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gmann | #startmeeting fc_sig | 07:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Feb 13 07:00:26 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 07:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 07:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'fc_sig' | 07:00 |
gmann | Ping list: gmann, mattoliverau, cmurphy, tonyb | 07:00 |
diablo_rojo | o/ | 07:00 |
cmurphy | heya | 07:00 |
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mattoliverau | o/ | 07:00 |
tonyb | \o | 07:00 |
gmann | we have full strength today. let's start. i will host meeting today to help diablo_rojo not to awake so late | 07:01 |
gmann | let's go through the home work item | 07:02 |
gmann | #topic New Contributor Patches | 07:02 |
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diablo_rojo | Well..not have to think quite as hard | 07:02 |
gmann | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewedby:%22Welcome%252C+new+contributor!+(10068)%22+is:open+-project:+openstack-dev/sandbox+AND+-project:openstack-dev/ci-sandbox | 07:02 |
gmann | who all did home work ? | 07:02 |
gmann | i did not find any new patch getting attention | 07:02 |
mattoliverau | I did.. well a quick look anyway | 07:03 |
diablo_rojo | I reviewed efried's patch in the contributor guide repo instead? | 07:03 |
gmann | thanks. | 07:03 |
* tonyb did the homework but there wasn't anything I felt I could help with | 07:03 | |
gmann | diablo_rojo: that is merged ? | 07:03 |
mattoliverau | there was an openstack client one I delegated ;) | 07:03 |
gmann | mattoliverau: thanks, i saw your reply there. | 07:04 |
gmann | #topic Ask.openstack.org Contribution Questions | 07:04 |
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gmann | there is no new question on that. | 07:05 |
gmann | so passing it ? | 07:05 |
mattoliverau | I didn't see one, tho diablo_rojo probably asked some more no doubt :) | 07:05 |
mattoliverau | i'm ok to move on | 07:06 |
gmann | ok | 07:06 |
gmann | #topic Sandbox Bot | 07:06 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Sandbox Bot (Meeting topic: fc_sig)" | 07:06 | |
gmann | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/002291.html | 07:06 |
gmann | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636466/1 | 07:06 |
gmann | tonyb: your turn | 07:06 |
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tonyb | Oh yeah so ... | 07:07 |
diablo_rojo | I did not ask any new one actually. | 07:07 |
tonyb | I sent the rough design to the list and got reasonable feedback | 07:07 |
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mattoliverau | nice one tonyb | 07:07 |
tonyb | So now t'all can add 'Bot-Reviewer: Simple' and 'Depends-On: https://review.openstack.org/636466' | 07:08 |
tonyb | like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636545/ | 07:08 |
tonyb | and test out the bot | 07:08 |
tonyb | currently the bot is in 2 halves | 07:08 |
tonyb | one runs in the check pipeline and just logs what it'd do | 07:08 |
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mattoliverau | oh nice | 07:08 |
diablo_rojo | WOOHOO! | 07:08 |
tonyb | http://logs.openstack.org/45/636545/2/check/bot-reviewer/8cb4696/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-02-13_05_59_29_760046 | 07:09 |
gmann | great | 07:09 |
tonyb | and the second part is runnign on my laptop every 10 mins and actually votes | 07:09 |
tonyb | like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636545/ | 07:09 |
tonyb | look for 'OpenStack bot-reviewer' | 07:09 |
tonyb | currently it's really dumb | 07:09 |
tonyb | it just looks for tagged chnages and replies to PS 1 with 'please publish a new patchset' | 07:10 |
tonyb | and then replies to patchset 2 with +2+W | 07:10 |
tonyb | anything >2 it says 'uum I'm a dumb bot runnign away' | 07:10 |
mattoliverau | lol | 07:11 |
diablo_rojo | Sounds like its most of the way there | 07:11 |
diablo_rojo | Lol | 07:11 |
mattoliverau | great start tho | 07:11 |
diablo_rojo | Yeah. Very good progress. | 07:11 |
tonyb | once we/I play withthe bot a little and tweak it 'til I'm reasonably happy I can more it out of the sandbox repo into project-config | 07:11 |
tonyb | if you want to actually hack on the bot gho for it just bas it on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636466/ | 07:12 |
diablo_rojo | What do you need us to do besides review the patches? | 07:12 |
tonyb | ideas, reviews and light testing | 07:12 |
gmann | tonyb: thanks, nice work. you want more review/testing on sandbox patch or after moving to project-config | 07:12 |
* mattoliverau plans to have a play tomorrow :) | 07:13 | |
tonyb | go nuts | 07:13 |
gmann | ok, let's review the 636466 and testing, feedback. | 07:14 |
tonyb | I got lots out of it so it was well worth the hours I put in | 07:14 |
* diablo_rojo will also send garbage patch tomorrow to play with bot | 07:14 | |
gmann | nice, thanks again. | 07:14 |
mattoliverau | that's awesome effort tonyb, thanks! | 07:15 |
gmann | tonyb: anything else on this ? | 07:15 |
tonyb | It doesn't look like the +W is workign as expected | 07:15 |
tonyb | nope | 07:15 |
gmann | tonyb: you mean it does not merge after +W ? | 07:15 |
tonyb | I'm pleased with the progress | 07:15 |
tonyb | gmann: yeah | 07:15 |
gmann | i see | 07:15 |
tonyb | We probably need to think about exactly how we're going to use it in OUI and the contributor guide and teach it more tricks | 07:16 |
gmann | ok, let's check on gerrit. thanks | 07:16 |
gmann | moving next | 07:16 |
gmann | #topic Summit + Forum Planning | 07:16 |
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gmann | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/FC_SIG_Denver_forum_topics | 07:16 |
gmann | thanks mattoliverau for creating the etherpad. it is empty so let's put the ideas | 07:17 |
mattoliverau | +1 | 07:17 |
gmann | #topic Reqs for Organisations Contributing to OpenStack | 07:17 |
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mattoliverau | sandbox bot hacking and brainstorming ;) | 07:17 |
gmann | mattoliverau: your follow up patch is merged, anything else to do in this ? | 07:18 |
gmann | mattoliverau: +1, we can get more ideas for that. | 07:18 |
mattoliverau | Not that I'm aware of, though I haven't really looped back round on it. | 07:18 |
cmurphy | i did https://review.openstack.org/633939 since last meeting | 07:18 |
mattoliverau | I was kinda at sleep school for the baby all weekend + parts of friday and monday, so I'm all over the place this week | 07:19 |
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gmann | cmurphy: thanks, that nice. | 07:19 |
gmann | i saw "Will wait for Board of Directors Individual elections to be done before presenting to board" | 07:19 |
gmann | diablo_rojo: ^^ its time for that now ? | 07:19 |
mattoliverau | cmurphy: nice! the power of an action item works | 07:19 |
cmurphy | mattoliverau: ikr | 07:19 |
diablo_rojo | I think the election is done so I just need to push to get on the Agenda | 07:20 |
gmann | thanks | 07:20 |
mattoliverau | diablo_rojo: cool.. sounds like an action item ;) | 07:20 |
diablo_rojo | Ideally not for the one at the summit so I don't have to leave OUI | 07:20 |
diablo_rojo | mattoliverau, yeah...quite possibly | 07:20 |
gmann | #action diablo_rojo to present the organization contributor guide to board | 07:21 |
mattoliverau | \o/ | 07:21 |
gmann | anything else on this or move next ? | 07:21 |
diablo_rojo | Nothing else from me | 07:22 |
gmann | #topic Help Wanted List | 07:23 |
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gmann | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/002345.html | 07:23 |
gmann | as you all have observed the discussion on help-wanted-list ^^, there are idea of adding the help-wanted list under FC SIG | 07:23 |
