07:48
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scheuran_kevinbenton: yes, it's mainly the main infrastructure (like mainloop, setting up rpc) that I'm reusing07:50
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scheuran_kevinbenton: could you please make a comment on the patch that shares your thought? I will also try to get other opinions and try to bring it up in the neutron meeting next week if still required07:52
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kevinbentonscheuran_: send me the link please07:55
scheuran_kevinbenton: thx07:56
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kevinbentonscheuran_: oh, it looks like it won't be necessary07:56
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kevinbentonscheuran_: everyone seems to have agreed on a new repo so far07:57
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack/neutron: Add extra subnet route to ha router
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openstackgerritBerezovsky Irena proposed openstack/neutron-specs: Update spec to reflect current QoS API
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openstackgerritPavel Bondar proposed openstack/neutron: Allow IPAM backend switch
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Add DB support for resource usage tracking
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irenabajo: ping09:24
ajohi irenab09:24
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irenabajo: maybe you know the statuson feature/qos branch09:24
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ajo|QoSPOCirenab, what do you mean?09:24
irenabthe patch ails for some test with ovsagent09:25
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irenabthe patch is not related at all09:25
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ajo|QoSPOCirenab, rebase the change, ihrachyshka merged back master yesterday to clear up some functional testing bugs09:25
ajo|QoSPOCI hope that will make it "easier" on the gate09:26
irenabok, thanks09:26
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ajo|QoSPOCirenab: test_port_creation_and_deletion yes, that specific one is cleared out09:26
ajo|QoSPOCI hope we didn't bring new ones :D09:26
ihrachyshkawho knows what is merged in though ;)09:26
ajo|QoSPOCyeah ':D09:26
ajo|QoSPOCliving on the edge :)09:26
irenabonce you have a min, please review the patch ^^09:28
openstackgerritJian LI proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas: Set vpn agent's agent_state['binary'] attribute
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openstackgerritJohn Davidge proposed openstack/neutron: Fix issues with allocation pool generation for ::/64 cidr
ajo|QoSPOCirenab, did you rebase?09:39
ajo|QoSPOCI can do automatic rebase09:39
ajo|QoSPOCI mean, it's only clicking "Rebase change" on PS209:40
irenabajo: I did locally and run tox.09:40
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irenabbut I will click the automatic one, worst case it will fail again :-)09:40
ajo|QoSPOCirenab, ack, I'm generally not that patient to fully tox locally09:41
irenabajo: I think am reaching this point  as well :-)09:41
ajo|QoSPOCirenab :D09:42
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ajo|QoSPOCmoshele: I'll address comments here, is that ok? :)09:48
ajo|QoSPOC(I guess it's ok, just wanting to check that we don't work on it at the same time :)09:49
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mosheleajo|QoSPOC: yes it ok09:50
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irenabajo: tox finished only now :-)10:05
ajo|QoSPOCirenab yeyy, was it good? :)10:06
irenabajo: perfect10:06
ajo|QoSPOCyeyyyy :D10:06
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron: [neutron-db-manage] support separate migration subtrees
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openstackgerritFawad Khaliq proposed openstack/neutron: Add sub-project lieutenant for networking-plumgrid
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-specs: Propose scripted online schema migrations
openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack/neutron: Fixed L3 agent manual scheduling for HA routers
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openstackgerritgongysh proposed openstack/neutron: Fixed L3 agent manual scheduling for HA routers
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openstackgerritshihanzhang proposed openstack/neutron: Install arp spoofing protection flow after setting port tag
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vikramamotoki: ping10:24
amotokivikram: pong (duplicated in private channel)....10:24
amotokivikram: let's continue here10:24
vikramI have reworked for your comments10:24
vikramcan you please review :-)10:25
amotokivikram: okay, but btw we cannot merge them until neutron side blueprint completes.10:26
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vikramneutron side for is already merged10:26
amotokivikram: ??10:27
vikramfor other patch it's under review..10:27
vikramamotoki: Address scope CRUD changes are already merged via
vikramamotoki: so has no issues10:28
vikramamotoki: for other patch-set "", neutron side ( is still under review.10:29
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amotokivikram: my understanding is 189741 implements the basic address-scope object but we cannot actually use address scope.10:30
pc_mamotoki: Hi. Can you review the migration fix that I have? Is it OK to fix HEAD and add in the pep8 check to prevent future issues?
