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BobBall | #Startmeeting XenAPI | 09:31 |
huanxie | hello all | 09:31 |
BobBall | hello all | 09:31 |
BobBall | hmmm | 09:31 |
jianghuaw | Hello. | 09:31 |
BobBall | I see no meeting bot | 09:31 |
BobBall | #startmeeting XenAPI | 09:31 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Apr 13 09:31:58 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is BobBall. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 09:31 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 09:32 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'xenapi' | 09:32 |
BobBall | oh | 09:32 |
BobBall | it's case sensitive... | 09:32 |
BobBall | Hi all :) | 09:32 |
BobBall | johnthetubaguy: pingity ping | 09:32 |
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BobBall | #topic Blueprints / reviews | 09:32 |
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BobBall | So I saw from last meeting's discussion that blueprints are not currently being approved unless they were previously approved | 09:33 |
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BobBall | johnthetubaguy: is there a specific summit meeting to discuss extra BPs to approve? | 09:33 |
BobBall | I admit I haven't looked at the agenda yet... | 09:33 |
BobBall | ... | 09:34 |
BobBall | This is going to be a short meeting | 09:34 |
BobBall | I just remembered that johnthetubaguy is on vacation! | 09:34 |
* BobBall will recommend to johnthetubaguy that he changes his nickname when he's not here | 09:34 | |
BobBall | OK - so in a fortnight we have the Austin summit | 09:34 |
BobBall | I will be there, but unfortunately huazhihao jianghuaw and huanxie will not be attending | 09:35 |
huazhihao | We will be watching those presentations online | 09:35 |
BobBall | So if anyone wants to meet up to chat about XenAPI send me an email at openstack@citrix.com and we will organise something. | 09:35 |
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BobBall | Are there any urgent reviews from any of you three? | 09:36 |
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huanxie | No urgent for me | 09:36 |
BobBall | One that I'd like to draw peoples attention to are: | 09:36 |
jianghuaw | #link: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/242846/ | 09:36 |
BobBall | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/301741/ | 09:37 |
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jianghuaw | I hope this one to be review soon. | 09:37 |
huazhihao | No urgency | 09:37 |
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jianghuaw | it has been there for long time. And the xenapi neutron security group also depends on it. | 09:38 |
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huanxie | Agree with jianghuaw, this is base for neutron security group | 09:39 |
BobBall | OK - we can push for that one too | 09:39 |
jianghuaw | Thanks. | 09:39 |
BobBall | jianghuaw: Since you've been involved in the glance stuff (From a test perspective) could you review the change I posted too? | 09:39 |
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jianghuaw | sure. | 09:40 |
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BobBall | it's likely to be approved for Newton but will change the glance plugin API | 09:40 |
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BobBall | I think that covers everything we'd want to cover in today's meting without johnthetubaguy | 09:41 |
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BobBall | Unless there is anything else? | 09:41 |
BobBall | #topic AOB | 09:41 |
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jianghuaw | none from me. thanks. | 09:41 |
BobBall | Oh - actually - huan does have a change (in devstack) that we would appreciate a swift review on if anyone is watching :) | 09:42 |
BobBall | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/302033/ is needed for our Neutron CI | 09:42 |
huanxie | yes | 09:42 |
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huanxie | If it can be merged soon, it's greate | 09:43 |
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BobBall | I thinkthat's everything there then | 09:43 |
BobBall | we'l close the meeting now. | 09:43 |
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BobBall | See some people at the OpenStack summit in Austin! | 09:43 |
BobBall | #endmeeting | 09:43 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Apr 13 09:43:52 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 09:43 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/xenapi/2016/xenapi.2016-04-13-09.31.html | 09:43 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/xenapi/2016/xenapi.2016-04-13-09.31.txt | 09:43 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/xenapi/2016/xenapi.2016-04-13-09.31.log.html | 09:43 |
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RHcao | hi~ | 13:00 |
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zhiyuan_ | hi | 13:00 |
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ztang | hi | 13:00 |
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Yipei | hi, all | 13:00 |
_lxq_ | hi | 13:01 |
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joehuang | hi | 13:01 |
joehuang | #startmeeting tricircle | 13:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Apr 13 13:01:52 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is joehuang. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'tricircle' | 13:01 |
joehuang | #topic rollcall | 13:02 |
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joehuang | #info joehuang | 13:02 |
zhiyuan_ | #info zhiyuan | 13:02 |
RHcao | #info RHcao | 13:02 |
Yipei | #info Yipei | 13:02 |
_lxq_ | #info _lxq_ | 13:02 |
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joehuang | #topic tempest | 13:03 |
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ztang | #info ztang | 13:03 |
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joehuang | hello, | 13:03 |
joehuang | it's a good opportunity to integrate tricircle into OPNFV | 13:04 |
ztang | good | 13:04 |
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joehuang | and IPv6 project in OPNFV wants to leverage the cross OpenStack L2/L3 networking capability | 13:05 |
joehuang | for multisite IPv6 vRouters deployed in different OpenStack instances | 13:05 |
joehuang | https://wiki.opnfv.org/ | 13:06 |
RHcao | great | 13:06 |
joehuang | in Release D | 13:06 |
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joehuang | Currently the Release C is planned to release in August | 13:07 |
zhiyuan_ | when will release D come out? | 13:07 |
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joehuang | We want tricircle could be integrated into release C, reduce the integration with IPv6 in release D | 13:08 |
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joehuang | Release D maybe started after August, but I guess, will be based on OpenStack Newton | 13:08 |
joehuang | and release in next Feb or Mar | 13:08 |
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joehuang | Now a lots of basic functionalities like VM/Volume operation, for example reboot, shutdown, ... not implemented | 13:10 |
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joehuang | and more important, the system test using tempest also not implemented | 13:10 |
zhiyuan_ | yes, at least we need to implement DELETE operation to run tempest | 13:11 |
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joehuang | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TricircleToDo | 13:11 |
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joehuang | the priorities of basic VM/Volume operation is promted | 13:12 |
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joehuang | and tempest too | 13:12 |
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joehuang | to Zhiyuan, agree, even basic CRUD operation on VM/Volume | 13:14 |
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joehuang | #info tempest and VM/Volume CRUD, operation priorities prompted | 13:15 |
zhiyuan_ | Are any members interested in implementing these features? | 13:16 |
joehuang | yes, please | 13:16 |
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RHcao | we can try it but the process will be slowly | 13:18 |
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RHcao | and hope members help us | 13:19 |
joehuang | which one | 13:19 |
joehuang | I think we can use co-author mechanism | 13:19 |
RHcao | CRUD of V M/volume | 13:19 |
RHcao | co-author will good for our team | 13:20 |
ztang | CRUD is for relational DB? | 13:21 |
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joehuang | Volume has implemented CRD, but no update | 13:21 |
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joehuang | no, forward the command to bottom pod | 13:21 |
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joehuang | not in DB | 13:22 |
zhiyuan_ | how to run "co-author"? someone submits a patch then others help to modify it? | 13:22 |
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ztang | OK. I see | 13:23 |
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joehuang | One small function as an example, | 13:23 |
joehuang | and the newbie follow this pattern to write other similar functions | 13:23 |
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zhiyuan_ | oh i see | 13:25 |
joehuang | For example, write one "reboot", and then the follower need to write similar functions for other purpose | 13:25 |
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ztang | this way is good for our beginners | 13:26 |
joehuang | I am not sure this will work or not | 13:26 |
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joehuang | but it'll be a good try | 13:27 |
RHcao | should we talk the case of CRUD by VM/volume | 13:27 |
joehuang | ok | 13:27 |
joehuang | Zhiyuan, for VM, support C, but no U and D | 13:27 |
joehuang | and with get_all but no get_one? | 13:28 |
RHcao | it is diff from traditional openstack | 13:28 |
zhiyuan_ | yes, currently only boot is implemented | 13:28 |
zhiyuan_ | i think show is implemented | 13:29 |
joehuang | ok | 13:29 |
RHcao | zhiyuan is currently just support on pod (boot VM)? | 13:29 |
RHcao | one pod? | 13:30 |
joehuang | no, multiple pods | 13:30 |
zhiyuan_ | boot VM with AZ parameter | 13:30 |
joehuang | otherwise L3 networking is not feasible | 13:30 |
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RHcao | at present the node2 just failed | 13:30 |
RHcao | i try many times | 13:31 |
joehuang | to Yipei, when will your spec be ready for review. | 13:31 |
Yipei | before this weekend | 13:31 |
joehuang | Please continue discussion, I'll leave for a while | 13:31 |
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RHcao | @zhiyuan now the enviroment of mutiple pods is ok? | 13:32 |
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Yipei | @RHcao, what is the error? | 13:32 |
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ztang | do you clear the reason for the failure of the node 2, RHcao? | 13:33 |
RHcao | i check the log and the reason come from keystone | 13:34 |
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RHcao | the bug that zhiyuan submit (1540802) also happened in my environment | 13:35 |
zhiyuan_ | @RHcao, can you successfully boot a VM in Pod2 directly? | 13:35 |
RHcao | no | 13:35 |
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zhiyuan_ | nova boot --os-region-name Pod2 ... | 13:35 |
zhiyuan_ | to tell nova client to send to request to bottom OpenStack | 13:35 |
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zhiyuan_ | @RHcao, that is a bug of DevStack | 13:36 |
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RHcao | i fix the stack.sh but failed to run the devstack | 13:36 |
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zhiyuan_ | ? so devstack has not started in Pod2? | 13:37 |
RHcao | yes | 13:37 |
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_lxq_ | maybe we can try it in vm | 13:37 |
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zhiyuan_ | what's the error stopping devstack in Pod2 to start? | 13:37 |
zhiyuan_ | have you checked the log? | 13:38 |
ztang | i agree with lxq | 13:38 |
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zhiyuan_ | yes, you can use virtualbox to start VM to run devstack | 13:38 |
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ztang | let us try it tomorrow @RHCao | 13:39 |
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RHcao | @zhiyuan i run the devstack right away and catch the error to shared with our members | 13:39 |
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zhiyuan_ | ok, but i think you can find the history log in /opt/stack/logs | 13:40 |
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zhiyuan_ | or /opt/stack/screen-logs | 13:40 |
zhiyuan_ | not sure | 13:40 |
RHcao | ok | 13:40 |
ztang | OK, thank zhiyuan | 13:41 |
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zhiyuan_ | before the bug in devstack fixed, we need to change stack.sh a bit, as mentioned in tricircle readme | 13:42 |
