Tuesday, 2017-06-06

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hongbin#startmeeting zun03:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 03:00:02 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hongbin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.03:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.03:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'zun'03:00
hongbin#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zun#Agenda_for_2017-06-06_0300_UTC Today's agenda03:00
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hongbin#topic Roll Call03:00
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hongbinthanks for joining hte meeting lakerzhou2 Shunli Namrata mkrai shubhams kevinz03:01
hongbinlet's get started03:01
hongbin#topic Announcements03:01
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hongbinanyone has an announcement?03:01
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hongbinseems no03:01
hongbin#topic Cinder integration03:02
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hongbin#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zun/+spec/direct-cinder-integration Direct Cinder integration03:02
hongbin#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zun/+spec/cinder-zun-integration Cinder integration via Fuxi03:02
hongbinfor this topic, i proposed to have two drivers for handling volumes03:02
hongbin1. cinder, 2. fuxi03:02
hongbinthere is a review up for that: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/468658/03:03
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hongbinhi diga03:03
digahongbin: Hello03:03
hongbincomments on this topic?03:03
digahongbin: I will push the latest patch today by incorporating given comments03:04
hongbindiga: ack03:04
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digahongbin: If i need any help in gate passing, will ping you03:05
hongbindiga: ok03:05
digahongbin: that's it from my side03:05
hongbinok, everyone, you could spend your time to review hte spec after th e meeting03:05
hongbinand provide your feedback on the review03:05
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kevinzOK I will review this03:06
hongbin#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/468658/03:06
hongbinkevinz: thank you03:06
hongbinok, next topic03:06
hongbin#topic Introduce container composition (kevinz)03:06
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hongbinkevinz: want to drive this one?03:06
kevinzhongbin: sure03:06
kevinzI have one topic to discuss. That's from the comment of lakerzhou in the spec03:07
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kevinzWe have : CPU and memory limits: Given that host resource allocation, cpu and memory limitation03:07
kevinz  support will be implemented.03:07
kevinzLakerzhou has a comments : With the limits, the CPU/RAM usage of the capsule will never beyond the number, but do we have any grantee that how much resources allocated to a capsule? Should we use resources instead of limits here?03:08
hongbinlakerzhou2: could you clarify " Should we use resources instead of limits here?"03:09
hongbinfor the first question, i think filter scheduler will ensure the amount of resources allocated to a container/capsule03:10
lakerzhou2I think limits meaning the containers will take less resource than the limit03:10
hongbinthat is true03:10
lakerzhou2but in fact, resources is what the containers require from the host03:11
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mkraiLimit is on the resource. Right?03:11
hongbinlakerzhou2: but the scheduler will schedule containers based on resources on the host?03:11
mkraiI don't get the correlation here03:11
lakerzhou2yes, why use limits, does that mean container might take less resources?03:12
lakerzhou2for example, if a container requires 2 vcpus, scheduler should assign 2 vcpus03:13
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hongbini see03:13
kevinzlakerzhou2: Per my understanding, you mean we should add a field to control the "at least" resources for container?03:14
lakerzhou2no, I don't see a reason to use "limits"03:14
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lakerzhou2resources: vcpus: 2, ram: 3G03:15
hongbinperhaps just remove the "limits" from the naming, call it cpu/memory03:15
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lakerzhou2that is what I meant03:16
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hongbinyes, i am fine with that03:16
kevinzhongbin: I thinks it's fine, we can remove03:16
hongbinkevinz: ok03:16
hongbinany opposing point of view on this?03:17
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hongbinlakerzhou2: i think this is a good suggestion. thanks lakerzhou203:18
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hongbinkevinz: anything else about this topic?03:18
kevinzhongbin: No, that's all from me03:19
hongbinkevinz: ok, hope you get enough feedback to get started03:19
hongbinkevinz: thanks for driving this effort :)03:20
kevinzhongbin: thx hongbin, my pleasure:-)03:20
hongbinnext topic03:20
hongbin#topic Add Zun Resources to Heat03:20
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hongbin#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/heat-plugin-zun03:20
hongbinNamrata: you want to chair this topic?03:20
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NamrataYeah sure03:20
NamrataI have updated the patch03:21
Namratathere are some more comments which I will incorporate03:21
hongbini think the patch looks pretty close to merge03:22
Namrataand as discussed in earlier meeting I am also working on the heat doc for zun03:22
NamrataHongbin : Yes03:22
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NamrataThat's it03:23
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hongbinNamrata: thanks Namrata03:23
Namratathanks hongbin03:23
hongbinall, any comment on this topic?03:23
hongbinseems no03:24
hongbin#topic Others03:24
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hongbin#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zun/+spec/make-sandbox-optional Make infra container optional03:24
hongbini wanted to bring up this one to see if you think this is a good idea/bad idea03:24
hongbina brief introduction03:25
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hongbinthe concept of sandbox, which is an infra container, is used to present the container that doesn't do anything but just provide the infra03:26
hongbini.e. kubernetes/pause03:26
hongbinthere are feedback to suggest to make it optional when we don't need it03:26
mkraiThis  is a good idea, I got feedback from Intel's clear container team as well03:26
hongbinmkrai: ack03:27
lakerzhou2I vote for making it optional03:27
hongbinlakerzhou2: ack03:27
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hongbinany opposing point of view?03:27
hongbinok, if this is optional, we can remove it on naitive docker driver03:28
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hongbinthis is needed for capsule and nova driver only i guess03:28
kevinzhongbin: yeah, make it optional is OK03:29
hongbinkevinz: ack03:29
hongbinok, seems everyone agree on this proposal03:29
hongbin#agreed make snadbox optional for drivers that are not needed03:30
hongbinbtw, pls feel free to take that bp if you interest to do it03:30
hongbini will be the default owner if nobody want to take it03:30
hongbinok, next bp03:31
hongbin#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zun/+spec/infra-container-in-db Persist infra container in DB03:31
hongbinthis one is proposed by me as well03:31
hongbinand there is a patch available for that03:32
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hongbin#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/467535/03:32
hongbinthere are some debate on the review03:32
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hongbintherefore, i summarize the opinions into the whiteboard03:32
mkraihongbin: What is the need for this?03:33
hongbinmkrai: we want to have a way to keep track of the infra container03:33
hongbinmkrai: or later, if we use vm as sandbox, we need to keep track of all the vms as well03:33
hongbinthere are three implementation options03:34
hongbinOPTION 1:03:34
hongbinAdd a field (i.e. infra_container_id) into the container table. If a container is infra container, this field is None, otherwise, it points to the uuid of its infra container.03:35
hongbinOPTION 2:03:35
hongbinCreate a separated table for infra container03:35
hongbinOPTION 3:03:35
hongbinSame as option 2 but leverage the concept of 'capsule' instead03:35
hongbini think option 2/3 are almost the same, the different is the naming of hte table03:36
hongbinname it sandbox or capsule03:36
hongbinthoughts on this?03:36
mkraihongbin: In #2, we need to have relation b/w container and infra container03:37
mkraiBut how is that done?03:37
hongbinmkrai: i assume there is a foreigh key in the container table to point to the sandbox id03:37
mkraihongbin: So what info of infra contaienr we want to save?03:38
mkraiBecause it only makes sense to have new table only when we want to store all info related to a infra_container03:39
mkraiOtherwise #1 is better03:39
hongbinmkrai: this is a good question03:39
hongbini haven't given it a careful thought in before03:40
mkraiI can check the patch today03:41
hongbinanyone has comments on this?03:41
mkraiAnd leave my comment there03:41
hongbinmkrai: ok, thx03:41
hongbini think if not everyone agree on the idea, we could table this bp for now03:42
hongbinand bring it back when someone interest in it03:42
mkraiI am ok with it03:42
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hongbinkevinz: from capsule point of view, which option wil lbe better?03:43
hongbinkevinz: or you think we don't need to persist this info to db03:43
hongbinok, never mind, we need to move on to the next one03:44
hongbinkevinz: you can comment on the review later03:45
hongbin#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zun-nfv-use-cases NFV use cases03:45
hongbinlakerzhou2: you want to drive this one?03:45
lakerzhou2I did not have much input lately, but the core idea is to support VNF workload over containers03:46
hongbin#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465661/03:47
lakerzhou2VNF usually requires CPU pinning, huge page and NUMA support03:47
lakerzhou2which will need some support from scheduler03:47
lakerzhou2sounds great, I will review the kuryr spec03:48
hongbini think Shunli might interest to help out the scheduler part ? since he worked on the filter scheduler03:48
lakerzhou2to see how we can leverage the work with zun03:48
hongbinlakerzhou2: oh, it is about k8s03:49
hongbinlakerzhou2: if we want to leverage it, i might need to figure out if libnetwork should support the same03:49
lakerzhou2ok, I will explore the possibility03:50
hongbinlakerzhou2: i think the requirements for this is very clear since it is all listed in the etherpad03:50
hongbinlakerzhou2: the next step is to turn the requirements into bps, so that i could find contributors to work on them03:51
lakerzhou2ok, I will work on it03:51
hongbinthanks, i will help out this part as well03:52
hongbinwill work on the Action items session in the etherpad03:52
lakerzhou2Hongbin, thanks, I will ping you on IRC03:52
hongbinlakerzhou2: ack03:52
hongbineveryone, any comment on this topic?03:53
mkraiWill see the etherpad03:53
mkraiThanks lakerzhou203:53
hongbinmkrai: thx03:53
hongbinbtw, this spec has been there for a while: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/427007/03:54
hongbin#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/427007/03:54
hongbini think it is time to move it forward03:54
hongbinthis could be the first step for the nfv support i think03:54
hongbin#topic Open Discussion03:54
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hongbinanyone want to bring up a discussion?03:55
mkraiTo support clear container in Zun, I have posted a patch in docker-py to support --runtime option03:55
mkrai#link https://github.com/docker/docker-py/pull/163103:55
mkraiAnd would want the infra container to be removed03:56
hongbinmkrai: ok03:56
hongbinmkrai: i think we need to bump the priority for bp to make infra container optional03:56
mkraihongbin: Right03:57
hongbinsince everyone wanted it gone03:57
mkraiI will see if I can do it :)03:57
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hongbinmkrai: sure, take it if you have time03:58
mkraihongbin: Sure. Thanks03:58
hongbinok, everyone, thanks for joining the meeting03:59
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hongbinsee you next time03:59
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun  6 03:59:30 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)03:59
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zun/2017/zun.2017-06-06-03.00.html03:59
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zun/2017/zun.2017-06-06-03.00.txt03:59
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zun/2017/zun.2017-06-06-03.00.log.html03:59
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rkmrHonjosagara, tpatil: hi04:02
Dinesh_BhorHi all04:02
rkmrHonjosamP: Can you start meeting now?04:02
rkmrHonjoOK, SamP will be late participating. So I start this meeting.04:03
rkmrHonjo#startmeeting masakari04:03
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 04:03:23 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rkmrHonjo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.04:03
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.04:03
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rkmrHonjo#topic critical bugs04:04
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rkmrHonjoDo you have any bugs for discussion?04:04
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tpatilLooks like patches are up for review for most of the bugs04:05
tpatilI will review these patches in this week04:06
rkmrHonjotpatil: Great.04:06
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rkmrHonjoDinesh_Bhor: Do you have any updates about '"ERROR" instances will be unexpectedly changed to "ACTIVE"' and '"resized" instance that's state was "stopped" before resizing, it will be "active"' ?04:08
Dinesh_BhorrkmrHonjo: This patch solves those issue: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469029/04:09
rkmrHonjoDinesh_Bhor: Thanks. Sampath promised to create doc for that patch last week. But It is probably not completed.04:11
abhishekkrkmrHonjo: thank you for update04:12
rkmrHonjoCan I go to next bug?04:13
rkmrHonjoFix os_privileged_user_auth_url04:13
rkmrHonjo#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465800/04:13
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rkmrHonjodevstack plugin will be failed if this patch is not merged. I want review comments.04:14
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tpatilPROTOCOL://HOST/identity_admin, is this not supported by Keystone anymore?04:15
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rkmrHonjotpatil: This patch is related to following merged patch:04:16
rkmrHonjoTry to remove /identity_admin https://review.openstack.org/#/c/458226/04:16
abhishekkrkmrHonjo: ok04:16
rkmrHonjo"Try to remove /identity_admin" removed "/identity_admin" paths from devstack. So we should also remove it from masakari plugin.04:17
sagaraI understood04:17
rkmrHonjothanks. Could you review this patch?04:18
tpatilI got it. I think it's better to mention why we are changing from /identity_admin to /identity in the commit message04:18
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sagaraI posted W+104:19
sagaratpatil: sorry..04:19
tpatilSagara : Np, I have understood the reason behind it04:20
rkmrHonjotpatil,sagara: I had to point it out at first. sorry. But I don't think we shouldn't revert and re-commit.04:21
rkmrHonjos/I don't think/I think/g04:22
tpatilthere are couple of unit tests where we are using /identity_admin, we will need to fix all these cases04:23
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Dinesh_Bhor#link https://github.com/openstack/masakari/blob/master/masakari/tests/unit/compute/test_nova.py#L4304:24
tpatilThe above one is just one example, there are also other places where /identity_admin is used04:25
sagaraDo we revert that?04:25
tpatilLet's do it04:25
rkmrHonjotpatil: Thank you for pointing out.04:26
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tpatilDinesh pointed out this problem. THank you, Dinesh04:26
rkmrHonjoI posted revert commit.04:27
rkmrHonjo#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471199/04:27
sagaraDinesh_Bhor: thank you04:27
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rkmrHonjoI'll grep "/identity_admin" and fix all. And I'll write the reason on commit log.04:29
tpatilThank you04:29
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rkmrHonjosagara: Could you merge revert patch? or, Can I merge it?04:30
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sagararkmrHonjo: Please merge it04:31
rkmrHonjoOK, I merge after completing jenkins jobs. (Oh, revert patches are duplicated...I'll abandon mine.)04:33
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rkmrHonjook, can we go to next item?04:34
rkmrHonjoDo you have any other bugs for discussion?04:34
abhishekkrkmrHonjo: yes04:36
abhishekkrkmrHonjo: yes we can move to next item04:36
rkmrHonjoabhishekk, tpatil: thanks.04:36
rkmrHonjo#topic Discussion points04:36
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rkmrHonjoThere are three items in this topic. Do you have any updates?04:37
abhishekkneed review on Recovery method customization04:37
rkmrHonjo#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/458023/04:38
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abhishekkWe want to discuss about db purge thing04:39
rkmrHonjoabhishekk: what is the point for discussion?04:40
tpatilPresently, there is no way to delete notifications04:40
tpatilif there are large numberof notifications in the db, it's going to slow down db search04:41
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tpatilit's better to support db purge of notifcations which are in finished, ignored and failed status04:42
tpatildb purge can be extended to other db tables which are in deleted state04:42
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rkmrHonjotpatil: Thank you for explaining. I agree your opinion.04:44
tpatilWe will add a lite spec for this feature04:44
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sagaratpatil: Me, too. Do you think what client is good to implement db purge? like nova-manage, should we create new cli tool?04:45
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sagaras/Me, too./I agree too/04:46
abhishekksagara: yes04:46
tpatilwe already have masakari-manage to sync db, so we can add this purge command to it04:47
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abhishekkit will be like masakari-manage db purge04:47
