Thursday, 2024-04-25

carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Apr 25 15:00:06 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carloss courtesy ping: vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri15:00
vharihi 15:00
msaravanHi 15:01
carlosso/ hello everyone15:03
carlossit's been a couple of weeks since the last IRC meeting15:04
carlosswe have plenty to catch up on today15:04
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:04
carlosslet's start with our announcements:15:05
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:05
carlosswe're ~20 days from our first milestone of this cycle15:06
carlossand as you can see, the manila specific deadlines are already available for Manila15:07
carlossI didn't hold up the change and the release team merged the change quickly15:07
carlossbut I'd like to gather your feedback. In case you would like to see some changes to our deadlines, please let me know and I'll be happy to work with you to accommodate 15:08
carlossthat's all I had for announcements. Do you have an announcement to share with us?15:08
gouthamron the schedule, we have one bugsquash15:08
gouthamrand it coincides with a holiday in the US - likely folks will try to take some time off around this time15:09
carlossah, good point gouthamr15:09
carlossI think moving it 1 week earlier could have some negative impact on spec freeze15:10
carlosswould the week R-12 (Jul 8 - 12) be better?15:10
gouthamrlightening fast15:14
carlosssounded like good timing to do it :p 15:14
carlossif there's any other feedback on the dates, please take it to the change15:15
carlossand I'll be happy to address15:15
carlossanything else you'd like to bring up?15:15
carloss#topic PTG15:16
carlosswell, PTG was two weeks ago and I sent the summary email to the openstack-discuss mailing list15:16
carlosshope y'all got it15:16
carlossit's not that brief, but I tried my best to summarize the action items and our plans15:17
carlossall the recordings from the PTG are available on YouTube as well:15:18
carlossI created this playlist - but I just need to create a thumbnail for all the videos, to make it easier to identify15:18
carlossso in case you missed something, please take a look at the videos. Meetpad always limited the videos under 1h30min, so some videos might end suddenly15:19
carlossbut you can look at the titles, because I tried to make it easier with specifying "Part 1, Part2" and so on15:20
carlossI think that's everything I wanted to bring up regarding PTG15:20
carlossdo you have something else you'd like to share?15:20
carloss#topic SQLAlchemy 2.0 aftermath15:23
carlossgouthamr has kindly backported all the fixes for SQLAlchemy 2.0 to the 2024.1 branch15:24
carlossand that has merged15:24
carlossand the fixes were shipped in the 18.1.0 release for Manila:15:25
carlossbefore we merged the change with the fixes, we had a job testing the changes in the 2024.1 branch, just to ensure they would work15:25
carlossso it seems to be all good at this point15:26
carlossI believe we can go ahead and merged the job in the 2024.1 Caracal stable branch as well15:26
carlossjust to ensure it is being tested accordingly15:26
carlossnow we have some other possible action item to take:15:27
carlossbumping our oslo.db version15:27
carlossbefore we backported the changes, zigo reached out and told us the tests for Manila were failing in debian15:28
carlossinitially we thought that backporting and releasing the fixes would get that sorted out, but apparently some distros also expect us to bump our requirements version15:29
carlossthe upstream CI is not showing any issues, as you can see in the change I linked above15:29
gouthamrwe should do the requirements bump now15:30
carlossyep, bumping the requirements would be appropriate15:30
gouthamrbut, technically, the openstack upper constraints on 2024.1 still have older versions of sqlalchemy and alembic15:30
gouthamrso, i don't see the value in bumping the minimum version of oslo.db15:30
gouthamrin 2024.115:31
carlossi agree15:32
zigocarloss: I don't expect you to do it, I told you out of courthesy, as this was the reality, I'm fine with me keeping the version requirements for myself if you don't want to push it upstream (even though I would *advise* you to do so...).15:32
gouthamrtrue... what we can do instead is match reality in the upper constraints for 2024.1 and bump up sqlalchemy and other library versions15:34
carlosszigo: yep, and thank you for bringing this up and the suggestion :)15:35
gouthamrbut it'll be a hard sell because a number of openstack repos may yet have incompatible code15:35
gouthamrfor one, we are yet to bump the versions on the trunk branch:
gouthamri proposed that we run a sqlalchemy2.0 job on stable/2024.1 for these reasons:15:37
gouthamrzigo: are you seeing any failures, even with the backports? 15:38
* gouthamr is this a netsplit?15:42
carlossmight be :)15:43
carlosswe can continue on #openstack-manila15:43
gouthamrsure thing15:43
carlossgouthamr: thank you for the suggestions 15:43
carlossand zigo: thank you for bringing this up15:43
carlosson to the next topic...15:44
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:44
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:44
vharity carloss 15:44
vharihave a bit of catch up due to missed sessions 15:44
vharidiving in :)15:44
vhari#link    15:44
* carloss got distracted with the code15:48
gouthamrit’s a good suggestion; we do tune2fs right now when we resize15:48
carlossI think when we mount as well too, no?15:49
carlossmount the device i mean15:49
carlossin the create_share15:50
carlossthis calls _mount_share15:50
carlosswhich should be calling tune2fs15:50
carlossI am speed reading the code,  might be wrong15:51
gouthamrcan be investigated; id suggest low priority/ low hanging fruit15:51
vhari^^ carloss if time permitting today15:52
carlossgouthamr: thank you for filing this bug15:53
carlossmaybe msaravan can help us find an assignee15:53
zigogouthamr: It still fails with SQLAlchemy 2.x:
zigoThough autopkgtest runs fine with 1.4.x15:55
carlossbut I think in short, what happens is: when there are special characters in the password, the error shows up in a weird way. We should be escaping the passwords from the conf file when they have special characters15:55
carlossI think this bug has a low/medium prio and we can work with msaravan for finding an assignee :)15:58
vharicarloss, ack15:58
carthacaI've gotten used to this error and just hoped to wait it out until we switched to REST API :)15:58
msaravansure 15:58
carlosscarthaca: oh, we might be able to get this done sooner then :D15:59
vhari:) if no other input,  will wrap bugs for today15:59
carlossack, tyvm vhari 15:59
vharity folks for pitching in 15:59
carlossthank you everyone for joining today's meeting. Let's get back to #openstack-manila16:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Apr 25 16:00:10 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ccokeke[m]Thank you all 16:01

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