Thursday, 2024-04-04

ashrodri#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Apr  4 15:00:17 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ashrodri. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
ashrodricourtesy ping vkmc dviroel carloss vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri15:00
ashrodrio/ hello everyone15:00
ashrodricarloss is participating in today's OpenInfra Live episode highlighting our changes within manila within Caracal release, so I'll be leading todays meeting in case it runs overtime.15:01
ashrodriI managed to catch his part right around the deprecation slide, great job presenting our highlights carloss15:02
ashrodritoday's meeting agenda: 15:03
ashrodrialright, let's get started!15:04
ashrodri#topic Announcements15:04
ashrodriGreat news, Caracal release is out now! 15:04
ashrodriTwo Manila features being highlighted: custom export locations and admin only metadata.15:05
ccokeke[m]Hey, Okeke Christian Chima by name an outreachy applicant15:05
SaravananManickam[m]Congtas !! 15:05
ashrodriThanks to everyone for all your hard work this release, and I hope to see you all at the PTG.15:05
carlosso/ welcome ccokeke[m] :)15:05
ashrodriwelcome okeke!15:05
ashrodrispeaking of PTG... 15:07
ashrodri#topic PTG Etherpad15:07
ashrodriWe have a schedule up on our etherpad now15:08
ashrodriAs usual, we have our retrospective on Monday so if there is anything in particular you think should be highlighted or discussed, please add to the topic.15:08
ashrodriWe will not meet on Tuesday, so you're free to view other teams discussions that day :)15:09
ashrodriWednesday we will meet for two hours, starting 1400 UTC. we're discussing PoolWeigher enhancements, Netapp features, Manila-UI enhancements coming from an outreachy internship and a retrospective on other internships from this cycle15:11
ashrodriThursday we meet at the same time to have our recurring discussion on all things CephFS, as well as backup APIs, CBACK, and bug management.15:12
ashrodriFriday we meet at 1400, to discuss our technical debt surrounding sqlalchemny 2.0 support, DB migration script squash, deprecation options with SLURP, shares encryption and our old friend SRBAC15:15
ashrodriwe've got two things in our parking lot, if we speak fast and find time during our scheduled slots we can discuss graduating experimental apis and using "latest" microversion 15:17
ashrodriand of course we have our happy hour from 1600-1700 UTC. Carloss, do we have something planned yet, or will it be a surprise?15:18
carlossit will be a surprise :D15:18
* carloss pretends he already knows what to do and isn't scratching his head looking for options xD15:19
carlossbut will be fun and the Zorillas will make it be fun15:19
carlossashrodri: very detailed info on the topics, thank you!15:20
ashrodriI'm not worried, you always come up with something great for us to do. we always have a great time during our happy hour, I hope attendees can stick around to chat and have fun with us then!15:20
carlossand for everyone: if you'd like me to move topics around, please let me know and I can accommodate some changes15:20
carloss++ the more people, the merrier15:21
ashrodrithat's all I've got for PTG for now. anyone have more to add?15:22
SaravananManickam[m]nice summary, thank you. 15:23
ashrodrithanks! moving on...15:25
ashrodri#topic Bug Triage15:25
ashrodrivhari the floor is yours...15:25
vharity car15:27
vharity carloss :)15:27
vharilets dive in 15:27
SaravananManickam[m]yes, we discussed that with maurice early this week 15:28
SaravananManickam[m]will plan it for ptg, based on bandwidth 15:28
vharity SaravananManickam[m] 15:29
vhariany other comments in ^^?15:29
carlossnope... maybe we could use a blueprint for this as well15:30
carlossbut that could be the outcome of the PTG's discussion15:30
vhariif not ,.. let's call it a wrap for bugs15:30
vharicarloss, back to you :)15:30
carlossashrodri ^ :D15:30
ashrodrihahah, force of habit15:31
ashrodriokay, wrapping up... 15:32
ashrodri#topic Open discussion15:32
ashrodriAnything more to bring up today?15:32
* carloss lost timing during announcements15:33
carlossjust want to say thank you to everyone that made the Caracal release possible15:33
carthacaSince we have time: do you know if there are any similar activities planned for manila like done for nova in ?15:33
carthacaI.e. any plans to introduce x-openstack-request-id ?15:34
carlosscarthaca: sounds like a very good enhancement15:34
carlossperhaps another PTG topic? :)15:34
carlossbut nothing planned yet as far as I am aware15:35
carthacaAnd I think some of the fixes in would apply to us, too - but I don't really feel up to changing it15:35
carthacaBackground of this: I would really like to have the request id in our cadf notification audit logs - so I can easily make a connection between events and logs15:36
carlossstrong use case15:38
carlossI like the idea... I believe we can chat further at PTG and get to a conclusion together15:39
carlossbut can't think of anything that would make me have second thoughts about the two enhancements15:39
ashrodrisounds great! 15:43
ashrodriAnything else for today?15:44
ashrodriokay everyone, Thanks for joining us, have a great rest of your day!15:47
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Apr  4 15:47:20 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:47
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