sagaratpatil: Thanks, I see.04:47
rkmrHonjoabhishekk: No objection.04:49
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rkmrHonjoOK, do you have any other discussion points?04:50
abhishekkrkmrHonjo: no04:51
rkmrHonjo#topic rpm packaging04:52
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rkmrHonjoAll items were merged now. I'll write "Done!" for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/460239/ after that.04:52
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rkmrHonjoI'll write it on wiki page.04:53
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rkmrHonjoah...Do you want to talk about this topic?04:54
rkmrHonjook, let's go to AOB.04:55
rkmrHonjo#topic AOB04:55
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rkmrHonjoDo you have topics?04:56
abhishekkrkmrHonjo: no04:56
sagararkmrHonjo: no04:58
rkmrHonjoOK, time is up.04:58
rkmrHonjo Please talk at ML or #openstack-masakari if you have topics.04:58
abhishekkrkmrHonjo: sure04:58
rkmrHonjothank you all.04:58
abhishekkThank you.04:58
sagarathank you.04:58
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openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2017/masakari.2017-06-06-04.03.txt04:59
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yuval#startmeeting karbor09:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 09:00:10 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is yuval. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.09:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.09:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'karbor'09:00
yuvalHello, and welcome to Karbor's weekly meeting09:00
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xiangxinyonghello guys09:00
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yuvalHey xiangxinyong, good to see you09:01
yuvalzengchen: here?09:01
xiangxinyongyuval: Hello.:) me too09:01
yuvalThere are currently no topics on agenda, so lets start with...09:02
yuval#topic Open Discussion09:02
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yuvalxiangxinyong: will you continue to contribute to Karbor now?09:02
xiangxinyongI will do my best to do that.09:03
xiangxinyongEven if I have a little time09:03
chenyinghi https://ethercalc.openstack.org/karbor-pike I note that the task about Developer Guide Documentation09:03
chenying, Does anyone have interests about the work?09:03
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zengchenyuval:please take a look at this patch, thanks. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/450070/09:04
yuvalzengchen: ok09:05
chenyingzengchen: sure09:05
chenyinghi yuval I note that there is Adopt release-with-intermediary09:07
chenying, Community09:07
chenying work. What work should we do? Have we finish it?09:07
yuvalIt is done, we just need to release09:08
yuvalMost importantly, python-karborclient09:08
chenyingOK Thanks.09:08
yuvalWe completed the uwsgi and python 3.5 goals09:09
chenyinghttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/450070/   Spec for openstack client support  I submit a spec to start the work about openstack client integration. Can you have a look at it?09:09
chenyingyuval Good jobs.09:09
yuvalchenying: already +2 that spec09:10
chenyingYuval Do you know the in18 supportion? What work should we do in karbor to support different language?09:10
yuvalShould be supported already09:13
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yuvalanything else?09:15
chenyingHow to  support? We have not translate the messages to other language? We don't provide a po file inclide translation text in karbor.09:15
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yuvalWe didn't translate any messages yet09:17
chenying\do we need provide it k09:17
yuvalOnce someone will want to start translating, we can add the po file09:17
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chenyingI find that there are some po file in cinder.09:17
chenyingOK I know.  we also can add translating po file to karbor.09:18
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yuvalchenying: see https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Translations09:19
yuvaland https://translate.openstack.org09:19
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chenyingWhat I want to see, I want to add the translating po file about chinese to karbor. So that the company from china may have interest about karbor project.09:20
chenyingyuval: I will see these links. Thanks.09:20
yuvalanything else? xiangxinyong? zengchen?09:21
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yuvalthanks for attending09:23
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openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/karbor/2017/karbor.2017-06-06-09.00.txt09:23
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/karbor/2017/karbor.2017-06-06-09.00.log.html09:23
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Qiming#startmeeting senlin13:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 13:00:32 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is Qiming. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.13:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
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Qimingseems no one is in?13:05
XueFenghi QiMing13:06
Qiminghi, XueFeng13:06
XueFengMeeting will start?13:06
Qimingalready started I think13:06
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QimingI'm terribly sorry for accidentally skipped two meetings during the past weeks13:07
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XueFengNo matter:)13:08
Qimingboth were due to my daughter13:08
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Qimingshe was sick last week, I was in hospital ...13:08
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Qimingand we have had quite a few holidays since boston summit13:08
XueFengSo we need your lead13:09
Qiminglet's get started, anyway13:09
Qimingit doesn't have  to be me, when it is meeting time, anyone can start the meeting by typing '#startmeeting senlin' here13:09
Qiming#topic pike work items13:09
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Qiming#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/senlin-pike-workitems13:10
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Qimingduno if elynn is online13:10
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elynnI'm here13:10
QimingI saw he was pushing a new patchset for the vdu profile13:10
Qimingevening, elynn13:10
elynnOh, I almost thought you can't see my message...13:11
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elynnYes, I push a init patch13:11
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Qimingeveryone pls help review when possible13:11
elynnJust porting some features from vdu to server profile.13:11
elynnAnd fixed some unittests.13:12
elynnStill need more unittests and integrated tests.13:12
Qimingah, right, it is a porting effort13:12
elynnI'm still working on it, just a little slow...13:12
Qimingpretty big a change, will jump onto it this week13:13
Qimingthanks for pushing this forward13:13
Qimingnext item: check action13:14
elynnHoping this patch don't breaking any existing functions, please review it thoroughly13:14
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Qimingno activity for a few weeks now: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/435822/13:14
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Qimingelynn, really hope so, but review itself cannot reveal all problems, I promise you, :)13:14
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QimingXueFeng, still on that patch?13:15
Qimingor you want a discussion on senlin channel later?13:15
Qiminghi, shark13:15
XueFengYes ,need discuss13:15
XueFengin senlin channel later13:16
Qimingalright, moving on13:16
Qimingnode adopt13:16
Qimingalmost finished the first round13:16
Qimingneed to add api test and functional test13:16
Qimingnot sure if we can add integration test for this13:17
XueFengWill test it:)13:17
Qimingthere are quite a few holes in the current poc13:17
XueFengand shark is using it13:17
Qimingfor most of them I have left some comments in the source code so that we won't forget them13:17
Qimingso you mean it is already usable?13:18
Qimingmy goshhhhh13:18
sharkI need add some function13:18
Qimingfeel free to propose patches, shark13:18
Qimingwe (usually) don't bite13:18
Qimingnext item is about scaling improvement, Ruijie is onto it now13:19
Ruijie_yes, effers are still needed13:19
Ruijie_for deletion process13:19
Qimingand Ruijie is also optimizing the DB interactions13:19
Qimingah, Hero is online13:19
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Qiminglet's try get it fully landed in Pike13:20
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sharkI want to compete the bp existed-pool-support-in-lb-policy13:21
QimingRevise runtime_data implementation, I think Ruijie and I both did something in that space13:21
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Qimingno problem, shark13:21
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Qimingif you want that work thread tracked, please add it to the etherpad13:22
Qimingbackport to Ocata (the runtime_data optimization) seems pretty difficult13:22
Qimingnext item: RDO packaging13:23
Qimingis it working now, XueFeng ?13:23
XueFengsorry no process these days13:23
XueFengwill continue to do it13:23
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Qiminghealth management13:23
QimingI believe the master branch still needs some work regarding mistral workflow support13:24
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Qiming'run_workflow()' is now a method of Node, but it is not invoked anywhere13:25
QimingI'll fix it13:25
Qimingno progress on rally test or senlinclient functional test as far as I can tell13:26
Qimingthat's all for things on etherpad, anything to add, guys?13:27
XueFengrally test problem seems solved in rally project13:27
Qimingoh really?13:27
XueFengWill check and update  etherpad13:27
Qimingthen the work item should be revised to 'add more rally test cases'?13:28
Qimingsounds great, thanks13:28
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Qimingokay, moving on13:29
Qiming#topic boston summit recap13:29
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Qiminganything new to share with team after the boston summit?13:30
Qimingwe had three sessions there, presentation was well prepared13:30
Qiminghowever, the attendance was not exciting13:31
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XueFengQiMing, I want to know the session by you and xinhui13:31
Qimingone of the reasons could be that we could have stress more on problems solved than the projects/services backing that solution13:31
Qimingmost of the materials were prepared by xinhui13:32
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QimingI was there just to repeat "what senlin is about" ...13:32
XueFengI have watched that video13:33
Qiminga million thanks to xinhui and elynn13:34
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Qimingit was almost 1 month ago, now it is time for a new milestone pike-213:34
Qimingwe about cutting pike-2 this week13:35
Qimingplease help scan the review backlog and approve things you feel good about13:35
XueFengok , we wil13:35
Qimingnext thing we need help is about blueprints review13:36
Qiming#topic blueprints to review13:36
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Qimingwe have got quite a few proposed recently13:36
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Qimingsome can be merged, some needs more discussion, others are already good to go13:36
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Qimingfor example, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/senlin/+spec/support-node-protect-operation13:37
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Qimingthis one needs some clarification then it is good to go13:37
Qimingthis one: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/senlin/+spec/improve-vm-name13:37
XueFengok.seems good13:37
Qimingis about naming VMs13:37
Ruijie_Qiming, for this process, we are tring to use policy data first13:38
Qimingwe need a design for that support13:38
XueFengyes, vm name need improve13:38
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QimingRuijie_, which one?13:38
Ruijie_maybe we can change to use request.body first, so that the process is much easier to be controlled?13:38
Qimingnode proection?13:38
Ruijie_about the bp13:38
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Ruijie_it says that we want to protect the node not to be destroyed by scaling actions13:39
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Qimingwell, implementation details can be discussed during code review13:39
Qimingwhat I'm curious about is the scope of such a 'locked' tag13:40
Qimingis it only designed to protect node from being deleted, or we can use it for guarding node update as well?13:40
Ruijie_I'd suggest we use request parameter to controll it, will leave comments ~13:40
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Qimingmaybe a 'locked' or 'protected' node should be tagged so in database,13:41
elynnMaybe adding a new property named 'protected'?13:41
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Qimingyes, that is about the implementation13:41
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Qimingwe can use new property, we can add tag support, we can use metadata, whatever works for this13:42
Qimingbut the first thing I want to clarify is the definition of 'protected'13:42
Qimingthen we can together figure out how big a scope is such a "lock"13:43
Qimingand its impact on cluster/node actions and policies13:43
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QimingI have talked to Hongbin on this, but he said he is busy on his thesis work ...13:43
Qimingmy suggestion was that he draft a spec for team to review, and comment13:44
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Qimingthe same goes with VM naming13:44
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Qimingcurrent default naming is terrible13:44
Qimingwe need a better solution13:44
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Qimingthere are other bps for review as well: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/senlin13:45
chenyb4_I have some time to work13:45
Qimingpls feel free to take a look on them13:45
Qimingcool, chenyb4_, maybe you can grab a few BPs to work on, :)13:46
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Qimingpost your questions to senlin channel when you need help13:46
Qimingalright, that's all on my mind for the meeting today13:46
Qiming#topic open discussions13:47
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Qimingplease speak up13:47
Qimingwe still have some time, :D13:47
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sharkI want to discuss health policy how to handle the adopt node13:47
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Qiminghow about just treat them the same as other nodes?13:48
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XueFengyes, we can think them the same as other node.13:49
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sharkwe rebuild user vm,is this good13:49
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chenyb4_I don't understand profile support snapshot and restore, the profile is about single vm configure, so the snapshot how can i create?13:49
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Qimingsnapshot/restore is an operation supported by backend service, modeled into a profile operation in senlin13:50
Qimingjust compare it to 'update'13:50
sharkhow about remove the node from senlin?13:50
Qimingshark, you can do that13:51
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Qimingjust as if you have nevered created such a node13:51
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Qimingwait ... did you mean delete a senlin node without deleting the physical resource (which could be a VM)?13:52
Qimingwhy are you doing that?13:52
Qimingyou can leave it as an orphan node (not member of any cluster) in senlin13:53
QimingI will not call it 'delete', it sounds more like an 'abandon' operation13:53
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QimingI'm interested in the use case -- why do you need it13:54
sharkbecauser it is a adopt node13:54
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Qimingso ... we have to define "abandon" because we have defined "adopt" ?13:55
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Qimingthen the design looks beautiful? :D13:55
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XueFengsounds feasible13:56
Qimingit is doable, although ... I'm not sure it would be useful13:56
QimingI'm not against it, to be honest13:56
Qiminganything else?13:57
Qiming3 mins left13:57
XueFengQiming, I have a last question today13:57
elynnSince we are going to have 'protected' node13:57
Ruijie_and then force delete ..13:58
elynnmaybe we should also need to consider health policy on them.13:58
XueFengIntergation enterprise monitoring product, senlin and mistral for auto-healing.Can this session fall to the ground? I would like to refer to this architecture deployment13:58
Qimingelynn, sure13:58
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Qimingthat is why I think we need a spec for more discussions on the implications13:58
QimingXueFeng, it is13:58
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Qimingit is real13:59
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Qimingbuy xinhui a rose, she will tell you the full story13:59
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Qimingtime's up, guys, thanks for joining, gooooooood night13:59
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XueFengno problem13:59
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jlibosva#startmeeting networking14:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 14:00:36 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jlibosva. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.14:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'networking'14:00
jlibosvaHello everyone!14:00
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hoangcxhi all14:01
jlibosva#topic Announcements14:01
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jlibosvaI still haven't caught up with what's going on in upstream after my leave, so I have no announcements14:01
jlibosvadoes anybody want to announce anything?14:01
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jlibosvaseems like the answer is 'no', so let's move on14:02
jlibosva#topic Blueprints14:02
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jlibosvadoes anybody have a work on a blueprint that is blocked or wants to discuss anything here?14:03
