Tuesday, 2014-02-18

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sc68calgood morning, good afternoon, good evening13:57
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sc68cal#startmeeting neutron_ipv614:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb 18 14:00:14 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is sc68cal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.14:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'neutron_ipv6'14:00
sc68calHello everyone14:00
sc68calNo real concrete agenda today - so I won't bully everyone14:01
dzyuhello everyone14:01
sc68caldzyu: Hi!14:01
sc68cal#topic recap last meeting14:02
dzyulong time to see you since I just came back this week14:02
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sc68cal#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ipv6/2014/neutron_ipv6.2014-02-11-14.01.html minutes from last meeting14:02
sc68calNo action items were posted last week14:02
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aveigaI'd like to fix that this week14:03
baolisc68cal, regarding the RA rule, I sent you an email with a few questions. Can you respond just to educate me?14:03
aveigaI noticed that our wiki page is... lacking.  I'd like to take an AI to clean it up, sc68cal14:03
sc68calbaoli: I'm hoping to discuss during the open discussion14:04
baoliok, sounds good14:04
sc68calaveiga: Thanks - I think everyone should take a crack at updating the wiki14:04
shshangGood morning, afternoon, evening!14:04
xuhanphello, everyone14:04
sc68calDo we have any BPs to discuss?14:05
sc68calI know we have quite a bit to discuss regarding reviews14:05
sc68cal#topic reviews14:06
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sc68calI know I have to rebase my review so that the alembic script gets run correctly14:07
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sc68calsince it's so close to I-3 - it's going to get more frequent14:07
dzyuYes, I just rebase my code change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56184/ base on Sean's code change14:07
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xuhanpsc68cal: I remember you still want to have some discussion about attribute validation14:08
xuhanpbased on your last comment14:08
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sc68calxuhanp: Yes - I was worried about the deployment model we're using, but I was able to clear it up by talking to aveiga14:09
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sc68calwhere ra_mode would be ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED14:09
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sc68caland address_mode would be SLAAC14:09
sc68caland enable_dhcp would be true14:09
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sc68caland I believe the patch that shshang has makes everything work correctly14:10
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sc68calwhere the dhcp agent will not start up on the v6 subnet, and dzyu's patch calculates the ipv6 slaac addresses. In theory. I haven't had a chance to do an integration test to verify14:11
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sc68calOtherwise I just have to sit down re-read our convo last week and put together the code to block the bad combos we identified14:12
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sc68cal#action sc68cal add validation logic for bad combos identified last week14:12
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sc68cal#action sc68cal rebase first patch to fix alembic script14:13
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sc68calHoping that we can get xuhanp to rejoin14:14
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dzyushshang: one question need to confirm. if ra-mode or address-mode is SLAAC/dhcpv6-stateless, OpenStack need to calculate the ip address base on subnet prifix and mac address, is it right?14:14
aveigadzyu: yes14:14
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baolisc68cal, can we go over the questions regarding RA rule?14:17
sc68calyup - teeing it up14:17
sc68calbaoli: you had some q's about this review? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72252/14:17
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sc68calsince xuhanp rejoined14:18
xuhanpyep. I was disconnected14:18
baoliyes. with this command,     neutron router-gateway-set <router-id> <ext-net-id>14:18
baolian address from the ext-net will be the gateway IP, right?14:19
* sc68cal checks the doc14:19
sc68calthere appears to be a last step, where you assign an interface to the router14:20
sc68cal neutron router-interface-add EXT_TO_INT_ID DEMO_NET_SUBNET_ID14:21
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baolisc68cal, that's the subnet gateway ip14:21
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xuhanpsc68cal: I believe this is for adding the tenent network14:21
xuhanpwhat baoli mentioned is the external network14:22
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baoliis that DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW14:22
sc68calI'm not 100% sure on what router-gateway-set does inside the plugin14:22
sc68calbut it looks like from that doc it's just establishing the route between the ext-net-id and the demo_net_subnet_id14:23
sc68calso, we'd only be concerned about RAs going from the newly created router & interface, announcing RA's inside demo_net_subnet_id ?14:24
sc68calI don't think we'd be changing anything on ext-net-id, but I could be wrong (likely)14:24
baoliI think that my concern is this: for IPv6, if the gateway ip (router gw, or subnet gw) is used to construct a iptable rule to allow RA, then it should make it explicit.14:24
sc68calcan you expand upon what you mean by making it explicit?14:25
xuhanpso baoli, are you saying we should allow RA from other IPs on the external network?14:25
xuhanpnot only the gateway?14:25
baoliFor example, in the case of ipv4, the gw ip is used to establish a route14:25
baolixuhanp, I'm not saying that. I'm saying implicitly we are using these IPs to create iptables rules to allow RA14:26
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baoliin the case of IPv614:26
aveigabaoli: we are implicitly using all gateways, either set in the neutron subnet or by an attached router14:27
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baoliaveiga, I understand. But this gateway ip must be a LLA in the case of IPv6, in order for the proposed patch to work.14:28
sc68calbaoli: I believe that is a separate issue.14:28
sc68calAt this point we need a spike to see how a neutron router is created for ipv614:29
sc68calit *may* already use an LLA. And if not, feel free to make a patch that does so14:29
aveigait MUST use an LLA14:29
aveigabaoli is correct here14:29
sc68calI agree that it must be an LLA per the protocol, but I don't know what the neutron code currently does14:30
aveigawe didn't put in any checking code14:30
aveigait has to be doing LLA, since an RA can'tbe issued otherwise14:30
sc68calsomeone want to volunteer to do a code audit on neutron routers for v6 functionality?14:31
xuhanpI can do that14:31
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baoli    neutron router-gateway-set <router-id> <ext-net-id> creates a router gateway port. And you can see it's from a ext-net. This means for ipv6, we have to create a ext net with LLAs. which doesn't sound right to me14:31
aveigathere has to be an LLA on every net14:32
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aveigaI think this is a slightly different question from the code for filtering RAs14:32
aveigathe real question here is are we checking that the router gateway IP is LLA?14:32
sc68calyes - and if anything, any code that addresses the LLAs will update the database with an LLA address, so the code xuhanp will pick it up correctly14:33
sc68calvia his query14:33
sc68calwhich is a long way of saying, I think we should try and get the bug fix that xuhanp has proposed in, and investigate the LLA issue separately14:33
xuhanpaveiga: I am not sure how to make sure the ext-net has LLA14:33
aveigayou don't have to14:33
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aveigaEVERY net MUST have LLA14:33
aveigayou can't do ND without it14:34
aveigaor RD14:34
aveigaor any kind of non-static addressing14:34
xuhanpso you mean we just need to get it updated into database?14:34
sc68calxuhanp: that's my thought - +114:34
baoliaveiga, the protocol defined LLA's prefix as fe80::14:35
aveigabaoli: that's right14:35
aveigaso the question is, do we want to validate that a router address being entered is LL?14:35
xuhanpso we need to store two addresses for ext-net?14:35
aveigaI would consider that we don't validate14:36
sc68calWe just need to make Neutron use the LLA14:36
aveigain the case that someone wants to do static addressing and static route entries14:36
baoliwith this command, neutron router-gateway-set, you can't enter an LLA14:36
aveigaah, so that's an issue14:36
aveigabut the issue isn't with the RA filtering code there14:36
aveigago up the chain and file a bug on the gateway code14:37
baoliThis is not an issue with IPv414:37
baoliSo I don't think that it's a bug14:37
sc68calIpv6 != ipv414:37
aveigabecause there is no such thing as LLA in IPV414:37
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dzyuwhether need to restore LLA address, just make sure ext-net have LLA, is it enough?14:37
sc68calbaoli: Can I add an action item for you to remove your -1, and do a blueprint to look into neutron gateways and LLAs?14:38
aveigadzyu: not sure where you're going there14:38
sc68caland you can report back to us next week on what you find14:38
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aveigaI think if neutron is running the router, it needs to be LLA14:39
baolisc68cal, well, the code won't work14:39
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aveigabut if it's an external device then it can be anything14:39
sc68calbaoli: I do not agree14:39
aveigaif it's either LLA or within the external net address range14:39
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sc68calbaoli: Your assertation that the code won't work is not due to a flaw in the patch that xuhanp has proposed14:40
baolisc68cal, I may be wrong if xuhanp has tested it thouroughly14:40
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aveigabaoli: try it yourself. Apply the patch and rebuild14:40
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sc68calbaoli: If you are concerned about LLAs - please propose a patch that enforces the usage of LLAs in v6 routers14:40
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aveigaeh, please don't14:40
aveigathere are use cases where you might want to use GUA routing14:41
baoliThe patch assumes that the gateway IP is an LLA14:41
sc68calOK - then we can discuss that problem in that review - not in xuhanp's patch14:41
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sc68calMy point is that we have an open security issue, and I believe xuhanp 's patch gets us very close, if not closes it14:41
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sc68calbetter to get the ball to the 10 than stay at the 5014:41
baoliif that assumption is not right, the patch wouldn't work as it's intended.14:42
baolisc68cal, can you point me to the patch that creates default rules to allow neighbor related messages?14:42
sc68calbaoli: Please look at the linked bug14:43
sc68calI left it as a comment14:43
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sc68calin xuhanp's patch's commit message14:43
sc68calThis is basic stuff14:43
baolisorry I missed it.14:43
sc68calHonestly you can't be a roadblock for people if you're not able to do basic research14:43
sc68calI'm sorry to come off harsh but we're under the gun here14:43
sc68calfor I-314:43
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baoliwell, not trying to be a road blocker. But that's what the review is there for, right?14:45
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aveigaI think the issue is an upstream one14:45
aveigafix the upstream code to make the assumption right, because it's a correct assumption14:45
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aveigaand if you really want to use GUA, then you'd have the sense to add an allow ICMPv614:46
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aveigaat an SG level14:46
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sc68calOK - well i suppose if nobody has anything else, we can adjourn for today14:50
absubramsc68cal: Sean.. do we have time for open discussion.. or would you rather I sent out an email.. for the Horizon BP14:50
sc68calabsubram: sure!14:51
sc68cal#topic open discussion14:51
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absubramjust a couple quick questions.. I only have Sean's neutron diffs so I may be missing some other important patches..14:51
absubrambut I have been able to get basic functionality working14:51
absubrami.e I am able to create subnets with the two options.. for SOME combinations.. eg slaac/slaac; slaac/stateful14:52
absubramhowever off/off does not work14:52
absubramit seems to find "off" to be a bad parameter in neutron?14:52
sc68calwhen you say off/off- do you mean you're sending strings with the value of "off"?14:52
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absubramyes.. that's exactly what I am doing.. sending a string "off"14:52
absubramis that wrong?14:52
sc68calAh ok - sorry for the confusion14:52
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sc68calI think when we say "off" - we mean ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED14:53
absubramah ok14:53
absubramso that was going to be next question.. if no value was presented would that be the same as off14:53
sc68calbasically if they're off - don't set the attribute14:53
sc68calDoes that make sense?14:53
absubramok.. right.. so I am able to create subnet via Horizon fine when I don't have a value specifified for the two attributes14:54
absubramso I'll just get rid of the "off" option14:54
aveigait might also be good to recheck after sc68cal updates his code with the validation portion.  There are combinations (such as slaac/stateful) that are invalid14:54
sc68cal+1 - although Neutron will return an error giving you the reason14:54
absubramok.. Sean mentioned neutron does the check for invalid combo?14:54
absubramok cool14:54
sc68calso you should be able to just display what neutron gives you back in the case of an error14:54
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absubramagain I have only ttested to see if I can create a subnet14:54
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absubramI haven't actually tested the subnet itslef then to see if it functions correctly14:55
absubramwas hoping one of you could test that for me :)14:55
absubramI'll send out an email with a pointer to the review as soon as I have it up.. which should be this afternoon.. need a little code cleanup14:55
absubramthen shshang I'll take up on the offer you made last week to test it ;)14:56
shshanglet me know what I can help you wiht14:56
shshangthanks for giving me heads up14:56
sc68calYeah we'll need to refresh dzyu's neutron-cli review14:57
absubramthose were the only questions I had on Horizon.. I did hit a differnt issue via CLI.. but thankfully not via Horizon14:57
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dzyuYes, I will change neutron cli ASAP14:57
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xuhanpdzyu and also have confusions about address calculation code. Will discussion it in ML14:57
absubramCLI returns this for some reason14:57
absubramabsubram@absubram-VirtualBox:~/devstack$ neutron subnet-create ab_net_v6_1 --ip-version 6 --ipv6_ra_mode slaac --ipv6_address_mode slaac fe80::/80 --name ab_sub_v6_1 Invalid input for ipv6_ra_mode. Reason: 'True' is not a valid string.14:57
absubrambut it works fine vis dashboard now14:58
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sc68calyeah the CLI hasn't been patched to take the new attributes14:58
absubramgot it14:58
absubramok.. that's all I had.. look out for my email later today :)14:58
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sc68calfeel free to coordinate with dzyu - the old review is here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/54250/14:58
dzyuxuhanp, I have talked it with shshang14:58
dane_shshang: Any luck with the UT?14:59
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sc68calshshang: I got your e-mail this morning, let's try and meet up tomorrow during the day14:59
shshangNo...I am still struggilng with submitting the change.14:59
shshangsure, thanks sc68cal and dane14:59
sc68calok everyone - till next time15:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb 18 15:00:17 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ipv6/2014/neutron_ipv6.2014-02-18-14.00.html15:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_ipv6/2014/neutron_ipv6.2014-02-18-14.00.txt15:00
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n0ano#startmeeting gantt15:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb 18 15:00:57 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is n0ano. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'gantt'15:01
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n0anoanyone here to talk about the scheduler15:01
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bauzasI can see the topic name as changed from scheduler to gantt ;)15:02
n0anosince gantt is the new scheduler project that seemed appropriate15:02
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bauzasn0ano: can't agree more15:02
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bauzasn0ano: my concern was that gantt wasn't enough visible yet15:02
toan-tranyet now that we're saying maybe we're putting gantt out of openstack git15:03
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n0anoI try and raise visibility whenever possible, talking about it at the mid cycle meetup certainly helps15:03
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toan-transhoud we put the meetings back under nova banner?15:03
n0anotoan-tran, since when, I haven't heard that15:03
bauzasn0ano: indeed, we're waiting for the summary of what has been discussed during the mid-cycle meeting15:03
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bauzasbut I agree with the fact it should be a stackforge project15:04
toan-trann0ano: in the mid-cycle mail from Russell15:04
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n0anogimme a second...15:04
johnthetubaguybauzas: there is a summary on here, a rough one, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-icehouse-mid-cycle-meetup-items15:04
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: thanks15:05
johnthetubaguyhmm, not so good with the gantt section mind15:05
n0ano#topic mid-cycle meetup15:05
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bauzasn0ano: I'm currently wondering where I should put blueprints for gantt15:05
n0anowell, let me give my summary15:05
bauzassure :)15:05
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toan-tranhere: #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-February/027370.html15:06
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n0anoWhat I heard is everyone wants to move the scheduler to a separate tree but we;'re not sure the current nova scheduler is ready for that15:06
toan-tran"2) Gantt  - We discussed the progress of the Gantt effort.  After15:06
toan-trandiscussing the problems encountered so far and the other scheduler work15:06
toan-trangoing on, the consensus was that we really need to focus on decoupling15:06
toan-tranthe scheduler from the rest of Nova while it's still in the Nova tree.15:06
toan-tranDon was still interested in working on the existing gantt tree to learn15:06
toan-tranwhat he can about the coupling of the scheduler to the rest of Nova.15:06