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zhiyuan_ | one important point is that we need to keep code in each project compatible | 13:44 |
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Yipei | @zhiyuan, are other VM/volume operations similar to this patch? #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/265143/ | 13:44 |
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zhiyuan_ | for example, update all the projects to the latest version | 13:44 |
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zhiyuan_ | delete operation is similar. but VM has other operations like shutdown, reboot, etc | 13:46 |
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zhiyuan_ | for these operations, you need to check the API format then register controller to handle such request | 13:47 |
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ztang | let's continue to discuss CRUD for VM? RHcao seems interested in it. | 13:48 |
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zhiyuan_ | like this url format: /v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/action | 13:48 |
RHcao | i am finding the error of log in devstack sorry for leave a while | 13:48 |
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joehuang | to Yipei, quite similar | 13:49 |
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zhiyuan_ | if needed, i can submit a patch for VM start/stop to show an example | 13:51 |
Yipei | i think the code in this patch is helpful to us to implement other operations. but still need some comments and explanations. i think it is better to select some examples, we can study them offline | 13:51 |
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RHcao | that is great and thank you so much | 13:52 |
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longxiongqiu_ | agree with Yipei | 13:52 |
RHcao | it will help us to start quickly | 13:53 |
joehuang | ok, let's try using this method to expand our bandwidth for code commit | 13:53 |
zhiyuan_ | fine, the patch can be submitted tomorrow | 13:53 |
joehuang | #info using co-author way to expand commit bandwidth | 13:53 |
longxiongqiu_ | thanks @zhiyuan_ | 13:54 |
joehuang | #info one write small function as example, other follow this pattern to write new functions | 13:54 |
ztang | it sounds nice for us | 13:54 |
ztang | especially for longxiongqiu | 13:55 |
joehuang | ok, let's conclude the meeting, and discuss the devstack in #openstack-tricircle if needed. | 13:55 |
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joehuang | yes | 13:55 |
joehuang | good to all | 13:55 |
joehuang | #endmeeting | 13:55 |
zhiyuan_ | bye | 13:55 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Apr 13 13:55:45 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:55 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tricircle/2016/tricircle.2016-04-13-13.01.html | 13:55 |
RHcao | bye | 13:55 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tricircle/2016/tricircle.2016-04-13-13.01.txt | 13:55 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tricircle/2016/tricircle.2016-04-13-13.01.log.html | 13:55 |
longxiongqiu_ | bye | 13:55 |
joehuang | see you | 13:55 |
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Yipei | bye | 13:55 |
ztang | see you | 13:56 |
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SotK | its storyboard time! | 15:03 |
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Zara | HI | 15:04 |
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SotK | #startmeeting storyboard | 15:04 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Apr 13 15:04:27 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is SotK. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:04 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:04 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'storyboard' | 15:04 |
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SotK | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/StoryBoard Agenda | 15:05 |
SotK | that doesn't look up to date | 15:05 |
Zara | haven't updated it, sorry | 15:05 |
SotK | since I'm not on holiday | 15:05 |
Zara | I think it was last updatd for last weds | 15:05 |
Zara | so it's only a week out! | 15:05 |
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Zara | better than I normally manage | 15:05 |
SotK | :D | 15:05 |
Zara | completely forgot about the meeting; bugsquash! | 15:05 |
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* SotK too | 15:05 | |
SotK | I don't know of any announcements or urgent things | 15:06 |
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Zara | er, I guess... infra bugsquash is now, in #openstack-sprint | 15:06 |
Zara | bugs are listed on storyboard | 15:06 |
Zara | and sotk is back from holiday | 15:07 |
Zara | /end of my announcements | 15:07 |
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SotK | \o/ | 15:07 |
SotK | #topic In Progress Work | 15:07 |
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SotK | Worklists and boards are worklisty and boardish | 15:07 |
Zara | :) | 15:07 |
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SotK | I'm making a more obvious way to make worklists in boards automatic atm | 15:07 |
Zara | \o/ | 15:07 |
SotK | should be sending patches soon-ish | 15:08 |
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Zara | also \o/ | 15:08 |
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Zara | (we're completely distracted by the bugsquash) | 15:09 |
Zara | cool, any plans to do 'load more on scroll'? | 15:10 |
Zara | since that just came up | 15:10 |
SotK | one day, if I have the time :) | 15:10 |
Zara | hahaha, fair enough | 15:10 |
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Zara | in fairness I don't think worklists should be used for really long lists anyway | 15:10 |
Zara | cool | 15:10 |
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Zara | #info SotK working on automatic boards and UI fixes for boards/worklists | 15:11 |
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Zara | so, as for me... been looking some more at the pythonclient | 15:11 |
SotK | \o/ | 15:11 |
Zara | last week, I got gerrit talking to storyboard! | 15:11 |
Zara | okay, it wasn't saying anything interesting (yet) | 15:12 |
Zara | but I'm still pleased | 15:12 |
Zara | I like the idea of hooking up an automatic board to gerrit | 15:12 |
Zara | and just watching the cards move around | 15:12 |
SotK | you mean, changing task status using gerrit and having the board's worklists filter by various statuses? :D | 15:13 |
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Zara | so precise! but yes | 15:13 |
Zara | #info Zara made a horrible proof-of-concept gerrit-talking-to-storyboard thing last week https://review.openstack.org/#/c/302912/ | 15:14 |
Zara | so this week, been looking at the python client some more, in an effort to get it working nicely to pipe a list of stories into an etherpad | 15:14 |
Zara | for the bugsquash | 15:14 |
Zara | turns out it's limited because it fetches resources by ID | 15:14 |
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Zara | so I'm looking at fixing that | 15:14 |
Zara | that's useful for scripts interacting with storyboard more generally, too | 15:15 |
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Zara | #info Zara is trying to make the python client more flexible, for automating queries for resources | 15:15 |
SotK | exciting :D | 15:16 |
Zara | I'm procrastinating from fixing all the annoying things about emails | 15:16 |
Zara | well, I made a story for subscription things, at https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000545 | 15:16 |
Zara | based on things we've heard a lot of people shout about since emails went up | 15:17 |
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Zara | er | 15:17 |
Zara | #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000545 | 15:17 |
* SotK really wants to be able to configure what type of emails he receives too | 15:17 | |
Zara | yes | 15:17 |
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Zara | I also added some things to | 15:18 |
Zara | #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/99 | 15:18 |
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Zara | so that's probably the place for that? I want to send round a mail for feedback on notification more generally... | 15:21 |
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Zara | well, I made a task for it while trying to reproduce rcarillocruz's bug, anyway | 15:23 |
Zara | may make more sense to split it out. | 15:23 |
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Zara | erm... anything else for in-progress? | 15:27 |
Zara | sorry, distracted | 15:27 |
Zara | these logs will be fun | 15:27 |
* SotK doesn;'t think there is anything else | 15:27 | |
SotK | #topic Open Discussion | 15:28 |
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Zara | we need to plan for texas! | 15:29 |
Zara | eep | 15:29 |
SotK | D: | 15:29 |
Zara | there's a task-tracking fishbow | 15:29 |
Zara | erm | 15:29 |
Zara | fishbowl | 15:29 |
* Zara abdicates, makes SotK the leader, and runs away | 15:29 | |
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Zara | I'm seeing it mainly as requirements-gathering | 15:30 |
anteaya | who is going to be in texas? | 15:30 |
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Zara | (and updating people on where we're at) | 15:30 |
Zara | SotK and I | 15:30 |
anteaya | yay! | 15:30 |
anteaya | it might also turn into a meta discussion of what task tracker is infra/openstack going to use | 15:30 |
anteaya | it might not, but it might | 15:31 |
Zara | yeah | 15:31 |
anteaya | come into it prepared to give a status update | 15:31 |
Zara | okay, thanks | 15:31 |
anteaya | be open to requirements gathering | 15:31 |
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anteaya | but it might go any direction | 15:31 |
anteaya | so bring a seat belt | 15:31 |
Zara | yeah, I imagine there will be a lot of people attending | 15:31 |
Zara | for the drama | 15:31 |
anteaya | well let's be prepared | 15:32 |
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Zara | yeah, I have neglected preparing so far with the 'sotk is on holiday excuse' | 15:32 |
Zara | it doesn't really work now | 15:32 |
anteaya | nope | 15:32 |
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Zara | so... status update, requirements gathering possibly, anything else? | 15:33 |
Zara | anything we should be sure to mention in status update? | 15:33 |
anteaya | nope just be accurate and consise | 15:33 |
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anteaya | offer to expand if there is interest | 15:33 |
anteaya | but outline the highlights as bullet points | 15:33 |
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anteaya | talk about what is already in production | 15:34 |
anteaya | don't worry so much about what you plan to do | 15:36 |
anteaya | talk about what it already does | 15:36 |
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SotK | that makes sense | 15:37 |
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anteaya | if someone asks what you plan to do, then you can share plans | 15:37 |
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Zara | cool, wfm | 15:37 |
anteaya | but just include current production features in your update | 15:37 |
anteaya | wonderful | 15:37 |
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anteaya | prepare that and you should be in good shape | 15:37 |
anteaya | plan on your update being about 5 minutes maximum, there will be questions I'm sure | 15:37 |
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anteaya | and other discussion, but try to keep your update to 5 minutes so we can get to discussion | 15:37 |
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anteaya | if your update is less than 5 minutes, that is fine too | 15:38 |
anteaya | less is more | 15:38 |
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Zara | okay | 15:38 |
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Zara | I've been caught out by surprise requests for roadmaps before... but not at the summit | 15:38 |
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SotK | #endmeeting | 15:52 |
SotK | hmm | 15:53 |
* SotK assumes it is ended | 15:53 | |
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anteaya | Zara: SotK here are the logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/storyboard/2016/storyboard.2016-04-13-15.04.log.txt | 15:54 |
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Zara | yay.. | 15:55 |
SotK | they appear cut-off :( | 15:55 |
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anteaya | yes | 15:56 |
anteaya | the bot left about 38 minutes after the hour | 15:56 |
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smcginnis | We lost half our cinder logs a couple weeks back too. | 15:58 |
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jungleboyj | smcginnis: Yeah, because I know I would be traveling end of that week. Given the date of the 4th I think a lot of people may have stuff that weekend. | 16:08 |