gmann | cmurphy: diablo_rojo and myself replied in that. | 07:24 |
gmann | as summary if i am not wrong : diablo_rojo is ok to add under FC SIG, gmann want it under project team , cmurphy : under TC | 07:24 |
gmann | here we can discuss if it is suitable to keep under FC SIG or not | 07:25 |
diablo_rojo | I am fine with it not living with us. It had just sounded like living with the TC wasn't an option anymore and I thought living with us made the most sense. | 07:25 |
mattoliverau | so under all the things | 07:25 |
diablo_rojo | Living with us but written by the projects I guess was what I was thinking | 07:26 |
gmann | diablo_rojo: i agree on not under TC which make me worried of not success again. | 07:26 |
mattoliverau | Depends on how granular the help wanted list will be | 07:26 |
mattoliverau | if it's at the "oh project X need help" then that's one thing | 07:26 |
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gmann | on being under FC SIG, i think we will get challenge of not uptodate, help from team on maintaining, mentor mapping etc | 07:26 |
mattoliverau | if its a list of things in each project that projects need help on, then in each project agrigated to somewhere makes sense | 07:27 |
mattoliverau | maybe we manage the agrigation.. ie in the collab guide? | 07:27 |
gmann | mattoliverau: it can be list which need help and mostly it will be from project team side. or some horizontal team where less contributors | 07:27 |
gmann | SIG and pop-up team can be asking to add in this list based on need. | 07:28 |
diablo_rojo | I would agree that it would be challenging to keep projects involved | 07:28 |
mattoliverau | So maybe a help_wanted (or better name) in each developer docs. And then agrigate the list up to collab guide / help wanted. | 07:29 |
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* mattoliverau is just brainstorming | 07:29 | |
mattoliverau | though we'd need a way for cross project or even sigs can get on the list.. so not just dev docs | 07:29 |
mattoliverau | or just projects | 07:29 |
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cmurphy | imo the projects who want help and are willing to put up the personhours to do mentoring should apply to be on the list and be approved (by somebody tc or otherwise) the same way we do with the current help wanted list | 07:30 |
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* mattoliverau wont lie I am ignorant on how the current help_wanted works. | 07:31 | |
diablo_rojo | Seems like the format of the psotings just needs to change to be a specific implemention with completion criteria and a mentor | 07:31 |
gmann | additional from current way, it will be mentoring-mapping to that list. | 07:31 |
diablo_rojo | And there needs to be a TC member/champion to beat on the drum | 07:31 |
mattoliverau | does needing a tc champion make it hard to do it outside the tc? | 07:32 |
mattoliverau | or they just want others to manage and then defer to them when the time comes? | 07:32 |
cmurphy | i think that's still part of the question | 07:34 |
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mattoliverau | kk | 07:34 |
gmann | yeah, with our FC hat on we can at least conclude that whether the FC a good place to do that or not considering our mission and challenges to do that | 07:35 |
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gmann | where it can be otherwise is next question. | 07:36 |
diablo_rojo | I think if the TC doesn't own it, I would vote for it to live here. But if it can stay with the TC I think that makes the most sense for visibility + who should be managing it? | 07:37 |
gmann | ok | 07:38 |
cmurphy | I didn't get the impression from the thread that the TC wasn't willing to still own it, just that it wasn't working in its current form | 07:38 |
mattoliverau | Any ideas on how it's currently used, ie does it tend be a call to arms of existing devs, or does it attract new contributors. I guess it could be a nice carrot for us and new contributors | 07:38 |
mattoliverau | I guess both. | 07:38 |
mattoliverau | ok | 07:38 |
diablo_rojo | Perhaps I misread then :) | 07:38 |
cmurphy | mattoliverau: it's this https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/help-most-needed.html | 07:38 |
cmurphy | it's a vague shout in the dark | 07:39 |
diablo_rojo | mattoliverau, I dont think it gets used at all really | 07:39 |
diablo_rojo | Exactly. | 07:39 |
gmann | yeah | 07:39 |
gmann | i am also ok with under TC but with mentor mapping as entry criteria. | 07:39 |
mattoliverau | hmm. then I'd agrue and say it's a great thing to have.. but yes it needs more visibility.. maybe moving it to the contributor guide or the community portal and away from TC pages is step 1. no matther who ends up managing it. | 07:40 |
cmurphy | there's no explicit guidance on what work items need be done, no incentive to join the effort, no criteria for removing an item from the list, and while there's a "sponsor" there's no mentor | 07:40 |
gmann | mattoliverau: but we need owner for that. | 07:40 |
diablo_rojo | I think requiring all of those things would keep the list short without having to cap it. | 07:41 |
gmann | yeah, prioritizing and keep the list short can be challenge but let's see when we have process short out | 07:42 |
diablo_rojo | I also think that there should maybe be a lifespan for each item. | 07:42 |
diablo_rojo | To make sure things don't go stale | 07:42 |
diablo_rojo | If it hasnt been completed in 2 releases or something, it should be removed and have to go through the process again. | 07:42 |
cmurphy | that seems fair | 07:43 |
diablo_rojo | Someone want to summarize this on the thread? | 07:44 |
gmann | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Agc1z0lx/ | 07:44 |
gmann | multiline :) | 07:44 |
gmann | is that ok for all ? | 07:45 |
diablo_rojo | Yeah I think so? | 07:45 |
tonyb | gmann: you can just click 'paste as messages' instead of creating a snippet | 07:45 |
gmann | yeah just pressed enter in hurry | 07:45 |
tonyb | gmann: Ahh okay | 07:45 |
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cmurphy | thanks gmann | 07:46 |
gmann | i can add the summary of our discussion on ML | 07:46 |
gmann | thanks all. | 07:47 |
gmann | #topic People to Reach Out To | 07:47 |
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diablo_rojo | Thanks gmann! | 07:47 |
gmann | has anyone get any reply/success on this ? | 07:47 |
diablo_rojo | No success from me sadly | 07:47 |
gmann | me too. | 07:48 |
mattoliverau | me either | 07:48 |
gmann | one idea is try to catch people (their company active developer) during summit/PTG and talk. but in positive way so that they do not get offended. | 07:48 |
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gmann | #action gmann to summaries the "Help- Wanted List" discussion over ML reply. | 07:49 |
mattoliverau | thats true, I real life contributor hunt :) | 07:49 |
mattoliverau | *a | 07:49 |
diablo_rojo | If we can find them in person yeah, chatting directly would be good | 07:50 |
mattoliverau | or if there company has a booth. | 07:50 |
mattoliverau | but positive and nice is the key. | 07:50 |
diablo_rojo | +2 | 07:50 |
mattoliverau | esp the china summit | 07:50 |
gmann | nice. let's plan from this summit as start. | 07:51 |
diablo_rojo | Could also invite them to whatever FC SIG sessions we have | 07:51 |
gmann | +1. that can be nice. | 07:51 |
gmann | we can chat about it over summit also, no specific action item on this. ok ? | 07:52 |
mattoliverau | kk | 07:52 |
gmann | #topic open discussion | 07:52 |
diablo_rojo | Okay | 07:52 |
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gmann | one thing from me, i mentioned in last meeting also. I will be moving to canada on 20th feb | 07:53 |