toan-tranNobody had a problem with that, but it doesn't sound like we'll be ready15:06
toan-tranto regenerate the gantt tree to be the "real" gantt tree soon.  We15:06
toan-tranprobably need another cycle of development before it will be ready."15:06
n0anowe should be working on creating clean interfaces in the current nova scheduler and, once we have clean interfaces, we can split this out15:07
n0anotoan-tran, yes, that matches what I heard15:07
bauzasn0ano: so the first effort would be to split the interfaces ?15:07
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toan-tranas I remember, there were two approaches for Gantt15:07
bauzasn0ano: I'm particularly concerned about the nova imports in the gantt code15:07
toan-tranone from Robert that fork out, then cut tie15:08
n0anomoving the gantt tree from openstack to stackforge is not a major concern, that's just a housekeeping issue.15:08
toan-tranthe other from Boris that cut tie, then fork out15:08
n0anobauzas, yes, cleaning up the interfaces is the first concern, as you say, the nova imports can be a bit problematic15:08
bauzasn0ano: well, I tried to update the oslo commons15:08
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gliksontoan-tran: yeah, seems that both approaches ignore the interfaces issue..15:08
bauzasn0ano: by replacing from nova to gantt and run an update.py15:09
toan-tranglikson: I think that Boris' group is working on some part of the interface15:09
johnthetubaguybasically, we mentioned the no-db compute work, lets do something similar for the scheduler, then split it out15:09
toan-trannamely : the data access15:09
bauzasuntil we have a 100% gantt classes import, we raise some DuplicateOptError15:09
n0anobauzas, yes, that handles openstack/common (other projects do that so that's easy), it's the other imports of straight nova code that create problesm.15:10
bauzasn0ano: I'm trying to provide a patch to oslo.config for handling different projects15:10
bauzasn0ano: but that requires a clean-up in Gantt anyway15:10
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n0anobauzas, I'm a little curious why we don't have an oslo.common, why do you have to do the update.py all the time?15:11
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bauzasn0ano: IMHO, we can't focus on having clean interfaces with Nova without doing the clean-up stuff15:11
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bauzasn0ano: well, gantt should stand up by its own with the oslo commons15:11
gliksonjohnthetubaguy: the question is whether we have a good approach to 'something similar' here..15:11
bauzasn0ano: so, I made a clean-up in reqs.txt, removing what was not present15:11
bauzasnot in reqs.txt, openstack-common.conf sorry15:12
bauzasand then ran an update.py15:12
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bauzas(and updated the imports, of course)15:12
johnthetubaguyglikson: sure, we kinda agreed it seemed like there was15:12
bauzasI can provide a draft review if you want15:12
n0anobauzas, yeah, I've tried that too, it gets the openstack/common imports local to gantt but you still have other nova imports to deal with15:13
bauzasn0ano: that's why I'm focusing on having a wrapper on top of oslo.config15:13
gliksonjohnthetubaguy: you mean, with in-memory cache, updated via RPC?15:13
johnthetubaguyglikson: no15:13
n0anobauzas, when I did that I started hitting circular dependencies and wound up moving 90% of nova over to the gantt tree, not what we want15:13
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bauzasn0ano: well, it seems we could join our efforts15:14
n0anobauzas, I think that comes back to cleaning up the interfaces and not making the scheduler so intertwined with nova15:14
gliksonjohnthetubaguy: ok, then maybe I am not aware of the discussion/agreement you refer to15:14
n0anobauzas, for sure, we be good to work together15:14
bauzasn0ano: well, there are also some huge concerns about interfaces15:15
johnthetubaguyglikson: I am just talking about what we spoke about at the mid cycle meet up, to me this one is the key:https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/remove-cast-to-schedule-run-instance15:15
bauzasbut that's matter of priority15:15
johnthetubaguyOK, so do we know where we add the interface in, the above blueprint seems to make it much easier15:15
johnthetubaguyI know its probably not going into icehouse at this point though15:15
johnthetubaguybasically removes compute rpc calls from inside the scheduler manager15:16
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johnthetubaguyso conductor calls scheduler for a list of hosts15:16
johnthetubaguygives a request spec15:16
johnthetubaguygets back a list of hosts15:16
johnthetubaguythe other interface is something like an update_compute_stats_api15:16
johnthetubaguywhere at the moment it writes to the DB, but does other things later15:16
johnthetubaguy(a slice inside the current host manager, or something like that)15:17
johnthetubaguyanyways, seems two good places to start making a cut?15:17
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bauzasyep, there is also the need of having HostState querying Nova15:17
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gliksonjohnthetubaguy: getting the entire data model via an API for every placement decision would be far from optimal.. or you have some other approach in mind?15:18
johnthetubaguythe host state belongs to the scheduler15:18
bauzasbut the resource_tracker belongs to the compute, no ?15:18
johnthetubaguyish… let me explain15:19
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johnthetubaguyif the api to record the stats from compute belongs the the scheduler, then the current stats db, can live in the scheduler15:19
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johnthetubaguyits a case of where you draw the line, I think15:19
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johnthetubaguydoes that make any sense?15:20
n0anojohnthetubaguy, isn't that related to the no-db scheduler work, remove the stats db then it resides in the scheduler15:20
bauzasok gotcha15:20
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: was speaking about https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/scheduler/host_manager.py#L44015:20
johnthetubaguyn0ano: related, but shound't be dependent on it15:20
johnthetubaguybauzas:  in my model you have all the scheduler db owned by the scheduler, so it doesn't matter so much, its not querying nova, its talking to its own db, that just looks like the current nova one, and might even be stored in the same place15:21
n0anocarry on, I have to go deal with my trashcan blowing over in the wind15:21
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: well, I got your view15:22
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toan-tranjohnthetubaguy: there is also a question on frenquently_task update & nova-conductor15:22
johnthetubaguywhat question is that? sorry, not sure I get the issue here?15:22
gliksonjohnthetubaguy: how that DB will be updated?15:22
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toan-trannova-compute will update its stats to *some one*15:23
johnthetubaguyit calls a libary provided by the scheduler15:23
johnthetubaguywhich at the moment just updates the same old DB15:23
johnthetubaguyin the end it might send an rpc15:23
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johnthetubaguydoesn't matter, its owned by gantt now15:23
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: ok got it15:23
toan-tranlast meeting someone taled about using nova-conductor as it is now15:23
gliksonjohnthetubaguy: "it" = nova-compute?15:23
toan-tranthen conductor updates/synchron all schedulers (if there are many)15:24
johnthetubaguyyes, at the moment, might need to switch the arrow in the end too15:24
johnthetubaguyso conductor is interesting here...15:24
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johnthetubaguywith this: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/remove-cast-to-schedule-run-instance15:24
johnthetubaguyit means there are no calls from scheduler to compute15:24
johnthetubaguyor casts15:24
johnthetubaguyconductor calls scheduler to get a list of hosts15:24
johnthetubaguyand its done15:24
toan-tranjohnthetubaguy: yes15:25
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johnthetubaguyall I think is, add these two seams15:25
toan-tranjohnthetubaguy: for novaAPI call15:25
YathiI like this.. This is heading towards scheduler being a pure resource placement decision engine15:25
johnthetubaguythen see how far we get15:25
toan-trannova API --> conductor --> scheduler --> host states15:25
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bauzasjohnthetubaguy: what is still unclear to me is how the metrics are updated15:26
toan-trannova compute --> update stats --> conductor --> synchron schedulers15:26
johnthetubaguythat is what we get after: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/remove-cast-to-schedule-run-instance15:26
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bauzasjohnthetubaguy: that's basically the mission of the compute resource_tracker15:26
YathiBut has anyone given a thought about a unified data repository.. a db sitting outside..15:26
bauzaswhich calls the conductor15:26
johnthetubaguybauzas: metrics are updated using code provided by gantt15:26
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: well, I missed this big piece15:26
johnthetubaguythats the second piece15:27
johnthetubaguyfirst piece is conductor so its a simple rpc query15:27
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johnthetubaguysecond bit15:27
johnthetubaguycode lib to update metrics15:27
toan-tranjohnthetubaguy: so gantt will define the metric / host_state  model?15:27
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johnthetubaguyright now, it just does what we do today15:27
johnthetubaguytoan-tran: if you agree with the extensible metric thing, its just a dict15:27
bauzasdoes it go into blueprints now  ?15:27
johnthetubaguybut yes, gantt would own the meaning of the keys15:28
johnthetubaguywe have blueprints for all this already, except the above code lib15:28
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johnthetubaguybauzas: depends if we agree with this15:28
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: and so this is why I missed it :)15:28
johnthetubaguyalso, no more blueprints until Juno now15:28
johnthetubaguycode freeze is tomorrow15:28
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: yup, I know15:28
johnthetubaguyI guessed, just wanted to share that deadline :)15:29
bauzasn0ano: do we have blueprints in place ?15:29
gliksonjohnthetubaguy: ok, I agree that these 2 interfaces make sense, as a first step15:29
bauzasn0ano: I mean for gantt, of course15:29
johnthetubaguyglikson: agreed, its just a first step, then we see what "mess" is left15:29
n0anobauzas, which ones to you mean, we have lots15:29
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n0anoyes, there's a blueprint for splitting it out15:29
bauzasin Nova ?15:29
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bauzaswould it be worth putting some here : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/gantt  ?15:30
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n0anoactually, there's an ether pad for that, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/icehouse-external-scheduler15:30
gliksonjohnthetubaguy: actually splitting the DB's would be non-trivial, I gues..15:30
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bauzasn0ano: woah, this etherpad is really big :)15:30
n0anobauzas, creating separate BPs for specific tasks would be good15:31
johnthetubaguyglikson: with the above model, its already done, I feel, because the scheduler gets info pushed in, except for the stuff it owns15:31
n0anothe original idea was that just splitting the code would be easy, turns out it's not that trivial so some work (cleaning interfaces) will need to be done first15:31
toan-tranjohnthetubaguy: should gantt create its own model instead of ugin nova's15:31
bauzastoan-tran: well, I think that's just matter of backporting the existing one15:32
gliksonjohnthetubaguy: well, not exactly, because same DB is used also for queries, keeping track of in-flight operations, etc.. now you will have 2 DBs..15:32
bauzasthe metrics column is enough flexible for the first needs15:32
johnthetubaguytoan-tran: I don't think it matters if we do the split I suggested15:32
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johnthetubaguyglikson: right, but the scheduler doesn't write to those other tables, after the move to conductor work15:33
bauzasthe only worrying thing I can see is that we have a big dependency with Nova in Gantt15:33
bauzaseven if the interfaces are clean15:34
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gliksonjohnthetubaguy: so, maybe some of the updates that conductor does will need to go to scheduler's DB too..15:34
bauzasthat does require to deploy both gantt and nova on the same host15:34
Yathijohnthetubaguy: This is probably for future, Do you think it would be possible to push other metrics (non-compute related - storage, network, etc) to the scheduler DB, to make interesting scheduling decisions15:34
johnthetubaguyglikson: again, thats through the code lib, but its unlikely15:34
bauzasbecause gantt is currently heaving using nova libs15:34
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johnthetubaguyYathi: sure, thats the extensible resource scheduler stuff, and it goes through the code libs15:35
bauzasYathi: that should be possible using the extensible resources bp15:35
n0anobauzas, I was hoping that cleaning up the interfaces would involve removing the use of those nova libs15:35
bauzasn0ano: that's hard work15:35
johnthetubaguybauzas: yes, but that should be minimal, given how much oslo has, thats step three, lets say15:35
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: I agree with this as step #315:35
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toan-tranbauzas: no, nova and gantt can be deployed on different hosts15:35
toan-tranas nova-* & nova-scheduler now15:36
bauzastoan-tran: how do you deal the nova libs imports in Gantt ? :)15:36
toan-tranjust duplicating some code15:36
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bauzasdeal ^with15:36
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gliksonjohnthetubaguy: otherwise there might be ugly race conditions.. scheduler may need to "remember" the decisions it made, before they propagate back via nova-comute..15:36
YathiThe other discussion we had in the ML was about reservations (via CLimate or otherwise).. how will that fit in here15:37
toan-tranbauzas: it's like copying nova into new place, replace some part with gantt, then once we have clean interface we can remove the nova  part15:37
bauzasYathi: I think it's too early for this15:37
johnthetubaguyglikson: we already have all those races, and there is code in the scheduler to avoid some of them15:37
gliksonYathi: I guess my last comment is related to reservations..15:37
johnthetubaguyglikson: its why we have to retry sometimes15:37
bauzastoan-tran: I'm not saying I dunno how to do this, I'm just saying that's hard work :)15:37
bauzaswhat do you exactly want to reserve ?15:38
toan-tranno argument here :)15:38
Yathibauzas: If we are defining APIs in gantt now, I guess it makes sense now15:38
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bauzasYathi: please provide an usecase, I can't see what needs to be reserved in Climate15:38
toan-tranwell, aparently, they're developping some mechanism for reserving instances via Climate15:38
bauzasI'm a core contributor for Climate, what do you exactly want to know ? :)15:39
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Yathiafter the scheduler has determined the hosts to use, it should call the reservations to get the lease.. the conductor can then use the lease to create the instances15:39
johnthetubaguyso… I have tried to put all this plan into the etherpad15:39
johnthetubaguydoes that make sense15:39
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n0anojohnthetubaguy, certainly, tnx15:39
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: will review it15:39
johnthetubaguyI just tried to summarise the discussion above, just now15:40
mspreitzClimate, if I understand correctly, tackles the pretty hard job of scheduling over both time and space15:40
n0anoagain, tnx, I was just about to ask you to summarize15:40
Yathibauzas: regarding reservations, when conductor asks scheduler for a list of hosts, it can get back the host list along with reservation ?15:41
bauzasClimate is providing some way to provision resources by defining plugins15:41
mspreitzIntegrating that with the sort of placement logic that some others of us have discussed looks like a pretty tall order to me15:41
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bauzasyou can imagine a call from the scheduler to Climate for creating a lease15:42
toan-tranbauzas: does climate interact with nova via nova API? or directly to nova-scheduler/nova-conductor?15:42
mspreitzHow do the plugins divide the job amongst themselves?15:42
bauzastoan-tran: nah, thru the API15:42
bauzastoan-tran: we are a separate project, no way to use the AMQP protocol for this15:42
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toan-tranok, so I imagine the msg flow would be Climate -> nova API -> nova condcutor -> nova-scheduler15:43
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bauzasmspreitz: that depends on the resource plugin logic15:43
johnthetubaguymaybe we are getting distracted15:43
toan-tranwhat will nova-scheduler would return at this point?15:43
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: indeed15:43
bauzasthat would be step #415:44
bauzasor maybe more15:44
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n0anobauzas, feel free to update the etherpad with a 4th step15:44
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mspreitzbauzas: is there a short sharp writeup of this?15:44
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bauzasn0ano: well, I'm not exacttly understanding the need for placing a call to Climate, but will put an entry15:45
Yathibauzas: we can probably continue the discussion in ML15:45
bauzasand others could amend it15:45
n0anobauzas, +115:45
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n0anoI think we're bottoming out here, let's move on15:46
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toan-tranbauzas, + 115:46
n0ano#no-db scheduler15:46
n0anoanyone here who can give an update?15:46
johnthetubaguywe were very worried about merging this in icehouse15:46
johnthetubaguyat the mid term meet up15:46
johnthetubaguyvery late, massive change, thingy15:46
n0anojohnthetubaguy, yeah, I was hoping it would be farther along but looks like they hit issues15:47
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johnthetubaguyI think the split we just discussed should be depend on this work15:47
n0anoI agree, unfortunately, it's not looking good for Icehouse15:47
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bauzasjohnthetubaguy: how far is the change impact the interface with conductor ?15:48
n0anoIt will make splitting easier but it's always easy to say let's just wait for this next thing, sometimes you just have to do it15:48
bauzasjohnthetubaguy: I was thinking that as all DB calls were passing thru the conductor, it was quite transparent for the scheduler?15:48
johnthetubaguyerm, there are patches up15:48
bauzasprovided the interfaces wouldn't change, of couse15:48
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bauzasjohnthetubaguy: ok, will look15:49
johnthetubaguythe DB calls would not go through the conductor from the scheduler, unless we wanted it to15:49
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bauzasjohnthetubaguy: ok, glancing at the reviews15:50