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ntpttr | the bot has arrived | 16:08 |
smcginnis | #startmeeting Cinder | 16:08 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Apr 13 16:08:41 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 16:08 |
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openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:08 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'cinder' | 16:08 |
smcginnis | ntpttr: Thanks! | 16:08 |
Swanson | meetbot cometh | 16:08 |
smcginnis | #topic Announcements | 16:08 |
thingee | ditto | 16:08 |
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smcginnis | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-April/092104.html Midcycle planning | 16:09 |
diablo_rojo1 | Who knew a bot could be so exciting? | 16:09 |
baumann | Am I supposed to say "hello" again now that it's start? :D | 16:09 |
baumann | started* | 16:09 |
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smcginnis | I also have most of the schedule entered for the Summit: | 16:09 |
smcginnis | #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=Cinder%3A+ Summit Cinder Track | 16:09 |
tbarron | baumann: i think you just did, even if it's quoted | 16:09 |
smcginnis | :) | 16:10 |
smcginnis | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-cinder-summit-ideas Planning etherpad | 16:10 |
jungleboyj | oh baumann | 16:10 |
smcginnis | Still add things to the etherpad if you think of additional topics. | 16:10 |
smcginnis | We have Friday to work through any smaller topics. | 16:10 |
dulek | smcginnis: Looks like we have one more working session left? | 16:10 |
smcginnis | There is also a work session on Thursday that I've kept open so far. | 16:10 |
diablo_rojo1 | The summit app hasn't been working for me. Has anyone else tried it yet? | 16:10 |
smcginnis | dulek: Yep. | 16:11 |
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smcginnis | Thinking of designating that an unconference like Nova does if we don't have a big enough topic to allocate to that. | 16:11 |
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dulek | Last time we needed to vote which sessions go in, what happened this time? | 16:11 |
smcginnis | I'm sure we'll fill the time on something. | 16:11 |
smcginnis | I could just mark that as the "bikeshed" session. :) | 16:11 |
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scottda | smcginnis: That unconference thing works well | 16:11 |
smcginnis | dulek: Oh, did we vote? | 16:11 |
smcginnis | scottda: I do like the idea. | 16:12 |
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scottda | Lotsa stuff only takes 5-10 minutes to discuss | 16:12 |
dulek | smcginnis: At least there were more sessions than slots, so we've pushed a lot for Friday. | 16:12 |
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smcginnis | dulek: Yeah, does seem like we had a lot more last time around. | 16:12 |
smcginnis | Not sure if that's good or bad. :) | 16:12 |
smcginnis | #topic NFS Snapshots Status | 16:12 |
*** openstack changes topic to "NFS Snapshots Status (Meeting topic: Cinder)" | 16:12 | |
smcginnis | eharney: Hey | 16:13 |
eharney | hey | 16:13 |
eharney | just wanted to give a general update / request for help here | 16:13 |
eharney | this feature is mostly there now, at least according to CI (which is now in "check experimental") | 16:13 |
eharney | i suspect there are a few small things to hammer out still, and i don't have a ton of time budgeted for this | 16:13 |
eharney | so now is a good time for interested parties to help try it out and see how solid it looks | 16:14 |
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smcginnis | eharney: It would be nice to get that working. | 16:14 |
eharney | oh yeah: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147186/ | 16:14 |
smcginnis | #llink https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147186/ | 16:14 |
smcginnis | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147186/ | 16:14 |
xyang1 | eharney: you still marked WIP | 16:14 |
eharney | for background, my current worry is that libvirt on Ubuntu trusty is kind of old and maybe missing some of the ideal-case code this uses | 16:14 |
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eharney | xyang1: because of this ^ | 16:14 |
eharney | WIP doesn't mean don't review it! | 16:15 |
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eharney | so i'm going to try to figure out what's going on with trusty, but general checking would be helpful | 16:15 |
eharney | that's about it | 16:15 |
smcginnis | eharney: Thanks! | 16:15 |
smcginnis | #topic List manageable volumes and snapshots | 16:15 |
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smcginnis | avishay: Hi | 16:15 |
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avishay | Hey everyone | 16:16 |
avishay | I'm working on a feature that lists volumes and snapshots available for the 'manage-existing' APIs. Basically the driver will query the backend and return metadata regarding which volumes are available to manage. | 16:16 |
avishay | The spec is already merged and the code is up for review. | 16:16 |
avishay | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/285296 | 16:16 |
avishay | There were two main issues brought up. The first, by Sean, is to move the manage-existing APIs from contrib to /v3. Thoughts? | 16:16 |
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scottda | avishay: We want to move all extensions to core, and soon | 16:16 |
eharney | that sounds reasonable to me | 16:16 |
dulek | avishay: +1 | 16:17 |
scottda | so that we can microversion changes... | 16:17 |
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scottda | and because many of them should be in core. | 16:17 |
e0ne | should we move it to core as a new microversion? | 16:17 |
jungleboyj | avishay: Thanks for working on that. A good add. | 16:17 |
scottda | e0ne: I don't think it needs a new microvesion | 16:17 |
avishay | Will there be no more extensions? | 16:17 |
DuncanT | avishay: +1 on moving to core | 16:17 |
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DuncanT | scottda: It should be a microversion.... the API changed | 16:17 |
dulek | scottda: According to "do we need a new microversion" adding a new endpoint requires a microversion. | 16:18 |
e0ne | DuncanT: +1 | 16:18 |
DuncanT | avishay: Nova have said no extensions at all. Their reasoning was fairly sound | 16:18 |
geguileo | DuncanT: +1 | 16:18 |
scottda | DuncanT: OK, I need to review it. | 16:18 |
avishay | OK, sounds good | 16:18 |
e0ne | AFAIR, we add every new API as microversion | 16:18 |
avishay | smcginnis: according to what you saw, no microversion is necessary? | 16:18 |
geguileo | So new APIs should go to core and not to contrib? | 16:18 |
e0ne | #link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/cinder/devref/api_microversion_dev.html#when-do-i-need-a-new-microversion | 16:18 |
DuncanT | geguileo: Yes | 16:18 |
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e0ne | geguileo: yes | 16:19 |
smcginnis | avishay: I thought according to the "do I need to microversion" decision tree it did not. | 16:19 |
smcginnis | But I could certainly be wrong. | 16:19 |
e0ne | we're gonig to migrate all extensions to microversions | 16:19 |
DuncanT | avishay: Microversion is for moving the API into core | 16:19 |
smcginnis | Still new enough I think we are figuring a little out as we go and learning. | 16:19 |
* geguileo missed that announcement :-( | 16:19 | |
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scottda | If we move the API to core, it would need a microversion | 16:19 |
avishay | smcginnis: yep | 16:19 |
avishay | OK I'll figure that all out and post a new version, thanks for that feedback all | 16:20 |
smcginnis | avishay: Thanks, I do think it's a good addition. Appreciate you working on it. | 16:20 |
avishay | The second issue, brought up by both DuncanT and smcginnis has to do with the amount of data returned. The API doesn't support paging because the data about volumes on the backend is supplied by the driver querying the backend, and not from the DB as is usual. | 16:20 |
avishay | smcginnis: fo sho | 16:20 |
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avishay | The best solution I can think of is to pass the sorting/paging parameters to the driver. If the backend supports this, great. If not, the driver can call a generic function to sort/page the metadata. | 16:20 |
DuncanT | avishay: The move to core should probably be a different patch to your addition | 16:20 |
avishay | Kind of ugly, but it could work. Thoughts? | 16:20 |
avishay | DuncanT: +1 | 16:21 |
smcginnis | DuncanT: Well this is new, so I think right to core. | 16:21 |
DuncanT | avishay: bswartz posted up some links to manilla's move-extensions-to-core in a previous meeting | 16:21 |
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smcginnis | DuncanT: Or is there a reason to do an extension just to follow up and move it? | 16:21 |
erlon | avishay: what if you handle that in manager? | 16:21 |
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avishay | smcginnis: this is a new action on an existing resource | 16:21 |
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scottda | Yes, I'd like to get started on the move-to-core work, but might not be until after Austin | 16:21 |
erlon | avishay: I mean the manager does the paging no matter what the driver returns to it? | 16:21 |
DuncanT | smcginnis: Move the whole manage/unmanage to core | 16:21 |
thingee | yes I agree move it all to core. | 16:22 |
smcginnis | DuncanT, avishay: Ah, yeah, I see what you're saying. | 16:22 |
e0ne | scottda: +1 | 16:22 |
avishay | erlon: because the driver may be able to ask for a subset of volumes from the backend, instead of asking for everything and having the manager throw part of it out | 16:22 |
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avishay | I'm not sure what kind of APIs backends have to list volumes, specifically if paging is supported, that's why I wanted feedback from you all | 16:23 |
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erlon | avishay: do you have an idia of how many drivers are able to do that? | 16:23 |
smcginnis | No paging from mine. | 16:23 |
avishay | erlon: no clue | 16:23 |
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avishay | I also don't know how often we will have so many volumes that it becomes an issue | 16:23 |
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avishay | But for the sake of robustness, we should think about this | 16:24 |
eharney | is it possible to do pagination in a way that won't be racy in this case? | 16:24 |
erlon | avishay: mhm. it looks to me that this wouldn't be an overhead | 16:24 |
avishay | eharney: racy how? | 16:24 |
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eharney | avishay: contents on the backend changing between your calls for more pages | 16:24 |
erlon | avishay: also the drivers could do filter and still pass the reduced list to manager, that could do the paging | 16:25 |
e0ne | eharney: good point | 16:25 |
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erlon | avishay: if the driver does not do any previous filtering it would pass the whole list | 16:25 |
avishay | eharney: isn't it always racy in that way? if you do list volumes on cinder with pagination, they are separate calls with no guarantee of no change between them, no? | 16:25 |
erlon | mine does no paging as well | 16:26 |
eharney | avishay: i guess that's true | 16:26 |
smcginnis | avishay: Cool, anything else for now? | 16:26 |
avishay | OK, so does it make sense to everyone that I will add a generic function to sort/page that drivers can call if they don't support it natively? | 16:27 |
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avishay | DuncanT ? | 16:27 |
DuncanT | Seems reasonable, yes. | 16:27 |
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smcginnis | avishay: +1 | 16:27 |
DuncanT | Not great performance, but it keeps the API consistent | 16:27 |
avishay | OK cool, will work on those points - thanks all! | 16:27 |
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smcginnis | avishay: Thanks | 16:27 |
smcginnis | #topic Cinderclient /v3 endpoint support | 16:28 |
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smcginnis | scottda: Hey | 16:28 |
scottda | Hi | 16:28 |
scottda | I wanted to talk about the direction I'm taking with /v3 endpoint before the Summit.. | 16:28 |
scottda | in case of controversy. | 16:28 |
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scottda | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/300028 | 16:28 |
e0ne | scottda: I've tested your patches on my env. nothing were broken | 16:28 |
scottda | I'm moving cinderclient /v2 stuff to /v3 | 16:28 |
scottda | e0ne: Thanks! | 16:28 |
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e0ne | but I still need review it more closer | 16:29 |
scottda | And then we can make changes only in one place | 16:29 |
geguileo | scottda: I've been testing this today | 16:29 |