diablo_rojo | Everyone got flights/hotels/registration sorted for Denver? | 07:53 |
mattoliverau | oh nice | 07:53 |
* tonyb does | 07:53 | |
cmurphy | gmann: awesome | 07:53 |
gmann | it should be for long term if things are shorted out for next financial year | 07:53 |
tonyb | gmann: Oh cool! | 07:53 |
tonyb | gmann: which city? | 07:53 |
diablo_rojo | Woohoo! gmann hope all goes well :) | 07:53 |
cmurphy | diablo_rojo: not officially approved yet | 07:53 |
mattoliverau | not yet, still waiting to hear. | 07:54 |
* cmurphy hi5 mattoliverau | 07:54 | |
gmann | thanks | 07:54 |
mattoliverau | :) | 07:54 |
gmann | tonyb: currently winnipeg (my wife university ) | 07:54 |
* tonyb thinks about TZ overlap and meeting times | 07:54 | |
gmann | plan is for vancouver if all well next financial year | 07:54 |
cmurphy | frustrating thing about the combined summit/ptg is now ptg attendance is tied to cfp acceptance again :( | 07:54 |
diablo_rojo | cmurphy :/ | 07:55 |
gmann | yeah | 07:55 |
tonyb | cmurphy: yeah it's all so confusing | 07:55 |
gmann | tonyb: current time will be like 1 AM for me. | 07:56 |
tonyb | gmann: Yeah | 07:56 |
* mattoliverau hears alot of crying, he may need to go save his better half soon. | 07:56 | |
tonyb | I guess as of March'ish we'll need to move the meeting | 07:56 |
tonyb | which I'm sure will be good for diablo_rojo and cmurphy ;P | 07:57 |
cmurphy | i'll be moving to the US beginning of April so maybe would be good to re-doodle this meeting soonish | 07:57 |
diablo_rojo | Won't need to account for Europe anymore so we can focus on US + AUS | 07:57 |
gmann | cmurphy: +1 | 07:57 |
mattoliverau | +1 | 07:57 |
tonyb | cool | 07:57 |
mattoliverau | good for me as it'll be out of baby + toddler bed rutuine and craziness :) | 07:58 |
gmann | +1 | 07:58 |
gmann | let's wait till april once cmurphy is moved to USA ? | 07:58 |
mattoliverau | only about a minute to go | 07:58 |
gmann | yeah. let's discuss it over next meeting. | 07:59 |
tonyb | okay | 07:59 |
cmurphy | gmann: we could do it sooner, sounds like either way one of us will miss a couple of meetings | 07:59 |
gmann | thanks all for joining. have good day/night. | 07:59 |
gmann | cmurphy: yeah | 07:59 |
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mattoliverau | thanks gmann for charing | 07:59 |
gmann | #endmeeting | 07:59 |
diablo_rojo | Thanks gmann | 07:59 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Feb 13 07:59:49 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 07:59 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fc_sig/2019/fc_sig.2019-02-13-07.00.html | 07:59 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fc_sig/2019/fc_sig.2019-02-13-07.00.txt | 07:59 |
cmurphy | thanks gmann | 07:59 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fc_sig/2019/fc_sig.2019-02-13-07.00.log.html | 07:59 |
* mattoliverau gotta go o/ | 07:59 | |
tonyb | mattoliverau: see you on Saturday! (I hope) | 08:02 |
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oneswig | #startmeeting scientific-sig | 11:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Feb 13 11:00:12 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is oneswig. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 11:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 11:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'scientific_sig' | 11:00 |
b1airo | evening | 11:00 |
oneswig | Greetings Earthlings | 11:00 |
oneswig | #chair b1airo | 11:00 |
openstack | Current chairs: b1airo oneswig | 11:00 |
janders | good evening | 11:00 |
oneswig | #link Agenda for today https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Scientific_SIG#IRC_Meeting_February_13th_2019 | 11:00 |
b1airo | hmm, never noticed the info command before, what does that do...? | 11:00 |
oneswig | Hi janders | 11:00 |
b1airo | #info | 11:01 |
b1airo | #help | 11:01 |
b1airo | #help info | 11:01 |
* oneswig wonders what that big red button does | 11:01 | |
janders | boom! | 11:01 |
janders | great balls of fire | 11:01 |
b1airo | push it! push it! | 11:01 |
oneswig | ha. Kids must have coloured in the light switch again :-) | 11:01 |
b1airo | yes, i subscribe to the "don't ask for permission..." doctrine | 11:02 |
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b1airo | i think there's something about maybe apologising afterwards | 11:02 |
oneswig | A good mantra, except possibly when driving. | 11:02 |
janders | or handling nukes | 11:03 |
oneswig | so true! | 11:03 |
b1airo | my nana had a "vertical takeoff" button in one of her cars i remember quite clearly. had disappointing results, i.e., nothing | 11:03 |
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oneswig | Over here we had a research computing cloud conference yesterday, was a good session as usual | 11:04 |
janders | a friend had a star trek voice in his GPS. Instead of "arriving at destination" it had "initiate docking sequence" | 11:04 |
b1airo | heh, nerd status plus | 11:04 |
oneswig | janders: So impressive, except possibly when going on a first date. | 11:04 |
verdurin | Morning. | 11:04 |
oneswig | Hi verdurin, morning | 11:05 |
oneswig | Good work yesterday | 11:05 |
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verdurin | Yes, I thought it was a good day. | 11:05 |
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oneswig | Me too. We should perhaps compare notes in AOB. | 11:05 |
janders | regarding research computing & cloud - does AlaSKA ingest data straight from Telescope/FPGAs? | 11:06 |
b1airo | sounds intriguing | 11:06 |
janders | (was chatting to Radioastronomy guys this arvo) | 11:06 |
oneswig | janders: only simulated ones. | 11:06 |
janders | I was wondering if radioastronomy is a good use case for dual-interconnect bare-metal clouds | 11:06 |
janders | (ingest via 100GE/ROCE, write to IB parallel FS) | 11:07 |
oneswig | We generate artificial streams of UDP data ("SPEAD" packets) due to our lack of actual telescope | 11:07 |
oneswig | janders: exactly so. | 11:07 |
b1airo | it's all just white noise anyway, amirite? | 11:07 |
* b1airo ducks | 11:07 | |
oneswig | b1airo: the noise is far, far louder than the signal | 11:08 |
oneswig | There was that famous snowflake analogy | 11:08 |
janders | I will see if we can find some common ground.. I think they might really need some kit in the middle of WA desert - which might be doable but not sure how popular with the execs | 11:08 |
oneswig | https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/865839-the-total-amount-of-energy-from-outside-the-solar-system | 11:08 |
janders | edge computing is a hot topic and 1Tbps links are rather expensive | 11:08 |
janders | no snowflakes in Western Australia, I don't think | 11:09 |
oneswig | janders: kit in the desert is a desperate measure, not to be taken lightly, from what I've heard. | 11:10 |
ildikov | edge computing is indeed a hot topic, I'm happy to learn if you have a use case :) | 11:10 |
oneswig | Hi ildikov! | 11:10 |
ildikov | oneswig: hi :) | 11:10 |
oneswig | Many, I'd say | 11:10 |
ildikov | I'm just lurking | 11:10 |
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oneswig | Lurk away :-) | 11:10 |
oneswig | Next topic might benefit from some Foundation input | 11:11 |
ildikov | also co-leading the edge working group and we're always hungry for cool new use cases! | 11:11 |
oneswig | #topic OpenStack at ISC | 11:11 |
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack at ISC (Meeting topic: scientific-sig)" | 11:11 | |
janders_ | ildikov: good to know | 11:11 |
b1airo | nothing cool about a containerised data-centre in the middle of Western Australia desert, except the concept and science, obviously | 11:12 |