vikramamotoki: yes you are correct. Address scope usage is implemented using separate cli patch set10:31
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/neutron: Updated from global requirements
vikramamotoki: "" is independent10:31
amotokivikram: I think the timing to megre client side support is when address scope can be used with a subnetpool.10:31
vikramamotoki: Okay, will wait for the other patch then10:32
amotokipc_m: thanks. check soon.10:32
vikramamotoki: BTW, can you review the changes.. to avoid last minute pressure :-)10:32
pc_mamotoki: Thanks! Want to get corrected migration chain in.10:33
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amotokivikram: the motivation of my comment is because neutronclient is an interface for end users. we try to avoid unnecessary confusions with incomplete features. thanks for understanding.10:33
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vikramamotoki: thanks!10:34
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Create packages for quota modules
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Introduce usage data tracking for Neutron
ajo|QoSPOCping Ramanjaneya10:58
ajo|QoSPOCcan I submit a new patchset to  ?10:58
ajo|QoSPOCor are you working on it?10:58
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ajo|QoSPOCI'm rebasing it on top of the 1/2 part, so we can test both features together easily10:59
ajo|QoSPOCRamanjaneya, are you working on it currently or is it ok for me to submit the new PS?10:59
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Introduce usage data tracking for Neutron
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Add plural names for quota resources
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Enable resource usage tracking for reference plugins.
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Reservations support
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Devref for quotas
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openstackgerritJohn Davidge proposed openstack/neutron: DB & API changes for IPv6 Prefix Delegation
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pc_msalv-orlando: ping11:44
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openstackgerritOleg Bondarev proposed openstack/neutron: DVR: fix router rescheduling
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas: Enable db migration head check
amotokipc_m: I just proposed the same fix for lbaas and fwaas.11:56
pc_mYes, I see that. Great!11:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-vpnaas: VPNaaS: Fix migration head
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openstackgerritSergey Vilgelm proposed openstack/neutron: Switch to the oslo_utils.fileutils
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openstackgerritSergey Vilgelm proposed openstack/neutron: Switch to the oslo_utils.fileutils
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openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack/neutron: Verify that DHCP namespace process is killed by netns_cleanup
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apuimedogsagie: ping13:13
gsagiehi apuimedo13:13
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apuimedohey Gal, how are you?13:13
gsagiedoing good, you?13:13
apuimedoquite well too13:14
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Sam-I-Amsc68cal: ping13:19
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed openstack/neutron: Network RBAC DB setup and legacy migration
openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed openstack/neutron: WIP: Implement RBAC API
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russellblifeless: great, thanks, recheck incoming!13:24
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ihrachyshkagaryk, amotoki, hey. I'd like to ask for review for feature/qos versioned objects:,n,z13:30
ihrachyshkait's mostly tests but also real fixes for the classes13:30
amotokiihrachyshka: ack. I need to add feature/qos branch to my personal gerrit dashboard :-)13:30
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ihrachyshkaajo|QoSPOC, I don't think it's correct: also, some comments for to_dict() are not handled13:33
amotokimestery_: should we mark this bug invalid?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1467919 in neutron "networking-macvtap ml2 driver and agent" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:33
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amotokimestery_: we no longer need a bug/bp for a new ML2 driver. i removed rfe tag.13:33
ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, what did I miss?13:33
ihrachyshkaajo|QoSPOC, to_dict in get_policy13:33
ajo|QoSPOCahh true13:34
ihrachyshkaalso, a suggestion to make arg names consistent (qos_policy vs policy)13:34
ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, and what else is not correct?13:34
ihrachyshkaah, as for stubs, they are probably fine13:34
ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, yes, I saw that, but I'm not sure how does it come from the API13:34
ihrachyshkaso no, it's not completely incorrect13:34
ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, and I didn't want to mess with that until testing :)13:34
ajo|QoSPOCI will patch that when I see it break from the API call13:35
ajo|QoSPOCprobably lots of issues :/13:35
ihrachyshkaajo|QoSPOC, python does not care about arg names assuming they are not passed as kwargs13:35
ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, yes, but I don't know how api calls us13:35
ihrachyshkawe'll revisit later13:35
ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, if via **kwargs, or via ordered args13:35
ajo|QoSPOCbut... let's fix at least the to_dict13:35
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ZZellemarkmcclain,  hi13:36
ihrachyshkaajo|QoSPOC, where is _inline_test used?13:37
ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, there's a patch to remove it13:37
ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, it's a leftover it seems13:37
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ihrachyshkaajo|QoSPOC, yeah, but you add it13:37
ajo|QoSPOChmm , I do?13:37
ajo|QoSPOCno, that comes via rebase13:37
ajo|QoSPOCif you're comparing PS7 to PS8, let me check13:38
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ihrachyshkaah, ok, right13:39
ihrachyshkayeah, diff comparison hits sometimes13:39
ajo|QoSPOCI actually remove -        self._inline_test()13:39
ajo|QoSPOCI may want to leave it for now, to not conflict the removal patch13:39
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ihrachyshkaajo|QoSPOC, ack, sorry for nonsense comment :)13:41
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ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka: nah, np :)13:41
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ajo|QoSPOCihrachyshka, it could certainly have been my mistake :)13:41
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mosheleajo|QoSPOC: you are take ownership on
ajo|QoSPOCmoshele, not doing anything with it now13:42
ajo|QoSPOCI' have it cherry picked locally to assemble the POC13:43
mosheleajo|QoSPOC: ok so I will address ihrachyshka comments13:43
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ajo|QoSPOCthanks moshele :)13:45
ajo|QoSPOCmoshele I just added more comments :)13:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron: Python3: cast the result of zip() to list
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pc_mdougwig: Are you OK with my response to your comment on If so, can you +2/+A?13:47
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ihrachyshkaajo, meeting?14:02
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ajoping vikram #openstack-meeting-314:02
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scheuranamotoki: referring to Launchpad bug 1467919 in neutron "networking-macvtap ml2 driver and agent". Does your statement above mean, no bug at all is required for adding integration for new external hosted ml2 drivers?14:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1467919 in neutron "networking-macvtap ml2 driver and agent" [Wishlist,Confirmed]
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amotokischeuran: yes, as described in the devref.14:08
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amotokischeuran: we are now in the road for fully decomposed plugins/drivers in liberty. we no longer need any shim layer.14:09
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scheuranamotoki: so no code at all required anymore? also no entry in setup.cfg to reference the python path to use?14:11
amotokischeuran: I hope "yes" may be confusing. we need no bug for external hosted ml2 dirvers.14:11
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amotokischeuran: I think the recently updated devref helps you.
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amotokischeuran: especially "Liberty steps" in "Integrating with the Neutron system" section14:13
scheuranamotoki: ok thanks for the pointer14:14
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amotokischeuran: if you have questions feel free to ask. I and others can help.14:14
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scheuranamotoki: ok - Hope this doc will answer my questions...14:16
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openstackgerritPavel Bondar proposed openstack/neutron: Make IPAM more pythonic
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openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack/neutron: Verify that DHCP namespace process is killed by netns_cleanup
openstackgerritZhi Chang proposed openstack/neutron: Add dns server prioritization for subnet
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openstackgerritPavel Bondar proposed openstack/neutron: Add Pluggable IPAM Backend Part 1
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openstackgerritSergey Vilgelm proposed openstack/neutron: Switch to the oslo_utils.fileutils
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openstackgerritPavel Bondar proposed openstack/neutron: Add Pluggable IPAM Backend Part 2
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tmorinarmax: I'm just looking at the change you did on l2gw to clean up interactions with Neutron constants15:01
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armaxtmorin: ok15:01
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tmorinin particular:,cm15:02
tmorinarmax: I don't get how you can avoid declaring something in constants.EXT_TO_SERVICE_MAPPING15:02
tmorinwe're trying the same fix on BGPVPN, but we get a "Service type 'BGPVPN' is not allowed, allowed types: ..."15:03
tmorindoesn't seem like neutron server takes path_prefix into account to populate EXT_TO_SERVICE_MAPPING15:04
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armaxum…that’s interesting15:04
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armaxtmorin: can you post me the full trace?15:05
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tmorinarmax: let me see15:07
anteayasc68cal: can you put up the other failures in an etherpad?15:08
