Monday, 2023-01-16

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Luzi#startmeeting image_encryption13:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Jan 16 13:00:22 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption'13:00
Luzi#topic Roll Call13:00
Luzihi fungi13:01
Luziit seems no one from the Barbican team is around13:02
Luzilet's start13:02
Luzi#topic Barbican Consumer API Update13:03
Luzithe Barbican team is still working on the patches for the client and castellan13:03
Luzi#topic Image Encryption WIP-Patches13:05
Luzithere is no update from my side13:05
Luzi#topic Open Discussion13:06
Luzido you have anything to discuss fungi?13:06
fungii didn't, just following the progress13:08
Luziokay, thank you for joining fungi, and have a nice week13:08
fungidid a talk for this topic get proposed to the vancouver summit?13:08
Luzi#endmeeting image_encryption13:08
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Jan 16 13:08:47 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:08
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
Luzii don't know, how much we can achieve with the image encryption until then13:09
fungiwe're quietly leaving the proposal interface open through tomorrow if someone wanted to submit one13:09
fungibut yeah, no idea if it's worth rehashing the last presentation13:10
Luzibut the secret consumers might be a good talk - but this should come from someone from Barbican13:10
fungii heard there weren't a bunch of submissions for the security track, though that's not unusual (was the same back when i was a track chair too)13:10
Luziwell 24 submissions13:11
fungiwith 4 slots available, right?13:11
Luzi4 plus 2 alternatives13:11
funginot too bad i guess13:11
Luzii think there also about this number of submissions for the last summit13:12
fungias long as they aren't veiled product advertisements or all submitted from the same people ;)13:12
Luzinope there is a variety but also some more basic stuff :D13:13
fungiare you planning to attend the summit in june?13:13
Luzii'm not sure yet - it13:15
Luziis a long flight from Germany13:15
fungiyes, i completely understand13:16
fungianyway, enjoy your week!13:16
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