annpjlibosva: hi14:03
jlibosvaannp: hi :)14:03
annpjlibosva: I have one. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/415817/ this patch needs your eye to go to forward.14:04
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annpjlibosva: Could you please take a look and leave your comment? thanks in advance.14:04
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jlibosvaannp: it seems you already have two reviews from core members14:05
jlibosvaannp: is there anything in particular?14:06
annpjlibosva: yes, but i need to your opinion related to api endpoint.14:07
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jlibosvaannp: ok, I'll read and I'll also try to ping other relevant team members14:07
jlibosvaannp: thanks for bringing this up14:07
hichiharaIn the point of API, it needs Akihiro's comment. And also I'll review again.14:08
jlibosvahichihara: thanks14:08
jlibosvaAkihiro already has some comments there14:08
annpjlibosva, hichihara: thank you.14:08
jlibosvaI also have one bp I'd like to bring up14:08
openstackLaunchpad bug 1580880 in neutron "[RFE] Distributed Portbinding for all port types" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Jakub Libosvar (libosvar)14:08
jlibosvathis is something I started working on - I have two patches that don't get attention although the rfe is scheduled for p214:09
mlavallejlibosva: do you have links handy?14:10
jlibosvahttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/414251/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469949/14:10
jlibosvaoh, I see I have a comment on the first one :)14:10
mlavalleahhh, you read my mind14:10
jlibosvaI missed that14:10
jlibosvamlavalle: ;) I could find them for a while14:10
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jlibosvaanyways, if anybody has some "spare time" to review, I'd really appreciate that14:10
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* mlavalle will do his best toi find time ;-)14:11
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jlibosvaI don't really have anything to discuss about that rfe, so if anybody has other blueprint to highlight, then please speak up :)14:11
jlibosvamlavalle: thanks!14:11
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hichiharajlibosva: I'll check the patch. I already found some questions.14:12
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jlibosvaoh, and Pike-2 milestone is set to 8 June 2017 which is this week. :)14:12
jlibosvahichihara: thanks, I'll read them after the meeting14:12
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jlibosvaif there is no other blueprint to discuss, we can move on14:12
jlibosva#topic Bugs and gate failures14:13
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tmorin1(hi everyone, sorry for being late)14:13
jlibosvahichihara: were you bug deputy for last week?14:13
jlibosvatmorin1: o/14:13
jlibosvawas there anything interesting worth telling the team?14:13
hichiharanothing much from me but I found https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1696098 before meeting14:13
openstackLaunchpad bug 1696098 in neutron "Race in deleting ports during Tempest Runs" [Critical,Confirmed]14:13
hichiharaWe should fix it ASAP :(14:14
jlibosvayeah, I also planned to bring this up, the failure rate is high there14:15
mlavallehichihara, jlibosva I filed a similar bug yesterday on the Nova side14:15
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jlibosvamlavalle: do you have a link handy?14:15
mlavallehang on14:15
hichiharaIs it nova bug not neutron?14:16
mlavalleI'll get back up to you in a biot14:16
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jlibosvamlavalle: maybe if you think they are related, it would be good to comment on the LP to link to the "nova one"14:18
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mlavallejlibosva, hichihara https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/169600614:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1696006 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Libvirt fails to detach network interface with Linux bridge" [Undecided,New]14:18
jlibosvamlavalle: thanks14:19
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mlavallebased on my analysis, this is really a nova bug14:19
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jlibosvaoh, is that only a linuxbridge job that gets affected?14:19
mlavalleI had time to dig in the logs14:19
hichiharaI see14:19
mlavalleand the way I see evidence it pojnts to a problem in libvirt14:19
mlavalleafter the meeting I can take a look at the bug hichihara pointed out and see if it is the same thing14:20
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hichiharamlavalle: Thank you14:20
jlibosvathanks, the example in bug posted by hichihara also points to LB job14:20
mlavallelots of hist in kibana since May 31st14:21
mlavallethat's when it suddenly started14:21
jlibosvawas there some libvirt update on the nodes?14:21
mlavalledon't know. I filed the bug last night.14:21
jlibosvaok, I'll try to find that information after meeting14:22
jlibosvamlavalle: hichihara thanks for updates :)14:22
jlibosvadoes anybody have other bug to dicuss?14:22
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jlibosvaok, let's find a deputy for the next week14:23
jlibosvaI think we don't have anybody14:23
jlibosvais there any volunteer?14:24
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hichiharamaybe it's for this week?14:24
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jlibosvahichihara: yeah, right14:24
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jlibosvaif noone wants next week, I can take it14:25
trevormcI want to do it!14:25
tmorin1jlibosva: I'm curious what is the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/162601014:25
openstackLaunchpad bug 1626010 in neutron "OVS Firewall cannot handle non unique MACs" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Jakub Libosvar (libosvar)14:25
jlibosvatrevormc: ok! it's yours then :)14:25
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hichiharatrevormc: +114:25
jlibosvatrevormc: can you please update wiki with your name?14:25
trevormcwill do14:25
jlibosvatrevormc: thanks14:25
jlibosvatmorin1: there is a patch to dvr needed which will move some dvr flows to later tables14:26
trevormcmake sure I get approved the bug supervisors group this time14:26
jlibosvatmorin1: also the "basic" ovsfw flow table needs to be moved - currently the bug is blocked by the fact dvr doesn't work with ovs firewall. I'm a dvr noob so it takes me time now14:27
tmorin1jlibosva: is more detailed info available somewhere ?14:27
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jlibosvatmorin1: good point, maybe there is not. I'll probably report a new bug14:27
jlibosvatmorin1: thanks for bringing this up14:27
tmorin1jlibosva: ok, thanks14:27
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jlibosvaI don't think we have a docs liaison so there is probably nobody to update about docs14:28
jlibosva#topic Transition to OSC14:28
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jlibosvaamotoki: hi, are you here?14:28
mlavallejlibosva: I am the docs liaison now14:28
jlibosvamlavalle: oh, you are? sorry :)14:29
mlavallejlibosva: np, let's finish the OSC topic and we get back to docs14:29
jlibosvamlavalle: missed the good news, we can do docs after osc14:29
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jlibosvaseems amotoki is not here14:30
jlibosva#topic Docs14:30
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jlibosvamlavalle: hi :)14:30
mlavalleLast Thursday I attended my first docs team meeting14:31
mlavallethey get together every 2 weeks14:31
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mlavalleTried to catch up on what needs to be done14:31
mlavalleWe have a list of docs bugs that need to be addressed:14:31
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mlavalle#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bugs?field.tag=networking-guide14:31
mlavalleI encourage the team to take a look14:32
mlavalleamotoki has been doing a great job tackling the critical bug at the top of the list14:32
mlavalleand he is active with the docs team. he offered to share the load with me14:32
haleybyes, i think just the diagrams are left14:32
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mlavallehaleyb: correct14:33
asettlehaleyb: I think so. They should all have the source files in the /figures folder14:33
* asettle waves14:33
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mlavalleasettle and the docs team appreciate the networking guide a lot14:33
asettleDefinitely a priority for us :)14:33
asettleWe just don't have the people/knowledge to work in it right now :(14:34
mlavalleso we should keep a close eye on it14:34
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mlavalleJohn Davidge put together an improvement plan for the guide here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/networking-guide-improvements14:34
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mlavalleI am going to review it and encourgae the team to do the same14:35
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mlavallejlibosva: that's the update for the team this week14:35
jlibosvamlavalle: great, thanks for updates14:35
jlibosvait looks like you jumped into it pretty quickly :)14:36
* mlavalle waves back at asettle14:36
jlibosvalet's move to the neutron-lib14:36
jlibosva#topic Neutron-lib and planned neutron refactoring14:36
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jlibosvaboden: hi!14:36
jlibosvaboden: do you have any updates re. neutron-lib?14:36
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bodenI have a few FYI/quick things14:36
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bodenFirst, as I’m sure you’ve seen, there are a number of rehoming patches out for review for neutron-lib as well as a number of consumption patches in neutron and others14:37
bodenI don’t see a reason to dig into these, unless anyone has questions/comments?14:37
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jlibosvaboden: seems like no questions here :)14:38
bodenOtherwise, from a networking-ovn perspective, we’ve pretty much rehomed all the “low hanging” fruit and now have some fun things to decouple14:38
mlavalleahhh fun time yaaay!14:39
bodenthat said, I will likely be creating at least 2 specs (for review) on how we might proceed decoupling these (DB and ML2Plugin in particular)14:39
bodenthat’s all I have here in neutron-lib world14:39
jlibosvaboden: you mean breaking up ml2 plugin?14:40
bodenjlibosva, well more about how can we decouple it so that consumers can still import/use it without importing neutron… today it appears pretty “tied into” neutron internals14:41
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hichiharaIt's for ML2 drivers of neutron stadium?14:41
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jlibosvaboden: ok, I'll wait for the spec14:41
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bodenyes, lets discuss in the spec; maybe its an easy problem :)14:42
* mlavalle likes boden's optimism ;-)14:42
bodenmlavalle: wishful thinking, but likely not realistic ! :)14:43
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jlibosvaboden: wow, I see. Thanks for updates :)14:43
jlibosva#topic open discussion14:44
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ebbexWho's looking at splitting neutron-server into uwsgi and rpc?14:44
jlibosvadoes anybody have a topic he/she would like to discuss?14:44
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jlibosvaebbex: can you be more specific?14:46
ebbexit's a release-goal for pike, to be able to deploy a wsgi file for the api part.14:46
jlibosvaebbex: ah, that one. I know ihrachys|afk did some work on it during Atlanta ptg14:47
ebbexneutron-rpc-server is a dead command as is. kevinbenton had a look at a patch we submitted some time ago to make it run, thanks btw :)14:48
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jlibosvathere is a bug for it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/166677914:48
openstackLaunchpad bug 1666779 in neutron "Expose neutron API via a WSGI script" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Ihar Hrachyshka (ihar-hrachyshka)14:48
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ebbexYep, and this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/168789614:49
openstackLaunchpad bug 1687896 in neutron "neutron-rpc-server fails to start on configuration that works under neutron-server" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Sean McCully (sean-mccully)14:49
ebbexJust hoping it gets more attention, that's all.14:50
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jlibosvaebbex: thanks for bringing this up to our attention :)14:50
jlibosvaI'm not sure we should be running rpc server separately - but maybe I just lack knowledge of wsgi14:51
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jlibosvais there any other topic?14:51
jlibosvaor we could end the meeting earlier14:51
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jlibosvaseems like no topic :)14:52
jlibosvathanks everyone for coming!14:52
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annpthanks! bye14:52
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mlavalledavidsha: so I guess no meeting today15:09
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davidshamlavalle: I'm thinking not, ralonsoh mentioned he wasn't feeling well.15:10
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mlavalledavidsha: ok, hope he recovers soon ;-)15:11
davidshamlavalle: same!15:11
mlavalledavidsha: slaweq is in an airplane right now15:11
mlavalleso he won't be here either15:11
davidshamlavalle: Ah! was about to say he is the only other one listed as a chair15:12
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ihrachys|afk#startmeeting neutron_ci16:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 16:00:50 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ihrachys|afk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
ihrachys|afkgood day everyone16:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'neutron_ci'16:00
* ihrachys|afk waves at haleyb 16:01
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* haleyb waves back16:01
ihrachysas usual, starting with actions from prev week16:01
ihrachys#topic Actions from prev week16:01
ihrachysfirst is "jlibosva to understand why instance failed to up networking in trunk conn test: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462227/"16:01
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jlibosvaI sent a new PS today16:02
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ihrachysyeah, still failing, though in a different way it seems16:02
jlibosvaI suspect it was because the port security was disabled *after* instance booted16:02
ihrachysfor linuxbridge16:02
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jlibosvaso now I changed the approach to disable by default and after instances are up, it will enable for LB16:02
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jlibosvaI didn't test it with LB as I have ovs-agt only16:04
ihrachysKeyError: 'port_security_enabled'16:04
ihrachysthis really looks like port-sec not enabled16:04
ihrachysanyhoo, not a bother for the meeting I think16:05
ihrachyslet's move on16:05
ihrachysnext is "jlibosva to fetch and categorize functional py3 failures"16:05
ihrachysI see smth in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/py3-neutron-pike16:05
jlibosvaso I categorized it to 12 failures: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/py3-neutron-pike16:05
ihrachysnow we need to decide what to do with the list16:06
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ihrachysconsidering that we are all full hand with stuff, maybe we can craft a request for action and send it to openstack-dev?16:07
ihrachysmaybe also prioritizing them16:07
ihrachyssome of those may look different but be the same issues, I would like to start where we are pretty sure those are unique16:08
jlibosvaor in 'spare time' - we can write our name to the number and try to produce some patch16:08
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ihrachyslike one ovs firewall; one wsgi; one sqlfixture16:08
ihrachysthen once those are tackled, we can revisit the results and see what's still there16:08
ihrachyswhat do you think?16:08
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jlibosvaI wanted to add that some failures might be related to 3rd party libraries not working with python3 - like ovsdbapp or ryu16:09
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jlibosvaas some failures occur only with these drivers16:09
ihrachyswell good news is I think we have links to their authors ;)16:10
ihrachysmaybe worth pulling those people for failures we suspect are related to the libs16:10
ihrachysI am sure otherwiseguy will be able to help with ovsdbapp16:10
ihrachysand yamamoto should know whom to pull for ryu16:11
ihrachysjlibosva, are you up to craft the mail?16:11
jlibosvaI haven't confirmed it's really there but maybe would be worth e.g. enable python3-functional for ovsdbapp16:11
ihrachys(assuming you think it's the right thing)16:11
jlibosvayeah, you can make me an AI16:11
ihrachysjlibosva, ovsdbapp has functional job?16:11
jlibosvaihrachys: but not python3 flavor16:11
jlibosvaor does it?16:11
jlibosvait didn't last time I checked16:12
ihrachys#action jlibosva to craft an email to openstack-dev@ with func-py3 failures and request for action16:12
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ihrachysthere is func job in ovsdbapp as can be seen in e.g. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/470441/16:12
jlibosvaihrachys: but that runs with python216:13
ihrachysyeah I know16:13
ihrachysjust saying there is a job that we could dup for py316:13
jlibosvaah, ok16:13
jlibosvathere is not much inside though afair :)16:13
ihrachysI would start with talking to Terry about it (maybe through same venue)16:13
ihrachysthere should be no expectation we pull it all ourselves16:13
ihrachysok let's move on, thanks for the work, good progress16:14
ihrachysnext is "jlibosva to talk to otherwiseguy about isolating ovsdb/ovs agent per fullstack 'machine'"16:15
ihrachysboy you have stuff on the plate16:15
jlibosvaoh, that didn't happen16:15
jlibosvacause I forgot16:15
ihrachysthat's related to trunk test instability in fullstack job16:15
ihrachysok lemme repeat the AI for the next week16:15
ihrachys#action jlibosva to talk to otherwiseguy about isolating ovsdb/ovs agent per fullstack 'machine'16:15
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jlibosvaI should stop trusting my memory16:15
