Thursday, 2022-12-01

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pranali#startmeeting glance14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Dec  1 14:00:10 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is pranali. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'glance'14:00
pranali#topic roll call14:00
pranaliThere is power failure at my place, and laptop battery is about to die, so it would be nice if someone chair the meeting when you see me offline14:01
pranaliwe have short agenda today, so hopefully we will finish it early14:01
abhishekkI can walk through the proceedings 14:02
pranaliabhishekk, Thanks :)14:02
pranalii think most of the members are here, so let's start 14:02
pranali#topic release/periodic job updates14:02
pranaliMilestone 2 is 1 month away from now, which is also a spec freeze for us14:03
pranaliOnce M2 is over we will not accept any spec14:03
pranaliwe will revisit the specs in next topic14:04
abhishekk* owners can submit them but we will not approve it for current cycle14:04
pranaliyes :)14:04
pranaliPeriodic job all green except TIME_OUT for fips jobs, everything else is green14:04
pranalimoving to next14:04
pranali#topic Specs14:04
croelandtI added this14:05
pranali#link  Add option region_name to s3 store14:05
croelandtyeah this one we merged,thanks!14:05
pranalicroelandt, yeah14:05
pranalinext is14:05
pranali#link  - Repropose new location APIs spec 14:05
croelandtErno, Rajat and I were discussing security issues with this one14:05
abhishekkI think there are multiple +2s now14:06
croelandtit would be nice if we could close this topic and move forward with the spec14:06
croelandtoh it was merged :)14:06
croelandtnever mind then :)14:06
abhishekkno I guess you have added old reference here14:06
pranaliyeah it's from last cycle14:07
abhishekkthis is the latest version14:07
croelandtoh yeah I messed up14:07
abhishekkI asked rajat to let me know if he has any doubts about the comments on the spec14:07
abhishekkSo we will sync on it14:07
pranaliyeah so there are some comments on this patch, I'll ping rajat to update it accordingly and if he has any doubt about the same 14:07
pranaliabhishekk, thanks14:08
pranalinext is14:08
pranali#link - Speedup upload images for Swift backend14:08
pranalithe owner has updated the new patch set, and need our attention on this, so kindly please have a look14:09
abhishekkI have added my note there14:09
abhishekkthe new revision is not what we discussed during the PTG14:09
pranaliyes, seems the owner has updated the ps after that, and expecting some reviews i think14:10
abhishekkjust cross check the spec and what we discussed in PTG14:11
abhishekkif it is there then I will review it14:11
pranalimoving to next14:11
abhishekkalso it is in merged conflict now14:11
pranaliyes, it's bcz one spec is merged today, I will ping the owner and will ask to update the same14:12
pranali#topic Do we care about ARM6414:13
croelandtyeah there are a few patches that add support for ARM64 in Zuul14:13
croelandtmy question is: "do we care?"14:13
croelandtI'm not against it, but do we run Glance on ARM64 machines?14:14
abhishekkI don't think so, per as per rosmaita's comment it looks like other projects are running those14:14
croelandtI could rebase the latest patch and see whether that works14:14
croelandtbut I'm curious why we do this :D14:15
abhishekkme too14:15
croelandtrosmaita: around? :)14:15
rosmaitasorry, in another meeting14:15
abhishekklets abandon it with a comment to "Give importance of why we should have this in glance"14:15
rosmaitabecause everyone else has it?14:16
croelandtrosmaita: yeah but why? :)14:16
croelandtthat feels like a good  reason to add it14:16
croelandtbut still14:16
rosmaitabecause people want to run it on arm6414:16
rosmaitaare the jobs failing or something?14:17
abhishekk1st patch it was -1 since 201914:17
croelandtrosmaita: we just have multiple idle patches14:17
croelandt we should probably just merge this one14:18
* pranali 's laptop is about to shoutdown, passing the chair to abhishekk 14:18
rosmaitaoh ... well, there's a job template, cinder has been running them for a long time14:18
pranali#chair abhishekk 14:18
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: abhishekk pranali14:18
abhishekkso we should update the patch accordingly and abandon other patches14:19
croelandtdo we need to update?14:19
croelandtwhat's wrong with the  current patch?14:19
rosmaitai can take an action item to find out what the deal is with arm6414:19
abhishekksounds good14:20
croelandtrosmaita: ping me and I'll happily +2+114:20
rosmaita#action rosmaita find out what the deal is with openstack arm64 support14:20
rosmaitacroelandt: ok14:20
abhishekklets move to open discussion14:21
abhishekk#topic Open discussion14:21
croelandtWe also had this spec :)14:21
abhishekkwill have a look this or early next week14:22
abhishekkfrom my side, just reminder to rosmaita to have a look at service role and db migration constant patch14:23
abhishekkkeystone spec is not approved yet :(14:23
rosmaitawho's the keystone ptl?14:24
abhishekkits leaderless project14:25
rosmaitaok, that seems to be working well14:26
abhishekkI think that is all from me14:27
croelandtI'm good as well14:28
abhishekklets conclude for today then14:28
abhishekkthank you all!14:28
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Dec  1 14:28:39 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:28
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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