Thursday, 2024-02-15

carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Feb 15 15:00:33 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri15:01
haixino/,  I have two days left for the Spring Festival holiday. :)15:01
msaravanHi 15:01
carlosshaixin: \o/ hope you are having a great time :D15:02
gouthamrhello o/15:02
haixinthanks o/15:02
carlosshello everyone and welcome15:04
carlossthe agenda for today's meeting is:15:05
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:05
carlosswe're ~2 weeks away from feature freeze15:05
carlosskinda too close :)15:06
carlossand I think at this point we already have all features we are targeting to this release proposed to gerrit15:07
carlosswe'll get to that in a minute15:08
msaravanFor NetApp, we saw an issue on share deletion in latest ontap release.. we would like to address it ..hoping to take care of that via bug. 15:08
msaravanthis is affecting Manila CI as well. 15:08
carlossah, sure msaravan 15:08
msaravanwill discuss that next week, with you and gouthamr 15:08
msaravanthank you15:08
carlossthank you for mentioning15:09
carlossand yes, we can treat it as a bug15:09
carlossI'd only recommend you to file a launchpad bug, so we can keep track of the failure15:09
gouthamrany collab reviews for us to plan? jayaanand kpdev gireesh and anyone else?15:11
carlossmsaravan: could you please file the bug in launchpad?15:12
carlossgouthamr: good thought15:12
msaravanSure carloss , will do 15:12
carlossgireesh jayaanand: just in case you're not very familiar with collab reviews, here are some examples:15:14
* carloss not sure if you were around when we had the previous collab reviews15:15
gireeshthanks carloss for sharing it 15:15
carlossbut it's a great way to talk through your code, explain what you've done and the key aspects of your implementation15:15
carlossand it can help speed up the review process15:15
gireeshsure 15:16
msaravanYes, its needed for these features definitely. 15:16
gireeshjust wanted to update that I have raise the patch for backup feature for netapp driver 15:16
gireesh 15:17
carlossawesome! thank you15:18
carlossI just added it to the review focus etherpad15:18
gireeshthanks carloss 15:18
carlossso would you guys be okay hosting the review collab review session between now and next Tuesday?15:19
carlossit should be alright to have a single session and cover both features15:19
carlossjayaanand gireesh ^15:20
jayaanandtempest changes are pending15:20
carlossjayaanand: that should be alright15:21
carlossI mean, not a big issue if you don't have the tempest change completed by then15:21
gireeshI am fine carloss 15:21
carlossawesome, thank you!15:22
carlosscould you please send an email to the openstack-discuss mailing list scheduling it? we've done this in the past15:22
carlossI can link you some examples of the email15:22
carlossto announce this kinda thing15:22
carlossone last bit of announcement:15:23
carlossour py311 job is broken15:23
carlosstkajinam saw the failure and started working on a fix... gouthamr and I were trying to triage it yesterday15:24
carlossgouthamr opened a launchpad but for the issue... we can do the launchpad triage in the bug triage part of this meeting15:24
carlossso please hold your rechecks in case the only job failing for you is py311 until we get this fixed15:25
carlossthat's all I had for annoncements15:25
carlossdo you have an announcement to share with us today? :)15:25
msaravan@carloss : pls share some sample emails. One of us will send an email to openstack-discuss mailing list. Will plan it for next week. 15:25
carlossmsaravan: sure15:25
carlosshere's one example15:27
carlossplease remember to add the details for people to join it as well (i.e. zoom meeting link, gmeet, jitsi...)15:27
carlossalright, on to the next topic15:27
carloss#topic Review Focus15:28
carlosswe have a couple of features to review in this cycle, and it would be nice if we could get the reviews going15:28
carlosswe have three main new features15:30
carlossand they also have client changes15:31
carlossall the feature additions to the client must be completed by the feature freeze. If they are not completed by then, it will only be available in the next client release15:31
carlosswhen merged, of course15:32
carlossso it would be nice if we could get all of the targeted features and their corresponding OSC/manilaclient changes merged by Feb 29th15:32
carlossI think we worked with some review assignments in the previous weekly meeting15:34
carlossand we should do some review assignments to the two features proposed this week15:34
carlossjayaanand gireesh msaravan: could you review your peer's changes? :)15:35
msaravanSure ..  started !!15:35
carlossawesome, ty15:35
carlossI'll also tag carthaca and kpdev in the changes15:35
carlossand we'll need some more +2 powers, maybe gouthamr + dviroel in the netapp changes :D15:36
carlossand myself15:36
gireeshsure @carloss 15:36
carlossty folks :)15:36
carlossthat's all I had for review focus. Is there any other change you'd like to highlight during this meeting?15:37
carlosstaking silence as no...15:38
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:38
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:38
carlossvhari: floor is yours15:38
vharity carloss 15:38
vhari1st bug to triage15:38
vharithis is a new bug and we are looking for initial triage info 15:39
msaravanack. will add to it next week. 15:40
carlossmsaravan: ty :)15:40
carlosshmm, I think we did this at the time because there could be limitations in terms of the replicas when doing the migration15:42
carlossI think if they're all in the same replication domain (share servers, replicas and shares), it might work15:43
carlosswell, this sounds more like an RFE15:44
carlossso I would say it would have a low priority15:45
carlosswe could discuss further the use case15:45
vharicarloss++ will do15:45
carlossgood catch by gouthamr15:47
gouthamrthis could be a low priority as well; preferred paths not represented accurately is a UX issue… and I’m realizing this happens with any driver…15:47
gouthamrfor example, netapp sets preferred paths based on the LIF attached to the home node that the aggregate is on, iirc… and if that were to change and the driver was re-exporting the shares, it wouldn’t be able to update the “preferred” path15:48
vhariis this a regression resulted from the fix? 15:48
gouthamrthe problem is partially in the sqlalchemy api code15:48
vhari 15:48
gouthamrnot a regression; we didn’t set any “preferred” paths before that bug fix in the CephFS driver… and we don’t yet15:49
gouthamrI am working on a two-part fix; so you can assign this one to me… the target can be rc1; although I should have it up soon15:51
vharigouthamr++ 15:55
vharinext up 15:55
carlossgouthamr: thanks for the bug report15:55
vharicarloss, we could wrap due to time or  finish quick triage 15:56
carlossfinish quick triage sounds good15:56
vharifor ^^ bug - this is the last new bug :)15:56
gouthamrwe’d end on a critical one15:56
gouthamrgate’s broken with this15:56
carlossthis would naturally be m-3 and importance critical at this stage15:59
carlossgouthamr: are you willing to take a stab at this?15:59
gouthamr+1 I’ll debug this a bit more and we’ll chat on #openstack-manila15:59
vharity gouthamr 16:00
carlossawesome... tyvm gouthamr 16:00
vharilet's wrap bugs 16:00
carlossgreat vhari 16:00
vharity all for pitching in 16:00
carlossvhari: thank you for the work with this bugs :)16:00
carlossalright, let's wrap up16:01
carlossthank you everyone for the participation16:01
carlosssee you on #openstack-manila16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Feb 15 16:01:23 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
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