tmorinarmax: I guess that your change does not prevent l2gw from running, but looking at how Neutron code interacts with EXT_TO_SERVICE_MAPPING, I can't understand why/how it would work for the l2gw plugin15:08
armaxtmorin: right, the l2gw plugin seems to be running happily here: v15:09
armaxtmorin: link me to the bgpvpn repo quickly, please?15:09
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tmorinthe code is the repo currently still modifies the Neutron constant15:10
tmorinthe non-working code is not yet pushed in a change15:10
sc68calanteaya: sure -
armaxtmorin: agreed15:10
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armaxtmorin: we’re must be missing something…let me poke at it a bit15:15
tmorinarmax: sure, tahnks15:15
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sc68calanteaya: ok, so of the 6 failures, only one looks like possibly an issue with the linux bridge job or linux bridge code15:17
anteayasc68cal: looks like line 28 is the next easy direction15:17
anteayayup, I concur15:17
anteayanice analysis15:17
sc68calanteaya: the others look like it's because kilo doesn't have the patches we merged to get LB up and running15:18
openstackgerritJohn Davidge proposed openstack/neutron: DB & API changes for IPv6 Prefix Delegation
sc68calso, total is 16 passes and 1 "true" failure15:18
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amotokiarmax: re: your backport of secgroup event registry, one question. do we need to backport two backports at the same time? I don't have an object on backporting.15:19
openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/neutron: Python 3: do not compare int and NoneType
armaxamotoki: I think we do15:19
anteayasc68cal: ah yes, okay so is it worth backporting do you think?15:19
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anteayasc68cal: is it worth your effort to find out if others feel it is worth backporting?15:20
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sc68calanteaya: probably - most of the patches are a handful of lines, and shouldn't be hard15:20
amotokiarmax: in most backports, if we have multiple patches which should be merged at the same time, we squash such patches into one15:20
anteayasc68cal: okay fair enough15:20
amotokito avoid introducing a new bug.15:20
anteayasc68cal: which would you like to do first?15:20
amotokiarmax: in this case, there is no consumer. is this the reason you proposed a separate backport?15:20
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sc68calanteaya: i'll take a look at backporting first15:21
armaxamotoki: I can do that, the reason why I didn’t do it is because without Oleg’s fix the feature is 95% there15:21
sc68calanteaya: then backport the neutron patches15:21
armaxamotoki: I can squash if you think it’s best15:21
sc68calanteaya: but overall, pretty happy. 16/17 successes is a 94% success rate15:22
amotokiarmax: I just try to follow the best practice. I would like to ask ihar.15:22
armaxihrachyshka: ?15:22
armaxihrachyshka: ^^15:22
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amotokiarmax: yes15:23
anteayasc68cal: I too am very happy15:23
anteayasc68cal: nice work bringing in the happiness15:23
Sam-I-Amsc68cal: yo15:23
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amotokiihrachyshka: do you think it is better to squash changes proposed for kilo backports? and
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amotokiihrachyshka: the first one is incomplete and the second one is required.15:24
ihrachyshkaamotoki, I don't see merging the first piece a bit broken an issue since it's not a regression (before that, it did not work anyway). am I missing smth?15:25
sc68calSam-I-Am: hey, what's up15:25
armaxamotoki: the first one is not incomplete15:25
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amotokiarmax: if so I must misunderstand the context. sorry15:26
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armaxamotoki: the way mixins are being used/implemented revealed that security group rules events were not being dispatched15:26
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Sam-I-Amsc68cal: i found this -
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armaxamotoki: so the feature is all there in the first patch15:27
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armaxamotoki: the second, from oleg, moves the code around to make sure we work around the mixin nonsense15:27
Sam-I-Amsc68cal: i sort of thought l3ha already used conntrack15:27
Sam-I-Amsc68cal: lest connections go poo during failover15:27
armaxamotoki: but to an extend they are both required to make it fully available to whichever needs to use it15:28
amotokiarmax: thanks. I re-looked both and got it.15:28
amotokiarmax: i will remove my -1 from the backports.15:28
Sam-I-Amor if there's any l3ha people here :)15:28
armaxamotoki: so in that regard might make sense to squash the two together…but in reality the first could work without the second…it was in degraded mmode ;)15:28
armaxamotoki, ihrachyshka: pls let me know if you like me to squash the two15:29
openstackgerritJohn Davidge proposed openstack/neutron: L3 agent changes and reference implementation for IPv6 PD
ihrachyshkaarmax, nope, it should be fine. I'll check the patches themselves tomorrow15:30
amotokiarmax: those patches are not small and the impact sounds small + there is no existing consumers on secgroup event registry. I think we can go as-is.15:30
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ihrachyshkaon first sight, they looked invasive, but maybe they are not really15:30
amullerSam-I-Am: no we didn't integatr conntrack with L3 HA15:31