ihrachysjlibosva, I usually create a trello card for each thing I say I will look at16:16
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ihrachysdoesn't guarantee I do, but at least it makes me conscious about it being on the plate16:16
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jlibosvaI did create two after meeting without checking the logs16:16
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ihrachysI do right away, I don't trust myself :)16:16
ihrachysok, next was "ihrachys to understand why functional job spiked on weekend"16:16
ihrachysso the spike (and current instability) is because of the job failing on one of clouds where the cloud uses same IP range as the job16:17
ihrachysthe fix is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469189/16:17
ihrachyswhich is switch to devstack-gate for the functional job (and fullstack while at it)16:18
ihrachysd-g knows the correct ip range to use for devstack16:18
ihrachysthere is an issue with the switch right now, since fullstack doesn't use rootwrap, and sudo is disabled by d-g16:18
jlibosvaaha, so that's why you want to use rootwrap in the test runner :)16:19
ihrachyswell, we have one piece of rootwrap transition in already, for deployed resources: https://review.openstack.org/45911016:19
ihrachysbut test runner needs that too16:19
ihrachysand the patch for that is at https://review.openstack.org/47109716:19
ihrachysjlibosva, yes :)16:19
ihrachysthe patch is still failing, have to look at it16:20
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ihrachysI will update the next week about progress, if it's not merged till then16:20
ihrachys#action ihrachys to update about functional/fullstack switch to devstack-gate and rootwrap16:21
ihrachysok next was "haleyb to monitor dvr+ha job and maybe replace existing dvr-multinode"16:21
ihrachyshaleyb, how's the job feeling these days?16:21
haleybthat dashboard is a mess, the job isn't perfect16:22
ihrachyshaleyb, totally agreed about the dash16:23
ihrachyshaleyb, not perfect as in higher failure rate?16:23
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haleybihrachys: it's close to the dvr-multinode job16:24
haleybmaybe 5% higher16:24
ihrachysdo we have a grasp of pressing issues there?16:24
haleybi don't think there's any dvr-specific failure from what i've looked at16:25
haleybthis is just looking at the check queue jobs, the gate is clearly better since we don't push things in with failures16:26
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haleybi will continue to watch it, wouldn't be comfortable changing it right now16:27
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ihrachysok. one thing that may help is going through let's say last 30 patches and see how it failed there. can give a clue where to look at to make it less scary.16:28
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ihrachysif we don't know specific issues that hit it, we can't really make a progress towards enabling it16:28
ihrachysok let's monitor/look at it and check next week16:28
ihrachys#action haleyb to continue looking at prospects of dvr+ha job16:28
ihrachysnext in line was "ihrachys to talk to qa/keystone and maybe remove v3-only job"16:28
ihrachysI haven't done that, will hopefully find some time this week16:29
ihrachys#action ihrachys to talk to qa/keystone and maybe remove v3-only job16:29
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ihrachysit's not very pressing16:29
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ihrachysnext was "haleyb to analyze all the l3 job flavours in gate/check queues and see where we could trim"16:29
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haleybi am not done with that one, still need to look at all the configs for the jobs16:30
ihrachystake your time16:30
ihrachysI will hang it for the next16:31
ihrachys#action haleyb to analyze all the l3 job flavours in gate/check queues and see where we could trim16:31
ihrachysand these are all we had from prev meeting16:31
ihrachys#topic Grafana16:31
ihrachysone thing to note is ~12% failure rate *in gate* for unittests16:31
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ihrachysnot sure exactly, but can be https://review.openstack.org/#/c/469602/16:32
ihrachysI am still to get back to it to fix tests16:32
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ihrachysif someone would like to take it over while I look at functional job that would be great16:32
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ihrachysanother thing to note is, linuxbridge job seems to be at horrible rate16:33
ihrachysand it's in gate16:33
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ihrachyswhat's going on there?16:34
clarkbhttp://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/data/integrated_gate.html will give you a list of the recent fails if you need to dig in16:34
jlibosvathere was a failure in detaching vifs16:34
haleybi could look at those unit test failures for your review16:34
ihrachysmlavalle, are you aware of any tempest failures that could affect linuxbridge? vif detach nova, is it the bug?16:34
ihrachyshaleyb, please do, thanks16:34
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jlibosvaihrachys: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/169600616:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1696006 in neutron "Libvirt fails to detach network interface with Linux bridge" [Critical,New]16:34
haleybihrachys: we talked about that in neutron meeting, right?16:35
jlibosvahaleyb: ihrachys connected later16:35
ihrachysyeah I suck. I can read the logs instead16:35
ihrachysso we think it's it?16:35
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jlibosvaI compared times where we bumped os-vif correlate with failure occurence16:36
jlibosvabut I didn't find any patch in particular, I started looking at nova code16:36
haleybihrachys: possible libvirt issue from what mlavalle saw - failure during port_delete causing this16:36
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ihrachysis nova team aware of this pressing issue?16:36
ihrachysaware as in actively work on?16:36
jlibosva32 hits for 24h16:36
haleybi think he just filed bug last night16:36
jlibosvanot sure, but mlavalle did a good triage and is looking at it16:37
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ihrachysmriedem, https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1696125 affects neutron gate a lot. can we bump priority on it?16:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1696125 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Detach interface failed - Unable to detach from guest transient domain (pike)" [Medium,Confirmed]16:37
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ihrachysI guess Matt is not avail16:39
mriedemi'm here16:39
mriedemi'm always here for you ihar16:40
* ihrachys hugs mriedem 16:40
mriedemi've got some tabs open,16:40
mriedemdealing with some other stuff atm and then that this afternoon16:40
ihrachysso what's about this bug? is it on the radar for nova?16:40
mriedemyeah https://review.openstack.org/#/c/441204/6 needs to be updated16:40
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mriedemit's on my radar16:40
mriedemno one else in nova probably is aware or cares16:41
ihrachysok cool. I will add myself to reviewers to monitor progress.16:41
ihrachysthanks for caring16:41
ihrachyslooking at other grafana dashboards, they are mostly ok-ish, or it's functional/fullstack/scenarios that we know about and already covered16:42
ihrachysmoving to bugs16:42
ihrachys#topic Gate bugs16:42
ihrachysone thing that popped today is it seems like neutron broke tripleo pipeline16:43
openstackLaunchpad bug 1696094 in tripleo "CI: ovb-ha promotion job fails with 504 gateway timeout, neutron-server create-subnet timing out" [Critical,Triaged]16:43
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ihrachysas per logs, it seems like neutron-server serves a subnet create request for 2minutes+16:43
ihrachysand holds some locks for 60s+16:43
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ihrachysI suspect it's something like eventlet interacting badly with workers. like a green thread not yielding16:44
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ihrachysthe ~60s is suspicious, it's same in all failure runs I looked at16:44
jlibosvado we monkey patch server? :)16:44
ihrachysjlibosva, we do, via neutron/common/eventlet_utils.py16:45
ihrachyswhich is called from neutron/cmd/eventlet/__init__.py16:45
ihrachysand neutron-server entrypoint is under it16:45
ihrachysthere are some suspects https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471345/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471357/16:45
ihrachysbut really it's just a silly way to find late changes that seem related in some way :)16:46
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ihrachysideally someone would run with the bug from there, but I don't know of anyone actively working on it right now16:47
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ihrachysok I guess it may require some broader venue to advertise the issue16:48
ihrachyslooking at the list of other bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure&orderby=-id&start=016:49
ihrachysit doesn't seem there is anything on the list that was not covered and a new issue16:50
ihrachysso let's move on16:50
ihrachys#topic Open discussion16:50
ihrachysanyone has anything to share? any concerns?16:50
jlibosvaI saw the pep8 job failing - is it known issue?16:51
jlibosvaI just saw it at one of patching in this meeting16:51
ihrachysjlibosva, link?16:51
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haleyboops, that wasn't it16:52
* haleyb knew it was one of ihar's patches16:52
ihrachysoh this. I just suck and uploaded a patch with a pep8 violation16:52
ihrachysnothing to look here :)16:52
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haleybihrachys: but you didn't touch the file it was complaining about16:53
ihrachyshaleyb, it's based on another patch16:53
ihrachysthat touches it16:53
ihrachysok unless someone else has more to share, I call it a day in 30s16:53
haleybi'll call it lunch16:53
ihrachyshas I done smth wrong?16:54
ihrachyswhere is the bot?16:54
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun  6 16:54:59 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)16:55
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ci/2017/neutron_ci.2017-06-06-16.00.html16:55
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ci/2017/neutron_ci.2017-06-06-16.00.txt16:55
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ci/2017/neutron_ci.2017-06-06-16.00.log.html16:55
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jlibosvathat was fast :)16:55
ihrachysoh boy bot is dumb16:55
jlibosvathanks, bye16:55
ihrachysI think it requires the same name16:55
ihrachysas started16:55
ihrachysjlibosva, have a good evening16:55
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lbragstad#startmeeting keystone18:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 18:00:25 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is lbragstad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:00
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openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'keystone'18:00
lbragstad#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-weekly-meeting18:00
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lbragstadping ayoung, breton, cmurphy, dstanek, edmondsw, gagehugo, henrynash, hrybacki, knikolla, lamt, lbragstad, lwanderley, notmorgan, rderose, rodrigods, samueldmq, spilla, aselius18:00
samueldmqsjain_: there we go, meeting starting18:00
sjain_yes, i'm here18:01
samueldmqhenrynash: hey o/18:01
henrynashshocking, I know...18:01
lbragstadhenrynash: :)18:01
henrynashso bored with the UK election, had to do something else :-)18:01
lbragstad#topic announcements18:02
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lbragstadok - couple house keeping items18:02
lbragstad#info pike 2 is this week18:03
henrynashwe’ve cut off Donald’s thumbs so he can’t tweet?18:03
* morgan lurks18:03
lbragstad#info specification freeze is this week18:03
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henrynash(that would be an announcement)18:03
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lbragstad#info proposal for rolling upgrade tests18:04
lbragstad#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471419/18:04
lbragstadI'm working on a job to adding rolling upgrade tests to our gate18:04
lbragstadI'd love to get some feedback on that review to make sure if looks right18:04
lbragstadI've double checked it with the openstack-ansible community as well as the folks in -infra18:05
samueldmqlbragstad: interesting, what's the idea behind it?18:05
samueldmqrun tempest tests throughout upgrade?18:05
lbragstadso - that patch adds a new keystone gate job18:05
lbragstadwhat it does is deploys keystone onto two separate containers, creating a deployment18:06
lbragstadwhich starts out as the last stable release18:06
lbragstad(stable/ocata) in our case today18:06
lbragstadthen it clones the change in review, places it in /opt/keystone on the jenkins slave, and using openstack-ansible to do a rolling upgrade18:06
lbragstadit will also execute a few openstack-ansible functional tests before and after18:07
lbragstadit will also constantly authenticate and validate tokens during the upgrade18:07
lbragstadat the end of the upgrade, it will output the performance results during the upgrade and if there were any dropped requests18:08
samueldmqlbragstad: awesome, so it does test things during the upgrade process18:08
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samueldmqone node is ocata and the other is the patch (pike)18:08
lbragstadi believe openstack-ansible uses tempest18:08
lbragstadsamueldmq: well - both nodes start out as ocata18:08
samueldmqand then just one goes pike, correct?18:09
lbragstadthen the openstack-ansible-os_keystone role will perform a rolling upgrade18:09
lbragstadsamueldmq: they both get upgraded according to our rolling upgrade documentation18:09
lbragstad(e.g. keystone-manage db_sync --expand, --migrate, --contract, etc...)18:09
lbragstadsamueldmq: it's very similar to the process I documented here18:10
lbragstad#link https://www.lbragstad.com/blog/using-openstack-ansible-to-performance-test-rolling-upgrades18:10
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samueldmqlbragstad: gotcha, I wonder if would be interesting to run tests between --expand and --contract18:11
samueldmqso that we make sure the upgrading is a rolling one (no downtime)18:11
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lbragstadsamueldmq: well - that's kind of what this does18:12
lbragstad#link https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone/blob/master/tests/test-upgrade-post.yml#L2018:12
lbragstad#link https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone/blob/master/tests/test-benchmark-keystone-upgrade.yml18:12
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samueldmqlbragstad: nice, I will take a better look at it later too18:13
lbragstadwhich authenticates and validates tokens repeatedlt during the upgrade18:13
lbragstad#link https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone/blob/master/tests/templates/locustfile.py18:13
samueldmqlbragstad: awesome18:13
samueldmqso for now we only keep testing auth during the upgrade18:13
lbragstadwe could get a little more prescriptive in our testing18:13
samueldmqnot keystone api18:13
lbragstadright - auth and validate are the only APIs that we're testing with rolling upgrades18:14
lbragstadbut we do run some tempest tests after the upgrade18:14
lbragstadwhich I assume checks data in the deployment to make sure the upgrade didn't ruin it or something like that18:14
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samueldmqmakes sense, maybe it could be improved later18:14
samueldmqbut is a great start as it is18:15
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samueldmqthanks for clarifying18:15
lbragstadyeah - for now it should be enough to get us the rolling upgrade tag18:15
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lbragstadso any reviews on those two patches would be greatly appreciate18:15
lbragstad#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471419/18:15
lbragstad#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471427/18:16
lbragstadmoving on18:16
lbragstad#topic picking up policy-docs work18:16
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lbragstadso - all the work to move policy into code has been done18:16
lbragstadand the follow on for that was to use oslo.policy to document each policy in code18:16
hrybackilbragstad: anything we can do to help aside from reviews to that end? It'd be nice to see those land sooner rather than later18:16
lbragstadwe only have a few patches left for that implementation18:17
lbragstadhrybacki: for the testing patches or the policy documentation patches?18:17
hrybackithe later18:17
lbragstadso these are the outstanding patches that need to merge18:17
lbragstad#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/policy-docs+project:openstack/keystone+status:open18:17
lbragstadand i'm not sure if antwash is going to have the time to pick it back up18:18
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hrybackilbragstad: I'll take a look. Might be something I can help with18:18
lbragstadi wanted to put this on the agenda to see if we could break that work up among the group and carry the last few bits across the finish line18:18
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samueldmqI volunteer too, I will update them18:19
lbragstadright now - most of the patches are in a linear series18:19
samueldmqhrybacki: and others are also more them welcome to help too18:19
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* hrybacki nods18:19
lbragstadwhich probably isn't necessary since there isn't a reason to not work them in parallel18:19
samueldmqlbragstad: ++ let's just get them all rebased on master18:20
lbragstadsamueldmq: cool - so that will be step one18:20
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lbragstadsamueldmq: hrybacki want to follow up after the meeting and divvy up the work?18:21
hrybackisounds good to me18:21
lbragstad#action lbragstad samueldmq and hrybacki to rebase and address comments on remaining policy-docs patches18:22
lbragstadcool - if there aren't any more questions on that specifically, we can move on18:22
lbragstad#topic How to do experimental code in the future18:23
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lbragstadayoung: o/18:23
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lbragstadayoung: all yours18:23
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ayoungSo, we killed extensions18:23