oneswig | ildikov: perhaps we should set aside a session to discuss edge use cases | 11:12 |
janders_ | +1 | 11:12 |
ildikov | sounds good to me | 11:12 |
b1airo | yeah, seems very relevant for research/science orgs | 11:12 |
ildikov | we have some examples here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Edge_Computing_Group/Use_Cases | 11:12 |
oneswig | OK, there's a BoF opportunity to gather people attending ISC in Frankfurt in June | 11:13 |
oneswig | Deadline next Wednesday (20th February) | 11:13 |
oneswig | It would be good to gather panelists for a BoF proposal | 11:14 |
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janders_ | I don't think it's likely I will make it to the ISC but I can ask around the other teams who's going | 11:14 |
oneswig | We've contacted a couple of people from EOSC and ELIXIR federations, but I think we need 5 or so people to put their names to it. | 11:14 |
ildikov | I support the idea | 11:15 |
oneswig | janders_: please do and if I get a response, mail it due to the tight timing. | 11:15 |
janders_ | I just texted the main suspect | 11:15 |
oneswig | ildikov: great - would you or anyone else from the Foundation be interested in attending? | 11:16 |
oneswig | Frankfurt's practically your back yard :-) | 11:16 |
ildikov | oneswig: do you have a link with info about ISC? | 11:16 |
oneswig | #link https://www.isc-hpc.com/bof-sessions-2019.html | 11:16 |
ildikov | I need to check in with the team before committing, but it's indeed an easy trip | 11:16 |
b1airo | looks to me like a good opportunity to engage potential new community members, and so far as i can tell OpenStack hasn't figured on the programme yet | 11:16 |
oneswig | That's the one | 11:16 |
ildikov | oneswig: I'll get back to you on it this week. Would that work? | 11:17 |
oneswig | b1airo: agreed. It's a good way to find the people on the HPC fringes of our space. | 11:17 |
oneswig | ildikov: yes, that would be great. | 11:17 |
oneswig | b1airo: Are you going on behalf of NESI? | 11:17 |
ildikov | oneswig: cool, will let you know as soon as I can | 11:18 |
b1airo | i will if we run this | 11:18 |
oneswig | fantastic. | 11:18 |
oneswig | I'll ask DK if he's going to be there, he usually has plenty of interesting things to talk about. | 11:19 |
b1airo | until someone blocks my expense account anyway... | 11:19 |
b1airo | DK Panda? | 11:19 |
oneswig | b1airo: I assume that's what happened last time? :-P | 11:19 |
oneswig | b1airo: yes | 11:19 |
b1airo | he ran a BoF last year, so seems likely he'll be proposing same again: https://2018.isc-program.com/presentation/?id=bof126&sess=sess186 | 11:20 |
b1airo | ha, just noticed Christian Kniep was on that one too. bit of a small world this isn't it.. | 11:21 |
oneswig | That's the one, I think you're right about the small world. | 11:21 |
oneswig | We should try to broaden it :-) | 11:22 |
b1airo | +1 | 11:22 |
oneswig | If anyone else here is interested in participating, or could suggest someone to invite, please let me know | 11:22 |
oneswig | I'll put together some wording based on the SC BoF proposal. | 11:23 |
oneswig | Any more to add? | 11:23 |
b1airo | was just about to say the same thing, actually just digging for the last SC one now... | 11:23 |
oneswig | Thanks b1airo | 11:25 |
oneswig | #topic Update on Summit/Forum/PTG | 11:25 |
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oneswig | Martial has booked us a half-day session at the PTG. Not sure which day but towards the end of the week. | 11:26 |
oneswig | I'm hoping for Thursday (I need to head home Thursday night...) | 11:26 |
oneswig | We'll apply for the usual format of meeting + BoF/lightning talks as well. | 11:27 |
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oneswig | I don't think there was anything to add on that update for now. | 11:28 |
janders_ | sounds good! | 11:29 |
oneswig | #topic Manila + GPFS user experiences | 11:29 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Manila + GPFS user experiences (Meeting topic: scientific-sig)" | 11:29 | |
oneswig | So I found somebody who has tried the Manila driver for GPFS | 11:29 |
oneswig | And had a few minutes discussion with them about it. | 11:29 |
* b1airo grabs popcorn | 11:30 | |
oneswig | #link This report makes a fairly neutral reference to it https://cloud.ac.uk/reports/spectrumscale/ | 11:30 |
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oneswig | The people who wrote it are a team from Birmingham University in the UK (Simon and Radoslaw) | 11:30 |
oneswig | They did an evaluation on Manila + GPFS about 18 months ago | 11:31 |
janders_ | great find, thank you | 11:31 |
oneswig | Their conclusion was that the plugin doesn't add much value. It had some limitations, in particular requiring flat networking. | 11:32 |
b1airo | ah yes, i now remember speaking to Simon (presumably at a Summit) | 11:32 |
verdurin | Yes, as I recall the verdict was not all that positive. | 11:32 |
oneswig | The model of re-exporting NFS via Ganesha is not the most efficient. Simon referred to 3 tiers of memory buffering to tune and balance - Ganesha, GPFS, kernel buffer cache. He thought there might be more promise in automating the management of CES (Cluster Export Services) within GPFS to achieve a similar effect. | 11:33 |
janders_ | I haven't used Manila in my GPFS days, so this sounds possible (and insane) | 11:34 |
janders_ | flat networking requirement.. | 11:34 |
oneswig | Although he was wondering if multiple instances of CES (one per tenancy) would work from a single GPFS instance | 11:34 |
janders_ | sigh sounds like there isn't many options for RDMA storage for OpenStack :( | 11:34 |
oneswig | Radoslaw pointed out the documentation has not updated since 2017 (think we spotted that last time). It does seem like this driver is in maintenance mode at best. Simon mentioned he thought the team at IBM were working on other projects and not giving it attention. | 11:35 |
oneswig | I guess the choice for it would be to take on refreshing the driver and adding the features desired - or do something outside of OpenStack's purview. | 11:36 |
janders_ | ..and to add to this, I heard goss that IBM are pulling out from OpenStack/GPFS work to focus on k8s integration | 11:36 |
verdurin | Yes, agree with that impression from IBM. | 11:36 |
janders_ | given OpenStack and K8S are quite tightly coupled at times, it's an interesting statement | 11:37 |
b1airo | would CES be the only path to multi-tenancy, i.e., secure sub-tree isolated exports/mounts ? | 11:37 |
oneswig | b1airo: I don't know enough about GPFS to answer that but why don't I put you in touch with the horses mouth (so to speak). | 11:37 |
verdurin | b1airo: there's a reason we're now looking at Lustre to complement our GPFS. | 11:38 |
oneswig | I didn't think to ask if they knew of anyone else who has tried this driver. | 11:39 |
b1airo | fair enough verdurin . having to manage it via lnet seems a bit icky to me though | 11:39 |
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b1airo | thanks oneswig | 11:40 |
verdurin | b1airo: there's no ick-free approach, sadly. | 11:40 |
janders_ | +1 :( | 11:40 |
oneswig | no problem, a shame not to find a live user though | 11:40 |
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oneswig | OK, thats all I had on it. | 11:40 |
oneswig | #topic AOB | 11:41 |
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oneswig | That Docker vulnerability. | 11:41 |
oneswig | #link https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/02/11/docker_container_flaw/ | 11:42 |
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oneswig | It's not quite as straightforward as writing to /proc/self/exec - there's some kind of race condition loophole that must be exploited, it seems | 11:43 |