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ihrachyshkait's just that I'm always a bit concerned if a patch makes 100+ LOC change in base objects ;)15:31
sc68calSam-I-Am: looking15:31
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/neutron: Updated from global requirements
armaxihrachyshka: codewise, they can look like as such, but they are ineffective if the registry is not used15:31
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sc68calSam-I-Am: looks like that's not the case? not sure15:31
Sam-I-Amamuller: hmm. so connections just drop during a failover?15:32
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amullerSam-I-Am: IIRC only if your VMs are using SNAT / no floating IPs15:32
amullerSam-I-Am: SNAT is stateful, floating IP NAT essentially isn't15:32
amullerSam-I-Am: when we tested this using a floating IP the connections kept on trucking15:33
Sam-I-Amok, whats maintaining the states there?15:33
Sam-I-Amrather "states"15:33
Sam-I-Am(for fips)15:33
amullerno one15:34
amuller1 sec15:34
Sam-I-Amlong story short i'm trying to figure out if there's any dependency on conntrack now (it appears not)15:34
Sam-I-Amsince it usually goes hand in hand with keepalived15:34
amullerSam-I-Am: no conntrack is out of the picture15:35
Sam-I-Amok. no plans for liberty?15:35
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amullerSam-I-Am: ehhh... I doubt it15:36
amullerit's not really important15:36
Sam-I-Amok, so the only limitation is for VMs with fixed IPs15:37
amulleryeah, VMs wihout a floating IP trying to reach an external resource15:37
amullerthose TCP sessions will be cut off15:37
amullerthen it depends how the app handles it15:37
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amullerif the app does an auto reocnnect / auto retry... it depends15:38
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack/neutron: Remove double negation in neutron.agent.linux.daemon
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armaxtmorin: what’s your service_plugins variable set to?15:43
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armaxtmorin: and what about service_providers.service_provider?15:45
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armaxtmorin: I am wondering that you’re probably off a stale config?15:46
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armaxtmorin: I think you’re hitting this:
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tmorinservice_provider =
armaxtmorin: I suspect that if you still use the old way of specifying the provider you hit that code path that prevents you from loading15:49
armaxtmorin: but let me dig a bit deeper15:50
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tmorinarmax: see above what I have in my neutron.conf15:53
tmorinarmax: is this "old" or "new"15:53
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armaxtmorin: I am thinking that you would hit the issue regardless15:55
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armaxtmorin: so I may need to revise what’s needed still15:57
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tmorinarmax: I agree15:58
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openstackgerritPavel Bondar proposed openstack/neutron: Enable pluggable IPAM implementation by default
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tmorinarmax: for now, we'll keep adding our service in EXT_TO_SERVICE_MAPPING15:59
tmorinarmax: but happy to hear on a better way16:00
armaxtmorin: we’ll clean that up16:00
armaxtmorin: keep an eye on this16:00
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tmorinarmax: ok, thanks16:00
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armaxtmorin: thanks for trying this stuff out16:01
armaxtmorin: the more eyes the better16:01
tmorinarmax: well, we have to :-P  if we don't follow neutron changes, our code is broken ;)16:01
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armaxtmorin: isn’t that a beauty?16:02
tmorinarmax: ;)16:02
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openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas: Remove dependency on config file for db check_migration
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ZZellemarkmcclain, hi16:07
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markmcclainZZelle: hi16:08
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ZZellemarkmcclain, about
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ZZellemarkmcclain, it seems no error is raised by fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) when we try to unlock an unlocked file16:10
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ZZellemarkmcclain, so i am not sure we can detect a failing unlock16:11
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markmcclainthe underlying code should raise an exception on error that we care about16:12
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markmcclainZZelle: if we try to unlock something again I don't think we care16:14
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ZZellemarkmcclain, ok16:15
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openstackgerritIvar Lazzaro proposed openstack/neutron: Decompose Apic ML2 mechanism driver
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anilvenkatapc_m: Hi paul, I have updated vpnaas with l3-ha bug and
openstackLaunchpad bug 1471940 in neutron "VPNaaS Ipsec does not correctly determine master L3 HA Router" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to venkata anil (anil-venkata)16:25
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anilvenkatapc_m: kindly see it when u get free time16:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron: Fix issues with allocation pool generation for ::/64 cidr