smcginnis | scottda: So this is so the commonality between 2 and 3 is in one place, and both endpoints use the common code? | 16:29 |
scottda | Even if the change is on /v2 and /v3 | 16:29 |
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geguileo | scottda: And I don't think it's a good idea to default to v3 | 16:29 |
scottda | smcginnis: Yes | 16:29 |
thingee | geguileo: +1 | 16:29 |
smcginnis | scottda: +1 | 16:29 |
scottda | api_version.wraps() will toggle based on microversion (or major version) | 16:29 |
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e0ne | geguileo: +2. I remember how was painful switching to v2 last year | 16:30 |
scottda | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/301941/8/cinderclient/api_versions.py | 16:30 |
scottda | so, this is how Nova and Manila do it. | 16:30 |
geguileo | scottda: Then that's not working ;-) | 16:30 |
smcginnis | +1 for consistency | 16:30 |
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diablo_rojo | smcginnis: +1 | 16:30 |
smcginnis | geguileo: You're not seeing that? | 16:30 |
geguileo | scottda: At least not like it does on the server side... | 16:30 |
scottda | geguileo: Do you mean my code defaults to v3? | 16:30 |
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jungleboyj | e0ne: Horribly painful. | 16:30 |
geguileo | smcginnis: Maybe it's something specific to my patch... | 16:31 |
geguileo | scottda: I think so | 16:31 |
scottda | geguileo: OK, I'm fine with default to v2, but the code only needs to live in one place. | 16:31 |
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geguileo | scottda: Let me do another test and I'll confirm | 16:31 |
e0ne | scottda: for the record: nova's approach coul not be the best | 16:31 |
scottda | geguileo: OK, thanks. | 16:31 |
geguileo | scottda: +1 to live only in 1 place | 16:31 |
jungleboyj | scottda: ++ | 16:31 |
jungleboyj | I think we need to have a plan going forward to getting to v3 though. | 16:32 |
scottda | e0ne: Yes, and I'm open to any approach, I mainly want to figure out issues now, so we can discuss at Summit | 16:32 |
e0ne | jungleboyj: +1 | 16:32 |
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scottda | IF we don't add v3 endpoint support to cinderclient, we dont' get microversions | 16:32 |
scottda | And many things are queueing up behind this | 16:32 |
e0ne | scottda: I'm not saying that current approach is bad or no. I'm saying that we need to be careful coping nova's approach | 16:33 |
dulek | It looks like a lot of controversy. Do we have "microversions and V3 API - forward plan" session proposed? | 16:33 |
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scottda | dulek: No, but we can | 16:33 |
scottda | But what is the controversy? | 16:33 |
smcginnis | We do have it as part of the "recap | 16:33 |
scottda | just when we change the default? | 16:33 |
smcginnis | session | 16:33 |
smcginnis | To make sure everyone is aware of it. | 16:34 |
geguileo | scottda: Confirmed, goes to v3: cinder service-list --> Vary: OpenStack-API-Version Openstack-Api-Version: volume 3.0 | 16:34 |
dulek | smcginnis: I thought that geguileo proposed recap sessions as kind of tutorials for contributors. | 16:34 |
smcginnis | I broke that into two sessions assuming some will require some detailed discussion. | 16:34 |
scottda | cinderclient just needs support to use 'os-api-version 3' | 16:34 |
scottda | or 'os-api-version 3.1' | 16:34 |
smcginnis | dulek: Yes, but I'm sure it will cause more discussion. | 16:34 |
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dulek | smcginnis: Agreed. :) | 16:34 |
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DuncanT | I think getting a patch up that needs a switch to use v3 is a good start, let people test and get comfortable | 16:34 |
geguileo | scottda: Today, I've played around with it and made 5 patches that use microversions on top of your patches, and everything looks quite good | 16:35 |
scottda | geguileo: OK, I'll have a look. Might be broken :) | 16:35 |
jungleboyj | DuncanT: That sounds reasonable. | 16:35 |
scottda | geguileo: e0ne Thanks for the reviews and testing | 16:35 |
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e0ne | scottda: thanks for working on it | 16:35 |
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scottda | DuncanT: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/303627/5/cinderclient/v3/services.py | 16:35 |
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scottda | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/303627/5/cinderclient/v3/shell.py | 16:36 |
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scottda | There's a patch that uses this | 16:36 |
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smcginnis | Related - ameade has this patch out there for devstack: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/300585/ | 16:36 |
geguileo | Today I uploaded 5 more that use microversions | 16:36 |
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e0ne | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/300585/ | 16:37 |
geguileo | They are in the related changes of that patch | 16:37 |
scottda | And NOva-cinder changes for multi-attach will need this. | 16:37 |
* dulek cannot keep up with geguileo's flow of patches. ;) | 16:37 | |
scottda | So, some issues can come out during review (i.e. default should still be /v2) | 16:37 |
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scottda | But it'd be good for opinionated persons to have a quick look before the Summit | 16:38 |
scottda | Else this will drag on. | 16:38 |
smcginnis | +1 | 16:38 |
geguileo | scottda: Yeah, I have a couple of things that have come up during my patches | 16:38 |
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geguileo | scottda: Will comment on your patches | 16:38 |
scottda | geguileo: Thank! | 16:38 |
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smcginnis | #topic Open Discussion | 16:39 |
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smcginnis | Open floor... | 16:39 |
diablo_rojo | The summit app doesn't work for me, anyone else tried it yet? | 16:40 |
diablo_rojo | I can't get signed in. | 16:40 |
DuncanT | diablo_rojo: Seems to do the basics | 16:40 |
thingee | who is ready for some two step at the summit? | 16:40 |
scottda | diablo_rojo: I could not sign in either | 16:40 |
* thingee looks at DuncanT | 16:40 | |
DuncanT | diablo_rojo: I'm certainly signed in | 16:40 |
DuncanT | thingee: sure | 16:40 |
ntpttr | diablo_rojo: yeah, it worked for me, but a friend of mine had an issue where they had their account settings to 'block forever' | 16:40 |
diablo_rojo | scottda: What error did you get? | 16:40 |
ntpttr | I guess when you sign in you can make some setting 'allow' or 'block' you when you try to sign in | 16:41 |
scottda | diablo_rojo: Could be me and password issues, so not sure. I've a new phone, so lotsa issues compounding... | 16:41 |
diablo_rojo | ntpttr: So there's a setting to change? | 16:41 |
smcginnis | Oh, speaking of the summit, kmartin had suggested this for a Cinder get together: http://easytigeraustin.com/ | 16:41 |
smcginnis | We should try to do another informal meetup to get everyone out. | 16:41 |
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diablo_rojo | scottda: it accepts my username and password, but then when it goes back to the app it dies | 16:41 |
ntpttr | diablo_rojo: yes, but I can't remember where off the top of my head.. he ran into it when trying to change his password on the website | 16:41 |
thingee | diablo_rojo: what does it say when you try to sign in? | 16:41 |
ntpttr | diablo_rojo: ah sounds like a different issue, he couldn't sign in at all | 16:42 |
smcginnis | diablo_rojo: You're on the blacklist. | 16:42 |
mc_nair | easy tiger is great - I like that idea | 16:42 |
baumann | smcginnis: Anything with a beer garden is a yes in my book | 16:42 |
diablo_rojo | thingee: It says "There was a problem performing this operation" | 16:42 |
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smcginnis | mc_nair: You've been there? | 16:42 |
diablo_rojo | thingee: With a red x in a circle | 16:42 |
smcginnis | baumann: ;) | 16:42 |
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karthikp | Hi guys, I have a patch please could somebody put their eyes on this and provide any suggestions: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/300708/.. Thanks! | 16:42 |
scottda | mc_nair: Is our local Austin expert!! | 16:42 |
dulek | smcginnis: Any idea for a date for informal meetup? Sunday like in Tokyo? | 16:42 |
diablo_rojo | smcginnis: I propose a float trip. | 16:43 |
smcginnis | :) | 16:43 |
smcginnis | dulek: Sunday would work for me. I get in around 4:30. | 16:43 |
e0ne | dulek: I'll arrive in Monday morning:( | 16:43 |
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smcginnis | It is kind of nice doing it closer to the beginning. | 16:43 |
baumann | I propose a sleepover at mc_nair's apartment | 16:43 |
smcginnis | Hah! | 16:43 |
mc_nair | smcginnis: yes - good beer, good sandwiches and ping pong | 16:43 |
scottda | I've already got claim to mc_nair Balcony hammock | 16:43 |
kmartin | dulek, Sunday or Thursday or Friday? | 16:43 |
smcginnis | House party at mc_nair's! | 16:43 |
thingee | diablo_rojo: android? | 16:43 |
e0ne | Thursday | 16:44 |
diablo_rojo | thingee: Correct | 16:44 |
mc_nair | I have exactly one hammock and one couch but they are fair game | 16:44 |
dulek | kmartin: Some people may be out Friday evening. | 16:44 |
smcginnis | kmartin: When's the fancy schmancy HPE private party. We can make sure we do the same time again. :P | 16:44 |
ntpttr | I have one more question regarding moving all APIs to core - I have a patch that adds a new API and right now it's in contrib, should I move the new file to the v3 directory or v2? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/301444/ | 16:44 |
jungleboyj | smcginnis: There is the Women of OpenStack event Sunday night. Is there anything MOnday night? | 16:44 |
mc_nair | scottda: :) good decision | 16:44 |
dulek | e0ne: Thursday works for me I think. :) | 16:44 |
geguileo | ntpttr: v3 | 16:44 |
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ntpttr | geguileo: all right, thanks | 16:44 |
kmartin | smcginnis, Monday night(hpe only), Wednesday(core party) | 16:44 |
diablo_rojo | jungleboyj: Monday night is the booth crawl happy hour thing | 16:45 |
geguileo | ntpttr: And it should add a new microversion | 16:45 |
ntpttr | geguileo: yep its doing that already | 16:45 |
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smcginnis | kmartin: Monday it is then. hehe | 16:45 |
geguileo | ntpttr: ok | 16:45 |
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e0ne | :) | 16:45 |
kmartin | sure, be that way | 16:45 |
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jungleboyj | diablo_rojo: Yeah, but the booth crawl doesn't usually go very long. | 16:45 |
smcginnis | kmartin: Hey, who do you want to hang out with? Coworkers or Cinder folks? | 16:45 |
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smcginnis | diablo_rojo: That's the pregame. | 16:46 |
diablo_rojo | smcginnis: Got it. | 16:46 |
dulek | kmartin: Is HPE party invite-only, or something? | 16:46 |
kmartin | cinder folks of course | 16:46 |
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e0ne | smcginnis, kmartin: or we can go to hpe party... | 16:46 |
diablo_rojo | kmartin: I can provide Cards against Humanity as an alternative to the HPE party. | 16:46 |
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xyang1 | kmartin: can we all crash the HPE party?:) | 16:46 |
smcginnis | e0ne: Yeah, kmartin, can you get us some fake badges or something? | 16:46 |
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kmartin | hpe employee only | 16:47 |
diablo_rojo | xyang1: +1 | 16:47 |
smcginnis | dulek: The main one does require RSVP, but I think they are just doing that to get a head count. | 16:47 |
jungleboyj | diablo_rojo: He he | 16:47 |
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kmartin | I killed you guys last time with Cards against Humanity, did you work on your game? :) | 16:47 |
smcginnis | OK, we probably don't need this captured for prosperity. Thanks everyone! | 16:48 |
jungleboyj | kmARC: I have been practicing! | 16:48 |
smcginnis | #endmeeting | 16:48 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Apr 13 16:48:15 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 16:48 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder/2016/cinder.2016-04-13-16.08.html | 16:48 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder/2016/cinder.2016-04-13-16.08.txt | 16:48 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder/2016/cinder.2016-04-13-16.08.log.html | 16:48 |
smcginnis | *posterity | 16:48 |
smcginnis | :) | 16:48 |
ntpttr | thanks! | 16:48 |
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e0ne | see you next week | 16:49 |
jungleboyj | Later. | 16:49 |
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anteaya | smcginnis: we can be prosperous in many ways | 16:52 |
smcginnis | anteaya: ;) | 16:52 |
anteaya | ha ha ha | 16:52 |