ayoungand we don't have experiemental, or alpha, or beta or nothing like that18:23
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ayoungand...I miss it18:23
ayoungI miss productivity18:23
ayoung I miss trying new things and actually getting them to work18:23
ayoungand all that coolness that makes people actual like coding18:24
ayoungand...well, what do we do?18:24
ayoungLet me give you an example of what should be possible18:24
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ayoungA down-down-down stream company should be able to come up with an idea for Keystone.  Say, oh, RBAC in Middleware18:24
ayoungand they want to implement it for their system.  Couple iterations...got something workable18:25
ayoungand then submit it upstream18:25
samueldmqayoung: what is experimental? may be removed or changed in a backwards incompatible way without previous notice?18:25
ayoung"get the feed back from the operators" is the mantra18:25
ayoungsamueldmq, I don't know.  That is what I want to figure out18:25
ayounghow can we, as a parent project, encourage new development18:25
ayounghow can we make it possible to build something, get it into production, and then say "ok, this should go into core"18:26
ayoungI don't think the top down approach we have right now is working?18:26
ayoung"first write a spec"18:26
ayoungsamueldmq, extensions, alpha, beta, separate namespaces...I don't know18:26
ayoungI do lnow there is something like it in Kubernetes, and it is where OpenShift does stuff18:27
ayoungso ideas that are vetted in OpenShift can then be shipped upstream18:27
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ayoungWhat do we want the workflow to look like?18:28
lbragstadyeah - i remember the initial fernet stuff taking a long time18:28
hrybackiare there any other components that have a good model for this?18:28
ayounglbragstad, exactly.  And PKI also could not morph fast enough18:28
lbragstadwhen i originally did that work with dolph, i proposed all the changes to a fork of keystone18:28
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samueldmqI think the idea is interesting, but there might be different cases in there, e.g whether you just add APIs vs touch the existing ones18:29
hrybackior even just a good reputation for working with 'outsiders' ?18:29
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ayoungHell, trusts were originally supposed to be an extension, but it touched so much code....18:29
lbragstadhrybacki: from an openstack keystone perspective, i feel like the "everything is pluggable!" card gets played there18:29
lbragstadayoung: yeah - in hind-sight that was a hard thing to do as an extension to be hont18:29
cmurphydon't we already have an experimental API? http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/keystone/tree/keystone/common/json_home.py#n62 why not just put new ideas behind that?18:30
ayounglbragstad, yeah. and with the Stable Driver interface, we found it too hard to maintain, and yanked that18:30
hrybackilbragstad: can you expand on that?18:30
ayoungcmurphy, I think that we need to explore just what that means.  It is probably a step in the chain18:31
lbragstadhrybacki: the implementation we have for trusts is complicated and it requires a lot of knowledge of various keystone sub-systems18:31
clarkbfeature branches are something that swift and others have used effectively for large chunks of feature work18:31
lbragstad^ that's pretty much how we did non-persistent tokens18:31
hrybackiinteresting idea18:31
lbragstadbut not as a formal feature branch18:31
ayoungwhat I would like to see is a way to say to downstream: here is the interface.  Here is the process.18:32
lbragstad#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Swift/feature_branches18:32
lbragstadthanks notmyname18:32
ayoungAnd I think it is important to understand the full process before we build any new mechanisms.18:32
notmynamelbragstad: happy to share our experiences if you decided to do it. feel free to ping me about it18:32
ayoungSomething like: we want to know that and idea is vetted in a production system before considering it in Keystone18:32
lbragstadnotmyname: i guess my first question is - are you happy with it?18:32
ayoungand maybe quibble a bit about what Production means18:33
lbragstadnotmyname: my second is - is there anything you'd change about the process?18:33
hrybackiayoung: could you write up a spec for this? XD /s18:33
ayoungbut, we are the antithesis of DevOps here.  It is big band waterfall.  Everything I hate about old style software development18:33
notmynameyes! feature branches have been both very successful and necessary for many multi-cycle efforts in swift18:33
notmynameI've very pleased with feature branches in swift18:33
ayounghrybacki, I do have an un publish rant blogpost18:33
notmynamelbragstad: as to the process, we've iterated on it over time, and the current process (ie what's in the wiki) is what's worked best for us so far18:34
hrybackiayoung: I bet you have an arsenal of them :)18:34
ayoungnotmyname, how do you use feature branches to do that18:34
ayounghrybacki, almost as many as abandonded patches in Gerrit18:34
notmynameayoung: to do what?18:34
samueldmqhmm and that can be a good fit for both things that are completely separate or that touch the existing code a lot (feature branches)18:34
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ayoungnotmyname, "feature branches have been both very successful and necessary for many multi-cycle efforts in swift"18:34
samueldmqjust keep rebasing them?18:35
notmynameayoung: the "how" is in the wiki link ;-)18:35
lbragstadThere are a couple of things we've found that are helpful.18:35
lbragstadfrequently merge from master (only a core can do this)18:35
fungiworth mentioning, i believe keystone may have been the first project to use a feature branch in our gerrit, but it's been a few years (was for a protocol major version change)18:35
* hrybacki is curious how CI would need to change (if at all) 18:36
lbragstadhrybacki: ++18:36
ayounghrybacki, I was toying with the idea of submitting code direct to RDO prior to pushing to upstream.18:36
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notmynameayoung: we've done feature branches for at least 4 year-long efforts in swift. the "how" is mostly one of prioritization and community communication. the mechanics aren't actually all that complicated18:37
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ayoungI am wondering if "upstream first:" is still the right strategy for a risk adverse, security sensitive project like Keystone18:37
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fungidevstack-gate already has some logic to recognize branches starting with "feature/" as being master-like (again, pretty sure that got implemented for the keystone v2 api feature branch as well)18:37
hrybackiayoung: I think it's dangerous to move away from that model18:37
lbragstadi think that depends on the feature18:37
notmynameyes, you can set up different CI jobs for a feature branch. sometimes that very helpful (ie when you're adding new stuff or in the middle of breaking everything)18:37
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ayoungnotmyname, also, we have issues with stuff needing to be in sync between server, client, CLI and middleware18:38
ayounghrybacki, I'm not sure it is.  I think that there is an argument that something should only be in Keystone *after* its been tried in production18:38
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* hrybacki has mixed feelings about that thought 18:39
samueldmqfungi: nice18:39
ayoungkindof like Vendors submitting drivers to the Linux Kernel after they've supported them for their own customer base for a few iterations18:39
lbragstadmaybe "upstream first" isn't the way to describe that?18:39
notmynameayoung: IMO the main reason for feature branches is so that you can land broken stuff or partially implemented stuff. AIUI, gerrit (zuul?) can coordinate feature branches across projects, so the same banch name is tested together18:39
samueldmqtricky question: is it possible for a deployer to try different features that are in different feature branches at the same time?18:39
hrybackigood question18:39
ayoungsamueldmq, it would be a code merge issue18:40
samueldmqwithout needing to merge/rebase them by themselves?18:40
ayoungyou could make a third feature branch for mixing them18:40
ayoungor the deployer could manage that themselves18:40
samueldmqso we would be making all the combinations? we don't control what people need18:40
samueldmqor leaving that up to the deployer seems inappropriate18:40
lbragstadi feel like if we need to start providing ways to use features from different branches, something just needs to be merged to master18:41
ayoungsamueldmq, so...that leads me to wonder if Keystone is too monolithic in approach.18:41
hrybackiquickstart in devmode might be able to pull reviews across branches in, checking with the oooq folks now18:41
notmynamesamueldmq: in my experience, that will depend on how often you merge master back in to the feature branch [protip: do it often]18:41
ayoungKeystone seems to be 3 distinct applications bundled up into one18:41
ayoungidentity, assignemtn, service catalog18:41
lbragstadnotmyname: ++18:41
ayoungideally, a new feature would be deployable as a separate microservice18:41
notmynameIOW, it's up to the keystone team to figure that out, not a deployer18:41
samueldmqnotmyname: interesting, and we want feature branches for things that are experimental18:42
samueldmqso we wouldn't expect a deployer to experiment so many things in a production env18:42
lbragstadnotmyname: have you ever had to prune feature branches that never make it to master?18:42
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hrybackilooks like, oooq can pull into multiple reviews: https://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-quickstart/devmode.html#zuul-mode18:42
ayoungtake the RBAC in middelware example. Aside from the implied roles stuff (which are already in ) it could easily be in a separate service.  Fernet tokens almost feel like they could have been done that way, too18:43
notmynamelbragstad: yes. the hummingbird/golang stuff. we've redirected a few times on that and haven't landed it on master18:43
ayounglike a "token signing and validation server"18:43
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samueldmqhow do we do feature branches across multiple projects?18:43
notmynameone very important thing with feature branches is that they MUST have a lifetime (probably measured no longer than 18 months)18:43
samueldmqjust use the same branch name consistently?18:43
notmynamesamueldmq: eys18:43
* samueldmq nods18:44
ayoungI think that is targetting too late in the process18:44
notmynamesamueldmq: at least, zuul is set up to test those together if they have the same branch name18:44
fungiyeah, devstack-gate and zuul-cloner look for branch name matches first when cloning any repos18:44
samueldmqnotmyname: that makes perfect sense to me18:44
ayoungyou are still thinking in a centralized swift team, and a branch managed in gerrit18:44
lbragstadnotmyname: so - feature X is going to start as a feature branch and we are going to target to merge it to master wtihin a year18:44
ayoungI would hate to do all that work just to have someone -2 it at the end18:44
samueldmqfungi: great, that's what makes sense to me, thanks for confirming18:44
ayoungand I've lived that life18:44
ayoungwould rather be able to say "here is the extra server"  and try to get it into Keystone, but if it is rejected, it can be a stand alone opensource project18:45
notmynameayoung: sorry. not trying to assume too much about how it might work. just trying to share what's worked for us18:45
samueldmqayoung: that'd have to be -2ed even before going to a feature branch18:45
ayoungnotmyname, ++18:45
ayoungsamueldmq, it never happens that way18:45
samueldmq-2s are for conceptual things not for implementation details/hardening18:45
samueldmqwhich is what feature branches are fore18:45
ayoungsamueldmq, people ignore something until it is getting close, they get scared, and it gets pocket vetoed18:45
notmynamethe tool (ie feature branches) is not important. what's important is the communication. so whatever works for communication is what you should do18:46
ayoungand that is probably due to the new feature being risky18:46
hrybackithat's not cool, ayoung18:46
samueldmqnotmyname: ++18:46
ayoungwhich is why we want it in production, and proven, prior to thinking about merging it in to Keystone18:46
notmynameayoung: ah, yes. so, again from my experience, that's where a *ton* of communication amongst core and leadership from the PTL is essential. communicate early and often18:46
ayoungkind like what the policy effort via ... what is the Apache project called again?  Fortress?18:46
lbragstadayoung: yeah18:47
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ayoungthey should be able to do that, and if we can make it work into the rest of the Keystone stuff, great18:47
ayoungif not, they should be able to continue it on18:47
ayoungI think the issue is the service catalog18:47
samueldmqyes and the roles are in keystone, and assignments and all18:48
ayoungwe need a way to represent new things in there without conflict18:48
samueldmqthat's basically replacing a part of what keystone is today18:48
lbragstadso - alternative, what if it was easier to iterate major api versions18:48
* lbragstad ducks18:48
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ayounglbragstad, what if we were able to "separate" modify api versions for subsystems?18:48
samueldmqlbragstad: like get it in, and just +1 major version and remove it if doesn't work?18:49
ayounglike identity is at v3.5,  federation a 3.14, assignment at 3.14 and so on18:49
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samueldmqlbragstad: we would endup in keystone v30 in 2 years maybe18:49
lbragstadyeah - i wasn't thinking about individually across subsystems18:49
notmynamepoint of order, you won't run out of version numbers ;-)18:49
lbragstadnotmyname: ++18:49
lbragstadjust straight up semver18:49
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ayoungnotmyname, yeah, but we'll agree to skip '9518:50
ayoungso...start chewing it over.  Think about what we want the overall process to look like18:50
samueldmqthat'd work but I don't think that's the right approach, nor what anyone else is doing in the big tent18:50
* lbragstad needs to read the swift process doc18:50
ayoungwe can use tools that have been successful here (long lived feature branches) as well as elswhere18:50
samueldmqdo it, if doesn't work, go major+1 and don't be backward compatible, that's terribly bad I think18:51
lbragstadsamueldmq: no - but it's come up before in discussions18:51
ayoungpeople are still stuck on the v2 api18:51
lbragstadayoung: right18:51
lbragstadalright we have about 8 minutes for open discussion18:52
lbragstad#topic open discussion18:52
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lbragstadthe floor is open18:52
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cmurphywe need a new name for api keys18:53
lbragstad#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/450415/18:53
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gagehugoI thought "auth keys" were thrown around as a name before18:53
samueldmqcmurphy: new name for the thing ?18:54
lbragstadi need to review the latest iteration of that spec18:54
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samueldmqor a new name (owner) for it?18:54
morgancan i point out the bikeshed on the name is stupid18:54
cmurphysamueldmq: name for the thing18:54
morganthis is bikeshed18:54
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morgancolor it purple, move on18:54
cmurphymorgan: okay but everyone is unhappy with it18:54
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morganthats fine, propose something and move forward18:54
samueldmqI don't think it's bikeshed yet, have we had discussions on it before?18:55
morgandiscussing the name into the weeds is silly18:55
lbragstadif they don't behave like "API keys" as they are known in other parts of the industry, I'd be fine with something as simple as application specific passwords18:55
ayoungLets drop the word Keys18:55
morganlbragstad: ++ go with that18:55
ayoungapplication subjects?  Application Principals?18:55
morganapplication-specific-passwords is really what this mirrors18:55
morganthat is a fine name for it18:55
cmurphyokay i'm going to run with application specific passwords18:56
morganit's a password, not an account18:56
lbragstadif the client still has to understand openstack's scoping bits, then API keys is probably not the right name18:56
morganayoung: please don't push harder on the bikeshed here.18:56
ayoungso we are only going to support password for this?18:56
morganlbragstad: that is still application specific passwords.18:56
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ayounghow about we use the OAUTH term and call them consumers and say "please use oauth"18:57
ayoungmorgan, you know this is not just bikeshedding18:57
morganTHIS IS.18:57
samueldmqapplication specific credentials18:57
ayoungmorgan, I kicked off this discussion18:57
ayoungI asked for links to the rationale for calling the API keys...18:58
ayoungand note that those are still not in the spec18:58
ayoungit was a term we fell in to because it is used somewhere18:58
ayoungbut this is service users by another name18:58
morganok so two options18:58
morgan1) use oauth (not this spec, real oauth)18:58
morgan2) call it what it is, and it's not oauth18:59
ayoungmorgan, one reason to go oauth is it works with other projects18:59
morganoption 1 is really not doable w/o scrapping all the stuff massively18:59
morganayoung: this is in the weeds18:59
ayoungdocker, specifically, needs Oauth for image repos, for example18:59
hrybacki<1 minute y'all18:59
morganthis is NOT oauth18:59
lbragstadok - so bite-sized pieces, let's refactor the doc to include application specific passwords then go from ther e18:59
samueldmqwe're out of time18:59
morganlbragstad: +18:59
cmurphylbragstad: ++18:59
ayoungmorgan, this is not passwords18:59
lbragstadif we come up with a better name in the process of reviewing the important bits of the mechanism, we can rename19:00
lbragstadthanks for coming folks!19:00
mordredoh, I see this topic is going strong :)19:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun  6 19:00:29 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2017/keystone.2017-06-06-18.00.html19:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2017/keystone.2017-06-06-18.00.txt19:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2017/keystone.2017-06-06-18.00.log.html19:00