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openstackgerritOleg Bondarev proposed openstack/neutron: DVR: fix router rescheduling
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openstackgerritNeil Jerram proposed openstack/neutron: Describe and propose the 'routed' network type
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Delete FIP agent gateway port with external gw port
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Add RPC command and delete if last FIP on Agent
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Cleanup the fip agent gateway port delete routines
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Fix DVR interface delete by port when gateway is set
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sc68calLooks like the last bug we need to squash that we're hitting with the LB job is
openstackLaunchpad bug 1312016 in neutron "nova libvirtError: Unable to add bridge brqxxx-xx port tapxxx-xx: Device or resource busy" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Ihar Hrachyshka (ihar-hrachyshka)17:04
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sc68callogstash query -
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banixtidwellr: hi Ryan do you have a moment to talk subnetpool and quotas17:23
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tidwellrbanix: yes17:23
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banixtidwellr: I am thinking of a use case and wondering if it makes to you and if yes what is the best approach to address it. here it is:17:24
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banixtidwellr: i want to have a quota on subnets but if a subnet is using a subnet pool then i want the quota mechanism you have added (or something similar to it) to be applied17:26
banixtidwellr: so if the quota on subnets is 1 and subnets are being created from a subnet pool, even if there are several subnets being created i want to allow that17:26
banixtidwellr: did i make myself clear? does this make sense?17:27
tidwellrbanix: right, makes perfect sense17:27
banixtidwellr: right now we cannot do that. right?17:27
tidwellrbanix: correct, right now both quotas are enforced17:27
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banixtidwellr: have you given thought on how this could be done?17:28
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banixtidwellr: the standard way quotas on resources like subnets are enforced will be difficult to change17:30
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tidwellrbanix: correct, we really struggled with this when thinking through subnet pool quotas17:31
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tidwellrbanix: sorry to say I haven't given it much thought since subnet pools merged, it would be worth looking into again though17:32
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banixtidwellr: one way would be to somehow mark subnets that are being created out of subnet pools; is there such a flag already in place somewhere? I will look into the code more closely.17:33
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banixtidwellr: thanks for the time; just wanted to confirm my understanding is not totally off17:33
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tidwellrbanix: yes, that's easy. A subnet allocated from a subnet pool carries a subnetpool_id17:34
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tidwellrbanix: if not allocated from a pool, subnetpool_id is None17:34
tidwellrbanix: we already mark subnets in the way you describe17:35
openstackgerritSukhdev Kapur proposed openstack/neutron: In Arista ML2 driver Reconfigures VLAN on VM migration
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banixtidwellr: and one could possibly look at that while counting the rows to enforce the quota…  not sure if this will be a clean solution. do you think opening a rfe bug on this reasonable?17:35
tidwellrbanix: I think it's worth opening an RFE and generating the discussion17:36
openstackgerritSukhdev Kapur proposed openstack/neutron: In Arista ML2 driver Reconfigure VLAN on VM migration
banixtidwellr: will do. thanks.17:36
tidwellrbanix: cool, thanks for looking into this17:37
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openstackgerritCarl Baldwin proposed openstack/neutron: Add support for PluginWorker and Process creation notification
johnbelamariccarl_baldwin, haleyb, tidwellr: When you have a chance please take a look at #link
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack/neutron: Correct fcntl.flock use in Pidfile.unlock
johnbelamaricI think it's finally ready - hope to get it in before we hit PS 100 :)17:52
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carl_baldwinjohnbelamaric: Yes, I can look at them today.  I completely neglected reviewing yesterday.  Making up for in today.17:53
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johnbelamariccarl_baldwin: no problem, rebasing was needed anyway for at a couple of them17:53
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regXboicarl_baldwin: ping - wanted to talk about a potential RFE with you17:55
johnbelamariccarl_baldwin: Sean's patch was previously +2 but needed rebasing it's the one next in line after the one above. #link
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carl_baldwinregXboi: hi17:56
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carl_baldwinjohnbelamaric: ack17:57
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gsagie_hi regXboi :)17:57
