Thursday, 2024-02-08

pranali#startmeeting glance14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Feb  8 14:00:12 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is pranali. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'glance'14:00
pranali#topic roll call14:00
* abhishekk in different meeting but here if i required14:01
pranaliok, let's start then14:01
pranali#topic release/periodic jobs updates14:01
pranaliM3 is just 3 weeks from now 14:01
pranaliand glance_store release will be a week before that, so can we have review party next week if everyone is available14:01
* croelandt is available14:02
pranaliso that we can get time to address the review comments before final release 14:02
pranalicool, let's have it next week then14:03
pranaliPeriodic jobs are all green except intermittent TIME_OUTs on fips jobs14:03
pranalimoving to next 14:04
pranali#topic other release-related stuff14:04
pranaliTransition Yoga to Unmaintained14:04
pranaliopen reviews: #link
rosmaitaso, the deadline for final release from yoga was actually November 202314:05
pranaliI think we should have these 2 patches in before the branch moves to unmaiantain14:05
rosmaitabut, the release team is allowing people to do them late14:05
rosmaita(i think)14:05
pranaliohh ok14:06
rosmaitaok, then we need to merge them, propose a final yoga release (which is really going to piss off the release team, because a library release affects requirements (upper-constraints)14:06
pranalii think the backports are allowed in unmaintained branches as well, right? 14:06
croelandtor we could drop those backports :)14:06
rosmaitaand then update the yoga->Unmaintained patch with the correct hashes14:07
croelandtDo we have distros depending on Yoga?14:07
rosmaitacroelandt: yes, the other option is just to abandon those14:07
rosmaitapranali, yes, there is a global unmaintained core team that can merge stuff into unmaintained/yoga14:07
rosmaitaso we can split the difference:14:08
rosmaitaabandon now, then re-propose to unmaintained/yoga after it's created14:08
rosmaitacroelandt: that patch seems more of a nice to have than a necessity, security-wise ... is that right?14:09
croelandtWell it's not optimal to show access keys even in DEBUG logs14:09
croelandtI think some people would consider it a critical issue14:09
croelandtwe decided not to14:09
croelandtThat's why I wonder whether distros are based on yoga14:10
rosmaitawell, we need to decide if it's worth burning a bunch of good will with the release team to do a late yoga release14:12
rosmaitaI don't know, but i do know that some distro is based on victoria14:12
rosmaitaand there are unmaintainers for that branch14:12
rosmaitaso, they will want to have this fix in victoria14:12
rosmaitaand hence, they will backport it14:13
rosmaitaso i think if we re-propose for unmaintained/yoga, that will be sufficient for distros14:13
croelandtif that means less stress for the release team, I'm all for it14:13
pranalithen i think abandoning now and then re-propose to unmaintained/yoga after it's created would be better14:13
rosmaitaok, cool, then pranali you just need to check that the hashes are correct on that patch and then +1 it14:14
pranaliyes I will do that right after the meeting14:14
pranaliand for ussuri to EOL as well, #link
rosmaitathat will break the glance release notes job, btw14:15
rosmaita(when they delete stable/yoga)14:15
rosmaitathere will be bot-generated patches for all deliverables14:15
rosmaitabut, we decided to go with different patches in cinder14:15
pranaliohh ok14:15
rosmaitathe base path on that review is the bot-proposed one14:16
rosmaitano, that's incorrect to14:17
rosmaitaPS1 is what the bot proposed14:17
rosmaitaPS3 is what we decided to go with14:17
rosmaitaeither one will work, just a matter of what the project prefers14:17
rosmaitabut my reason for mentioning is that someone needs to be ready to merge the change after stable/yoga is deleted to unbreak the release job14:18
rosmaitaanyone want me to explain the difference between the patches?14:19
pranaliso what glance should prefer ? 14:19
pranalisame as cinder ? :)14:19
rosmaitathat would be my preference!14:19
rosmaitaso the issue is14:19