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oneswig | One of our team was doing a demo of Magnum on bare metal yesterday. It was exciting enough as it was but I haven't seen if there are patched Magnum root images available yet. | 11:45 |
oneswig | verdurin: what was your impression of the day yesterday? | 11:46 |
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b1airo | on that note, can you configure Magnum to dedicate a host to only one pod? | 11:46 |
oneswig | b1airo: will ask | 11:47 |
verdurin | oneswig: as Phil said, it's good to see the talks evolving to what you might call a higher-level view | 11:47 |
verdurin | Was impressed with the demos in the session I chaired. | 11:48 |
oneswig | me too, there were some useful things emerging. And entirely new ways of deploying Slurm in the cloud as well :-) | 11:49 |
oneswig | There did seem to be a lot more attention from public clouds to meeting HPC requirements. | 11:50 |
verdurin | Yes, more depth in their approach than before. | 11:51 |
b1airo | which were those? | 11:51 |
janders_ | new ways of deploying Slurm... what's the best example or two? | 11:51 |
janders_ | always interesting to hear | 11:52 |
oneswig | #link this was one - Terraform for Oracle cloud https://cluster-in-the-cloud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ | 11:52 |
janders_ | terraform - nice! :) | 11:53 |
oneswig | The interesting piece of this work was scheduling different job steps to different resource classes (eg, GPU, high memory). One possible flaw was that nodes were provisioned specifically to run each job. | 11:54 |
oneswig | janders_: I wanted to ask, why the project is limited to one cloud, and whether it's possible to write portable Terraform. | 11:55 |
oneswig | Be good to hear a data point on that from someone with extensive experience of trying | 11:55 |
janders_ | indeed! :) | 11:55 |
verdurin | oneswig: yes, my impression is that running Terraform across multiple clouds isn't as straightoforward as you would hope | 11:56 |
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oneswig | Perhaps I'll find the presenter and ask him. | 11:58 |
b1airo | the job step mapping thing sounds like documentation we need on our systems | 11:58 |
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b1airo | other commercials there? | 11:58 |
oneswig | Google and Azure, don't think I saw anyone from AWS | 11:59 |
oneswig | OK we are nearly out of time, any more? | 11:59 |
oneswig | time at the bar - thanks everyone | 12:00 |
oneswig | #endmeeting | 12:00 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Feb 13 12:00:12 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 12:00 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2019/scientific_sig.2019-02-13-11.00.html | 12:00 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2019/scientific_sig.2019-02-13-11.00.txt | 12:00 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_sig/2019/scientific_sig.2019-02-13-11.00.log.html | 12:00 |
b1airo | cheers all | 12:00 |
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verdurin | Bye | 12:02 |
verdurin | There was an AWS person present, who had to leave early. | 12:03 |
b1airo | i think i missed what the event actually was? | 12:03 |
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verdurin | https://cloud.ac.uk/workshops/feb2019/ | 12:04 |
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oneswig | b1airo: this was it https://cloud.ac.uk/workshops/feb2019/ | 12:05 |
b1airo | looks like it was a nice agenda - would've been hard to pick tracks | 12:07 |
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jungleboyj | #startmeeting Cinder | 16:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Feb 13 16:00:39 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jungleboyj. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 16:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' | 16:00 |
whoami-rajat | Hi | 16:00 |
yikun | hello | 16:00 |
jungleboyj | courtesty ping jungleboyj diablo_rojo, diablo_rojo_phon, rajinir tbarron xyang xyang1 e0ne gouthamr thingee erlon tpsilva ganso patrickeast tommylikehu eharney geguileo smcginnis lhx_ lhx__ aspiers jgriffith moshele hwalsh felipemonteiro lpetrut lseki _alastor_ whoami-rajat yikun rosmaita enriquetaso hemna _hemna | 16:00 |
rosmaita | o/ | 16:01 |
eharney | hi | 16:01 |
rajinir | o/ | 16:01 |
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enriquetaso | o/ | 16:01 |
smcginnis | o/ | 16:01 |
xyang | hi | 16:01 |
ganso | hi | 16:02 |
erlon | hola! | 16:02 |
jungleboyj | @! | 16:02 |
carlos_silva | hi | 16:02 |
_pewp_ | jungleboyj \( ・_・) | 16:02 |
lseki | hello | 16:02 |
e0ne_ | hi | 16:03 |
jungleboyj | Nice. Have a good number of people showing up. | 16:03 |
jungleboyj | Ok. Lets get started then. | 16:03 |
jungleboyj | #topic announcements | 16:04 |
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jungleboyj | We had a great mid-cycle last week. | 16:04 |
jungleboyj | It was a small team on site and had some good remote participation. | 16:05 |
jungleboyj | Thank you to all who participated. | 16:05 |
jungleboyj | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-stein-mid-cycle-planning | 16:05 |
jungleboyj | Notes from the event are available above. | 16:05 |
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jungleboyj | I will work on doing the usual summary out in our Wiki for future reference. | 16:05 |
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jungleboyj | If you are a vendor, please take some time to look through the notes as there were topics that will impact all of you in there. | 16:06 |
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jungleboyj | And from the past to the future. | 16:07 |
jungleboyj | Our participation at Denver PTG has been confirmed. | 16:08 |
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enriquetaso | \o/ | 16:08 |
jungleboyj | I hope that we will have a good group there again. | 16:08 |
jungleboyj | How many are hoping to be there? | 16:08 |
smcginnis | I'll be there. | 16:08 |
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jungleboyj | :-) | 16:09 |
rosmaita | me too | 16:09 |
e0ne_ | I hope, I'll be there | 16:09 |
jungleboyj | rosmaita: Awesome. | 16:09 |
enriquetaso | I'll be there too | 16:09 |
jungleboyj | e0ne_: Good. That will be good. Appreciate all your efforts to make the mid-cycle remotely. | 16:09 |
jungleboyj | enriquetaso: Awesome. Will be good to meet you. | 16:09 |
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e0ne_ | jungleboyj: thanks for organizing it! | 16:10 |
jungleboyj | e0ne_: Welcome. I am glad it went smoother than the last one I organized. ;-) | 16:10 |
smcginnis | hah | 16:10 |
jungleboyj | Though smcginnis initially scared me trying to get on the wifi. Thankfully it was PEBKAC | 16:11 |
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smcginnis | Or poor user interface design. :P | 16:11 |
jungleboyj | Anyway, hope to see many of you in Denver. Please try to plan for it. | 16:11 |
jungleboyj | smcginnis: It made sense to me. ;-) | 16:11 |
jungleboyj | Ok, that was all I had for announcements. | 16:12 |
jungleboyj | #topic Change in multi-attach test enablement may cause 3rd Party CIs to fail | 16:12 |
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jungleboyj | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/002536.html | 16:12 |
jungleboyj | mriedem: Sent this out to the mailing list and mentioned it on our IRC channel. Just wanted to make one last note of it. | 16:13 |
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jungleboyj | If you own a CI, please make sure that it is not failing due to the changes in the multi-attach tests. | 16:13 |
jungleboyj | I haven't had a chance to go through and audit who all is hit by this. Will be trying to do that soon though. | 16:13 |