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n0anowell, no one from the no-db team seems to be here so15:50
n0ano#topic opens15:50
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n0anoanyone have anthing new they want to raise?15:50
toan-tranI have a question on nova object15:51
toan-tranthere is an issue on unified object15:51
Yathithe Solver Scheduler blueprint has a few patches now, and we are hoping some or all of them will get in the icehouse timeframe depending on the reviews15:51
toan-trandoes it go to Icehouse? and what is the impact of this?15:51
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johnthetubaguyhmm, good question15:53
toan-tranhere is the discussion: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-February/026160.html15:53
johnthetubaguyit seems ok to go in, its optional, and patches are up there15:53
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n0anotoan-tran, didn't johnthetubaguy answer your question15:55
mspreitzCan someone help a newbie here, what is the alternative to "objecty" ?15:56
toan-trann0ano, sorry, not really understood :)15:56
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mspreitz(I mean "objecty" as used in the email cited above)15:57
toan-tranthe unified object is here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/icehouse-objects15:57
n0anowell, approaching the top of the hour so I'll thank everyone and we'll talk next week.15:58
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb 18 15:58:33 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:58
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/gantt/2014/gantt.2014-02-18-15.00.html15:58
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/gantt/2014/gantt.2014-02-18-15.00.txt15:58
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/gantt/2014/gantt.2014-02-18-15.00.log.html15:58
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primeministerp#startmeeting hyper-v16:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb 18 16:00:07 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is primeministerp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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primeministerphi everyone16:00
primeministerpwe'll give the other's a couple minutes to join16:00
primeministerpociuhandu: hi tavi16:00
primeministerpalexpilotti: hey alex16:00
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ociuhanduprimeministerp: morning16:01
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primeministerpociuhandu: hit alex pls16:02
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ociuhanduprimeministerp: how's the snow around there? heard it's still snowing?16:02
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primeministerpthis afternoon16:03
primeministerpi believe16:03
primeministerpi can't keep track16:03
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primeministerphey alex16:04
primeministerppnavarro: hey pedro16:04
primeministerpno luis today16:04
alexpilottion today's topics: we have a last minute Neutron BP approved for I3: #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/hyperv-security-groups16:05
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primeministerpo great16:05
primeministerplet's start w/ that16:05
primeministerp#topic hyper-v security groups16:05
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primeministerpalexpilotti: anything particular to discuss?16:06
alexpilottiso since we had various requests for security groups in the Neutron Hyper-V agent16:06
pnavarrohi !16:06
alexpilottipnavarro: hi there! :-)16:06
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alexpilottiwe thought about implementing it for I3, as anyway we were done with all the remaining priorities16:06
pnavarrohi alex !16:06
primeministerpalexpilotti: glad you could squeeze it in16:07
alexpilotticode is already up for review16:07
primeministerpalexpilotti: perfecto!16:07
primeministerpalexpilotti: do you have more on your agenda?16:07
primeministerpalexpilotti: to discuss today?16:07
alexpilottithe Neutron core guys were also very helpful in accepting it so... last minute!16:07
primeministerpalexpilotti: as always16:07
alexpilottiok, that's it16:08
alexpilottiother topic on my side is RDP16:08
primeministerpstill no luis16:08
primeministerptopic #rdp16:08
alexpilottias it 66% merged :-)16:08
primeministerpalexpilotti: fantastic!16:08
alexpilottiso 2 patches out of 3 are merged16:08
primeministerpalexpilotti: that's great news16:08
alexpilottiactually 3 out of 4, counting python-novaclient16:08
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alexpilottiplus the Horizon one is also waiting review16:09
primeministerpalexpilotti: i've been chatting on and off w/ mark over the last few weeks as well16:09
primeministerpalexpilotti: wow16:09
primeministerpalexpilotti: good work16:09
primeministerpalexpilotti: if i can get ever get out of the datacenter16:09
alexpilottiwe have a last Nova one that russellb is planning to review16:09
primeministerprussellb: thx for your help in advance16:10
russellbyep np16:10
primeministerpalexpilotti: good everything is on track16:10
alexpilottiah, spoke with Marc as well lately, there's a very interesting topic to talk about for transparent console authentication16:10
russellbrdp console right?16:10
primeministerprussellb: yes16:10
alexpilottirussellb: hi there!16:10
primeministerpalexpilotti: yes we've been talking a bunch, I'm going to try to dig up some info fo rhim16:10
primeministerpalexpilotti: we should chat more later16:10
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alexpilottirussellb: was just reporting that the BP is already amost completely merged and only one Nova patch is missing16:11
primeministerpi have some bits to add on different things16:11
primeministerpalexpilotti: do you have anything else?16:11
alexpilottinope, that's it for today's status!16:11
primeministerp#topic ironic16:12
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primeministerpany of the ironic folks around?16:12
primeministerplifeless: ping16:12
primeministerpanyway some testing was done on the bits I started way back16:12
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primeministerpI appoligize for my total lack of dropping the ball16:13
primeministerpI am totally tapped from a "my physical resources perspective"16:13
alexpilottinice, looking forward!16:13
primeministerphowever we'll get to it16:14
primeministerpi promise16:14
primeministerp#topic puppet modules16:14
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primeministerpsetting up some meetings in the coming weeks to discuss unit testing our modules16:14
primeministerpand getting resources aligned asap to do so16:15
primeministerpmore to come on that,16:15
primeministerp#topic ci hardware16:15
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primeministerpi've added 80+/- nodes to our ci last night16:15
primeministerpand have another 40 on the way16:16
primeministerphopefully they'll all be ready for processing by friday16:16
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primeministerpthat's all i have16:16
primeministerpfor now16:16
primeministerppnavarro: anything to add?16:17
primeministerp#topic misc16:17
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pnavarronothing to add, Peter16:17
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primeministerpok then16:17
primeministerpmeeting ending16:17
primeministerpthx everyone16:17
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boris-42_Hi one more time hughsaunders rediskin miarmak julienvey stannie tnurlygayanov tzabal jroovers|afk jaypipes mkoderer17:05
boris-42_#startmeeting Rally17:05
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb 18 17:05:35 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is boris-42_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.17:05
boris-42_miarmak ping17:05
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:05
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'rally'17:05
boris-42_Hi everybody17:05
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boris-42_seems like I have some issues17:05
boris-42_Hi one more time hughsaunders rediskin miarmak julienvey stannie tnurlygayanov tzabal jroovers|afk jaypipes mkoderer17:06
msdubovboris-42_ hi17:06
boris-42_nkhare ping17:06
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nkhareboris-42_, pong17:07
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* boris-42_ writing todays topics17:07
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boris-42_Okay todays topics17:10
boris-42_1. Benchmarking refactoring17:10
boris-42_2. Benchmarks in VMs17:10
boris-42_3. Deployments (Multinode/Bugfixes/LXC)17:10
boris-42_4. Results processing (Graphics)17:10
boris-42_5. Verification updates17:10
boris-42_#topic 1. Benchmarking refactoring17:10
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boris-42_msdubov could you introduce us, what happened during the last week and what we are going to do on this17:11
boris-42_msdubov I will find link to the doucment17:11
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boris-42_#link https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1LYUAHkZQD8W7dtlj2I3PDA6x67TiD3AMnSWG6ljsups/edit17:12
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boris-42_msdubov are you typing?)17:12
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msdubovboris-42_ Well I thikk it's better to see the weekly updates page on wiki :)17:12
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boris-42_msdubov nope17:12
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boris-42_msdubov it is not better17:12
boris-42_msdubov just say in couple of words17:12
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boris-42_eyerediskin ping17:13
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boris-42_msdubov is trying to say high level view of benchmarking refactoring17:14
boris-42_msdubov pls just go through all points17:14
boris-42_msdubov so we will be able to discuss them17:14
msdubovboris-42_ OK wait a minute pls17:14
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msdubovWell the fisrt thing is the reimplementation of different benchmarking strategies via subclassing17:16
msdubovThis makes the code way moreclean17:17
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msdubovAlso we've added support for the so-called "user" endpoints17:18
msdubovi.e. endpoints withou admin permissions17:18
msdubovBut they are not fully integra ted yet17:18
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boris-42_msdubov okay let's speed up this discussion17:20
boris-42_msdubov point 1 from that document17:20
boris-42_ Improving scenario input args validation:17:20
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boris-42_jroovers said that probably there will be some cases17:21
boris-42_when you need to check for every single user17:21
boris-42_My concern is that verification should be very quick17:21
boris-42_and in case when we are creating 5k tmp users validation could take for a while17:21
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msdubovboris-42_ you mean different user types?17:22
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msdubovwill they be really so different?17:22
boris-42_in case of network they will be a bit different17:22
msdubovboris-42_ what then?17:22
boris-42_in different tenants17:22
boris-42_so probably we should add new type17:22
boris-42_so we will have TYPE.tennant17:22
boris-42_It will run for every tenant 1 time17:23
boris-42_it should be actually used only for network validator17:23
boris-42_so we will be able to run from 1 users, for 1 user from every tenant17:23
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boris-42_and from admin17:24
boris-42_I think it will cover most situation and will be pretty optimal17:24
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boris-42_any thoughts?)17:24
boris-42_miarmak rediskin ^17:24
boris-42_hughsaunders ^17:24
msdubovboris-42_ are there already network validators implemented?17:25
tnurlygayanov___looks good but probably we can make it more agile17:25
tnurlygayanov___with the ability to configure count of users/tenants and etc.17:26
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ could you make some case?)17:26
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ where this complexity will be used actually?17:26
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ are you typing?)17:27
tnurlygayanov___so we can have the users with different roles in one tenant17:27
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ nope17:28
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ because we are generating them with one role17:28
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tnurlygayanov___hm, ok.17:28
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ in case of procreated user17:28
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ we have to test for all users17:28
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ because of roles and so on17:28
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ so I think this is a good step for start17:28
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ if we will support generating users with different roles17:29
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ then okay=)17:29
boris-42_#topic 1.2  Running benchmarks with pre-created non-admin users17:29
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boris-42_^ okay msdubov prepared all pathes, but they are waiting for improving validation17:29
tnurlygayanov___yes, I agree, this is good for "start" and we can improve these scenarios in the future17:30
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ yep17:30
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boris-42_#topic 1.3  Improve scenario pluggability17:30
msdubovYep and I've issued a new, related, patch that refactors osclients a bit17:30
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boris-42_Okay to improve scenario pluggability we should make changes to existing confi17:30
boris-42_msdubov tnurlygayanov___ rediskin miarmak are everybody agree with it?17:31
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miarmakI am looking this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/67720 and I have 1 question.17:31
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boris-42_miarmak so ask it=)17:31
tnurlygayanov___what changes in config?17:32
miarmakhere we have endpoints in list and what if we will provide severel admins credentials? by mistake or smth like this17:32
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ take a look at document17:32
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ point 3.117:32
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ new format of task config17:32
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miarmakit's not enough clear for me17:33
boris-42_miarmak it is actually okay17:33
hughsaundershi all17:33
boris-42_miarmak to provide N admins17:33
boris-42_hughsaunders hi=)17:33
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miarmakhughsaunders: hello)17:33
boris-42_miarmak then it will chose them randomly and run rally as a from admin17:33
hughsaundershey miarmak boris-42_, sorry late busy week!17:33
boris-42_miarmak so with procreating all tmp users and so on17:33
boris-42_hughsaunders no problems =)17:33
tnurlygayanov___boris-42_: yes, looks good17:34
miarmakboris-42_: oh, okey, thanks)17:34
boris-42_hughsaunders we are discussing new task config at the moment17:34
boris-42_hughsaunders so what do you think about new task config?)17:35
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tnurlygayanov___boris-42_:   "cloud_config" block is unclear17:35
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ agree17:35
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tnurlygayanov___what we want to describe in this block?17:35
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ hughsaunders  miarmak msdubov variants17:35
boris-42_we are describing all operation that will be in "init"17:36
hughsaundersresource_creation ?17:36
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boris-42_because there will be as well network setup and probably some other stuff17:36
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hughsaundersyep, so it describes the resources (users, tenants, networks, images?) that will be created for use in that run17:37
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tnurlygayanov___and need to move this block up17:37
boris-42_hughsaunders something like thath17:37
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ where?17:37
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ why?17:37
tnurlygayanov___need to move 'setup; block before 'scenario args' and other block to show that this action will be the fisrt17:38
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ it is actually JSON=)17:38
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ order doesn't matter17:38
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ but agree it will be better for wiki17:39
boris-42_so name?17:39
boris-42_setup_config / cloud_config / resource_config17:39
hughsaundersI still like resource_creation, as it describes whats actually happening17:39
hughsaundersor resource_config, that works for me also17:39
miarmakcloud_config imho better)17:40
tnurlygayanov___so, setup links to Python-unittests pattern )17:40
boris-42_fuu = )lol17:41
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boris-42_we are not able to decide the right name for it=)17:41
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hughsaundersload_generator --> run_configuration17:41
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tnurlygayanov___preconditions maybe.17:42
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hughsaunderstnurlygayanov___: that implies things that must be setup before the task is started17:43
hughsaunderstnurlygayanov___: rather than resources rally will create for the task?17:43
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boris-42_so okay I added all variants17:44
boris-42_to doc17:44
boris-42_let discuss other things=)17:44
boris-42_and continue discussion of this in rally caht=)17:44
hughsaundersboris-42_: random.choice()17:44
boris-42_ya something like that=)17:44
boris-42_#topic Move load_generator validation to scenario runners17:44
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boris-42_okay this is the last blocker to make scenario runners totally pluggable17:45
boris-42_so we will add just method to scenario runner aka validate17:45
boris-42_and send this part "load_generator"17:45
boris-42_to it and check that it pass17:45
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boris-42_so every scenario runner will be able to override it and use own schema17:46
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boris-42_(e.g. in deployment stuff017:46
boris-42_I think it's ok approach?)17:46
tnurlygayanov___now we use different validators for each parameter17:47
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* hughsaunders looks in code17:47
tnurlygayanov___and how it will workk after this change?17:48
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ now we have spaghetti17:48
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ in benchmark engine17:48
tnurlygayanov___we will have only one method .validate()17:48
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ yep that will use specify for scenario runner json schema17:48
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ and probably specify validate() implantation17:49
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ https://github.com/stackforge/rally/blob/master/rally/benchmark/runners/continuous.py#L2417:49