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jlvillal | #startmeeting ironic_qa | 17:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Apr 13 17:00:09 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jlvillal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 17:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 17:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'ironic_qa' | 17:00 |
jlvillal | Hello everyone | 17:00 |
rpioso | \o | 17:00 |
sambetts | Hey jlvillal and all | 17:00 |
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jlvillal | As always the agenda is at: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic-QA | 17:01 |
jlvillal | #topic Announcements | 17:01 |
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jlvillal | Not sure if krtaylor or mjturek are here to do their announcement | 17:02 |
jlvillal | #info MoltenIron initial drop - manager for a pool of baremetal test nodes (krtaylor/mjturek) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/304683/ | 17:02 |
krtaylor | o/ | 17:02 |
jlvillal | I don't have anything else for announcements | 17:02 |
krtaylor | sorry I'm late | 17:02 |
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jlvillal | No worries. Anything else you want to add in regards to MoltenIron? | 17:03 |
krtaylor | yes, we have an initial drop of the baremetal management (think noodpool for physical servers) | 17:03 |
jlvillal | Beside the need for more cooling in your data centers? | 17:03 |
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krtaylor | hehheh | 17:03 |
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krtaylor | we'd like feedback, it is related to some other proposed work | 17:04 |
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krtaylor | several teams have expressed interest | 17:04 |
[1]cdearborn | \o | 17:04 |
krtaylor | we have it working for Power testing, we are testing every ironic patch with a full physical deployment | 17:04 |
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krtaylor | using molten iron | 17:05 |
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jlvillal | Cool. Looks interesting. | 17:05 |
rajinir | o/ | 17:05 |
krtaylor | we have a few other enhancements coming | 17:05 |
krtaylor | but, that's about it, if anyone is interested, ping me or mjturek | 17:06 |
sambetts | my test rig uses a very similar system just built on top of a mysql db, where we select a row and mark a column as used | 17:06 |
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krtaylor | sambetts, very similar to what we are doing | 17:06 |
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krtaylor | sambetts, but abstracted with cli and service | 17:07 |
jlvillal | Thanks a lot krtaylor | 17:07 |
jlvillal | Any other announcements? | 17:07 |
sambetts | krtaylor: looks cool :) need to make it work for drivers other than IPMI though :) | 17:07 |
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jlvillal | Okay moving on. | 17:08 |
krtaylor | sambetts, hm, it should be fine with other drivers | 17:08 |
jlvillal | Or should I wait? | 17:08 |
krtaylor | nah, we can wait till open discussion | 17:09 |
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sambetts | :) yup | 17:09 |
jlvillal | Okay :) | 17:09 |
krtaylor | onward | 17:09 |
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jlvillal | #topic Grenade testing | 17:09 |
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jlvillal | #info Grenade patch got merged into Ironic. Need to propose backport. Patch is only part of work. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/298967/ | 17:10 |
jlvillal | I don't want people to think it is working... | 17:11 |
jlvillal | So I got a little busy with other things and didn't make much progress. Still stuck at node not getting IP address. | 17:11 |
jlvillal | But I have a good feeling I can work on it this week. | 17:11 |
jlvillal | Any questions before we move on? | 17:11 |
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jlvillal | Okay moving on | 17:12 |
jlvillal | #topic Functional testing | 17:12 |
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jlvillal | I don't think anyone has any updates. If you do, please speak up | 17:12 |
jlvillal | #info No updates | 17:13 |
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jlvillal | #topic 3rd Party CI (krtaylor) | 17:13 |
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krtaylor | sure, np | 17:13 |
krtaylor | no progress due to downstream responsibilities, but I will make sure the third-party CI status table is complete by next week | 17:14 |
krtaylor | #info No update | 17:14 |
sambetts | # info after a longer outtage than we expected due to network issues, Cisco is back up and running | 17:14 |
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jlvillal | sambetts: No space in '#info' | 17:15 |
krtaylor | I'll also prepare a CI status for the gate/qa design session at summit | 17:15 |
sambetts | #info after a longer outtage than we expected due to network issues, Cisco is back up and running | 17:15 |
krtaylor | cool | 17:15 |
jlvillal | On the various CIs. Are you able to post what the correct 'recheck' command is to cause your CI to recheck? | 17:15 |
jlvillal | In the message posted to Gerrit. | 17:16 |
sambetts | Cisco has it in the message :) | 17:16 |
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krtaylor | that should be included in the wiki page for the test system | 17:16 |
jlvillal | krtaylor: :( Why can't it be in the message... | 17:16 |
krtaylor | that is part of the infra requirements | 17:16 |
mjturek1 | (sorry I'm late everybody) | 17:16 |
jlvillal | sambetts: It is? | 17:16 |
krtaylor | it should be | 17:16 |
krtaylor | yes | 17:16 |
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jlvillal | sambetts: I was looking here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/206244/ | 17:16 |
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krtaylor | mjturek1, we'll continue molten iron in open discussion | 17:17 |
jlvillal | krtaylor: Infra requirements say to NOT put it into the posted message? | 17:17 |
mjturek1 | krtaylor: great thanks | 17:17 |
sambetts | jlvillal: thats because it was sucessful | 17:17 |
sambetts | jlvillal: if there is a build failed you see Build failed. For help on isolating this failure, please contact cisco-openstack-neutron-ci@cisco.com. To re-run, post a 'recheck cisco-ironic' comment. | 17:17 |
krtaylor | jlvillal, well technically recheck is the only thing that should be passed | 17:17 |
jlvillal | sambetts: Will 'recheck cisco-ironic' cause the Zuul jobs to re-run also? | 17:18 |
sambetts | jlvillal: you mean the OpenStack ones? | 17:18 |
jlvillal | Yes | 17:18 |
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sambetts | Not sure, I've not noticed it doing it, but thats the style we use across all our OpenStack thirdparty CIs | 17:19 |
jlvillal | Testing completed on IBM PowerKVM platform. For rechecking only on the IBM PowerKVM CI, add a review comment with pkvm-recheck. Contact info: kvmpower@linux.vnet.ibm.com. For more information, see https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PowerKVM | 17:19 |
jlvillal | sambetts: I think anything that starts with 'recheck' will trigger the OpenStack CI too. | 17:19 |
jlvillal | anteaya may know for sure though | 17:19 |
krtaylor | its here: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/third_party.html#requirements | 17:19 |
krtaylor | it does, on purpose | 17:20 |
krtaylor | technically all systems should recheck on "recheck" but it hasnt been enforced | 17:20 |
jlvillal | krtaylor: Right, I think 'recheck' should cause all CI jobs to recheck | 17:20 |
krtaylor | and now all add their system to trigger theirs only | 17:21 |
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jlvillal | But it is also nice to be able to only recheck the one CI, like the IBM one does. | 17:21 |
krtaylor | that was the idea, but it was a big long debate | 17:21 |
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* krtaylor tries to find the thread | 17:22 | |
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jlvillal | sambetts: krtaylor Not of big importance. It was just something I had run into before. Thanks. | 17:22 |
krtaylor | jlvillal, is there some need to have this addressed for ironic? | 17:22 |
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krtaylor | jlvillal, no worries, I'll find that thread and let you know | 17:22 |
jlvillal | I would like it if 'recheck' does trigger all of our CI jobs, if we should be doing that. But I am not the expert. | 17:23 |
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sambetts | If thats the case I may need to talk to my team about it because we use that style for neutron and other projects third party CIs too | 17:23 |
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jlvillal | And would also like the ability to trigger a single CI to run. But I don't know what is the correct thing... | 17:23 |
krtaylor | yes - as per the requirements"Recheck means recheck everything. A single recheck comment should re-trigger all testing systems." | 17:23 |
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krtaylor | all should re-run on a "recheck" | 17:24 |
jlvillal | krtaylor: That is how I read the Wiki you linked. | 17:24 |
krtaylor | yes, thats what we agreed many moons ago | 17:24 |
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jlvillal | sambetts: I'll let you discuss the Wiki with your team and the 'recheck' command. | 17:25 |
krtaylor | I had worded that paragraph differently initially, but it was discussed and clarified | 17:25 |
sambetts | thanks :) | 17:25 |
jlvillal | I guess not Wiki. Actual docs :) | 17:25 |
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jlvillal | http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/third_party.html#requirements | 17:25 |
jlvillal | Sorry to side-track your section krtaylor | 17:26 |
jlvillal | All yours now :) | 17:26 |
krtaylor | no worries, thats all I had | 17:26 |
jlvillal | Okay moving on. | 17:26 |
jlvillal | #topic Open Discussion | 17:26 |
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* jlvillal sits back and lets sambetts and krtaylor discuss merits of various tooling :) | 17:27 | |
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krtaylor | mjturek1, ^^^ | 17:27 |
mjturek1 | we contributed a tool this week called molteniron | 17:27 |
* mjturek1 grabs link | 17:27 | |
mmedvede | krtaylor: re. recheck - IBM PowerKVM does also rerun on "recheck" | 17:27 |
krtaylor | mjturek1, anything else you want to bring up about the functionality? | 17:27 |
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krtaylor | mmedvede, yes, but not all systems do | 17:28 |
mjturek1 | here it ishttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/304683/ | 17:28 |
sambetts | haha, well my concern is that at least right now molteniron focuses specfically on the *_ipmitool drivers, because its looking for ipmi_address, ipmi_username/password etc in the node | 17:28 |
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mjturek1 | correct, obviously we'd be open to other drivers but that's our initial goal | 17:29 |
mjturek1 | we concede that it's still pretty rough but plan on improving it | 17:29 |
krtaylor | but that shouldn't be too bad to generalize | 17:29 |
mjturek1 | switching to sqlalchemy is in the works right now for example | 17:29 |
mjturek1 | anyway, we've found it to be a useful tool for managing a pool of target nodes | 17:30 |
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krtaylor | sambetts, we'd love help to make it better, something re-usable for other ironic ci systems | 17:30 |
sambetts | I think if the plan is the support multiple driver then you may have to move from having a column for each node property having either a more complex relational DB or just store a json for the node representation | 17:30 |
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mjturek1 | sambetts: yeah that's fair | 17:32 |
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mjturek1 | sambetts: we've designed it to meet our needs initially | 17:32 |
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devananda | I'm very happy to see that proposed to nodepool, fwiw | 17:33 |
sambetts | also how is this planned to interact with devstack? Right now we take advantage of the devstack ipmiinfo file so all I need to pass to each of my test runs is which info file to use, but this would actually add a extra step for us because we'd have to allocate the node, build the file then configure devstack with the new file | 17:33 |
sambetts | devananda: this is a layer below nodepool as far as I can tell, its not providing slaves for jenkins | 17:33 |
devananda | sambetts: indeed | 17:34 |
sambetts | its providing nodes that jenkins slaves can use | 17:34 |
devananda | but it is something nodepool could consume to run tests against bare metal | 17:34 |
mjturek1 | sambetts: so we have a pretest hook and a cleanup hook in our job. The pretest hook calls to molten iron, we get the returned info, and then we amend the localrc | 17:34 |
