Wednesday, 2024-03-13

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Mar 13 14:00:48 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajathello everyone14:02
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:02
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:02
whoami-rajatfirst, TC Election Voting Kickoff14:03
whoami-rajatTC elections have started14:03
whoami-rajatand will be open till 20th March14:03
whoami-rajathere are the steps for simplicity (since i struggled initially to find the link)14:03
whoami-rajatGo to
whoami-rajatRequest Activation link and enter the code received on your registered email address14:03
whoami-rajatYou will receive an email with the subject "Poll: OpenStack 2024.2 Cycle Technical Committee Election Poll"14:03
whoami-rajatThere are 7 TC proposals that you can arrange in order or preference14:03
whoami-rajatnext, 2024.1 Cycle Highlights14:04
whoami-rajatthe cycle highlights have merged14:04
whoami-rajathere how it shows up in docs14:04
whoami-rajatnext, Festival of XS reviews this Friday (15th March)14:05
whoami-rajatwe had first friday on 1st of March14:05
whoami-rajathence the third friday came early14:05
jungleboyjHighlight look good.14:05
whoami-rajatand this will be the last festival for this cycle, so see you there14:06
whoami-rajatthanks jungleboyj for checking!14:06
whoami-rajatnext, Upcoming Deadlines & Dates14:06
whoami-rajatRC1 deadline: March 14th, 2024 (R-3 week)14:06
whoami-rajatFinal RC deadline: March 28th, 2024 (R-1 week)14:06
whoami-rajatFinal 2024.1 Caracal release: April 3rd, 202414:06
whoami-rajatDalmatian PTG: April 8-12, 202414:06
whoami-rajatwe've RC1 tomorrow14:07
whoami-rajatand we will cut stable/2024.1 branch14:07
whoami-rajatafter that any patch that needs to get into the release needs to be backported and RC2 will be released14:07
whoami-rajatI will create an etherpad for potential bug fixes that we want to get into the cycle14:08
whoami-rajatactually let me create it now14:08
whoami-rajatI've created a template14:09
whoami-rajatplease fill out bugs as per the format14:09
whoami-rajatand remember we will only accept release critical fixes14:09
whoami-rajatso please don't flood the list as we might miss out on some important fixes14:09
whoami-rajatthen we've the caracal release on April 3rd14:10
whoami-rajatand PTG from 8-12th April14:10
whoami-rajatI think we've the PTG etherpad created right jbernard ?14:10
whoami-rajatthanks jbernard , i will link it in the etherpad14:11
whoami-rajatplease add your PTG topics here ^14:11
jbernardi still need to format it, but that will be the link14:11
whoami-rajatokay, sounds good14:12
whoami-rajatthat's all for the announcements14:12
whoami-rajatanything else from the community news that i missed?14:12
simondodsleyCFP is now open for OpenInfra Asia if anyone wants to submit:
whoami-rajatoh thanks simondodsley , seems like it's a regional summit this time in south Korea?14:14
simondodsleyThis is the new format for OpenInfra Summits going forward. They will be regional based14:15
simondodsleyThis is the APJ one14:15
happystackerdo we have any idea of the next location?14:15
happystackerwill it rolled between continents?14:16
simondodsleyNo - each region will have their own Summit from now on - no glbal one that rolled as in the past14:16
simondodsleyAmericas hasn't been defined yet14:17
simondodsleyEMEA will be habing OpenInfra Days at the moment rather than a full summit14:17
whoami-rajatnot sure how useful it will be for Cinder in the Asia region since all other cores are in Europe or US region14:17
happystackerend of a long story of summit...14:17
happystackeryes that's true14:17
simondodsleysad day, but i will be submitting something anyway - always wanted to go to S Korea14:17
jungleboyjWow.  That is the end of an era.  :-(14:18
whoami-rajatlet's see how this new format goes14:20
whoami-rajatso that was all we had for announcements14:20
whoami-rajatmoving on to topics14:21
whoami-rajat#topic build-openstack-releasenotes job broken for cinder14:21
whoami-rajatas some of you might have noticed14:21
whoami-rajatour releasenote job is broken (during the deadlines -- no surprises there)14:21
whoami-rajatI tried to fix it here14:21
whoami-rajatbut it's still failing with the same error14:22
whoami-rajatI understand the issue but somehow i feel the releasenote job is not picking up the change correctly14:22
whoami-rajatI even tried with the anonymous reference approach (__)14:22
whoami-rajatstill failing14:22
whoami-rajatfinally i tried to fix it in stable/zed where the buggy releasenote was introduced14:23
whoami-rajatno luck14:23
whoami-rajatwould be good to get some expertise here on how to address this fast and unblock gate14:23
rosmaitai guess there was a sphinx update or something14:23
whoami-rajati checked requirements project and we haven't bumped anything but you might be right since we don't put U-C on a lot of stuff and the latest one gets picked up14:24
whoami-rajatsphinx show the last release as 7.2.6 on september 14, 202314:25
eharneymaybe just disable the warning/error in sphinx config as a temporary measure to get the job working?14:26
whoami-rajatwe can try that14:26