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ in this class you will just add new method17:49
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ validate() that is specific for  ContinuousScenarioRunner17:49
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ so instance of this scenario runner will be chased if you specify type: "continuous"17:50
tnurlygayanov___but how we will validate different test scenaries with different parameters using only one method?17:50
hughsaundersboris-42_: ahh, I understand, so each scenario runner can validate its own config block, and therefore require different parameters17:50
boris-42_hughsaunders yep17:50
hughsaundersok, makes sense to me17:50
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ https://github.com/stackforge/rally/blob/master/rally/benchmark/engine.py#L101-L12117:51
tnurlygayanov___we will use different runners for scenaries with different parameters?17:51
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ we have this spaghetti17:51
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ different scneariorunners already now have different parameters17:51
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ continue accept always "active_users" and periodical accepts "period"17:52
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ so load_generator parameters are different17:52
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ for different load generators17:52
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___so only laod_generator knows how to validate them17:52
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ so in benchmark engine we will get proper scenario runner using "type"17:53
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ and call validate()17:53
tnurlygayanov___yes, now it is clear, thank you )17:53
boris-42_so everybody agree with this chage?17:53
boris-42_#topic  Stress execution17:54
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boris-42_Okay here we have to make as well changes17:54
boris-42_in config17:54
boris-42_are everybody agree with them?17:54
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hughsaundersboris-42_: yep17:55
boris-42_hughsaunders yep so about stroing results17:55
tnurlygayanov___we will use asynchronous engine for stress tests?17:55
msdubovboris-42_ yep17:55
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ nope17:55
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ all steps one by one17:56
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tnurlygayanov___and where we can describe the scenaries for this stress test?17:57
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ first you are running for N active user then for N+step17:57
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ ?17:57
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tnurlygayanov___hm, I found.17:57
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ {“start”: 2, “stop”: 10, “step”: 1,  “max_failure_rate”: 0.8}17:57
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ this is the same as adding in array N times17:57
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ full description of benchmark17:58
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ so it will produce N separated benchmarks17:58
tnurlygayanov___looks like we write incorrect JSON with '|'17:58
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boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ lol17:58
boris-42_tnurlygayanov___ it is "OR"17:58
tnurlygayanov___ok )17:58
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boris-42_it means that in that field you are able to use different17:59
boris-42_I think that stress execution should be stored as a one task17:59
hughsaunders30 seconds17:59
boris-42_we can continue in Rally chat17:59
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb 18 17:59:59 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)18:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/rally/2014/rally.2014-02-18-17.05.html18:00
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dolphmayoung, bknudson, dstanek, jamielennox, morganfainberg, stevemar, gyee, henrynash, topol, marekd, lbragstad, joesavak, shardy, fabiog, fmarco76: ping18:00
bknudsondolphm: hi18:00
morganfainbergdolphm, o/18:00
morganfainbergdolphm, \o18:00
morganfainberg\o/ ?18:00
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henrynashHi Ho18:01
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dolphm#startmeeting keystone18:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb 18 18:01:36 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dolphm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'keystone'18:01
dolphm#topic Reminder: Icehouse feature proposal freeze TODAY (features must be in code review TODAY)18:01
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bknudsonso new reviews for features get -2?18:02
dolphmwe look to be in good shape for that goal ^18:02
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dolphmso, new *feature* implementations proposed after today will be -2'd until we open for juno18:02
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stevemarbknudson, yup18:02
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dolphmwhich is likely 3-4 weeks from today, IIRC (it's not a hard date, though)18:02
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dolphm#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/icehouse-318:03
morganfainbergdolphm, thats once RC is cut, right?18:03
marekddolphm: juno-1 ?18:03
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dolphmmorganfainberg: yes, RC1 is cut and we re-open for juno-1 on the same day18:03
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stevemarmorganfainberg, yes, once RC1 is cut, thats when juno-1 starts (roughly...)18:03
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dolphmre-open master, specifically18:03
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stevemarinfo: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Icehouse_Release_Schedule18:04
stevemar#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Icehouse_Release_Schedule18:04
dolphmwe're in pretty good shape for BP's, but we have several bugs that don't have assignees yet18:04
dolphm#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/127624418:04
ayoungbugs can go in after feature freeze, just depends on scope of the solution18:04
dolphm#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/127984918:04
dolphm#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/127561518:04
dolphmthey at least need to be investigated before i318:04
dolphmayoung: right, but we need to know who's able to work on what ASAP18:05
ayoungIE compressed tokens will be OK iff the solution is completely within keystone client and causes no regression.   Probably though that will wait.18:05
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dolphmayoung: and get an idea for what's going to be an RC-blocker or not ASAP18:05
dolphmayoung: i'd like to keep trying for that on the side, prior to i318:05
dstaneki just took the password one since that is basically what i'm working on now18:05
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ayoungdolphm, yep,  think it is do-able, just going to finish revocation events first18:05
dstanekthat's 1279849 for those of you playing from home18:06
henrynashdolphm: I'll take he v2 tenant one18:06
dolphmdstanek: we also have a related security vulnerability that was reported recently - remind me to link you to that after the meeting18:06
dstanekdolphm: ok18:06
dolphmhenrynash: thanks! assign it to yourself please18:06
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morganfainbergi'll poke at the ipv6 thing18:07
morganfainbergor dual stacked, or ... whatever that actually is18:07
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dolphmmorganfainberg: bknudson: i figured one of you might jump on that :)18:07
morganfainbergyeah just grabbed it18:07
dolphmmorganfainberg: should cram ipv6 into the bug title if possible18:08
ayoungmorganfainberg, keep it low priority.  very few people wilk lcry if that doesn't make Icehouse18:08
morganfainbergi'll bounce anything i run across against bknudson18:08
morganfainbergayoung, it's med, leaving it as such.18:08
dolphmayoung: ++ it's a weird hole in ipv6 support though18:08
dolphmso that's everything assigned then18:08
ayoungOh, don't get me wrong...I think IPv6 is critical.  Just not certain if we will have it completely even with this fix18:08
dolphmayoung: yeah18:09
dolphm#topic Reminder: Icehouse feature freeze March 4th (features must be merged)18:09
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dolphmso we now have exactly two weeks to land all of the outstanding blueprints18:09
morganfainbergi think we're on solid track for that18:09
stevemar#link for outstanding blueprints: https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/icehouse-318:09
dolphmso for EVERYONE (core or not), if you have free review bandwidth, focus on changes linked to from here:18:09
dolphmGOTO stevemar's link18:09
stevemarctrl+f "needs code review"18:10
ayoungis there anything outside of Keystone reviews that are critical to us as ell?18:10
morganfainbergayoung, i haven't seen much at the moment.18:10
dolphmlast i counted we need to be landing about 2 bp-targeted patches a day on average-- i think that's reasonable if we land a bunch of the lower level ones in the next couple days, so we have more time to iterate over the bigger ones like saml consumption and token revocation events18:11
ayoungnkinder  are there any of the LDAP bugs you've seen that should be targetted at I3?18:11
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ayounghe's been beating on LDAP lately.  We can take the bugs as they are fixed, but would be nice to know which should be targetted.18:11
dolphmayoung: reviews are highest common priority for sure18:11
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ayoungdolphm, ++18:11
stevemarwe'll have 9 in code review once topol 's audit work goes in, it's gating now18:11
dolphmayoung: blueprints first because i'm selfish, and i3 targetted bugs second18:11
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nkinderayoung: Nothing huge.  There's one I have submitted for review this morning.18:12
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dolphmthen we have a bug squashing party for a few weeks :)18:12
henrynashdolphm: one of mine (bug) wasn't correctly targeted, just updated: #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/122617118:12
nkinderayoung: there's also one that needs to be filed about LDAP syntax violations, which richm is working on.  I think he's in testing, so it's getting close.18:13
dolphmhenrynash: sounds good18:13
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dolphmnkinder: if it should block icehouse's release, be sure to target i318:13
stevemarpinging mhu for status on limited use trusts18:13
ayounghenrynash, how are we looking on the "multiple backends" thing?18:13
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ayoungis that going to make it? Lots of people are asking for splitting service users from the rest of LDAP18:14
morganfainbergayoung, henrynash, is that a feature or a bug fix at this point?18:14
henrynashayoung: review is up, just had to rebase18:14
morganfainberghenrynash, do we have a bug targeted i3?18:14
nkinderdolphm: I'm unclear on the exact criteria for a "blocker", but we can discuss that after the meeting.18:14
henrynashmorganfainberg: yes, that's the one I listed above18:14
henrynash #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/122617118:15
dolphmnkinder: worth defining it now for everyone...18:15
dstaneki have some easy reviews for rotating passwords that need to be looked at18:15
morganfainbergyeah, i should read  more :P18:15
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henrynashmorganfainberg, ayoung: review of it is here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74214/18:15
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dolphmblocker bugs tend to be new for the current release, critical/high/medium impact, and would impede adoption of icehouse in some way18:16
morganfainberghenrynash, thanks!18:16
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dolphme.g. "I can't use icehouse because this config option doesn't work anymore."18:16
morganfainberghenrynash, aha i didn't see it because i was looking at the grant stuff18:16
henrynashmorganfainberg: I'll definitely let you off with that excuse :-)18:17
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dolphm#topic Switch from #openstack-dev to #openstack-keystone ?18:17
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morganfainberghenrynash, i'll look over both of those today18:17
topolmorganfainberg always has the right answer... a smooth operator18:17
nkinderdolphm: ok, that makes sense18:17
morganfainbergthere has been some complaints and requests that we do that.18:17
henrynashmorganfainberg: thx18:17
morganfainbergmove to the new channel that is.18:17
dolphmso, as everyone knows we've tried for a long time to not hide in a project-specific channel, as keystone discussions tend to impact the entire community18:17
dolphmbut we've made #openstack-dev unusable/distracting for the broader community18:18
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i see people's point, lots of people would lurk in -keystone anyway18:18
morganfainbergjamielennox, yes18:18
topoldolphm +++18:18
dolphmif we switch to #openstack-keystone for project-specific discussions, we should still raise to #openstack-dev for design discussions that have community-wide impact (say, renaming projects back to tenants)18:18
morganfainbergdolphm, ++18:19
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dolphmbut otherwise, i'm not opposed to ducking into #openstack-keystone for the majority of the time18:19
topolhow can folks "lurk in multiple channels"???18:19
dolphmi was curious if anyone had any strong opinion either way18:19
dolphmtopol: does your client not support more than one channel?18:19
jamielennoxdolphm: if people care then it's no difference to me18:19
topolwell if we are annoying folks we should move18:19
morganfainbergi think we should just say be sure to be in both, and any topic can be pointed as a "hey this should be -dev topic and rope in others" or go rope in others.18:19
topolI use chatzilla. I get lots of tabs18:20
jamielennoxtopol: really? i think i have about 10 on freenode, more internally18:20
lbragstadit will also give people a place to find keystone folks so, instead of just saying 'check openstack-dev'18:20
dolphmnew devs will surely pop up in -dev, even if they're focused on keystone18:20
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topolsomething beter than chatzilla?  Im so old school18:20
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ayoungopenstack-dev will have nothing but crickets without Keystone18:20
morganfainbergi'm happy to get eavesdrop etc added to openstack-keystone (I registeted it to help direct people over to dev a while ago)18:20
dolphmayoung: that might change after we give it up and people find more room there for cross-project chatter18:21
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ayoungworks for me18:21
jamielennoxdolphm: i think i'm liking the idea more and more18:21
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morganfainbergi'll get all the bits takencare of for openstack-keystone today.18:21
morganfainbergsince i own the channel :)18:21
dolphmalrighty then18:21
dolphm#action everyone! switch to #openstack-keystone for project-local chatter18:21
dolphm#action morganfainberg to revise the channel topic over there so we're not all confused18:22
dstanektopol: weechat or irssi if you are old school18:22
topolits like dad bought us a car at age 1618:22
dolphmgyee: fair enough18:22
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morganfainbergi'll also auto voice keystone-core just so it's easy to find us in there.18:22
morganfainbergnot that ti'll have any impact18:22
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dolphm#action morganfainberg to do additional IRC things18:22
morganfainbergjust sticks us at the top.18:22
gyeemorganfainberg, now you are pushing it :)18:22
morganfainberggyee, LOL18:23
morganfainberggyee, ;)18:23
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dolphm#topic open discussion18:23
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morganfainberggyee, you know you like it18:23
ayoungWhen do we start adding topics for the Juno summit?18:23
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dolphmayoung: no clue18:23
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ayoungBTW...Juno summit hotels list is up,  invites are out.  If you are going, get your logistics in order18:23
dolphmayoung: seems like that starts after i3's release date, no?18:23
morganfainbergI'm at the Omni for the hotel18:24
dolphmayoung: ooh, thanks. i haven't seen that yet18:24
topolhotels are fillling up18:24
topolbig time18:24
morganfainbergyou can't go wrong with either of the main hotels18:24
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morganfainbergomni is across the street from the conv. center18:24
morganfainbergi recommend it if you want less of a walk18:24
lbragstadOmni and Westin are both packed...18:24
stevemartopol, where are you at?18:24
lbragstadlast I checked18:24
dolphmomni it si18:24
ayoungwe got jamielennox approved to go, and I finally get to meet nkinder face to face.  RH will be well represented in all things identity and security18:24
dolphmlbragstad: boo18:24
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morganfainberglbragstad, it might be the room block is taken, not booked up18:24
ayoungthere is a link throgh the summit page,18:25
topolIm at the Westin Peachtree. Got some great memories of tha place from college parties18:25
morganfainbergif you can afford a non-discounted (conf. room) you might get omni or westin still18:25
ayoungdon't contact directly18:25
topollbrgastad dont use the internal tool. call hotel directly18:25
morganfainbergtopol, i almost went with the westin, i just wanted less of a walk in the morning18:25
topolor book via summit site18:25
lbragstadtopol: ok18:25
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dstanekwhere are the links to the hotels?18:26
topolinternal tool says booked full. Ignore it18:26
jamielennoxtopol: which is fully booked/18:26
stevemardstanek, #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/openstack-summit-atlanta-2014/hotels/18:26
morganfainberglbragstad, you get to come to the summit too, right?!18:26
topolour internal tool said that they were booked and it was wrong18:27
* lbragstad crosses fingers... 18:27
ayoung#link https://www.openstack.org/summit/openstack-summit-atlanta-2014/hotels/18:27
morganfainbergtopol, get lbragstad  there!! :)18:27
dolphmstevemar: thanks18:27
ayoungtoo slow18:27
topollbragstad should be going.  he better let me know if he is told otherwise18:27
nkinderjamielennox: did you try going to the hotels through the summit site?18:27
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nkinderjamielennox: our internal tool said the hotels were booked too, but it works through the summit site link18:28
jamielennoxnkinder: there had been lots of discussion, was going to talk about it today and book after - i hadn't seen anything full yet18:28
topolsame team must build our internal tool :-)18:28
nkinderinternal tools FTL :)18:28
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dolphmwestin appears to have space18:29
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dolphmtopol: i use google's tool, personally. it's open source and supports all of the booking websites equally well in my experience18:30
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morganfainbergdolphm, ++18:32