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jungleboyj | So, please take time to make sure you are not impacted. | 16:14 |
jungleboyj | Also, a general note that we are going to be going through and taking a look at CIs and how they are running in the last part of Stein here. So, be aware. :-) | 16:15 |
jungleboyj | #topic Planning for Train Mid-Cycle | 16:15 |
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jungleboyj | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-train-mid-cycle-planning | 16:15 |
jungleboyj | So, we decided at the mid-cycle to just start planning the next one. It was productive as the previous ones had been. | 16:16 |
smcginnis | For those that were not able to participate in this last one - I found it very productive and we were able to make a lot of decisions and work through things. | 16:16 |
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jungleboyj | We are hoping that if we start planning early people will be more likely to be able to attend. | 16:16 |
smcginnis | Hopefully this is enough time to make an argument to your management to be able to be a part of the next one. | 16:16 |
smcginnis | The more people we have involved, the better. | 16:16 |
jungleboyj | smcginnis: ++ | 16:16 |
jungleboyj | We have proposed a number of dates in the etherpad. If you are available for the dates and would like to come, please indicate your availability. | 16:17 |
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jungleboyj | You don't have to have approval, just want to try to schedule it when the most people are likely to be available. | 16:17 |
jungleboyj | Lenovo is willing to host again as it worked quite well, but if others are interested in hosting, that is ok as well. | 16:18 |
jungleboyj | Don't need all the details now but would like to do some initial planning. | 16:18 |
* e0ne_ wants mid-cycle/ptg in Europe | 16:20 | |
jungleboyj | e0ne_: Want to host? :-) | 16:20 |
e0ne_ | :) | 16:20 |
jungleboyj | We also talked about when in the week it was scheduled. It sounds like some people would prefer to have it at the beginning or end of the week, rather than the middle. | 16:20 |
jungleboyj | We are open to changing things there. | 16:21 |
jungleboyj | e0ne_ did us being on the east coast of the USA time wize at least make things a little better? | 16:22 |
e0ne_ | jungleboyj: absolutely | 16:22 |
jungleboyj | Ok. Good. | 16:22 |
jungleboyj | smcginnis: or rosmaita Anything to add there? | 16:22 |
smcginnis | Nope | 16:23 |
e0ne_ | jungleboyj: I'm going read mid-cycle this week, maybe I'll add few comments | 16:23 |
jungleboyj | e0ne_: Great. Thank you! | 16:24 |
jungleboyj | Ok. So, that was all I had on the agenda for today. | 16:25 |
jungleboyj | #topic Open Discussion | 16:25 |
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rosmaita | just thanks to Lenovo for great hosting | 16:25 |
jungleboyj | rosmaita: Welcome. I am really glad it worked so well. | 16:25 |
smcginnis | Yes, thanks! | 16:25 |
smcginnis | jungleboyj: Hope you got some good work time out there too. | 16:26 |
jungleboyj | whoami-rajat: How was the remote connection? | 16:26 |
jungleboyj | Were you able to follow pretty well? | 16:26 |
whoami-rajat | jungleboyj: Yes. it was great. Thanks for hosting. | 16:26 |
jungleboyj | Good. I feel like we are getting better at the remote hosting. | 16:26 |
smcginnis | Thanks everyone that attended remotely. I know sometimes that can be difficult. | 16:26 |
enriquetaso | +1 | 16:26 |
jungleboyj | Though next time it would be good to try Zoom or something. | 16:26 |
jungleboyj | I was thankful we had that PolyCom phone. I think that worked well. | 16:27 |
jungleboyj | enriquetaso: You were able to follow too? | 16:27 |
e0ne_ | sound quality was good this time | 16:27 |
whoami-rajat | jungleboyj: the sound was better than the last PTG. | 16:27 |
jungleboyj | Ok. Cool. | 16:27 |
enriquetaso | jungleboyj, yup | 16:27 |
jungleboyj | That is great. | 16:28 |
jungleboyj | Room was better and we had a PolyCom that works as just a speaker/mic. | 16:28 |
jungleboyj | Anyway, anything else that people want to discuss today? | 16:29 |
whoami-rajat | if i'm not interrupting the open discussion, i would appreciate feedback on this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/627359/ . | 16:29 |
jungleboyj | whoami-rajat: That is what OpenDiscussion is for. :-) | 16:29 |
whoami-rajat | jungleboyj: Thanks :) | 16:30 |
jungleboyj | whoami-rajat: I think eharney needs to see your response there. | 16:30 |
eharney | yeah we were just chatting on #openstack-cinder | 16:30 |
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whoami-rajat | jungleboyj: we had a continuation on the channel. | 16:31 |
eharney | it seems this may be exposing a bug around how we handle shell parameters already | 16:31 |
jungleboyj | Ok. | 16:31 |
eharney | i'm not convinced it's reasonable to have the client throw away arguments like "--all-tenants 0" when they are explicitly requested by the user | 16:31 |
eharney | which is what this patch hinges on, but also what we apparently already do | 16:31 |
smcginnis | --all-tenants 0 means not all tenants, right? | 16:32 |
eharney | yes, but if you request --all-tenants 0 as non-admin, the server rejects the request | 16:32 |
smcginnis | Isn't that the default? So wouldn't it be safe to ignore that? | 16:32 |
eharney | the server should be the one ignoring it -- if we code the client to make that decision, and then do something later in the server like add a policy flag to control this behavior... the client will no longer do the right thing | 16:33 |
whoami-rajat | eharney: also the rejection isn't handled properly (against admin non-admin) | 16:33 |
eharney | or, nobody can ignore it and we can just fail when the caller isn't admin, which is also reasonable | 16:34 |
eharney | the messy part comes in with the current patch where the client decides "this arg probably isn't allowed by the server so i'll just throw it away even though the user requested it" | 16:34 |
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whoami-rajat | it's not only in regard of all-tenant but all boolean parameters that are passed as 0 are rejected. https://github.com/openstack/python-cinderclient/blob/master/cinderclient/base.py#L143-L145 | 16:35 |
jungleboyj | Hmmm, that seems bad. | 16:36 |
smcginnis | I would think as long as it passes when the argument is 1, then that should cover policy changes. But if 0 is the default and passing 0 sometimes would cause errors, then it's probably safer to drop it. | 16:36 |
eharney | the fix for the immediate bug here should just be to not pass all-tenants by default | 16:37 |
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eharney | also, why does this problem appear for non-admin on group-list and not other list calls? | 16:38 |
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whoami-rajat | eharney: because the reject_invalid_filters function is only added in groups group_snapshots and messages. | 16:39 |
eharney | hmm | 16:40 |
eharney | so volume list thinks all_tenants=0 is valid for non-admins and group-list doesn't | 16:40 |
whoami-rajat | https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/api/v3/groups.py#L160-L161 | 16:41 |
whoami-rajat | eharney: looking at the code seems to have this behaviour. | 16:41 |
eharney | it kind of sounds like we should establish a consistent policy around this on the server before worrying about fixing client usability issues around it | 16:42 |
smcginnis | Yeah, looks like we can improve things on the server side. | 16:42 |
smcginnis | We can probably continue this outside the meeting. | 16:42 |
jungleboyj | Sounds good. | 16:43 |
jungleboyj | Any other discussion required today? | 16:44 |