rosmaitathe bot generated patch will look for releasenotes in unmaintained/yoga14:19
rosmaitaso our release notes will include changes merged by people not on the glance team14:20
rosmaitathe cinder-style patch looks for release notes before yoga-eom tag, which are the release notes for stuff we (glance team) merged14:20
rosmaitai think ironic wants to go with the bot patch, but they are also creating an ironic-unmaintained-core14:21
rosmaitaso they are going to active in the unmaintained branches14:21
rosmaita(i am assuming that we don't want to be)14:21
rosmaitaso that's the difference and the implications14:22
pranaliThanks for sharing this :)14:23
pranalilet's move ahead14:23
rosmaitabtw, i wanted to mention 2 dashboards i added to the "spotlight links" on the agenda14:23
rosmaitaone for release patches, one for bot-generated patches14:24
rosmaitahopefully they will make it easier for us to do these things faster14:24
pranaliyeah, that would be really helpful, Thanks again ! 14:25
rosmaitaok, sorry for hijacking14:25
pranalinp :)14:26
rosmaitawe were supposed to be talking about ussuri EOL14:26
rosmaitalooks like there are no open reviews, so that's good14:26
rosmaitajust need to verify the hashes on the patch and give it a +114:26
pranaliyeah as i mentioned that above, I will check that too 14:26
rosmaitathat's all from me14:27
pranalicool, let's move ahead14:27
pranali#topic  Important Reviews14:27
pranaliCentralized cache DB - #link
pranaliNew Location APIS -  #link
pranaliSo, these are the possible targets for this cycle, just waiting for reviews, so kindly please have a look on priority14:28
pranaliwe can target these for review party as well, but it would be better if we can do it before that :)14:29
pranaliSupport for Image Encryption - #link 14:29
pranaliThere are few comments from abhishekk on this since quite a long time which are not addressed, I will try to reach out to the owner for the same so we will get clear idea whether we can have this in this cycle or not14:30
pranalithat's it from me 14:30
pranalimoving to open discussions 14:31
pranali#topic Open Discussion14:31
pranalianyone has anything else to highlight ?14:31
rosmaitajust about the scrubber14:32
rosmaitano response to my email proposing to remove it14:32
rosmaitatbh, i don't know how to interpret that14:32
croelandt"does nobody use that, or are people just not reading that mailing list"14:33
rosmaitaalthough, the scrubber is really only helpful for swift14:33
rosmaitaand i think more people are using ceph?14:33
rosmaitaor maybe we improved the swift glance_store ?14:34
rosmaitait used to be that the call to swift to delete an image did not return until all the segments making up the image had been deleted on the swift side14:34
rosmaitaand that could take a really long time14:35
pranaliI think we should mention the timeline of few weeks, if we no response till then we will assume that it's a go forward signal 14:35
rosmaitabut maybe that's not an issue any more?14:35
pranalii'm not sure about this 14:37
rosmaitame neither14:37
abhishekkLets wait for two more weeks, anyway we are going to remove it next cycle14:39
abhishekkI think we need to deprecate delayed_delete config option?14:39
pranaliI think restore 14:41
pranaliabhishekk, ^14:44
pranaliohh ok14:44
abhishekkdelayed_delete is not useful if scrubber will be removed14:44
pranaliso let's wait for few more weeks as abhishekk mentioned, 14:46
pranaliok, anyone has anything else to discuss ? 14:47
rosmaitaabhishekk: good point, we need to deprecate delayed_delete14:49
abhishekkwe can deprecate it this cycle I guess14:49
rosmaitaok, maybe the thing to do is i will follow up that email with a reply to myself with a link to the patch deprecating delayed_delete14:49
rosmaitathen people will know we mean business14:49
rosmaita#action rosmaita - post delayed_delete deprecation patch and send email to ML14:51
pranaligreat ! 14:52
pranalilet's conclude for the day then 14:52
pranaliThanks everyone for joining !!14:52
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Feb  8 14:52:56 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:52
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