fungiinfra team, untie!19:00
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fungithis week we have action items assigned to and topics proposed by... me. just me apparently. won't this be fun?19:01
jeblairoh that'll make it easier for me to eat my sandwich if fungi does all the typing19:01
fungiin fact, i've probably _already_ done most of the typing ;)19:02
jeblair(it is easy to type ++ while eating a sandwich, so expect a lot of that from me)19:02
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fungi#startmeeting infra19:03
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 19:03:08 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:03
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:03
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:03
fungi#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting19:03
fungi#topic Announcements19:03
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fungii don't think i have anything super important to announce this week19:03
fungias always, feel free to hit me up with announcements you want included in future meetings19:03
fungi#topic Actions from last meeting19:03
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fungi#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2017/infra.2017-05-30-19.03.html Minutes from last meeting19:03
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fungifungi propose a help-wanted section to our specs index for unassigned specs19:03
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fungidone, i'll cover it under the next topic, which is...19:03
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fungi#topic Specs approval - ADMIN: Add a help-wanted section (fungi)19:03
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fungi#link https://review.openstack.org/471149 Add a help-wanted section19:04
fungibasically just wanted to try and get some consensus in meeting that this is an okay implementation of the idea19:04
fungii don't personally think it merits a lengthy council rollcall since it's just reorganizing the index a little19:04
fungibasically i scoured all our open specs, and any which didn't list an actual human assignee got moved into this section of the index19:05
fungiTristanC picked up one yesterday, so i updated the change to no longer move that one (the nodepool drivers spec)19:05
clarkbI voted +1 +1 on the change already19:06
fungii saw, much appreciated!19:06
fungianyway, hearing no dissent, i'll approve it now in the meeting. we can always undo this if it turns out to be more trouble than it's worth i guess19:06
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fungi#topic Priority Efforts - Ansible Puppet Apply: Done? (fungi)19:07
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fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/ansible_puppet_apply.html Ansible Puppet Apply19:07
fungithe story linked from this had only one task and it's marked as merged19:07
fungipuppetdb reporting mentioned as part of the proposed change hasn't been completed yet19:07
fungibut we've gone another direction and abandoned puppetdb/puppetboard anyway so i assert that this spec is implemented and we can move on19:07
fungianybody feel strongly that we should keep it open/active until that's solved?19:08
cmurphyi think it'll be easier to fix that part if we upgrade puppet19:08
fungiyes ;)19:08
jeblairfeels done to me19:09
fungicmurphy: i would like to get your puppet 4 spec up for council vote soon. do you think next week is too soon?19:09
fungior is it still getting hashed out in review?19:09
cmurphyfungi: the proposal is finished but i'm having concerns about getting participation on reviews19:10
cmurphyand if there's a new spec to move some things over to pure ansible then this seems less urgent19:10
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clarkbthe proposal on the ansible side is only for new things. So I think addressing existing puppet is worthwhile unless we want to morph ansible proposal to be all the things19:11
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dirkcmurphy: fwiw the spec is in merge conflict19:12
fungiprobably because of the change i just merged19:12
jeblairi'm assuming ansible for new things would be a first step toward ansible for all things.  so deciding on where we want to end up would be useful.19:12
cmurphythis one? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/44993319:12
mordredI agree19:12
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fungithe help-wanted change likely generated a fair number of merge conflicts over the specs index19:13
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mordredI think it's worthwhile for us all to mull whether or not we'll get the coders and reviewers for either puppet4 or ansible work as we think about what the overall plan should be19:13
fungi#agreed ansible_puppet_apply spec can be marked implemented19:14
cmurphyright now all of the beaker tests are broken, they are hard to fix, and no one (including me) really wants to put the effort into fixing them19:14
mordredcmurphy: yah19:14
cmurphyso yes i agree that moving toward something that people want to work on is worthwhile19:14
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fungiconversely, we need to be able to continue managing what we have until whatever else comes along to replace it is ready19:15
mordredfungi: ++19:15
mordredthat too19:15
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fungiso if that means we need to fix our current testing somehow, we should still be thinking about what ways we have to accomplish that19:15
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fungiis (was) the beaker-based testing catching bugs we were missing in our apply tests?19:16
ianwwhy are they hard to fix?  just a lot of dependencies?19:16
ianwor something deeper?19:17
clarkbfungi: yes, they were able to catch a class of bug only found when actually applying puppet not in noop mode19:17
cmurphyfungi: i think there's been a few times they caught real bugs, though hard to say lately19:17
clarkbidempotency being one19:17
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fungiclarkb: cmurphy: thanks. i mean i know in theory they test more deeply than we can with apply jobs, just didn't know if the effort we've been putting into maintaining them was offset by the benefits we were getting19:18
cmurphyianw: well for example since we let them lapse the puppet-jenkins module started needing a lot of work to get it back to working https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462048/19:18
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fungidid most of this creep up on us simply because we only spot issues when someone proposes a new change to a module and most of our modules are very low-churn?19:19
dirkcmurphy: yes (sorry, was afk)19:20
cmurphyfungi: it crept up on us because we left them nonvoting19:20
fungithey were voting on at least some modules i thought19:20
ianwcmurphy: ahh, yeah ... a lot of churn to cover19:20
fungiam i misremembering, or did something cause us to switch them back to nonvoting across the board?19:21
cmurphyi think puppet-cgit has voting centos beaker jobs19:22
cmurphyi don't remember if there are others19:22
cmurphydidn't mean to derail the spec approval topic, we can come back to this later19:23
fungiwell, it's a very important topic. i'm just wondering whether we should be hashing these various parallel concerns out on the infra ml. i'm worried that this meeting isn't going to be sufficient to get to whatever sort of consensus we need on such a complex situation19:24
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fungii can try to summarize the various points raised in a starter message and see where the discussion goes19:24
cmurphysounds good19:25
fungi#action fungi start an infra ml thread about puppet 4, beaker jobs and the future of infra configuration management19:25
fungithanks cmurphy! i hadn't realized things were in quite the state they are on this19:25
fungi#topic Priority Efforts - A Task Tracker for OpenStack: Assignees? (fungi)19:26
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fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/task-tracker.html A Task Tracker for OpenStack19:26
fungidiablo_rojo has been the defacto phase 1 coordinator/facilitator on this for a while now19:26
fungidiablo_rojo: if you're around, mind updating the task-tracker spec to list yourself as the assignee and move it from the help wanted section back into the approved section?19:26
fungi#action fungi get up with diablo_rojo about task-tracker spec assignment19:27
fungii'm noticing we actually have it double-listed since it's also in the priority efforts section, so i guess we can just take it out of the help wanted section once it has an actual assignee noted19:28
fungi#topic Priority Efforts - Gerrit 2.13 Upgrade: Stalled? (fungi)19:28
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fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/gerrit-2.13.html Gerrit 2.13 Upgrade19:28
fungizaro is listed as the assignee on this (and did some awesome preliminary testing, thanks!)19:28
fungibut his employment situation has left him with limited time to help on it lately19:29
fungiclarkb has prodded at it a bit more recently too19:29
fungialso gerrit 2.14 has been out for a couple months now, looks like so maybe we should be evaluating that?19:29
fungii'm mostly just trying to get a feel for whether this has the momentum and volunteers to keep it in the priority efforts set, realistically19:29
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clarkbthe summit and prep for summit let out all the steam I had on this19:29
clarkbI should pick it back up again, its just hard because gerrit :)19:30
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fungiyeah. we seem to end up in a perpetual cycle of taking longer to evaluate a new version of gerrit than it takes them to release new versions19:30
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jeblairif we wanted to reduce the scope of this to omit fixing up 'zuul-dev' and just rely on local testing, i'd be fine with that19:30
clarkbwe do have a build of a 2.13.x war that we can apply to review-dev built. What we need to do is run through the actual upgrade process on review-dev because we can't do it with online indexing19:30
jeblairthough *some* amount of testing with zuul should be done.  especially if we move to newer gerrit19:31
clarkbso mostly just want to be sure we have a process and its tested and measured before we go to production19:31
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jeblairi've seen some gerrit-compatability patches for zuul recently but haven't really kept track of what versions were involved19:31
mordredjeblair: luckily tobiash already found us one zuul+newer-gerrit bug :)19:31
clarkbjeblair: agreed, I think we can just run noop jobs out of a virtualenv to start though19:31
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clarkbof course maybe we want to go to 2.14 instead of 2.13 and get a new war up?19:32
clarkbits probably not a bad idea otherwise our next upgrade will be even further behind19:32
fungii'm tempted to say stick with 2.13 rather than losing what progress we've potentially made by starting all over19:32
mordred2.14 requires java 8 - do we have that?19:32
clarkbmordred: oh on xenial we do19:32
clarkbso maybe we stick with 2.13 then19:32
mordredyah. otherwise it's a host change too19:32
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jeblairi can help out with the zuul testing part if needed19:33
clarkbgiven that my preference is definitely 2.13 to reduce complexity19:33
fungiwell, or a somewhat distasteful in-place distro upgrade like we did/are doing for lists.o.o19:33
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fungi(to avoid a host replacement)19:33
clarkbwhy don't I finish writing up an upgrade doc (I started but never actually put real content in there), we can review it, apply it to review-dev then resync on testing19:33
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jeblairin place wasn't too bad :)19:34
fungiall things considered, debian (and by extension ubuntu) does manage to make in-place upgrading not too painful, agreed19:35
fungiclarkb: sounds good to me19:35
fungi#action clarkb finish writing up an upgrade doc for gerrit 2.11 to 2.1319:35
mordredfwiw, 2.14 includes polygerrit - and I also see things in the rest api docs about "robot comments"19:36
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fungii for one welcome our new robot overlords (as long as they adhere to the three laws)19:36
mordredfungi: ++19:36
mordredfungi: is one of the three laws "don't break any of the laws"19:36
fungithat's sort of the zeroth law, but...19:37
fungi#topic Specs Cleanup (fungi)19:37
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fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/ OpenStack Project Infrastructure Design Specifications19:37
fungisince nobody else proposed any topics this week, i thought this was a good opportunity to try and identify some approved specs which we've missed moving to implemented or abandoned19:37
fungii've picked a few which look promising and we can see how many we get through19:37
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/complete-reviewable-release-automation.html Complete Reviewable Release Automation Work19:38
fungidhellmann: i'm pretty sure we can consider this one implemented, right?19:38
fungi#action fungi get up with dhellmann about complete-reviewable-release-automation spec19:39
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/deploy-stackviz.html Stackviz Deployment19:39
fungiaustin81: timothyb89: this has been working for a while, i think? should we mark it implemented now?19:39
clarkband we just simplified the installation in d-g too (thanks pabelanger)19:39
fungi(or anyone else who happens to know)19:39
fungiyeah, i figure that makes it plenty done if we're already refactoring the install mechanism19:40
clarkbwe didn't implment the central browser service19:40
clarkbwhich is part of that spec, though I wonder how much interest there is in making that happen?19:40
fungimight be we revisit the scope there19:40
fungi#action fungi get up with austin81 and timothyb89 about deploy-stackviz spec19:40
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/ethercalc.html Ethercalc19:41
fungiclarkb: we have one of these19:41
fungi#link http://ethercalc.openstack.org/19:41
fungii've even used it. implemented, yeah?19:41
clarkbyes implemented19:41
fungi#agreed ethercalc spec is implemented now19:41
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/neutral-governance-website.html Neutral governance website19:41
fungittx is travelling today, but as far as i can tell this is done. anyone disagree?19:41
clarkb+1 to done19:42
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fungiwas pretty much just about moving the tc-specific content into the tc subtree and setting up teh necessary redirects, then letting the uc publish to governance.o.o as well19:42
fungii'll double-check with ttx too when he's around19:42
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fungi#action fungi get up with ttx about neutral-governance-website spec19:42
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/pholio.html Pholio Service Installation19:42
fungiit's been up and running for a while, though the ux team sort of dissolved shortly after19:43
fungi#link https://pholio.openstack.org/pholio/ pholio service19:43
fungiwe may want to consider figuring out if anyone in the community has a use for it and take it back down if not, i guess19:43
fungithe only outstanding concern i heard (i think from mordred?) was about making sure teh links to the other phab subcomponents were properly disabled/redirected19:44
mordredyah. that was my main concern19:45
mordredalso - we're not exactly over-staffed with humans, so running a service that isn't important to our users seems like extra effort that it's hard to justify19:46
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clarkbI think this is what the openstack shelve feature is for :)19:47
mordredclarkb: ah! finally, a use for it ;)19:47
mordredclarkb: you know, we could pause it, snapshot it, then download the image and store it somewhere19:47
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fungiyeah, looks like nobody has created any mocks under it19:48
fungiand i agree it looks like at least maniphest is allowing me to create a new bug report19:48
fungiso there's still work to do to lock this down19:48
mordredfungi: if nobody has created mocks, I'd vote for spinning it down19:49
ianwi spent some time on it before, i can send out a note about it, and start deprecation if required19:49
ianwotherwise look at locking it down19:49
mordredianw: ++19:49
fungisince nobody is using it (and it was never officially announced because the ux team dissolved while we were waiting for them to get back to us about if it was working the way they wanted) it may not need any announcement19:50
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ianwi can word it so it's not a question :)19:51
fungiianw: sounds great! you want to take on deleting the server and moving the spec to abandoned too?19:52
ianwyep, will do over the next week19:52
fungi#action abandon pholio spec and send announcement about discontinuing the (unused) service19:53
openstackRemoving item from minutes: #action abandon pholio spec and send announcement about discontinuing the (unused) service19:53
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fungi#action ianw abandon pholio spec and send announcement about discontinuing the (unused) service19:53
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/publish-election-repo.html Publish election repository19:53
fungithis is super done, yep?19:53
clarkbhttps://governance.openstack.org/election/ says yes19:54
fungiyeah, hard to dispute reality19:54
fungi#agreed publish-election-repo is implemented19:54
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/releases-openstack-org.html Move docs.openstack.org/releases to releases.openstack.org19:55
clarkbyou can always reject reality and substitute one in19:55
Shrewsthat's called alcohol19:55
fungii consider that my day job19:55
clarkbhttps://releases.openstack.org/ says this one is done too19:55
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fungi#link https://releases.openstack.org/19:56
fungiyep. there may be more they want that site to have, but it exists insofar as the spec requires19:56
fungi#agreed releases-openstack-org spec is implemented19:56
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/shade.html shade: A library that understands clouds19:57
fungimordred: ^ i vote that the infra spec is implemented, and future shade specs are handled by its new team19:57