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regXboicarl_baldwin: so here's the deal - IIRC, as of right now, neutron external networks don't talk encapsulation well17:59
regXboias in at all17:59
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regXboiso I'm looking at an RFE that would allow the external network to be set up with the various encapsulation provider types18:00
regXboi(vxlan is the specific request driving this)18:00
regXboier support for vxlan that is18:00
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dlundquistcarl_baldwin: ping18:01
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regXboigsagie_: greetings ...18:01
openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas: VPNaaS: Store local side's tunnel IP for later retrieval
gsagie_Everyone want a piece of carl_baldwin :)18:02
* regXboi looks for the carl_baldwin queue :)18:02
carl_baldwindlundquist: pong18:02
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Fix update_port_postcommit and port not found with DVR
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carl_baldwinregXboi: Hmmm.   Let me check something.18:03
dlundquistcarl_baldwin: regarding and, Can we just use the IPv4 address of the floating IP port and internal associated port in all cases? it seems like this could be breaking functionality if someone has built an alternate driver which implements IPv6 floating IPs.18:04
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Fix update_port_postcommit and port not found with DVR
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carl_baldwinregXboi: I think that a provider network, with encapsulation, could be used as an external network.  It isn’t the way I’ve done external networks but my devstack right now shows vxlan on the18:08
carl_baldwinpublic network.18:08
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regXboicarl_baldwin: but does DVR work with that type of external network?18:09
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carl_baldwinregXboi: Good question.  I think so but maybe Swami can confirm.18:11
carl_baldwindlundquist: looking…18:11
regXboiSwami: ^^^^18:11
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amullerkevinbenton: openvswitch logs will now be attached to gate runs, that patch was just approved:
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carl_baldwindlundquist: Do you know of any implementation which does this?  As far as i know, we don’t have any plans of supported any kind of ipv6 floating ip.18:17
regXboiSwami: hi there - the question on the table is will DVR support an external network via a provider network with vxlan encapsulation18:17
dlundquistcarl_baldwin: I don't know of any, but I was hesitant to remove functionality in a bug fix.18:17
Swamicarl_baldwin: haleyb: Could you take a look at this patch #link
regXboiSwami: and the follow up is will the legacy neutron router support the same?18:17
carl_baldwinSwami: I will18:17
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SwamiregXboi: I need to validate that scenario that you have mentioned. In this case you are saying that all the SNAT will be done externally in your provider network. Am I right.18:18
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SwamiIn the case of Traditional legacy routing, will you turning on the L3 routing option or just turn it off and use the provider network for your routing.18:19
dlundquistcarl_baldwin: to fix, I wanted to just address the fixed IP selection logic, but there seems to be a larger issue that the floating IP API doesn't restrict floating_ip and fixed_ip selection to IPv4 only.18:20
openstackLaunchpad bug 1469322 in neutron "Associating a floatingip with a dual stack port requires the fixed-address to be specified" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Dustin Lundquist (dlundquist)18:20
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regXboiSwami: not necessarily18:22
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regXboiSNAT might be external and it might not be18:22
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SwamiregXboi: So you are saying SNAT may not be in the neutron owned cloud and it will be external.18:23
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regXboiSwami: the request I got wasn't that specific18:23
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SwamiregXboi: In this case I think the East-West routing will still work.18:23
SwamiregXboi: The North-South is what we need to look into18:24
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regXboiSwami: let me get some more details around the use case18:24
regXboiand then I can talk more intelligently about this18:25
SwamiregXboi: ok, let me know the details and I will check it out and let you know.18:25
regXboiSwami: will do18:27
SwamiregXboi: thanks18:27
carl_baldwindlundquist: At this point, I’d be okay limiting to ipv4 for both.  That is my opinion now.  Maybe I need more feedback.18:28
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dlundquistcarl_baldwin: Would you recommend a new review addressing both internal and external addresses at this point?18:30
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carl_baldwindlundquist: How would you like to proceed?18:31
dlundquistcarl_baldwin: I'm happy to continue work on this floating IP front, but don't want to step on anyones toes.18:33
dlundquistI'll expand to cover both the floating_ip and fixed_ip and incorporate work from
carl_baldwindlundquist: Have you contacted with Bradley Jones?18:35
carl_baldwinHe should be maintained as a co-author at least if you go that route.18:35