morganfainbergif you are an amex/starwood member you can get good deals on westin18:32
morganfainbergthrough amex or starwood site18:32
morganfainbergbut that is like airline rewards miles.18:32
topolyeah, wait till your company gets bigger and you'll find out what we mean by internal tool :-) that must be used if possible18:32
topol(its crappy)18:32
morganfainbergtopol, i used to have to deal with that stuff when i worked for Fox / MySpace18:32
henrynashtopol: c/mon…..you don't love an IBM 360 UI ?18:33
morganfainbergtopol, i always found cheaper/better and applied for an exemption, never denied18:33
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dolphmmorganfainberg: that's what i do today18:33
topolstop henrynash, stop :-)18:34
morganfainbergdolphm, ++18:34
ayoungBTW, for the newer set:  I've learned it is worth staying through the end of the Day Friday18:34
ayoungI'm flying out Saturday morning18:34
stevemarayoung, ++18:34
dstanek10 min walk from the Westin doesn't seem bad18:34
topolkeystone is always shoved to the last day cause dolph won't pay people off for us :-)18:34
ayoungMonday may be a wash...but plan on all of us just meeting up in the developer lounge and using Monday as the Keystone Hackfest day18:35
dolphmtopol: we'll be distributed again, i hope18:35
henrynashdolphm, ayoung, morganfainberg: when we're done travel arranging…I do have a question on the multi-domain fix18:35
morganfainberghenrynash, sure thing18:35
ayoungfire away18:35
stevemarmonday does seem like a wash18:35
dolphmwe're also hoping to have a large chunk of time dedicated to cross-project sessions, which will be entirely new for the summit18:35
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henrynashso the fix only uses a "composite" ID (e.g. user_id + domain_id) IF you are using domain-specifc backends18:36
henrynashso no conversion of existing data into the composite ID format18:36
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ayounghenrynash, ++18:37
bknudsonis it like user_id@@domain_id?18:37
ayoungthat was my suggestion18:37
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dolphmhenrynash: so you can't switch from a single domain backend to multi-domain backend?18:37
morganfainberghenrynash, eventually i'd like to convert the data to be consistent.  but i don't see a need to do that now18:37
henrynashis there any danger that you start single-domain and want to move multi-domain and need to modify existing IDs?18:37
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morganfainbergactually... that is a good point ^18:37
morganfainberghenrynash, i already have that use case, move from single to multi backend18:37
ayoungdolphm, it would need to be deliberate, but if you have an LDAP set up in the main config file, it should still work18:37
morganfainberghenrynash, i have customers chomping at the bit for the multi backend18:38
ayounga helper tool for migration can live outside the main code18:38
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morganfainbergi don't mind if we have some way to do it, but i don't want to hand-write migration18:38
morganfainbergyeah, helper tool would be super18:38
henrynashdolphm: well, that's my concern…but by definition an you would have to migrate data from one bad18:38
ayoungdamn you autocorrect18:38
morganfainbergit feels like we could write keystone-manage code to do it18:39
henrynashso normal case is: you add in a domain for each external LDAP you are using18:39
morganfainberghenrynash, ayoung, dolphm, ^18:39
dolphmmorganfainberg: that's how we handled diablo -> essex migrations18:39
morganfainbergbut def. not live-api18:39
dolphmkeystone-manage dump_diablo > keystone-manage now_build_me_a_real_database18:39
ayoungmorganfainberg, can be done many ways.  It is going to be a one time migration.  We can punt on that until after the code works.  It doesn't need to be a long term support thing18:40
morganfainbergayoung, ++18:40
ayoungwe can even deprecate the LDAP in the main config file approach eventually18:40
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ayoungso that people don't end up in this situation in thefuture18:40
henrynashI did consider just converting all the data up front and always running in composite ID mode18:40
dolphmayoung: ++ i'd rather only have one way to support ldap identity backends in juno18:40
henrynashthere would be almost no change to the new code….just need yo add the migration18:41
morganfainberghenrynash, if it isn't a huge effort, that would be good. but if it jeapordizes the code / review /etc not worth it18:41
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morganfainberghenrynash, i like having consistent data so no special cases needed18:41
dolphmhenrynash: a tool to "render" out the current LDAP config to a discrete file would be nice too18:41
morganfainbergless complexity18:41
morganfainbergdolphm, ++++++++18:41
henrynashthe consequence would be, however, that everyones userID would "change" over the upgrade18:41
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dolphmright, as long as that's opt-in on the deployer's part18:42
morganfainberghenrynash, yeah, don't auto-migrate18:42
morganfainbergi think if we are doing that, we should make it optional for I, perhaps required for J or K?18:42
ayounghenrynash, will the existing code continue to work if yoiu enable the multi backend, or will it be either-or18:42
morganfainbergas in "yo, this is chaning, but you don't have to yet"18:42
ayoungeither-or isOK, so long as we are prepared for it18:43
morganfainbergsame as we do deprecation18:43
henrynashayoung: what do yo mean by "code"18:43
ayoungand...will SQL and LDAP work together ?18:43
henrynashayoung: yes, I test that18:43
ayounghenrynash, awsome...then we can move to testing LDAP in Gate18:43
ayoungIE, our defaulkt setup will be one SQL domain and one LDAP domain18:43
dolphmbknudson: can you follow up here - looks like all your concerns were addressed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60741/18:44
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bknudsondolphm: will look at it this afternoon.18:44
dolphmbknudson: thanks!18:44
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morganfainbergreally quickly, on the topic of openstack-keystone, please register your name w/ nickserv (openstack-core) so I can give you rights to change topic etc18:45
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bknudsonso we're not going to be able to create grants for users/groups that don't exist?18:46
ayoungbknudson, we should be able to, why do you say that?18:46
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ayoungis that from 60741?18:47
bknudsonayoung: I proposed a couple of changes to allow it in some cases which are now -218:47
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ayoungby whom?18:47
bknudsonayoung: e.g., https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72142/18:47
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bknudsonayoung: and for groups: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72144/18:47
bknudsonayoung: it was dolphm!18:48
ayoungah, dolph, so those changes are going to be essential for landing assignments for Federation.18:48
ayounga user or group is not necessarily going to "exist" in the backend18:48
dolphmayoung: but, they're not - at all18:48
dolphmayoung: i'm not precluding have a sql identity backend for groups18:48
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dolphmayoung: are you making a different assumption?18:49
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ayoungdolphm, my assumption is that, baseline, Federation should be treated as an identity backend with no enuemration18:49
bknudsonI think it will create an inconsistency between v2 and v3 if we don't fix "create grant when no user" and group.18:49
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bknudsonas in, you can do the grant using v2 api but can't do it with v3 api.18:50
bknudsonI'd have to try it to be sure.18:50
dolphmayoung: right, it's a trusted source of identity that we can't query18:50
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dolphmbknudson: if there's a discrepancy there, there shouldn't be18:51
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ayoungso if I am trying to create role assignments for my organization, I need to be able to do it even if I don't have, say the groups in my SAML assertion18:51
ayoungor explicit role assignment for users18:51
bknudsonright, so need to decide whether we're going to allow it or not and make the fix either to v3 or v2.18:51
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dolphmayoung: right, that's where mapping comes in18:51
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ayoungthe second can be handled via mapping, of course, but there still we be no enumeration of groups from mapping, they will just magically appear when a user triggers the mapping18:52
dolphmayoung: you can do whatever you want, and it's way more powerful than assigning roles to users (ephemeral or not)18:52
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dolphmayoung: mapping isn't magical... it's quite explicit?18:52
bknudsonare we going to validate that the group exists when you create the mapping?18:52
ayoungdolphm, I mean that there is no "list groups from mapping" functions18:52
dolphmstevemar: marekd: ^ i don't recall where that's validated18:52
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dolphmi assume it'd be after processing, during token generation?18:53
ayoungand I think it is going to confuse people to say "no direct assignment of roles to federated users"18:53
stevemardolphm, it should be done in the current patch that we're working on, but it's not18:53
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dolphmayoung: i don't think it is18:53
ayoungthat is really making people rethink how they do things, and will be  a lot of overhead for dealing with one-offs18:53
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dolphmayoung: and yes, it's a different mental model because the users are just bags of attributes, not identities18:54
ayoungIf only one person is going to get a role you need to modify mapping, group, and role-assignemnt18:54
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ayounglets just drop the hard and fast rule that we check for people in the identity backend and then it works across the board.  Retrainig users is ard18:54
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dolphmayoung: right- you'd identify the attribute that makes them have the authorization, and map them into the appropriate group18:55
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ayoungwe still need to enumerate groups18:56
dolphmayoung: identity_api.list_groups() ?18:56
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ayoungwon;t work when groups are mapped from federation18:56
dolphmayoung: i don't follow18:57
dolphmayoung: mapping engine outputs a set of groups18:57
ayoungto what identity backend?18:57
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ayoungdo we treat mapping as the identity backend?18:57
dolphmayoung: i'm not really sure it matters for icehouse - it's up to the deployer18:58
bknudsonmapping has to generate user IDs with domain ID in them for multi-ldap.18:58
dolphmand no, mapping is not an identity backend18:58
ayoungdolphm, we won't be able to assign groups to APIs if we check for the existence of groups in the identity backend18:58
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stevemardolphm, bknudson actually, we do verify groups exist, well, we query it anyway, when trying to get roles to assign18:58
dolphmbknudson: you mean group IDs with domain IDs in them?18:58
morganfainbergdolphm, 2min18:58
dolphmbknudson: because the user IDs it produces are just garbage for logging, AFAICT18:59
dolphmthere's no use case for them18:59
dolphmstevemar: that's what i figured18:59
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dolphmmorganfainberg: thanks18:59
bknudsondolphm: right, it'll be group ID that includes domain ID... probably just hard-coded in the mapping.18:59
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* dolphm switching to #openstack-keystone :D19:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb 18 19:00:03 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:00
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jeblairhello infra folks19:00
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jeblairmordred, anteaya: ping19:00
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jeblair#startmeeting infra19:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb 18 19:01:09 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:01
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jeblair#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting19:01
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jeblairso we have a packed agenda and i'm sure we won't get through it.  :(19:01
jeblairactions from last meeting are not very interesting19:01
jeblair#topic trove testing19:02
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jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69501/19:02
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jeblairI think that's still the status of that19:02
jeblair#topic  Tripleo testing (lifeless, pleia2, fungi)19:02
SergeyLukjanovI'd like to have 2 mins for savanna testing/infra update at the end of meeting if possible19:02
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jeblairso the news here is that we have pulled the tripleo cloud from nodepool and zuul19:03
jeblairwe've identified two specific improvements we need to make on the infra side to deal with a cloud that may not always be available19:03
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jeblairthis week is the feature proposal freeze19:04
pleia2I don't really have any specific updates otherwise, just chugging along on other pieces19:04
jeblairand the week after that is the feature freeze19:04
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jeblair#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Icehouse_Release_Schedule19:04
SergeyLukjanovmy option is to try to polish cloud (HA is prefered) using 3rd party testing19:05
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SergeyLukjanovjaypipes makes a good doc about how to setup it19:05
jeblairbecause it's a critical time for openstack development, i think we should wait until after i3 (march 6) before we add it back19:05
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jeblairwe generally try to soft-freeze our systems around these times19:05
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fungiwhich means now is the time when we're cramming to finalize scalability improvements to cope with the coming onslaught19:06
jeblairyes, that's why i was working yesterday.  :/19:06
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lifelessso there there are two problems AIUI19:07
pleia2so our tripleo sprint is that week, hopefully the high bandwidth time we have then (mar 3-7) will put is in a good position to help with further bugs19:07
lifelessone is that there is a chicken and egg situation with stability19:07
lifelessthe second is that we're now without CI19:07
lifelessfor the feature freeze19:07
lifelesswhich is a pretty bad time to be without19:07
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jeblairlifeless: what's the chicken and egg situation?19:08
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jeblairlifeless: i thought the cloud that you were plugging into nodepool was supposed to be stable (eg, not necessarily CD, at least, not to start)19:08
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lifelessjeblair: to be stable we have to have worked through any emergent issues from being used in the infra workload (e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1271344 )19:09
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1271344 in tripleo "neutron-dhcp-agent doesn't hand out leases for recently used addresses" [Critical,Triaged]19:09
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lifelessjeblair: to be added back you want us to be stable.19:09
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lifelessjeblair: so it is as far as we know stable19:09
lifelessjeblair: we're not changing it19:09
lifelessjeblair: not upgrading, not reconfiguring.19:10
lifelessjeblair: the two outages so far were a) I fucked up and deleted the damn thing19:10
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jeblairlifeless: so this isn't a case of deploying a new rev that was broken; but rather something that was thought to be stable was, after all, not; and that wasn't exposed except under load.19:10
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lifelessjeblair: and b) we encountered a love timebomb bug which we've now applied a workaround for so it won't come back19:10
jeblairlifeless: okay, i certainly understand that.  a lot of infra isn't testable except under load either.19:10
lifelessjeblair: right19:10
fungiwell, there was an outage a few weeks before the deletion too which lasted a couple days, when you replaced the previous test provider with the ci one19:10
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lifelessfungi: that was the 'robert deleted it'19:11
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lifelessfungi: the delay bringing it back was that I chose given all the variables t the time, to delay bringing it back by hand and fix automation to bring it back bigger19:11
lifelessfungi: which is why it now has 10 hypervisor nodes (each with ~96G of ram, 2TB of local disk)19:11
fungiwell, there was something a few weeks prior to the deletion too. anyway i recall it wasn't something likely to recur19:11
lifelessfungi: that was the neutron bug I linked above19:12
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lifelessfungi: where you weren't getting IP addresses19:12
fungiahh, yep19:12
lifelessanyhow, point is - this is a static deployment19:12
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lifelessspecifically because a moving target would be bad19:12
jeblairlifeless: okay, thanks, that reassures me we are on the same page.  and i'm more or less convinced that we're at the point that we should be experimenting with the tripleo cloud...19:13
jeblairlifeless: but having said that, i think part of experimentation is realizing when something doesn't work and backing off...19:13
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lifelessjeblair: so, if it wasn't working for unknown reasons I'd totally agree with you19:14
jeblairlifeless: so even when we get those two problems with nodepool and zuul sorted, is the period from now through i3 really a good time to be dealing with the churn from this, and finding the _next_ problem?19:14
lifelessjeblair: the benefits to tripleo are substantial; we hope the benefits to other programs will be too19:15
lifelessjeblair: there is a risk; perhaps we should talk about how we can mitigate it?19:15
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fungialso, was there an updated status/eta on the rh-provided region?19:16
jeblairlifeless: i'm mildly concerned about the infra load, but i'm more concerned with the potential impact to the operation of the gate during this time...19:16
jeblairas an example, having 50 jobs stuck in the check queue is counter to the expectations of people monitoring the overall throughput, looking from problems, etc.19:16
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lifelessfungi: dprince assures me its been escalated19:18
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I remember that lifeless have a patch to move all this stuff to experimental-tripleo pipe19:18
lifelessfungi: but realistically it will still take a little time to bring up a ci-overcloud region there and address multi-region layout etc.19:18