whoami-rajat | eharney: IMO atleast we can have this fixed on the client side as other resources as bugs are being reported for the same. | 16:44 |
jungleboyj | So, doesn't appear that we have other topics for today. | 16:45 |
jungleboyj | Should we wrap up the meeting and whoami-rajat and eharney can take this to the Cinder channel/ | 16:46 |
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rosmaita | jungleboyj: need you to look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636425/ to approve cinderclient release 3.1.1 | 16:46 |
whoami-rajat | jungleboyj: sure | 16:46 |
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jungleboyj | rosmaita: Thanks for updating that. Looks good. | 16:47 |
rosmaita | np | 16:47 |
jungleboyj | Ok. I think we are good for today then. | 16:47 |
jungleboyj | Thanks everyone for attending. | 16:47 |
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smcginnis | Thanks! | 16:47 |
jungleboyj | #endmeeting | 16:47 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Feb 13 16:47:56 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 16:47 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder/2019/cinder.2019-02-13-16.00.html | 16:47 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder/2019/cinder.2019-02-13-16.00.txt | 16:48 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder/2019/cinder.2019-02-13-16.00.log.html | 16:48 |
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fungi | per discussion in #storyboard we're skipping the regular meeting this week, but find us in there if you have anything you want to discuss! | 19:10 |
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notmyname | #startmeeting swift | 21:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Feb 13 21:00:26 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is notmyname. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 21:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 21:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'swift' | 21:00 |
notmyname | who's here for the swift team meeting? | 21:00 |
clayg | o/ | 21:00 |
timburke | o/ | 21:00 |
tdasilva | hi | 21:00 |
kota_ | o/ | 21:00 |
mattoliverau | o/ | 21:00 |
rledisez | o/ | 21:00 |
patchbot | o/ | 21:00 |
kota_ | lol | 21:01 |
notmyname | all right, let's get started | 21:01 |
notmyname | updates from last week... | 21:01 |
notmyname | losf branch has been created. I saw some patches proposed to it | 21:01 |
mattoliverau | nice | 21:02 |
notmyname | I've proposed stable backport changelog updates. I would have landed them, but timburke reminded me to reno-ify them. so I reproprosed with that today. assuming the gate is happy with it, i'll land them in a few hours and put in the tag requests | 21:02 |
zaitcev | And the Go is baaaack. | 21:02 |
notmyname | lol | 21:02 |
notmyname | also, I want to collect all the backport changelog updates (from ever) and aggregate them and propose them to master. TBH I don't know yet what structure they'll take (eg at the top or inline), but it makes sense to me to have all the changelog updates on master | 21:03 |
notmyname | any other updates from last week? | 21:03 |
notmyname | timburke: you were just looking at some libec/pyeclib stuff | 21:04 |
notmyname | can you give an update? | 21:04 |
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timburke | yup... i was trying to do some weird things, installing libec just for my user instead of the whole system, so i proposed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636501/ | 21:05 |
patchbot | patch 636501 - pyeclib - Try harder to find liberasurecode - 6 patch sets | 21:05 |
timburke | which led me to realize that pyeclib gate was broken | 21:05 |
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timburke | but tdasilva already landed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636668/ so we're good! | 21:05 |
patchbot | patch 636668 - pyeclib - Fix gate (MERGED) - 3 patch sets | 21:05 |
clayg | yay! | 21:06 |
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clayg | wtg timburke & tdasilva - libec masters! | 21:06 |
timburke | i was hoping that my LD_LIBRARY_PATH change would address https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyeclib/+bug/1780320 as a drive-by | 21:06 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1780320 in PyECLib "If find_library('erasurecode') in setup.py does not return a library version, try to append it " [Undecided,New] | 21:06 |
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timburke | but it didn't. so now i kinda want to bump up our minimum-supported libec to 1.4.0 (released back in ocata, i think?) and do https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636748/ | 21:07 |
patchbot | patch 636748 - pyeclib - Use liberasurecode_get_version() - 1 patch set | 21:07 |
notmyname | I think it's totally reasonable to bump the min version supported | 21:07 |
notmyname | anyone else have strong feelings on that? | 21:08 |
timburke | it would mean you can't use xenial system packages for libec though | 21:08 |
kota_ | that means we throw the binary supports in xenial? | 21:08 |
mattoliverau | +1 and theres a bug we can use as a reason | 21:08 |
notmyname | timburke: yeah, that's an issue. why does it break? | 21:09 |
* mattoliverau +1 was to raise the minimum. /me doesnt use ubuntu anymore :P | 21:09 | |
timburke | i think i might be able to make it work without it... the more i think about it, some combination of my patch and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/580754/ seems reasonable -- we don't have a libec2 yet, so... | 21:09 |
patchbot | patch 580754 - pyeclib - Adds support for systems that report library witho... - 1 patch set | 21:09 |
timburke | notmyname: xenial ships 1.1.0 | 21:09 |
timburke | see https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/liberasurecode1 | 21:09 |
notmyname | that's demonstrably terrible. | 21:09 |
timburke | bionic's better: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/liberasurecode1 | 21:10 |
notmyname | maybe we should figure out how to get xenial to update to a newer version | 21:10 |
* kota_ knows it's terrible tho | 21:10 | |
notmyname | I sortof doubt the version of swift in xenial supports <1.3.1 | 21:10 |
clayg | well, hopefully if xenial uprevs their pyeclib they uprev their libec to a supported version | 21:10 |
timburke | notmyname: almost certainly a good idea -- 1.3.1 would be the bare minimum of what they should even think about shipping | 21:11 |
zaitcev | If you're going to tag 1.7, don't forget https://review.openstack.org/636556 | 21:11 |
patchbot | patch 636556 - liberasurecode - Make our alt crc32 more portable - 1 patch set | 21:11 |
clayg | and if you install the latest pyeclib on your xenial maybe you can figure out how to build a new enough libec | 21:11 |
clayg | like ... use packages or don't | 21:11 |
clayg | oh yeah that crc thing was a mess | 21:11 |
clayg | is? | 21:12 |
notmyname | ok, so to sum up it sounds like we want to raise the supported version, but we should probably check with whoever maintains that ubuntu package to see how to get it updated too | 21:12 |
timburke | oh yeah, and while we're talking libec, vr42 pushed up p 635603 p 635604 and p 635605 ! | 21:12 |
patchbot | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/635603/ - liberasurecode - fix: data access when having non-zero metadata size - 1 patch set | 21:12 |
patchbot | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/635604/ - liberasurecode - fix: proper support of more than 32 fragments - 1 patch set | 21:12 |
patchbot | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/635605/ - liberasurecode - feature: quadiron backend and tests - 1 patch set | 21:12 |
notmyname | nice | 21:12 |
