Tuesday, 2023-12-05

uehaHi, tacker team.08:01
uehaI heard that yasufum-san cannot join today's IRC meeting.08:02
uehaHi takahashi-san08:02
takahashi-tscHi sorry for the late. Is Tacker meeting aready started?08:02
uehaNot started08:03
takahashi-tscOK... but there seems to be no agenda today.08:03
uehaIs it enough to remind that next weekend is Spec freeze?08:04
takahashi-tscYes... I think so08:05
uehaI have no topic today, do other members have any topic today?08:06
uehaIf nothing, let's skip this meeting.08:07
takahashi-tscI agree08:07
uehagood, skip this meeting.08:08
uehaThanks, bye!08:09
takahashi-tscthanks bye08:09
*** tobias-urdin-pto is now known as tobias-urdin11:15

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