mordredfungi: agree19:57
clarkbalso the listed work items are done I think19:58
fungiyeah, seems that way19:58
fungi#agreed shade spec is implemented19:58
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fungii'll hit the sb team up about possibly implemented specs in their meeting tomorrow19:58
fungioh, here's one more probably easy:19:58
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fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/unified_mirrors.html Unified Mirrors19:59
fungiwe're done there, right?19:59
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pabelangerI'd say yes19:59
clarkbits also evolved a bit from there too19:59
pabelangerall regions have them19:59
fungisome parts of it ended up agandoned19:59
fungibut yeah, implemented enough20:00
pabelangerya, ruby for example20:00
fungiwe're out of time, but i could use a volunteer to fix up that spec to remove the bits we didn't do20:00
fungiget up with me in #openstack-infra20:00
fungithanks everyone!20:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun  6 20:00:47 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)20:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2017/infra.2017-06-06-19.03.html20:00
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smcginnis#startmeeting tc20:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Jun  6 20:00:59 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.20:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'20:01
mriedemso, DB2...20:01
* edleafe finds a comfy seat20:01
smcginnisWelcome to the special PostgreSQL edition of the TC meeting. :)20:01
* edleafe smack mriedem 20:01
* smcginnis laughs at mriedem 20:01
* dims kicks mriedem out20:01
smcginnisAgenda is here:20:01
smcginnis#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee20:01
fungifun stuff20:01
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smcginnisScroll down to Next Meeting20:01
smcginnis#topic Declare the current state of Postgresql in OpenStack20:02
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sdagueare we at quorum?20:02
dtroyerI count 720:03
* rockyg hands mriedem a lollipop and says "there, there"20:03
smcginnisYep, looks like we've reached quorum, right?20:03
sdaguedtroyer: mriedem isn't TC, though his opinion is valued20:03
dtroyerI didn't count him20:04
sdagueok, I'm failing at math20:04
sdaguesdague, dtroyer, smcginnis, fungi, cdent, EmilienM20:04
sdagueah, dhellmann == quorum :)20:04
smcginnisAnd dims20:04
dimssdague : am here too, fighting network issues20:04
* dhellmann feels useful20:04
sdagueoh, damn20:04
* dhellmann feels less useful now20:04
sdagueI should go back to camping20:04
dtroyer++ moar camping for everyone20:05
smcginnissdague: Good life lesson in general.20:05
sdagueok, shall we begin?20:05
smcginnisSO cdent pulled together a nice post with links20:05
smcginnis#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-June/117921.html20:05
smcginnisWe've have had a few lengthy discussions on the ML20:05
smcginnis#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-May/116642.html20:05
fungisdague: i had already piped up earlier, but yes, here20:06
smcginnis#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-May/117148.html20:06
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smcginnisAnd we have a couple proposals up to how we want to approach this:20:06
smcginnis#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/427880/20:06
smcginnis#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465589/20:06
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smcginnisI am your impartial moderator today ss, go....20:07
dhellmannbefore we start on the proposals, can someone clarify for me whether we have answered the question of if we *want* to support postgresql?20:07
dtroyerafter a bit of a break, I think dhellmann's question in todays last comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465589/ would be a good place to start20:08
sdaguedhellmann: I don't think that's a settled question20:08
dtroyerand hetypes faster than I do :)20:08
dhellmannright, so I think that's where we need to start20:08
sdaguedhellmann: is it?20:08
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mriedemwe talked about that at the summit,20:08
smcginnisdhellmann: There certainly are some who *want* it supported. So maybe discuss around what that means in this context.20:08
dhellmannwell, we could do the "this isn't well supported" comment thing, but the rest of the stuff about asking for help doesn't make sense if we're going to reject it20:08
dtroyera) we don't support is not up to mysql-par; b) we should document that; c) then what?20:09
mriedemi think at the summit we could all agree on actually documenting the current state of htings20:09
mriedemwhich is why we have the two proposals to do that20:09
sdaguedhellmann: I agree that asking the board for assistance here seems like a weird ask (from cdent's proposal)20:09
dhellmannso even cdent's draft would have to change to drop that part20:09
dhellmannand if that's all we're going to do now, someone could just go write the doc patch20:09
sdaguebecause even if we did want to support this, I don't think it would be in the top 20 things we'd ask board support for20:10
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cdentthe reason I included that is because my understanding, from summit, was that _if_ we want to indicate a path forward, then we need to indicate that getting support from "vendors" is something we need20:10
smcginnisHow about this - 1) do we agree we should document the current state, then 2) discuss what the future state should be?20:10
fungideciding whether we (who is "we" in this sense) want to support it first assumes we know what we mean when we say "support"20:10
dhellmannyeah, but we don't want to ask for help on this if we don't want it, so we should decide about that before we ask for help20:10
cdentI think sdague's most recent comment about "top 20" is essentially the same as dhellmann's question: do we want it20:10
smcginnisI'd like to focus on 1 first here, as I think leaving its state ambiguous isn't helpingn anyone.20:10
sdaguesmcginnis: I agree20:11
dirksdague: but are we really talking about postgresql specifically or "any sqlalchemy/oslo.db supported sql vs mysql family only" ?20:11
dhellmannsmcginnis : +120:11
cdentI wrote the alternative as a way of saying "if we want it, here's a way to say that"20:11
fungilike does it mean that there are some set of people who have volunteered to be postgresql subject matter experts within the community?20:11
sdagueso in the proposal https://review.openstack.org/#/c/427880/7/resolutions/20170201-postgresql-status.rst there are 3 concrete actions20:11
dirksdague: isn't postgresql the guinea pig of making sure that the stuff is reasonably portable accross no-matter-what db?20:11
sdague1) document that it is less supported20:11
dhellmannfungi : we need to say something clearly like "projects should accept patches to maintain postgresql support" or "projects do not need to maintain postgresql support after they have provided a migration path off of postgresql onto mysql"20:11
sdague2) see what a transition would look like / cost (as there is a team doing that)20:11
dimsgood plan of attack20:12
sdague3) figure out how the board can give us vendor based usage data that's not coming through in the survey20:12
sdagueso, I guess I want to figure out if those 3 actions are +1/-1 from folks20:12
sdaguethen, there is disagreement about preamble20:12
sdagueand we can figure out what's the deal breakers there20:13
mriedemi'm +1 on those 3 actions fwiw20:13
mriedembut just a lowly pawn20:13
mriedemand was my takeaway from the summit session20:13
fungidhellmann: thanks. i'm squarely in the "we (the tc) should not require projects to accept or maintain patches which implement support for databases they don't feel like using" camp20:13
dhellmannmriedem : well, you rep a vendor that uses postgresql, right?20:13
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smcginnisSO can we get a show of hands - who backs 1 above?20:13
mriedemdhellmann: i do20:13
dhellmannsmcginnis : do you want to use #vote to keep track?20:13
fungi#1 seems fine to me20:14
smcginnisdhellmann: Would that be better?20:14
dtroyer++ #120:14
* dhellmann shrugs20:14
dhellmannI support option 120:14
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dtroyerat this point I think we're looking for opposition to any of those three?20:14
sdaguewe're pretty light in terms of TC membership today, so this is more about sorting out what we think the final proposal should look like20:14
mriedem+1 to #1 (documenting the <first class support)20:14
smcginnisdhellmann: Was thinking just semi-informal, but maybe that would help make it more official.20:15
dhellmannsdague : good point20:15
dhellmannsmcginnis : oh, no, I just meant so you didn't have to count :-)20:15
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sdagueso, right, I think the important point is to figure out if anyone objects to any of 1, 2, 3 that's in attendance20:15
smcginnissdague: Final proposal as far as pg support, or final proposal as to hwo we are going to document it?20:15
dhellmannsifting through the usual level of chatter might have been hard, but we seem to be well-behaved today20:15
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sdaguesmcginnis: final version of whatever this is20:15
cdentI half-object to #220:15
sdaguecdent: ok, because?20:15
fungi#2 just seems like collecting data20:16
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dimssdague : i support all 3 points above20:16
dimsand options fungi20:16
mriedemcdent: isn't #2 also in yours?20:16
fungithough i guess collecting information on an option could imply that we consider it a possibility and give false hope where there maybe should be none20:16
cdentI think we should do #1 but not do #2 because it implies that we don't want postgres and I think that's a backwards step, from my perspective. I can live with it, so I won't vote against it or anything, but I do think it represents a contrary to what we're trying to do20:16
cdentmriedem: yes, but I don't really want that one20:17
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sdaguecdent: that seems very odd to me20:17
cdentI would have written a much string alternative if it was just me20:17
dhellmannfungi : I believe the SUSE folks are planning to migrate regardless of the outcome, and they're doing that research.20:17
mriedemcdent: confused - it's your change :)20:17
sdaguebecause I can't imagine actually deciding to deprecate and remove pg without knowing the cost to current users20:17
fungidhellmann: right, i knew what it was a reference to20:17
cdentI think I've made it pretty clear throughout this process that I think supporting multi-dbs is a first class goal: a sign of correctness and maturity20:18
rockygcdent, ++20:18
sdaguecdent: ok, so because of that it's not possible to understand alternatives?20:18
cdentI wrote the shortened version of the document to see how people would react to a simpler expression of what was effectively the goals that sean expressed, but without all the stuff about mysql itself20:18
mriedem#2 is all fact finding i thought - if it's prohibitively expensive to migrate from pg to mysql20:19
fungibut i can understand if officially seeking input on the costs of transitioning and then deciding to stick by the lack of support anyway in light of that information could lead some to think that we didn't really want the information and were simply paying lip service20:19
cdentsdague: it is fine to investigate the path, but it is wasted effort if we never choose to take it20:19
cdentand I don't think we should take it20:19
sdaguecdent: it's not even our effort20:19
sdaguethe suse team is already doing it20:19
cdentso why waste the effort when there is so much else to do?20:19
cdentthe suse team is as much as anyone else20:19
sdaguebasically it's just whether or not we want to supress the info20:19
dhellmannwhat if we phrase that one as "do nothing else until the suse team reports back"20:19
cdentand if they do it, we can still benefit from the info without having legislated it20:20
cdentlegislating it indicates encouragement20:20
dtroyersuse made a business decision to spend $$$/time on that, ignoring that information seems a waste20:20
cdentdhellmann: as i said: I'm okay with that20:20
fungiand/or implies that it will influence the decision when it may not20:20
cdentI don't think we should ignore the information20:20
cdentI simply think that these resolutions shape future direction: they are politics20:20
sdaguewell, it wasn't until we asked about it did they volunteer that they were doing it anyway, and could do it in the open20:21
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smcginnisI do think it's a good data point to have, but I agree with the direction cdent is going in that we should decide, regardless of that effort, if we should strive for DB abstraction as a tenet.20:21
cdentand I think our politics should say: we would like to support many databases, but right now it is hard, halp20:21
rockygWhy not "accept info from outside sources on costs of transitioning, etc?20:21
cdentrockyg: I'd be fine with that too20:22
sdaguecdent: right, and I think that's where we disagree about that being a priority in OpenStack20:22
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sdaguewhich was dhellmann's question20:22
cdentsdague: yes20:22
dtroyerso then re-work #2 and #3 to be about collecting information about transition, usage, cost of support, whatever...20:22
dhellmannnow we're back to where i suggested we start20:22
sdaguedhellmann: right20:22
sdaguedhellmann: but we aren't going to agree there20:22
rockygand along with transition costs, if anyone wants to provide costs of maintaining the abstraction would be nice.20:22
sdaguelike, litterally aren't going to get to concensus20:22
sdaguerockyg: right, that's what I tried to put into the preamble20:23
cdentwe are already maintaining the abstraction, we just don't test enough to be confident20:23
cdentso the one single thing we need to do, and then we could stop, is adjust the docs20:23
cdentwe don't _need_ to do more20:23
cdentbut we have an opportunity to do so20:23
dhellmannso then I guess we do 1 and 3 and drop 2? or will people who want to retain pg support sign off on option 2?20:23
cdentto answer the question about what we want20:23
fungii'm still unclear on what "support" means in this context. as the tc we're not going to insist that projects work with specific databases right? (or do we already say that they must support mysql even if it makes no sense for their particular data model?)20:24
fungimemories of mongodb debates from years past20:24
mordredwe have forced projects to have a sqla driver20:25
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dhellmannI think the idea is for us to clearly say whether postgresql counts as "a database" in our base layer20:25
dhellmannor "a relational database"20:25
mriedembase layer? whoa whoa whoa, that sounds too much like core to me...20:25
mriedemalert alert20:25
dhellmannor if we're going to contract that, to just say mysql-like databases20:25
dhellmannmriedem : you're reading my lines20:26
fungimriedem: the base services list (database, message queue, et cetera)20:26
mordredmriedem: I think he means "the things we assert all openstack services can depend on being there"20:26
dhellmann#link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/base-services.html?highlight=base20:26
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mriedemi'm not really serious, sorry about that one20:26
sdaguedhellmann: and I don't think that there is concensus there. There is one camp that believes that sqla should be a good enough abstraction for everything.20:26
dimsdhellmann : don't think we are ready to state that right now20:27
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mordredI'd go one further20:27
sdagueThere is another camp that would like to be pushing what we do with the db for user experience, like the zero downtime keystone story20:27
sdaguethose are trade offs20:27
mordredthere is a camp that believes an abstraciton layer is a positive goal that is a mark of maturity and quality (what cdent said) and a camp that maintains that large systems tend to target one backend20:27
mriedemsdague: but can that be done for mysql and if you don't use mysql and are willing to tolerate not having 0-downtime upgrades with postgresql, that's on you?20:28
dhellmannthere isn't consensus there now, but I thought that was the whole point of this even coming up?20:28
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mordredwe don't even have consensus on that20:28
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sdaguemriedem: that's where I'd be fine being20:28
mriedemsdague: me too20:28
mriedemthere is all sorts of crap you can't do with nova api if you're not using libvirt20:28
sdaguein which case we need to be ok that not all dbs are equal20:28
dhellmannthat seems ok to me20:28
sdagueas steady state20:28
dhellmannmaybe we have more of a consensus than we thought?20:28
cdentmordred: i'm only saying that in terms of using an rdbms. I don't think all the projects should use an RDBMS or even the same RDBMS. It's just that if you do, it's "nice" to give the deployer choice.20:28
fungii guess i'm just wondering if there's an option for saying "we test these services against mysql, and if you want to try with something else it may work but we won't guarantee (or force) projects to accept fixes to make that possible for you" and leave it at that20:28
mriedemi'm totally fine with the carrot approach20:28
sdaguedhellmann: maybe, cdent how do you feel on that?20:29
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mordredcdent: I totally understand and can respect that point of view, and agree with it to a certain scale. but past a certain scale I believe an abstraction layer is actually a detriment not a benefit20:29
mriedemfungi: i'm also good with that - we have a pg dsvm/tempest job in the integrated-gate experimental queue so it's not like we can't run stuff through it20:29
dhellmannfungi : if we're going to be that loose, we should ask projects that reject dbs other than mysql to clearly state that. Otherwise, we need to tighten it up and tell project teams that they do need to accept patches to maintain non-mysql support.20:29
dhellmannmodulo review, quality, etc.20:29
dhellmannthey can't reject the patch out of hand20:29
mordredso it depends on how well we want to support the "massive scale" part of our mission, imo. that said, I can totally live with the mriedem / sdague description above20:30