mjturek1 | sambetts: the cleanup script runs after the job where we then call molten iron to release the node | 17:34 |
krtaylor | devananda, I think mordred was talking about something like that also? | 17:34 |
devananda | mjturek1: the docs in that patch don't have any usage information. perhaps that would help? | 17:34 |
mordred | what did I do? | 17:34 |
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mjturek1 | devananda: absolutely, I can add those in ASAP | 17:35 |
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devananda | mordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/304683/2 | 17:35 |
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sambetts | I wonder if we could add something into ironic devstack so that it can just pull that info at the point it enrolls the nodes | 17:36 |
mordred | neat. I would not propose that to nodepool right now, as that's what the upcoming v3 work should facilitate | 17:36 |
mordred | but let's keep in touch and tuff | 17:36 |
mordred | stuff | 17:36 |
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mjturek1 | sambetts: yeah actually a devstack plugin was on our todo list | 17:36 |
mjturek1 | sambetts: the goal there being to allocate the node as late as possible | 17:36 |
devananda | that sounds better to me, too. pass the credentials for an ironic endpoint and a list of ironic node identifiers, and let the devstack plugin pull them in and enroll them | 17:37 |
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mjturek1 | devananda: sounds interesting yeah | 17:38 |
krtaylor | right now it is a 1/1 between the dsvm ironic controller and the target node, but we should describe how that works in a readme | 17:39 |
krtaylor | mjturek1, these are all good comments | 17:39 |
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jlvillal | krtaylor: mjturek1 Not sure but you might want to do a cookiecutter for MoltenIron | 17:39 |
mjturek1 | jlvillal: not familiar | 17:39 |
mjturek1 | but can look into it :) | 17:40 |
jlvillal | mjturek1: https://github.com/openstack-dev/cookiecutter | 17:40 |
devananda | hmm. reading that review a bit and it's not clear to me what this should be | 17:40 |
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devananda | it looks like a new service | 17:40 |
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mjturek1 | devananda: sorry which review? | 17:40 |
sambetts | yeah, I see it as a new service run alongside nodepool | 17:40 |
krtaylor | jlvillal, we were always thinking this could be used as a template for other test systems that want to do baremetal testing | 17:40 |
devananda | yea | 17:40 |
devananda | mordred: when you say "that's what the upcoming v3 work should facilitate" what did you mean? | 17:41 |
krtaylor | jlvillal, were you thinking we should propose this as a new project? | 17:41 |
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jlvillal | krtaylor: Not necessarily. But maybe some of that stuff could be part of your patch. requirements.txt as it appears 3rd party libraries are used. | 17:42 |
devananda | mjturek1: so, not to nitpick, but this python violates pep8 rules everywhere ... | 17:42 |
jlvillal | +1 on that. | 17:42 |
devananda | part of cookiecutter is the base framework for doing things like unit and pep8 tests | 17:42 |
mjturek1 | devananda: yep it's rough around the edges :-\ | 17:42 |
krtaylor | push early and often :) | 17:43 |
devananda | it reads like perl :) | 17:43 |
jlvillal | Ouch devananda ouch :P | 17:43 |
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mjturek1 | eeek | 17:43 |
krtaylor | harsh | 17:44 |
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devananda | sorry - I don't mean that in a bad way. it's just reminding me of perl a lot. | 17:44 |
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mjturek1 | heh, no offense taken :) | 17:44 |
mjturek1 | anyway, we'll absolutely look into cookiecutter | 17:44 |
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krtaylor | well, part of that would have been caught if third-party-ci repo had pep8 testing, but it skips all gate tests for now | 17:45 |
mjturek1 | sounds like it'd be a big help | 17:45 |
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krtaylor | mjturek1, agreed, good feedback | 17:45 |
jlvillal | yeah, I see the jenkins job. "noop" | 17:45 |
devananda | hah. fair. | 17:45 |
mjturek1 | passed with flying colors | 17:45 |
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krtaylor | yep, I had to set it up that way | 17:45 |
krtaylor | due to all the different contect there | 17:45 |
devananda | but yea, the more I read this, hte more it looks like it wants to be a new service. except I'm not sure what the purpose of that service would be. | 17:45 |
krtaylor | content | 17:45 |
devananda | check out resources from a pool? | 17:45 |
devananda | *bare metal | 17:46 |
mjturek1 | devananda: correct | 17:46 |
devananda | but I think that's what nodepool v3 is going to provide | 17:46 |
devananda | mordred: ^ ? | 17:46 |
krtaylor | yes, that is the functionality of molten iron | 17:46 |
krtaylor | hm, want to learn more on v3 then | 17:46 |
mjturek1 | absolutely | 17:46 |
mjturek1 | this tool spawned out of necessity | 17:46 |
devananda | yea | 17:46 |
devananda | https://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/zuulv3.html#nodepool | 17:46 |
mjturek1 | but that necessity might be going away | 17:47 |
devananda | that is exactly whta nodepool v3 is describing on that spec | 17:47 |
devananda | awesome | 17:47 |
* krtaylor tags for reading | 17:47 | |
devananda | "Nodepool should also allow the specification of static inventory of non-dynamic nodes. These may be nodes that are running on real hardware, for instance." | 17:47 |
mjturek1 | devananda: yeah will definitely read to see if it will meet our needs | 17:48 |
sambetts | That sounds awesome!, although in our case even with that system we'd still need to have our parameters DB like we have today because, along with the BM machine to use, we also provide network information to prevent our tests from standing on each other | 17:48 |
sambetts | e.g. the range of IPs to use etc | 17:49 |
devananda | until nodepool v3 can meet these needs, this still seems quite useful, and yea, looks like it's a separate project | 17:49 |
devananda | thankfully those are easy to create :) | 17:49 |
mjturek1 | :) | 17:49 |
krtaylor | true :) | 17:50 |
jlvillal | Anything else to discuss? | 17:51 |
sambetts | Nothing from me | 17:51 |
mjturek1 | nothing here, thanks for the initial feedback | 17:52 |
jlvillal | Okay, going to end the meeting. Thanks everyone! | 17:52 |
krtaylor | thanks! | 17:52 |
jlvillal | #endmeeting | 17:52 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Apr 13 17:52:21 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 17:52 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ironic_qa/2016/ironic_qa.2016-04-13-17.00.html | 17:52 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ironic_qa/2016/ironic_qa.2016-04-13-17.00.txt | 17:52 |
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openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ironic_qa/2016/ironic_qa.2016-04-13-17.00.log.html | 17:52 |
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ShillaSaebi | #startmeeting docteam | 19:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Apr 13 19:00:27 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ShillaSaebi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 19:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 19:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'docteam' | 19:00 |
ShillaSaebi | Hello! Anyone here for the US docs meeting? | 19:00 |
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* njohnston lurks | 19:04 | |
ShillaSaebi | hi | 19:04 |
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jreeves | Hello | 19:04 |
ShillaSaebi | hi :) | 19:04 |
ShillaSaebi | so is it just us 3 | 19:04 |
ShillaSaebi | anyone else here for the US docs meeting? | 19:04 |
mordred | devananda, mjturek1: yes. | 19:04 |
mordred | (sorry, delayed response, me goes away) | 19:05 |
gmolson | I'm here | 19:05 |
ShillaSaebi | ok we can run through the agenda | 19:05 |
ShillaSaebi | #topic Action items from the last meeting | 19:05 |
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ShillaSaebi | none | 19:05 |
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ShillaSaebi | #topic Specs in review | 19:05 |
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ShillaSaebi | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/docs-specs,n,z | 19:05 |
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ShillaSaebi | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/290053/ (Trove) | 19:07 |
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ShillaSaebi | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289994/ (Magnum) | 19:07 |
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ShillaSaebi | #topic Speciality teams | 19:10 |
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ShillaSaebi | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Speciality_Team_Reports | 19:10 |
ShillaSaebi | feel free to look at the specialty team reports to see what the updates are | 19:10 |
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ShillaSaebi | any questions so far | 19:11 |
njohnston | Question about the trove and magnum install guide specs, are those working with the project-specific install guides spec ( https://review.openstack.org/#/c/301284/ ), or are they operating in parallel? | 19:11 |
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Sam-I-Am | bit late... calendar notification failure | 19:14 |
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ShillaSaebi | hi Sam-I-Am | 19:14 |
ShillaSaebi | great timing | 19:14 |
ShillaSaebi | :) | 19:14 |
Sam-I-Am | well, ok. | 19:14 |
Sam-I-Am | anyone else here? | 19:14 |
ShillaSaebi | @njohnston i am not sure i beieve it's working in parallel | 19:14 |
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ShillaSaebi | yes @njohnston is here and so is @jreeves | 19:15 |
ShillaSaebi | and @gmolson | 19:15 |
jreeves | you missed everything Sam-I-Am. 2 minutes too late | 19:15 |
Sam-I-Am | nice | 19:16 |
njohnston | ShillaSaebi: Thanks, I was curious. | 19:16 |
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jreeves | j/k, of course | 19:16 |
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ShillaSaebi | ok we were just covering the specialty teams | 19:17 |
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amrith | njohnston, i just discussed (ML) with Andreas about the trove install guides | 19:17 |
amrith | it went to openstack-docs mailing list | 19:17 |
njohnston | amrith: Thanks, I will check it out. I do get that, but I'm a little behind. | 19:18 |
Sam-I-Am | there was a lot of confusion about that | 19:18 |
Sam-I-Am | i told laurel some time ago that it was just missing the deadline by a tiny period, and a lot of effort went in, so we could merge it late, or even backport it | 19:18 |
Sam-I-Am | but not everyone is on the same page | 19:18 |
Sam-I-Am | this was before the spec to do whatever with the install guide | 19:19 |
amrith | njohnston, please see http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-docs/2016-April/008434.html, http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-docs/2016-April/008435.html, http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-docs/2016-April/008436.html | 19:19 |
amrith | thx | 19:19 |
amrith | at this point, I believe that Andreas is fine with letting the docs into Mitaka if the docs team is ok with it. | 19:19 |
Sam-I-Am | the spec should only apply after it merges | 19:19 |
amrith | see the last email in the list. | 19:20 |
Sam-I-Am | yeah, and i'm fine with that to | 19:20 |
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amrith | thanks; laurel isn't able to join the meeting as she's driving at the moment | 19:20 |
Sam-I-Am | i'm sure there will be lively discussion of the install guide at the summit, as there usually is... and no one ever commits to anything. | 19:20 |
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amrith | I commit to attending the session(s) to discuss it. | 19:21 |
ShillaSaebi | on that note #topic Summit Planning | 19:21 |
njohnston | I commit to making a commitment to evaluate my commitments. | 19:21 |
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ShillaSaebi | We have room allocations, please take a look at #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Newton-DocsSessions | 19:21 |
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ShillaSaebi | If you are going to the summit, please look to see what/when/where the sessions are | 19:22 |
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ShillaSaebi | feel free to add your ideas to the Etherpad as well | 19:22 |
Sam-I-Am | i probably wont be in the install guide stuff | 19:22 |
Sam-I-Am | i'm throwing in the towel on it | 19:22 |
Sam-I-Am | after 6 development cycles, the politics just overshadow any benefit i was getting out of it | 19:23 |