happystackerat least we have a workaround if that works14:26
rosmaitapossibly, i'm not sure we can override that in the gate14:27
rosmaitai'll see if i can figure something out in the next hour, and if not will ping stephenfin, i think he's done some work on thi14:28
rosmaitathe most recent releasenotes job succeeded:
eharneyon which is tweaking reno things14:30
happystackerSince to be failing since March 8th14:30
rosmaitaso maybe rebase the others?14:30
eharneytox -e releasenotes passes locally for me on master?14:31
whoami-rajatyeah we are ignoring reno's in that patch14:31
whoami-rajatfor some jobs14:31
rosmaitai mean, oh14:31
whoami-rajator maybe not, I'm not sure i understand that patch totally14:32
rosmaitayeah, that may be an unrelated change14:32
rosmaitathe "adding reno.yaml to the ignored files for some jobs" part, i mean14:33
whoami-rajatbut i don't understand how that is fixing the sphinx issue14:33
rosmaitame neither, i am just being hopeful :D14:34
eharneyi think it's excluding more branches from what reno looks at14:34
whoami-rajatyeah, all the EOL and EOM branches14:34
whoami-rajatoh i think i understand14:34
whoami-rajatthe initial patch with the correct bug reference was merged before Zed14:35
whoami-rajatand the buggy releasenote in Zed14:35
whoami-rajatso if we ignore the original one14:35
whoami-rajatwe don't have an issue anymore14:35
whoami-rajati mean no duplicates14:35
whoami-rajatat least that's my understanding of why the job passes on that patch14:36
whoami-rajatbut then it won't fix the actual issue14:36
happystackerthis may be the reason why the output is different from a failing/non failing job?14:36
happystackerthat's unclear to me14:37
happystackerexamples: is successful14:38
happystackerthis one is not
rosmaitaso, tox -e releasenotes works for me locally on a fresh pull from master (which doesn't include )14:38
whoami-rajatgate uses Sphinx v7.2.614:41
whoami-rajatis it the same in your local env?14:41
eharneyit is for me where i noted the same above14:42
whoami-rajatoh okay, not sure what's going on with gate then14:42
whoami-rajatbut i feel this unmaintained transition has something to do with it14:42
whoami-rajatanyways, if someone comes up with a solution, please ping me or the other cores in the #openstack-cinder channel and we can approve the fix14:44
whoami-rajatif possible today would be good since tomorrow we will have patches to cut stable/2024.1 branch14:44
whoami-rajatthat's all i had for this topic14:46
whoami-rajatwe don't have any other topics so lets move to open discussion14:46
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:46
inoriHi, I'm a developer for Fujitsu driver. Now we are in the process of submitting our code to the community as quickly as possible, and Brain's comments on are also being addressed accordingly. Could you please conduct the review in the order of the relation chain?14:46
whoami-rajatthere is a review request from Takashi to merge some driver deprecation14:47
happystackerI confirm that Dell SC, VNX and XtremIO are now EOL14:47
happystackerSo I'm good with this proposal14:48
whoami-rajatthanks happystacker for confirming, we can go ahead with the merge once gate situation is addressed14:48
whoami-rajatinori, does the relation chain contain patches for features as well?14:48
happystackersure, I'll add a comment in the patch to confirm so that we don't lose this information14:48
inoriyes, the relation chain contain patches for features and bugs fix etc.14:49
Rahman-LBI've a couple of review requests, waiting for someone to review and help me close these. 14:50
whoami-rajatokay, we can review the patches but the features will be a part of 2024.2 cycle which is the next after we release 2024.114:50
whoami-rajatjust a note ^14:50
Rahman-LBsure. 14:50
inoriI see. Thank you whoami-rajat.14:51
cuiyeliuHi,everyone, I am from Dell, and I have two patches that need core reviewers vote:
Luziif you have some spare time and is willing to wrap their head around this, i would appreciate comments on
happystackerBTW, our Dell PowerMax CI is now back online, so all CI targeted this system should be triggered. I forgot to mention that before.14:52
whoami-rajatLuzi, iwould recommend to submit the patch in 2024.2 specs directory, that will help preserve the reviews for the next entire cycle14:53
Luziokay i will do it whoami-rajat 14:53
whoami-rajatjbernard, sorry to bother you again but do we have a specs directory for 2024.2 ?14:53
jbernardno, ill create one today14:54
jbernardLuzi: ill ping you when it's done14:54
whoami-rajatthanks jbernard , let me know once it's created and i can approve it14:54
toskyjust asking for a quick quick review on a cleanup patch for cinder-tempest-plugin (which should have a dedicated review day for cinder-tempest-plugin IMHO at some point):
whoami-rajattosky, done, and thanks for keeping the tempest plugin active!15:00
whoami-rajatwe're out of time15:00
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for attending15:00
whoami-rajatsee you on Friday for the festival of XS reviews15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Mar 13 15:00:35 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
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