Wednesday, 2024-02-21

whoami-rajat_#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb 21 14:00:09 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat_. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat_#topic roll call14:00
msaravanHi 14:03
whoami-rajat_hello everyone14:04
whoami-rajat_let's get started14:04
whoami-rajat_#topic announcements 14:04
whoami-rajat_first, PTL non-candidacy14:04
whoami-rajat_as you might have seen my email, I won't be running for the PTL position in the upcoming 2024.2 Dalmatian cycle14:04
rosmaitathanks for all your hard work, you deserve a rest14:06
whoami-rajat_thanks everyone for helping me run the project smoothly but i feel it's time for someone else to take a role14:06
happystackerthaks Rajat for the work you did14:06
whoami-rajat_thanks jungleboyj and rosmaita , your guidance was very helpful14:06
whoami-rajat_so just wanted to announce that14:07
jbernardthanks rajat, your work has undoubtably made the project better, we all appreciate your efforts14:07
akawaithx rajat14:07
whoami-rajat_glad i was able to do good work :)14:08
whoami-rajat_so moving on14:08
msaravanThank you Rajat..for all the efforts !! 14:08
whoami-rajat_next, Midcycle-2 summary14:08
jungleboyjmy pleasure.  :-)14:08
jungleboyjYou have done great sir!14:08
whoami-rajat_thanks everyone, we have a lot more to cover today so let's move on14:09
whoami-rajat_The midcycle summary is up14:10
whoami-rajat_we had a lot of productive discussions, you can look at the items assigned to you with the #action keyword14:10
whoami-rajat_next, Upcoming deadlines14:11
whoami-rajat_we are almost towards the end of the cycle14:11
whoami-rajat_and we will be having a deadline each week14:11
whoami-rajat_this week it's os-brick release for which I've added a topic14:12
whoami-rajat_ os-brick: Non-client library freeze: February 22nd, 2024 (R-6 week)14:12
whoami-rajat_ python-cinderclient: Client library freeze: February 29th, 2024 (R-5 week)14:12
whoami-rajat_next week, it will be cinderclient release + feature freeze14:12
whoami-rajat_Feature freeze: Caracal-3 milestone: February 29th, 2024 (R-5 week)14:12
whoami-rajat_please focus on feature reviews this and next week14:12
whoami-rajat_after that we will have cycle highlights + RC114:13
whoami-rajat_but lets not get ahead of ourselves, we have a lot of things to do already14:13
whoami-rajat_final 2 events14:13
whoami-rajat_2024.1 Caracal final release: April 3rd, 202414:13
whoami-rajat_Dalmatian PTG: April 8-12, 202414:13
whoami-rajat_that's all for the announcements14:13
whoami-rajat_anyone has anything else to announce?14:14
bryanneumann should be on the Caracal list14:14
happystackerthks Rajat14:17
whoami-rajat_okay moving on to topics then14:19
whoami-rajat_#topic os-brick release14:19
whoami-rajat_as stated earlier, os-brick release is scheduled tomorrow14:19
whoami-rajat_we have a few patches that are requested for the release 14:19
whoami-rajat_which we will need to merge today else it will be hard to make it into the release14:19
whoami-rajat_first one is by Takashi, who would like to deprecate the windows driver connector14:20
whoami-rajat_I'm not sure about our policy on deprecating os-brick connectors14:20
bryanneumannThanks Rajat14:20
whoami-rajat_can anyone take a quick look and see if it makes sense?14:21
whoami-rajat_generally our connectors are generic (iscsi, fc, nvme) so even though we have deprecated drivers, i never came across a connector deprecation14:21
eharneythis is only used to run openstack on windows, right?14:22
whoami-rajat_that's my understanding14:23
eharneythe same deprecation warnings are already in oslo libraries, so makes sense to me14:23
whoami-rajat_the patches in oslo.concurrency and oslo.log are also merged14:25
whoami-rajat_okay, so this seems to be a good idea14:25
whoami-rajat_I will review it mentioning our meeting discussion14:25
whoami-rajat_need another core to merge it though14:25
whoami-rajat_any volunteers? we need to roll out the brick release tomorrow :D14:27
whoami-rajat_great, thanks jbernard !14:28
whoami-rajat_next, Followup: releasenote for LVM unchecked versions14:28
whoami-rajat_so on this patch, eharney mentioned that he has another patch to remove check for more lvm versions14:29
whoami-rajat_so i updated the releasenote and rebased on top of eharney's patch14:29
whoami-rajat_here are the two patches that needs review14:29