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ShillaSaebi | im sorry to hear | 19:24 |
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Sam-I-Am | yep, but so goes. plenty of other work to do with less politics. | 19:24 |
Sam-I-Am | the networking guide needs lots of love | 19:24 |
jreeves | I suspect you're going to have your hands full with Neutron anyway | 19:25 |
ShillaSaebi | he's got his hands full all the time | 19:25 |
Sam-I-Am | yeah, neutron has been increasingly consuming time | 19:25 |
Sam-I-Am | among other stuff | 19:25 |
ShillaSaebi | lots of work is ture | 19:25 |
ShillaSaebi | true* | 19:25 |
ShillaSaebi | im sorry to hear about the politics | 19:25 |
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Sam-I-Am | i figure if other people think they can do a better job with the installation guide, then they can commit the resources to do it | 19:26 |
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ShillaSaebi | sup sc68cal | 19:26 |
sc68cal | yo. if there's time in open discussion, can chat about ops guide rst | 19:26 |
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ShillaSaebi | yeah | 19:26 |
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ShillaSaebi | any other questions on summit sched and Etherpad | 19:27 |
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Sam-I-Am | anyway, i'll attempt to finish the mitaka guide | 19:27 |
Sam-I-Am | which includes lagging changes and probably some bug reports as people try to use it | 19:27 |
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Sam-I-Am | but no contributions beyond that | 19:27 |
ShillaSaebi | thanks for your help Sam-I-Am | 19:28 |
sc68cal | ++ | 19:28 |
ShillaSaebi | alright | 19:28 |
ShillaSaebi | #topic Open Discussion | 19:28 |
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ShillaSaebi | you guys are up | 19:28 |
* sc68cal waits his turn since he came late | 19:29 | |
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Sam-I-Am | sc68cal: i dont think there's many people here | 19:29 |
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ShillaSaebi | yeah feel free Sean | 19:30 |
sc68cal | Gotcha. Basically a lot of folks cleaned up the RST conversion, so I was looking to see what we need in the future to get it published | 19:30 |
ShillaSaebi | sweeeet | 19:30 |
sc68cal | I'm going to be doing a lot of work on the subject of upgrading an OpenStack clsuter | 19:30 |
sc68cal | so, I plan on contributing a lot of docs around it | 19:30 |
ShillaSaebi | sweeet x2 | 19:30 |
ShillaSaebi | well that's great | 19:30 |
sc68cal | so I plan on working on the upgrades section quite a bit of the ops guide | 19:30 |
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Sam-I-Am | i still think we should just collapse all of these separate guides into one, organized by service :) | 19:31 |
Sam-I-Am | is upgrading an admin thing? an operator thing? etc | 19:32 |
sc68cal | I think my plan was: Use the upgrades section to then point to more specific service doc | 19:32 |
sc68cal | so neutron has a lot of good work done by ihar and others in the devref about upgrades | 19:32 |
sc68cal | probaby nova has a lot too | 19:32 |
Sam-I-Am | yeah, that content shouldnt be in the devref | 19:32 |
Sam-I-Am | its for developers, not operators | 19:32 |
sc68cal | right. but that's where it currently is | 19:33 |
Sam-I-Am | it should be moved somewhere | 19:33 |
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sc68cal | that's fine. My point was - there is content that really smart people have contributed, and we can use that as the basis for something more | 19:33 |
ShillaSaebi | #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/events/9511 | 19:33 |
Sam-I-Am | makes sense | 19:33 |
ShillaSaebi | There is an ops-guide session in the ops track during the summit | 19:34 |
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* sc68cal adds to calendar | 19:34 | |
sc68cal | thanks :) | 19:34 |
ShillaSaebi | awesome | 19:34 |
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ShillaSaebi | This will be a great opportunity to talk about and plan the approach for the arch and ops-guid | 19:35 |
ShillaSaebi | guide* | 19:35 |
ShillaSaebi | I plan on attending | 19:35 |
sc68cal | arch guide is perfect. I helped write it. it's PERFECT | 19:35 |
sc68cal | ;) | 19:35 |
ShillaSaebi | +1 | 19:36 |
ShillaSaebi | thank you for that | 19:36 |
ShillaSaebi | alright anything else anyone wants to discuss or bring up | 19:37 |
sc68cal | hmm, that meeting conflicts with the ops summit upgrades session? | 19:37 |
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ShillaSaebi | im not sure | 19:39 |
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ShillaSaebi | if it conflicts for you, write down your questions and concerns and i can take them there, bring them up and take notes | 19:40 |
ShillaSaebi | we will hopefully have some more insight after we get together in Austin | 19:40 |
ShillaSaebi | anyone have anything else to bring up? | 19:41 |
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ShillaSaebi | ok if not then meeting adjourned | 19:42 |
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ShillaSaebi | thank you all for joining | 19:42 |
ShillaSaebi | #endmeeting | 19:42 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Apr 13 19:42:45 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 19:42 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/docteam/2016/docteam.2016-04-13-19.00.html | 19:42 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/docteam/2016/docteam.2016-04-13-19.00.txt | 19:42 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/docteam/2016/docteam.2016-04-13-19.00.log.html | 19:42 |
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notmyname | swift meeting time | 21:00 |
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notmyname | #startmeeting swift | 21:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Apr 13 21:00:53 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is notmyname. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 21:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 21:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'swift' | 21:00 |
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notmyname | hello everyone. who's here fro the swift meeting? | 21:01 |
torgomatic | . | 21:01 |
hurricanerix | o/ | 21:01 |
timburke_ | o/ | 21:01 |
lakshmiS | o/ | 21:01 |
joeljwright | hello | 21:01 |
jrichli | hi | 21:01 |
dmorita_ | o/ | 21:01 |
hosanai | o/ | 21:01 |
tdasilva | yo | 21:01 |
TravT_ | o/ | 21:01 |
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pdardeau | o/ | 21:01 |
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ntata | o/ | 21:01 |
acoles | here | 21:01 |
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mmotiani | Hi \o/ | 21:01 |
gmmaha | o/ | 21:01 |
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notmyname | welcome | 21:01 |
notmyname | I've been offline most of this week, so it's good to see everyone | 21:02 |
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notmyname | agenda is at | 21:02 |
notmyname | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Swift | 21:02 |
notmyname | I'd like to go kinda fast today (but not too fast if a topic needs it) | 21:02 |
notmyname | immediately after the meeting I've got to drive to the airport and get on a plane to go home | 21:02 |
notmyname | #topic client docs | 21:03 |
*** openstack changes topic to "client docs (Meeting topic: swift)" | 21:03 | |
notmyname | joeljwright: this is your topic. what's up? | 21:03 |
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joeljwright | very quickly then, review is here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/288566/ | 21:03 |
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joeljwright | I would like help with client-api.rst | 21:03 |
notmyname | patch 288566 | 21:03 |
patchbot | notmyname: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/288566/ - python-swiftclient - WIP: This patch adds a new doc structure for swift... | 21:03 |
joeljwright | but other than that it's 'complete' | 21:03 |
notmyname | joeljwright: great! | 21:03 |
notmyname | what do you need on client-api.rst? | 21:04 |
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joeljwright | it might be worth merging as is, and completing the connection api as a follow on | 21:04 |
notmyname | ie what does "help" mean? | 21:04 |
joeljwright | it needs details of auth when using client.Connection() | 21:04 |
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joeljwright | and some examples | 21:04 |
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notmyname | I wonder if hosanai could help with that | 21:04 |
cutforth | hello - i'm late | 21:04 |
notmyname | cutforth: welcome | 21:04 |
pdardeau | mmotiani? | 21:04 |
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joeljwright | I have to be honest, I'm hoping someone out there has more experience of using the Connection API directly | 21:05 |
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hosanai | notmyname: i will do it | 21:05 |
notmyname | hosanai: great, thanks | 21:05 |
kota___ | sorry, to be late. | 21:05 |
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notmyname | kota___: no worries | 21:05 |
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joeljwright | hosanai: thanks | 21:05 |
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pdardeau | someone from osic swift team will help out | 21:05 |
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notmyname | pdardeau: great, thanks | 21:05 |
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mmotiani | joeljwright: yeah, I saw the patch and the merge of examples to cli.rst looks great to me. | 21:05 |
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joeljwright | mmotiani: thanks | 21:05 |
notmyname | will gerrit comments work or would you prefer to have patch sets pushed over yours? | 21:06 |
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notmyname | joeljwright: ^ | 21:06 |
joeljwright | tbh, either is fine - I'm happy to be editor if needed | 21:06 |
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mmotiani | notmyname: I am already pushing my patches on his. | 21:06 |
notmyname | mmotiani: ah ok | 21:06 |
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notmyname | so joeljwright and mmotiani and hosanai coordinate and it should be done soon! | 21:07 |
mmotiani | joeljwright: I will look into the client-apt.rst as well. | 21:07 |
joeljwright | looking at cli.rst or service-api.rst should give details of what sort of auth section we need | 21:07 |
notmyname | good news is that you are all on opposites sides of the world, so there's little change of pushing at the same time :-) | 21:07 |
joeljwright | a translation of the examples from those pages would be good | 21:07 |
joeljwright | that's all I need for now, and hopefully we can get it all tied up at the summit | 21:08 |
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notmyname | I'm happy to see the progress here. thanks everyone for helping and reviewing, and especially to joeljwright for doing the lion's share | 21:08 |
notmyname | #topic rolling upgrade testing status update | 21:08 |
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notmyname | unfortunately cschwede couldn't make it to the meeting | 21:09 |
notmyname | but he's left updates on the etherpad | 21:09 |
notmyname | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/swift-rolling-upgrade-multinode-testing | 21:09 |
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notmyname | it looks like he's got some patches (listed) that will set up the necessary things, but there are still some bugs to work through (IIRC) | 21:09 |
notmyname | any questions here? | 21:10 |
notmyname | ok, moving on :-) | 21:10 |
notmyname | #topic summit planning | 21:10 |
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notmyname | I have less on this topic than i had hoped for by this point | 21:10 |
notmyname | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/swift-newton-summit-planning | 21:10 |
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notmyname | basically, I havne't had a chance to make a schedule yet, so I've got to do that tomorrow | 21:11 |
notmyname | the good news is that means you still have some time to add topics you're interested in | 21:11 |
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notmyname | there were one or two that we talked about here with the OSIC team, so add those today/tonight, and I'll do the scheduling in about 24 hours | 21:12 |
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hurricanerix | notmyname I will add mine tonight | 21:12 |
notmyname | hurricanerix: great, thanks | 21:12 |
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notmyname | anythign I can help with as you prepare for the summit? | 21:13 |
notmyname | (to anyone) | 21:13 |
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notmyname | the scheduling website has had some bugs knocked out, so it should be working | 21:14 |