lifelessfungi: I don't think we'll have multi-region live in the next two weeks.19:18
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fungiokay, just curious19:19
lifelessjeblair: yes, I can see that. Would making a tripleo-check queue specifically - same config etc, just only tripleo jobs in it - help with that?19:19
lifelessor check-tripleo19:19
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: i thought the experimental pipeline was for testing other projects (eg nova), but that tripleo would still want some check jobs19:19
lifelessjeblair: not as a long term strategy, but as a reduce-cognitive-load *in the event* that something goes wrong ?19:20
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SergeyLukjanovand there was an issue that nodepool couldn't start with offline provider19:21
lifelessSergeyLukjanov: yup, derekh was poking at that last night, I should have an update in a couple hours I expect19:21
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jeblairlifeless: a dedicated check queue may help with that and also work around the fact that the check queue is required for gate; which would help you in case of problems.19:21
lifelessjeblair: I presume thats basically the same patch as mine adding experimental-tripleo, + move the existing jobs from check -> check-tripleo ?19:22
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jeblairlifeless: yes.  mind you, i'm only addressing the technical aspects, not the question of whether we should do this.19:22
lifelessalso worth noting here while everyone is looking, there is a team of folk on the hook for supporting the ci-overcloud19:22
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lifelessbroad time zone coverage19:23
lifelessand all have access to every machines console via IPMI etc; the only thing the non-HP folk can't do is file datacentre tickets19:23
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lifeless(but at that point the cloud is clearly not 'in a little trouble', so you'd be facing a big outage then regardless)19:24
SergeyLukjanovand the full tz coverage in infra team to revert tripleo testing if it'll start failing19:24
jeblairlifeless: basically, i think that adding this right now is contrary to the soft-freeze that we try to do around milestones and releases.  but it's a soft freeze and we can choose to waive it.19:24
SergeyLukjanovif it'll be needed19:24
jeblairlifeless: i'd like to get some others to weigh in on this19:24
jeblairlifeless: people who are likely to be affected.  ttx, sdague, jog0, and perhaps some ptls.19:25
anteayajust from the point of view of having gone through a few feature freezes19:25
jeblairand, oh maybe some more people on the infra team :)19:25
anteayaI am for anything that stablizes the gate now and then introduces changes after ff19:26
anteayawe _will_ encounter unpredicted circumstances in the next two weeks19:26
clarkbthe only major thing that bothers me is nodepool not being able to start properly when a cloud is gone19:26
SergeyLukjanovfwiw fix of nodepool to work with offline provider + check-tripleo pipeline are sounds like it'll not affect other projects => it's ok19:26
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fungii'd mainly like to see the nodepool exceptions rooted out before readding providers, just because having everything stop when there's a provider outage (any provider) is sort of painful. the zuul job timeout patch seems less critical to bringing tripleo back online, as long as zuul's now able to drop those jobs when they're unconfigured19:26
anteayawe need to have the personal stress minimized to survive it19:26
clarkbI don't find the jobs that hangaround to be too bothersome as it only really affects tripleo anyways19:26
clarkbfungi: ya, agreed. If nodepool can be made more happy in the event of unexpected derp then it is fine from my end19:27
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jeblairso it seems like there's some consensus in infra that we'd be okay with the nodepool fix and dedicated tripleo pipelines as hard requirements; the zuul fix is something we should do soon, but not critical.19:29
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jeblairttx isn't around today.  i'd like to give jog0, sdague, and mtreinish a chance to weigh in since they would be affected by problems too.19:30
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lifelessok. I'll put up the pipeline patch (merged with the experimental one I guess if that hasn't landed yet)19:30
jeblairso let's see if we can catch up with them today, and if they don't jump up and down on their hats, we'll proceed with that.19:30
lifelessthank you19:30
jeblairlifeless: thank you.  i'm still really excited by this.19:31
jeblair#topic  Requested StackForge project rename (fungi, clarkb, zhiwei)19:31
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jeblairhave we heard from zhiwei ?19:31
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fungiyes, he's eager to have it happen as soon as we're able to do the rename19:32
clarkbzhiwei has pinged at PST night time. I suggested we would bundle it with the next openstack related downtime (savanna?)19:32
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jeblairsounds like a plan19:32
clarkbright zhiwei would like to get this done soon so they can cut an icehouse branch19:32
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clarkbbut savanna is votign on stuff now so I expect that to move along at a good pace now19:32
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: ^ ?19:32
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: can you update the wiki and indicate the old and new names of the project or projects that need renaming?19:33
fungii thought the vote was scheduled to end yesterday?19:33
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, I hope that we'll have a couple of discussed options at the end of this week19:33
fungijeblair: definitely19:33
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, than we'll wait for foundation to check them19:33
clarkbfungi: it got extended19:33
clarkbjeblair: defnitely (on the meeting agenda?)19:33
fungioh, got it19:33
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, let's drop it to the bottom and collect projects there until we do a rename19:34
jeblair#topic  Ongoing new project creation issues (mordred)19:34
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clarkbjeblair: will do19:34
jeblairanteaya, fungi: you've been working on this, what's the latest?19:34
SergeyLukjanovfungi, the initial vote will end today, but it's a first round to filter really bad options :)19:34
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: filter the bad ones out or in? :)19:34
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I mean filter out :)19:35
anteayamostly there is logging available, plus patches for more19:35
fungijeblair: bug is updated with most recent findings, but in short we do capture tracebacks in the syslog when puppet tries to add project which don't import an existing repository19:35
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, heh, we'd like the most bad name ever19:35
SergeyLukjanovto have*19:35
fungiand also we've spotted a race condition between when create-cgitrepos runs on the git servers and when gerrit is told to replicate19:35
jeblairfungi: that pretty much needs to be solved with salt, right?19:35
fungithe latter, yes or something driven from the gerrit server anyway19:35
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SergeyLukjanovlooks like we could move on and approve more create-project patch with upstream19:36
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anteayaso the logging was needed to determine the next steps for solving, correct?19:36
jeblairfungi: so is that the _only_ problem at this point?19:36
fungiSergeyLukjanov: yes it seems like the ones i approved which imported an existing repository worked fine19:36
anteayashall I move to working with salt, or is it still too early?19:36
fungijeblair: the only two problems?19:36
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jeblair#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/124256919:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1242569 in openstack-ci "manage-projects error on new project creation" [Critical,In progress]19:37
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clarkbfungi: jeblair SergeyLukjanov maybe a pre replicate configureable optional shell out step in manage-projects19:37
clarkbthen have that trigger salt, or ssh in a for loop or puppet even19:37
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fungianteaya: i still have an open etherpad where utahdave was going to provide us with clearer examples of using reactors, if you wanted to take over and try to figure that part out19:38
SergeyLukjanovit should fix the non-ustream creation issue I hope19:38
anteayaI can do that, yes19:38
jeblairclarkb: yeah, it seems like having manage-projects run salt commands is a good architecture.  it could even "import salt", right?19:38
fungi#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Salt-Event-System19:38
anteayawould this be a candidate for a reactor do you think?19:38
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jeblairclarkb: but i don't understand reactors, so maybe that's better?19:39
fungianteaya: apparently anything which needs to happen as a result of something else happening successfully requires a reactor, from what i'm led to believe19:39
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clarkbjeblair: yup import salt and talk directly19:39
anteayafungi: let me gather my thoughts on this and then get back to you19:39
jeblairthat at least i can understand and reason about.  ;)19:39
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fungiimport salt and talk directly to what?19:40
anteayaI don't want to offer an opinion before I am ready19:40
SergeyLukjanovfungi, to salt I think :)19:40
fungihave the gerrit server be a salt master and the git servers be salt minions?19:40
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anteayawhat I am hearing is explore how salt can help manage-projects19:40
clarkbanteaya: ya19:40
anteayathat is what I will go on19:40
jeblairfungi: i don't think it has to be a master, but we can let gerrit run the create-cgit-repos command via salt19:40
clarkbanteaya: mostly I am leaning down that road beacuse it might reduce the amount of additional infrastructure necessaryto trigger the pre replication steps19:40
jeblairfungi: where gerrit in that sentence really means 'manage projects running on review.o.o'19:40
anteayaclarkb: yes, I am leaning the same way19:41
fungijeblair: oh, i see, just using salt as a proxy for "ssh to these machines and do this" (didn't realize you didn't need a salt master to be able to do that)19:41
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anteayasalt trigger can feed commands to master19:41
anteayaif that is the best option19:41
anteayaand we have salt trigger up and running19:41
jeblairfungi: i think you need the master, but you can grant minions access to run specific commands; i think that was the idea of having the jenkins salt slave trigger something19:42
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anteayayes, what jeblair said19:42
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fungianteaya: well, that's for config repository changes, and its design apparently depends on having a working reactor implemented on the master to get any cascading work done (update git repo in one place, run puppet apply in another)19:42
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anteayafungi: I will have to look more deeply into the reactor part19:43
fungithis is what utahdave was working on getting us good examples for, because he said dependent activities aren't well covered in the documentation19:43
anteayait is for config changes since that is how we have it triggered19:43
anteayait can trigger on anything we decide to trigger on19:43
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jeblairfungi: so aside from 'cgit repos not created in the right order' what's the other bug?19:43
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fungiprojects which don't import an existing repository fail to get created, and spew a traceback from gerritlib trying to create-project through the ssh api19:44
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fungiand i noted the resultant state of the jeepyb scratch repository, but without adding more logging to the script it's hard to know what else might have gone wrong19:44
jeblairfungi: is that where this comes from? https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1242569/comments/1319:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1242569 in openstack-ci "manage-projects error on new project creation" [Critical,In progress]19:45
SergeyLukjanovis it really critical to be able to create projects w/o upstream?19:45
fungijeblair: yes19:45
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jeblairok.  thanks.19:45
fungijeblair: it seems that something (nice and vague, huh) is preventing the initial repository in the gerrit homedir from getting fully created. script dies somewhere between that and building the jeepyb scratch repo19:46
jeblairthat should be a recreatable and diagnosable problem with a local gerrit.19:46
clarkbweird that it only affects empty projects?19:46
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clarkbsince all gerrit projects start that way19:46
anteayafungi: will my additional logging patches help id the something?19:46
clarkbthen later on manage-projects force pushes into the blank repo19:46
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i was thinking the same.  that may both suggest a bug in jeepyb and help narrow the location.19:47
fungii believe that the previous blind testing was inconclusive because we actually had (at least) two different bugs, so the results were hard to correlate19:47
jeblairclarkb: but i don't have the jeepyb code loaded in my brain.19:47
anteayaI still have gotten nowhere on setting up a local gerrit, I am not very good at sorting out the modules from config and implementing them19:47
anteayamy failure here19:47
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jeblair#topic  Discuss about using compute nodes in LXC container for multi-node setup (matrohon, jgallard)19:49
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jeblairmatrohon: what's up?19:49
matrohonwe would like to enhance neutron testing especially with ML2 and overlay networks19:50
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clarkbisn't this a non starter for the reasons that pleia2 and jaypipes have discovered? I suppose we can test less cinder (but then we lose test coverage)19:50
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lifelessclarkb: and less nbd19:50
pleia2I still have my notes from a few months back here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleobaremetallxc2013 (it's tripleo-specific, but a lot carries over into more general multi-node)19:50
lifelessclarkb: which means you have to have a working guestfish, because nova really likes mounting disks.19:50
clarkblifeless: whcih doesn't work on precise :/19:51
matrohonI saw jaypipes issues, and we could potentially have the same with ovs19:51
matrohonbut not with linuxbridge19:51
anteayamatrohon: is the multi-node part the important part?19:51
lifelessfor multinode - I'd point folk at tripleo-gate personally.19:51
pleia2matrohon: if you see the etherpad, ovs works ok if you load in the modules19:51
anteayaor the lxc part?19:51
matrohonpleia2 : thanks19:51
matrohontgeh multi-node part is the most important for our gates jobs19:52
clarkbif we can get lxc to work I think that would be great, but having poked at it with pleia2 I don't have high hopes19:52
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jaypipesmatrohon: yes, runnign jenkins slaves that need to install OVS or iscsi is a non-starter.19:52
sdagueso what about going back to the multinode + openvpn l2 that we talked about at summit19:52
pleia2iscsi was our stopping point19:52
anteayamatrohon: okay, so I suggest you focus on that part and then let discussion unfold about how to do that19:52
sdaguejust start 2 actual cloud guests and build them a layer 219:52
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sdaguethen proceed from there19:52
pleia2if anyone wants to fix iscsi.. :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/122685519:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1226855 in lxc "Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:53
matrohonanteaya : ok19:53
jaypipespleia2: right, and OVS isn't installable in a shared-kernel VM either... at least, I've tried and can't do it..19:53
anteayamatrohon: so lifeless has a proposal up, tripleo-gate19:53
sdaguebecause I think lxc brings more problems than it is worth here, and I expect if this part isn't easy, we're going to find a ton of other issues down the road19:53
pleia2jaypipes: lines 20-22 are how I got ovs working ok19:53
jeblairsdague: yes.  i like that approach.  i think it will be moderately easier when we move from jenkins to non-jenkins workers....19:54
jeblairsdague: but it is still probably doable with jenkins19:54
matrohonjaypipes : but the idea is to use linux bridge instead, this would help us to test linuxbridge agent19:54
sdaguejeblair: yeh, I think it's something that we could do today, with the cloud resources we have.19:54
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matrohonanteaya : we will look at tripleo-gate too19:54
anteayamatrohon: try to stay focused on one thing at a time, testing linuxbridge is a sub requirement19:54
sdagueI'm reluctant to just keep saying tripleo-gate will save the world, because it's not even self gating yet :)19:55
fungiit "just" needs additional automation around grouping workers or proxying them and being able to grant workers to other workers19:55
anteayamatrohon: if you stay focused on multi-node you now have two suggestions19:55
jeblairmatrohon: yes, keep in mind tripleo-gate doesn't exist yet.19:55
lifelesssdague: I know, right! what are those tripleo folk thinking :)19:55
fungiplus the tunneled networking implementation of course19:55
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sdaguefungi: so tunnelled networking should be easy enough with openvpn L2, even between cloud providers19:56
matrohonfungi : and the live-migration19:56
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sdaguematrohon: so how much time do you have to devote here?19:57
jgallardhi all, I would like to know what you think about to add LXC support in devstack as extra hook ?19:57
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jeblairmatrohon: if you are willing to put in some work on the openvpn and how to get zuul and jenkins to assign multiple nodes to a task, i'd be happy to help point you at where to work on that.19:57
matrohonjgallard is full time on it19:57
jeblairmatrohon: but it's going to be a good deal of infrastructure work, as none of that exists at the moment.19:57
jgallardwe started to work on that19:57
clarkbjeblair: matrohon fungi sdague nodepool may be able to coordinate the openvpn setup with the features BobBall and firnds are adding to it for xen image creation19:57
jeblairclarkb: true, that could be another useful tool19:58
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sdaguejgallard: so lxc might solve a very limitted test scenario, but with the issues that were already run into, it can't be the generic multinode case19:58
jeblairjgallard, matrohon: chat with us further in #openstack-infra19:58
jeblair#topic  Savanna testing (SergeyLukjanov)19:58
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matrohonjeblair : ok thanks19:59
jgallardok, thanks a lot19:59
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: real quick? :)19:59