cdentsdague: mostly? I agree that it is okay to say "we test most robustly using X" but I have some issues with "you only get desirable feature if you use X" (thinking in this case of the reliance on triggers in keystone (something I don't actually have enough info to comment fully on))20:30
cfriesen_fungi: I'm a little apprehensive about saying that projects can reject patches just because they're there to make postgres work20:30
fungii'm on the fence about whether it's productive to tell projects what kinds of patches they should or can't accept, outside of those which are clearly beyond their scope, legally risky, et cetera20:30
mordredI think we need to be super clear in docs about what does and doesn't work out of the box, and also to try to find the places where db impl is leaking through the API and define that behavior better20:31
dhellmanncdent : graceful degradation until someone provides the patches to make it do otherwise?20:31
fungicfriesen_: projects already have the leeway to reject all sorts of other patches without us telling them they can20:31
cdentdhellmann: At this stage that seems like we could hope for20:31
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sdagueprojects prioritize patches on a ton of different grounds, I honestly think that trying to put rules around "you have to accept alternative dbs" seems weird. We did some many slightly nutty things for db2 that was all a waste of people's time20:32
smcginnisfungi: But rejection based on an overall policy is a little different.20:32
dhellmannfungi : the tc is the last stop for resolving these sorts of conflicts. sometimes we do need to make those sorts of statements to avoid conflicts elsewhere.20:32
dirkfungi: isn't the question rather whether openstack infra would provide hosting of a postgresql gate for a particular project? it is not worthwhile to tell a project to accept cross-db support patches if we"re not going to provide testing capability for them20:32
mriedemsdague: slightly nutty?20:32
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sdaguemriedem: all those null key migrations20:32
mriedemwe put a unique constraint on a unique column...20:32
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mordreddirk: I do not believe infra would do anything to prevent pg support in the gate20:32
mordredpg is an open source database. job content is job content.20:32
mriedemdirk: we already have that20:33
fungidirk: anyone can apt-get install postgresql in a job. there's nothing for "infra" to support in that regard and i'm happy if people want to test it (official openstack projects or otherwise)20:33
mriedemdirk: it's in the experimental queue for all integrated-gate jobs20:33
mordredfungi: ++20:33
sdaguedirk: right, any open source stuff has been welcome in the gate in various efforts20:33
mriedemer projects that use the integrated-gate jobs20:33
dirkthanks, so the summary is "we welcome projects to test against postgresql but don't require it going forward"20:34
smcginnisI'd like to see if we can go back to the first thing and see if there is agreement that at a minimum for now, we at least document the state of non-mysql support.20:34
dirkwell, it could be one of the summarys. sorry20:34
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mriedemsmcginnis: i think we're all agreeing on docs20:34
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dhellmannsmcginnis : yes, I think we all agreed on that.20:34
dtroyersmcginnis, mriedem: ++20:34
sdagueso... agreed thus far is 1 & 3 in the action list20:34
smcginnisThen the question comes to which of the porposals are we most OK with?20:35
smcginnisFor docs.20:35
fungidirk: i think that's where my personal preference lies, but willing to compromise if the rest of the community has conflicting needs in that regard20:35
mriedemsmcginnis: i think both say basically the same thing20:35
mriedemput warnings in the docs20:35
* EmilienM is very sorry and has to drop off for family reasons (22.35pm here)20:35
smcginnisEmilienM: thanks!20:36
fungig'night EmilienM20:36
smcginniscdent: Did you have concerns about the first of the two docs patches?20:36
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smcginnisOr did we now lose quorum?20:37
cdentsmcginnis: ?20:37
dimsstill here..20:37
mriedemi had a clarification question on docs in cdent's patch20:37
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rocky_gdhellmann, made it eight, so down one leaves 720:37
mriedembut i think both say the same thing20:37
smcginniscdent: There are the two proposed docs patches. There was a reason for creating the second one out of a valid concern, correct?20:37
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smcginnisrocky_g: thanks!20:38
cfriesen_the most recent version of sdague's is quite a bit different from the original verison, I think20:38
cdentsmcginnis: you're talking about the two different proposals from me and sean or something else?20:38
sdaguecfriesen_: yeh, I was really trying to capture what I thought was concensus out of the session in Boston20:38
smcginniscdent: Yes, sorry, your vs sdague's/20:38
smcginnisIf we all agree we need it documented, and the first patch (sdague's) is now updated to be more acceptable, can we abandon the second one and at least get that out of the way.20:39
dimsapart from verbosity are the two conflicted in any major way? (latest revs)20:39
dimssmcginnis : i'd support that20:39
cdentYeah, amongst my concerns about sdague's was that it is easy to read as "we really just want to support mysql and that's what we should do" so wrote the second one leaving out all the stuff about mysql (except for that one section) so that it is more about postgresql20:39
dimscdent : does it still read that way? (latest rev)20:40
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smcginniscdent: Are you now OK with the original patch?20:40
cdentI dont' feel strongly enough about it to vote against that proposal but _did_ feel strongly enough to present a different version20:40
smcginnisI just see this overall "should we support multiple DBs" taking longer than this meeting, so my hope is we can at least walk away from this with the current state documented and agreed on.20:41
smcginniscdent: OK, sorry to put you on the spot.20:41
mriedemmaybe propose clarifying wording and -1 sdague's change, and continue to -1 until it's worded how you'd want, but drop the 2nd change so we can focus on one change20:41
mriedemor don't, whatever :)20:41
sdagueI will state that there are definitely folks that don't like the tone which does state mysql* is more supported20:41
cdentversion seven is still, to me, "let's use mysql" in disguise20:41
sdagueright, and I think that's where we're eventually going to hit a wall, because there is that split20:42
dirksdague: thats where mordred "s comment comes in : OpenStack is more focused around mysql (rather than saying "support")20:42
dirksdague: and I think that solves the conflict20:42
dimscdent : i prefer to lean that way to show that we will pull trigger some time down the road20:42
sdaguedirk: ok, so maybe a next step would be mordred to redraft that ?20:43
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dirk"support" is to be avoided unless you want to end up in endless debates, basically20:43
sdaguedirk: ok, I tried to define support in the last version20:43
cdentdims pull which trigger?20:43
mriedemdims: what trigger?20:43
dirksdague: I think the current comments on your review just need to be incorporated and then it's good (for me at least)20:43
cfriesen_dims: but what if people step up to support postgres?  (which was one of the things mentioned)20:43
mriedemthe one that kills pg in openstack?20:43
dimsdrop pgsql in 2-3 years20:43
mriedemdims: we're not even talking about that20:43
dirksdague: both mordred  and me made concrete wording improvements20:43
cdentyeah, exactly, that's why I don't want that version :)20:43
dimscfriesen_ : right then we reconsider20:43
dirksdague: in a review comment.20:43
sdagueI'll also admit, I've done so many iterations and shifts here I'm getting pretty blind on making changes that make sense20:43
mordredsdague: I can respin if you like20:44
dimslol sdague20:44
dimsi know it's tough20:44
sdaguedirk: ok, maybe would you like to intergrate those changes?20:44
mordredor dirk can - either way20:44
sdaguethat might make sure we get a balance you are comfortable with20:44
sdagueand have drafting by someone that's not seen as tainted with a particular POV that I know mordred and I are perceived as20:45
dimsso we settle down on the sdague governance patch and interate there20:45
edleafeDecalring what the current state is, and how we got there, is the part everyone seems to agree on. Seems the differences are on where we move from here20:45
smcginnisdims: +120:45
mordreddirk: you ok with taking the next iteration?20:45
edleafeKeep going in that direction, or change course20:45
dhellmannare we going to keep all 3 steps? or drop it down to just the first one?20:45
dimsdirk : thanks in advance :)20:45
dirkmordred: I can give it a try20:45
mordreddirk: awesome!20:45
smcginnis#action dirk to update sdague's first documentation patch20:45
cdentI think having dirk take a pass is a good idea20:45
dimss/documentation/governance :)20:46
openstackRemoving item from minutes: #action dirk to update sdague's first documentation patch20:46
smcginnis#action dirk to update sdague's first governance patch20:46
dirkthanks :)20:46
dhellmannthanks, dirk20:46
smcginniscdent: But you would like to hold on to your alternative?20:47
dimsk. me switching to partially here mode then20:47
sdaguethanks dirk20:47
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* smcginnis wonders if we technically have quorum then.20:47
cdentAnd I'll say now that I'll comment on dirk's version with my particular perspective (too much mysql!) if it is necessary.20:47
sdaguecdent: sounds reasonable20:47
dhellmanncdent : ++20:47
dimsthanks cdent20:47
cdentI think that seems like the best way to iterate at this point20:47
smcginniscdent: +120:47
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cdentsmcginnis: since we're not voting we don't really need quorum: we just chattin'20:48
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smcginnisOh, true. :)20:48
sdagueso, the only real remaining sticking bits were whether point #2 / #3 need to be changed around20:48
smcginnisWatercooler talk, eh20:48
sdaguethey were captured because of the boston session20:48
sdagueas things we wanted20:48
sdaguefor different reasons20:48
dhellmannI think we're all happy with point 3?20:49
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fungii think we may be down to 7 present (me, cdent, dims, dhellmann, mordred, sdague, smcginnis)20:49
smcginnisOnly half of a dims though. :)20:49
cdent3 is: work with foundation to get better data of current state of affairs?20:49
sdaguedhellmann: I have not heard objections to 320:49
dhellmannfolks, I don't think we need quorum because we're making an action plan not a final decision20:49
smcginnissdague: +120:49
fungioh, right, dtroyer's here so long as dims is at least partly here still20:49
sdaguecdent: yeh, so for instance purp and I had a bunch of conversations out of band on this review20:49
sdagueand his objections included20:50
* smcginnis notes there will be no voting20:50
sdague- we have no idea what switching cost would even be (agree)20:50
sdague- the openstack survey is not scientific (also agree)20:50
dhellmannthose are fair points20:50
dhellmannI still think it's OK to point out that the survey could be improved.20:50
sdagueand the SAP folks in the room did actually say they didn't realize that the survey was used to make decisions20:50
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sdagueotherwise they might have filled it out20:51
dhellmannhow many years have we been doing that?20:51
mriedemeveryone is running cells v1 according to the survey20:51
sdaguemriedem: yeh :)20:51
smcginnisdhellmann: For some reason I thought I saw this was our 7th user survey.20:51
smcginnisBut I could be completely making that up.20:52
sdagueit is also the reason that the last draft talks about lines of evidence which all seem to align with the 10 to 1 (or more) ratio20:52
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sdaguebut, there are a ton of users that aren't making a decision, they are just canonical, red hat, suse, windriver, huawei customers20:52
sdaguethat are just getting their defaults, and probably never showed up20:52
sdaguein our survey20:53
cfriesen_as someone who works at a company that produces an opinionated openstack install, our customers may not actually *know* the answers to the survey...should we be feeding them the answers and asking them to fill it out?20:53
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smcginnisI guess I'll stir the pot again - regardless of the data, is there a desire to have DB abstraction/agnosticism in the community?20:53
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sdaguecfriesen_: that's kind of the ask in #3, start the conversation about that collection20:53
dhellmanncfriesen_ : the idea is to have distributors provide some info about their defaults and their customer base size20:53
fungicfriesen_: some of the takeaway for the survey team was that distros be able to sort of "proxy" answers or something along those lines20:53
mriedemsmcginnis: i have 0 desire to talk about that again right now20:53
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mriedemin this meeting20:53
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sdaguemriedem: right20:54
sdaguemy biggest concerns is not to surprise any new users by them thinking they are more supported than they are20:54
cdentthat's a shame as that seems to be the key issue. the reason we needed a meeting20:54
cfriesen_smcginnis: I think there is a desire by some people, and not by others. :)20:54
smcginnisWell, the previous comments about it were all interlaced with wether the data supported it or not.20:54
smcginnisSo I was hhoping we could clearly state one way or the other whether we even cared.20:54
sdagueand to not prevent advanced things like zero downtime services unless they build it with an abstraciton20:54
smcginnisBecause if not, the rest is moot.20:54
sdaguesmcginnis: it's not though20:55
sdagueit's grey space20:55
sdaguewe're definitely going to keep supporting mysql*20:55
sdagueand do advanced things there20:55
fungii can say that i don't personally care whether openstack is db-agnostic, but i assume the question is more whether we think the openstack community as a whole cares20:55
mriedemin general abstraction is good, in practice there are exceptions20:55
sdagueand the rest... show up and fill out the feature set if you care20:55
dhellmannlet's not get into that cycle again20:55
cfriesen_does the abstraction really prevent mysql from making progress if we don't require feature-parity from different DBs?20:55
dhellmannitem 3 seems to have support?20:56
cdent"and do advanced things there"20:56
cdentdhellmann: yes20:56
sdaguedhellmann: I think so20:56
mriedemdhellmann: +1 to #3 from me about better data20:56
dhellmannok, so should we drop item 2 from the next draft?20:56
dhellmannand consider that separately?20:56
cdentI think so20:56
dhellmannas part of any future action?20:56
sdaguecould we just soften it?20:56
mordredcfriesen_: I think that's key - and I think we can certainly structure things such that we _can_ make progress20:56
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dhellmannmaybe? how would you soften it, sdague?20:56
sdagueit was a specific ask "how hard would this be?"20:56
sdaguelots of people were asking that in the room, including you dhellmann20:57
* cdent I'm a grape in the path of the steamroller of progress: I _don't_ think we should do "advanced things" withing the persitence layer20:57
dhellmannyeah, I'm not saying we don't do the work, I'm just saying we don't put it into the resolution20:57
fungicfriesen_: are other dbs without implemented feature parity in the software and without substantial testing and subject matter experts upstream actually something we should be recommending as a solution? that's the important question i think20:57
sdaguedhellmann: ok, so where are we keeping track of the fact that we are doing that work, and we want to report on it?20:57
dhellmannus including item 2 or not isn't going to change suse's next steps, right?20:57
mriedemif advanced things means scaling to a million nodes, then i'm cool with advanced things20:57
smcginnis2 minute warning20:58
sdaguedhellmann: us asking for that may change how they surface it20:58
dhellmannsdague : if we have the votes to pass something that includes it, I'm fine with it. I thought we needed to rework things to make it approvable.20:58
cfriesen_fungi: I see it as the difference between "we're dropping postgres" and "we're not implementing new hotness for postgres, you can do it if you want it"20:58
mordredcdent: I think we must, or else we don't serve our users well20:58
dhellmannI don't have a problem with keeping it in20:58
cfriesen_fungi: the difference is mainly for people already using postgres with lots of sunk costs20:59
mordredcdent: but it's highly possible we mean different things by "advanced things"20:59
fungicfriesen_: well, my take is that we can't drop something we never had20:59
cdentmordred: potentially20:59
cfriesen_fungi: practically speaking it works quite well currently20:59
dimssmcginnis : thanks for running the show today20:59
smcginnisdims: No problem20:59
dhellmannyeah, thanks smcginnis, this wasn't an easy one20:59
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smcginnisPretty much at time. Thanks everyone.20:59
mordredcdent: because I CERTAINYL do not think we should do 'advanced' things in the persistence layer like triggers or stored procedures20:59
sdagueand thanks dirk for stepping up21:00
smcginnisI'm sure there will be more of these to come.21:00
mordreddirk: ++21:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Jun  6 21:00:14 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)21:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2017/tc.2017-06-06-20.00.html21:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2017/tc.2017-06-06-20.00.txt21:00
cdentthanks for running the show smcginnis21:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2017/tc.2017-06-06-20.00.log.html21:00
cdentthanks for taking the next task dirk21:00
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dimssmcginnis : thanks for running the show today21:00
dims++ dirk21:00
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smcginnisdirk: I think you got the only concrete action item. :]21:00
* dirk feels honored :)21:01
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fungithanks dirk!21:02
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