notmyname | that's really good to hear | 21:12 |
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kota_ | oh, that's new thing proposed at the last meeting | 21:13 |
notmyname | timburke: between you and me, let's work on getting libec/pyeclib patches updated on the priority reviews page | 21:13 |
timburke | zaitcev: i'mmm....gonna have to think about that.... | 21:13 |
notmyname | sounds like there's a bit of work to do that is bigger than a short conversation here plus 30 minutes in gerrit | 21:14 |
timburke | i really really wanna just cordon off that busted alt-crc and never have to think about it again | 21:14 |
timburke | it was horribly broken and i worry that any attempt to make it not-horribly-broken is missing the point of why we kept it around | 21:15 |
clayg | i'm not sure id' seen that phrase before... "cordon off" - sounds like quarantine or sequester... | 21:15 |
zaitcev | No, you don't get it. On s390 it was NOT horribly broken. This patch DOES make it horribly broken, so that our tests pass. | 21:16 |
timburke | yeah, maybe "quarantine" would be better. w/e | 21:16 |
notmyname | timburke: sound good to you? ie you and I track it on the wiki and that way we can track it a little better without it slipping through the cracks? | 21:16 |
timburke | lol | 21:16 |
notmyname | anything else to bring up from anyone? any updates from last week or other stuff going on? | 21:17 |
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notmyname | rledisez: kota_: anythign to bring up about losf? | 21:19 |
kota_ | I started work on losf feature branch, just pushed alex's github version. | 21:20 |
rledisez | notmyname: not from my side. alecuyer is off this week and i'll be off next week, so not a lot of movements these days | 21:20 |
notmyname | everyone, please remember to register for the PTG in denver asap | 21:21 |
zaitcev | I did | 21:21 |
kota_ | but it seems like, we need to fix some tests and it's the thing alex worried about, that would be affected by design. | 21:21 |
notmyname | you should have an email with a discount code in it | 21:21 |
zaitcev | BTW, can you guys review py3 stuff | 21:21 |
zaitcev | There's like no time left | 21:21 |
notmyname | zaitcev: thanks for bringing that up | 21:21 |
kota_ | so that I should take a review on design docs too to fix up. | 21:21 |
notmyname | zaitcev: what is your timeframe. the only one I've heard is the openstack one of "end of T" | 21:21 |
clayg | discount code? | 21:21 |
zaitcev | https://review.openstack.org/570320 this is most annoying | 21:22 |
patchbot | patch 570320 - swift - py3: port the container sharder - 14 patch sets | 21:22 |
kota_ | oh yeah, i should register ptg, just got internal approval yesteday. | 21:22 |
notmyname | mattoliverau: were you going to look into that sharder py3 patch? | 21:22 |
notmyname | zaitcev: what do you mean "there's no time left"? | 21:22 |
* mattoliverau still hasn't got a approval to go yet | 21:22 | |
zaitcev | It started like "oh, I'm just gonna fix up some sharder CLI real quick", and it turned out that container everything depends on this, and in addition it touches py2 | 21:22 |
mattoliverau | notmyname: that was the plan | 21:22 |
clayg | oh indeed, i have a discount | 21:23 |
clayg | GTK | 21:23 |
mattoliverau | sorry I've been at sleep school with the baby (friday - Tuesday). I had my laptop but not really very productive (work wise). so now playing catch up | 21:23 |
zaitcev | notmyname: we have 39% of tests passing right now and we've been on it since November if not earlier. Even if we ship in late April, there's NO WAY to get there in time. | 21:23 |
mattoliverau | babies are aawesome :P | 21:23 |
zaitcev | November, December, January - that's 3 months. February, March, April - seriously we're underperforming. And don't forget that once unit tests are done, we have to do some kind of function and migration tests. | 21:24 |
notmyname | zaitcev: ok, but what's the april date? the only official date I've heard from anyone is "end of T" which will be towards the end of this calendar year | 21:24 |
zaitcev | Oh | 21:25 |
zaitcev | RH OSP 14 is based on Stein | 21:25 |
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notmyname | I'm sure distros have some date in mind, but I just don't think it's ever been shared outside their respective companies | 21:25 |
zaitcev | The Stein is the release that comes on top of RHEL 8 for us | 21:27 |
notmyname | ok | 21:28 |
zaitcev | My problem is, RHEL 8 does not have py2 in the core, therefore other core products like OpenStack cannot depend on it (else they pull in the extra distro with py2). | 21:28 |
clayg | RHEL 8 - best RHEL EVAR - IBMEL even | 21:28 |
zaitcev | If we bump Swift out, whole OpenStack comes crashing down because our Heat-based director uses it :-) | 21:28 |
kota_ | lol | 21:28 |
notmyname | sounds like some explicit tracking of the py3 work would be warranted. I'll add that to priority reviews too. (but after I do, please update or clarify anything I miss or get wrong) | 21:29 |
clayg | why is everything so hard... sigh | 21:29 |
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notmyname | zaitcev: I think the work you've done for py3 in swift is both admirable and impressive | 21:30 |
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notmyname | my gut reaction is one of frustration at distros in general though. everyone is wanting a thing, yet zaitcev is the *only* one who's been asked to work on it. but, you know, "open source" so I'm sure it will get done... | 21:31 |
zaitcev | Cyril was helping, but he has work in Glance | 21:31 |
zaitcev | Christian has gone manager | 21:31 |
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* clayg pours one out | 21:32 | |
notmyname | yeah. I'm not blaming anyone or second-guessing work that's been done. just venting about it. | 21:32 |
notmyname | anyway, we'll keep working, as a team. we'll bug our respective managers to prioritize py3 work (that's the real issue, TBH). and it'll be done when it's done. hopefully sooner than later | 21:33 |
clayg | zaitcev is great - I'm kinda almost a little bit sort of kinda starting to think maybe it would be less annoying if swift supported py3 | 21:33 |
notmyname | clayg: whoa... hold on. such strong feelings there ;-) | 21:33 |
notmyname | buuut... we won't get anything done about it by complaining in here | 21:34 |
notmyname | anything else that someone would like to bring up here in this meeting? | 21:34 |
clayg | how long after we support py3 can we drop py2 support? | 21:34 |
clayg | like... immediately? | 21:34 |
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notmyname | clayg: likely very very soon, seeing as the py community deadline is soon too | 21:35 |
timburke | well, we aren't going to be able to drop py2 *before* we support py3, so... | 21:35 |
clayg | as long as `swift-init restart` works right? | 21:35 |
clayg | timburke: stick hasn't worked - so maybe the carrot? | 21:35 |
timburke | idk, i just keep seeing bigger and bigger sticks :-/ | 21:36 |
clayg | ROFL | 21:36 |
* clayg hugs timburke | 21:36 | |
notmyname | I think we've covered everything this week | 21:37 |
notmyname | thanks for coming, and thank you for your work on Swift | 21:37 |
notmyname | #endmeeting | 21:37 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Feb 13 21:37:32 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 21:37 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/swift/2019/swift.2019-02-13-21.00.html | 21:37 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/swift/2019/swift.2019-02-13-21.00.txt | 21:37 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/swift/2019/swift.2019-02-13-21.00.log.html | 21:37 |
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