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SergeyLukjanovthere are several small updates - we're now have cli tests in tempest and so we'd like to gate together savanna and it's client19:59
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yup19:59
SergeyLukjanovand we're moving client docs to client19:59
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SergeyLukjanovso, I'll really appretiate for review/approve https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74310/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74470/19:59
jeblaircool, and i don't feel bad about running into the tc timeslot because i'm sure they're interested to see that.  :)20:00
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: great, thanks20:00
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jeblairthanks everyone!20:00
markmcroll up, roll up20:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb 18 20:00:17 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)20:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2014/infra.2014-02-18-19.01.html20:00
markmcroll up, roll up20:00
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markmcwho do we have?20:00
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SergeyLukjanovmarkmc, o/20:00
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markmcrussellb, annegentle, mordred, jgriffith, vishy, markmcclain, lifeless, dhellmann: around ?20:00
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, it was really quick update ;)20:00
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markmcok, I think that's 720:01
markmccall me fake_ttx20:01
markmc#startmeeting tc20:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb 18 20:01:26 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is markmc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.20:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'20:01
markmcour agenda:20:01
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markmc#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TechnicalCommittee20:01
markmc#topic DefCore subcommittee status20:01
markmc#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-tc/2014-February/000532.html20:01
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markmcmikal, you have a gerrit review ?20:02
mikalmarkmc: want me to talk to this one?20:02
markmcsure, please do20:02
mikalmarkmc: yep, there is a gerrit review for a _draft_ response to the DefCore committee's request at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74483/20:02
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mikalSorry it hasn't been up for very long20:02
markmc#link https://review.openstack.org/7448320:03
mikalThere was also a desire to ask the TC how they felt about both of our delegates for the DefCore committee being from Rackspace20:03
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mikalWe want to avoid any appearance of trying to stack the conversation with Rackers20:03
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markmcmikal, how about you talk through the essential elements of the draft ?20:03
mikalannegentle: you around?20:03
* markmc clarifies20:03
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mikalmarkmc: sure, that makes sense20:04
markmcthis is a draft response from the TC to the DefCore committee's request20:04
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mikalSo. I think the main thing in the draft is that we want to break the problem up.20:04
markmcthat we look at this "designated sections" thing20:04
mikalThere isn't a consensus on how to deal with "designated sections" and there isn't a lot of time for icehouse20:04
russellbso conclusion, focus on the API testing bit first20:04
mikalSo we propose that we do the bit we do agree on for icehouse, and iterate in later releases20:04
mikalrussellb: yeah20:05
zehicle_at_dellCould we come up with some altenatives?20:05
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mikalzehicle_at_dell: alternatives to designated sections?20:05
zehicle_at_dellI'd like to see what options on designated sections are being considered, it would help20:05
zehicle_at_dellnot alternative to, but alternative definitions20:05
mikalzehicle_at_dell: well, the debate is a bit more fundamental that that unfortunately20:05
zehicle_at_dellnot surprised20:06
russellbzehicle_at_dell: there's a number of unanswered questions around the designated sections thing in the draft20:06
mikalzehicle_at_dell: its mostly about "are designated sections a good idea"20:06
russellbmikal: and right, it's quite fundamental20:06
mikalI think perhaps because the review is only a few minutes old20:06
markmcI'd put it like this - API testing around interop is our priority20:06
mikalIt might be fair to ask everyone to read it and comment there20:06
mikalAnd perhaps we can iterate in the review20:06
mikalAnd finalize at the next meeting?20:06
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zehicle_at_dellrussellb, did I miss this from last meeting?20:07
markmcand the "include the entirety of the code" provision in the trademark rules should suffice until the API interop issue is tackled20:07
russellbeven working out details of the API testing seems aggressive for this timeline, so focusing there seems like a good idea20:07
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markmczehicle_at_dell, to be clear - we're just introducing a proposed draft20:07
markmczehicle_at_dell, everyone on the TC still needs time to consider it20:07
mikalmarkmc: yes, its entirely possible the TC will reject this draft20:07
markmczehicle_at_dell, and yes, I think this reflects the discussion last week20:07
mikalI've tried to represent everyone's expressed points of view, even where I don't nessesarily personally agree20:08
mikalBut that doesn't mean I did it right20:08
zehicle_at_dellmarkmc, I know that these things take time.  not trying to rush it.  The first pass from DefCore will be "provisional" for Havana20:08
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markmcok, any first reactions from TC members ?20:08
zehicle_at_delland then we'll iterate to catchup20:08
* russellb is happy with the draft, but had a chance to read it earlier20:08
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* dhellmann is going to need time to digest it20:09
markmcyeah, I need to re-read too20:09
russellbsure, makes sense20:09
mikalI think that's very fair20:09
sdagueyeh, reread definitely in order20:09
mikalThis isn't an attempt to ram something through20:09
markmcI reckon it's important we not bikeshed the details on this20:09
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annegentlezehicle_at_dell: we do want to help answer the questions, we're trying to focus representatives and make sure we understand the request and possible paths20:09
markmcthat we make sure we're capturing rough consensus20:09
annegentlemarkmc: yeah20:09
zehicle_at_dellthanks, can someone shoot a link to the draft?20:09
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russellbmarkmc: +120:09
annegentle#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74483/1/resolutions/20140211-tc_defcore_response20:09
russellbzehicle_at_dell: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74483/20:09
mikalzehicle_at_dell: noting that the defcore committee should remember this is a draft if they read it...20:10
mikalzehicle_at_dell: i.e. the TC might pivot20:10
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markmcjeblair, vishy, any first thoughts ?20:10
jeblairmarkmc: it seems very well written.  i think i need to curl up with it though, and may have some questions later.20:11
markmcjeblair, cool, enjoy and stay warm :)20:11
mikaljeblair: you take gerrit to bed at night?!?20:11
russellbtake it out to dinner20:11
vishymarkmc: still looking20:11
russellbmaybe for a walk on the beach20:11
markmcvishy, cool20:11
markmcok, the other thing on this that annegentle raised and mikal mentioned20:11
mikalWell, perhaps we can come back to first impressions at the end of the meeting?20:12
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markmcif mikal and annegentle are the TC's reps on DefCore20:12
markmcthen it may appear odd that both are from RAX20:12
markmcthe fact that it didn't occur to me makes me think it's a non-issue20:12
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mikalI think even having this dicussion helps20:12
markmcbut anyone think we should add someone, or replace someone?20:12
annegentleyes, that wasn't the intent, but then we looked at other backup combos and it was nova-heavy or vendor-heavy or just heavy :)20:13
mikalIf we want to keep going with these people20:13
mikalAt least we've discussed it20:13
jeblairmarkmc, mikal: mostly i wonder how does this impact the defcore plan?  if this section is missing; what portion of the actual openstack code base are trademark users required to run or distribute?20:13
markmcjeblair, my take - the trademark rules already have an "include the entirety of the code" provision20:13
markmcjeblair, we'd just be deferring making any change to that20:13
dhellmannI'm not worried about mikal and annegentle representing the TC vs. RackSpace on this -- we're going to be discussing our position as a group anyway20:13
markmcjeblair, that was jbryce's way of explaining it too20:14
* russellb happy with mikal and annegentle as reps20:14
jeblairmarkmc: gotcha.20:14
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mikaljeblair: I think if we focused on interop for the first cycle, we're really saying that the board can use its discretion on what code must be included and how to enforce that. For example a gentleman's agreement might be sufficient for now.20:14
dhellmannjeblair: thanks for raising that, I was reaching the same question point20:14
markmcit certainly isn't free reign to "not run our code"20:14
russellbright, which i think is the big thing we probably do have consensus on20:15
russellbso let's just leave it there for now IMO20:15
markmcit just means we wouldn't get any more specific on that ... yet20:15
markmcok, we've a full agenda and seem to all want to digest the draft20:15
markmcmoving on, last chance?20:15
mikalIt seems we're cool with Anne and I20:15
mikalSo thanks for that20:16
jeblair++ mikal and annegentle20:16
mikalAnd move on...20:16
markmc#topic Integrated projects and new requirements: Nova20:16
markmc#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-February/026450.html20:16
markmc#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IcehouseProjectReviewNova20:16
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markmcyou're up russellb20:16
markmctake your seat in the dock20:16
markmcor stand, rather20:16
russellbso, I wanted to go through all currently integrated projects and review them using our new criteria20:16
russellbso, Nova up first20:16
russellbthe etherpad markmc linked to has the requirements, and my notes for nova on those requirements20:16
russellbi can hit a few discussion points, and then any discussion20:16
russellbon the testing front, we have a lot, but there are a few pain points i think we all want to improve20:17
russellbwe lack multi-node testing, so some key things like live migration aren't tested20:17
russellbwe also lack respectable test coverage on cells20:17
russellbwe've got closing the cells testing gap on the roadmap for Juno20:17
russellband on multi-node, sounds like there's progress being made there too, coming from the tripleo side of things20:18
russellbthe other point i had notes on was bug triage20:18
russellbwe haven't been good at it20:18
russellbwe've had a few people go through the "bug czar" position without much success20:18
markmcwell, the problem with bug triage is arguably a good one - lots of people filing bugs20:18
russellbi've just appointed a new person to that position, tracy jones, who seems very eager to make progress with it20:19
russellbyeah, that's true20:19
mikalIt would be good to read those bugs too though20:19
markmcwhen looking at new projects, we could see how active bug reporters are?20:19
russellbright, i just want to make sure we're catching the important ones20:19
russellband being responsive to these contributions20:19
markmcyeah, don't get me wrong - agree that better bug triage is important20:19
sdaguethere are also just straight up challenges with a large bug queue, because there are inherently dupes in it then, especially with how bad launchpad search is20:20
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russellbthat's true though, maybe looking at some combination of reports and triage of those reports is the right thing20:20
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russellbif a new project is getting zero reports ... that would be a concern20:20
markmcI guess the question is if Nova was coming up for graduation review20:20
russellbit's either perfect, or not used20:20
markmcare there any red flags20:20
markmcare we unfairly giving nova a pass ?20:20
russellbgood way to put it20:20
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markmcwould we expect a greater level of testing?20:21
sdagueso the red flag for me is actually cells20:21
markmcI don't think so20:21
sdaguenot so much because of the lack of testing20:21
dansmithwe actually heard of some large deployments being interested in it last week,20:21
russellbthe 2 ways to deploy nova issue?20:21
sdaguebut the reason for the lack of testing, which is it really implements a different subset of nova20:21
dansmithif that's what you're going to say20:21
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russellbso i definitely ACK that it's a problem, and it's not going to stay this way forever20:21
russellbwe had a really good discussion on next generation cells last week20:21
russellbthat would solve this20:22
russellbassuming it gets done :-)20:22
sdaguehonestly, the 2 ways to deploy nova is a problem, but the fact that a lot of features just don't work on cells, becomes a problem20:22
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russellbso, it's host aggregates (which is a WIP actually) and security groups AFAIK20:22
russellbwell, and the total awkwardness of every other project not having the cells concept20:22
markmcsdague, what would our general advice to projects - don't merge WIP features like cells ?20:22
sdagueso based on the last tempest results, it's actually much more than that I think20:23
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russellbsdague: could be, not supposed to be ... not testing it doesn't help20:23
sdaguerussellb: agreed, I turned back on a tempest job last week to have some data20:23
russellb"if rackspace uses it, it probably works" isn't a great spot to be in :)20:23
sdaguenon voting20:23
sdaguethere are definitely some substantial regressions from havana20:24
russellbmarkmc: good question though ... what advice would we give nova of the past20:24
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markmcI basically think we don't have better ideas for how this should have been done20:24
sdaguemarkmc: so I think cells should have been marked as experimental / unsupported until finished implementing the manager20:24
mikalI think we could have asked for more active devs on it20:24
russellbwe actually did mark it experimental when it merged20:24
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markmcok, I consider it experimental :)20:25
mikalIt was basically one person20:25
russellband we never really claimed it to be non-experimental20:25
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russellbwe just don't really have a clear way to communicate that20:25
russellbthe original release notes called it experimental though, and we haven't made a statement since20:25
markmcit's off by default, for a start20:25
jgriffithmarkmc: +120:25
sdaguewell there are tons of warning going in on compute drivers that are considered unsupported20:25
sdagueshould something equivalent be put in for cells?20:25
dansmithI'm fine with that20:25
markmcclainI think so20:25
russellbsure, that's fine with me20:26
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dansmith(not that I get a vote here :P)20:26
russellbit's tested, but only lightly20:26
jgriffithI don't know if that does you much good after somebody deployed it though20:26
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jgriffithTreat it as an extension, leave it disabled and don't put it in mainline docs20:26
sdaguesure, so there is definitely a messaging question.20:26
russellbno, but perhaps helps set expectations for people playing with it now20:26
annegentleso, cells are documented in the Ops Guide already, NeCTAR has it in their use case20:26
annegentle#link http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-ops/content/scaling.html#segregate_cloud20:27
russellbyeah, it is used successfully by multiple large deployments20:27
russellbit's not junk by any stretch20:27
annegentlenot really wanting to extricate20:27
russellbjust a bit confusing, maintenance burden not so great, etc20:27
markmcok, let's retreat from the cells rabbit hole20:27
markmcgood feedback though20:27
markmcanything else on nova?20:27
markmcanother thought - reviewer team efficacy20:28
dhellmannannegentle: I don't think we'd remove it from the docs, but mark it as experimental there?20:28
markmcit's a problem with nova right now20:28
russellbmarkmc: good point20:28
markmc(says he as one of the least active reviewers right now)20:28
russellbnot just having a diverse review team, but one that keeps up?20:28
markmcshould it be on the graduation review checklist?20:28
markmc#link http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/nova-openreviews.txt20:28
russellbit's a pain point for us for sure20:28
markmc--> Total Open Reviews: 51120:28
markmc--> Waiting on Submitter: 12720:28
markmc--> Waiting on Reviewer: 38420:28
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* russellb wishes he had a good answer for that20:29
dhellmannrussellb: do you track the review stats for reviews for approved blueprints and bugs separately from all the rest? I'd be curious to know how well you keep up with what you promise to do.20:29
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russellbdhellmann: no, good idea though20:29
russellbthough we generally approve everything that's sane20:29
russellbwe don't have a gate for "agree to do it" right now20:29
russellbwe tried that with the core sponsors for blueprints idea20:29
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russellbwhich was a complete failure20:30
russellbbecause nobody sponsored anything20:30
dhellmannthat would make for thin release notes, with no changes ;-)20:30
russellb(nobody wanted to spend extra time messing around in launchpad i guess, i don't know)20:30
mikalrussellb: I think we were all too busy...20:30
jgriffithdhellmann: or something robust20:30
sdaguemarkmc: so it's a good question, but I actually think one that's almost of a different nature, which is challenges of maturing projects in OpenStack that have way more inbound then review bandwidth20:30
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dhellmannthat's good to know, though, I was thinking of something like that for oslo but maybe I'll look for other options20:30
russellbso on this note ... should also compare to the overall stats http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/all-openreviews.txt20:30
sdaguewhich I think is honestly typically the inverse of what we see on projects in early stage20:31
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russellbthe wait times for nova are in line with the openstack-wide average20:31
russellbso maybe that's the way to look at it ...20:31
dhellmannsdague: good point20:31
russellbyour review queue shouldn't be painfully worse than openstack overall20:31
russellbor something20:31
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markmcok, any other thoughts on nova?20:31