eharneythe release note looks good -- fwiw, i doubt it's possible to run current cinder/os-brick on any machines that would have versions of LVM this old14:30
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: my only suggestion would be to add "released in 2015" to the release note, to make it obvious that this change is not a big deal14:31
whoami-rajat_i feel the same, but i like geguileo's idea to add it just for awareness14:31
whoami-rajat_rosmaita, good idea, updating14:32
whoami-rajat_rosmaita, done14:32
rosmaitaeharney: later, when you have a few minutes, i had a question on the windows deprecation patch
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: ty!14:33
whoami-rajat_okay last one14:37
whoami-rajat_#link 14:37
whoami-rajat_this one is for the scaleio connector14:37
whoami-rajat_i think rosmaita and I already took a look and were waiting for CI to pass14:37
whoami-rajat_which i see is reporting now14:37
whoami-rajat_yian, is it called the powerflex driver now?14:38
yianyes, powerflex driver14:38
whoami-rajat_okay thanks14:38
jproque-dellhistorically, there was ScaleIO, VxFlexOS and then finally PowerFlex14:38
whoami-rajat_upgraded my vote14:38
jproque-dellThks Rajat14:39
whoami-rajat_jproque-dell, yeah, i tend to forget since we never updated the os-brick connector as it's not user facing - but again we have to deal with the confusion14:39
whoami-rajat_anyway thanks for clarifying14:39
whoami-rajat_i think rosmaita would like to be the second reviewer here?14:40
jproque-dellyeah maybe some day we'll need to rebrand it14:40
rosmaitayeah, looking now .... trying to remember what was going on there14:40
rosmaitajust a reminder that it's really important that the third-party CI is green on these patches (failures don't block the openstack gate, so you have to check manually)14:42
rosmaitayou can see what happened when a patch got merged that didn't have green dell CI14:42
jproque-dellabsolutely, we have the PowerMax CI which is down because of an unplanned outage last week. Team is currently working on it14:43
rosmaitabtw, did someone from dell go back and fix that logging patch that got reverted?14:43
jproque-delljust to let you know14:43
jproque-dellthat's in our backlog yes14:43
rosmaitaok, is approved14:44
yianthank you14:44
whoami-rajat_rosmaita, AFAIR, the new format to read password doesn't return any token and that case wasn't handled14:45
whoami-rajat_looks like we are almost ready for the brick release14:45
whoami-rajat_that's all i had for this topic, will follow up on the cinder channel14:45
rosmaitastill need another +2 on your release note, or should i ninja-approve it as a doc change?14:46
jungleboyjrosmaita:  Which review.  I can +214:46
jungleboyjOn it.14:47
whoami-rajat_thanks rosmaita and jungleboyj 14:47
whoami-rajat_okay that's all from my side14:48
whoami-rajat_next topic14:48
whoami-rajat_#topic Any update on defining the correct Ceph auth / caps?14:48
whoami-rajat_crohmann would like to know about if anyone is looking into the ceph auth caps14:49
crohmannThat's me nagging about this again to get this down into a patch towards the docs.14:49
jproque-dellguys, I need to drop. Thanks for your help! ttyl14:51
whoami-rajat_thanks jproque-dell 14:51
eharneyit's a good idea, i think we should also implement the same minimum caps in devstack-plugin-ceph so we can test it14:52
crohmanneharney: yes, that was among the things I complained about ;-)14:53
eharneyi haven't looked at this deeply enough to know what the difference is between what we do now and what the ideal would be14:53
crohmannThere is a bug I raised and an ML post (looong). But in the end this is about getting 5 lines of config properly documented and nothing new.14:53
crohmannBut I think it's sad that there is no reference, but that all them deployment tools start doing something. But it should be the software requiring those caps to define, document and test it.14:54
whoami-rajat_we are out of time15:00
whoami-rajat_please take a look at features for next week15:00
whoami-rajat_also if there are any client changes, do mention it15:00
whoami-rajat_finally take a look at the review request section15:00
whoami-rajat_it's a long pile!15:00
whoami-rajat_thanks everyone for attending15:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb 21 15:01:04 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
crohmannyes please :-)15:01

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