dlundquistcarl_baldwin: I've sent a few emails over the last week, haven't received a response yet18:35
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dlundquistcarl_baldwin: one last question -- who should I bug about Again, I don't want to make too large of a change in a bug fix, but the existing IPv6 detection isn't reliable.18:36
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carl_baldwindlundquist: I think you should proceed with the floating ip patch as you described.  Add a co-author line and we’ll communicate the best we can with that author.18:39
carl_baldwindlundquist: Let me look at 196199 in a bit.18:39
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carl_baldwinSwami: ping18:45
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carl_baldwinSwami: I had some questions but I’m almost done adding them to the review.19:00
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Swamicarl_baldwin: ok, I will take a look at your comments.19:01
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pc_mmarkmcclain: hi19:02
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carl_baldwinSwami: Just posted the comments.19:06
Swamicarl_baldwin: will check it out19:06
* haleyb wakes up and takes a look too19:07
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openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack/neutron-specs: Updated attributes in blueprint to match the code
madhu_ak_mestery ^^19:10
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mesterymadhu_ak: you rock man, thanks!19:10
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carl_baldwinpavel_bondar: ping19:20
carl_baldwin L63419:20
openstackgerritRyan Tidwell proposed openstack/neutron: [WIP] BGP Dynamic Routing: introduce entities and model
openstackgerritRyan Tidwell proposed openstack/neutron: [WIP] Add API tests for BGP speaker extension
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Fix update_port_postcommit and port not found with DVR
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-specs: Updated attributes in blueprint to match the code
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas: VPNaaS: DevRef for multiple local subnets
vishwanathjHoping that I get some guidance on an issue I am facing in a 3 node devstack setup....Issue: When I create a private network when logged in as a domain tenant, the DHCP port shows as being DOWN because of which I am unable to create a VM on that network. NOTE: I am using stable/kilo19:41
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sc68calmestery: do you have a script you run for auto-abandoning patchsets? is the source on stackforge?19:48
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Sukhdevkevinbenton: Hey Kevin, Can you post your vote back on this -  - updating the commit message wiped our the vote :-)19:50
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Fix update_port_postcommit and port not found with DVR
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Fix update_port_postcommit and port not found with DVR
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mesterysc68cal: It's in our repo! :)20:07
mesterysc68cal: Note the comment here:
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openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack/neutron: Flavor Framework implementation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron: Add ARP spoofing protection for LinuxBridge agent
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openstackgerritDustin Lundquist proposed openstack/neutron: Ensure floating IPs only use IPv4 addresses
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SourabhParmax: ping20:55
armaxSourabhP: sup?20:55
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SourabhParmax: I am wondering about API extensions in phase 2 decomposition of Neutron. Will they be moved out in this cycle ?20:56
armaxSourabhP: yes20:57
armaxSourabhP: that’s being discussed here:
SourabhParmax: So if I understand this correctly, a vendow needs to move out the existing extension first from the tree. How about adding a new resource extension? I assume the 2 activites need to be serialized ?20:59
armaxSourabhP: no, the addition of a new extension is oblivious to Neutron, so you can do it at your own leisure21:00
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SourabhParmax: ok. yes, I’m following Henry’s devref document.21:01
armaxSourabhP: cool21:01
regXboigsagie: ping - have you had a chance to look at
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SourabhParmax: thanks!21:03
armaxSourabhP: sure thing21:04
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas: VPNaaS: Store local side's tunnel IP for later retrieval
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-fwaas: Fix UT failures during firewall mock plugin setup
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron: lb-agent: handle security group updates in main loop
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack/neutron: Introduce usage data tracking for Neutron
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openstackgerritDustin Lundquist proposed openstack/neutron: Added config variable to enable IPv6
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openstackgerritDustin Lundquist proposed openstack/neutron: Added config variable to enable IPv6
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Fix update_port_postcommit and port not found with DVR
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/neutron: Fix update_port_postcommit and port not found with DVR
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