notmyname | there's also phone apps available (TBH I find the phone app easier to use) | 21:14 |
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notmyname | unfortunately, it doesn't seem that there's a good way to export it into a calendar, so you're left with the phone app probably during the week | 21:15 |
dmorita_ | thx, i will try the app | 21:15 |
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notmyname | be sure to sign up for the openstack-wide party. you'll have to have a ticket to get in | 21:15 |
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notmyname | as I understand it, there's just one big party that's goignt o be like a street fair instead of the separate sponsored parties this time | 21:16 |
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ntata | and an eventbrite app can help with the rsvp'd tickets | 21:16 |
notmyname | right | 21:16 |
notmyname | anything else on the summit from anyone? | 21:17 |
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notmyname | ok. moving on, then | 21:17 |
notmyname | #topic searchlight integration | 21:17 |
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notmyname | this is a follow-on from a conversation we had in bristol about searchlight and metadata integration | 21:17 |
TravT | lakshmiS: are you here to talk about it? | 21:18 |
lakshmiS | Based on previous discussions, we have created a client library which can directly call elasticsearch behind Searchlight server and index swift data. | 21:18 |
notmyname | lakshmiS: looks like there's been some work on the searchlight side | 21:18 |
lakshmiS | There were some hesitancy on sending notifications using OSLO Messaging and RabbitMQ. | 21:18 |
notmyname | right | 21:18 |
lakshmiS | For reference here’s the spec and POC’s using both client library and notifications. As mentioned in spec link, notifications are the recomended option since Searchlight server can take care of upgrades which otherwise will be hard to support using client library. | 21:18 |
lakshmiS | Spec - https://review.openstack.org/305404 | 21:18 |
lakshmiS | Client Library POC: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/305309/ | 21:18 |
lakshmiS | Notification POC: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/249471/ | 21:18 |
patchbot | lakshmiS: patch 305309 - swift - POC: Searchlight client library | 21:18 |
patchbot | lakshmiS: patch 249471 - swift - WIP Oslo.messaging middleware | 21:18 |
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lakshmiS | Notifications is still the recommended option but we have created the client library poc to demonstrate direct call to elasticsearch | 21:19 |
notmyname | lakshmiS: the searchlight client would be an alternative to the oslo messaging one, right? | 21:19 |
lakshmiS | yes | 21:19 |
TravT | That 305309 is very primitive and early | 21:19 |
TravT | but enough to show the really barebones case | 21:20 |
notmyname | great | 21:20 |
notmyname | what do you see as next steps, then? | 21:20 |
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lakshmiS | we have questions on what is the best place within swift to call this library | 21:20 |
notmyname | timburke_: can you point timur at that client library patch? | 21:20 |
notmyname | lakshmiS: that is a great question | 21:21 |
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notmyname | we had some ideas as part of the conversation in bristol | 21:21 |
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notmyname | including possibly modifying the container DB schema to have a better way to track what's been indexed and what hasn't (similar to container sync) | 21:22 |
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notmyname | and it's something I want to discuss in more depth in austing | 21:22 |
notmyname | *austin | 21:22 |
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lakshmiS | is there something we can look at before summit to prepare more on it. | 21:23 |
notmyname | so the short answer is the current idea sounds good, but it hasn't been written yet. and there might be a better idea too :-) | 21:23 |
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notmyname | lakshmiS: this is a doc for container sync, but the basic idea (the high-water marks) is similar to what we discussed | 21:24 |
notmyname | #link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/overview_container_sync.html#what-s-going-on-behind-the-scenes-in-the-cluster | 21:24 |
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notmyname | so that would be a good starting point for background reading | 21:24 |
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TravT | oh, that's really good to have now | 21:24 |
notmyname | lakshmiS: imagine then an "indexer" background daemon of some sort that's similar to the existing container sync daemon | 21:25 |
lakshmiS | ok will read through that... | 21:25 |
notmyname | TravT: lakshmiS: is there anything else you need from us in the short term on this? | 21:25 |
lakshmiS | last question | 21:25 |
notmyname | I'm going to ping one of my coworkers about the indexer library patch you have | 21:26 |
notmyname | (timur) | 21:26 |
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lakshmiS | can we use elasticsearch python client library as dependency for calling elasticsearch from swift? | 21:26 |
notmyname | he's done something already that works with ELK. I'm curious how much (if any) duplication there is | 21:26 |
lakshmiS | that would be great | 21:26 |
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lakshmiS | since we only have a small poc | 21:26 |
TravT | one other question, how current is the container sync process with reality? i mean is it near real time or behind by days? | 21:26 |
notmyname | lakshmiS: I'd want to see what other dependencies that brings in, but unless there's some obvious deficiency with it, probably yes | 21:27 |
notmyname | TravT: probably somewhere between there. actually, it's an active area of improvement right now (see the 3 patches listed on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Swift/PriorityReviews for container sync) | 21:27 |
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TravT | okay, i'm just wondering if possibly there would be two integration points | 21:27 |
TravT | one at actual operation time | 21:28 |
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notmyname | right | 21:28 |
TravT | and that one is just for consistency | 21:28 |
TravT | ^ container sync | 21:28 |
notmyname | honestly, there probably will be 2 | 21:28 |
notmyname | I'd prefer to only have the background one if possible, but it's likely we'll need/want one during the request time too | 21:28 |
acoles | IIRC when we discussed in Bristol we identified that, but the container daemon one would always be needed as fallback so made sense to start there? | 21:28 |
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notmyname | right | 21:29 |
notmyname | acoles: defintiely that | 21:29 |
acoles | then look at write path integration after | 21:29 |
lakshmiS | thats even better for resync | 21:29 |
timburke_ | (fwiw, elasticsearch dependencies seem minimal) | 21:29 |
TravT | the container process sounds great for the consistency | 21:29 |
notmyname | timburke_: thanks for checking | 21:29 |
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timburke_ | needing to match client version to server version makes me a little nervous, though | 21:30 |
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timburke_ | not sure what server versions would be likely to be deployed | 21:30 |
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TravT | yes, we have started to look at the ramifications that will have for searchlight as well | 21:31 |
lakshmiS | currently we are at 1.4 but it will be moving towards 2.0 possibly in newton | 21:31 |
TravT | right now just accumulating bug | 21:31 |
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TravT | lakshmiS 1.4 - 1.7.x | 21:31 |
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TravT | by "accumulating bugs" i mean we are actively identifying areas of concern and logging them | 21:31 |
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notmyname | :-) | 21:32 |
notmyname | I accumulate bugs every time I open my code editor | 21:32 |
TravT | lol | 21:32 |
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notmyname | anything else on this project right now? | 21:32 |
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notmyname | I'm excited to see it moving forward | 21:33 |
lakshmiS | thats all for now. thanks for the links | 21:33 |
notmyname | lakshmiS: thanks for your work | 21:33 |
TravT | thanks! we look forward to working through this | 21:33 |
notmyname | great | 21:33 |
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acoles | we have a session for this on summit etherpad right? | 21:33 |
lakshmiS | yes | 21:33 |
TravT | yes, there is one on there | 21:33 |
acoles | good | 21:33 |
TravT | i've added a bunch of links as well | 21:33 |
notmyname | thanks | 21:34 |
notmyname | #topic open discussion | 21:34 |
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acoles | TravT: ok thanks that's helpful | 21:34 |
notmyname | anything else to bring up this week in the meeting? | 21:34 |
acoles | notmyname: crypto | 21:34 |
notmyname | TravT: when I do the scheduling this week, I'll make sure to also tag searchlight and not make it conflict with your working sessions | 21:34 |
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notmyname | acoles: ok, crypto. go | 21:35 |
TravT | ok, thanks! | 21:35 |
notmyname | what's up with crypto? | 21:35 |
acoles | we're making great progress | 21:35 |
notmyname | great! | 21:35 |
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acoles | but copy middleware is still needed on master | 21:35 |
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notmyname | ok | 21:35 |
notmyname | who's reviewing that? | 21:35 |
acoles | jrichli: and I have both independently cherry picked it across to feature/crypto and had all func tests passing with EC and replication policy | 21:35 |
tdasilva | kota___ and timburke_ have reviewed copy recently | 21:36 |
tdasilva | many thanks!!! | 21:36 |
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acoles | yeah thanks timburke_ and kota___ | 21:36 |
kota___ | o/ | 21:36 |
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tdasilva | kota___: not a lot has changed since your last +2, so if you have a chance to look again, it would be great | 21:37 |
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kota___ | tdasilva: ok, will do | 21:37 |
acoles | notmyname: we had a call today to review our crypto trello board and status - tdasilva jrichli mahatic and myself | 21:38 |
notmyname | great | 21:38 |
acoles | notmyname: and we have a call scheduled for tomorrow at 1400UTC to discuss bring your own key use case with a Barbican core | 21:38 |
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acoles | anyone who'd like to join in please ask me for details | 21:38 |
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acoles | notmyname: so that's where we're at with crypto | 21:39 |
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notmyname | thanks for the update | 21:40 |
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twm2016 | I have something I would like to bring up. | 21:40 |
notmyname | twm2016: what's up | 21:41 |
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twm2016 | Is this something that should be marked as won't fix or should I continue working on it? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/291461/ | 21:41 |
patchbot | twm2016: patch 291461 - swift - Remove Content-Length from 204 No Content Response | 21:41 |
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notmyname | it's won't fix (for now) | 21:42 |
notmyname | thanks for bringing it up | 21:42 |
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notmyname | I'll -2 it to be clear | 21:42 |
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twm2016 | thanks! | 21:43 |
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notmyname | twm2016: thanks for working on that, but clay's comments were right about the client impact | 21:44 |
notmyname | anything else this week? | 21:44 |
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notmyname | ok, I'm calling it then | 21:45 |
notmyname | thank you for coming | 21:45 |
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notmyname | thank you for working on swift! | 21:45 |
notmyname | #endmeeting | 21:45 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Wed Apr 13 21:45:41 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 21:45 |
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openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/swift/2016/swift.2016-04-13-21.00.html | 21:45 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/swift/2016/swift.2016-04-13-21.00.txt | 21:45 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/swift/2016/swift.2016-04-13-21.00.log.html | 21:45 |
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