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dhellmannfor a new project to have a review queue that bad, it would have to mean they aren't collaborating with non-cores or something, right?20:32
jeblairi think we should keep nova.  :)20:32
russellbjeblair: yay!20:32
annegentlejeblair: yes!20:32
sdaguejeblair: only if russellb makes us cookies :)20:32
markmcjeblair, until something better comes along :)20:32
russellbmarkmc: +120:32
markmcok, thanks russellb20:32
* markmc moves along20:32
markmc#topic Creating key distribution service (KDS) under identity program20:32
markmc#link https://review.openstack.org/7302220:32
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markmcdolphm, this is yours ?20:32
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dolphmmarkmc: yes20:33
markmcdolphm, want to talk us through it ?20:33
russellbso, if it's a server project, shouldn't it apply for incubation?  or what am i missing?20:33
dolphmi actually didn't realize it was on the TC agenda today - can it be deferred til next week?20:33
markmcis it a user facing API ?20:33
markmcdolphm, ok, quick first thoughts to those questions ?20:34
dolphmmarkmc: yes20:34
markmcdolphm, where user == operator ? or self-service user ?20:34
dolphmrussellb: it's already landing in keystone's codebase, as a discrete service20:34
dolphmrussellb: keystone.contrib.kds20:34
dhellmanndolphm: I think the question there was about listing it as "integrated" vs. "other" at this stage20:34
dolphmit has it's own API, with an eye toward splitting the codebase into it's own repo before shipping icehouse20:34
dolphmdhellmann: ah; i don't have a preference between the two20:35
dolphmpatchset 1 against governance has it as 'other', actually20:35
dolphmi changed it to 'integrated' considering it's already in a core project atm20:35
dolphmintegrated* project20:35
russellbso, i don't think quickly passing through the keystone tree before going into its own repo is a good reason to skip the incubation process20:35
jgriffithsounds like shenanigans IMO20:35
russellbsounds like bypassing this whole process?20:35
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markmcis it a widening of keystone's scope that deserved TC review in the first place ?20:36
sdaguewe followed the incubation process on things like cinder, ironic, and gantt, so I think if it's trying to split out it should follow the same process20:36
markmcor did we do that already ?20:36
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russellbmarkmc: I think it is a widening of scope, yes20:36
dolphmrussellb: jgriffith: i don't disagree20:36
russellband i don't think we've discussed it in the TC ...20:36
markmcok, dolphm requested we defer until next week20:37
jgriffithThe only discussion I recall is the brief proposal on ML20:37
markmcwhich is fair enough20:37
russellbworks for me20:37
annegentlerussellb: we talked about it in context of barbican's application iirc20:37
markmclet's stew on it for another week?20:37
annegentlemarkmc: sure20:37
markmcmoving along20:37
markmc#topic Topics you'd like to see discussed at joint Board/TC meeting in Atlanta20:37
dolphmannegentle: ++20:37
markmc#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-tc/2014-February/000536.html20:37
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markmcnow, it's only a 2 hour meeting20:37
russellbi'll bring cookies20:37
markmcwith roughly 40 attendees20:37
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annegentlemm baked goods20:37
markmcso, I'd say max 2/3 topics total20:38
markmcup to 40 attendees20:38
russellbdefcore i suppose.20:38
annegentlewhat do our constituents want discussed?20:38
markmcbut I'm sure AlanClark and ttx have discussed already20:38
russellbthough surely there's other worth topics20:38
markmclet's just throw out some ideas20:38
jeblairhow the board and tc should engage with each other20:38
russellbjeblair: +120:38
dhellmannannegentle: +120:38
markmctwo good ones20:38
mikalThat should be item one20:38
lifelessgetting users more engaged with dev, though I dunno if thats a board topic20:39
mikalEverything else flows from that one20:39
dhellmannjeblair: +120:39
* markmc would like to think he'd be prepared to introduce the "do we really need this CLA?" topic20:39
russellbideally ways we can engage without have to do face to face to make any progress20:39
russellbmarkmc: +120:39
dhellmannrussellb: +100020:39
mikalShould we do a brain storm on an etherpad?20:39
markmcmikal, go for it!20:39
markmcclainrussellb: +120:39
jeblairmarkmc: ++20:39
annegentlerussellb: I like that topic as well, plus it's ironic at an in-person meeting :)20:39
markmctick, tock, mikal's creating an etherpad20:40
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sdagueso I guess the question is what of these topics do we think only make good progress if the TC is there. I can see how the collaboration one would.20:41
russellbtoo many people trying to edit the same lines20:41
mikalThat etherpad is awesome20:41
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sdaguedo we actually need the TC for the CLA one?20:41
mikalPerhaps we should let that stew for a week too?20:41
mikalsdague: the TC can push it?20:41
lifelessmikal: should we?20:41
sdaguenot that I don't think the CLA one is important, just trying to conserve the window20:41
jgriffithso what's the problem with CLA? Just curious?20:42
mikalI think this etherpad is a grab bag of ideas20:42
russellbhmm, any foundation resources we may want to request?20:42
jeblairthe infra team has serious issues with the cla20:42
mikalWe should list everythign20:42
russellbto help support development?20:42
mikalThen we can pick the top two or three20:42
sdaguerussellb: that's a good one20:42
russellbi don't have specifics in mind off hand20:42
russellbbut seems appropriate20:42
jgriffithrussellb: getting rid of CLA helps dev?20:42
jeblairif it would help, we can write up our thoughts about it for the tc20:42
russellbjgriffith: indeed :)20:42
jgriffithrussellb: hmm... careful what you wish for20:42
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dhellmannjgriffith: we have at least one contribution from a US govt employee that can't land because he can't sign it20:42
jgriffithrussellb: I think you'll have unexpected results20:42
jgriffithdhellmann: I see20:42
jeblairjgriffith, russellb: yes, the really short version is that it's a process and technical burden to administer, hinders new contributors, and has no real benefit20:43
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jgriffithan exception process may be more appropriate IMO20:43
dhellmannjgriffith: something to do with patent assignementsz20:43
jgriffithbut I know we're not here to discuss this :)20:43
russellbjgriffith: i mean like specific asks ... budget we can tap into for cloud resources if we want above and beyond what is donated20:43
jgriffithrussellb: oh... different topic20:43
sdagueso the other question is about voting on board things20:43
vishylifeless: what do you mean by "users"20:44
markmcsdague, voting on board things?20:44
sdaguewhich I know was punted, but changing the board election process for individual representatives to be more like the tc is something I'd like to continue to see pushed20:44
lifelessvishy: operators20:44
lifelessvishy: public and private20:44
russellbnot necessarily a TC+board thing, but +1 that i don't like the current individual director election system20:44
markmcsdague, IMHO, the TC doesn't really have much of a place in that debate - disagree ?20:44
vishyok so that is what the users group is for20:44
markmcsdague, as a body, for sure as individuals20:44
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sdaguemarkmc: I think I agree, just throwing out other specific topics of interest.20:45
vishythat tim bell leads20:45
markmcsdague, yep, cool20:45
jeblairsdague: ah yes.  i think it was determined that the turnout would not have supported an ammendment; we should be able to cull the membership list for the next board election, i think?20:45
markmcsdague, russellb, how about "Brief feedback from technical community on the individual director election process" ?20:45
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russellbmarkmc: SURE20:46
russellberr, sure.20:46
dhellmannjeblair: that was my understanding, too20:46
markmcrussellb, WHAT?20:46
* markmc cocks his ear20:46
sdaguejeblair: right, I guess that's the meta issue, which is the fact that current foundation rules on individual members basically make bylaw changes impossible20:46
sdaguebecause we'll never get quorum20:47
sdaguewhich does affect the TC20:47
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jeblairsdague: yep.  and we've already mentioned two things that would require bylaws changes just in this 5 mins of brainstorming.20:47
markmcsdague, added "Similarly - technical communities desire to not have bylaws changes held up by quorum requirement with huge membership"20:47
russellbdo we need to discuss project naming rules/process?20:47
sdaguemarkmc: +1, thanks20:48
markmcah, indeed20:48
russellbseems there's some conflict there, or perhaps misunderstanding20:48
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dhellmannthat might take the whole meeting20:48
jgriffithWow... better schedule a few more days :)20:48
russellb2 hours enough?  :)20:48
markmcrussellb, this: https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/master/resolutions/20131106-ceilometer-and-heat-official-names20:48
markmcok, let's move it along20:48
russellblots of ideas :)20:49
annegentlewhat no one suggested trust falls?20:49
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russellbannegentle: lol!20:49
jgriffithannegentle: ha!20:49
markmc#topic Minor governance changes20:49
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markmcpull yourselves together20:49
russellbplz to be +1ing my deprecated code thingy!20:49
markmcAdd a requirement for deprecating duplicated code: https://review.openstack.org/7038920:49
markmcthat looks ready for ttx to approve20:49
markmcAdd missed mission statement for Data Processing: https://review.openstack.org/7104520:49
russellbwho else needs shaming for lack of mission statement20:50
jeblairi do20:50
russellbmarkmcclain: !20:50
mikaljeblair: shame on you sir20:50
dhellmannone more: Add oslo.test to the Oslo program: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74117/20:50
jeblairmikal: thank you20:50
mikaljeblair: you're welcome20:50
russellbjgriffith: and you!20:50
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* markmc chuckles20:51
med_thank you sir may I have another....20:51
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markmcclainmission statement coming with our project review20:51
sdaguedhellmann: do you want to do the name change first?20:51
russellbmarkmcclain: excellent20:51
markmcrussellb, nice high horse you've got there20:51
markmcrussellb, making a dash for the moral high ground on it ?20:51
russellbmarkmc: only because i got mine in like a month ago20:51
dhellmannsdague: I was going to wait to change the repo name after the i-3 cutoff, assuming we don't want gerrit downtime20:51
russellbnow i can give crap to others20:51
* russellb gets knocked off his horse by markmc 20:51
sdaguedhellmann: ok20:51
russellbsorry sir20:51
russellbi'll hush now20:51
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sdaguewell, we can't put it into the gate until the name change, right?20:51
markmclast one ...20:51
markmcAdd storyboard-webclient to the infra program: https://review.openstack.org/7270620:51
markmcjeblair, needs you20:52
dhellmannsdague: ?20:52
mikalDo we think storyboard should have gone through an incubation approval like process?20:52
sdaguedhellmann: because of the same issues as olso.sphinx20:52
mikalI get a lot of questions about why we're doing it20:52
jeblairmikal: it's a component project of the infrastructure program, not targeting the integrated release20:52
dhellmannsdague: I'm changing the name of the package now, and the git repo later20:52
markmcmikal, well, it's not intended to be integrated20:52
mikalIt might be nice to be able to answer those in public once and for all20:52
sdaguedhellmann: ah ok20:52
markmcmikal, now would be a good time to raise the questions20:52
annegentlemikal: jeblair: it's similar to kite/keystone tho20:53
jeblairannegentle: how?20:53
markmcmikal, consider this the approval process :)20:53
russellbit's not a part of openstack though20:53
annegentletotally logical but should be discussed20:53
russellbthat's the key difference20:53
mikaljeblair: yeah, I don't intend to block it20:53
mikalI think we could do better at explaining what it is to the community though20:53
annegentlejeblair: just a discussion to have20:53
markmcmikal, e.g. you could -1 saying you want a discussion on openstack-dev20:53
markmcmikal, which would be totally fair20:53
russellbstoryboard is the answer to everything20:53
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mikalIt seems odd to do that for the webclient when the main thing got a pass20:54
mikalBut sure20:54
jeblairstoryboard has been discussed widely on openstack-dev already...20:54
sdaguerussellb: well storyboard and tripleo-gate :)20:54
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mikaljeblair: this is news to me20:54
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annegentlejeblair: but not with a program owner that I know of20:54
mikaljeblair: I stand possibly corrected20:54
lifelesssdague: and both exist :)20:54
* mikal shall search after the meeting20:54
markmcjeblair, maybe add a link to the review? if you have it handy20:54
markmcok, 5 minutes left20:54
jeblairwe've never asserted that new projects need to go through approval20:54
markmc#topic Open discussion20:55
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annegentlejeblair: but we just did that to dolphm right?20:55
sdagueyeh, realistically infra starts about 6 - 10 new projects a cycle20:55
dhellmannannegentle: that was for an *integrated* project20:55
sdagueto support the project20:55
russellbannegentle: but that's a part of openstack itself, part of the integrated release20:55
markmcjeblair, so you don't think the TC needs to vote on adding a new project to a program ?20:55
jeblairannegentle: new _integrated_ projects go through approval and review20:55
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annegentledhellmann: Identity is aprogram20:55
annegentlea space program!20:55
markmcjeblair, raises the question why we're voting on this review, no ?20:55
lifelessmarkmc: I definitely don't :)20:55
jeblairmarkmc: no i don't20:55
dhellmannannegentle: programs aren't integrated, projects are20:55
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markmcclainI don't think we should vote projects that exist to solve internal needs20:56
russellbgood point ... is this review just housekeeping, or do we get to have a discussion?20:56
jeblairmarkmc: i don't think we should vote on it; i think it's a non-material update and the chair should approve it20:56
russellbjeblair: that's how i feel20:56
markmcjeblair, ok, sounds like a job for real_ttx to deliberate over20:56
russellbsame with the oslo updates recently20:56
markmcfake_ttx sucks at such things20:56
annegentlejeblair: I'm fine with that but I'm trying to understand the program/project yaml updates that would happen then20:56
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jeblairseveral other programs have projects that have been created without review too, because they don't affect the integrated release...20:56
russellbfake_ttx has done an excellent job chairing today :-)20:56
markmcjeblair, that said, discussion is good20:56
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markmcjeblair, but we should be clear where the TC has veto rights, for sure20:56
jeblairmarkmc: sure, i'm happy to talk about why we're doing storyboard and why we think we need it20:57
annegentlejeblair: and I'm good with that, adding repos as needed, of course20:57
jeblairmarkmc: i'm a little less happy with "-1 so we can talk about it"20:57
markmcjeblair, so as to not give TC members an overly large sense of their own importance :)20:57
markmcjeblair, cool, point taken20:57
annegentlejeblair: and I don't have another program in mind for storyboard, just wanting to understand the program/project yaml and how to review changes to it20:57
sdagueyeh, maybe it's just a question of whether the contents of the the "other" chunk is even interesting in this file. Or why we update it there.20:58
markmcjeblair, that said - actually switching over to using it for all projects would be a TC thing, I guess20:58
russellbi think it's a hosuekeeping, ttx approves right away kind of thing, unless it's something that should be going through incubation20:58
annegentleam I making any sense? (about how to review the program/project changes?)20:58
dhellmannas ttx explained it, the point of the list is to figure out who has atc in which programs for ptl elections, so I think it's reasonable to give a quick review to new items on the list -- even non-integrated projects20:58
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annegentlerussellb: ah housekeeping makes sense, then we don't have to review as closely/slowly20:58
dhellmannwaiting for the tc to vote on oslo changes hasn't held us up20:58
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jeblairmarkmc: we definetely wouldn't do that without talking to the tc.  :)  we do plan to switch infra to start dog-fooding it asap.20:59
mikalI think we're out of time now20:59
dhellmannrussellb: I disagree for adding new items, but renames should be considered housekeeping20:59
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dhellmannunless the rename is out of stackforge into a program, I guess20:59
markmcjeblair, coolness21:00
lifelessdhellmann: I don't see why the TC should approve what projects in a program grant atc to the program21:00
lifelessdhellmann: isn't that a program responsibility ?21:00
markmcok, we're out of time21:00
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mikallifeless: the TC's role is to keep OpenStack moving in a vaguely unified direction21:00
markmcthanks everyone21:00
openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb 18 21:00:34 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)21:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2014/tc.2014-02-18-20.01.html21:00
dhellmannlifeless: the TC is responsible for project governance, and adding projects with potentially new reviewer teams changes the project -- scope is also a consideration21:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2014/tc.2014-02-18-20.01.txt21:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2014/tc.2014-02-18-20.01.log.html21:00
russellbthanks, markmc!21:00
mikalmarkmc: thanks for chairing21:00
markmcI guess there's no project meeting now21:00
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markmc"Next meeting: February 25, 21:00 UTC "21:01
dhellmannwoo a free hour!21:01
russellbyeah, ttx said just cancel this one21:01
markmcrussellb, mikal, np, cheers21:01
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russellbbig thing is today is feature proposal freeze day21:01
russellbfor a number of projects21:01
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annegentlefree hour!21:01
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hub_caphehe horray :)21:04
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med_russellb, yep, thanks21:08
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rwmjonesclarkb: libguestfs should just work on ubuntu 12.04; if not, please file a bug22:10
rwmjoneswith full libguestfs-test-tool output22:10
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rwmjonessee also the notes here: http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#binaries22:10
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